Janus 6.08
Janus 6.08
Janus 6.08
For those of you who have not been able to obta in all the issues of Janus that interest you we offer a comprehensive list of all back numbers t o enable
you to complete your collection. Every issue is fully illustrated and contains a liberal selection of readers' letters, accounts of personal experiences as
well as authoritative arti cles on various aspects of fetishism and spanking. Some of the features contained in each number are listed below. The original
small issues are SOp each post free and the later ones in the larger format are £1 each. In addition there is one Special Christmas number at 80p.
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A Magazine of Fetishism and C.P.
Volume Six Number Eight
By the time you read these words Miranda will no
Within Those Walls Richard Manton 10 longer be with us. Although she has had a very happy
time working for Janus, she told us some time ago that
Boys School No Girls World 20
she intended to rejoin her family in Australia. We are
I'd Rather be Caned Rosemary Hill 26 sure that all readers will join with us in wishing her
a safe and prosperous journey. We have loved having
The Landlady Colin James 37
her with us and the many readers and subscribers who
Home Sweet Home Joyce Field 44 spoke to her on the telephone will miss her as much
as we will. She sends her thanks to everyone, especially
Account Settled Sir Gillian Mason 49 those who wrote to her personally.
Unfortunately, we have not been able to find a re-
placement for her at the ~oment. When she does walk
PHOTO FEATURES out of this office for the last time we will just have to
• cope until we do find someone. We know it will be
Spanking Cousins 17 difficult to find a girl as competent and cheerful as
our dear Miranda, so wish us luck.
Spanked Before Breakfast 30
We have recently received some photographs from
readers, showing scenes of their own efforts at domestic
discipline, and one or two tentative offers to model for
DEPARTMENT us. See a letter on these lines in this issue. We would
be delighted to hear from other readers who might
Mailbag 5 like to submit photos of themselves for pubiication, or
who might be daring enough to model for us. We are
quite prepared to pay the usual fees. If there was
enough response we would like to run a regular feature
Editorial 3 on these lines.
Although many readers write in describing their
personal experiences of spanking, and so many people
tell us that not only is the letter section the best thing
in Janus but it is far superior to that in any other
magazine, we could still do with some more. We are
Janus, Published by Woodheath Ltd . Registered office: 4 Greens sure that there are many readers who have not previously
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pentance'. The witnesses noted that girls with piano wire. Even drun1head a fifteen-year-old like Elaine to wl1ip-
the spread cheeks of Janina's beb ind court-martials were di pen ed witl1 in ping a yo ung woman aged twenty-five
seemed to buck and thrust as if seated the eagernes of these represe ntatives or o er. She her e lf had seen ' n1a rks
on woven fire. of 'ci ilisation' to get on with the of wl1ipping' on twenty-e ight-yea r-old
When it wa over, the pretty sabo- fun. 'Flogged fo ur a nd l1ung six', PhilJi Blake, who wa entenced for
teur was ve ry so re indeed, but she wrote one chinle s sul1a1tern eagerly. such crin1cs a not getti ng up quickly
was still ali\e. Ahead of her lay a life 'If they run, they are hot for running enough in the morning! A s tl1e
which, though one of la very offered away.' Anotl1er one of E ngland's Chronicle report ed, th e re were war<l-
a good deal of leisure and luxury. upper cru t reported that l1e had made re e · or nur ·e · , li ke Ruth Bill who
Though her master migl1t birch the Jamai can hang one anoth er. 'The were a l o a llowed to whip yo ung
Janina s bottom it would be no wor e soldi er enjo ed it, was tl1e \'erdict women in t11eir twentie and hacl free
than a school punishment. More on the floggings. acce · to their bodie · for purpose of
often, her young back ide would But urely British justice dealt with 'hygiene'. Such was the sy tern wl1ich
probably face a much softer ordeal. this outrage? What happened to the felt so n1orally superior to tl1e Turks.
Janina would aln1ost certainly be flogger of innocent girls back in Etudes sur' la Flagellation cites
sedu ced or coerced into lesbian sex, England? Preci ely nothing. They cases which seem, in ome ways, very
but wa that really a fate worse than went Scot fr e. True the Governor of like that of Ja nina. One can almost
the firing- quad or the strangler's Jamaica wa made to retire for allow- picture, say, the young woman who
noose? ing such things to happen . But they was about twenty-five years old and
Respectable Victorian girls might ga e him a pe n ion ju t to how there named Le ley. Despite marriage and
th ink it was. Oddly enough, however, was no real ill-feeling. Cou Jdn t t reat kids, she was sexualJy ' libe ra ted' and
history does not record that any of him as though he was a filthy Turk, permissi e , in a n age which dealt
th·e thou ands of haren1 girls asked to after all. with such behaviour by sending her
to indefinite detention. Lesley was
. . . another row . . . over bare bottom birchings in a quite tall a nd trim, notwith tanding a
Chelsea school for girls. The birchings were so strict . . . couple of pregnancies. Like Jan ina,
after a public debate, the birch was outlawed for girls of but for other reason s, she cultivated
a ' unisex' trendine s, li er sl1ort fair
fourteen and the superintendent was instructed to use the hair sh aped to her head with a fringe.
cane strictly instead. Blue eyes, clear features, a nd wilful
mouth gave her a cha llengi ng a loof-
be taken out and shot or hung. In- An even better reason for regard- ness. Tight 'working trousers', like
deed, they see med to suggest that - ing our ancestors as a prize collection pale blue jeans, moulded her long,
if it were a11 the same to the British of hypocrites was the amount of boyish thighs. The tight seat showed
middle-class - tl1 ey wo uld actually corporal punishm ent authorised for that child-bearing had given a slight
like to be left where they were. Even girls by Engli h laws. The sore bot- but suggestive filling-out to the firm
Janina would get to like ome of the toms of Sally Barnes, Liz Reese, Char- cheeks of Lesley's bottom.
harem routines so much that she lotte Burton a nd others had b en The Turks might be forgiven for
wou ld probably have orgasms. But, head 1 in e new in the Morning thinking that Lesley was worse treated
as the Victorians knew, tl1at was Chronicle when Jame Miles, di ci- in the reformatory than she would
something which no decent women plinarian extrao rdinary, received the have been in the harem, by Norman-
indulged in. Love of home, children, thanks of a gra teful court and nation die's account. Her bovish ., co iffure and
and domestic duties, are the only for his work. The Fre nch were much the firm fu llness of her wifely young
passions they feel,' wrote Dr. William intrigued by the fate of fifteen-year- buttocks were constantly mocked, as
Acton in 1857. old E laine Cox, whon1 Miles had on n o harem girl was. She was given
1n 1876, neither the Turks nor . the a ll fours over the bircl1ing block for garden work, a nd kept bending to the
re t of the world were greatly im- thirty-six strokes of the cane across task of weeding. The wardresses
pressed by British protests over the her bare bottom. True, there was ruffled her cropped hair and stepped
whipping of girls like Janina. On such another row in the 1860s over bare- back to admire the fu ll-cheeked seat
iss ue , the E nglish ha e very conveni- bottom disc ipline in a Chelsea school of Lesley's jeans. They taunted her
ent memories. UntiJ 59 years previ- for girls. The birching were so strict with havi ng a lover who fancied
ou ly, public wh ipping of girl , in the that questions were even asked in young lads. They laughed at the ab-
streets rather th an in pri on, had still parliament. After a great public surdity of Lesley, who had actually
been allowable by Engli 11 law. Only debate, the birch was outlawed for given birth to kids, n1ak ing herself
nine years before, in 1865, the British girls of fourteen a nd over, a nd tl1e look so much· like a boy in order to
had gone on a whipping rampage in superintendant was instructed to use bend 'accidenta lly in front of her man
Jamaica which made Ja nina seem no the cane strictly instead! at every opportunity. They suggested
worse treated than a little girl with a Even young married women came that Lesley must have been desperate
smacked bottom. within the scope of private chast ise- to show him that she could take any-
On the pretext that a mutiny had ment and public correction. When thing which he gave his boys.
been planned, you ng British officers Fre nch writers like Georges Norman- This n1 ental cruelty, bred by Vic-
went hunting human prey in Jamaica, die, quoting from the history of cor- torian prudery a nd sexual envy, con-
flogging the girls and hanging the poral punishment, described the tan- trasted with act ual loving in the
men. Girls could of course, be flogged ning of yo ung married women in harem. Tl1e cynical French believed
and hanged, a well as flogged or reformatories alongside tomboys of that, under cover of puritanism a nd
hanged. A contemporary gbserver, fifteen or sixteen , they were right. It discipline, the reformatory master was
Justin McCarthy, was appalled at the was no secret, as Mary Lewes re- the one who actua ll y made use of
'delight in torturing' sh own by E nglish vealed to the Morning Chronicle, that Lesley's behind to relieve his feel-
gentlemen who chose to whip the James Miles would turn from caning ings. This seems preposterous, but
13 ..
The two other women stared at the woven tapestry of
discipline, striped and curling over the sturdy cheeks of
Lesley's bottom.
there is no doubt that James Miles there were knowing smiles at her in no idea th at Lesley s sentence was to
was obsessed by the seat of beauty! the mirror. be carried out the previous ni ght.
