P5 Science SA1 2017 Maha Bodhi Exam Papers

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Name: --------- ( )

Class : Primary 5.

Date : 9 May 2017

Total Duration for BookJets A and B : 1 h 45 min


1. Do not tum over this pa_ge until you are told to do �o.

2. Follow alt instructions 91refully.

3. Answer au questions.
4. Shade your answers in the Optical Mark Sheet (OMS) provided.

This booklet consists of 17 printed pages.

BOOKLETA: [28 x 2 marks::= 66 marks]
For each question from 1 to 28, four opUons are given. One of them is the correct
answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4). Shade your answer on the Optfcal
Artawer Sheet.

1. Which d the followlng are not examples of water in the gaseous state?

A. ice
B. snow
C. steam
0. water vapour

(1) B onfy
(2� A and B only
(3) C and o only
(4) A. C and D only

2. Three oon1ainers of seeds A. Band C are planted under different conditions as

shown below.

Air Ljght Water Temperature
A ✓ )C ✓ -2T'C
B ✓ ✓ ✓ -3°C
C X ✓ ✓ 30°c

fn which oontainer (s) would the seeds germinate?

(1) Aonty
(2) Bonry
(3) A and C only
(4) B and C only

3. The diagrams below show a flower and a male human reproductive system.

Which part of 1he ffower has the same function as part X of the male human
reproductive system?

(1) Part D
(2) Part E
(3) Part F
(4) Part G

4. Four pupils observed Cell A as shown in the diagram below.


After observing cell A, each pupil made 1he following statement

Ali: This is an animal cell.

Brandon: The cell wall gives the cell its sbape.
Chloe: The cell is able to control what goes into and out of it
Dennis: The cell is able to make its own food be(;ause it is a plant celf.

Which of the pupils were correct?

(1) Ali and Brandon

{2) Ali and Dennis
(3) Brandon and Chloe
{4) Chloe and Dennis

5. A white rose plant is placed inside a container-filled Wtlh water that has been
mixed with blue dye.

beginning a week later

Which of the following can be ccncluded from the e,<periment?

(1) The plant needs water to survive.

(2) Food-car,ying tubes are present in the plant
(3) The p1ant can trap sunright to make food through photosynthesis.
(4) The coloumd water has been transported to the flower and leaves.

6. Which of fhe followfng is an example of a matter?

(1) light
(2) sound
(3) shadow
(4) skin ceD

7. Whfch animal has a young that looks like Its adult?

(1) frog
(2) beetle
(3) butterfly
(4) cockroach

8. Which of tne following shows the parts that belong to the same organ system?

(1) mouth, gullet. lungs

(2) heart, lungs, blood vessels
{3 ) skull, ribcage, thigh muscles
(4) gullet. stomach, large intestines

9. A plant. as shown below, is placed under the sun and given plenty of water and

=+- water with


Which of the following best explains why the plant will die?

(1) The plant cannot make food.

(2) The plant is not planted in soH.
{3) The plant has too mtdl nutrients.
(4) The plant cannot anchor itself uprighL

1 o. David ciassified the following into two groups based on Whether they are light
sources or non-light sources.

• sun
• moon
• mirror
• whiteboard
• lighted. torch

Which of the following classification is shown correcUy?

Light sources Non-light sources

(1) sun, lighted torch moon, white.board. mirror
(2) sun. fsghted torch, mirror moon and whltel;>oard
(3) sun, moon and •lighted torch whiteboard and mirror
(4) moon, whiteboard, mirror sun, ligbted torch

11. The diagram below shows two metal blocks at different temperatures.

Block A (100"C) j sloc:k s 11so·ci I

The metal blocks were then brought into contact with each other.

BlookA Block B

Whfch of the following shows the possible temperatll"es of th� metal btocks
after a few minU'ies?

Block A ("C) BlockB(°C)

(1) 100 100
(2) 120 120
(3) 135 125
(4) 150 150

12. Paul used a magnet and stro�ed a steel bar as shown in the diagram below.

------1,,.;&a ---- ......

direction of stroke "'-

------ �

After 40 strokes, he brought the steel bar dose to a bowl of steel paper clips.
He noticed that a few paper clips were attracted by the steel bar. He would like
to attract more paper clips.

Vv'hich of the fotlowing actions would allow him to do so?

(1) Replace the steel bar with a copper rod.

(2) Use paper clips made of iron instead of steel paper clfps.
(3) Stroke the steel bar with the bar magnet in another direction.
(4) Stroke the steeJ bar in the same manner more times with the bar magnet.

13. Study the flow chart below.


No Does it lay Group
Does it have scales?
eggs? ) �o� 0

Does it breathe No Group
through gills?



\Nhich group do meets belong to?

