Geosciences 11 00407 v2
Geosciences 11 00407 v2
Geosciences 11 00407 v2
The Suitability of the Pacific Islands for Harnessing Ocean
Thermal Energy and the Feasibility of OTEC Plants for Onshore
or Offshore Processing
Hyeon-Ju Kim 1, * , Ho-Saeng Lee 1 , Seung-Taek Lim 1 and Michael Petterson 2
1 Seawater Energy Plant Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering,
Daejeon 34103, Korea; [email protected] (H.-S.L.); [email protected] (S.-T.L.)
2 School of Science, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland 1010, New Zealand;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +82-33-630-5010
Abstract: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) relies on the thermal differences between
ocean surface waters and cooler waters at c. 1000 m depth. The highest and most reliable thermal
differentials are in the low latitudes, 20◦ either side of the equator, including the Pacific Islands
region. Whilst in theory OTEC can utilize an inexhaustible amount of stored energy within the
oceans, in practice the industry remains in its technical infancy, but with an increasing relevance
to a post-fossil-fuel, environmentally conscious world. OTEC does not only produce electricity.
OTEC-seawater utilization technologies produce high demand ocean minerals, desalination, a range
of waters for aquaculture and hydroponics, and have the potential to produce large quantities of
green hydrogen. OTEC is a green energy and could revolutionize the energy and economic landscape
Citation: Kim, H.-J.; Lee, H.-S.; Lim,
of Pacific island countries, providing reliable low-C electricity and a basis for a range of industry.
S.-T.; Petterson, M. The Suitability of
This paper analyses the economics of using OTEC in combination with existing and potential future
the Pacific Islands for Harnessing
industries of importance to the Pacific (and other oceanic) regions, including tuna fisheries, seabed
Ocean Thermal Energy and the
minerals and green hydrogen. The conclusions of these analyses suggest that OTEC has the potential
Feasibility of OTEC Plants for
Onshore or Offshore Processing.
to minimize carbon emissions, increase efficiencies, and create new high-quality green-technology
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407. https:// industries and livelihoods.
Keywords: ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC); seawater utilization technologies; green energy;
Academic Editors: Valerie Livina and green hydrogen; green economies
Jesus Martinez-Frias
<SDG#2>, water <SDG#6>, and energy <SDG#7> is an existential goal for the survival and
development of the Pacific Islands, as well as the public prosperity of mankind [4].
Within the global tropical belts, situated between 20 degrees latitudes, north and south
of the equator, warm sea-surface water temperatures (20–30 ◦ C) are present throughout the
year, whilst the deeper ocean waters (at depths =/> 1000 m) are at a constant temperature of
c. 5 ◦ C. This thermal gradient between surface and deeper seawaters provides the physical
background for ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). An engineering principle, termed
Rankine cycle power generation, can use the thermal gradient to generate power. Whilst at
the moment OTEC is not a large-scale commercial reality, a number of organizations are
developing small-scale OTEC plants, both land and sea-based, with the vision that, one day,
the plants will become large enough to attract commercial interest. Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion (OTEC) power generation has been evaluated as being particularly appropriate
to the equatorial Pacific Island countries, due to the excellent temperature conditions, and
the existence of small island developing states with more limited energy options compared
to large contiguous continental settings. OTEC can continuously generate electricity, day
and night, all year round [5].
OTEC plants are flexible systems that can provide a lot of outputs, beyond only
electricity. For example, OTEC plants can provide regional cooling and heating systems, de-
salinate seawater, extract seawater minerals, assist with aquaculture through the provision
of waters at variable temperatures, and hydroponic cultivation using discharged water, as
well as generating green-clean electricity responsible for country-base-load requirements.
The Pacific Islands region is also attractive globally to the fishing industry for tuna in
particular, and to the mining industry for the development of seabed mining industries [1].
Currently, tuna caught in the tropical belt fishing grounds are being transported directly to
the large Asian and European/North American markets, or overseas processing plants.
Whilst Pacific Island states will explore all options available for economic development,
we argue that the provision of electricity from OTEC plants, alongside seawater-utilisation
technologies, such as seawater-minerals for the cosmetics industry, and aquaculture, offer
other opportunities for the diversification of livelihoods. The realisation of OTEC technolo-
gies could significantly improve livelihoods and the economy, whilst minimizing carbon
footprints [2].
This paper introduces the Research and Development status from the principle of
OTEC, and examines the social acceptance of power generation cost based upon the current
status of local electricity supply and rates. Scenarios where OTEC can assist with industries
such as seabed deep-sea minerals, aquatic product manufacture, and the provision of
freshwater from desalination is reviewed.
OTEC cycle is in the basic stage, the HC-OTEC cycle that can produce fresh water as well
as electricity will be more promising to apply the water electrolyzer. Research to improve
each cycle is being conducted in various countries around the world, and systems and core
the efficiency of each cycle is being conducted in various countries around the world, and
parts and devices for realizing this are being developed [7,8].
systems and core parts and devices for realizing this are being developed [7,8].
Figure 1. OTEC systems: closed cycle (a); and open cycle (b) [6] (Reprinted with permission from
Figure 1. OTEC systems: closed cycle (left); and open cycle (right) [6] (Reprinted with permission
from Energy
National Laboratory
Energy of Hawaii
Laboratory Authority).
of Hawaii Authority).
Figure 2.
2. Distribution of
of annual average
average temperature difference
difference between 1000
1000 m deep
deep water and
Figure 2. Distribution
Distribution of annual
annual average temperature
temperature difference between
between 1000 m
m deep water
water and
surface water (Reprinted with permission from ref. [10].
surface water (Reprinted with permission from ref. [10]. Copyright Gerard Nihous, University of
[10]. Copyright
Copyright Gerard Nihous,
Nihous, University
University of
Hawaiʻi at Mānoa).
Hawai i at Mānoa).
Hawaiʻi Mānoa).
As the change
4. Technology of convection
Development due to global
and Industrial Trend warming
of OTEC has mutual influence with the
As the change of convection due to global warming has mutual influence with the
OTEC of output
is one of of OTEC
the marine plant as longtechnologies
as the background ofnot
thermohaline circulation
change of output plantenergyas long as the background that hasof been commercialized
thermohaline circulation
in spite isofstrong
the enough
fact that it(e.g.,
has 15.6 aSv
had at its
long present-day
history (Figure value),
3). Juleslarge OTECmarine
Verne’s flows will not
(THC) is strong enough (e.g., 15.6 Sv at its present-day value), large OTEC flows will not
novel ‘20,000disturbdisturb
Leagues it [11]. In addition, conditions that can increase the output of OTEC
significantly it Under
[11]. Inthe Sea’ published
addition, conditions in that
1870,can brought
increase thetheexistence
output of of OTEC
plant occur
thermal depending
gradients to the onworld.
various In variables
1881, the such as the basis
theoretical temperature
for OTEC andwas change period
plant occur depending on various variables such as the temperature and change period
of global
by warming,
D’Arsonval, with and the
thethe intensity
first electricity of the Atlantic THC [12].
