Format of Question Papers: Annual Exam (2022-23)
Format of Question Papers: Annual Exam (2022-23)
Format of Question Papers: Annual Exam (2022-23)
Annual Exam (2022-23) (80)
Subject- English
Small cursive letter a to z , Name of the animals, colours, Parts of body, Name of fruits, Name
of pictures, Use of a/an, Write first letter and complete the words, use of He/She, One & many,
Use of This/That, Use of In/On/Under.
1. Write small cursive letter a to z 26× = 13
9- iz0@mRrj 10x1=10
Format of Question Papers
Annual Exam (2022-23) (80)
Subject- Maths
Counting 51 to 100, Table from 6 to 10, Shapes name, Number name 1 to 30, Backward
counting 50-1, Greater than, Less than & Equal to, Greater/Smallest number, Addition,
Subtraction, Number numerals (1 to 20), What comes after, before & between.
2. Table of 7, 9 10x1=10
2. Do you know your mother’s or father’s mobile number? Write down 5x1=5
8. Say the names of these places. Who will you find there? Match 10x1=10