Vocab, Pair of Words, Idioms

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Word Synonym Antonyms

abase humiliate esteem; honor

aberration deviation normality; sameness
abet encourage impede; discourage
abeyance suspended action activity
abjure renounce; reject allow
ablution washing dirtying
abnegation self-denial self-indulgence;admit
aborigine primitive inhabitant urban
abortive unsuccessful profitable
abstinence refrain from eating/drinking indulgence
abstruse profound; obscure; little known plain
abut adjoin; border move away
abysmal bottomless; very bad; dreadful low;infinite
accede consent deny; impede;obstruct
acclivity upslope downdrade
adulation applause criticism
advocate proponent; support oppose
affable mild rude
affected impaired unfeigned
affluence luxury poverty
agility cleverness; sharpness awkwardness
alacrity eagerness slow
alleviate mitigate worsen
allure seduce repel
aloof loner gregarious;social
amalgamate consolidate separate
ambiguous unclear; opaque clear
amble wander hasten; go direct
ambulatory constantly moving bedridden
ameliorate help; alleviate make worse
amicable polite unfriendly
amoral immoral ethical
amorphous unstructured definite
amplify augment; boost decrease
analogous related not comparable
anathematize curse; accurse bless
anemic bloodless red-blooded
animated lively; spirited dull
animus temper favor
anomaly aberration; irregularity regularity
anonymous unsigned signed
antedeluvian obsolete modern
antipathy animosity fondness
antithesis counter; reverse similarity
aphasia speechless volubility;talking fluently
appease calm agitate
apposite relevant inappropriate
apprehend take in custody set free
aptitude tendency, talent lack of talent
aquiline hooked; like an eagle straight
archaic antiquated; old modern
ardor zeal; eager dullness
array dress strip bare
arroyo gully; creak; stream
artifice deception candor; truthful
artisan craftsmen unskilled laborer
ascertain discover ignore; neglect
asperity mean good temper
assuage moderate worsen
asteriod large planet
astute clever foolish; unintelligent
atrocity heinous act kindness
atrophy waste away rise
attenuate weaken strenghten
atypical unusual standard
audacity boldness fear
augment increase decrease
auxiliary assistant; secondary necessary
avarice greed generous
avert turn away assist
awry crooked; uneven even
baleful deadly favorable
balmy mild freezing
banal trite; dumb intelligent
baneful poisonous beneficial
baroque bizarre; grotesque simple
beatific delighful dreadful
belittle diminish extol; value
bellicose hostile peaceful people of US are bellicose(hostile)
benign fovorable; benevolent malignant
benison favor curse; accurse he did a very big benison for me
berate call down praise
bestial inhuman noble
bigotry racism tolerance
bizarre weird; odd normal
blanch pale darken my color is blanch
bland dull caustic; tasty; lively
blasé unexcited ardent; zealous
bleak blank cheerful
blithe joyful cheerless
boisterous noisy quiet
bombastic pompous; bloated modest
boorish oafish; ill mannered kind
bouillon clear soup; fluid
brackish salty sweet
braggadocio boasting humble
brazen shameless modest
brindled spotted unspotted the horse is brindled
brochure pamphlet
bucolic rustic; agricultural
buxom plump small
cache indecisive; hiding place deliberate
cacophony discord; noise silent
callow youthful mature
candid outspoken deceitful
capacious spacious not spacious
capricious unstable steadfast; stable
captious acrimonious; intolerant tolerant
carnal impure spiritual
carnivorous predatory vegetarian
carping critical uncritical his opinion is carping
castigation retribution commendation; forgive
categorical unambiguous qualified
catholic universal narrow
celerity quickness delay
celibate virgin married
censure castigate; punish praise
centrifugal outward cetripetal; center
cessation termination beginning
chaffing joking serious
chaste pure carnal
chide scold commendation; forgive
chimerical fantastic unimaginative
choleric hotheaded calm
churlish impolite pleasant
ciliated hairy hairless
circuitous indirect straight
cite quote conceal
clandestine secret known
claustrophobia fear of close places
cleft split close
cliché platitude; slogan
coerce force encourage
cognizance knowledge ignorance
cohere simultaneously not conform
collation lunch; relationship negligence
colloquial informal polished; formal
colloquy discussion silence
comatose insensible alert He was numb so we called him
combustable flammable nonexplosive comatose
comely attractive unattractive
commiserate sympathesize turn away We commiserated with him because
commodious large limited he lost his house
compliant easy adament; rigid; inexorable; harsh
conciliate appease quarrel
concoct invent ignore; neglect
condone overlook condemn
confiscate cease give
conformity agreement difference
congenital existing at birth; ingrained contracted
conjecture guess certainty
connoisseur art lover ignoramus
consanguinity kinship negligence
consensus general agreement disageement
construe explain confuse
contaminate pollute ablution
contentious quarrelsome agreeable
continence self-restraint indulgence
contraband smuggling legal goods
contrite penitent; remorseful; humble hurtful Khabib is cotrite
controvert contradict verify I controverted his opinion
convene gather adjourn; scatter
conversant familiar ignorant
copious plenty scarce
corpulent obese slender
coy shy; overmodest brazen
cozen defraud treat honestly
craven scared; wimpy bold
crux bottomline trivial point
cryptic ambiguous candid
cupidity greediness generosity
curtail shorten lengthen
cynical suspicious trusting
dank wet dry
dapper clean untidy
dauntless herioc cowardly
dearth infrequent abundance
debacle ruin; smash progress
debilitate weaken; injure strenghten
debonair happy; affable; nice awkward
decimate kill create
declivity downward acclivity
decolette low-necked
decorous proper inappropriate
decrepitude feebleness; weak strength
default failure to act correction
defection desertion; betrayal loyal
defile pollute ablution
degraded lowered appreciated
deleterious harmful aiding
deluge flood
denigrate blacken; criticize praise I denigrated the honor killing
denouement solution starting
depravity wicked noble
deranged insane sane
derogatory degrading praising
desecrate devestate consecrate; beautify
despicable vile; low life worthy of esteem
destitute bankrupt affluent
devoid void; lacking full of
devout zealous; holy impious
diabolical evil; wicked seraphic; heavenly
diatribe abuse eulogy; compliment Blacks rights were diatribed in US
diffidence hesitence bold
dilate expand contract
dilatory laggy prompt; rapid
diminution abate; curtail appreciation
din sound silence
disabuse correct; rectify deceive US govt didn't disabuse the protocol
disconsolate melancholy; sad joyous I was disconsolate when I failed in
disingenuous cunning; tricky naïve; gullible level 2
disinterested equitable prejudiced
disjointed seperated connected
disparity difference equality
dispassionate impartial; disinterested partial; prejudice
dispirited drooping; lethargic encouraged
dissipate squander; misuse economize; collect my mom dissipated all her money
distend bloat contract in dollar shop
distrait absentminded attentive
divulge reveal suppress; hide
doff takeoff cover
dogmatic arbitrary; confident ambiguous
dotage senility; weakness youthful; energetic
dour sullen; sour mouth friendly my tongue is dour
droll amusing unfunny
dwindle lessen augment
ecstacy joyful melancholy
edify improve deteriorate
efface rub out; wipe out create
effigy dummy human being
egregious shocking mild beheading videos were shocking
egress exit entrance
elated gay; exalted; joyous sorrow
elusive evasive; ambiguous truthful
emaciated thin thick
emancipate set free incarnate; imprison
embellish adorn; enrich lessen; deplete US is embellished with resources
embroil entangle; tangle clear up
emendation correction blunder
eminent high; famous unknown
enervate weaken strengthen
enhance improve degrade
ennui spiritless excitement
enunciate announce mumble
ephemeral short-lived eternal
equable serene stormy
equanimity sooth; appease agitate
equilibrium balance imbalance
equitable fair unfair
equivocal ambiguous clear
erratic volatile steady
erroneous inaccurate accurate
erudite scholarly ignorant
ethereal divine earthly
eulogistic compliment critical;carping
euphonious harmonious strident
evasive deceptive frank
exasperate anger placate; soothify
excoriate criticize praise
exculpate pardon blame
execrable heinous excellent
execrate curse; accurse acclaim
exhume disinter inter; bury
exodus exit entry
exonerate praise accuse
exorbitant high moderate
extemporaneous fake; made-up rehearsed
extraneous unnecessary essential
extrinsic external inherent
extrovert gregarious introvert
fanciful imaginative unimaginative
fatuous foolish sensible
feasible practical impractical
fecundity fruitfulness
feign pretend be honest
fell knock down propitious;successful
ferment stir-up calm
fiasco botch success
fickle disloyal loyal
filch purloin; cheat be generous
finite bounded unbounded
flail strike praise
flair bent ineptitude; incapable
flamboyant brilliant; rich restrained
fledgling beginner expert im a fledgling css aspirant
florid ruddy; flowery pale
foil frustrate calm
foment instigate alleviate
foolhardy unwise wise
foppish dandyish; fashionable
foray excursion; pleasure trip
formidable dangerous harmless
foster raise lower; impede
franchise license
fritter dissipate; wasteful collect
frugality economize; collect lavish; wasteful
fulminate loud protest support
furor excitement dull
furtive underhanded; dishonest open; truthful
gadfly nuisance; irritation comfort
galleon ship
garish flashy dull
garner collect squander
garnish adorn; enrich deplete
garrulity loquaciousness; volubility
garrulous talkative silent
gauche awkward elegant
gaudy showy modest
