Group 1 - Overview of JavaScript

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Group 1 Members

Vincent Rafael
Onin Binuya

Marc Melgar Lance Aeron

F. Guevarra
What to Learn?

01 03
Introduction to Variables,Data types and
JavaScript Programming operators in JavaScript
Writing basic
JavaScript Code
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a lightweight,
cross-platform, dynamically
typed programming language
used for web development for
both client-side and server-side
It contains a standard library of
objects, such as array, date, and
math. Additionally, it also has a
core set of language elements
like operators, control structures,
and statements.
This programming language is both
compiled and interpreted, with
newer versions incorporating a
just-in-time (JIT) compiler to
optimize execution and display
results more quickly by generating
JavaScript on the
Client-side and
Client-side: JavaScript can supply objects that
control a browser and its Document Object Model
(DOM). Client-side extensions using JavaScript can
allow an application to place elements on an
HTML form and respond to user events such as
mouse clicks, form input, and page navigation.
Several useful libraries for the client side are
AngularJS, ReactJS, and VueJS.
Server-side: JavaScript can supply objects relevant
to running it on a server, where server-side
extensions allow for communication with a
database, continuity of information, and file
manipulations. The most popular framework for
server-side JavaScript is node.js. With node.js,
JavaScript developers can build high-performance
network applications that can handle a large
number of concurrent connections with minimal

<p> JavaScript is both

an imperative and
declarative type of
language </p>
Imperative language Declarative language
This type of language focuses on how the In this language, the focus is on how the
computation is to be done and controls logical computation is performed, and
the goal is to describe the desired result
the flow of it. The procedural and object-
without dictating the exact process of
oriented approaches are part of it, where achieving it. This is represented by
the focus is on what needs to be done arrow functions, which describe the
after the asynchronous call. expected outcome without specifying
how to obtain it.
2 ways of implementing JavaScript in our HTML file:
Internal JavaScript
We can write JavaScript code in another file
having an extension.js and then link this file
inside the <head> tag of the HTML file in
which we want to add this code.
External JavaScript
We can add JavaScript directly to our HTML file
by writing the code inside the <script> tag. The
<script> tag can either be placed inside the
<head> or the <body> tag according to the


// JavaScript Code

Example of Internal JavaScript:
Example of External JavaScript:
Appication of JavaScript
Development Games


Server Art

Mobile Internet
Applications Things
Limitations of JavaScript

Weak error handling and type

Performance checking facilities

Security Complexity
Variables, data types and Operators
What is Variable?

Variable are
containers for storing
How Do We Declare Variables?
var x = 5;

Variable let x = 5;

Declaration Const
Const price1 = 5;

x = 5;
What is Operators?
Operators are equivalent to the
process of adding, subtracting,
multiplying and etc. The following
are the operators that we use in
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Comparison Operators

<!DOCTYPE html>
let text1 = “A”;
let text2 =“B”;
let result = text1 < text2;
document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML =
“ Is A les than B? ” + result;
Is A less than B? True

Logical Operators
Type Operators
Bitwise Operators
Data Types
JavaScript has 8 Datatypes
String Number Bigint Boolean
Let weight = 7.5; let x =
let color = "Yellow"; BigInt("12345678901234567 let x= true;
Let y = 123e5; 8901234567890");

Undefined Null Symbol Object

const RUN = Symbol() const person =
let x; let x = null; person[RUN] = () => 'Person {firstName:"John",
is running' lastName:"Doe"};
The Object Datatype
1. An object
// Object:
const person = {firstName:"John", lastName:"Doe“};
2. An array
// Array object:
const cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW“];
3. A date
// Date object:
const date = new Date( "2022-03-25“ );
1. Variable Declaration
• Using var
• Using let
• Using const
• Using nothing
2. Operators
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparison Operators
• Logical Operators
• Type Operators
• Bitwise Operators
3. Data types
1. String
2. Number
3. Bigint
4. Boolean
5. Undefined
6. Null
7. Symbol
8. Object
1. An object
2. An array
3. A date
Writing Basic JavaScript Codes
Menu Toggle
Menu Toggle - This code can be used to
toggle the menu on and off. This is useful
for creating a responsive navigation bar
that can be hidden on smaller screens.
Smooth Scroll
This code can be used to create a
smooth scroll effect when
clicking on links within the same
Modal Popup
This code can be used to create a modal
popup that appears when a button is
Interactive Forms
JavaScript can be used to make forms
more interactive, such as displaying an
error message if a field is invalid or
highlighting a field when it is selected.
Color cycle animation: You can create an
animation that cycles through a set of
colors, such as a rainbow effect. This can be
achieved by using an array of color values
and a setInterval function to change the
color of the element at a set interval.

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