(1) Group L
(2) GroupM
(3) Group N
(4) GroupO

14. Jane conducted an experiment to investigate the property of a material.

She placed the material over two wooden blocks for support and placed a
heavy load on the material.



She then increased the mass of the load placed on the ma�rial until it broke.

What property of the material was Jane investigating?

(1) Strength
(2) Flexibility
(3) Transparency
{4) Ability to float

15. An unknown substance is a sold at room temperature.
The substance i$ then heated and the changes in temperahlre am shown in the
graph below.

TempemhJre re)

135 ---------------------

100 -----------·-·----'

------------- llme(mln}

Which c,f the follQWfng shows the mel6ng polm of the unknown substance?

(1) 25"C
(2) 60"C
(3) 100°c
(4) 13s0c

16. The table below. shows the meHing point and boiling point of three different
substances X, V and Z.

Substance Metting point (° C) Bolling point (° C)

X -50 24
y -10 62
z 49 120

Which of the substances will exist as a liquid at 50"C?

(1) Y onfy
(2) X and Z only
( 3) Y and Z only
(4) X, YandY

17. Which of the following ways of conserving water Involves the reuse.of water?

(1) Tum off the tap

while brushing Your teeth.
(2) Use water from washlng machine for flushing 1he toilet.
(3) Wash vegetables In a fflJed sink instead of using a running tap.
(4) Use a bucket of water to wash a car instead of using a water hose..

18. The diagram below shows the distribution of plants P, Q and R In an area at the
begiMing and at the end of the year.

• •
• +..4:♦
\ / ✓

• •
direction directio
of wind ofwind

beginning of the year end of the year

ptant p

A plantQ

Which of the following describes how each plant disperses its seeds correctly?

Plant P Plant Q Plant R

(1) Water Explosive action Wind
(2) Wind Water Explosive action
(3) Bmlosive action Water Wand
(4) Exploslve action Wind Water
21. The graph below shows the number of mosquito larvae found in Sean's pond
over a period of time.

,,,,., '"' I

'.... ,,
'' ,,
,J ... ,,,,,,

0 5 10 15 :zo time/days

With reference to the data given In the graph, which of the following statements
are possibly correct?

A. Tne mosquito eggs took 15 days to hatch.

B. More mosquito eggs hatched after Day 15
C. The mosquito larvae started to die from Day 5.
D. So� mosquito larvae changed into pupae from Day 10.

(1) A and Conly

(2) A and S only-
(3) B and O only
(4) C and D only

22. Which of Ute folfowing graphs shows the eotrect amount of undigested food as
it leave& the different organs in the human digestive _system?

-.N• •a,•M----------••••-� -••·· ;___ .,,.,.....,.... - -·-·----------

Mouth Stomach Mouth Gullet

(1) (2)

Gullet Stomach . Sman

intestine intestine

(3) {4)

23. A torchlight is shone onto two objects of equal sizes and a screen as shown


Torch!ght ObjectX ObjectY

The shadow cast on the screen is shown below.

Which of the following shapes could represent object X and Y?

ObjectX ObjectY




24. A man is. given four pails of water of different temperatures.

He puts hls hands into one of the paU of water for thirty seconds, takes i out
and 1hen place his hands into another pail of water. He repeated this action a
few more times and recorded down his observations.

- -- ---

From A 1o C! hand fee!s cool

From D to B: hand feels cool
From D to C: hand fee!s warm
From D to A: hand feels warm

Based on his observations, which of the following shows the order of the paBs
of water from the warmest to the coolest?

wannest -;.. coolest

(1) D B C A
(2} A C B D
(3) B D C A
{4) A C D B

25. Three bar magnets with poles AS, CD and EF can be arranged as shown

Which of the following arrangement of magnets is not possible?

A F D cl D C

Is A

. F


(1) (2)



A al
(3) (4)

28. The cfiagram below shows some characteristics of four different materiafs, A, B.
Cand D.

Properties A B C D
Absorbs water ✓ ✓

Strong ✓ ✓ ✓

Flexible ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Transparent ✓ ✓

WhJch of the above materials Is most suitable for making a raincoat?

(1) A only
(2) A and D only
(3) B and C on1y
(4) A1 B, C and,O




Name: --------- ( )
Class : Primary 5 ________

Date : 9 May 2017

Total Duration for Booklets A and B : 1 h 45 min


1. Do not turn over this page until you are told-to·dq so.

2. Follow all instructions carefully.

3. Answer all -questions.

4. Write all your answers In this booklet.

Booklet Marks Obtained Max Marks

A. 56
B 44
Total· 100

Parent's Signature: ______

This booklet consists of 15 printed pages.

BOOKLET B: [44 marksJ
For questions 29 to 41, write your answeis in this booklet.