of global warming, and intensity of the Atlantic through
THC [12]. OTEC technologies, in 1930,
by George Claude. OTEC technologiesparticularly
Hydrocarbons, use the temperature
cheap and difference
abundant between
oil supplies,deep ocean
Traditional OTEC technologies use the temperature difference between deep inhib-
water and surface seawater (17–24 °C) [13], and, if itpetroleum
is possible,oil can additionally utilize
water and surface seawater (17–24 °C) [13], and, if it is possible, can additionally which
ited further development of OTEC until the global crisis of 1973, utilize
other locallyfurther
encouraged available heat resources
research (e.g., solar in
and development energy, geothermal
the United energy,
and Japan. hot water
In 1978,re-
other locally available heat resources (e.g., solar energy, geothermal hot water re-
the incineration
U.S. succeeded heat,
in the etc.) where
operational deep ocean
realisation waterthrough
of OTEC is available. OTEC technology
its ‘Mini-OTEC’ project
sources, incineration heat, etc.) where deep ocean water is available. OTEC technology
(Figure 4a): can
a 50bekW significantly increased by
offshore closed-cycle OTECthe thermal
power addition
plant, based of additional
in Hawaii, energies
efficiencies can be significantly increased by the thermal addition of additional energies
(solar, geothermal
ammonia as a workingetc.) fluid
as this increases the thermal gradient of the power plant (to 30–80
(solar, geothermal etc.) as this increases the thermal gradient of the power plant (to 30–80
An additional
°C, rather than the c. 210 kW onshore
18–25 °C from open-cycle
ocean temperatureOTEC power generation
differentials alone) plant
[14].(Figure 4b)
°C, rather than the c. 18–25 °C from ocean temperature differentials alone) [14].
was developed in 1983, and tested for long-term operation. Japan conducted a number
4. Technology
of demonstration Development
experimentsand by the Industrial Trend of
Tokyo Electric OTEC(100 kW plant (Figure 4c), in
4. Technology Development and Industrial Trend of OTEC
Nauru), and Kyushu Electric Power Companies
OTEC is one of the marine energy technologies that has not (50 kW plant), andbeen
Saga commercialized
University (75 kW in
plant). India isinstalled
one of the a marine
1 MW energy
class technologies
offshore that has
closed-cycle OTEC not power
been commercialized
plant (Figure in
spite of the fact that it has had a long history (Figure 3). Jules Verne’s marine science novel
using of the fact that it has hadOcean,
a long history (Figure 3). Jules Verne’sdue marine science novel
Leagues in the
Under Indian
the Sea’ but the
published inplant
brought operation
the existence toofthe breakage
ocean thermal of
key connection Under the
part between Sea’ published
the plant in 1870,
barge and brought
riser the existence of ocean thermal
to the world. In 1881, the theoretical basis for(intake
OTECpipe) [15].
was developed by D’Ar-
gradients to the the
world. In 1881, theJapan,
theoretical basis for OTEC was developed by devel-
sonval, with the first electricity generated through OTEC technologies,research
Since 2008, United States, and France have resumed in 1930,and by George
opment with the first electricity generated through OTEC technologies, in 1930, by George
Claude. for seawater temperature
Hydrocarbons, particularly thermal
cheap gradient
and abundant OTEC oil generation,
supplies, and additionally,
inhibited further
in 2011, Hydrocarbons,
Korea, developed particularly
a 100 W cheap
class and abundant
land-based oil supplies,
proto-type OTEC inhibited
plant further
(Figure 5a),
development of OTEC until the global petroleum oil crisis of 1973, which encouraged fur-
followed by aof20OTEC kW class untilpilot
the global
plant (Figure oil crisis
5b) inof2012–2013
1973, which encouraged
[13], by the Korea fur-
ther research and development in the United States and Japan. In 1978, the U.S. succeeded
ther research
Research and development
Institute of Ships and Ocean in the United States(KRISO)
Engineering and Japan. with Inaffiliated
1978, theclean U.S. succeeded
ships and
in the operational realisation of OTEC through its ‘Mini-OTEC’ project (Figure 4a): a 50
in the operational
offshore realisation
plants developed from of 2011.
OTECThe through
hybridits ‘Mini-OTEC’
OTEC system toproject
produce (Figure
about4a):200 akW 50
kW offshore closed-circulation thermoelectric power plant, based in Hawaii, using am-
kW offshore closed-circulation thermoelectric power plant,
(Figure 5c) was fabricated and demonstrated in 2014, that used deep ocean water as a heat based in Hawaii, using am-
monia ◦as a working fluid [14].
sink (5 as C)a and
wastefluid from a wood gasification generator as a heat source (75 ◦ C) [16].
An additional 210 kW onshore open-circulation thermoelectric power generation
BasedAn onadditional
this, in 2019, 210 kW kW
a 1000 onshore
class OTECopen-circulation
demonstration thermoelectric
plant (Figurepower 6) wasgeneration
plant (Figure 4b) was developed in 1983, and tested for long-term operation. Japan con-
and a (Figure
performance 4b) was developed
evaluation field in test
tested for long-term
in the south Japan con-
ducted a number of demonstration experiments by the Tokyo Electric Power (100 kW
sea, of thea number
East Seaof ofdemonstration
Korea, demonstrating experiments by the Tokyo
the production of 338 Electric
kW of Power (100with
electricity, kW
plant (Figure 4c), in Nauru), and Kyushu Electric Power Companies (50 kW plant), and
plant (Figure 4c), in Nauru), and Kyushu Electric Power Companies (50 kW plant), and
Saga University (75 kW plant). India installed a 1 MW class offshore closed-cycle OTEC
Saga University (75 kW plant). India installed a 1 MW class offshore closed-cycle OTEC
power plant (Figure 4d) using ammonia, in the Indian Ocean, but the plant ceased opera-
power plant (Figure 4d) using ammonia, in the Indian Ocean, but the plant ceased opera-
tion due to the breakage of a key connection part between the plant barge and riser (intake
tion due to the breakage of a key connection part between the plant barge and riser (intake
pipe) [15].
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 5 of 21
a relatively small temperature difference [17]. If this plant is installed and operated in
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW
ocean latitudes with local temperature differences of 24 ◦ C or higher,
the equatorial it is
5 of 21
5 of 21
estimated that about 1000 kW will be produced.
Figure 4. Examples of typical OTEC power plants before 2007 [14]. (a) Mini-OTEC (USA), (b) OC-
OTEC (USA), (c) Nauru OTEC (Japan), (d) NIOT OTEC (India).
Since 2008, the United States, Japan, and France have resumed research and devel-
opment for seawater temperature thermal gradient OTEC generation, and additionally,
in 2011, Korea, developed a 100 W class land-based proto-type OTEC plant (Figure 5a),
Figure 3. by a 20of
3. History kW class pilot OTEC plant (Figure 5b) in 2012–2013 [13], by the Institute
Figure History of OTEC
OTECand andcurrent
of 3. History
Marine Scienceof OTEC and current status.
and Technology with affiliated ships and offshore plants developed
from 2011. The hybrid OTEC system to produce about 200 kW (Figure 5c) was fabricated
and demonstrated in 2014, that used deep ocean water as a heat sink (5 °C) and waste heat
from a wood gasification generator as a heat source (75 °C) [16]. Based on this, in 2019, a
1000 kW class OTEC demonstration plant (Figure 6) was produced, and a performance
evaluation field test was successfully conducted in the south eastern sea, of the East Sea
of Korea, demonstrating the production of 338 kW of electricity, with a relatively small
temperature difference [17]. If this plant is installed and operated in the equatorial ocean
Figure 4. Examples of typical OTEC power plants before 2007 [14]. (a) Mini-OTEC (USA), (b) OC-
Figure with localofoftemperature
4. Examples typical OTECdifferences
typicalOTEC powerplants
power of
plants 24 °C
before or [14].
2007 [14]. itMini-OTEC
(a)(a) is estimated
Mini-OTEC that
(USA), about
OTEC (USA), (c) Nauru OTEC (Japan), (d) NIOT OTEC (India).
OTEC kW will(c)
(USA), beNauru
(c) produced.