gaunt haggard; small; thin heavy
genuflect bend the knee straight
germane relevant irrelevant
germinal creative dying
gist summary
glib articulate; well spoken unclear
gnome dwarf
grandiose magnificent simple
gratuitous costless warranted
gregarious social antosiocial
grisly horrible pleasant
gullible foolish; naïve incredulous
gusto enjoyment distate; sorrow
gusty agitated calm
hackneyed made-up original
haggard small plump
halcyon happy martial; agitated
haphazard accidental deliberate
hapless unfortunate fortunate
heed cautious ignore
heretic non-believer believer
heterogeneous difference similarity
hibernal snowy summerlike
hilarity cheerful gloom
hirsute furry bald
hortatory esteem dissuading; disappointing
hover linger leave
hubbub agitated calm
hummock sand drift vale
husbandry economic wasteful
hybrid mixture purebred
hyperbole overstatement understatement
hypercritical criticizing tolerant
hypocritical deceptive sincere
hypothetical baseless axiomatic
ignoble non-worthy worthy
illusive deceptive genuine
immolate sacrifice reject I immolated myself for my god
immutable fixed changeable Fixed costs are immutable
impair make worse improve
impalpable imprecise obvious the uneducted guys speech
impassive expressionless demonstrative was impalpable
impeccable without faults faulty
impecunious peniless affluent
impervious imprenetable affected tony ferguson is impervious to pain
impetuous rash calm
impolitic advisable inadvisable
importune plead give I importuned god to give me success
impromptu fake rehearsed
inalienable inherent; ingrained acquired inalienable is ingrained
inane foolish wise
incarcerate imprison emancipate; set free
inclement unfavorable favorable Africa has inclement conditions
incompatible alienated harmonious
inconsequential insignificant significant
incontinent wanton continent
incorrigible unreformable correctable
incriminate involve ignore
inculcate educate neglect
indigent penurious; poor affluent
indignity insult praise
indolence sloth brisk the sloth is indolent
indubitably certainty uncertainty he spoke with indubitably
inebriety drunk sober
inept clumsy zealous
infallible perfect imperfect my grades were infallible
infirmity disability strength
ingenuous naïve deceitful
inimical antagonistic friendly
innocuous not dangerous dangerous
insinuate suggest hide
insipid flat sharp
integrate unite disintegrate
inter bury dig
interdict prohibit allow
intermittent occasional frequent
intractable unruly; violent willing
intransigence stubborn broad-minded
intrepid courageous wimpy

irksome boring interesting

irrelevant unnecessary pertinent; relevant
irreparable incorrigible correctable
irreverent impious pious
jaded bored stimulated
jaundiced biased unbiased
jaunty debonair sedate;sad
jeopardy danger safety
jettison abandon salvage
jocular joking serious
judicious wise unwise
kindle flare quench
lachrymose teary cheering
lackadaisical lackluster ambitious
laconic concise verbose; wordy
lampoon criticize praise
languor dull vitality
latent inherent obvious
lavish luxurious frugal
laudatory praise defamatory
lax neglect strict
lechery impious purity
lethargic dull invigorating
levity foolish solemnity
lilliputian tiny gigantic
limpid clear turbid
lithe supple stiff
livid angry undiscolored
loathe refuse eager
loquacious chatty taciturn
lugubrious gloom cheerful
lurid sensatoonal dull
macabre frightenening pleasant
magniloquent bombastic
magnitude enormity smallness
maladroit tactless tactful
malediction curse benediction
malefactor lawbreaker
malevolent malicious kindly
malign criticize eulogy
malleable brittle firm
maniacal insane sane
manifest evident obscure
manumit unchain enslave
martial bellicose; aggressive calm
mawkish sentimental serious
mediocre average best
melee brawl
mellifluous smooth
menial servile; humble superior
mentor guide neglect
mesmerize hypnotize repel
meticulous painstaking; cautious
miasma noxious fumes careless
militant combative
minion dependent leader
mirage illusion reality
misanthrope man hater lover
mischance adversity ease
misdemeanor paccedillo; offense obedient
modish stylish
mollify appease agitate
monetary fiscal non-monetary
moratorium delay rapid
mordant trenchant pleasant
moribund dying
motley vaieigated unvaried
muggy humid cool
mulct swindle
miltilingual polyglot
mundane worldly heavenly
munificent philanthropic
musty flat clear
myopic nearsighted farsighted
nascent incipient; fresh mature
nebulous unclear clear
nefarious malign benign
negation counter affirmation
neophyte beginner veteran
niggardly prodigal
nocturnal occasionally daily
noisome deadly fragrant
notorious high profile renowned
obdurate unyielding yielding
obese fat cadaverous
objective unemotional emotionally involved
obligatory compulsory optional
obloquy crtiticize praise
obsequious autocratic democratic
obsession attracted whim
obsolete old renovated
obstreperous loud quiet
obtuse unintelligent shrewd
odious vile redolent
odium disliking liking
omnipotent strong weak
omniscient knowing ignorant
opiate tranqulize stimulant
opportune favorable awkward
opportunist go getter man of principle
opprobrium criticize praise
optimum optimal worst

ostentatious assuming unsassuming

overweening rash humble
paean laud lament
pallet bed
palliate alleviate worsen
pandemonium anarchy calm
panegyric praise criticize
parable allegory truth
paradox contradiction correction
paramour illicit lover enemy
paranoia insanity sanity
pariah outcast
parity similarity dissimilarity
parsimonious avarice extravagant
partiality bias unbias
passe out of date new
pastiche imitation original
pejorative negative positive
pellucid comprehensible incomprehensible
penchant affection dislike
penurious greedy generous
perfunctory inattentive thorough
perigee apogee; peak; zenith
peripatetic moving stationary
permeable penetrable impenetrable
pernicious harmful harmless
perpetual never-ending momentary
perspicuity clarity vagueness
pert harsh polite
pertinacious informed superficial
pertinent relevant irrelevant
petulant complaining uncomplaining
phlegmatic calm agitated
physiognomy face
piebald motley; mixed
pillage plunder; destroy consecrate
pinion restrain let go
pinnacle peak bottom
pious devout impious
pique resentment pleasure
placate pacify agitate
plagiarism theft of ideas
plaintive mournful joyous
platitude trite remark
polemic controversy harmony
ponderous bulky small
precarious hazardous secure
precipitate quicken cautious
perfatory inconclusive conclusive
prelude start aftermath
presumption anticipation humility
pretentious assuming unsassuming
prim orderly prior
pristine natural cultivated
probity justice corruptability
prodigal spendy thrifty; frugal
prodigious fantastic infinitesimal
profane foul sanctify
prolific abundant barren
prolix lengthy pithy
prophylactic preventive causing disease
propinquity near remoteness
propitous favorable unfavorable
prosaic unimaginative imaginative
protean changing unchanging
protract lengthen shorten
provident saving rash
provincial unsophisticated sophisticated
psychotic insane sane
puerile callow adult
pugnacious angry pacific
puissant strong weak
pulchritude beautiful ugliness
punctilious careful careless
punitive worthless rewarding
pusillanimous wimpy courageous
putative disputed undisputed
queasy easily upset happy
quell stop incite
quixotic idealistic realistic
ragamuffin beggar dandy
raucous inharmonic mellifluous
ravage plunder; destroy consecrate
raze tear down consecrate
reactionary retrogade progressive
rebate discount increase
recalcitrant uncooperative cooperative
recluse lonely social person
recondite hidden easily comprehensible
rectify remedy deteriorate
recuperate recover deteriorate
recurrent happening repeatidly infrequent
refractory unmanageable manageable
regal royal common
reiterate repeat take back
relish savor dislike
remiss lax; careless careful
remonstrate protest peace
repartee witty retort request
repellent unattractive attractive
repercussion reaction cause
replenish refill empty
replica facsimile; copy original
reprisal retaliation forgive
reprove rebuke; scold praise
repudiate reject accept
repugnance loathing; dislike attaction
resilient yielding unyielding
restive uneasy placid; peaceful
retentive absorptive forgetful
reticence shyness loquaciouness
retrograde worsening progressing
revere honor dishonor
rife abundant scant; insufficient
robust strong weak
rotundity obese slimness
rubble unbroken stone
ruddy colorful wan; discolored
rudimentary undeveloped developed
rueful sad content
rustic rural urban
ruthless merciless merciful
sadistic vicious kindhearted
sagacious clever foolish
sallow dull ruddy
salubrious beneficial miasmic
salvage restore lose
sanctimonious impious pious
sanguine optimistic pessimistic
satiety satisfaction emptiness

scurrilous lewd decent

secular civil clerical; holy
sedentary inactive active
sedulous active indolent
senility mature youth
sententious concise wordy
sequester seclude reveal
serrated sawtooth smooth
servile humble haughty; egotistic
shoddy inferior superior
singular eminent ordinary
sinister harmful good
skittish frisky; excited composed
sleazy unsubstantial substantial
sloth lethardy industry
slough cast off; throw away
slovenly untidy tidy
sobriety sober inebreity
solecism blunder correct expression
solstice equinox
solvent financial ability bankrupt
sonorous resonant; booming quiet
sophomoric foolish; naïve mature
soporific dull awakening
spasmodic intermittent permanent
sporadic occasional frequent
sportive playful solemn
spurious bogus genuine
squander waste preserve
staccato repetition legato; without interruption
stamina endurance weakness
stereotyped unoriginal original
stilted pompous; boastful modest
stringent binding flexible
suavity urbanity bad manners
sublime exalted bad
subliminal unreal obvious
superannuated retired modern
supercilious haughty modest
superficial shallow significant
