5D Sepsis 3 CACCN Dynamics 2018 Fagan
5D Sepsis 3 CACCN Dynamics 2018 Fagan
5D Sepsis 3 CACCN Dynamics 2018 Fagan
We are moving to one regulator for all nurses in the province – LPN, RN,
NP (One regulator, one nursing body)
RNPDC receive our funding from NS department of health and wellness
to meet the needs for specialty training in the province
IEN entry – Maritime assessment center
Interprofessional faculty and offer interprofessional programming
We now fall under IPPL umbrella in NSHA
REBRANDING is coming
Little bit about NS/NSHA
Adult ICUs in NSHA
Sepsis Defined/The Global Impact - WHO, 2018
Sepsis arises when the body’s response to any infection injures its own
tissues and organs. If not recognized early and managed promptly, it
can lead to septic shock, multiple organ failure and death.
Sepsis is a global complication of infections in all countries (estimated to
affect 30 million people worldwide yearly/6 million deaths)
Sepsis particularly affects low- and middle-income countries
Sepsis remains a major cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and
The Global Impact of Sepsis - WHO, 2018
Mr. John Smith, a 72 year old, 80kg male is admitted direct from OR
following abdominal surgery
• Earlier in the day he presented to ER with abdominal pain
• PMedHx - ↑BP, Dyslipidemia, ETOH abuse and a cognitive impairment
• In ER his assessment reveals: drowsy and confused when roused, peripherally cold
and cyanosis; Vitals: T 38.0, HR 129, RR 24 B/P 75/50; abd tense and distended
• I L of crystalloid given for hypotension
• CT abd shows extraluminal gas & feces, perforated sigmoid colon; cultured (blood x
2, urine when foley inserted; unable to obtain sputum) and given broad spectrum
IV antibiotics and then taken immediately to the OR for repair
-fluid choice and amount has been very controversial in the literature
-Much in the past was on crystalloids vs. colloids
RCTs underway…
June 2018 – CCM Surviving Sepsis Campaign Bundle
update HOUR-1 Bundle (Levy & Rhodes)
The patient’s voice…