The number of marks avaifable is shown in the brackets [ ] at the end of each
question or part-question. ----------------
29. The diagra,n below shows the changes In the state of water during the water

X water vapour
( water on th e Earth J
in the air
Y .
which foons clouds
water droplets

i fall onto Earth as rain

(a) Name the following processes. [1]

(i) X:

(ii) Y:________ __

-the deserts. {11

(d) Use the water cycle to explain why cfouds are rarety seen in the skies of

Marks : l......___,_2__.I
(c) What do you think cou!d be obseJVed if the temperature of the water in
the basin was at 65°C? [1]
(i) at set-up P

(d) How did the use of the same basin of water make the experiment a fair
test? (1)

31. fn an experiment, two idenlical containers are filled with different amoums of
water and left under the hot sun for an hour.

Container A Container B

Two students then made a prediction at the start of the experiment

Mary! There will be !esser water in both containers at the end of the experiment

Tom: Container A will lose more water than container B.

(a) Explain why Mary's prediction is correct. [1 J

(b) Is Tom's prediction correct? Explain your answer. [2]

Marks : l.......___,_5�1
32 (a) The diagram below shows a flower.


Suggest haw this flower is pollinated. Give a reason to support your

answer. (1J

(b) The diagram below shows the cross-section of a flower.

Explain why fertilization will not occur in the flower if Part Xis removed.

Marks =I....___,_3�1
34. Look at the cell shown below carefully.

{a) Which part of the ce• whfch controls all activities inside the cell?
Name this · part. (1]

(b) State 'the function of1he part W of the cell shown above. [1)

(c) Is the cell above a plant cell or an animal cell? Explain your answer. [1]

Marks =I1...
_ ,_3__,JI

35. The diagram below shows a section of the branch from which the food�
tubes have been removed. The removal of these tul?es hefp the plants grow
bigger fruits.

branch ofa

(a) Expfain why the farmers must be careful not to remove the
water-carrying tubes as well when they are removing \he food.carrying
tubes. [1)

(b) Explain how removing the food-carrying tube will allow the fruit to grow
bigger. [2)

I ___,_3_1
Marks : ....

36. Sam carried out an experinent on four $lmilar basketbalfs of the same stze.

Ball A Ball B Ball C Ban D

He inflated the four basketballs with different amounts of air with a bicycle pump
and recorded his results in the table below. The volume of the inflated
baske1balls remained the same.

Number of times tbe Masaofball

ball has been pumped after being inflated (g)
A 30 250
B 35 262
C 40 274
D 45 286

{a) State a variable that has been changed in the above experiment. (1}

(b) Based on the experiment. explain why air is a matter. (1]

(c) State the prop'erty of air which allowed the above eXperiment to be
carried out [11

{d) What do think would happen to the basketballs if Sam had carried out
the above experiment by pumping water instead of air into the
basketball? Explain your answer. [1J

Marks =I'-___ 1 1_4......

38. The graph below shows how the length of three different meta1s. X. Y and Z,
changes with temperature.

Increase in length (mm)

.,, MetalX
.,,,. ..,... .,,,.
.... - . -·
�.,,,. ,.,,.

,.,.,,.-·- .-
.-. -.

,. Metal Z

Temperatu,e (°C)

(a) From the graph, what can you observe about the e><pansion of the three
different types of metals? [1]

(b} A railway engineer is using one of the metals to make a raitway track.
Which metal is most suitable for the making the railway track? Explain
your answer (2]

Marks : l....___,_3_1
(c) An engjneer is sefeclfng two metals to make a bimetamc s1rlp for a fire
alarm. A bimetallic strip ls made by joining two different metals together.

bimetallicstrip before heating

metal expands m-0re

bimetaUicstrip afterheating
metal expands less
When there is a change in temperature, the two metals will expand at
d;fferent rates and cause the bimetallic strip to bend towards the metal
part that expands the least

In a fire alann system, the bimetam� strip will bend and touch the contact
when the temperature Increases, so that the ftre alarm will be sounded.

metal� melalO

bimetallic ---1
contact fire
strip alarm

(i) Label in the boxes in the diagram above, the most appropriate
choice of metals to be used for making the bimetallic strip used i n
the fire alarm system. [1]

(ii) Explain your choice of metals in (i). [1}

Marks : l.......___,_2___!

39. The diagram below snows the set--tip of an experiment A lighted bulb is placed
against an object and a shadow is formed on the screen.


height of

i--- object
distarn::e hetween
object and candle

The table below shows 1he height of the shadow as the distance between the
object and the bulb increases.