supernumerary extra ordinary
suppliant beseeching affluent
surfeit cloy; satisfy dissatisfy
surreptitious secret disclosed
suture stitch open up
swathed wrapped around unwrapped
sycophantic servilely flattering critical
synthetic articial natural
tacit unspoken spoken
talisman amulet
tantalize tease encourage
tarry linger depart
tautology repetition straightforward
tawdry meretricious genuine
temerity boldness modesty
temporal secular otherworldly
tenacious holding fast surrendering
tenacity perseverance; willful indolence
tendentious biased unbiased
tentative experimental certain
tenuous thin thick
tepid lukewarm; warmish enthusiastic
terse brief in speech verbose
tesselated made of mosaics
thespian actor
titillate stimulate repulse
tractable manageable unmanageable
traduce defame extol
tranquillity calm lack of calm
transient temporary permanent
tremulous volatile steady
trenchant hurtful lacking bite; calm
trepidation fearful fearlessness
trite bogus original
truculent turbulent peaceful
tumult turmoil serenity
turbid ambiguous clear
turbulence volatile calm
turgid inflated shrunken
turpitude degradation virtue
tyro noob; amateur expert
unearth reveal conceal
unfeigned genuine petended
ungainly ungraceful graceful
unimpeachable faultless faulty
unkempt untidy neat
unruly violent obedient
unseemly improper proper
unsullied untarnished tarnished
untenable unsupportable supportable
unwitting unintentional intentional
vacillation uncertainty steadfastness
valedictory final salutatory; beginning
valor boldness cowardice
vanguard lead rear
vaunted praise belittlled
venal corrupt honest
venerate revere; extol condemn
venial forgivable unforgivable
veracious truthful untrue
verdant green dying
verity accuracy falsehood
vestige trace information
viable workable moribund
viand food starvation
vicarious substitutional
vigilance watchfulness careless
vilify curse eulogize
vindictive revengeful merciful
virulent malignant harmless
visage face
voluble loquacious silent
voracious ravenous satisfied
vouchsafe grant refuse
waif urchin
wanton unchaste pious
warranty guarantee breach
wastrel spendthrift economic
waylay ambush allow
welter tumult peace
whinny neigh; whine calm
windfall unexpected gain
winsome gracious repulsive
wizened shriveled; dehydrated smooth
yeoman middle class farmer master
zealot fanatic moderate
Word Synonym Antonyms
hastened accelerate impede
Unscrupulous corrupt ethical
exacerbate worsen improve
harbingers signal
emblematic. typical non-typical
permeate penetrate take out
dubious skeptical convncing
cohesion coherence
stagnate dullness rise
disenfranchise deprive the right to vote
conspicuous evident concealed
refute contradict agree
crises disaster peace
prescient farsighted nearsighted
blunt rounded sharpened
discernable noticeable obscure
disparate dissimilar similar
belatedly slowly rapidly
inchoate imperfect perfect
hawking stalking
envisages anticipate unanticipate
palatable acceptable unacceptable
stagnant stationary non-stationary
fratricidal civil
fallible faulty perfect
unprecedented extraordinary bad
exhilarating breathtaking boring
squalor dirty clean
emaciated skin and bones; malnourishment healthy
plebeian common; rabble abnormal
intelligentsia position; elitist
didactic academic
terse maxim; abrupt gentle
abomination abhorrence; curse blessing
sententious aphorism; concise
thwarted crushed consecrated
Abdication retirement coming to office
contour shape
doldrums letdowns; gloom happy; letups
overarching overall
incumbent necessary unnecessary
immaculate impeccable faulty
extemporaneous unprepared prepared
exacerbated annoyed calm
emanating developing declining
transnational beyond boundary national
extricate extract attach
unequivocal clear cut; decisive indecisive
hasty abrupt slow
irritants nuisance comfort
grim evil good
fraying erode please
aspersion abuse praise
interlocutor dialogist
acquitting let go punish
begrudge envy generous
nudge push pull
intermittent occasional frequent
abrogate revoke approve
accentuate highlight supress
rekindled renew kill
crescendo escalation de-escalation
imbroglio dispute agreement
truncate curtail enlarge
a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws
a very intense and uncontrolled fire
someone who steals, as during a war or riot
an official engaged in international negotiations
a tactic for delaying legislation by making long speeches
a special anniversary or the celebration of it
the form of a literary work submitted for publication
return to a former condition
avoid and stay away from deliberately
someone who willfully destroys or defaces property
an article worn to complement one's main clothing
existing, living, growing, or operating in the air
relating to or having the characteristics of bees
an additional fee required for some service or item
a warning against certain acts
a competition at which a winner is chosen
collect or look around for, as food
a severe or trying experience
someone who exchanges goods or services for money
dispose of something no longer useful or needed
think about carefully; weigh
a camel with a single hump
relating to or arranged according to the order of time
divide voting districts unfairly and to one's advantage
a spore-producing organism that lacks chlorophyll
tending to spread in an uncontrollable and often harmful way
the periodic passage of groups of animals
belonging to a subdivision of a larger religious group
an innocuous or inert medication
transfer to another
a peaceful, stationary demonstration or protest, especially at night
a headdress made of a long scarf wrapped around the head
a steady flow of a fluid or gas
clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
a formal statement of a command to do something
long-lasting or characterized by long suffering
a treeless grassy plain
assign a name or title to
a large web-footed bird noted for powerful gliding flight
expulsion of someone, especially a tenant, from a property
originating, located, or occurring outside Earth
taking a vaccine as a precaution against a disease
of, relating to, or constituting the dense center of an at
a form of government whose head of state is not a monarch
something a little different from others of the same type
characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
a purposeful or industrious undertaking
distinctive and stylish elegance
a member of a people who have no permanent home
having great diversity or variety
prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
a man-made object
mental deterioration of organic or functional origin
pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
the full DNA sequence of an organism
the social event at which the marriage ceremony is performed
a person who explores caves
an organization of performers and associated personnel
make fit for cultivation and service to humans
an overabundant or excessive supply
a mechanism of social control for enforcing standards
a very tall building with many stories
attack the good name and reputation of someone
a state of social isolation
a meeting of heads of governments
a ringing or booming sensation in one or both ears
a state of peace agreed to between opponents
having or relating to 24-hour cycles
a horn filled with fruit and grain symbolizing prosperity
those qualified to vote
the aggregate of leaves of one or more plants
the official who holds an office
originating where it is found
someone who journeys in foreign lands
a legal right to vote
a reformer who favors putting an end to slavery
any of numerous large, often inedible fruits with hard rinds
the orientation of those who favor government by the people
law determining the fundamental principles of a government
a periodic count of the population
genre of American music that developed in the 20th century
separation by the creation of a boundary that divides
excited anticipation of an approaching climax
excited anticipation of an approaching climax
a state of friendship and cordiality
someone who operates an aircraft
a union of political organizations
a state of extreme confusion and disorder
the overthrow of a government by those who are governed
Big Brother
an authoritarian leader and invader of privacy
someone who communicates by means of letters
the unwritten stories and proverbs and songs of a culture
formal systematic questioning
characteristic of a father
an exile who flees for safety
of or relating to or completing a period of 100 years
converting data or info into code
without payment
pose a threat
a collector and student of money, especially coins
Pair of words
Word Meaning
accede consent; succeed;argue
concede admit
1 exceed greater than
abstain do without food or drink
2 refrain prevent from doing something
All together together
3 altogether without any doubt
accept consent
4 except exclude from
access way to place
accession coming in office
5 excess more than expectation
adapt to adjust
adept expert
6 adopt to accept and take use
admission being admitted; confession
7 admittance being admitted to a non-public place
affect have influence/pretend
8 effect result/outcome
admit more general; to accept
acknowledge stronger than admit; to accept
9 confess to accept something wrong
adverse unfavorable
10 averse opposed/disinclined
few hardly any
a few a small number
11 the few a small number
affection love
12 affectation pretence; false display
already before now
13 all ready quite prepared
advice opinion
14 advise a piece of one's opinion
altar raised place where offerings are made to god
15 alter to change
alternate by turns
alternate by turns
16 alternative choose between 2 things
assumption baseless probability
17 presumption factual probability
avenge inflict harm on behalf of someone or oneself
18 revenge personal vindication
accent pronounciation
ascent upward
19 assent concurrence; agreement
angel spirit that serves God