Every day he was able to order the With her jea ns down, she wore Making the pretty butch bend for in-
tight-seated young wife to bend over fleshings, best described as stocking- spec ti on, th e wo n1 an remarked that
for inspection in his room. The view . tights. Th rough the thin cotton , the the cane had been broken across
she offered was full but firm. With full moons of Lesley's bottom and L esley's backside. The tell-take curli-
her pants down, th e smooth pale the dusky cleft between were mistily cues on Le 1ey's twenty-five-year-old
globes of Lesley s botton1, as she bent vis ible. With a den1onstration cane, bum-cheeks had obviously been made
right over, would have offered a n the doctor traced the firm, proud con- by cord, which must have been used
irresistible temptation to such a man. tours of Lesley's back ide. H e raised to finish off the discipline.
Surely, thought tl1e French, he must her blushes by retailing 11er sexual ex- The other wardress explained the
have plumbed the pretty butcl1's back- perience and sl1owed that child-bear- misunderstanding. Lesley's sentence
side to its depths! ing had given an erotic broadening to was not due fo r several weeks. She
The indignant English answer is L esley s rump while keeping her in had merely been 'reprimanded' by the
that she would urely ha ve complain- trim. Wl1en the tights were peeled doctor for 'egging him on' by appeal-
ed or resisted furio usly. Perhaps. But down , L esley's a nus a nd the rear ing glances o er her shoulder and by
despite the constant tl1reat of being opening of her thighs was di splayed. ro unding her bottom in a suggestive
strained to love and of the whip, she This would have been unthinkable but rhythm as she bent over the table in
preferred to stay wl1 ere she was. The for the easy excuse of 'medical ex- fro nt of him. The matron laughed,
French view was that this showed that amination'. Inspecting Lesley's open telling L esley that if this was how she
L esley got furtive thrills from having cleft, he asked if she had been allowed liked her lovers to treat her, she
her bottom loved or that she was conj ugal visits. H earing she had not, would probably enjoy her sentence
kinky about being whipped. The he made a remark to the students almost as much as the man who in-
truth, as we shall see, is simpler. She about Lesley's obvious abuse of so me- fli cted it on her!
chose the horrors of reformatory sex thing intended by nature for other Janina would not have envied
and discipline because the alternative purposes! Lesley. When the time of the sentence
was actua lly worse. They asked if use of a 'flexible came, she was led to the familiar
If the rest of the world doubted discipline' was ruled out by her con- room with its high vault and stone
that the Britisl1 had yet to establish dition. The doctor replied that Lesley floor. In the centre was the birching-
the ir case to be hypocrites in matters was responsible fo r her condition and block, over wl1ich the young woman
of discipline, proof was soon a t hand. that there would be no restriction. was secu red on all fours. She wore
Miles's technique was to 'sentence' When he announced her fit for the nothing for her punishment except a
yo ung women like Lesley to the whip whip, they saw the white Amazonian woollen top pulled up to her ribs.
for vari ous offe nces. In most other cheeks of Lesley's bottom clench in The three or fo ur official witnesses
countries, sentence was infli cted at fright. Then they sought in the mirror sat to· the rear, their eyes glittering
once. But in England the ritual of the wide blue eyes under the little- with smug satisfaction at seei ng a
medical examina ti on was lovi ngly boy fri nge. liberated a nd trendy yo ung woman
carried out. Lesley was informed that The doctor opened a drawer on the positioned for full prison di scipline.
a prison whipping would be given in far side of the table, where Lesley In the view of these portly gentlemen,
a month or so. But in a day or two looked forlornly down into it. It con- L esley had earned every stroke. She
the doctor can1e to examine her for tained medical aids, a bottle of soap, had flouted moral conventi on. Though
it. The Contagi ous Diseases Act was a bowl, a squirt, and r ag. There was a she displayed the full seat of a girl
a handy pi ece of English law, against spare demonstration cane and some who had bo rne children, her urchin
which Josephine Butler and others old sash-cord recently replaced from crop and boyish figure suggested a
campaigned ·resolutely. In such cases the window. It was obviously insecure, perverse attraction to her own sex or
as this, it empowered the doctor to because knots had been tied in it at the encouragem ent of perversion
take Lesley's pants down, to position regular intervals. among men. Th ey must have regret-
her as he wished, and to fiddle with The doctor fini shed the final and ted that, unlike their predecessors,
her for as long as he liked. The French most intimate part of the inspection they were not entitled to use a tailed
might be biased, but there is no reason alone with Lesley. It was so searching and knotted whip.
to doubt the account of medical ex- that the young woman was still tear- The pony-switch which the master
aminations. ful the next morning. The matron, took up was tapering leather with a
The doctor examined her in front called to the scene, fo und Lesley in short cord ' tail' . Eagle-eyed, the wit-
of several invited students. Having her white shift and no drawers on. nesses watched. Fastened over the
checked her heart and pulse, he Ordered to dress at onee, the boyish block, her backside spread by the
ordered L esley to bend over the table, young wife turned her back. The two posture, and seeming all the fuller
whose leather cuffs aided her to re- other women stared at the woven for the slight erotic fattening given
main in place. Like the prison staff, tapestry of discipline, striped and by child rearing, Lesley was forced
the students had already been in- curling, over the sturdy cheeks of into the position of a girl who seemed
trigued by the tall, trim young woman Lesley's bottom, some of the lines to be deliberately presenting her bare
with her urchin crop and long legs. disappearing from sight. bottom to a group of men in her most
When Lesley bent, th e seat of her The matron remarked that it was vulgarly suggestive manner. Th e
jeans broadening in a wifely fullness, no wonder there were tears. She had master measured the supple switch
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aer o the pale m oon of L esley's The witne ses asked fo r this ordeal lo ud a nd rude warning t o th ose
b um-cheek le tting her feel the to be repeated , obv io usly regarding behind her, like a cl1eek y street-girl.
nienace of cool leath er a nd the co rd th e cord as a ppropri a te d isc ipline. And, a t this, th e w itne e look ed a t
tail lyi ng lightly down her lower T he whip-cr ack-whip wa followed by on e a not her, moutl1s ro unding in
cheek-cu rve a nd the top of her thigh . a c rescend of girl-frenzy as the cord mock o utrage, but the ir eyes smiling.
'Thirty-six trokes aero yo ur back- fo und its place. Th e witnesses look ed Like m ost offi c ia ls th ey felt that a
sid e L e ley ' ai d the ma ter. ' G e t with grim a pproval a t the a rrogant liber a ted yo ung won1 a n needed tak ing
rig ht over the blo k a nd mak e sure yo ung face of the pret ty culprit, eyes down a peg o r two. Th ey im agined
tha t your botto m face th e wi tnesses b rimming a nd n o t r il fla red, as Lesley L esley looking back a t wha t she ha d
fu lly thro ugho ut th e di ipline.' howled like a 11 ttle girl ge tting her don e a nd almo t d ying of humilia ti on.
As a ny Victoria n di cipli na ri a n . fi rst real pa nking. A pa rt fro m tur n- So wh y after such thing did gi rls
knew, thirty- ix was tl1e m ystic nun1- ing her bo ttom lightly fro m side to like L e ley choose to t ay in the re-
ber. In 1897 Mar ha l Vi ne, W a rden side sh e had 1i ttle roo m for ma noe- fo rm a to r y ra the r th a n be hired out?
of a R ed h ill reforn1a to ry, was in uvre. When he pres ed on pa ln1s and A boo k like Old and ew London
trouble wi th a parlia mentary com- knees, as if t ryi ng t push he rself up hawed, the hire r were only too eager
m i sio n over th o rt of ta nning gi en from the block, L esley's back ide was to use th ei r own whip o n yo ung
to Le ley. T he membe rs uggested offe red eve n m ore fully a nd she only women of that ort. T11e volume
that eightee n trokes ougl1t to be the ma de herself still n1 o re vulnerable. illustrated a scene in whi ch su ch a
maxi n1un1. T h e R evere nd Mr. V ine The eave d roppe rs o utside the door girl is tied up a nd w h ipped by o ne
was ind igna n t. H e in i ted on l1 is right listened wi th profe ion al interest t o woman wh ile a no ther looks eagerl y
to give ' three doze n. ' T hen 11e added tl1ese proceedings. T hey h eard L esley on. P erh a ps L e ley knew o f the fate
pro udly: 'And I l1ave done it! ' A plead fo r a reprieve, even a pa use in of Sarah Ba k er. She knew wha t w o uld
boy i ·h look ing you ng ho u ewife w ith the wh ipping. They recogni sed the happen if she jo ined Sa ra h in the
libe ra ted a nd tre ndy idea was g ua ra n- fra nti c ex cu es g iven for tha t pause: service of J oseph H a nk in s. It w ould
teed to ro use th e zea l o f ucl1 a di ci- the need fo r smelling salts, the urgent be a whipped botto n1 fo r L esley
plinaria n. One Lesley was bottom- use of som e receptacle, the willingness several tim es in u cces io n fro m Mr.
