The Homework Machine Book
The Homework Machine Book
The Homework Machine Book
One particular book, \"The Homework Machine\" by Dan Gutman, explores the idea of a machine
that can do homework for students. While this may seem like a dream come true for many students,
the book also delves into the consequences of relying too heavily on technology for academic
But for those who don't have access to a homework machine, the struggle of writing homework
remains very real. It can be overwhelming to juggle multiple assignments, exams, and extracurricular
activities. And as the workload increases, so does the pressure to perform well.
Moreover, writing homework requires a certain level of understanding and mastery of the subject
matter. It's not just about completing the task, but also about comprehending the material and being
able to apply it. This can be especially challenging for students who may not have a strong grasp on
the subject or who struggle with certain topics.
Not only does ⇒ ⇔ offer a solution to the difficulty of writing homework, but it also
helps students improve their understanding of the subject. By providing well-written and well-
researched assignments, students can learn from the work and use it as a guide for future
In conclusion, writing homework can be a challenging and overwhelming task for many students.
But with the help of ⇒ ⇔, students can alleviate some of the stress and pressure and
focus on other important aspects of their academic journey. Don't hesitate to seek help when needed
and give yourself the opportunity to succeed.
It all starts when Brenton boasts he does not need to do homework because he has a machine that
will do it for him. I feel that a person can change himself or herself no more than a giraffe can decide
it doesn't like having a long neck. The whole thing started because certain people who shall remain
nameless did some thoughtless things that I don't need to discuss here. Stuff happens. We're not
perfect. We all feel bad. We won't do it again. It worked out because they were getting interviewed
while telling the whole story at the same time. I would never break the law or do anything dishonest.
Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. It taught my daughter about narrative tools such
as various character perspective and how those can be useful when done well. See full terms and
conditions and this month's choices. At first, they are delighted with their freedom, but things
quickly get out of hand. And I didn’t get kicked out of my old school because I refused to get a
haircut. He insists I don't include spoilers (clearly, he doesn't know me!) but based on a couple of
things he's told me I don't know if I'd get it for a kid under eleven. Homework sucks. There should
be a constitutional amendment banning it. Other projects include the Wayback Machine,
and The blinking red light chip is the key to finding the treasure as well. My teacher
read it to my class as a read aloud book and my classmates loved it. Oh, I just wish I could go to
sleep and wake up and find out it was all a dream. Using an audio version to access the story did
work well for this format, and saved me trying to make the voice of each character sound different if
reading aloud. Like Comment ashes ? 955 reviews 76 followers November 29, 2019 Of course it’s
not going to be as good as the first one, and it felt a little forced, and the ending was a bit too quick.
Meet the D Squad, a foursome of fifth graders at the Grand Canyon School made up of a geek, a
class clown, a teacher's pet, and a slacker. He could of made something with the chip that benefitted
him more. But when the case was close, the kids went back to search for the homework machine. I
really don't see the reason why we gotta do this. If you want to learn more about Dan or his books,
stop by his website at Our D Squad is trying to find and destroy the chip from the
homework machine. The children gradually begin to bond, especially after Sam's father is killed in
combat. He was actually pretty good-looking, but he combed his hair in a really weird way. The end!
Guys, please read this book, it's one of the best book I've ever read in my whole entire life. Reply
Delete Replies Reply Layla August 21, 2012 at 6:38 PM I think I would probably pick Sam Dawkins
as the character that I dislike because he's not really nice to others and he talks bad about people
behind there backs.Something else is he hates homework and he said it is a punishment for just being
a kid I don't believe that's true because it's just a quick assignment and it helps us learn more. Miss
Rasmussen, fifth-grade teacher I didn't like what Sam wrote, but I gave him a B for using his
For example, drawing activities have been eliminated. A dramatic and thought-provoking story with
a strong message about honesty and friendship.-Elaine E. Knight, Lincoln Elementary Schools, IL
Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information. Sam and Kelsey on the other hand really need the
machine. I'll get the same information whether I'm sitting on one side of the room or the other. Share
to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The blinking light from last book is actually an AI
chip, and a power source. It taught my daughter about narrative tools such as various character
perspective and how those can be useful when done well. The range of voices gives an accurate
representation of the pre-teen characters, and each sounds very different to the others. The 4 kids
become better friends and try to keep their homework machine from everyone else. We also cover
the solar system. Explorers. Things like that. I thought the kids would like it. THE HOMEWORK
MACHINE is presented in the format of characters taking turns narrating into a recording device the
progression of events that have taken place over the past school year. Judy Douglas, grade 5 Oh, I
didn't like Snik at all in the beginning. But I have never understood why average and under-average
students feel a necessity to poke fun at those of us who work hard and do well in school. Or maybe
not. Maybe it's just a fun book that kids will adore and that manages to be simultaneously silly and
serious while unwinding a truly interesting story. But if I leave the first one alone, the other
dominoes remain standing. Had not read it since it was a Sunshine State book about 12 years ago.