20 angle space between 2 lines
ant insect
21 aunt uncle wife
air gases
22 ere before
heir inheritence
23 hair
avocation hobby
24 vocation profession
artisan craftsmen
artist art practioner
25 artiste professional singer
apposite suitable
26 opposite at front of
artful cunning
artificial not natural
27 artistic aesthetic
antic funny behavior
28 antique old fashiponed
ancient not modern
29 old not new
amiable good tempered
30 amicable friendly
all complete
31 awl tool
bare uncovered
bear uncover
32 bear carry
battle encounter between opposing armies
fight between 2 opposing forces
33 war prolonged encounter
beach shore
34 beech name of tree
beneficient kind
35 beneficial useful
bale bundle
36 bail security
berth sleeping place
37 birth come into existence
beside by side
38 besides in addition
between withing 2 objects
39 among surrounded by
blunder serious mistake
error mistake without knowing
40 mistake take a person or a thing for another
broach to start
41 brooch ornament that brooch is beatific
bad upleasant
42 bade to farewell someone
brake apparatus
43 break into pieces
blew blow
44 blue color
bridal relating with marriage
45 bridle reign of horses
46 buoy anchored float used as a marker
boldness low order bravery
bravery noble bravery
courage permanent quality
daring low order bravery
47 audacity willing to take bold risks
born birth
borne carried
48 bourne boundary
49 bury
complement complete
50 compliment regard
comprehensive complete
51 comprehensable understandable
cannon large gun
52 canon rules church dignity
calendar schedule
53 calender rolling machine for clothes
canvas tough cloth
54 canvass ask for vote
contentment satisfied
55 satiety to extent
cast throw a list
56 caste human class
cost price
ceiling top of room
57 roof top of house or building
censer vessel
censor official that examines films
58 censure criticize
ceremonial ceremony
59 ceremonious formalities
child-like used in good sense
60 childish used in negative sense
cession yielding up
61 session meeting
cite quote
site area
62 sight view
chord string of musical instrument
63 cord thin rope
cereal food
64 serial series
cellar basement
sailor member of crew
65 seller who sells
cholar anger
66 collar cloth
collation lunch
collision collide
67 collusion secret understanding
continual uninterrupted
cotinuous frequent
68 contiguous adjoin
compare to different things
69 compare with same things
choir group of singers
70 quire 24 pages
comparison same things
71 contrast different things
coarse rough
72 course line of action
complement satisfied
73 complaisant ready and willing
coma long sleep
74 comma punctuation
confidant close friend
75 confident certain
compensation for loss
76 remuneration for service
credible beleivable
creditable worthy of praise
77 credulous believe wthout proof
conscious aware
78 conscientious obedient to conscience
contagious spreding from touch
79 infectious spreading from germs
considerable much
80 considerate thoughtful
cool used in pleasant terms
81 cold used in unpleasant terms
council assembly
82 counsel advice
corporal non-commissioned
83 corporeal having a bode
cops unit
84 corpse dead body
admit admit
85 confess admit and take responsibility
crime violation of legal law
sin violation of islamic law
86 vice violation of moral law
cue signal
87 queue line
casual irregular happening by cause
88 causal relating to cause
currant small dried sweet
89 current stream of water
cymbal musical instrument
90 symbol sign
cattle animals
91 kettle lid container
ceiling top inside a room
92 sealing sticking material
cell small room
93 sell
dairy eggs, milk, yoghurt
94 diary calender book
dear close
95 deer animal
decided certain
96 decisive conclusive
deny oppose statement
97 refuse decline something
decry criticize as worthless
98 descry see something a long way off
deduce to infer
99 deduct to subtract
deference respect
100 difference
declaim to speak rhetorically in public
101 disclaim to say one doesn't own
defend secure from danger
102 protect approaching danger
defy refuse orders
103 deify believe as god
dependant depending on someone for food
104 dependent depending upon
deprecate express disapproval
105 depreciate decline in value
defective faulty
106 deficient lacking
deliverance rescue
107 delivery hand out to someone
depositary trustee
108 depository storage
descent downward
109 dissent disagreement
advice an opinion
110 advise give opinion
device plan
111 devise formulate a plan
desert barren place
deserts something to which a person is entitled
112 dessert sweet
dew moisture drops
113 dice to be paid
114 dye color
destiny fate
115 destination goal
differ from 2 objects
116 differ with 2 persons
drown relates with person
117 sink relates with no living thing
discover to come across
118 invent creation
defer postpone
119 differ no same opinion
diminish reduce in size
120 minimize reduce in amount
dose amount of medicine
121 doze sleep lightly
disclose give away
122 expose uncover
disinterested equitable
123 uninterested turning off
doubt hesitate to believe
124 suspect imagine
dual double
125 duel fight
draft rough copy
draught current of air
126 drought lack of rain
economic relating to trade
127 economical economize money
eligible capable
128 illigible difficult to read
effective able
effectual bring desired result(not used for person)
efficacious bring desired result(not used for person)
129 efficient capable
emigrant leaving your country to live in another
130 immigrant come as a settler
eminent famous
131 imminent likely to happen
empty nothing inside
132 vacant unoccupied
elemental relating to 4 elements
133 elementary beginner
elusive hard to find
illusive deceptive
134 allusive containing suggestion
exceptional rare
135 exceptionable objectionable
enviable spreading envy
136 envious filled with envy
eternal without end
137 everlasting without end
euphemism less relevant word senior citizen is a euphemusm of
138 euphuism word that tones down offensive expression old person
excuse me apology for interruption it is a euphuism for those who
139 pardon me apology for serious fault praise current govt
expedient useful
140 expeditious acting quickly
extract by force
141 extricate set free
accident unexpected occurrence
142 event planned event
exhausting tiring
143 exhaustive thorough the doctor has made an
fain willingly exhaustive investigation
144 feign pretend
faint pass out
145 feint mock attack
fetch go and bring
146 bring
flagrant crime
147 fragrant nice smell
flee run away
148 fly
floor ground

flour wheat
149 flower
forceful filled with force
150 forcible with force
fore in front
151 four
formally ceremonial
152 formerly earlier
foul dirty
153 fowl bird
freedom private condition of being without constraint
154 liberty public condition of being without constraint
fatal deadly
155 fateful deciding fate
fatalist believer of fate
facility ease
felicity happy
farther far away
156 further additionally
famous known for good
157 notorious infamous
fair honorable
fare to be successful/unsuccessful
158 fare(N) pay for travel
facetious humorous
factious selfish
159 factitious unnatural
160 former magical
feat agical
feet part of body
161 fete invitation
floor ground
162 flour wheat
forth forward
163 fourth number 4
gamble game
164 gambol yum
genius creativity
165 talent skill
gaol jail
166 goal destination
gracious kind
167 graceful attractive
gait way of walking
168 gate entry
grate to irritate
169 great big
habit personal
170 custom public
healthy in good health
171 healthful provide good health
hear apprehend
172 listen attention
home residence of household
173 house building
hale strong
174 hail frozen rain
hang to top position
hanged put to death
175 hung 2nd form of hang
hew cut by striking
176 hue color
historic famous In history
177 historical connected with past
honorary conferred with honor
178 honorable deserving honor
hope pleasurable wish
179 expect regard as likely
humane kind
180 humanly by human mean
humility modesty
181 humiliation disgrace
hoard to store
heard hear
herd group of animals
182 horde large crowd of people
heal to become healthy
183 heel part of body
hare to run somewhere very fast
184 heir inheriter
idol loved person
idle lazy
idyll peaceful place
185 idly doing nothing
ill suffer illness
186 sick physically or mentally ill
allusion indirect reference
delusion false belief
187 illusion seem different from reality
imaginary fancy
188 imaginative express new ideas
imperial high status
imperious domineering
imperative authoritative
immunity safe from disease
189 impunity disapproving
idle unoccupied
190 lazy averse to labor
ice artificial
191 snow natural
192 into
incredible hard to be believed
incredulous showing disbelief
inculcate educate
193 inoculate vaccinated
ingenious clever
194 ingenious innocent
195 industrious diligent
intolerable unbearable
196 intolerant narrow minded
invaluable useful
197 valueless worthless
informant who supplies
198 informer spy
judicial relating to court
199 judicious priudent
200 knotty full of knots
lay to put
201 lie to rest
lessen to reduce
202 lesson work
loath unwilling
203 loathe feeling disgust
lightening to reduce burden
204 lightning flash of light
loose free
205 lose unable to find
luxuriant abundant
206 luxurious happy
lovable amiable
207 lovely attractive
lawyer law person
208 liar person who lies
later late
latter after something
209 letter
lion a nimal
210 loin part of body
metal mineral
211 mettle endurance
miner mining
212 minor of age
main chief
213 mane long hair
memorial monument
214 memorable worth to remember
maze network of ways
215 maize grain
momentary short lived
216 momentous important
moat stream of water
217 mote dust particle
218 meet to gather
mead meadow
meed praise
219 maid young girl
mean meaning
220 mien personal bearing
medal piece od metal
221 meddle to interfere
222 merry happy
mendacity lying
223 mendicity begging
