Improved Power Quality AC-DC Converters With High Frequency Transformer Isolation

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Seminar on Improved Power Quality AC-DC Converters with High Frequency Transformer Isolation

By Prof. Bhim Singh Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India email:[email protected] Ph.: (91)-011-2659-1045


Improved Power Quality AC-DC Converters with High Frequency Transformer Isolation
The control of DC-DC converter is done such as the input current wave shaping is achieved for AC-DC Diode converter. The DC-DC converter can be operated in both DCM and CCM mode. The control technique for DCM and CCM are different. It works as voltage follower in DCM mode and there is no need of input voltage & current sensing for power factor correction.

DC Power Supplies, Telecommunication Power Supply, Improved Power Factor ballast, Power Supplies for equipments like computers, medical equipments, printers, scanners etc. Drives Applications with Power Factor Improvement at AC side, Electrical Welding,

Lighting such as ballasts, CFL etc.

Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

is vs Ls Cs Cd Q HFT + io


Vo Load

Single-Phase Buck Forward AC-DC Converter

HFT is vs Ls Cs Cd Lo + io


Vo Load

Single-Phase Buck Push-Pull AC-DC Converter

HFT is vs Ls Cs Cd Lo + io


Vo Load



Single-Phase Buck Half-Bridge AC-DC Converter

HFT is vs Ls Cs Cd2 Q2 Cd1 Lo io

Q1 Co

Vo Load

Single-Phase Buck Full Bridge AC-DC Converter

Ld is vs Ls Q1 Cs Cd Q2 Q4 Q3 Co + Vo Load HFT Lo io

Single-Phase Boost Forward AC-DC Converter

is vs Ls Cs Ld D2 Cd Co + Vo Load D1 HFT Lo io

Single-Phase Boost Push-Pull AC-DC Converter

is vs Ls Cs Cd Ld + Q1 Q2 Co HFT Lo io

+ Vo Load


Single-Phase Boost Half-Bridge AC-DC Converter

Ld is vs Ls Cs Q1 HFT Lo + io Co Vo Load


Single-Phase Boost Full Bridge AC-DC Converter

Ld is vs Ls Cs Cd Q1 Q3 Co + Vo Load HFT Lo io



Single-Phase Buck-Boost Cuk AC-DC Converter

Ls Cs Q L1 C1 HFT C2 L2 io

is vs


Vo Load

Single-Phase Buck-Boost SEPIC ACDC Converter

is vs Ls Cs Q Ld Cd HFT io


Vo Load

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Zeta AC-DC Converter

is vs Ls Q Cs Cd Co HFT C1 Lo io


Single-phase buck-boost flyback AC-DC converter in DCM

Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

Average current mode control in CCM operation

Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

FLYBACK Converter in DCM

average input current over a switching cycle is given as:
i1 = 1 I pk D 2


where I is the peak of input current (thats switch current) and D is the duty ratio. From Fig.1b I is given as:
I pk = DTs v1r Lm


where v1r is rectified input voltage and L is transformer magnetizing inductance referred to primary. From eqns (1) and (2), the input current is as:
D 2 Ts i1 = v1r 2L m


Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

Design of Flyback Converter in DCM

Equation (3) presents nicely PFC operation in DCM. It is clear that if duty cycle and switching frequency is kept constant, then input current is a linear function of input voltage. Eqn. (3) can be written as: i1 = I1 sin t (4) where, v1r = V1 sin t
V1 D 2 Ts I1 = 2L m

(5) (6)

Since input inductor current is nothing but the rectified ac mains current, thus from Eqn. (4), it is clear that by keeping the duty cycle and switching frequency constant, the average input current in flyback converter in DCM follows the input voltage exactly thus emulating a resistor and is known as voltage follower technique. Therefore, flyback converter behaves as an ideal current shaper, and performs current shaping automatically with no control when operating in DCM.

Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

Design of Flyback Converter in DCM

The design of the converter depends whether it is working in discontinuous or continuous conduction mode. The transfer function of the flyback converter in DCM is given as:
Vo = Dv1r D1 n


where n is the turn ratio. From Fig. 1b, for DCM operation, the condition is: D + D1 < 1 (8) From Eqns. (7) and (8), for the desired maximum duty ratio at minimum input voltage, turn ratio can be obtained by satisfying following inequality as:
n> D V1 (1 D) Vo


Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

Design of Flyback Converter in DCM

In order to ensure DCM of operation at maximum load, following condition must be satisfied
Lm < R L min 1 Vo 2 4f s ( + ) n V1min
1 min


where V is the peak value of minimum input voltage. RL min is the minimum value of load resistance and f is the switching frequency. Output capacitor is selected on the basis of maximum peak-to-peak ripple in output voltage ( r ) as:
s v

Co >

Vo rv R L


Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

Design of Flyback Converter in DCM and CCM

Stresses on semiconductor devices in DCM can be given by following equations, Peak current through switch is given as: V DT I = (12) L
1 s swpk m

Peak voltage across switch is given as:

Vswpk = V1 + nVo

(13) (14) (15)

Similarly, peak current through diode is as:

I diopk n 2 Vo D1Ts = Lm

and peak voltage across the diode can be given as:

Vdiopk = V1 + Vo n

Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

Design of Flyback Converter in DCM and CCM

For CCM operation, the transfer function is given as:
Vo = Dv 1r (1 - D)n


Thus in a similar manner as in DCM, for desirable maximum duty ratio, the turn ratio is determined. However, magnetizing inductance of the transformer is defined by satisfying the following inequality [6]:
Lm > R L max V 4f s ( o ) 2 V1min


Referring Fig. 2b, switch current at half of the ripple is given as:
I swh = Pomax V1min D max


Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

Design of Flyback Converter in DCM and CCM
From Fig 2b, switch peak current for ripple
I swpk = I swh + I sw 2
I sw

is given as: (19) (20)

where ,
I sw = V1min D max Ts Lm
2 D max [I swpk I sw I swpk +

Switch RMS current is given as:

I swRMS = 1 2 I sw 3

(21) (22)

Similarly diode current at half of the ripple is given as:

I dh = I o max (1 Dmax )

From Fig 2b, diode peak current for ripple

I dpk = I dh + Id 2

is given as: (23) (24)

Id = Vo (1 Dmax )Ts L2

Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter


Input: V1 = 220VRMS , 50Hz, Single-Phase AC Supply Output: Vo = 110V , Po = 1kW , Output voltage-ripple less than 2% Switching frequency f s = ( s / 2 ) = 50kHz Design parameters for DCM Transformer turn ratio (n) 1.5:1, Magnetizing inductance L m = C f = 800nF and C o = 15mF .

50 H , L f = 1mH ,

Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

Source voltage and current in DCM at 100% load

Steady state output voltage in DCM at 100% load

Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

Source voltage and current in CCM at 100% load

Steady state output voltage in CCM at 100% load

Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

TABLE I Comparisons of Flyback Converter Operation in DCM and CCM DCM Operation CCM Operation Quantity 10% Load 100% Load 10% Load 100% Load Input Current THD PF Output Ripple Normalized Current Peak of Switch Average (pu) RMS Normalized Current Peak of Diode Average (pu) RMS Control Technique Size of Converter Circuit Simplicity 12% 0.981 0.55% 25.1 0.93 2.87 14.5 1.13 5.27 Small Simple 5.1% 0.997 1.73% 6.73 0.71 1.62 9.76 1.48 2.86 11% 0.989 0.52% 6.53 0.54 1.35 10.13 1.29 2.57 Large Complex 4.4% 0.998 1.45% 2.60 0.67 1.14 3.95 1.16 1.90

Voltage Mode Control

Average Current Control

Single-Phase Buck Boost Flyback AC-DC Converter

Test results of AC mains voltage, AC mains current, output DC voltage and output DC current waveform of AC-DC flyback converter for load perturbation response on equivalent resistive load (60W to 200W to 60W). (Scale on X-axis 1div=20ms, Yaxis channel-1 1div =85V, channel-2 1div =5A, channel-3 1div= 100V, channel-4 1div= 2A)