Nauru OTEC(Japan),
OTEC (Japan),(d)
Since 2008, the United States, Japan, and France have resumed research and devel-
opmentSincefor2008, the United
seawater States, thermal
temperature Japan, and FranceOTEC
gradient have generation,
resumed research and devel-
and additionally,
in 2011, for seawater
Korea, temperature
developed a 100 Wthermal gradient OTEC
class land-based proto-typegeneration,
OTEC plant and additionally,
(Figure 5a),
in 2011, Korea, developed a 100 W class land-based proto-type
followed by a 20 kW class pilot OTEC plant (Figure 5b) in 2012–2013 [13], by the OTEC plant (Figure 5a),
followed by a 20 kW class pilot OTEC plant (Figure 5b) in 2012–2013
of Marine Science and Technology with affiliated ships and offshore plants developed [13], by the Institute
of Marine
from 2011.Science
The hybridand OTEC
systemwith affiliated
to produce ships
about 200andkWoffshore
(Figure 5c) plants
was developed
from 2011. The hybrid OTEC system to produce about 200
and demonstrated in 2014, that used deep ocean water as a heat sink (5 °C) and kW (Figure 5c) waswaste
and demonstrated in 2014, that used deep ocean water as a heat sink
from a wood gasification generator as a heat source (75 °C) [16]. Based on this, in 2019, (5 °C) and waste heat
1000 kW class OTEC demonstration plant (Figure 6) was produced, and a performancea
a wood gasification generator as a heat source (75 °C) [16]. Based on this, in 2019,
evaluation class
field and
test demonstration
was ofofOTEC
successfully plant
OTEC systems
conducted by
in 6)
sea, WaOTEC
of performance
OTEC Mock-up,
the EastMock-up,
(b)20 kW
evaluation OTEC
20 kW OTEC
of Korea, pilot
field pilot
test was (c) 200
(c) 200
the kW
plant,successfully HOTEC(ORC)
production of 338 kW plant.
the south eastern
of electricity, withsea, of the East
a relatively Sea
of Korea, demonstrating
temperature difference [17]. the Ifproduction
this plant is ofinstalled
338 kW and of electricity,
operated in withtheaequatorial
relatively ocean
The with
latitudes OTEC industry
local can
temperature be differences
If thisthought
plant is of as24
of °Candaorplant manufacturing,
higher, in estimated
it is the equatorialand
that aabout
latitudes withbusiness.
1000 kW will be produced. Plant
temperature manufacturing
differences is
of the
24 °C manufacturing
or higher, it is of systems,
estimated parts
that aboutand
1000 kW and consists
will be of turbines, generators, evaporators, condensers, refrigerant pumps,
seawater pumps, water intake pipes (risers), power control devices, and plant monitoring
and control devices. The seawater temperature difference power plant can be built onshore
or installed offshore. When installed within the ocean, a constant position should be main-
tained, so that the plant does not drift or fluctuate with the waves or ocean currents, and the
design of a platform, as well as an appropriate mooring/anchoring system is developed.
As an example of the OTEC platform, we introduced a Sevan-type platform (Figure 7) that
acquired AIP from BV [19]. It aims to manufacture platforms, systems, parts, and devices
with high performance, a long life, low cost, and at minimal environmental impact.
Figure 5. Research and development of OTEC systems by KRISO [13,16] (a) 100 W OTEC Mock-up,
(b) 20 kW
Figure OTEC pilot
5. Research andplant, (c) 200 kW
development HOTEC(ORC)
of OTEC plant.
systems by KRISO [13,16] (a) 100 W OTEC Mock-up,
(b) 20 kW OTEC pilot plant, (c) 200 kW HOTEC(ORC) plant.
Geosciences 2021,
Geosciences 11,11,407
2021, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 21 6 of 21
Figure 6. 1 MW OTEC demonstration Power Plant Assembly ((a), Busan Port) and field experiment
((b), Pohang offshore) (KRISO [17,18]).
The OTEC industry can be thought of as both a plant manufacturing, and a power
generation business. Plant manufacturing is the manufacturing of systems, parts and de-
vices, and consists of turbines, generators, evaporators, condensers, refrigerant pumps,
seawater pumps, water intake pipes (risers), power control devices, and plant monitoring
and control devices. The seawater temperature difference power plant can be built on-
shore or installed offshore. When installed within the ocean, a constant position should
be maintained, so that the plant does not drift or fluctuate with the waves or ocean cur-
rents, and the design of a platform, as well as an appropriate mooring/anchoring system
is developed. As an example of the OTEC platform, we introduced a Sevan-type platform
Figure 6. 7) thatOTEC
acquired AIP from BV [19]. It aims to((a),
Port) platforms, systems,
Figure 6.11MW
MW OTEC demonstration
demonstrationPower Plant
Power Assembly
Plant Assembly Busan
((a), Busan and field
Port) andexperiment
field experiment
parts, and devices with high performance,
((b), Pohang offshore) (KRISO [17,18]). a long life, low cost, and at minimal environ-
((b), Pohang offshore) (KRISO [17,18]).
mental impact.
The OTEC industry can be thought of as both a plant manufacturing, and a power
generation business. Plant manufacturing is the manufacturing of systems, parts and de-
vices, and consists of turbines, generators, evaporators, condensers, refrigerant pumps,
seawater pumps, water intake pipes (risers), power control devices, and plant monitoring
and control devices. The seawater temperature difference power plant can be built on-
shore or installed offshore. When installed within the ocean, a constant position should
be maintained, so that the plant does not drift or fluctuate with the waves or ocean cur-
rents, and the design of a platform, as well as an appropriate mooring/anchoring system
is developed. As an example of the OTEC platform, we introduced a Sevan-type platform
(Figure 7) that acquired AIP from BV [19]. It aims to manufacture platforms, systems,
parts, and devices with high performance, a long life, low cost, and at minimal environ-
mental impact.
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Aerial
thefloating type
floating 1 MW
type or 10
10 MW power
OTEC plantplant
power (KRISO, [19]). [19]).
The current
The current status
OTEC-potentialfor forvarious
variouscountries around
countries thethe
around world, includ-
world, including
ing research and development, is being investigated and analysed, every three-months,
research and development, is being investigated and analysed, every three-months, under
the the commission
commission of IEA-OES
of IEA-OES [20,21].
[20,21]. Currently,planning,
Currently, planning, installation,
operation of
OTEC are in progress at about 20 locations around the world (Figure 8). results
of OTEC are in progress at about 20 locations around the world (Figure 8). The of
The results of
on-line surveys of global OTEC status are summarized with respect to type, project stage,
on-line surveys of global OTEC status are summarized with respect to type, project stage,
generation capacity, heat exchange, working fluid requirements, and so forth (Figure 9).
generation capacity, heat exchange, working fluid requirements, and so forth7 (Figure
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 21 9).
OTEC Plants can be onshore or offshore, or combinations of both.
OTEC Plants can be onshore or offshore, or combinations of both.
Figure 7. Aerial view of the floating type 1 MW or 10 MW OTEC power plant (KRISO, [19]).
The current status of OTEC-potential for various countries around the world, includ-
ing research and development, is being investigated and analysed, every three-months,
under the commission of IEA-OES [20,21]. Currently, planning, installation, and operation
of OTEC are in progress at about 20 locations around the world (Figure 8). The results of
on-line surveys of global OTEC status are summarized with respect to type, project stage,
generation capacity, heat exchange, working fluid requirements, and so forth (Figure 9).
OTEC Plants can be onshore or offshore, or combinations of both.
Figure 8.
Figure 8. Promising
andProject Progress
Project (KRISO
Progress [20],[20],
(KRISO IEA-OES [21]).[21]).
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 7 of 21
Figure 8. Promising OTEC site and Project Progress (KRISO [20], IEA-OES [21]).
Figure 9. OTEC
Figure 9. OTEC technology technology
status surveystatus
resultsurvey result
[20], [20], IEA-OES
IEA-OES [21]). [21]).