mantel structure of wood
224 mantle loose cloak
225 male
meter measurement tool for length
226 metre unit
moral ethical
227 morale confidence
necessaries essential
228 necessities need of something
negligent fail to give care
229 negligible ignorable
oar pole
230 ore raw metal
observance observing law
231 observation to watch
official officer
232 officious eager
ordinance order
233 ordnance artillery
234 pane piece of something
pair two
235 pare to cut
patrol go around
236 petrol
peace harmony
237 piece into bits
plan arrangement
plane aeroplane
238 plain smooth
pore tiny opening
239 pour put liquid into other thing
practice exercise
240 practise work to do
pray to offer
241 prey victim
principal chief
242 principle rule
pale dim
243 pail basket
peal loud ringing of bell
244 peel to take something off
245 populous highly populated
practical feasible
246 practicable fit for action
prescribe advise
247 proscribe to prohibit legally
precede come before
248 proceed to go for words
persecute to punish
249 prosecute legal proceeding
pendant ornament
250 pendent hanging
251 individual single
personate pretend by using the name of another
252 personify to endow an object characteristic of human being
physics medicine
physics science
253 physique body
precipitate violently hurried
254 precipitous very steep
255 prophet
provident careful
256 providential divine
quaint old fashion but attractive
257 queer strange
258 reign period
right truthful
259 rite ceremony
root of plant

rout defeat of an army
260 route way
rebellion opposing of lawful authority
261 revolution positive complete change
respectful full of respect
262 respectable worthy of respect
reverend respected
263 reverent humble
rob steal
264 steal secretly done
raze destroy completely
265 raise to lift up
recollect almost forgotten
266 remember
resource supplies
267 recourse turn to something for help
rest breathing space
268 wrest to take by force
restless never still
269 restive refuse to move forward
ring gold object
270 wring to twist
sanguine optimistic
271 sanguinary fond of bloodshed
sail of sea
272 sale exchange of goods for money
stationary still
273 stationery of books
storey floor
274 story events
sole foot/only
275 soul non material part of the body
soar fly high
sore painful
276 sour sharp taste
statue figure
statute written law
277 stature importance
steal to take
278 steel of metal
straight honest
279 strait of geography
seam line, where edge of cloth are turned
280 seem appear
sensible suitable
281 sensitive easily offended
sensual pleasure for senses
282 sensuous affecting and appealing to senses
sick ill
283 sickly frequently ill
social gregarious
284 sociable friendly
spacious roomy
285 specious seeing right
stile set to steps for climbing over fence
286 style of manner
sculptor person
287 sculpture thing made by a person
stimulant thing to rouse body or mind
288 stimulus anything to motivate
289 stay
team group of people
290 teem abundant
tamper to meddle
temper soften
291 temper temperament; anger
tale story
292 tail end part of animal
vain without use
293 vein blood vessel
vale valley
294 veil thin transparent material worn
verbal oral
295 verbose more words than needed
virtual practical
296 virtuous from virtue
veracity truthfulness
297 voracity greed
waist middly of human body
298 waste spoil
waive forge the right
299 wave move to and fro
300 whet to sharpen
womanly of women
301 womanish like women
weather atmosphere
302 whether to express doubt
yoke to bring under work
303 yolk of egg
guild organization
304 guilt sin
hay dried grass for animal food
305 hey conjunction
contemptible not deserving respect
306 contemptuously having no respect
accessary helper
307 accessory clothes
abject terrible
object aim
308 absolute complete
309 obsolete old
accuse for wrongdoing
310 blame for bad
across from 1 side to another
311 along from 1 end to the other
afflict to do harm
312 inflict to impose
assay evaluation
313 essay short piece of writing
accede to agree to a request
314 concede to admit something as true
appraise to examine
315 apprised to inform
apprehend to catch
316 comprehend to fully understand
superficial seeing what is obvious
317 superfluous more than you need or want
career work
318 carrier vehicle to carry something
follow grasp
319 fellow way of referring a person
jewry village
320 jury group of members to listen to facts
functional practical and useful
321 dysfunctional not practical and useful
uphemusm of
Lamp contains Oil in same way Candle contains Wax.
Parrot is captured in Cage in same way Man is captured in Prison.
Mango is Fruit in same way Potato is modified Stem.
Dog makes noise known as Bark and Goat makes noise known as Bleat.
Dam is constructed for water and Trade policy is formulated for Trade.
As Asthma is a disease of Lungs similarly Conjunctivitis is a disease of Eyes.
Dismay and Joy are opposite to each other same way Tend and Ignore are also opposite to each other.
Thermometer is used to measure Temperature similarly Glucometer use to measure Blood sugar.
Cancer is non-communicable disease
Moon is Satellite and Earth is Planet.
Typewriter is the device used by the Typist and Pen is the device used by the Writer.
Pilot of Aeroplane sits in Cockpit and driver of Train works in Engine.
As in Resignation the Office is to be left in the same manner when Abdication is done, Throne is to be left.
Bunch is collection of Keys and Bouquet is collection of Flowers.
Supervisor supervises the Worker in the same way Officer supervises the Clerk
President is the highest officer of Country and Governor is the highest officer of State.
Strong Winds bring hurricane in same way thick Clouds brings Rain.
Banana is Fruit in same way, Chrysanthemum is Flower.
Odometer to mileage as compass is to direction
Window is madeup of panes and book is made up of pages
Yard is to inch as Quart is to ounces
Elated is the opposite of despondent; enlightened is the opposite of ignorant.
Sponge is porous as rubber is elastic
Group of lions is called a pride a group of fish is called a shoal
Artist makes painting and senator makes law
Candid and indirect are opposite
Oar puts skateboard in motion and feet put skateboad in motion
Hamster, squirrel and mouse belong from same group
A binding surrounds a book; a frame surrounds a picture.
One explores to discover; one researches to learn.
Siamese is a kind of cat; romaine is a kind of lettuce.
A finch is a type of bird; a Dalmatian is a type of dog.
Upon harvesting, cotton is gathered into bales; grain is gathered into shocks.
An elephant is a pachyderm; a kangaroo is a marsupial.
A psychologist treats a neurosis; an ophthalmologist treats a cataract.
Pastoral describes rural areas; metropolitan describes urban areas
To tailor a suit is to alter it; to edit a manuscript is to alter it.
A pedal propels a bicycle; an oar propels a canoe.
Division and section are synonyms; layer and tier are synonyms.
A bristle is a part of a brush; a key is a part of a piano.
Pulsate and throb are synonyms, as are examine and scrutinize.
odometer measures distance; a scale measures weight.
A skein is a quantity of yarn; a ream is a quantity of paper
Devotion is characteristic of a monk; wanderlust is characteristic of a rover.
Slapstick results in laughter; horror results in fear.
Verve and enthusiasm are synonyms; devotion and reverence are synonyms.
A spy acts in a clandestine manner; an accountant acts in a meticulous manner
A cobbler makes and repairs shoes; a contractor builds and repairs building
Umbrage and offense are synonyms; elation and jubilance are synonyms.
A dirge is a song used at a funeral; a jingle is a song used in a commercial.
To be phobic is to be extremely fearful; to be asinine is to be extremely silly.
Feral and tame are antonyms; ephemeral and immortal are antonyms.
A metaphor is a symbol; an analogy is a comparison.
Obsession is a greater degree of interest; fantasy is a greater degree of dream.
A conductor leads an orchestra; a skipper leads a crew
A palm (tree) has fronds; a porcupine has quills.
A cacophony is an unpleasant sound; a stench is an unpleasant smell.
An aerie is where an eagle lives; a house is where a person lives.
Being erudite is a trait of a professor; being imaginative is a trait of an invento
The deltoid is a muscle; the radius is a bone.
A conviction results in incarceration; a reduction results in diminution.
Cup is used to drink with lips. Similarly birds collects grass with the help of beak to make her nest.
As Water of a River flows similarly water of Pool is Stagnant.
As Diamond is made of Carbon similarly Ruby is made of Corundum.
As Myopia is disease of eye similarly pyorrhoea is a disease of teeth.
As Tree is found in Forest similarly Grass is found in Lawn.
As the result of Race is Fatigue similarly the result of Fast is Hunger.
As magnet has poles similarly battery has terminals.
Parts have strap and wolf has flow
Sound and Muffled(mute) are opposites color and faded are opposites
Ship comes on a Quay
As Train is guided by the track similarly Bullet is guided by the barrel.
Rectangle has 4 sides and Pentagon has 5 sides
Border surrounds a country and frame surrounds a picture
As River joints to Ocean similarly Lane joints to Road.
As Arc is a part of Circle similarly segment is a part of line.
The synonym of Lock, Shut and Fasten is Block.
Wheat, Barley, Rice and gram are cereals
Newspaper, Hoarding and TV are all used for broadcasting
As 'Ophthalmia' is a disease of 'Eye' in the same way 'Rickets' is the disease of 'Bone'.
As dwelling place of 'Nun' is 'Convent' similarly the dwelling place of 'Hen' is 'Cote'.
As 'Flower' is made from 'Bud' similarly 'Fruit' is made from 'Flower'.
'Jade' is a 'green' precious stone in the same way 'Garnet' is a 'red' precious stone.
As 'Table' is made from 'Wood' in the same way 'Shirt' is made from 'Cloth'.