Idc (A)

Vdc (V)

Vs (V), is(A)

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Cuk AC-DC Converter in DCM

Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter Inductors voltage and current waveforms in DCM

Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter CCM operation

Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter Inductors voltage and current waveforms in CCM

Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter in DCM Operation

To simplify the analysis, all quantities are referred to the primary side of the transformer. Volt-second balance on the inductor gives following equality: vo ' d = (1) v1r d1 where v o ' and v1r are output voltage (referred to primary) and rectified input voltage respectively. d is the duty ratio and d1 is the off period of switch, during which inductor currents decrease linearly. Assuming 100% efficiency for simplification, the current ratio is: i1 d = (2) i 2 ' d1 where i1 and i 2 ' are the input inductor current and output inductor current referred to primary side of the transformer.

Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter in DCM

First stage of Operation When switch is on, two inductor currents increase linearly with the voltage across them equal to input voltage. The equations of input and output inductor currents for the interval 0 < t < dTs (referring to Fig. 1b(i)) are given by:
i1 = i + v1r t L1
v1r t L2 '

(3) (4)

i2 '= i +

where i is the minimum input inductor current. Second Stage of Operation When switch is off, inductor currents decrease linearly with voltage across them equal to output voltage. Referring to Fig. 1b(ii) and Fig. 1c, inductor currents are given by:
vo ' t+ L1 v ' i2 '= o t + L2 ' i1 = v1r dTs + i L1 v1r dTs i L2 '


Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter in DCM

Third stage of Operation This is the stage when the diode current is zero. Averaged input and output inductor currents over a switching period can be given by [1]:
v1r i1 = dTs (d + d1 ) + i 2L1 v1r i2 '= dTs (d + d1 ) i 2L 2 '

(7) (8) (9) (10)

Sum of the input and output inductor currents is given by:

i1 + i 2 ' = 1 v1r d dTs 1 + 1 d 2 L eq d

L1L 2 ' Leq = where, L1 + L 2 '

Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter in DCM

By substituting the expression in eqn. (2) in to eqn. (9), we get:
d 1 v1r d i1 1 + 1 = dTs 1 + 1 d d 2 L eq d


After simplification it gives:

v1r d 2 Ts i1 = 2L eq

(12) (13) (14) (15)

It can be written as: i1 = I1 sin t where, v1r = V1 sin t

V1d 2Ts I1 = 2Leq

Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter Average and peak currents in the semiconductors and input inductor
Average current ( i sw av ) and peak current ( i sw pk ) of the MOSFET switch over a switching cycle are as:
v i sw av = 1r L eq d 2T s 2 + (I 1max + I 2max ' ).d


i sw pk = (I1max + I 2max ' ) (17) where I1max and I 2max ' are the maximum value of input inductor current and output inductor current (referred to primary) respectively. Average current ( i d av ' ), and peak current ( i d pk ' ) of the diode (all referred to primary) are as:
v i d av ' = o L eq d 2 Ts + (I 1max + I 2max ' ).(1 - d) 2

(18) (19)

i d pk ' = (I1max + I 2max ' )

Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter Average and peak currents in the semiconductors and input inductor
Peak voltage across switch ( Vsw pk ) and diode ( Vd pk ' ) (referred to primary) is given as: Vsw pk = Vd pk ' = Vinmax + Vo ' (20) The average current ( i L1av ) and RMS current ( i L1rms ) of input inductor are as: 2I i L1av = 1max (21)
I i L1rms = 1max 2


Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter Design Description in DCM and CCM

Step 1: Conversion ratio Defining the dc voltage conversion ratio (M) as, V M= o v1r


where, v1r = V1 sin t (24) For t = 90 , conversion ratio is obtained as the first step of the design. Here V1 is the peak value of input voltage. Step 2: Condition for operation in DCM and CCM Design must ensure the DCM operation, for which following inequality must hold good:
Ke < 1 2(M + n) 2


where K e is the conduction parameter and n is the transformer primary to secondary turn ratio.