upward ove r the block, the only to present h er bo ttom m ore properly H ask in , a nd th en a bir ching from his
questi on was 11ow to n ure th a t the to th e w itne es if he was o nly given son for good n1 ea u re. 0 r, in 1868,
discipline reall y 'sea rched her' with its a respite to rearrange herself. And she m ight have f a lien into the mis-
judic ial ang ui h. In fac t, as L esley then the h igh-pi tc hed confession of fo rtunes of M a ry Th om as. In tha t
presented her pread backside to her n ot being able to bear a ny m ore. In a case, Lesley's bot to m wo uld first have
m aster, there was no pro blem. Given murmur, one of the witnesses inform- been caned. Salt would have been
the switch w ith its cord ta il, h e was ed the boy ish yo ung wife tha t the re massaged into the o ren ess. Then to
a crac k sh ot a nd could find the bulls- were twelve to go a nd th a t, of co urse, ch ortles of 'That i n ' t ha lf enough ,'
eye unerringly when h e chose it. sh e would 11ave n o cho ice but to bear from o th er girl looki ng on , she wo uld
The face tha t L esley now turned them. have been w h ipped 11a rd. Even if the
to the witnes es was w id e-eyed with A m odern p ych ologist wo uld have law inte rve ned a nd dec ided the pun-
apprehensio n under the little-boy n o ti ced th a t the di cipl ina ria ns were ishme nt was cruel the court would
fringe. The master measured the parti cula rly strict w itl1 L esley because awa rd only a £3 fine. The fla gella tion
strok e w ith infin ite care across th e full she had obv iously h ad regula r sex brothels m igl1t we ll have complained
pale cr owns of Le ley's bum-cheeks. a nd ha d also endured ch ildbirtl1. They tha t the cour ts were ruining their
Even before the fi rst ta te of d isci- belie ed th ere was therefore n o reason trade.
pl ine, the yo ung wo ma n was ten ing to spa re he r a ny of the pa in o r em- The fa te of such young wom en
the full m oon of h er smooth seat, ba rrass me nt. It is s ignificant tha t under refo rm a to ry d iscipline was ba d
her skin ob io u ly craw ling wi th fea r- they a lm ost wanted to punish her for enough . It was not only in her tight
ful app reh n io n a t the warning to uch having had sex ual experie nce. The jeans tha t the wa rdresses h ad L esley
of the cold lea th e r. peni and the wl1ip were clo ely as- bending. Tl1e tall tr im young wom a n
H e raised th e w itch a nd brought it soc ia ted in the ir dealings with Lesley's a lso ha d to bend wjth them d own.
whistle-c rack ing down in a strok e bo tto m. Sig mund Fre ud was soon to So metimes it was fo r a caning across
that niade the stone vaulting r ing. ha e som e thing to say a bout tha t. th e sh apely globes of L esley's back-
L esley gasped a t the f ra ntic sm a rt, h er side. But the glass probes, and the
thighs ten ing urgently together a nd T o be fa ir a bout it, it was no t only glass sq·u irt with its soap soluti on a nd
h er smoo th pa le bottom-globes r ound- the m agi sterial wi tnesses wh o had bulb were also a uthorised. T o res ist
ing a nd writhing a t the witnesses. One o methjng to a n wer fo r. W a rdresses hygi ene was a king or d iscipline. No
witness ask ed to see her ge t six mo re like Ruth B ills, or Mary L ewes, or one co uld count the titnes Lesley had
a cross the striped cheek-crowns, and Phyllis D a wes, were eager listeners at been k ept bending w ith just the soft
these were gi en. Anoth er requested the door. Th ey listened t o the wrest- rubber peeping into view.
tha t she be given six trok es running ling of L esley's back ide as tl1e pre tty The m ea ure of ' the E nglish vice' is
on the fa tter lower c urve of h er but- butch squirmed und er the agonising not only that Janina was a lo t better
tock s. The weals rose like bra nded sm a rt, the ir m ouths open a nd eyes off tha n L esley. It was tha t L esley
fire, a nd then the n1 aster ch ose one wide. With a n a lmost academi c inter- preferred to take h er reformatory
cheek s a t a time, th e tell-tale cord est they h eard he r scream several punishments r a th er th a n be handed
also find ing its t a rget repeatedly. na mes, pres uma bly those of boy- over to the m erc ies of the outside
L esley's face een1ed frozen, open- frie nds, o r l1u sbands, if an y, or even world . Sm a ll wonder tha t tha t world
mouthed a nd breatl1less a t the agonis- of kids. During th e fi nal strokes, as la ughed th e case out of co urt when
ing impact of so ma ny bulls-eyes in a the whipped cheeks of the m a ture irresponsible people tried to prosecute
row. Wh en she ca ught her breath, she yo ung bo ttom a rcl1ed a nd contorted a fine upstanding c itizens like J am es
was heard o n the fa r side of the few fee t in fro nt of the witnesses, the Miles or, later on, the Reverend Mr.
building. listening wo men heard L esley emit Vine.
'I wish I'd never told my cousin Jimmy about
the times I used to get spanked at school!'
'I hope Mum never finds out what happens
after the spankings, otherwise. I wouldn't he
ahl to sit down or a wee ! !'
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My mother had obtained the posi- was a vital difference between St. be remaining thus for long. I, sixteen-
tion as matron at St. Lukes! I was Luke's and the other schools. The year-old Felicity, was determined that
delighted. She had applied for several latter were all-girl; St. Luke's was I should make my presence felt, and
jobs, but I had been hoping secretly boys only! make it felt to my advantage. It
that it would be this one which would would not be difficult. With my long
be the successful application. There 'Boys only,' did I say? It would not dark hair and developing body, I pos-
sessed few doubts concerning my girls' convent school. How I hated it boys fancied me, despite my drab
sexual attractiveness, my sensuality as I dressed up on my first morning schoolgirl clothing. They eyed me up
even. in the conventional school tunic that and down with as much excitement
I had hoped I 11ad placed far behind as I had anticipated they would had
I imagined what an easy and pleas- me. I had intended to wear much I been in my low-cut dress.
ant existence lay ahead of me. All the more alluring attire had I attended I was well advanced for my age,
boys would be trying to court me, classes with the boys. and my breasts bulged through the
worshipping my body, and performing I swiftly n1anaged to comfort my- skimpy material. There was always a
any little task I might choose to ask self. I was, after all, only away during bounce to them, and I made sure my
of them. I felt my shapely figure, the the daytime. There should be plenty school tie twisted away from the
rounded curves of my bottom. How of · opportunity to play school sex- centre of my blouse, so they could
have a greater hint of the feminine
secrets I was hiding. Sometimes, when
I bent over, I sensed the boys staring
at my rear. I knew tl1ey were hoping
to catch fleeting glimpses of my
stocking-tops and the legs of my
knickers. What power I seemed to
possess! I bad a plump bottom, and
when no staff were around, I would
deliberately waggle it as I walked past
the boys. I heard the half-smothered
whistles and gasps. They were exactly
what I had expected.
My daily routine was hemmed in
by restrictions however - restrictions
which caused considerable frustration.
My time for actual communication
with the boys was remarkably sparse.
Before I crept downstairs from my instructed to lower hi s clothing. for he was extremely conscious of his
bedroom I was shaking more with I was compelled to take on the role position and reputation.
elation than witl1 fear. I was too in- of spectator. My legs wobbled, and I The head 's voice boomed once
toxicated by love to envisage that we wanted to look away. I had no desire more. 'I have only two more strokes
might be caught. to see my beloved have such terrible to give Gregson. Perhaps you would
Malcolm clasped me in his arms, punishment inflicted upon him. There care to prepare your own daughter
and our bodies eemed to melt against was no kick for me now in seeing a now, Matron? As she is of the weaker
each other. Breatl1ing heavily, I felt man's genitals exposed and degraded. sex and comparatively new to this
for his penis. His hands were already Malcolm was mine, and each agonized establishment, she will have only six
fumbling over my knickers, and I en- administered.'
couraged him to feel inside them. I 'Only six!' Those words horrified
was not going to go all the way, but me. Suddenly I was standing bolt up-
I wanted to show him that I was his. right. The sigh t of Malcolm s bloated
He whi pered words of love as he felt flesh was before me, showing me what
the secrets between my thighs, telling I was in for. I had anticipated a
me how precious my quim was. spanking, but never in my worst mom-
The light went on. It was my ents of despair pad I envisaged the
mother. cane might be used upon my delicate
She stared at our dishevelled state skin. I was a girl! This barbaric pun-
with an icy coldness. Automatically, ishment was the preserve of males. I
we fell apart, and straightened our must be in a dream, mustn't I?
clothing. I started to gabble on about I made a half movement to escape,
how innocent it all was and how we but my mother's strong arm was upon
loved ... me. As the final two ghastly cracks
It was useless. cut into Malcolm's wounded posterior,
'I will report you both to the head- I was being bent right over and my
master first thing in the morning.' gymslip was tl1rown over my head.
She said nothing else. My mother Then my knickers came down to my
knew how to do her job, and how to knees, so that the assembled com-
show her displeasure to her daughter. pany might view my everything. At
She stalked upstairs. I followed, my that precise moment, I was too filled
insides trembling. with fear to take in that once all-
I did not sleep that night. My important fact. Modesty had gone to
gues es as to what might happen were the wind. My worry was the physical
wild and multifarious. The next morn- pain.
ing I had to go straight off to the My mother held my arms down.
convent without a chance to confer Only then did it dawn on me that it
with Malcolm. I spent the day in a was not she who was to deliver the
nightmarish trance. strokes!
I expected there to be some message The menacing shadow of the head-
when I returned home. ·There was master was over me. I closed my eyes
none. I11deed, I learnt nothing of my and clenched my teeth.
fate until a nerve splitting moment CRACK! The cane had cut right
after Prayers that evening. The head- across my bottom, its texture burying
master made a few routine announce- itself in my skin. The pain was unlike
ments, and then his voice rang out anything I had ever experienced
with a crystal clarity. before, and I screamed out at the top
'Malcolm Greg on and Felicity! of m y voice. Quickly, my m other
Come up here, please. The re~ t of you shoved a· handkerchief into my
may sit down.' mouth, warning me to keep quiet.