Everyone he meets, sees, or even hears about he hates. When you click it and you will be taken to a
page where you can give a rating. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. I use as
much printable space per page as possible. Using an audio version to access the story did work well
for this format, and saved me trying to make the voice of each character sound different if reading
aloud. It works out in the end, but that was just not right. For an optimal experience, please switch to
the latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. Like
Comment Ralph 12 reviews 1 follower December 31, 2020 In the beginning was a homework
machine. The dynamics within the group are stressful as well. It was very mysterious because it was
mixed of mystery and realistic and also it was not one person telling the one story but many people
took turn to talk about what happened. I like it because it's interesting and the teacher gets involved.
I like Brenton the most because he is really smart. One is very smart, he created the homework
machine. If you want to find out what happens to them (and Belch) you'll have to read 'The
Homework Machine' by Dan Gutman. 6 likes 1 comment Like Comment Lovely Day 786 reviews
116 followers December 24, 2022 3.
His hair looked horrible, but at least he was doing his homework. This book was 4 stars because it
was not so exiting the whole time. 2 likes Like Comment Beverly 536 reviews 34 followers January
11, 2009 Kids who love Andrew Clements will certainly enjoy this story. The pitfalls and
consequences that arise from the use of the machine complicate their lives. Everybody gathered
around me and asked me what was wrong. The narrative is comprised of interviews with the four
friends along with other students, parents, teachers, and other authority figures. Also, it has the
underlying theme that these 4 totally different personalities can work together and become friends.
So how can I pursue happiness if I have to spend every night doing homework. You see Brenton was
different from the day he was born, he never cried as a baby, and wrote his first piece of music when
he was six. I love the story. I love the told-in-police-interviews style, which is especially ambitious
for a kids' book. However, I can still relate to him in some ways like how our brain needs a rest
when we get home. Other projects include the Wayback Machine, and He
never did any homework, and look how he turned out. 5. There's a name for working without getting
paid. Snik, Judy, and Kelsey pretty much ignored me, and I ignored them. Like Comment ashes ?
955 reviews 76 followers November 29, 2019 Of course it’s not going to be as good as the first one,
and it felt a little forced, and the ending was a bit too quick. The book is about four kids in grade
five that live in Colorado near the Grand Canyon, when the smartest makes a homework machine
and it ends up ruining their lives. 7dla fiction 10 likes Like Comment Noah9kp 9 reviews February
13, 2008 Four kids all have a last name that begins with a D so they are called the D Squad. Read the
review and with links to other reviews of books by the authors on my blog Book Reviews and More.
Sam, son of an army dad, also plays a lot of chess throughout, which we liked hearing about as my
son too enjoys playing chess. A machine that will do your homework for you? Fabulous. Wait, what?
First in a series? Hmm. 3 likes Like Comment Lindsey Gandhi 575 reviews 244 followers September
11, 2022 My son and I love books by Dan Gutman. I’ve written more than 170 books for kids from
kindergarten up to middle school. He creates a homework machine to do his homwwork for him.
Their teacher is suspicious of the suddenly errorless work, and other friends resent the time that they
spend together. I wish though that the homework machine had been based on a regular computer.
When something bad happens to Judy, I can't help but wonder if it is bigotry at work. This book was
4 stars because it was not so exiting the whole time. 2 likes Like Comment Beverly 536 reviews 34
followers January 11, 2009 Kids who love Andrew Clements will certainly enjoy this story. The story
isn't so much about the hw machine as it's about the effect the machine has of the characters lives.
For instance, study for a test and then do the daily assignment. Estimate the amount of time it will
take to do an assignment and plan your break time accordingly. 10. Prioritize your homework so that
you begin with the most important assignment first. I sometimes do enjoy homework and
assignments we do in class. The narration is being done at the direction of the police.
Combine that with their quest to discover a rumored Egyptian treasure below the rim of the Grand
Canyon and readers are in for another entertaining and thought-provoking book. Share to Twitter
Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. They are bound together by one very big secret: the homework
machine. Error: Try Again Ok Sell Watchlist Expand Watch List Loading. Also included are answer
keys for all the comprehension questions and a end of book test to test children's comprehension.