Distance between Height of shadow

object and lighted bulb (cm) <cm>
10 14
20 6

(a) State the reason why the shadow .is fonned by the object. (1)

(b) What is the aim of the experiment? [1)

(c) Based on the results. what is the relationship between the height of the
shadow formed and the distance between the bulb and the object? (1)

Ma rk s :
I._ ___,_3_1
-40: Two objects. Kand L, were placed hangjng on a balance as shown in the
diagram below. A magnet Is brought near to each oi?iect and the observation
was recorded below.

annx armY


01,iectK Object L
When magnet was
Nothing happened Arm Y tilted downwaros
brought near objec1

(a) What does this observation tell you about object K? Explain your
answer. [2]

{b} John suspects that object Lis a magnet Suggest a way for him to
confirm that using the same materials in the experiment. [1 J

(c) Explain your answer in (b). [1]

Marks : l____,_4�1
41. (a} John has desfgned his own bicycle, as shown below, to ride to school

bicyde frame: glass

bicyde chain: metal bicyde spokes: metal

His bicycle wiU not function properly as he is not using the correct
materials for his bicycle.

tn the table below, tick the part(s) of the bicycle where John has
indicated material{s) which is/are unsuitable and state the useful
properties of material that should be used instead. [2]

Put a tick if 1he Useful properties of materiais that

Parts of bicycle materi.ll(s) used can be used to replace the material(s)
ls/are unsuitable. of the part(s} that you have ticked.

bicycle chain

bicycie frame

bicycle spokes

handle bar



Marks: 12

(b) The diagram below shows a cooking pot

base of cooking pot

The graph below shows the temperature of the materials R, S and T as

they are heated over time.
temperalu re I ·c
-' material R
__.. .,.r
_____ ..,, ..
..-_:-::_______________________ material T

0 time/ min
(i) Which material. R. Sor T, is best for making 1he base of the
cooking pot? Explain your answer. [1]

Qi) Which material, R, S or T, is best for making the handle of the

cooking pot? ExpJatn_your answer. (1]


Marks =I____ 12_!

Q30b Student B. The warmer water in the basin heats up
the water in the glass containers, causing them to
gain heat and evaporate into water vapour, and when
the warmer water vapour touches the cooler
underside of the glass lid, it loses heat and condense
into tiny water droplets.

Q30c {i) Lesser water droplets are observed.

(ii) No water droplets are observed.

Q30d It makes sure that there is only one change variable.

Q31a The water in the contairiers would gain heat and


Q31b No. The exposed surface area of water in both

containers are the same, hence the rate of
evaporation will be the same.

Q32a The flower is pollinated by animals. It has brightly

coloured petals to attract animals.

Q32b Part X are the ovules, and the ovules produce the
egg cell. Without it, there no egg cells would be
produces and the male reproductive cell would not
be able to fertilise it, hence fertilisation will not
occur in the flower if Part Xis removed.

Q33a It is to prevent overcrowding which results in competition

for water, nutrients, sunlight and space.

Q33b Seedg
Dispersed by: Animals
Explanation: The seeds have stiff hooks and hairs that allow
it to be attached to the outer covering of animals.

Q34a Part Y. It is the Nucleus.

Q34b Part W contains chlorophyll that helps the plant to trap
sunlight for photosynthesis.

Q34c It is a plant cell. It has a cell wall and plant cells have a cell

Q35a Water-carrying tubes carry water to the leaves, and the

leaves would die without water.
Q3Sb Food made by the leaves would only be suppUed to th.e
fruits as the food would be stuck.

Q36a The number of times the ball has been pumped.

Q361: The mass of the basketball increases with the amount of

air pumped in, hence air has mass and occupies space.

Q36c Air can be compressed.

Q36d The basketbaUs would burst. Unlike air, water cannot be


Q37a The teeth cuts the food into smaller pieces and digests it

Q37b Less food would be digested, as when the small intestine is

shortened, lesser digested food is absorbed into the blood

Q38a Metal X expanded the most while Metal Z expanded the


Q38b Metal Z. Metal Z expanded the least among the three

metals, hence it would prevent the railway track from
buckling easily in the hot sun.
Q38c (i) Metal X Metal Z
(ii) The bimetallic strip will expand more and touch the

Q39a The object blocks the path of light.

Q39b To find out if the height of the shadow decreases as the

distance between the object and the bulb is further.

Q39c The closer the distance between the bulb and the object 1

the taller the shadow.

Q40a Object K is a non-magnetic material. Magnets only attract

Magnetic materials.

Q40b He could bring the other pole of the magnet closer to the

Q40c Only magnets with like-poles facing each other would


Parts of Bicycle Put a tick if the Useful properties of
material(s} used is/are materials that can be
unsuitable used to replace the
materials{s) of the
parts(s) that you have
bicycle chain
bicycle frame '1 It cannot break easily
bicycle spokes
handle bar '1 It is stiff not flexible
seat ,J It is soft and strong

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