It was only then that I observed CRAAACK! The cane seared into
my mother was sitting in an unac- another spot some distance up, and I
customed position at the front of the expression which crossed his face felt my disfigured flesh swell up in
stage. My eyes darted about. There crossed mine as well. anger.
was a cane on the headmaster's The two other boys held him down My bottom was permitted no
lectern. As I stumbled past the so firmly, he could not move. A s I saw respite. Another slam caught the tops
shuffling boys, my heart sank to what that cane being raised high in the air of my thighs, just on that sensitive
I believe to be its very depths. My above his quivering buttocks, I felt crease at the overhang ot the but-
mother must surely be there to ad- close to fainting. I had to lean against tocks. I danced about like mad. The
minister another, even more heinous a ptllar to support my elf. I tried not rod had also lightly grazed my
spanking. And for poor Malcolm . . . to look at Malcolm's bottom as the pudenda.
the cane! cane zoomed down, but my mother Two boys were summoned to assist
We stood on the stage like statues, directed my attention. my mother in holding me down. My
while our offence was outlined to the How cruel to have to see him punishment was only half over and I
school. I did not take in the details. suffer! I respected him so much. His was already in unbearable agony. My
But I heard tl1e head's voice when he yelps stung me. They were emitted in- cheeks were burnt and my sex stung.
inf or med Malcolm that he would be voluntarily as the strokes rained down Furthermore, the boys holding me
24 ~
was sent to my bedroom.
So passed the rest of my life at
St. Luke's. How I cursed the fact that
my mother had got the job! Even my
evening meal had to be taken alone.
None of the boys took one iota of
interest in me. I was too scared my-
self to try and initiate anything.
Whenever my mother thought my
• behaviour at all negligent, she would
privately spank or cane me. Before
moving to St. Luke's, she would never
have dreamt of doing such a thing to
her teenage daughter!
I longed to leave the school. When
I did finally come out into the wide
open world, I did however practice
the precepts inculcated into me at that
school. No longer did I try to battle
to the top with the cheap weapon of
my sexuality. Holding myself aloof
from such things, I employed the
same tools as any man does - my
mind and the fierce fire of my own
34 •
Miss Haines smiled as she watched the snivelling girl
leave the room, knowing that under that tight skirt
the plump buttocks were squirming in agony after being
justly striped with a cane for their owner's misdemean-
ours. Oh how she had howled as the pliant rod had
done its duty, mercilessly finding and leaving its mark
- a mark which stretched from the side of one cheek
across the crease to the far side of the other buttock.
Miss Haines ran a Boarding House, duties to be carried out etc. The Chastisement took place on Thurs-
a large Victorian monstrosity which system was enfarced by giving the day nights, not immediately after the
she had inherited from an aunt eight girls a straight choice: either they offence. Today was Thursday. Usually
years ago. In the early days she had could leave immediately or they could Miss Haines only had one miscreant
run the place as a private hotel but be chastised by Miss Haines. In the to chastise at any one session but
gradually its character had chapged, majority of cases the lure of the low today was different: she had four. The
and now it was, in effect, a hostel for rent and Miss Haines good, if unim- first had been Sybil, the girl who just
young women. She allowed single aginative, cooking swayed the balance left the room. She had heen discov-
girls to stay for a minimum rent al- and the girls opted for the latter. ered stealing money from her room
though they usually had to double up 'Chastisement' could have several mate's purse and, being seventeen,
in rooms and had to help with the meanings, since the precise Miss had thus been sentenced to twelve
domestic chores. She had conceived Haines had devised a scale of punish- strokes of the cane. When a girl was
of this scheme from genuine pity for ments. For the most minor offences, to be caned or was to receive the
what she called "deserving cases''. - like failing to make her bed, a girl strap she was first invited to remove
girls from broken homes or with would receive an over-the-knee hand all protective garments below the
special problems. And, indeed, Miss spanking - not usually a very painful waist - skirt, pants, tights, even
Haines was much respected in the experience but accompanied by the stockings - and if she was foolish
locality for her ''good work'', as the embarrassment of a bare bottom ex- enough to be wearing a dress rather
Vicar termed it: the Local Authority posed to Miss Haines' gaze; for a sub- than skirt or trousers, this too would
had given her a grant to help mod- sequent offence of a like nature a come off leaving her clad only in a
ernise and charitable groups in the large wooden clothes brush was sub- bra - assuming, of course, she was
area raised money to keep the good stituted for the hand and this made wearing one. Then she would be led
work going. What all these good even the most insensitive buttocks to the large, old-fashioned sofa and
people did not know about was her bounce. For more serious misdeeds a placed over the high arm, her feet on
system of discipline, although no soft leather strap, a full three feet in the floor and her head and arms
doubt many would have approved. length, was applied with great effect; stretched across the seat; the high arm
and for the most serious matters a of the sofa would force the naughty
The system of discipline was very well balanced cane thrasl'!ed the peni- bottom upwards, spreading it nicely
simple. In the last few years she had tent rump to easy submission. The for punishment. Standing to the
built up a system of house rules, all, number of strokes awarded depended bottom's left, Miss Haines had plenty
she was convinced, for the benefit of entirely on age: twelve strokes for of space to swing cane or strap onto
the girls. These included such things the sixteen and seven teen year olds, the offending flesh poised below.
as the time to be in at night, inevit- eighteen for those who had reached All would now be nearly ready and
ably, no men allowed in girls' rooms, majority and a blistering twenty four Miss Haines would select the imple-
a ban on lesbian type activities, no strokes for all over the age of twenty- ment of correction. She only had one
stealing or ''borrowing'', domestic one. strap; made of the finest leather, it
37 ..
was three feet long, an inch and a way down aga in , thi time finding the
half wide and a quarter of an inch ' ow Jane you have been well-po itioned left buttock ready to
thick· well swung it produced the a naughty girl and I have receive it. The aim wa perfect and
ugliest of weals on fine young but- to puni h you for your own the brush felt f ron1 the edge of the
tocks and qu ick repentence from the cheek to the er ase, bringi ng the red
writhing victim. She had several good.' hue in its wake.
canes, all vi rtually identical being The young body jerked again a nd
three foot in length, quite thin and 'Did you hear what I said, Jane? Jane's mall hands hot up to protect
very flexi ble~ in addit ion there was Get ready.' Jane jumped hesitated th e tender fi e. h from this punishing
an extra-long cane but niore of that a nd th en slowly unzi pped her kirt. It fu ry. Quickly Miss Haines gathered
later. So the hapless Sybil had pre- dropped to the floor followed shortly the wrist in her left hand and held
sented her plump bare bottom to a by a fti m. y petticoat. Finally her them in the mall of Jane's back; an
selected cane, and twelve times the young rump's last hope of protection added torture si nce the outstretched
punishing wand had descended tor-· was removed as the tight little knick- finge rs were so close to aiding the
menting the tender buttocks of this ers were rolled off the hips and slid hard-pressed buttocks bu t yet quite
wide-hipped girl. down the shapely thighs past the powerles in Mi Haines' fi rm grip.
Sybil's correcti on completed, Miss knees to the ankles, whence to the SMACK - 'Yceow!' The third blow
H aines was awaiting the arrival of floor. Clad only in her jersey she "
had found its . n1al1 target , th i. time
Jane, a young woman of nin eteen waited, sobbing. co ncentrating on th e well-stretched
who had neglected her domestic Miss Haines opened a cupboard crease. Jane th rashed wildly trying to
chores. A spank ing had been ordered and removed a wooden -backed clothes escape f ron1 th ose knees which posi-
but, unfortunately for her, she had brush the back worn shiny from fre- tioned her hot tom so well. But it was
been over Miss Haines' lap only three quent application to na ughty bottoms · to no avail. The experienced Miss
weeks earlier for similar forge tfulness: many times had it pounded resilient H aines held thi s sensit ive body firn1ly
thus the clothes brush would be in young flesh each time reduci ng soft and kept the buttocks pointi ng up-
action today. Th ere was a kn ock at white skin to a burning scarlet. Hold- wards in chei r puni ·hmen t posit ion.
the door and a petite redhead entered. ing the brush loosely in her right 'Keep still ' she snapped, 'you are
Her clothes, a loose jersey and a knee- hand, Miss Haine sat down on a making n1orc fu than a ten year old.'
lngth skirt, did not disguise her slim straight backed wooden chair. A nd her ·trong right a rm brought the
but pleasantly curved body, just as her 'Come over my lap, Ja ne.' he spoke bru sh down with all its strength to
nice smile at Miss Haines did not softly. Jane, still sobbing walked over seek out the a yet unt ouched taut
disguise the fact that she had been and bent herself aero s the waiting fie h where r ight buttock n1erges with
crying in pre-punishment remorse. knees, but not to Mi ·_ Haines' satis- th igh. The point of contact was slight-
Miss H ain es rem embered Jane's faction: ly higher th an inten9ed, overlapping
last spanking: her small bottom h ad 'Move forward Jane. You know flesh already vi ited by the brush but
proved very sensiti ve to the hard, but the proper position for pan king by the effect wa a. de. ired: Jane howled
not particularly severe hand which now: stick that bottom up.' Jane slid and struggled a he had not struggled
had dealt justice eighteen times and forward until she was in the correct before: the burning bottom raised
had jerked violently each t ime the position, body nicely arched with head several inche and the thighs spread,
hand met the firm rou nd flesh. low and hands and feet on the floor; forgetting all modesty · at the other
'Co me in, Jane. Are you ready?' uppermost, the kin tretched tight, end , young breasts fough t to escape
'Oh please, Miss Haines, I'm very were the small round buttocks, still the restrai ning bra. Struggle as she
sorry ' said Jan e 'and I promise I virgin white awaiting the brush to might, her bottom was ·still ready for
won't forget again. 1 didn't mean to address them with puni ·hing fury. The the punishment brush. SMACK . . .
forget really I didn't! ' beautiful clear skin trembled in un- a similar spot on the left cheek was
'That's nice of you Jane, to apol- happy anticipation. treated, th is tin1e the blow falling
ogise~ and I accept your apology, but ' ow Jane, you have been a slightly lower and to ti ch ing on the
T'm afraid you still must be punished.' naughty girl and I have to punish you thigh it elf. Th i time Miss Haines'
Miss Haines sound ed complacent. for your own good. I am going to firm grip was nearl y not enough as
'Oh but please, Miss H aines, my smack your bottom eighteen tim es the buttocks a rched upwards and the
poor bottom ... ' with the back of this hairbrush. Be- legs kicked madly.
