A Prospective Study of Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Clinical Manifestations and Factors Associated With Survival
A Prospective Study of Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Clinical Manifestations and Factors Associated With Survival
A Prospective Study of Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Clinical Manifestations and Factors Associated With Survival
We prospectively studied the effect of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on the
presentation and outcome of tuberculosis. A total of 216 patients with tuberculosis were identified;
162 (75%) of these patients were tested for antibodies to HIV; 92 (57%) were seropositive. The
patients who were seropositive for HIV were more likely to be male and Hispanic and to have been
After decades of decline, the annual incidence of tuberculosis of patients with TB were included; these studies were restricted
(TB) in the United States rose each year from 1985 to 1992 according to gender, risk behaviors, anatomic site of tuberculo-
[1]. Factors contributing to this increased incidence included sis, drug susceptibility, or stage of HIV disease; data collection
the epidemic of HIV infection, an increase in the frequency was retrospective or not stated as being prospective; there was
of antibiotic-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates, a either no information or limited information about risk factors
decline in the public health infrastructure, the spread of TB in for TB; no seronegative comparison group was included; there
congregate settings such as homeless shelters and jails, and was little or no information about drug susceptibility; or the
immigration from countries with high rates of TB [2, 3]. The sample size was limited (50 subjects) [2, 4, 6-20]. Although
presence of HIV infection greatly increases the risk that indi- there are substantial data showing that rates of mortality and
viduals with longstanding or recently acquired M. tuberculosis morbidity are higher among patients with active TB and con-
infection will develop active disease [4, 5]. comitant HIV infection than among non-HIV-infected patients
Numerous clinical studies of TB in HIV-infected patients in with tuberculosis [21-23], information about the factors that
the United States have been reported previously. However, influence survival among HIV-infected patients is limited [24,
many of these studies had substantial limitations: only subsets 25]. Knowledge of such factors offers the potential for optimiz-
ing interventions to improve survival.
To study the impact of HIV infection on the presentation of
TB and to identify factors affecting survival of coinfected pa-
Received 30 May 1996; revised 5 December 1996. tients at our institutions in the Bronx, New York City (a com-
This work was presented in part at the 1994 Infectious Diseases Society of
America annual meeting held on 4-7 October in Orlando, Florida, and in part munity beset by the converging epidemics of these two dis-
at the 3rd Conference on Human Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections eases), we prospectively studied all patients who presented with
held in January 1996 in Washington, D.C. tuberculosis at our medical centers, and we followed up the
Informed consent was obtained from the patients and the guidelines of the
Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects of Montefiore Medical Center HIV-infected patients after hospital discharge.
were followed in the conduct of the research.
This work was supported by cooperative agreement No. U64/CCU200714
with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
P.L.A. was supported in part by a training grant from the National Institutes Methods
of Health (5-T32-AI070183).
Reprints or correspondence: Dr. Peter L. Alpert, Division of Infectious From July 1992 through June 1995, we prospectively studied
Diseases, Montefiore Medical Center, 111 East 210th Street, Bronx, New York all patients at two hospitals in the Bronx, New York City, for
10467. whom cultures of any anatomic site yielded M tuberculosis.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 1997;24:661-8 The hospitals were the Moses Division of Montefiore Medical
© 1997 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
1058-4838/97/2404 — 0017$02 .00 Center, a voluntary medical center that is the largest provider
662 Alpert et al. CID 1997; 24 (April)
of care to residents of the Bronx, and its physically adjacent from North Central Bronx Hospital against second-line antitu-
municipal affiliate, North Central Bronx Hospital. After identi- berculous drugs was performed either at the National Jewish
fication, hospitalized patients were interviewed by two (P.L.A. Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine (Denver) or
and S.S.M.) of the authors and followed up prospectively until at the Mycobacteriology Laboratory of the New York City
death or hospital discharge. HIV-infected patients were fol- Department of Health.
lowed up prospectively, as detailed below. Patients not known to have HIV infection were offered
A standardized interview was conducted to ascertain demo- HIV counseling and testing (EIA with western blot confir-
graphic factors, past behavioral risk factors, and medical histor- mation), as recommended for all patients with TB [28].
ies. For Spanish-speaking patients, interviews were conducted T cell subset determinations were recommended for all HIV-
in Spanish, and for children, interviews were conducted with infected patients. When patients had not had T cell subset
parents. We reviewed the medical records of patients pre- determinations made at the time that TB was diagnosed,
viously seen at our institutions for documentation of prior we ascertained the last recorded CD4 cell count before the
Table 1. Demographic characteristics and risk factors for tuberculosis according to HIV status.
HIV status
Male 66 (71.7) 39 (55.7) 23 (42.6)
Female 26 (28.3) 31 (44.3) 31 (57.4) .051
White 5 (5.4) 6 (8.6) 8 (14.8)
Black 36 (39.1) 25 (35.7) 18 (33.3)
Hispanic 51 (55.4) 28 (40.0) 16 (29.6)
NOTE. Data are number of patients (%) unless otherwise indicated. NS = not significant.
* For comparing HIV-seropositive patients with HIV-seronegative patients.