Design Description in DCM and CCM

For CCM, following condition must be satisfied to ensure the continuous conduction mode of operation: 1 Ke > (26) 2(M + n) 2 K e is calculated for minimum value of M which occurs at minimum output voltage and maximum input voltage in CCM for given range of specification.
Step 3: Equivalent inductance ( L eq ) which is the parallel combination of L1 and L 2 ' , is given as:
L eq = K e R L Ts 2


where R L is the load resistance. Step 4: Duty Ratio The duty ratio for the given power (load resistance) in DCM is obtained by:
d= 2M K e


Design Description in DCM and CCM

Step 5: L1 and L 2 ' Design L1 can be obtained by considering the specified maximum current ripple for DCM as: 2L eq L1 = (29) dri where ri is p.u. ripple current. L 2 ' can be obtained using expressions for L1 and L eq in eqns. (29) and (10) respectively. Similarly, for CCM L1 and L 2 ' can be obtained by specified maximum current ripple allowed and eqn. (10).

Design Description in DCM and CCM

Step 6: Design of energy transfer capacitor C1 It has great influence on input current waveform. To avoid input current oscillations at every line half cycle, it is given by:
C1 = 1

r 2 (L1 + L 2 ' )


where, L < r < s Resonant frequency ( r ) should lie between line frequency ( L ) and switching frequency ( s ). Step 7: Output Capacitor Output capacitor is chosen according to specified ripple allowed in the output voltage. It can be achieved by following formula:
Co = 1 L rv R L min
R L min

(31) is the minimum load

where rv is the pu ripple in the output voltage and resistance.

Single-Phase Cuk AC-DC Converter Specifications

Input: V1 = 160 270VRMS , 50Hz, Single-Phase AC Supply Output: Vo = 98 132V adjustable with nominal value of 120V , Po = 2.6kW Output voltage-ripple less than 2% Switching frequency f s = ( s / 2 ) = 50kHz Design parameters for DCM mode: Transformer turn ratio (n) 1:1, L1 = 1500 H , L 2 = 4.3 H , C1 = 2.5 F , C 2 = 10 F , and Co = 30mF .

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Cuk AC-DC Converter

Source voltage and current in DCM at 100% load

Steady state output voltage in DCM at 100% load

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Cuk AC-DC Converter

Source voltage and current for 100% load in CCM

Steady state output voltage in CCM at 100% load

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Cuk AC-DC Converter

TABLE I Comparisons of Cuk Converter Operation in DCM and CCM at Full Load Quantity Input Current THD PF Ripple Factor Control Technique Size of Converter Circuit Simplicity DCM Operation 5.5% 0.998 to 1.0 1.83% 3.8% 0.9975 to 1.0 1.67% 60A Large Complex CCM Operation

Peak Current Through Device 170A Small Simple

Voltage Mode Control Average Current Control

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Cuk AC-DC Converter

Vs (V), is(A)

Test results of AC mains voltage, AC mains current, output DC voltage and output DC current waveform of AC-DC cuk converter for load perturbation response on equivalent resistive load (60W to 200W to 60W). (Scale on X-axis 1div=20ms, Yaxis channel-1 1div =175V, channel-2 1div =5A, channel-3 1div= 100V, channel-4 1div= 1.75A)

Idc (A)

Vdc (V)

Single-Phase SEPIC AC-DC Converter in DCM

Single-Phase SEPIC AC-DC Converter in DCM

Single-Phase SEPIC AC-DC Converter



Single-Phase SEPIC AC-DC Converter



Single-Phase SEPIC AC-DC Converter

Input: V1 =
230VRMS ,

50Hz, Single-Phase AC Supply

Output: Vo = 110V , Po = 1.5kW Output voltage-ripple less than 2% Switching frequency f s = ( s / 2 ) = 50kHz Transformer turn ratio (n) 1:1,
L1 = 1200 H ,

L 2 = 8.1 H , C1 = 1 F , and C o = 30mF .