Now the kids are in a race against their own creation, and the loser could end up in jail.or worse! I
like how different perspectives are used to show the thought processes and character development of
the kids; some lines are pretty funny too. Sam, son of an army dad, also plays a lot of chess
throughout, which we liked hearing about as my son too enjoys playing chess. A total recommend! I
love to see Judy, Brenton, Sam and Kelsey back at it again. I remember one time this reality TV
show was hot and everybody was talking about it. Brenton and Judy are really smart and they do not
need the machine. Multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions will self-grade with this option.
Judy made fun of Brenton and she's mean to everyone especially Brenton. It’s a cute story but there
are some important themes in this book about friendship and honesty and even war. It works out in
the end, but that was just not right. For middle-graders, I write the baseball card adventure series,
about a boy who has the power to travel through time using a baseball card like a time machine. Judy
Douglas, grade 5 Brenton would dress funny, with these stiff long pants no matter how hot it was.
Read the review and with links to other reviews of books by the authors on my blog Book Reviews
and More. At the end of the story they shoot a rocket with the chip in it. I dislike snick cause he
sounds like he wouldn't be a good friend and from what I have read he sounds mean. There's some
weird stuff with a stalker and the machine near the ending. They got to learn new vocabulary,
practice answering comprehension questions and many more skills! — Abigail G. You see Brenton
was different from the day he was born, he never cried as a baby, and wrote his first piece of music
when he was six. They threw the homework machine in the grand canyon in the first book. If you
enjoyed the first adventure, The Homework Machine, hold on to your hats for this one. The 4 kids
become better friends and try to keep their homework machine from everyone else. So can you really
blame us for the dumb thing we did. We live in a democracy, where we have freedom, right. I will
use it to keep this treasure in until I use it. It is interesting to see how their opinions about each other
change as the book progresses.
A group of kids in a grade 5 class begin to use a machine that one of the boys created that does their
homework for them. My mom works at home and my dad works for the National Park Service. This
is a good book and I would recommend it to anyone. 1 like Like Comment Gabe 10 reviews August
22, 2019 It was great. The writing style, everyone writing in first person, took me a bit to get used to
but afterwards reading was very smooth. 2 likes Like Comment Porter 36 reviews January 26, 2018
I really like the format of the book its something that I personally I have never read before I thought
it was a really awesome book and I would recommend to people who hate homework. Do you know
how upset my parents were when they found out. Sincerely, Cameron 3 likes Like Comment Cheryl
10.4k reviews 441 followers October 21, 2020 A five star comfortable school story for 4th or 5th
grade children. Written from the perspective of the D Squad, their teachers, parents and some of
their classmates, it makes for a wonderfully funny story with more than a little message for the
readers to absorb. A lot of little things about this book are really meaningful to me, and I feel like the
vast majority of my critiques could be addressed through tweaks or line changes rather than
adjusting the entire core of the book (e.g. just add other Asian characters!). It worked out because
they were getting interviewed while telling the whole story at the same time. It worked!!! It had his
handwriting and all the anwsers were correct on his piece of paper. I was born in a log cabin in
Illinois and used to write by candlelight with a piece of chalk on a shovel. I liked that, because I
figured she would be really enthusiastic about everything. I think homework builds a foundation for
life, I do it to learn. So the group bands together again not only to stop the culprit, but also to be the
first to find a hidden treasure. You could give him ten hours of homework and he'd be perfectly
happy. A great story and bound to be enjoyed by readers of all ages. The range of voices gives an
accurate representation of the pre-teen characters, and each sounds very different to the others. I
would recommend this book to not many people because I don't think many people would get it like
I did. Anthony Messenger National Catholic Register Beyond Ordinary Living The Record Across
the Creek Excellence Magazine. Then Brenton let's his little seceret slip and tells Sam about the
homework machine. He knew the four kids had an machine that helps them do their homework. At
first, they are delighted with their freedom, but things quickly get out of hand. My dad was in the air
force and that’s why we moved to Arizona. The drama of middle school continues and Police Chief
Rebecca Fish is once again going about doing the interviews because this time the adventure of the
kids, unfortunately, ends in a death. The novel was humorous and yet had a nice thread of adventure
and danger. Be honest with yourself about how well you study when the TV or stereo is playing. 7.
Make sure you have everything you need before you begin to work. 8. Develop a schedule you can
follow. 9. Be rested when you study. He sticks the homework assignment in his backpack like it
doesn't bother him at all. It has fallen into the hands of someone who is using it for no good and not
realizing what they are messing with. I find it hard to knock even one star for that reason. I feel that
a person can change himself or herself no more than a giraffe can decide it doesn't like having a long