As 'Forest' and 'Vivarium' have the same meaning in the same 'Sea' and 'Aquarium' have the same meaning
As 'Grease' is prepared from 'Wax' in the same way 'Curd' is prepared from 'Milk'.
As 'Much' corresponds to 'Many' in the same way 'Measure' corresponds to 'counting'.
As short form of 'Mountain' is 'Hill' similarly 'Tank' is short form of 'River'.
As the cry of 'Dog' is called 'Bark' in the same way the cry of 'Goat' is called 'Bleat'.
As 'Conduction' is the property found in 'Metal' in the same way 'Inflammability' is the property found in 'Plastic'.
The menu lists all the food items in a restaurant. Similarly, Catalogue is a list of all the books in a library
Entomology is the branch of science which deals with the study of insects.
Pump is the basic raw material used in the production of paper. Similarly, hemp is used to make rope.
Mountain if bigger of hill and tree is bigger of shrub
Typist uses furniture and writer uses pen
Mouse belongs to rodent group
Square to diamond and circle to oval
Snake crawls
Scrap is leftover of food and lees is leftover of wine
Logo is symbol of sports and emblem is symbol of nation
Steel is an alloy, and Zinc is a metal.
Command and order are synonyms and confusion and chaos are synonyms
Nurture and neglect are antonyms and are denigrate and extol
Ducks quacks and bull bellows
Mkt depends on demand and farming depends on monsoon
irate and anger are the same
A king sits on a throne and a rider on a saddle.
Circumference measures boundary of circle as perimeter does of square
Cassette is used for video as floppy is used for computer
One who abstains from meat is called a vegetarian and one who abstains from liquor is called a teetotaller.
Scissor is a lever and toothed wheel is a gear
Bread produces a yeast and curd produces a bacteria
Roster is a list of duties and inventory is a list of goods.
Monotony and variety are antonyms as are crudeness and refinement
White is a symbol of peace and mildew is a symbol of violence
Venerate and worship are synonyms and extol and glorify are synonyms
Upgrade and promote are synonyms
Lane is smaller of street and avenue is smaller of road
Flood results in catalysm
Distress leads to pain
Math is based on logic and science is based on fact
Novelty and oldness are antonyms so are antiquity and newness
Horse gallps and duck waddles
Milk prepares butter and paper prepares book
Bird chirps and Horse neighs
Glint is a flash of light. Similarly, blare is a loud sound
A group of fish is called shoal. Similarly, a group of elephants is called flock.
Apostate is one who forsakes religion, Similarly, traitor is one who betrays his country.
Sonnet is a type of poem. Similarly, murder is a type of crime.
Joule is the unit of measuring energy. Similarly, Ohm is the unit of measuring resistance.
Just as beaver is known for its indolence, so also peacock is known for its beauty or elegance.
Author writes a novel editor writes a newspaper
Despotic person has tyranny and generous person has liberality
One runs a race and studies a book.
River is bigger than brook and highway is bigger than path
Stickler is one who insists on perfection. A braggart is a boastful person.
Flag is the symbol of nation. Similarly, insignia is the symbol of rank.
Hymn is a song of praise and Dirge is a song of grief sung at a funeral.
Awl is used by cobbler and auger is used by carpenter
Glossary is collection of words and atlas is collection of maps
Ask is intense form of request
Gland produces enzyme as generator produces current
An ass brays as a goat bleats
You satisfy your hunger as you quell your rebellion
Army requires logistics as business requires strategy
Autumn produces wither as Spring produces flower
Bee lives in a hive as cow lives in a byre
Doe is female of stag as duck is female of drake
Infant is provided in incubator as plant is provided in green house
Injured is the plaintiff and accused is the defendant.
Detention and release are antonyms as are induction and discharge
Dam control flow of river as signal does to traffic
Lapel is part of coat as clause is part of sentence
King has a crown as a priest has a mitre
Highway is made of asphalt
Proproots provide support to banyan tree as tendrils do to climbers
Emollient is used to soothe the skin. Similarly, a dynamo serve to generate electricity.
Racism is apartheid as sexism is chauvinism
Money is kept in a bank. Similarly, arrows are kept in a quiver.
Abrupt and gradual are antonyms as are barren and fertile
Diligent and lazy are opposites
Behead from guillotine and hang from gallows
'Scurry' means to move rapidly. Similarly, 'chatter' means to talk rapidly.
Tocsin is an alarm to indicate danger and Clarion is a trumpet which used to be blown to mark the beginning of a battle.
Lugubrious is more intense from of sorrow as frenzied is a more intense form of excited
Prologue is a preliminary speech given at beginning of play, overture is an orchestral speech introducing the opera.
Squalor is a property of garbage and magnficence is a property of diamond
Indigent needs wealth as emaciated needs nourishment
Building has front facade as watch has front dial
Propensity and tendency are synonyms as audacity and impudence are synonyms
Utopia is a famous work of English literature. Similarly, Odyssey is a work of Greek literature.
Lawyer does litigation and marauder does pillage
Dubious and certain are antonyms
Apocryphal lacks authenticity and hypocritical lacks integrity
Proscenium is part of stage as portico is part of house
Gale is intense form of wind
Reproof and scold are synonyms as salient and prominent are synonyms
Catastrophe is intense of mishap as felony is of misdemeanor
Intelligentsia and elitist are synonyms as are rabble and plebeian
Nature of didactic is fable
Frieze is made for ornaments
Vainglorious is intense form of self respecting as punctilious is of careful
Colubrine means 'like a snake'. Similarly, lupine means 'wolf like'.
Dunce and clever are antonyms
Elegy is a song of sorrow. Likewise, eulogy is a speech of admiration.
Abrupt is intense of sudden and accident is intense of mishap
Group of geese is gaggle
Cliché and commonplace are sysonyms as are maxim and terse
Line is fragment of second as arc is of circle
Convulsion is intense of spasm as fury is of ire
Elated is the opposite of despondent; enlightened is the opposite of ignorant.
Clasp is used for bracelet as buckle is used for belt
Febrile represents illness as delusional does to insanity
Borrowing gives plagiarism as obtaining does extortion
Geologist studies shale as botanist studies aster
Violation of oath leads to perjury as violation of trust leads to embezzlement
Pardon for offence and forgive for wrong
Diplomat and tactless are antonyms and so are coward and intrepid
Ogle is intense of obserce as flaunt is of display
Upon harvesting, cotton is gathered into bales; grain is gathered into shocks.
Disabuse lack error as discredit lacks reputation
Adore is intense of love and prejudice is intense of pride
Celerity is required for sprint
Muster forms a crew as demobilise forms troops
Umpire gives decision in a game and moderator gives decision in debate
Drawl means to speak slowly. Similarly, saunter means to walk leisurely.
Deluge is intense of shower as yell is of utter
A bull bears horns on its head. Similarly, a stag bears antlers on its head.
Loss of speed is decerleration and loss of vitality is enervate
Postcard is to inland as shirt is to blouse
Rapid crawl is proceed as rapid dwindle is decrease
A bristle is a part of a brush; a key is a part of a piano
To drizzle is to rain slowly; to jog is to run slowly
Dependable and capricious are antonyms; capable and inept are antonyms.
Stain spoils Honor and slander spoils integrity
'Elusive' means 'difficult to capture'. Similarly, 'headstrong' means 'difficult to control'.
Mace is symbol of majesty as degree is of knowledge
Pussilanimous and Dastard are synonyms as are impecuious and mendicant
Sedan is a type of automobile and rocker is a type of chair
False politics is graft as false examination is cheating
Abomination and abhorrence are synonyms as are wail and weep
Aphorism is sententious as eulogy is laudatory
Ovation is applause as rout is defeat
Wick is working part of candle as wheel is of bicycle
You kick a football and throw a ring
Ecomium is laudatory as tirade is abusive
Intimidate and wheedle are antonyms as are extol and disparage
Humanitarian is altruistic as host is hospitable
Cicuitous is roundabout of route and devious is of argument
liquor leads to intoxication as engine leads to fuel
Mellifluous and cacophony are antonyms as are fragrant and noisomeness
Gale is intense form of zephyr as torrent is of trickle
Torch represents liberty as scales show justice
A trailer is a clip of a picture or a movie Similarly, an edition is a single print of a book.
Lack of meaning is equivocation as lack of intention is feint
Hero gets accolades as defendant gets indictment
Miner works in quarry as sculptor works in atelier
Designation is status of office as badges show ranks
Diva plays a leading role in an opera(musical play). Similarly, thespian(actor) plays a leading role in a play.
Salt consists of grains and glass is made up of chips.
Spear is used to thrust(push suddenly or violently), similarly, Epee is used for fencing.
Sedative(type of drug) provides relief from Pain. Similarly, Consolation provides relief from grief.
Absence of Light will make Blind and absence of Speech will make Dumb.
Wan refers to pale colour. Similarly, pallid refers to pale complexion.
Indigent(poor) is antonym of wealthy. Gauche(ungraceful) is antonym of graceful.
Mundane is antonym of spiritual and worldly is antonym of unworldly.
Filter purifies water from impurities. Censor certifies the content of the play.