'Stop being si lly, Jane.' Mi s H aines lieve me, I don't like having to spank 'I'm sorry, T'm sorry. Please stop:
spoke sha rply 'your bottom is the a you ng woman of your age like a I can't take any more ... '
same as any other girl's bottom - two naughty schoolgirl, said Miss H aines, 'Don't be silly, Jane. You ca n and
mounds of flesh ideally suited for re- raising the cloth es bru h above her will take it - eighteen tim es before
ceiving pain from all forms of im- head but keeping it lined up on the I stop.' And even as sh e spoke the
plement, but not suffering any lasting cringing you thful bottom, 'but I fear brush was sweeping downwards to
damage.' that it's the only way you will learn.' spank th e lowe t part of the crease,
'But my bottom is so sensitive ... ' Jane howled desperately: joining the areas reached by the last
'Nonsense! I shall get really angry 'Oh please, Miss Haines I . . . two blows. Jane was now crying o
in a minute. I don't intend to tell you Yeeeeow! ' The w 11- wu ng brush had loudly th at the ound of the smack
again: all girls' bottoms are equipped fou nd its ta rget, corching the trim could hardly be heard, but its effect
for spanking, whatever shape or size right cheek and the hip to the crease. was obvious to the eye as the target
they may be· and there is no difference Jane's legs jerked and a ripple of coloured.
between spanking a young woman movement spread to tl1e buttocks, She turned her a ttenti on to the top
with wide hips and large fleshy but- thrusting them upwards moment arily; of these mall buttocks, the only part
tock and a girl like you with a com- a pleasing red mark replaced the yet to be chri tened by the brush, the
pact little behi nd. Now get ready! ' vi rg in white on the r ight of this small only part till whi te although a pink
Jane burst into tears bu t did not move. bottom. The clothes brush was on its hue wa preading from below. W ith-
fit. Someone had to discipline these effectively as one? There was a knock question which had really been rheto-
young women and she was prepared on the door. Yes, life was fun and at rical. His parties were now a great
to meet the challenge: it was her least she was doing her duty: success since a member of his com-
duty. She smiled to herself. She did 'And how many can say that,' she mittee - 'the committee for the pro-
enjoy Thursdays: it was nice to have spoke to the opening door ... tection of youth' - had started to
so much fun and really be doing one's 'Quite dedicated, I would say,' the stand outside Miss Haines' window
duty at the same time. Two more speaker for the chairman of a local with a cine camera every Thursday
girls to come - Penny and Liz: they charitable group, one of the many night. As his friend had put it:
were going to receive a joint caning groups which had helped Miss Haines' 'Sell these, and we will have enough
- bent over the sofa together and cause, 'and that last one had a beauti- money to protect youth in this area
being caned together with the extra- ful bottom; and what a hiding! Would for the next twenty years.' And he
long cane· th is was an experiment but you like to see the next reel?' A could entertain his guests too: a
surely two bottoms could be caned as chorus in the affirmative greeted the double bonus indeed.
40 ..
In Delinquent Daughter, Jill cannot help another ·aucy yo ung nii ~ · cheeky to an feared instrun1ent of punishn1ent being
her elf. Constantly in trouble, it i a ln10 ta oulrageou degree, Vvho taunt her n1olher's applied to reluctant bottoms.
if . he i po itively begging to be ·panked . lover until he Anally lo cs hi temper. Katrina di ~ covers. f ron1 the very begin-
School of· Discipline feature a reform !vlernoir.~
oj·a Di.\cip/i11aria11 i a narrati ve ning of her ubjection to corporal punish-
·chool po pulated with extren1ely naughty co nsi ·ting o f a nun1ber of anecdote · n1ent, that pain i not all unpleasurable.
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an agoni. ing dilen1na. Should he allo~ game. Ben, the hero/ victin1 of Mistress Marily n
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~he accept imn1ediate ju tice in the forn1 of it i ·. There are vivid de cription of thi when he n1eet the don1 inant heroine he
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Th e heroine of Bend 0Per Runty is £2.25 Each inc. p&p I quickly
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Both these collections of spanking
material will appeal to the serious
student of the subject. They are com-
prehensive surveys of spanking life is a vivid description of the upbringing and flowering into womanhood of the
and literature combining fact and lovely Gina. Her mother, the beautiful, hot-bloo~ed Ma~ia demands and ~e~s
fiction and accompanied by a shrewd frequent spankings from her lovers, and the qu~st10~ t~at 1s. constantly posed. 1n
commentary. The first volume is this intriguing novel is whether the modest heroine w11l 1nher1t the same pench~nt
concerned with the 18th & 19th
for spanking and humiliation. Will Gina also find that she has an. overwhelming
centuries and the second brings us up urge to lower her knickers and present her naked bottom for ~~e k~ss ?f the ca~e?
to modern times . Appropriat~ draw-
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ings and phc tographs adorn the
between her natural gentleness and the deep passions that swirl beneat_h ~he
texts which also contain long quota-
surface. As her character develops her desire for puni~h.ment an~ subm1ss1on
becomes paramount. Gina's experiences of the rod are v1v1dly described by John
tions from numerous rare and priv-
Saxon in this brilliant narrative of modern discipline.
ately printed books.
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2nd Anthology £2. 75 inc. p&p.
When Dupont, the suave and curious Frenchman, inveigles his way into a . '10.00) D
secluded, exclusive boarding school for patrician young ladies, the reader can be
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Bend Over Bunty ( £2.25 or .. 10.00) 0
wield the cane on the delectable bottoms of the schoolgirls soon lead him into an Linda's Choice ( £2.25 or S10.00) 0
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Mistress Marylin ( £2.25 or . 10.00) D
It was a bit cramped in the back of she whispered. 'Because of him finding caught you taking that money ... ?'
the car. The beginnings and endings out about you and that boy?' 'Do I?' broke in Mandy, 'I should
of holidays always seemed to be like Jilly eased herself lower in the seat, say ... '
that - all of a rush, things forgotten, putting her lips closer to Mandy's Jilly nudged her to be quiet. 'And
luggage that wouldn't fit, bags and ear in a conspiratorial way. do you r_e member how you had to
baskets and parcels all lumped in to- 'Yes, I think so,' she said, 'but I've take those notes to school about you
gether in the back of the car, along got an awful feeling that there's more not doing games and P.E. because you
with the two girls, making the journey to it than that.' had flue or something, but really it
irritating and wearisome, especially 'What do you mean,' asked a mysti- was because your bum was all bruised
coming home. fied Mandy. for days and days afterwards?'
The sun was hot thrqugh the win- Jilly put her lips right up against the Mandy nodded.
dows, and Mandy was finding the heat other girl's ear. 'D';you remember him 'Well,' said Jilly, 'that's it, that's
on the back of her neck too much asking us yesterday wl1en we were due why we've come home early.'
for comfort, so she rested her head back at school, and we said next Mandy looked at her sister, without
against her sister's shoulder and began Thursday?' comprehending. 'That's what?' she
to wonder if the journey would ever 'Y-es.' said. 'What's why we've come home
end. 'Well, it was just after he asked us early. What the hell are you talking
'How much longer, d'you think?' that he suddenly made up his mind about, Jilly?'
she asked quietly. we were all going home today. And 'For Christ's sake,' expostulated
'Don't know,' answered Jilly, softly. today is exactly a week before we Jilly. 'Don't you see? It's to give the
'At least a couple of hours, I should start school again.' marks tin1e to go away.'
think.' Mandy didn't see what Jilly was 'Marks?' echoed Mandy, still miss-
'Oh, as long as that?' Mandy pulled getting at. 'So what?' she said, too ing the point.
a face. loudly. 'What's that got to do with ... ' 'Yes. Bloody cane marks.'
'Why, what's the hurry? You know 'Shut up, idiot,' hissed Jilly, 'I Light dawned slowly on Mandy.
what's going to happen when we get haven't finished yet.' She glowered at 'D . . . d'you mean you think he's
home, don't you?' her sister and pinched her- thigh where going to cane us?'