5. Economic Feasibility of OTEC and Applicability of Pacific Island Countries
5. Economic Feasibility of OTEC and Applicability of Pacific Island Countries
It is imperative that a robust economic case is designed for the development of OTEC at
It is imperative any
a robust
site, economic case ismarket.
within a particular designed for the development
An economic analysis requiresof OTEC of
the quality of resources and economies of scale, alongside
at any specific site, within a particular market. An economic analysis requires considera- market place supply and demand
tion of the quality ofconditions.
resourcesThe andIEA-OES
economies(2015 [22]) presented
of scale, the power
alongside generation
market placecost (LCOE)
supply of OTEC,
by comparing it with wave power generation, and tidal power generation (Table 1). The
demand conditions.power The IEA-OES (2015 [22]) presented the power generation cost (LCOE)
generation cost of a 10–20 MW class commercialization demonstration plant is
of OTEC, by comparing it with wave power generation,
estimated to reach US-cents 35~65/kWh, and tidal power
and US-cents generation
15~28/kWh (Table
for larger 100 MW
1). The power generation cost of a 10–20 MW
class commercialization class
plants. commercialization
Vega, demonstration
Oh, and others, estimate plant MW
that when 100–400
is estimated to reach class commercial
US-cents plants beginand
35~65/kWh, to beUS-cents
deployed, at around 2030,for
15~28/kWh andlarger
are taken into account ($2/t CO2 ), the power generation cost will decrease to US-cents
class commercialization plants. Vega, Oh, and others, estimate that when 100–400 MW
8–15/kWh [23,24]. Solar and wind power generation is expected to decrease to US-cents
class commercial plants beginaround
7–8/kWh to be 2020,
deployed, at power
but these around 2030,
types andelectricity
require potentialstorage,
carbon credits
which adds cost.
are taken into account ($2/t CO
Pacific 2), the
Island powertend
countries generation
to have highcost will decrease
electricity torelatively
rates, with US-cents 8- mar-
15/kWh [23,24]. Solar kets,
volatile demand.
power According is
generation to expected
the current status of electricity
to decrease rates in the
to US-cents 7-Pacific
8/kWh around 2020,Islands (Tablepower
but these 2), it is types
estimated that the
require costs of modern
electricity day OTEC
storage, whichplants
costbe competi-
tive with respect to present day electricity prices for countries such as Tonga, Vanuatu, and
Solomon Islands. Improvements in OTEC plant efficiencies will make OTEC highly com-
petitive for many small islands developing states, including Pacific Island countries [25].
Therefore, the power generation cost of OTEC will not only be cheaper than the local
electricity rates, but also will realize energy welfare through stable supply. In addition,
since it is possible to reduce greenhouse gases, it is expected that it can be put into practical
use as an energy source for establishing a carbon-neutral eco-friendly clean foundation [2].
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 8 of 21
Table 1. Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of marine energy estimated (IEA-OES) [22].
Table 2. Current status of electricity prices and supply in Pacific island countries (IRENA) [25].
Renewable Percentile of
Electricity Population GDP per
Energy Renewable Energy
Rank Country Price (¢/kWh) Penetration (1000 Capita
Production Rate over Total Electricity
Rate (%) People) (USD)
(MWh) Production
1 Vanuatu 18~159 27 1328 2 246 3335
2 Solomon Islands 80~85 15 2365.3 3.1 552 1517
3 Cook Islands 44~65 99 592.8 2 24 10,875
4 Kiribati 33~58 90 19.4 0.1 100 1490
5 Tuvalu 31~58 92 200 2 10 1831
6 Niue 41~57 97 90 3 1.6 9618
7 Micronesia 37~56 65 3000 4.3 106 2852
8 Tonga 47 95 15.192 0.03 105 4168
9 Samoa 35~42 95 28.108 0.04 184 3532
10 Nauru 8~41 100 2.057 0.01 10 2071
11 Palau 28.2~40.5 99 67.44 0.1 21 8730
12 Marshall Islands 33~40 90 16.71 0.03 55 3169
13 Papua New Guinea 19.6~38.8 89.7 402,408 12 7059 1845
14 Fiji 9~17 90 66,593.8 9.1 868 4391, (accessed on 12 May 2015).
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勾 a七
i , .. 2c ·i-
`. ,5«{_ Nauru (Gilbert lss.) Kiribati (Line lss.)
`、) , ,'`l
` .9
, Solomon
ifmor Leste 皇、~
.,,I Samoa
{ . ~ Vanu~tu Fiji
,f Tonga Niue Islands
`、 `,
'\..J'\ ;/
Figure 10. Map of Manganese Nodule Rich Regions in parts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Pacific
Island State Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) shown in darker blue. Nodule rich fields are bounded
by brown lines. The Clarion Clipperton Zone contains the world most abundant Manganese
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10Nodule
of 21
Field [27]. Reproduced with permission, and with full acknowledgement, SPC (Pacific Community).
Figure 11.
Figure 11. Examples
manganesenodule density
nodule on the
density on seabed. (A) Small
the seabed. (A) nodules of high of
Small nodules abun-
dance; (B) Large nodules of high abundance; (C) Small nodules of low abundance; (D) Bi-modal
abundance; (B) Large nodules of high abundance; (C) Small nodules of low abundance; (D) Bi-modal
nodules of high abundance [27]. Reproduced with permission, and with full acknowledgement, SPC
nodules of high abundance [27]. Reproduced with permission, and with full acknowledgement, SPC
(Pacific Community).
(Pacific Community).
It will be useful to consider the energy requirements of ocean floor mining operations
It will be useful to consider the energy requirements of ocean floor mining operations
(Figure 12). The greener energy options will be particularly attractive. The operation of
(Figure 12). The greener energy options will be particularly attractive. The operation of
deep-sea mines generates CO2 through: (1) the operation of ships used to transport ore to
deep-sea mines generates CO2 through: (1) the operation of ships used to transport ore to
the destination port; (2) transportation of personnel and goods through supply lines; and
(3) the generation of electricity (Figure 13). External costs associated with increased CO2
emissions from shipping and mining operations are based on estimates of total annual
fuel use (in tons). Fuel use includes the following activities: (1) submarine mining tools
and power supply of production support vessels; (2) barge activities; and; (3) crew boats.
Figure 11. Examples of manganese nodule density on the seabed. (A) Small nodules of high abun-
Figure 11. Examples of manganese nodule density on the seabed. (A) Small nodules of high abun-
dance; (B) Large nodules of high abundance; (C) Small nodules of low abundance; (D) Bi-modal
dance; (B) Large nodules of high abundance; (C) Small nodules of low abundance; (D) Bi-modal
nodules of high abundance [27]. Reproduced with permission, and with full acknowledgement, SPC
nodules of high abundance [27]. Reproduced with permission, and with full acknowledgement, SPC
(Pacific Community).
(Pacific Community).
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 10 of 21
It will be useful to consider the energy requirements of ocean floor mining operations
It will be useful to consider the energy requirements of ocean floor mining operations
(Figure 12). The greener energy options will be particularly attractive. The operation of
(Figure 12). The greener energy options will be particularly attractive. The operation of
deep-sea mines generates CO2 through: (1) the operation of ships used to transport ore to
deep-sea mines generates CO2 through: (1) the operation of ships used to transport ore to
the destination port; (2) transportation of personnel and goods through supply lines; and
(3) the generation of electricity (Figure 13). External costs associated with increased
(3) the generation of electricity (Figure 13). External costs associated with increased CO2 2 CO
(3) the generation of electricity (Figure 13). External costs associated with increased CO2
shippingand mining
and miningoperations areare
operations based on estimates
based of total
on estimates annual
of total fuel
use (in from
tons). shipping
Fuel use and mining
includes the operations
following are based
activities: (1) on estimates
submarine of total
mining annual
tools and
fuel use (in tons). Fuel use includes the following activities: (1) submarine mining tools
power usesupply
(in tons). Fuel use includes
of production support the following
vessels; activities:
(2) barge (1) and
activities; submarine
(3) crew mining tools
and power supply of production support vessels; (2) barge activities; and; (3)boats.
crew boats.
and power supply of production support vessels; (2) barge activities; and; (3) crew boats.
