Format of Question Papers: Annual Exam (2022-23)

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Format of Question Papers

Annual Exam (2022-23) (80)
Subject- English

Portion of class- L.K.G:-

Small cursive letter a to z , Name of the animals, colours, Parts of body, Name of fruits, Name
of pictures, Use of a/an, Write first letter and complete the words, use of He/She, One & many,
Use of This/That, Use of In/On/Under.

Question paper pattern of English:-

1. Write small cursive letter a to z 26× = 13

2. Write name of the animals 5x1=5

3. Write name of colours 5x1=5

4. Part of body 5x1=5

5. Name of fruits 5x1=5

6. Write name of picture 5x1=5

7. Use of A/An 6x1=6

8. Write first letter & complete the words 10x1=10

9. Write use of He / She 8x1=8

10. One & many 8x1=8

11. Use of This/That 5x1=5

12. Use of In/On/Under 5x1=5

Format of Question Papers
Annual Exam (2022-23) (80)
Subject- Hindi

Portion of class- L.K.G:-

rhu] pkj v{kj ds “kCn] v{kjksa dks feykdj “kCn cukvks] fp= ns[kdj “kCn fy[kks] ¼ k ½ dh ek=k] fp= ds lgh uke ij
xksyk cukb,] “kjhj ds vaxks ds uke fy[kksa] lgh “kCn pqudj [kkyh LFkku Hkfj,] iz0@m0

Question paper pattern of English:-

1- rhu v{kj ds “kCn fy[kks 10x1=10

2- pkj v{kj ds “kCn fy[kks 10x1=10

3- v{kjks dks feykdj “kCn cukvks 10x1=10

4- fp= ns[kdj “kCn fy[kks 10x1=10

5- ¼ k ½ dh ek=k ds “kCn fy[kks 5x1=5

6- fp= ds lgh uke ij xksyk cukb, 10x1=10

7- “kjhj ds vaxksa ds uke fy[kks 5x1=5

8- lgh “kCn pqudj [kkyh LFkku Hkfj, 10x1=10

9- iz0@mRrj 10x1=10
Format of Question Papers
Annual Exam (2022-23) (80)
Subject- Maths

Portion of class- L.K.G:-

Counting 51 to 100, Table from 6 to 10, Shapes name, Number name 1 to 30, Backward
counting 50-1, Greater than, Less than & Equal to, Greater/Smallest number, Addition,
Subtraction, Number numerals (1 to 20), What comes after, before & between.

Question paper pattern of Maths:-

1. Write counting 51 to 100 10x1=10

2. Table of 7, 9 10x1=10

3. Write shapes name 5x1=5

4. Write number name 10x1=10

5. Write backward counting 50 to 1 10x1=10

6. Put greater than, less than & equal to sign 10x1=10

7. Addition with number 5x1=5

8. Subtraction with number 5x1=5

9. Write numerals number 10x =5

10. What comes after, before & between 10x1=10

Format of Question Papers
Annual Exam (2022-23) (80 Marks)
Subject- E.V.S

Portion of class- L.K.G:-

1. How many wheels do these vehicles have? 10x1=10

2. Do you know your mother’s or father’s mobile number? Write down 5x1=5

3. Tick (√) the ones who need air 10x1=10

4. Circle the festival which are celebrated in our country. 10x1=10

5. Find out these things in the picture given below? 10x1=10

6. When we celebrate earth day? 10x1=10

7. Circle the picture people who help us. 10x1=10

8. Say the names of these places. Who will you find there? Match 10x1=10

9. Colour the traffic light & mention it. 5x1=5

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