The face that Mandy was making it bulged out slightly just below the Jilly's reply was a little petulant.
turned into a definite frown. leg of the tight little shorts. 'Well, I reckon I'm going to get it,
'Yes,' she said, 'I'm afraid I do.' 'Ow!' gasped Mandy. but I s'pose you'll get away Mth it
She stared in a vaguely resentful 'Just shut up and listen,' said Jilly. again, just because you 're a bit
way at the back of her step-father's Mandy rubbed her thigh ruefully, younger than me.'
head. but she listened. 'What d'you mean, again?' said
'Do you think that's why he made 'Now then, d'you remember at the Mandy. 'What about that last time?
us all come home two days early?' beginning of last term, when he My bum had marks on it for weeks,
not just ... ' easier then.' he'd have half the girls in his school
Jilly seemed not to notice Mandy's 'What d'you mean,' whispered across his lap too.'
complaining a nd muttered ulkily, to Mandy, confused. 'Don't we get 'Well, go on then ,' said Mandy.
herself: 'Just our bloody luck to get enough spanking and things al, 'Well, like I say, he enjoys it.'
a sodding school teacher for a step- ready?' She looked at her sister pity- She paused, then went on more
fa ther. And he has to be a bleedin' ingly. 'You're nuts, Jilly, you really urgently, feeling that she was coming
headmaster, who just happens to are.' to the crux of the matter. 'And I
believe in corporal punishn1ent as if it Jilly tried to pinch Mandy's bottom reckon he takes it out on us because
were a religion.' through the shorts, but the tightness it frustrates him that he's got all
Mandy wa n 't really listening. She of the material defeated her and those girls around him at school and
was suddenly very preoccupied with M·a ndy squirmed her rump out of he can't so much as touch one of
the frightening tl1ought that maybe reach. them.'
she would be getting the cane too, 'Look,' said Jilly, 'I should have Mandy looked at her, feeling a little
despite Jilly's martyred ideas to the thought it was obvious. If he could shocked.
contrary. She didn't get it too often, go around caning all the kids at 'You needn't look at me like that,'
thank the Lord, but because it was school, girls too, if he liked, by the said Jilly. 'You know what he's like.
used so infrequently it was all the time be got home he probably The way we never get any privacy,
more to be feared. The very threat wouldn't be interested in doing the even at our age, and the way he has
of a caning was always enough to same to us, and we could stop having us walking around· the house in our
restore either of them to instan.t to play all those stupid games he underclo thes when we're going to be
idea. walked over to the van, her shorts knees and her chin in her hands,
'I tell you Mandy, it's not just you hugging close to 11er buttocks, the watching Jilly as she rummaged
and me getting spanked and strapped. cheeks nudging each other from side through the top drawer of the tallboy.
It's all those pretty ones at his school to side as her long legs swung easily 'Well, where are they then?' asked
that he'd like to give it to, only he from her hips. Jilly. I 've got three socks and an
can't. So we end up getting their Mandy watched h im, watching her old pair of navy blue ones, but that's
share a well as our own.' with a fixed, almost glazed look in it.'
She stopped at la t and took a his eyes, concentrated unblinkingly on Looking over her shoulder at her
deep breath, by way of final punctua- her sister 's full, oscillating behind. sister, she said: 'Come and help, will
tion, a the car started to low, pulling And she had to admtt it, maybe you Mandy He said half-past eight
into a lay-by wh ere an ice-cream van Jilly had got it rigl1t after all. and it's twenty past now!'
was serving a queue of warm-looking 'Don't need to,' was Mandy's
people. * * * answer, 'I know where they are. In
Their step-father turned in his seat. The early part of the evening was the bottom drawer, with the pyjamas.'
'Get us some ice-creams or some- still warm, a nd the sun shone steadily 'Well, you might have said,' com-
thing, Jilly,' he said, clinking with through the bedroom window. Mandy plained Jilly. She bent down and
some loose change in his pocket. was sitting dejectedly on the edge of struggled with the heavy drawer,
Jilly clonked the door shut and her bed, resting her elbows on her bracing her legs as she strained to
budge it. bottoms as if to comfort them in the kitchen, a nd Jilly s pained squeal as
The muscles in h er strong young face of the coming ordeal. sh e was hurried along w ith a slap,
thighs filled out under the smooth The tinny sound of the hall clock ringing against bare flesh.
skin, and the spread of her buttocks striking n ine floated up tl1e stairs. Tl1e sound of something being drag-
pulled the brief nylon pa nts tight Face down on her bed, Mandy ged around meant that they must be
across the cleft dividing their plump- opened her red-rimmed eyes and tried putting the l1 eavy old kitchen table in
ness. again to stifle the sobs which still the middle of t11e room, like he di d
She fou nd what she'd been looking heaved spasmodically in 11er ch est. with. her, the time before the last
for, and tossed a pair to Mandy from She brushed at h er tear-streaked face can1ng.
between her legs. with the back of her wrist, finding And then Jilly protesting pointlessly
Mandy sullenly fiddled with h er thar the knickers were still clutched as they bent her across the table.
shorts, and watched as Jilly tugged tightly in h er hand. They hadn't hut the door, and his
the white cotton knickers up over her She stared blankly for a moment, vo ice carried clearly to Mandy in her
hips. then swept her arm impulsively to room.
The tightness tucked snugly under one side, h urling the hateful things at 'Now you, my girl . . . ' Something
the fullness of h er p ert bottom, and the dressing table, where they spla tted again st tl1e tigl1tness of Jilly's
she let the elastic snap back against clattered a row of bottles against the bent-over botto m. '. . . will behave
her belly with a flourish which said: mirror. yourself. And keep th is .. . ! ' A dull
That's that then.' She sniffed miserably, and tried to thwack emphasised the pa rt of Jilly's
J illy smoothed the material down calm herself with some deep breaths anatomy be ing discussed '. . . per-
over her hips, briefly. between the gasping sobs which still fectly still, a nd nice a nd high up,
' Getting a bit tight, these,' she said. insisted on forming like great un- exactly wl1e re it js now.'
L ooking at her, Mandy had to happy bubbles in her throat. J illy s gasp as th e second prepa ra-
agree. She became aware of the bedspread, tory stroke began to sink its bite into
'Yes,' she said. 'Still, that's prob- smooth and warm under her belly and her botton1, was loud enough for
ably the way he likes them.' against her breasts, and she wondered M and y to hear, and h e flinched h er-
She bent forward, slipping her own absently what sl1e'd done witl1 h er self, even thougl1 her own punish-
knickers up as far as her knees, then bra and jumper. Still downstairs, pro,b- ment was now over . She lay there and
she stood up, yanking at the waist- ably, on the chair where 11e'd made li stened , and felt thankful that after
band and wriggling her bottom into her put them. all, she 11adn' t had to l1ave the cane,
the softness of the white cotton. She stretched to the dressing table, like Jilly was going to.
Jilly had finished putting her socks looking for a ti ssue. As she m oved And then J illy's th rashi ng began in
on, and was looking doubtfully in the her toes dug into the bed and her earnest, the cane sla hed down with a
mirror, wondering what to do about legs stiffened. The movement re- sizzle that Mandy clearly h eard, and
the jumper she was wearing. awakened t11e stinging little n eedles exploded its venomous bite across the
What do you think?' she asked. up the backs of h er th igl1s and round 11elplessly wa iting buttocks.
''Bout what?' said Mandy. her plump buttocks as tl1e skin tight- Jilly's stra ngled, sobbing gasp tore
' Jumpers. Shall we keep them on, ened, and sh e pursed her lips a nd f rom 11er throat" still wheezing out its
or what. He didn't say, but I don't sucked in her breatl1, wish ing she ang uish as the next vicious slash
know if he expects to have us the wasn't moved. c racked against tl1e girl's defenceless
same as we were last time.' She stroked a n exploratory hand bottom.
'How was that, then?' over the tingling areas, finding her Another, a nd yet a nother stroke bit
'You know, stupid. Just socks, and bottom still hot to the touch, and ho me, before Jilly' fir t brea thless yell
knickers. kind of uneven. Deli cately she finger- had properly cleared h er Ii ps. The
Mandy looked at the swelling, up- ed the swollen pa rts, knowing from agonising pa in of the fo llowing strokes
tilted perkiness of Jill's full breasts unhappy experience that by m orning forced a nother violent, screeching
under the jumper. her bum would be bruised and yelp o ut of her chest, figl1ting to be
'I'm not sure,' she said. 'Still, you'd blotchy, where the h eavy strap had heard against the incon1ing rasp of
probably do yourself a favour if you so painfully kissed her cheeks good- breath.
didn' t wear anything on top. It might night. So dreadful did it sound to Mandy,
take his mind off your other end.' Her hand was still cupped tenta- sh e was propelled aln1ost uninten-
She looked ruefully at her own tively over her throbbing bottom, tionally off 11er bed, and, naked her-
slim reflection. when she heard the lounge door open- self, except for the socks, sh e fo und
'Wouldn't do me any good though,' ing downstairs, and the dull murmur herself crouching on the top of the
she pouted. 'I've got nothing worth within resolved itself into her step- stairs, craning her neck to see into
showing off! You'd never believe I father's voice, talking to Jilly. the kitchen a nd seeing at on ce a n
was sixteen, would you?' ' ... in the kitchen. And you won't already wri thing bottom bouncing
Jilly couldn't help smiling, despite be needing those, so you migl1t as well a imlessly, helplessly, from side to side
her mounting anxiety about what they get them off right away.' as the stinging cane swisl1ed again
were going to walk into downstairs. The voice paused, and Mandy knew across the juddering ch eeks.
