The document discusses risks from disposing of pesticide waste including sickness, poisoning, and death from contamination. It outlines precautions like restricting access to disposal sites, training staff, supervising disposal, and following manufacturer recommendations.
The document discusses risks from disposing of pesticide waste including sickness, poisoning, and death from contamination. It outlines precautions like restricting access to disposal sites, training staff, supervising disposal, and following manufacturer recommendations.
The document discusses risks from disposing of pesticide waste including sickness, poisoning, and death from contamination. It outlines precautions like restricting access to disposal sites, training staff, supervising disposal, and following manufacturer recommendations.
The document discusses risks from disposing of pesticide waste including sickness, poisoning, and death from contamination. It outlines precautions like restricting access to disposal sites, training staff, supervising disposal, and following manufacturer recommendations.
poisoning and death: Due to contamination of personnel, food or drinking water by concentrated product, dilute product, fumes and smoke. Persons at risk include: store man, sprayer operators, other workers, local persons and customers
Precautions taken to minimise In Action Action Completed
risk to personnel Place needed Name Date Pesticide wastage is kept to a minimum by carefully controlled ordering accurate record keeping and stock rotation
Empty containers are washed, (washings are
placed in sprayer or soak away) and burnt or crushed prior to burial
Methods of disposal used for pesticide
waste are in accordance with the recommendations of CLI and the manufacturer
Method of disposal to be used is
Sites used for disposal are a safe distance
from bore holes and open water sources
Access to the disposal site is restricted and
warning signs are erected
Only nominated staff are allowed to dispose
of pesticide waste
All staff involved receive training in
pesticide disposal prior to carrying out the task
Disposal is supervised throughout by
suitably qualified experienced personnel
Disposal sites are at a considerable distance
from edible crops and housing and efforts are made to protect these from fumes, dust and smoke
Pesticide containers are not released to staff
for use as containers for food and water Self Assessment of Risk on the Farm Sheet No. 5