Figure 12.Typical
Figure 12. Typical deep-sea minerals mining value chain [30]. Reprinted with permission from
(Pacific Community).
SPC(Pacific Community).
Figure 13. Potential range of mining activities for deep sea mining activities [30]. Reprinted with
Figure 13.
13. Potential
Potential range
miningactivities [30].
activities Reprinted
[30]. with
Reprinted with
permission from SPC(Pacific Community).
permission from
from SPC(Pacific
SPC (PacificCommunity).
The feasibility of manganese nodules mining within the Pacific Ocean has been re-
viewed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (Cardno, 2016 [30]). The Penrhyn
Basin, Cook Islands, is an example of a Pacific region containing high concentrations of
nodules, and an abundant resource of nodules (Hein et al., 2015 [31]). There is a high
nodular abundance (>25 kg/m2 ) and area of 124,000 km2 , and an estimate mineral resource
of 3.6 billion t (Hein et al., 2015 [31]). The generally accepted economic nodule density
cut-off grade for commercial mining, is around 5 kg/m2 , with the nodule density range
within the Cook Islands Exclusive Economic Zone ranging from 5 kg/m2 to over 50 kg/m2
(Cronan, 2013 [32]).
Mining operations are varied and complex, from exploration, to extraction, to refining
and final metal production (Figures 14–16).
Manganese nodule processing, mineral beneficiation, and smelting plants required
for manganese nodules would treat 2.5 million t of manganese nodules per year [30]. If it
is installed on land, a high pressure/high temperature acid leaching facility covering an
area of about 180 acres will be required. Refining plants would include processing and
support facilities, as well as long-term waste containment areas, with possible separate
processing buildings for copper and nickel end-product development, nodule grinding and
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21
The feasibility of manganese nodules mining within the Pacific Ocean has been re-
The feasibility of manganese nodules mining within the Pacific Ocean has been re-
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 viewed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (Cardno, 2016 [30]). The Penrhyn 11 Ba-
of 21
viewed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (Cardno, 2016 [30]). The Penrhyn Ba-
sin, Cook Islands, is an example of a Pacific region containing high concentrations of nod-
sin, Cook Islands, is an example of a Pacific region containing high concentrations of nod-
ules, and an abundant resource of nodules (Hein et al., 2015 [31]). There is a high nodular
ules, and an abundant2 resource of nodules (Hein et al., 2015 [31]). There is a high nodular
abundance (>25 kg/m2 ) and area of 124,000 km22, and an estimate mineral resource of 3.6
leaching, pH(>25 kg/m ) and area
adjustment of 124,000 km , and an estimate mineral resource of 3.6
billion t (Hein et al., 2015and neutralization,
[31]). The generallyand ammonia
accepted recovery
economic (Dames
nodule and cut-off
density Moore,
1977 t (Hein
[34]). Thereetwould
al., 2015
be [31]).
a The generally accepted
boiler-house/power-house economic
and several nodule
towers cut-off
grade for commercial mining, is around 5 kg/m22, with the nodule density range within the
grade fortocommercial
adjacent theExclusive
chemical mining,
processis around
areas, 5 kg/m , with the laboratories,
nodule density range within the
Cook Islands Economic Zonealongside
ranging fromoffices,
5 kg/m2 to over maintenance shops,
50 kg/m2 (Cronan,
Cook Islandsworker-cafeteria,
warehouses, Exclusive Economic and Zone
other ranging from 5 kg/m2 to over 50 kg/m2 (Cronan,
2013 [32]).
plants in total could occupy
Mining operations are varied andan area of 20–40
complex, acres (8.1~16.2
from exploration, ha), whileto
to extraction, anrefin-
tional Mining operations are varied and complex, from exploration, to extraction,
20 acres (8.1 ha) would be needed for raw ore storage, settling ponds for treating to refin-
ing and final metal production (Figures 14–16).
ing and finaland
wastewater, metal production
storage (Figures
for various 14–16).
other inputs that feed into the process [34].
In addition to raw nodules and waste, about 5500 t of fuel and process materials
would enter the facility, and about 240 t of waste products would be emitted per day [34].
Figure 15. Deep Sea Mining Nodule Collector Unit (Cardno, 2013 [30]). Reprinted with permission
Figure 15.
15. Deep Sea
Sea Mining
Mining Nodule
Nodule Collector
from SPC Deep
Figure (Pacific Community). permission
from SPC (Pacific Community).
from SPC (Pacific Community).
Mining and smelting 2.5 million t of manganese nodules per year requires 1.6 billion
gallons (6,056,658 m3 ) of water and 149 GWh of electricity per year [30]. Assuming that the
electricity demand for seawater desalination is 5 kWh per m3 , some 30.3 GWh of energy
will be required. The power demand could be met by installing an OTEC power plant with
a net output of 24 MW (total output 40 MW) or more, to supply 179.3 GWh annually to the
mineral refining plant, as well as all fresh water requirements from seawater desalination.
OTEC plants would prevent the emission of 82,370 t of CO2 per year. Hydrogen could also
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 12 of 21
be produced
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW by the OTEC plant: this fuel could be used to power ships and transportation
12 of 21
related to mining at sea.
Figure 16.Aerial
thethe Basamuk
Basamuk Refinery
Refinery in Papua
in Papua NewNew Guinea
Guinea (Cardno,
(Cardno, 2013 [30]).
2013 [30]). Re-
printed with permission from SPC(Pacific Community).
with permission from SPC (Pacific Community).
erty/3323/Ramu-Mine (accessed on 30 May 2021).
/Ramu-Mine (accessed on 30 May 2021).
The nodule fisheries
current marine processing, mineral
industry beneficiation,
within the Pacificand smelting
is an extensiveplants required
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 21
for manganese nodules would treat 2.5 million t of manganese nodules
industry. The distribution of Pacific tuna fisheries is shown in Figures 17 and 18. per year [30]. If itis
is installed on land, a high pressure/high temperature acid leaching
also the region where OTEC plants can operate most efficiently and effectively. facility covering an
area of about 180 acres will be required. Refining plants would include processing and
support facilities, as well as long-term waste containment areas, with possible separate
processing buildings for copper and nickel end-product development, nodule grinding
and leaching, pH adjustment and neutralization, and ammonia recovery (Dames and
Moore, 1977 [34]). There would be a boiler-house/power-house and several cooling towers
located adjacent to the chemical process areas, alongside offices, laboratories, mainte-
nance shops, warehouses, worker-cafeteria, and other facilities.
The plants in total could occupy an area of 20–40 acres (8.1~16.2 ha), while an addi-
tional 20 acres (8.1 ha) would be needed for raw ore storage, settling ponds for treating
wastewater, and storage for various other inputs that feed into the process [34].
In addition to raw nodules and waste, about 5500 t of fuel and process materials
would enter the facility, and about 240 t of waste products would be emitted per day [34].
Mining and smelting 2.5 million t of manganese nodules per year requires 1.6 billion
gallons (6,056,658 m3) of water and 149 GWh of electricity per year [30]. Assuming that
the electricity demand for seawater desalination is 5 kWh per m3, some 30.3 GWh of en-
ergy will be required. The power demand could be met by installing an OTEC power plant
with a net output of 24 MW (total output 40 MW) or more, to supply 179.3 GWh annually
to the mineral refining plant, as well as all fresh water requirements from seawater desal-
ination. The
Figure OTEC plants would prevent the emission of 82,370 t of CO2 per year. Hydrogen
17. Thespatial
The also belargest
produced by the OTEC plant: this fuel could be used to power ships and
The size of the largest pie corresponds to the maximum value of 70,000 t (Hare et al., 2020[35]).
size of the pie corresponds to the maximum value of 70,000 t (Hare et al., 2020 [35]).
Reprinted with related tofrom
permission mining
SPC at sea. Community).
Reprinted with permission from SPC (Pacific Community).