_ 'You'll grow,' she said. 'Xnyway, that Jilly would be peeling oown her For long, terrifying moments, sl1e
we'll leave them on, sl1all we. No tight knickers, while he watched with watched the h issing, slicing, thwack-
point in encouraging him, is there?' his greedy, insulting eyes. ing cane cracking its painful signa-
She looked at her watch. 'Come on. '~d the jumper,' the voice con- ture across the width of Jilly's madly
It's almost half past.' tinued, and paused for a moment. squirming bottom , wrenching cries
Together they padded down the 'And that,' he said, finally. a nd sobs and tears of agonised help-
stairs in their jumpers and knee-length 'That' must be her bra, thought lessness f ram the depths .o f her belly.
socks, the white cotton knickers Mandy. I bet he's loving this bit. And then , unable to stand it any
softly hugging each of their young She heard them going out into the lor1ger, she dashed into her bedroom
. 47
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and clawed her way under the but with a pathetic, whimpering pain from the long, ridged, swollen
blan~ets and pillows, clamping the slowness. · weals, criss-crossed over the burning,
bedding over her ears until she could blistered flesh.
no longer hear the noise of the cane * * * Through her tears, Jilly tried to
against poor Jilly's bottom. And later in the swift1y darkening smile at her sister.
But no matter what she did, she room, the two girls huddled together 'Told you so,' she managed, finally.
could not shut out the gasping, yelp- in one bed, Jilly's intermittent sobs And when she could, through her
ing cries, and they bludgeoned her finding echoes in Mandy's sympa- own little sobs, Mandy said: 'Yes, you
ears unmercifully, until, after an thetic tears, Mandy trying, with ut- did. And for once, just this once, I'll
eternity, they stopped, not suddenly, most gentleness, to soothe away the forgive you for saying that, Jilly!'
St. Margaret's is not the sort of school to have masses
of distinguished old girls but I imagine I come bottom
(bottom in more than one sense) in distinction as the
first girl to get caned without her knickers on.
The school has been run for years told that correct behaviour extended the cane down from shoulder-
by two spinsters, the Misses Revell, to all ranks of society; I cheeked the height and struck squarely across
with a small, mostly decrepit, staff gardner a few times, I'm afraid, the palm, repeating the instructions
and has done good business trying though the old dear only put me in and walloping my other hand dead-
to make young ladies out of the the book once, for a 11. centre, all in a rl]inute at most.
daughters of local small business- Once in the book, we knew that Whilst I was getting it from Miss
men , farmers , bank clerks and the the cane was to come; but we had Mabel , another girl, Daphne Davies,
I ike. Our parents th ink it's worth the to wait because all the entries were I th ink, was taking four cuts just as
fees to improve our accents, mend saved up until three o'clock on quickly from Miss Irene.
our unseemly ways and have a I ittle Friday. Forma I classes finished then We left the study immediate!,',
proper discipline in our lives. This and the rest of the school went off hands nicely marked in red, and
could pay off, parents think, because to a games session of some sort certainly stinging, but I hardly think
the right sort of husband is sup- whilst an average of twenty or thirty the punishment justified the usual
posed to insist on lady I ike manners booked delinquents hurriedly made schoolgirl pantomime in which, for
and bags of discipline. So, if the ready for the Heads' study. Each of the benefit of those waiting their
school does not produce al I that us knew what punishment she was turn outside the study, I blew air
many '0' levels {most of us transfer down for and if anyone had totted on cupped hands, clasped them
in from some other school at fifteen up several entries the whole school under my armpits and crossed my
or sixteen and stay just two years would have been taking a keen legs as if in extremity.
to 'finish' so there is not much time interest in her score, flipping through For six or more strokes, caning
to improve academic short-comings) the punishment book each day to was across gym knickers whilst the
it does lay emphasis on proper con- see if anything else had been added. offender bent over the arm of one
duct and deportment. Up to five cuts, caning was on the of the leather chairs with her face
About eighty girls, fifteen to girl's hands; for six stingers or more well into seat cushions. This would
seventeen, to be guided coaxed, she must be at the Heads' study, tend to muffle any gasps or sobs
exhorted, threatened, punished, into changed into gym vest and gym that a caning might give rise to but
conforming with the Misses Revell's knickers, to take it on her bottom. my own experience, and the declar-
code of behaviour. We soon learned Changing took a bit of time so the ed views of other girls in my form,
the rules, though there were masses lesser delinquents started going into is that a caning is not a 11 that fright-
of them, and mostly we followed the study at three o'clock, two at a fu I if you are wearing something.
the rules to save trouble: sometimes time, as their names were called. I am putting al I th is down to
not, from apathy, carelessness, brief When I first went to St. Mar- explain what is so different about
moments of rebellion or sheer devil- garet's, both Miss Mabel and Miss having one's bottom caned when
ment. Probably half the times we Irene Revell took the punishment it is bare and quite unprotected.
were not found out so I personally session. Miss Mabel was thought to Anyway, a week or two after my
will not complain about the conse- be over sixty and Miss Irene would first hand-caning, while I was still
quences when we were. If caught have been a few years younger, but some months short of my sixteenth
by a member of staff our names both were brisk in movement and birthday, I somehow managed to
were, then and there, entered into a had lots of experience and even just score eight in the punishment book.
punishment book kept hanging by one cut on each hand from a quite This certainly improved my stand-
the notice-board in the entrance thin cane did leave a sting for ten ing among my form-mates because
hall; after the narne came the re- minutes or so. This was my fjrst if no girl was actually scared of the
commendation, I, II, II or IV {always report to the study, about a month cane, and all agreed it hurt more
in Roman capitals), meaning strokes after entering the school when I'd on the hands than on a padding of
of the cane. Any member of staff been booked for two I's. thick black cotton, anything much
could enter a name, right down I was told to hold out my hand above six stingers did put one up
to the gardener or any of the floor waist-high, palm flat and uppermost in the school elite. I was rather
maids, as we were always being and keep it stil I. Miss Mabel brought pleased to find myself, a new girl,
basking in popularity. up into my bedroom, yelled at me your own. So far as historians
As Friday drew clos·e, however, I to get my thing off, and without know, Gillian Mason (1972-1974),
did feel apprehensive Mainly, be- waiting for me to put on even the was the first girl of St. Margaret's
cause I felt that my bottom must be top half of my pyjamas, walloped to wear more than one pair of gym
such a very tender part of me. I now me hard for two minutes with the kn icks when reporting for her can -
knew that just one cut on each hand sole of the slipper he was wearing. ing. Miss Mabel gave me the eight
could sting quite a bit but surely my I can tel I you I thought a lot cuts and they. did sting more than
hands were a lot tougher, exposed of Daddy for th is sudden change I had expected, but obviously not
to life's daily abrasions, than my into a masterful male but two min- as badly as if I had failed to take
bottom which was h~rdly ever ex- utes with a slipper did leave my protective measures. Not to give the
posed at al I. A single cut across my · bottom very tender , very red and game away, I made a few gasps and
palm was one thing but surely eight smarting as if it had been sand- yells and kept legs and bottom
cuts all in the one place, my tender papered. Two minutes of the slipper squirming about convincingly so
bottom, would be eight-times-eight must have meant a lot of swats Miss Mabel did not suspect a thing.
equals sixty-four times as painful? (fifty perhaps) and almost made I kept up the show outside the
The only experience I had to go eight with the cane a tolerable pros- study, coming out with hands clut-
on was from Daddy's very occa- pect; but then the cane does more ched to my rear and biting my lip,
sional spankings at home and the than made one smart, which is why because the others knew th is was
last had been at least a year back. nobody ever gets 'fifty of the best'. my first eight_ and I had to appear
Daddy's a bank manager and very The usu a I was 'six ot the best' and I a bit shattered as I answered sym -
cool and patient and dotes on me was down for eight. Schoolboys got pathetic enquiries about Miss
as his only I ittle girl and seldom their six across quite thick trousers Mabel's strength of arm , accuracy
does more than frown. Of course, ) and presumably pants underneath of aim , and time between strokes.
I don't tell him everything I do and that) whereas Gillian Mason would I certainly did not let on about
I suppose I have not been found only be wearing relatively thin gym my second protective layer as I ittle
out very often so that's why I have knicks. Girls, it seemed, always girls do talk and if somebody talk-
avoided spankings . When Daddy come off worse. ed when a member of staff happened
did spank me, it was across his But this girl, Gillian Mason, is to be about the news might get back
knee, just before bed and he would resourceful, has bright ideas to to Miss Revell; with another two
pull my pyjama legs down and tackle most awkward· situations. years or so to spend at school and
smack with his hand. The last time Actually I guess that lots of girls prospect of a few more can in gs in
was more uncomfortable as Daddy down through the centuries have the natural order of things, I would
had got really wild after some cheek had the same flash of inspiration not want our Headmistress to think
from me (this is my great fault - but you must keep it to yourself if their disciplinary procedures any-
I will answer back) when I had been this simple little dodge is to last: thing less than effective. The other
very late home and was caught out wear two pairs of gym knicks, thing was that my new status among
in the excises I invented to try to borrow a pair that's slightly smaller my form mates would topple disas-
cover up. He I iterally propelled me if possible, and wear them under trously if it were ever known to be
undeserved. I suppose 1 was entered
in the punishment book every two
or three weeks for the next year,
the first entry each time being for
some trifling offence (really, I'm a
quiet, well-behaved girl at heart and
practically never take chances if I
think I might get caught out). But
trifling offences meant caning on
my hands so if I once got booked
for a I or a 11, a wave of cheeks,
answering-back and general rude-
ness towards two or three mistress-
es who are not too popular among
us girls would be sure to bring my
total up to six or eight, when pro-
tective measures would pass un-
One week, I rather overplayed
the cheek and on top of that got
caught out in a bit of harmless
wandering off bounds late on the
Friday morning: quite without mean-
ing to score so high, I had suddenly
totted up ten strokes to come at
three o'clock. The other girls were
certain th is was a record and de-
spite my supposed (but quite un-
real) fortitude through eight-stroke
sessions two or three times pre-
viously, the general view was that
50 ..