Hope when gets matured it becomes Aspires. Similarly, fib (little falsehood) when gets matured it becomes lie.
Corporeal is antonym of spiritual. Similarly, moron is antonym of savant.
Composer makes symphony. Painter makes fresco.
12:35::16:63 1:8::9:64 123:36::221:25 24:60::120:300 14 = (2 x 9 - 4)
First term = 6*2 = 12. First term = 12 = 1. 123 → 1+2+3 = 6. (24*5)/2 = 60. 26 = (2 x 15 - 4)
Second term = 6 - 1 = 35. Second term = 2 = 8. 6 = 36.
2 3 2
and ? = 15
Third term = 8*2 = 16. Third term = 32 = 9. 221 → 2+2+1 = 5. (120*5)/2 = 300.
Fourth term = 8 - 1 = 63. Fourth term = 4 = 64. 52 = 25.
2 3
Idioms Meaning
Smash hit Person or thing that is extremely successful of popular
Murphy's law things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance
Place in the sun favorable position or situation
Wooden spoon The imaginary prize for the person finishing in last place in a competition
Go bananas become extremely angry or excited, go mad
beard the lion in his den confront or challenge someone on their own ground
groan inwardly remain silent even though you feel hurt, betrayed, or sad
chicken out To refuse to do something due to fear
spirit away To hide or smuggle something out; abduct
plough back To reinvest earnings in a business rather than pay out them out as dividends
Eager beaver A zealous person, who habitually works harder than others
ring a bell To seem familiar, remind one of something.
be left holding the baby you are put in a situation with unfair responsibility because other people
fail or refuse to take responsibility for it.
Cap in hand Humbly asking for a favour
hold out a carrot Entice by offering an advantage, to give incentives in order to motivate someone
over the moon Extremely happy, delighted
Show and tell session where objects are presented and described.
Helter-Skelter something that is hurried and disorganized
To the Death until somebody dies or is defeated: to the end
Tilt at windmills To waste time fighting enemies or trying to resolve issues that are impossible
Het up Agitated about something
The Whole ball of vax Everything; the entirety of something
It’s about time An expression that tells that something should have occurred a long time ago.
Punch-up A punch-up is a fight in which people hit each other.
To cast pearls before swine to offer something valuable or good to someone who does not know its value
To step into one's shoes To fill someone's position, especially one of power or authority
stuff and nonesense an expression used to show that you think something is not true and/or is silly
A wild goose chase a wild or absurd search for something nonexistent or unobtainable.
To be ill at ease to be worried and not relaxed: uncomfortable
Sit on the fence a person's hesitance to choose between two sides in an argument.
In a jiffy a very short time: in a moment
To preen oneself dressed and groomed to invite the world to watch you
To break the ice to make a beginning or start of something
Nip in the bud To stop or prevent something at the beginning, before it becomes too difficult
See eye to eye with you agree with someone about something
For good permanently
Temper with To use something make something else less intense, extreme, or severe
To small hours hours immediately after the midnight
Keep up appearances to pretend to be happier, less poor, etc. than you really are
Prima facie at first sight
bark is worse than bite sounding more frightening than actual
birds of a feather flock together people with common habits are together
black sheep of the family odd one out of the family
bull in a china shop extremely clumsy
leopard cannot change his spots we cant change nature of things
crocodile tears fake tears
cry wolf false warning about unreal danger
don’t look a gift horse in the mouth don’t complain if a gift isn't to your liking
go to the dogs fall from great position
hold your horses slow down
make a mountain out of a molehill make something bigger than actual
monkey business fooling around
raining cats and dogs raining heavily
rats abandoning a sinking ship disloyal people
smell a rat be suspicious
straight from a horses mouth get news directly from a concerned person
catch the bull by its horns to be brave in a scary situation
wolf in sheeps clothing person who looks harmless but may be dangerous
a bird in hand is worth 2 in bush be content with what you have because greed will lead you to lose it
albatross around your neck burden that is hard to get rid of
as the crow flies shortest distance from straight line
bats in your belfry crazy idea
chicken feed little money
cold turkey suddenly quit an old habit
dead duck a person about to get caught by their mistake
don’t count your chickens before they hatch don’t dream about anything blindly
early bird catches the worm achieve goal by starting early
kill the goose that lays golden eggs to destroy something out of greed that is continuously useful
kill 2 birds with 1 stone to accomplish 2 deeds with 1 action
scarce as a hen's teeth very rare
sitting duck in a dangerous position
what's good for goose is good for gander all people in 1 group treated equally
ugly duckling anything that starts out looking ugly but turns out to be beautiful
ace up your sleeve secret advantage
at a drop of a hat at once
bee in your bonnet crazy idea
cloak and dagger mysterious
dressed to kill dressed to attract attention
eat your hat saying that you will do something impossible if your words are wrong
feather in your cap great achievement
give someone the shirt off your back be generous
put on the wooden overcoat to die
keep your shirt on keep cool
make a silk purse out of sow's ear trying to make something look valuable
old hat quite old and uninteresting
on a shoestring budget living on meager means
pass the hat to beg
stuffed shirt arrogantly thinking that you are special
take off your hat to someone to appreciate someone
throw in the towel admit defeat
wet blanket person who spoils the fun
blue blood noble birth
bolt from the blue suddenly
catch someone red handed catch someone doing wrong
every cloud has a silver lining there is something good in every situation
get a pink slip lose your job
green thumb skill for gardening
green with envy be jealous
in the pink be In very good health
once in a blue moon very rare
out of the clear blue sky without any warning
red carpet treatment treat specially
red herring something that misleads you
red letter day special day
show your true colors show what you really are
tickled pink to be amused
true blue loyal
apple of your eye to be very precious
bite off more than you can chew do something more than tour capability
cool as a cucumbur be calm
crying over spilt milk worrying abount something that can't be undone
cut the mustard be able to handle the job
eat humble pie to feel sorry
finger in every pie to play a part in everything
full of beans be strong
In a nutshell to explain something very simply
in a pickle in trouble
not your cup of tea not your liking
nutty as a fruitcake crazy or mad
out of the frying pan into the fire to go from bad situation to worse
piece of cake easy job
sell like hot cakes sell easily
spill the beans tell a secret
take with a grain of salt accept disbeleivingly
upset the apple cart spoil somrthing completely
worth your salt prove that you deserve somethng
bury your head in the sand ignore danger
head honcho leader
head in the clouds daydreaming
head over heels in love fall blindly in love
hot the nail on the head be correct
off the top of your head saying something quickly
over your head dangerous situation leading to failure
bleeding heart person who feels empathy for everyone
eat your heart out be very unhappy
heart in your mouth be frightened
heart is in the right place have good intentions
wear your heart on your sleeve make your emotions known
ants in your pants restless
bug someone irritate someone
butterflies in the stomach nervous feeling
catch more flies with honey than with vinegar achieving more by being nice rather than Impolite
fly in the ointment small annoyances that ruin the show
knee high to a grasshopper very short or very young
snug as a bug in a rug comfortable
stir up a hornet's nest to cause trouble
back to square one back to the beginning
forty winks short sleep
on cloud nine very happy
one horse town place that is dull with comforts
one track mind thinking only one thing
one good turn deserves another good deed should be repaid with another
pull a fast one to deceive
six of one and half a dozen of another the same thing
takes two to tango task that requires 2 people to accomplish
2 faced deceitful
achilles heel weak spot
all thumbs clumsiness
bite your tongue take back something bad you said
born with a silver spoon in your mouth born in a wealthy family
break a leg to wish good luck
chip on your shoulder to consider oneself superior to others
cold feet fear of doing something
cool your heels be kept waiting for a long time
fight tooth and nail fight fiercely
get something off your chest talk about something that is bothering you
head and shoulders above someone be much better at something than other
keep a stiff upper lip be brave in times in trouble
out on a limb be daring
pull your leg tease someone
put your finger on something to get the right answer
put your shoulder to the wheel to work very hard
shake a leg hurry up
sweep you off your feet to make a good impression
tickle your funny bone to make you laugh
zipper your mouth stop talking
all ears eager to listen
beauty is in the eye of the beholder different people have different opinions
button your lip stop talking
cheek by jowl very close
cut off your nose to spite your face to hurt yourself out of anger on another
egg on your face to be embarrassed
eye for an eye tooth for a tooth take revenge on someone the way it was done to you
eyes in the back of your head ability to know whats going in even whenyou aren't present
keep your ear to the ground to be well informed
keep your nose to the grindstone to work hard to succeed
laugh out of the other side of your mouth to be made to feel sorry
lend an ear listen to
little pitchers have big ears children sometimes the things adults say
more than meets the eye hidden things that can't be seen at first glance
no skin off your nose something that doesn't matter to you
van gogh's ear for music to be deaf
pill the wool over your eyes to fool someone
put your money where your mouth is prove your words with your actions
raising an eyebrow to be surprised with someone's actions or words
sight for sore eyes a pleasant surprise
tongue in cheek a joke
turn up your nose at someone to show that someone or something isn't good enough for you
turn the other cheek to forgive someone
wet behind ears young and inexperienced
without batting an eyelid without showing an emotion
bark up the wrong tree to have the wrong idea
beat around the bush to avoid doing something or answering a question
bed of roses wonderful thing
can't see the forest for trees to overlook a big thing because of paying too much attention on small things
come up smelling like a rose to get out of embarrassing situation without damaging your reputation
gild the lily to spoil something that is already good
go climb a tree go away, stop bothering me
sow your wild oats to behave foolishly
through a grapevine gossip
turn over a new leaf make a new beginning and correct yourself
blood is thicker than water to favor a family member over a stranger
fish out of water a person who doesn't fit in
in hot water in serious trouble
keep your head above water to make just enough money to survive
make your mouth water to crave something that you love to eat
pour oil on troubled waters to calm a situation
still waters run deep never judge anything by its appearance
throw cold water on something to discourage someone
“A PIPE DREAM” means an impracticable plan
Yeoman`s Services means help in need
A group of Apes is called? shrewdness
A group of Assess is called pace
A group of Buffaloes is called? gang
” Pass the buck” means? to evade responsibility
”you have a finger in the pie”, you are involved in something.