The current maritime fisheries industry within the Pacific is an extensive large-vol-
ume industry. The distribution of Pacific tuna fisheries is shown in Figures 17 and 18. This
is also the region where OTEC plants can operate most efficiently and effectively.
Figure 17. The spatial distribution of the longline catch by Tuna species in 2015–2019 in the WCPO.
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 13 of 21
The size of the largest pie corresponds to the maximum value of 70,000 t (Hare et al., 2020 [35]).
Reprinted with permission from SPC (Pacific Community).
The the largest pie corresponds to the maximum value of 1,031,000 t (Hare et
The size of the largest pie corresponds to the maximum value of 1,031,000 t (Hare et al., 2020[35]).
size of al., 2020 [35]).
caught tuna
tuna isistransported
directly to the
to the market
market through
through a carrier,
a carrier, or trans-to
or transported
ported to a treatment facility, for processing and sale. Processing is rarely
a treatment facility, for processing and sale. Processing is rarely undertaken within the Pacific undertaken
regionthe Pacific
itself, for aregion
range ofitself, for aincluding
reasons range of reasons including
electricity capacity,electricity capacity,
water resource water
resource availability,
and distance and distancemarket.
from international from international market.
There is scope There is scope
for increasing for increasing
the number of fish
the number plants
processing of fishwithin
processing plants
the Pacific within
region. thecase
The Pacific region.
of fish The case
production of fish is
in Kiribati production
viewpointhere from assisting
of OTEC the viewpoint of OTEC
this area assisting
of economic this area of economic
Kiribati Fish Ltd. [36] was established in 2010 and completed in 2012. It is located at
Betio Fish Ltd.
Port, South Tarawa[36]Island.
was established in 2010
Fiji and China haveand completed
invested US $8in 2012. Itcontributing
million, is located atto
Betio Port, South Tarawa
the revitalization Island.
of the local Fiji andand
economy China have invested
job creation. US $8
The core million, of
businesses contributing
the Kiribati
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW
the Company
revitalization ofare
economy local fisheries,
and job fish
creation. processing,
The core and export
businesses of the14 of 21
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 21
ibati transportCompany
(Figures 19 areand
tuna 20). This industry
fishing, has created
local fisheries, jobs for 200and
fish processing, people.
export pack-
aging and transport (Figures 19 and 20). This industry has created jobs for 200 people.
Figure 19. Unloading
Unloading of
of tuna
Figure 19. Unloading of tuna at Betio port (Tarawa, Kiribati, Photo: H.J. Kim).
Figure 20. Tuna processing work (Tarawa, Kiribati, Photo: H.J. Kim).
Figure 20.Tuna
Electricity and fresh water are essential for processing tuna (Figure 20) and other fish
Electricity and fresh water are essential for processing tuna (Figure 20) and other fish
products. At the present time, diesel generators and seawater desalination systems are
products. At the present time, diesel generators and seawater desalination systems are
installed for plant operation purposes. Fuel costs are an important consideration for busi-
installed for plant operation purposes. Fuel costs are an important consideration for busi-
ness such as this, as are carbon emissions, and water costs. The power generation cost of
ness such as this, as are carbon emissions, and water costs. The power generation cost of
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 14 of 21
Figure 20. Tuna processing work (Tarawa, Kiribati, Photo: H.J. Kim).
Figure 20. Tuna processing work (Tarawa, Kiribati, Photo: H.J. Kim).
Electricity and fresh water
Electricity waterare areessential
essentialfor forprocessing
processing tuna
tuna (Figure
(Figure 20)20) andandother fish
Electricity and fresh water are essential for processing tuna (Figure 20) and other fish
fish products.At the present
At the time,
present diesel
time, generators
diesel generators andand seawater
seawater desalination
desalination systems
systems are
products. At the present time, diesel generators and seawater desalination systems are
are installedfor for
plant operation
plant operationpurposes.
purposes. FuelFuel
are anareimportant
an importantconsideration
consideration for busi-
installed for plant operation purposes. Fuel costs are an important consideration for busi-
ness such
business as this,
such as are
as this, carbon
as are carbon emissions,
emissions, andandwater
water costs. The
costs. power
The power generation
generation cost
ness such as this, as are carbon emissions, and water costs. The power generation cost of
of generators
diesel generators depends
depends on onthethefuelfuel
cost: these
cost: are relatively
these expensive
are relatively expensive in Kiribati, with
in Kiribati,
diesel generators depends on the fuel cost: these are relatively expensive in Kiribati, with
the resulting
with the resulting power power being
being supplied
supplied atatrates
ratesofof AU$0.55/kWh
AU$0.55/kWh for commercial and
for commercial and
the resulting for
AU$0.70/kwh power being use.
industrial supplied at rates of AU$0.55/kWh for commercialif and
AU$0.70/kwh use. Water
Water isisalsoalsoscarce,
scarce,and andexpensive
AU$2/KL, ifthe the
monthly for industrial use. Water is also scarce, and expensive at AU$2/KL, if the
monthlyusage usageisisless
AU$15.00/KL if it is more more than
than 10
10 tt [37].
The usage isFisheries
less than 2.5 t, and AU$15.00/KL if it is more than 10 t [37].
Kiribati FisheriesCompany
Companyisisoperatingoperatingtwo two200 200kW
generatorsand and
two The Kiribati Fisheries Company is operating two 200 kW class diesel generators and
two50 50t/day
seawater desalination
desalination systems,
systems,as shown
as shown in Figures
in Figures 21 and 22.
21 and
was 50not
to osmosis
estimate the seawater
unit cost desalination
of power systems,and
22. It was not easy to estimate the unit cost of power generation and desalination, but
as shown in Figures
desalination, but 21 and
22. It
one 200was
kW200not easy to estimate
diesel the unitfor cost ofhour,
power generation andconsumed,
desalination, but
when one kW generator is operated
diesel generator is operated one for one59.5 L of
hour, diesel
59.5 L ofisdiesel so the
is consumed,
fuel one
cost 200 kW
is about diesel generator isdepreciation
operated forand onemaintenance
hour, 59.5 Lcosts,
of diesel is consumed,
so the fuel cost isAU$73.6. Including
about AU$73.6. Including depreciation and maintenance it iscosts,
estimated to
it is esti-
be the fuel
equivalent cost is about
to commercial AU$73.6. Including
electricity rates depreciation
(AU$0.55/kWh). and maintenance
To this end, if costs, it is esti-
mated to be equivalent to commercial electricity rates (AU$0.55/kWh). ToanthisOTECend,plant
if an
with to be
a net equivalent
output to commercial electricity rateswere
(AU$0.55/kWh). Toannual
this end, if an
OTEC plant with aofnet 0.6output
MW (total
of 0.6 output
MW (total of 1output
MW) deployed,
of 1 MW) the
were deployed, thecarbon
emission plant with
reduction a net output
is estimated of 0.6 MW
to reach to (total
2294 output
t CO of 1
2 . t CO2.
MW) were deployed, the annual
carbon emission reduction is estimated reach 2294
carbon emission reduction is estimated to reach 2294 t CO2.
Figure 21.200
200 kWclass
class dieselgenerator
generator (KiribatiFish
Fish Ltd.(Tarawa,
(Tarawa, Kiribati),Photo:
Photo: H.J.Kim).
Figure 21. 200 kW
Figure21. kW class diesel
diesel generator(Kiribati
(Kiribati FishLtd.
Ltd. (Tarawa,Kiribati),
Kiribati), Photo:H.J.
H.J. Kim).
Figure 22. 50 m3/day desalination system (Kiribati Fish Ltd. (Tarawa, Kiribati), Photo: H.J. Kim).
Figure 22. 50
50 m
/day desalination
desalination system
system (Kiribati
(Kiribati Fish
Fish Ltd.
Ltd. (Tarawa,
(Tarawa, Kiribati),
Kiribati), Photo:
Photo: H.J.