HIV-seronegative patients more commonly reported nationalities other than American or Puerto Rican.
isoniazid and rifampin (i.e., multidrug-resistant isolates), 15 profloxacin and capreomycin; in contrast, the proportion of
(93.8%) of 16 were susceptible to three or more alternative these isolates that were resistant to the first-line antimicrobial
antimicrobials, and the remaining isolate was susceptible to agents (streptomycin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide) equaled
two alternative drugs. The small number of multidrug resistant or exceeded 50 percent. Multidrug-resistant isolates were re-
isolates tested in this study were uniformly susceptible to ci- covered from five (20.0%) of 20 patients with a history of TB
vs. 11 (8.1%) of 136 without a history of TB (P = .08).
Factors associated with in-hospital mortality are shown in
Table 2. Radiographic findings for patients with pulmonary tuber- table 4 for patients hospitalized at the time that TB was diag-
culosis, according to HIV status. nosed. A trend towards increased mortality was observed for
both HIV-infected patients and those with multidrug-resistant
HIV status TB. A longer delay between admission and institution of anti-
microbial therapy was also associated with increased mortality.
Seropositive Seronegative
Finding (n = 72) (n = 52) P value
We included three outpatients and 74 HIV-infected patients
who had enrolled in the study by 1 March 1995 and who survived
Focal infiltrate 38 (53) 46 (89) <.01 initial hospitalization in the analyses of survival of patients who
Upper-lobe infiltrate 19 (26) 32 (62) <.01 did not die during the initial hospitalization. There were no sig-
One or more cavities 5 (7) 23 (44) <.01 nificant demographic differences between these patients and the
Hilar or mediastinal HIV-infected patients who died during hospitalization. The esti-
lymphadenopathy 28 (39) 6 (12) <.01
8 (11) 3 (6) NS
mated median survival was 22.7 months for these 77 patients
(figure 1). Thirty-two patients (41.6%) died during follow-up; at
NOTE. Data are number of patients (%). NS = not significant. least 11 (34.4%) of these deaths were attributable to TB. Univari-
CID 1997;24 (April) Tuberculosis and HIV Infection 665
0.8 -
No. of isolates not susceptible to
indicated drug/total no. of isolates (%)
an P- an
co -
Seropositive Seronegative O2 0
E ?,
Drug patients patients Co .c 76
CD F. 0.4 -
Isoniazid 21/92 (22.8) 13/70 (18.6) c a)
Rifampin 16/92 (17.4) 5/70 (7.1) 0.2 -
Isoniazid + U)
Table 4. Survival among hospitalized HIV-infected patients and non-HIV-infected patients with tuber-
Susceptibility of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis isolate
Susceptible* 155/172 (90.1) 17/172 (9.9)
Multidrug resistant 14/18 (77.8) 4/18 (22.2) .12
HIV status
HIV seronegative 57/60 (95.0) 3/60 (5.0)
HIV seropositive 76/89 (85.4) 13/89 (14.6) .11
Median delay in therapy in
d (range)t 4 (0-63) 15 (0-77) .02
Table 5. Factors independently associated with survival among 77 among our patient population and the fact that many of our
HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis who did not die during their HIV-infected patients received routine TB prophylaxis and thus
initial hospitalizations. did not develop TB until the onset of severe immunodeficiency
Hazard ratio [34]. Finally, we designed our study to include only patients
Factor for death 95% CI with TB that was confirmed by culture at our medical centers,
which likely resulted in the exclusion of some patients with
CD4 cell count of -100/mrn 3 2.07 1.11-3.86 TB and less advanced HIV disease.
Nonuse of directly observed therapy 1.94 1.23-3.06
The prompt diagnosis of TB is important for optimal treat-
Recovery of resistant
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1.87 1.19-2.95 ment as well as for institution of necessary infection control
History of injection drug use 1.68 1.14-2.47 procedures, to protect both health care workers and other pa-
tients [35]. We found that TB involving the lungs was equally
frequent among patients with HIV infection and those who
The incidence of multidrug-resistant TB in New York City for M tuberculosis or whose cultures were not performed in
has risen dramatically in recent years [39, 40], in large part our medical center laboratories may limit the extent to which
because of suboptimal compliance with therapy among patients our findings can be generalized. Patients with TB that was
with TB [2, 39]. In the present study, a history of TB was diagnosed clinically or whose positive cultures were performed
more common among patients who had multidrug-resistant TB. elsewhere were not included. Furthermore, the HIV epidemic
This difference approached statistical significance and is con- has existed longer in New York City than in many other areas
sistent with the finding that prior suboptimal therapy is a major of the country.
contributor to the development of multidrug-resistant TB. Al- Therefore, the findings of this study should be applied cau-
ternatively, this difference could have been due to a higher tiously to patients in other locations. In addition, although the
relapse rate (and subsequent eligibility for this study) among patients with TB and unknown HIV statuses were similar in
previously treated patients with multidrug-resistant disease than terms of age, history of homelessness, and history of tuberculo-
among patients with susceptible infections. sis to those with known HIV statuses, the former patients were
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