“To keeps one’s temper” means: to be in good mood
“A bolt from blue” means? unexpected misfortune
“Kick the bucket” means? to die
“All and Sundry” means? everyone
“Above-board” means? honest
” pour cold water on “? discourage
To read between the lines means? to grasp hidden meaning
‘goat-song’? tragedy
“Best of both worlds” means? benefits of two things and none of the disadvantages.
“Nod off” means? fall asleep
“no love lost” means? not like each other at all.
“Get the sack” means? get dismissed
“The pros and cons of” consider all facts
“by leaps and bounds” means very quickly
“turned a deaf ear to” means? To ignore or refuse to listen to someone or something
“at one’s wit’s end” means? to be puzzled
To beat the air means? To keep doing something despite its apparent pointlessness
“Star Crossed” is unlucky
“To break a lance with”. to engage in a competition
” between sylla and charybids” Between two great difficulties
” Leave in the Lurch” : to leave someone in difficulty
In the blue funk ” : in a state of terror
” Play ones card right”: To get benefit of the opportunity
” peddle one’s own canoe: To solve one’s own issues without any help
“Champing at the bit__________? extremely impatient
Fortnight Means? 14 days
“To be at loggerheads” ? to be in strong disagreement
Alter ego means: intimate friend
“TO EGG ON” to urge
“MALA FIDE” bad intention
“Weal and woe” joy and sorrows
“Rides the high horse”? superior
“Eat anyone,s salt”? to be one's guest
“the salt of the earth”? kind
To face the music means to bear the consequences
Rule of thumb means ? rough estimate
Have an Axe to Grind means: Selfish motive
Beat about the bush ? To avoid the main topic
“Spick and Span” means? spotlessly clean
To”Jazz Up” means to Make something more exciting
‘rank and file’ ordinary members
‘Swan song”? Last work
He is busy with his work up to the hilt
“All Hours” irregular times
“A slap on the wrist” means? Warning or Small Punishment
“To cut long story short” means? come to the point
“De novo” new
“Inter alia” in between
en-route on the way
” To make amend for” means__ to compensate for damage
“Brain Drain” means_______ Migration Of Skilled Person To Other Country
“Prosaic” means dull
“Clique” means group of people
banton good manners
“To burry the hatchet” mean? To make peace
“Hell hath no fury like a A women scorned
De Jure” means? By law
“Tie the knot” means? get married
The Government ruled by Women is called? Petticoat government
“apple-pie order” means? neat and tidy
“Give cold shoulder” To ignore
To catch a tartar means: to catch a dangerous person
To make clean breast of means To confess without of reserves
Co*k and bull story mean ? An unbelievable story
“turn heads” mean? attract a lot of attention
“couch potato” means? lazy person
“at sea” means puzzled
“off and on” means occasionally
“Feel blue” feel sad
“Fender bender” small car accident
“Go Dutch” share the cost of something, especially a meal, equally
“Black and blue” full of bruises
“A litmus test” A decisively indicative test
“Icing (also frosting) on the cake” An attractive but inessential addition or enhancement
“when pigs fly” something that will never happen or is impossible
“Keep at bay” keep at distance
“At the drop of the hat” Done easily, without any preparation
“Your guess is as good as mine” to have no idea
“Far cry from” different from
“Get your goat” to irritate someone
“Drop a dime” To be an informant
“Chew the fat” To chat idly or generally waste time talking
“Bird Brain” A person that is not too smart; a person that acts stupid
Best of both worlds A situation where someone enjoys two different opportunities
“Beating a dead horse” To uselessly dwell on a subject far beyond its point of resolution
“Basket case” One made powerless or ineffective, as by nerves, panic, or stress
“Apple of discord” Anything causing trouble, discord, or jealousy
“An arm and a leg” Very expensive or costly. A large amount of money
“Elephant in the room” An obvious, pressing issue left unaddressed due to its sensitive nature
“Ace in the hole” A hidden or secret strength, or unrevealed advantage
“A hot potato” A controversial issue that is awkward or unpleasant to deal with
A bitter pill information that is unpleasant but must be accepted
“put a spoke in my wheel”. thwarted in the execution of the plan
“blows his own trumpet” praises himself
“die in harness”. die while still working
“passed himself off” pretended to be
“the cold shoulder”. ignore
tipped off means give advance info
To set one’s face against To oppose with determination
To smell a rat suspect foul dealings
A man of straw a man of no substance
To leave someone in the lurch To desert someone in his difficulties
To pick holes _ to criticize
To put one’s hand to plough To take a difficult task
To end in smoke to ruin oneself
To have an axe to grind a private end to serve
“Hornet’s nest” violent situation
“Never-never land” ideal pace
“Cap it all” to finish
Pull your socks up: to improve
“let the grass grow under his feet”. loitered around
1. Call off = cancel
2. Turn down = reject
3. Bring up = mention
4. Come up= arise/ produce
5. Hand over = relinquish / give a chance
6. Take over= take control /responsibility
7. Take up= require
8. Get on= continue / have a good
9. Talk over = discuss / interrupt
10. Use up = exhaust / use completely
11. Look forward to = await
12. Go on = continue
13. Catch up = discuss latest news
14. Fill in = complete
15. Hand in = submit
16. Look up= find/search
17. Look into = check/ investigate
18. Figure out = understand / solve
19. Go over = review
20. Show up = arrive
21. Ring up= call
22. Go back = return to a place
23. Pick out= choose
24. chip in = help
25. Break in on = interrupt
26. Come apart = separate
27. Go ahead = start / proceed
28. Cut in = interrupt
29. Own up= confess
30. Figure out = discover
31. Get back = return
32. Get away = escape
33. Work out= exercise
34. Hang in = stay positive
35. Put down = insult
36. Pass out = faint
37. Leave out = omit/ skip
38. Show off = boast / brag
39. Peter out = finish / come to an end
40. Lay off= dismiss
41. Take on = employ( someone)
42. Cross out = delete / cancel / erase
43. Sort out = solve
44. Make out = understand / hear
45. Abide by = follow ( a rule / decision /
46. Pile up = accumulate
47. Pig put = eat a lot
48. Pick up = collect
49. mix up = confuse
50. Make of = understand / have an opinion
51. Opt for = choose
52. Pass back = return
53. Patch up = fix/ make things better
54. Plump for = choose
55. Polish off = finish / consume
56. Decide upon = choose / select
57. Die down = decrease
58. Get along = leave
59. Hook up = meet ( someone)
60. Jack up= increase sharply
61. Kick about = discuss
62. Talk about = discuss
63. Kick out = expel
64. Lay on = organise/ supply
65. Link up = connect /join
66. Make after = chase
67. Make away with = steal
68. Big up = exaggerate the importance
69. Blow up = explode
70. Book in = check in at a hotel
71. Call up= telephone
72. Cap off = finish / complete
73. Care for = like
74. carry off = win/succeed
75. Carry on = continue
76. Add on = include
77. Ask over = invite
78. Back away = retreat / go backwards
79. Back off = retreat
80. Bag out = criticize
81. Bull up = confuse / complicate
82. Bear on = influence / affect
83. Give up = quit / stop trying
84. Keep on = continue
85. Put off = postpone
86. Turn up = appear suddenly
87. Take after = resemble
88. Bring up = raise (children)
89. Fill out = complete a form
90. Drop out of = leave school
91. Do over = repeat a job / task
92. Fill up = fill to capacity
93. Look over = examine / check
94. Put away = save / store
95. Put out = extinguish
96. Set up = arrange/ begin
97. Throw away = discard
98. Cut down on= curtail ( expenses)
99. Try out = test
100. Turn off = repulse
101. Call on = visit
102. Go through = use up/ consume
103. Check up on = examine / investigate
104. wait on = serve
105. get rid of = eliminate/ eradicate/ erase
106. Get through with = finish
107. Look down on = despise
108. Look up to = respect & admire
109. Make sure of = verify
110. Put up with = tolerate
111. Run out of= exhaust supply
112. Think back on = recall/ remember
113. Walk out on = abandon
114. Get by= survive
115. Get up = arise
116. Grow up = get older
117. Walk up = arouse from sleep
118. Back up = support
119. Make up for = compensate

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