Template Ajhs
Template Ajhs
Template Ajhs
Vol. 1 No. November 1, 2022
The introduction must contain (in order) the general background, the state of the
art literature review as the basis for the scientific novelty statement of the article, the
scientific novelty statement, and the research problem or hypothesis. At the end of the
introduction, the purpose of the study should be stated. In the scientific article format,
no literature review is allowed as in the research report, but it is realized in the form of a
previous literature review (state of the art) followed by a statement of the scientific
novelty of the article.
Citations should be written using a bodynote format such as (Uwuigbe &
Ajibolade, 2013), (Wang, 2016), (Muttakin et al., 2015) and relevant to the
bibliography/bibliography (recommended using the Mendeley Application).
The research method used in problem solving includes analytical methods. Picture
captions are placed as part of the picture title (figure caption) not part of the picture. The
methods used in completing the research are listed in this section.
In Research Methods, small and non-mainstream tools (which are common in the
lab, such as: scissors, measuring cups, pencils) do not need to be written down, but only
the main set of equipment, or the main tools used for analysis and/or or characterization,
even need to get to the type and accuracy; Write down in full the research location, the
number of respondents, how to process the results of observations or interviews or
questionnaires, how to measure performance benchmarks; The general method does not
need to be written in detail, but it is enough to refer to the reference book. The
experimental procedure must be written in the form of a news sentence, not a command
Fill in the quote directly. quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote
quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote
quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote. quote The text continues here.
Proofs must be formatted as follows: quote quote quote quote quote quote quote
quote quote quote quote quote quotes ,
Conclusions describe the answers to hypotheses and/or research objectives or
scientific findings obtained. The conclusion does not contain a repetition of the results
and discussion, but rather a summary of the findings as expected in the objectives or
hypotheses. If necessary, at the end of the conclusion can also be written things that will
be done related to the next idea of the research.
All references referred to in the text of the article must be listed in the
bibliography section . The bibliography must contain reference libraries originating
from primary sources (scientific journals and amounting to a minimum of 80% of the
total bibliography ) published in the last 5 ( five ) years. Each article contains at least 15
( Fifteen ) bibliographies of references and the last 10 years . Writing a reference system
in article texts and writing bibliographies should use a reference management
application program, for example: Mendeley , EndNote, Reference Manager or Zotero.
Reference writing using the system model of the APA ( American Psychological
Association ), 6th edition.).
Copyright holders:
Author's Name ( Year of Publication )
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science