H.J. Kim).
In South Tarawa, Kiribati, the annual temperature of the sea surface water is c.
28~30 ◦ C, and the deep seawater at a depth of 1000 m is c. 5 ◦ C, which makes OTEC
plants located in South Tarawa particularly efficient and able to produce 24/7 year-round
power. Assuming that the annual operating cost is 5% of the production cost, based on
the production cost of the 1 MW OTEC plant, and experiences within Korea to date for
OTEC technologies, (Figure 23 [17,18]), the life cycle power generation cost (LCOE) is
estimated to be less than US$0.39/kWh (Table 3 [23]). Based on this, it is estimated that the
power generation cost of 10 MW and 100 MW commercial plants will decrease to less than
US$0.18/kWh and US$0.09/kWh respectively, with efficiency improvements and capacity
increase progress [38]. Therefore, within the oceans of equatorial island countries such
as Tarawa, it will be possible to establish a low-carbon, clean production base, through
power-generation and desalination, using an appropriately scaled OTEC plant.
Hydrogen generation from OTEC plants is increasingly becoming a realistic propo-
sition, with 100 MW plants generating (Figure 24 [39]), 10 MW (83,220 MWh/year) for
electricity, and 50 MW (416,100 MWh/year) used for desalination and hydrogen production.
Some 19 t of hydrogen could be produced per day (about 7000 t/year).
technologies, (Figure 23 [17,18]), the life cycle power generation cost (LCOE) is estimated
to be less than US$0.39//kWh (Table 3 [23]). Based on this, it is estimated that the power
generation cost of 10 MW and 100 MW commercial plants will decrease to less than
US$0.18/kWh and US$0.09/kWh respectively, with efficiency improvements and capacity
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 increase progress [38]. Therefore, within the oceans of equatorial island countries such
15 ofas21
Tarawa, it will be possible to establish a low-carbon, clean production base, through
power-generation and desalination, using an appropriately scaled OTEC plant.
Figure 23.
Figure 23. 11 MW
OTEC demonstration
demonstration plant
plant (KRISO)
(KRISO) [17].
Table LCOEof
of11 MW
OTEC power
power generation
generation (KRISO)
(KRISO) [23].
K-OTEC (KRISO, 2018)
(KRISO, 2018)
Conditions EvenEven price
BasisBasis $0.39/kWh
CDM $20/t CO2 $0.38/kWh
Geosciences 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW Reduce CDM $20/t15%
initial cost: CO2 $0.38/kWh
$0.34/kWh 16 of 21
Reduce initial cost: 30%
Reduce initial cost: 15% $0.30/kWh
Reduce initial cost: 30% $0.30/kWh
Figure Conceptualdrawings
24.Conceptual drawings of
of hybrid
hybrid OTEC
OTEC plants
production (KRISO) [17].
gen production (KRISO) [17].
Makai OceanEngineering.
hydrogen production and transporting it to a demand site, based on a range of scenarios.
hydrogen production and transporting it to a demand site, based on a range of scenarios.
For the case of using all of the electricity of an OTEC plant, capable of producing 25 to
For the case of using all of the electricity of an OTEC plant, capable of producing 25 to 200
200 t/day hydrogen, the supply cost, including transportation, was estimated at US$8 to
t/day hydrogen, the supply cost, including transportation, was estimated at US$8 to
US$3/kg H2 (Figure 25, [39]). This accounted for an interest rate on initial investment of
US$3/kgH2 (Figure 25, [39]). This accounted for an interest rate on initial investment of
10%. If a discounted c. 4% interest rate were applied, costs reduce to c. US$4.5–2/kg H2
10%. If a discounted c.4% interest rate were applied, costs reduce to c. US$4.5–2/kgH2 (Fig-
(Figure 26, [39]). Interest rates of 4–6%, on initial investment costs, could achieve a price
ure 26, [39]). Interest rates of 4–6%, on initial investment costs, could achieve a price for
for green hydrogen of $3/kg.
green hydrogen of $3/kg.
Therefore, if the current OTEC technologies become successful and further im-
proved, the generation of green hydrogen is a distinct technical and economic possibility
(Figure 27, [40]). A very large floating structure (VLFS) is required for processing of deep-
sea mineral resources and pelagic aquatic resources, and hydrogen production in the open
sea. VLFS can be fabricated by connecting multiple Octagonal Sevan platforms centering
on the OTEC platform, and basic studies were carried out through numerical analysis and
Therefore, if the current OTEC technologies become successful and further im-
proved, the generation of green hydrogen is a distinct technical and economic possibility
(Figure 27, [40]). A very large floating structure (VLFS) is required for processing of deep-
sea mineral resources and pelagic aquatic resources, and hydrogen production in the open
sea. VLFS can be fabricated by connecting multiple Octagonal Sevan platforms centering
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 16 of 21
on the OTEC platform, and basic studies were carried out through numerical analysis and
Ocean Engineering basin experiments in KRISO [41,42].
Figure Hydrogenproduction
26.Hydrogen productioncosts
according to
to size
size of
of OTEC-H2
OTEC-H2 plant
plant and
and interest
interest rate
rate (Makai
Ocean Eng.,2000
Reprinted with
with permission
permission fromfrom Richard
Richard Argall,
Argall, Makai
Makai OceanOcean Engineer-
ing, Inc.
Therefore, if the current OTEC technologies become successful and further improved, the
generation of green hydrogen is a distinct technical and economic possibility (Figure 27, [40]).
A very large floating structure (VLFS) is required for processing of deep-sea mineral
resources and pelagic aquatic resources, and hydrogen production in the open sea. VLFS
can be fabricated by connecting multiple Octagonal Sevan platforms centering on the
OTEC platform, and basic studies were carried out through numerical analysis and Ocean
Engineering basin experiments in KRISO [41,42].
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 Figure 26. Hydrogen production costs according to size of OTEC-H2 plant and interest rate17 of 21
Ocean Eng., 2000 [39]). Reprinted with permission from Richard Argall, Makai Ocean Engineering,
Figure 27.Conceptual
structure for OTEC-H2 system (KRISO, [41,42]).
structure for OTEC-H2 system (KRISO, [41,42]).
7.7. Direction
The climatecrisis
island nations
nations notnot only
only relates
relates to the
to the possible
possible shrink-
of island
ing boundaries
of island with sea
boundaries withlevel
levelbut, also
rise relates
but, to a number
also relates of aspects
to a number of of life quality
aspects of life
and livelihoods.
quality These may
and livelihoods. relate
These may torelate
the shortage and costand
to the shortage of energy
cost ofsupply,
energy impacts on
supply, im-
pactsandon water security,
food and waterand ecosystem
security, degradation,
and ecosystem as well as increasing
degradation, risks related
as well as increasing to
coastal erosion, heat waves, cyclone frequency and intensity, drought length
related to coastal erosion, heat waves, cyclone frequency and intensity, drought length and frequency,
andother environmental
frequency, and otherimpacts. OTEC impacts.
environmental technologies
OTEC cantechnologies
have a placecan in have
assisting with
a place in
more optimistic
assisting futureoptimistic
with more scenarios [43].
futureThese include[43].
scenarios 24/7These
includeof 24/7
energy from of
energyinexhaustible energy
from a practically source, the provision
inexhaustible of fresh
energy source, thewater from of
provision desalination,
fresh water
opportunities for cooling,
from desalination, refrigeration
opportunities and heating,
for cooling, contributions
refrigeration to aquaculture
and heating, contributions and to
hydroponic agriculture, the potential development of seawater mineral industries (e.g.,
salt, lithium, sodium, potassium, calcium, strontium, chlorine, etc.), and the generation
of hydrogen.