PI controller parameters: gain = 0.308, time constant = 0.03.

Single-Phase SEPIC AC-DC Converter DCM


Source voltage and current in DCM at 100% load

Steady state output voltage in DCM at 100% load

Single-Phase SEPIC AC-DC Converter CCM


Source voltage and current in CCM at 100% load

Steady state output voltage in CCM at 100% load

Single-Phase SEPIC AC-DC Converter

TABLE I Comparisons of SEPIC Converter Operation in DCM and CCM
DCM Operation Quantity Input Current THD PF Output Ripple Normalized Current of Switch Normalized Current of Diode Control Technique Size of Converter Circuit Simplicity Peak Average RMS Peak Average RMS 10% Load 10% 0.994 0.22% 14.50pu 0.76pu 4.60pu 15.2pu 1.47pu 7.22pu Small Simple 100% Load 6% 0.997 1.27% 9.84pu 0.77pu 2.18pu 10.94pu 1.27pu 3.34pu CCM Operation 10% Load 3.8% 0.998 1.1% 3.24pu 0.71pu 1.50pu 3.17pu 0.93pu 1.68pu Large Complex 100% Load 8.5% 0.995 0.1% 3.14pu 0.78pu 1.39pu 3.15pu 0.98pu 1.56pu

Voltage Mode Control

Average Current Control

Single-Phase SEPIC AC-DC Converter

Test results of AC mains voltage, AC mains current, output DC voltage and output DC current waveform of AC-DC sepic converter for load perturbation response on equivalent resistive load (60W to 200W to 60W). (Scale on X-axis 1div=20ms, Y-axis channel-1 1div =150V, channel-2 1div =5A, channel-3 1div= 100V, channel-4 1div= 1.75A)

Idc (A)

Vdc (V)

Vs (V), is(A)

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Zeta AC-DC Converter in DCM

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Zeta AC-DC Converter in DCM

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Zeta AC-DC Converter in CCM

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Zeta AC-DC Converter in CCM

Single-Phase Zeta AC-DC Converter Specifications

Input: V1 = 220VRMS , 50Hz, Single-Phase AC Supply Output: Vo = 48V, Po = 1kW , output voltage-ripple less than 2% Switching frequency Transformer turn
f s = ( s / 2 ) = 50kHz





inductance Lm =100H , Lf =3mH , Lo =10mH

C1 =10F , Co =22mF , and Cf =100nF .

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Zeta AC-DC Converter in CCM

Source voltage and current in DCM at 100% load

Steady state output voltage in DCM at 100% load

Single-Phase Buck-Boost Zeta AC-DC Converter in CCM

Source voltage and current for 100% load in CCM

Steady state output voltage in CCM at 100% load

Single-Phase Zeta AC-DC Converter

Test results of AC mains voltage, AC mains current, output DC voltage and output DC current waveform of AC-DC zeta converter for load perturbation response on equivalent resistive load (60W to 200W to 60W). (Scale on X-axis 1div=20ms, Yaxis channel-1 1div =150V, channel-2 1div =3A, channel-3 1div= 100V, channel-4 1div= 1.75A)

Idc (A)

Vdc (V)

Vs (V), is(A)

Single-Phase Zeta AC-DC Converter

TABLE I Comparisons of Zeta Converter Operation in DCM and CCM
DCM Operation Quantity Input Current THD PF Output Ripple Normalized Current of Switch Normalized Current of Diode Control Technique Size of Converter Circuit Simplicity Peak Average RMS Peak Average RMS 10% Load 11% 0.993 0.62% 9.21 0.92 2.15 36.90 4.52 10.45 Small Simple 100% Load 4.98% 0.9975 1.99% 4.15 1.01 1.71 20.01 3.02 5.41 CCM Operation 10% Load 9.2% 0.994 0.67% 2.92 0.45 1.04 14.6 3.24 5.37 Large Complex 100% Load 1.36% 0.998 1.98% 1.75 0.62 0.95 8.73 3.17 4.57

Voltage Mode Control

Average Current Control

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