An economically sized OTEC plant will enable the sustainable development of related
projects that require a large amount of seawater. For example, the 100 MW class OTEC
plant has to take in more than about 10 million t of deep seawater per day, and drain it to
about 10 ◦ C with clean seawater quality. This will enable a large scale aquaculture complex
that produces more than 50,000 t of salmon per year, or desalination or facility agriculture,
microalgae culture, and so on. In addition to green power and fuel supply, district cooling
is capable of establishing carbon-neutral communities along Pacific Islands Countries.
This paper focuses on small island developing states (SIDS) that have a number of
advantages for small scale to medium scale OTEC plants. However, the return on economic
investment is not anticipated to be large, as markets are small. SIDS have an urgent need for
reliable green energy and they are excellent ‘testing grounds’ for the further development
of OTEC technologies. It is probable that if the proof on concept for OTEC plants in SIDS
is realized, there would be a natural progression to larger scale OTEC plants (100 MW to
GWs), which would require larger markets and bigger populations. Countries such as
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Mexico, etc. are candidates for the development of
large OTEC plants.
OTEC can assist with a range of industries including fisheries, shipping, and seabed
mining. These are an impressive combination of potential outputs from one generic
need for reliable green energy and they are excellent ‘testing grounds’ for the further de-
velopment of OTEC technologies. It is probable that if the proof on concept for OTEC
plants in SIDS is realized, there would be a natural progression to larger scale OTEC plants
(100 MW to GWs), which would require larger markets and bigger populations. Countries
such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Mexico, etc. are candidates for the develop-
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 18 of 21
ment of large OTEC plants.
OTEC can assist with a range of industries including fisheries, shipping, and seabed
mining. These are an impressive combination of potential outputs from one generic tech-
nology. TheseThese
technology. environments, materials,
environments, and and
materials, energy cancan
energy be used to to
be used promote health
promote healthand
improve economic
words,the use
the ofof
use seawater energy
seawater and
energy andresources
achievinga arange
the local
the community
local community(Figures
If seawater energy and land energy are combined, a range of eco-friendly blue-green
infrastructures can be assembled encompassing industry, residences, recreational areas,
on and off-shore. OTEC and offshore solar power generation, sea water air conditioning
(SWAC) and freezing or refrigeration, seawater desalination and extraction of useful sub-
stances, aquaculture and plant factories, and land and sea forest development could be
created in urban and rural areas alongside infrastructure such as ports and airports (blue
ports), universities, and public institutions. Furthermore, features (Figure 29) such as the
Blue campus, sports, and cultural facilities (Blue arena) [44], and energy-independent vil-
lages and islands, can be created alongside the OTEC and seawater utilization technolo-
If seawater energy and onshore energy are combined, a range of eco-friendly blue-
8. Conclusions
human race iscan be assembled
facing encompassing
an existential climate crisis.industry, residences, recreational
There is widespread agreement
areas, on and off-shore.
that greenhouse OTECbeand
gases must offshore
rapidly solar to
reduced power generation,
minimise sea impacts
the worst water airofcondition-
the cli-
mate(SWAC) and freezing
crisis. Through COP21or refrigeration, seawater desalination
and related agreements, and extraction
over 120 countries of useful
have submitted
substances, aquaculture
long-term reduction and
plans plantfor
(LIDS) factories,
‘carbonand land andtosea
neutrality’ theforest
United development
Nations. Thecould
created in urban and rural areas alongside infrastructure such as ports
national Maritime Organization (IMO) is committed to reduce carbon emissions by 40% and airports (blue
ports), universities, and public institutions. Furthermore, features (Figure
compared to 2008 figures for ships ordered after 2030, and by 50% by 2050 [45]. Shipping 29) such as the
Blue campus, sports, and cultural facilities (Blue arena) [44], and energy-independent
emissions amounts to 2.5% (about 1 billion t per year) of total global emissions. vil-
islands, can beofcreated alongside the OTEC and seawater utilization
renewable energy resources and the creation of carbon-absorb-technologies.
ing ecosystems for residential and industrial activities in Pacific island countries is an area
8. Conclusions
in which OTEC technologies can significantly contribute to a greener and more sustaina-
The human
ble future raceIsland
for Pacific is facing an existential
countries climate
[46]. Pacific crisis.
island Therehave
nations is widespread agreement
provided miniscule
that greenhouse gases must be rapidly reduced to minimise the worst impacts
amounts of global greenhouse gases, but are suffering more than most parts of the worldof the climate
crisis. Through COP21 and related agreements, over 120 countries have submitted
from the negative impacts of the climate crisis. Existential threats include rising sea levels, long-
term reduction plans (LIDS) for ‘carbon neutrality’ to the United Nations. The
changing rainfall distributions, increasing cyclone intensities and frequencies, and soInternational
Maritime Organization
forth. Energy (IMO)costs
and electricity is committed
for PacifictoIsland
reduce carbon emissions
countries by the
are amongst 40%highest
the world [25]. Even though all Pacific Island countries are surrounded by abundant sea-
water and marine resources, they are suffering chronic deficiency of drinkable water and
food materials [2].
Future economic possibilities for Pacific countries include fishing, tourism, and sea-
Geosciences 2021, 11, 407 19 of 21
to 2008 figures for ships ordered after 2030, and by 50% by 2050 [45]. Shipping emissions
amounts to 2.5% (about 1 billion t per year) of total global emissions.
The development of renewable energy resources and the creation of carbon-absorbing
ecosystems for residential and industrial activities in Pacific island countries is an area in
which OTEC technologies can significantly contribute to a greener and more sustainable
future for Pacific Island countries [46]. Pacific island nations have provided miniscule
amounts of global greenhouse gases, but are suffering more than most parts of the world
from the negative impacts of the climate crisis. Existential threats include rising sea levels,
changing rainfall distributions, increasing cyclone intensities and frequencies, and so forth.
Energy and electricity costs for Pacific Island countries are amongst the highest in the
world [25]. Even though all Pacific Island countries are surrounded by abundant seawater
and marine resources, they are suffering chronic deficiency of drinkable water and food
materials [2].
Future economic possibilities for Pacific countries include fishing, tourism, and seabed
mining. OTEC provides a possibility for the further development of these industries using
green energy, and greatly reducing carbon footprints [47].
Tropical oceanic regions have the highest thermal differentials in the world between
surface waters and waters at depths of 1000 m. Furthermore, the Pacific equatorial waters
have the advantage of not being exposed to harsh external force environments such as
typhoons and high waves. This situation makes OTEC technology particularly viable in
this region.
SIDS have an urgent need for reliable green energy and they are excellent ‘testing
grounds’ for the further development of OTEC technologies. It is probable that if the proof
on concept for OTEC plants in SIDS is realized, there would be a natural progression to
larger scale OTEC plants (100 MW to GWs), which would be required larger markets and
bigger populations.
OTEC can also provide a range of ancillary industries and outputs including fresh
water, a range of heating, cooling and refrigeration services, aquaculture and hydroponic
agriculture, green hydrogen generation, seawater mineral production, and so on [48].
Models are currently being created for a range of possible new modes of living com-
bining OTEC technologies with on-land technologies producing a blue-green ecologically
friendly environment to implement sustainable communities along the tropical belt.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.-J.K. and M.P.; Methodology, H.-S.L. and S.-T.L.; Vali-
dation, H.-J.K.; Investigation, S.-T.L.; Resources, H.-J.K. and M.P.; Data curation, H.-S.L. and S.-T.L.;
Writing—original draft preparation, H.-J.K. and S.-T.L.; Writing—review and editing, H.-S.L. and
M.P.; Visualization, S.-T.L.; Supervision, H.-J.K. and M.P.; Project administration, H.-J.K.; Funding
acquisition, H.-J.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea
(grant number: PMS4730).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: This work was financially supported by the national R&D project of “Develop-
ment of 1 MW OTEC demonstration plant (6/6)” (PMS4730) funded by the Ministry of Oceans and
Fisheries of the Republic of Korea.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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