ten would have me yelling my head I ittle incident rather fortuna tely. If at a co-ed school for twenty years
off in the study and emerging in the study had been better-I it, my so we girls were not that much of
tears, possibly on a stretcher bound paper-stuffing might have been de- a surprise to him. The news came
for sick-bay. Clearly I could not per- t ected. If Miss M abe l or Miss Irene down the g rapevine that everything
mit any such hum iliation and loss of had been a I ittl e better of hearing was to go on as usual , including the
reputation for stoicism so the ob- either might have noticed a percep- punishment book.
vious thing was to improve on the tible change in the 'thwack' of the I was rather good - or perhaps
protective m eas ures, taking care cane as it landed across my gym- just lucky - for about a month and
that none should ever know. kn icks. If I had been just that I ittle avoided any entri es myself but the
At three o'clock, smiling with an bit more rushed in the changing- Friday afternoon reports were that
unconcern that won glances of ad- roorn, if some of the other girls had punishment session were being
miration from all whom I passed, I been watching me more closely, I shared between Mr. Armstrong and
moved off to th e changing room and might have made a mess of the our games mistress, Miss Thomson.
into a cubicle to slip on my two paper stuffing and turned up with Which one laid it on a particular
pairs of gym-kn icks. Next into one pieces crumpled up or sticking out girl depended on her place in the
of the loos. I tore off sheets of loo- of the top of my knicks. Lots of line outside the study door. Mr.
paper and stuffed th em as carefully things might have happened to give Arm strong was naturally said to
and neatly and adequately as I cou ld the game away and these must be have a very strong arm - ha , ha -
in between my two pairs of kn i cks. avoided in future. but the older girls, .at least, thought
I ran my hand all over my outer What was needed was a carefully there was someth ing appea ling in
pair to smooth out the paper. It shaped protective stuffing , f o 11 owing having a man's attention , even to
didn't seem at all obvious and was the contou rs of one's bottom , thick one's neth er regions , and there was
as good a job as I could manage in enough to absorb the sting ot the often some jostling for I ikely posi-
the short time available: there were cane yet soft enough to ensure as tions in the line.
three or four oth er girls in the distinctive a ' thwack' as possible. Miss Thomson was the mistress
changing-room getting ready for On a Sunday afternoon, I designed who discovered my panty-pad. I had
their (unprotected!) punishment and made the perfect garment for kept th is on the top shelf of my
session so I could not spend too the purpose: a heart-shaped piece of locker, behind some paper tissues,
long in there. supposed my bottom felt firmly glued between two pairs and told no-one. It seems that one
must look a bit more prominent than of gym knicks, slightly sma ll er than day I forgot to lock the door and
usual but in the Heads' rather dark th e pair I kept at school for normal whilst I was in class there was
and dingy study this would pass . I games and gym wear. Confident that some horseplay in the changing
remembered to pull the plug and th is little garment would see me room and my locker door had flown
emerged still smiling bravely. through all future emergencies, worn open and some items, including the
Waiting in line outside the study, undetected as they say, a shield panty-pad, had fallen out. Fortun -
I hope I manag ed to look brave, if against unnecessary pa in, I kept it ately, none of the girls fooling
just a little appreh ensive . I offered hidden in my locker at schoo l. around ·had twigged on to what it
kindly words of sympathy to each was but Miss Thomson, coming in
just-punished miscreant as she came * * * to quell the noise, had picked up
out of the study, in between re- my I ittle secret garment, realised
assurances to Susan Lock, who was I used my panty-pad, as I suppose what it might be, and guessed who
immediately ahead of me in the I might call it, about six times in might be its owner from the proxi-
I ine, that even if th is was her first the next two terms . Then it was mity of my opened locker door. I
caning she was un I ikely to fa int. My discovered in my locker. I had to did not know of this discovery, or
turn come up and I was called in explain to the new temporary Head t hat Miss Thomson had retained the
alone. A wigging from Miss Mabel - Miss Revells' nephew. Then I incriminating evidence (as I had not
about the wickedness of ten dem- suddenly rea li sed I had been an missed it, not needing to use it in
erits in one week . She would give awful fraud. I found I actually my current good-girl phase) , until
me five strokes and Miss Irene the wanted to be puni shed - punish- W ednesday, M ay 15th, 1974, a
remaining five. Bend over the chair. ment that would be really painful - date which is heavily under-scored
The cane seemed to m ake more for being such a f raud. Hard to in my diary.
noise, perhaps because of the paper believe, perhaps, but I really felt The Head, and Miss Thomson,
stuffing. A short break and then that I could only put things right by were wonderfully considerate and
Miss Irene gave me her five, rather taking my next caning - and this discreet and there was just a I ittle
slowly. I could feel the sting but tim e it was to be from a man - note to my form-mistress asking me
nothing frightful. The cane certainly good and hard , straight on my un- to call at the Head's study at close
made more noise than usual and protected, uncovered , honest-to- of classes, four o'clock, no spec ial
this must be because of the paper; goodness, own tender I ittle bottom. mention of business or urgency.
I heaved, lurched and gasped more I would not ch~at any more and I This was rea lly very understanding
than usual to offset any suspicion. just had to show that I was not of Miss Thomson who told me later
Nothing was detected. I was able cheating : the panties must come off that she guessed none of the other
to walk steadily back to the chang- and I must take it on the bare. girls knew I had been cheating in
ing-room, there to dispose of in - Mr. Armstrong , the new Head , taking my punishments and that she
criminating evidence, and a few came at the beginning of the did not wish to put me to shame
minutes later graciously received Summer term when the Misses by having the whole school know
congratulations on my composure Revel I suddenly went off to Aust- the truth .
and modest bearing after so heroic ralia to visit yet another sister who Wonder ing what was up, I went
an ordeal. was very ii I. He was about forty, a off to the study quite unsuspecting
I felt that I had come out of that bachelor, and had been in teaching and unprepared, not in vest and
gym kn icks but in home-going looked as though I was to get a very painfully. He had it all worked out.
sweater (no bra , actually, but that stiff caning, maybe he had a nastier, Now my thighs were weak too , and
was not to come to notice) and springier one for a special case like probably I was unsteady, for Mr.
jeans, with just a I ittle wisp of a me. He would bring it down to sting Armstrong continued in kindly, ex-
pair of nylon panties underneath: as it should . Number of strokes? planatory tone:
tiny little black ones because I'd Perhaps, as Miss Thomson was 'Gillian, please sit down if you
been trying out different colours at here, she would give me a dose and wish. I won't expect you to relax
only twenty-five pence a pair, look- then the Head another dose: could but I want to explain why you must
ing at my rather neat, small but very I take that many strokes without be punished in the way I am con-
nicely rounded, little bottom in the blubbering? Especially if he laid it fident you wil I accept.'
wardrobe mirror and deciding that . on really hard, as I supposed he Gratefully, I pulled up a chair
black was definitely my colour, the must? That might fit the prescrip- and tried to face him squarely,
colour to be wearing should I be tion , what was it? ' Severely - but bravely, ready to take my medicine.
taken to hospital after a car acci- not too severely.' I had pondered Now, more sternly: 'There will be
dent and there undressed by a thus far when Mr. Armstrong rose six strokes.'
handsome, admiring young casualty and moved to a cupboard behind I felt some relief . Six could not
doctor. his desk. The cupboard must always be all that frightful. Again. I am
Once inside the study, a quick have been there but I had not rea- sure Mr . Armstrong detected my
glance at the faces of Mr. Armstrong 1ised what it contained: I could see unspoken reac~ion . He picked up the
and Miss Thomson told me that I perhaps a dozen canes hanging cane again , moved in front of the
had been rumbled for something. A there, all looking much alike. desk and over to the armchair
moment later, looking down to the I suppose schools do have to buy which was used for punishments.
surf ace of the desk, I saw my in quantity and have spares on hand, Raising the cane above shoulder-
padded panties, about fifty times though I had always thought of height, he splashed it swiftly across
thicker than the nylon things I was Heads having just one cane which the padded arm of the chair-thwack!
wearing , and I knew I had been well never wore out. Mr. Armstrong Not a vicious slash , more a calcu -
and truly caught out. You can im- glanced along the row of canes and lated, well -directed , preliminary ex-
agine the brief (sorry, not inten- selected one about the middle. This ercise. Sometime fairly soon, I
tional) enquiry that followed. Was must be a 'severe' cane and I was guessed, I would be bending over
th is -er garment, mine? Had it any aware that, for the first time when that chair-arm , awaiting six slashes
medical or hygienic purpose? Did I faced with a caning , I w.as feeling just like that. I think I wriggled a
make it myself? For what purpose? just a I ittle weak at the knees. I ittle somewhere inside my jeans.
I was, in fact, evading proper pun- Mr. Armstrong closed the cup- 'You will not be caned harder
ishment, cheating , having the Aunts board door and then , I suspect very than that, Gillian since' - a brief,
go to all the trouble of caning me, deliberately, flexed the cane into a wry smile - 'you will not have the
for my own real good , of course , full semi-circle, released it, then benefit of thick flannel trousers .'
when I was hardly feeling a thing? bent it into an arc once again. Al I Mr. Armstrong was now looking
Was this not contempt of the Heads, th is obviously put on for my benefit. rather closely at my jeans as 1 was
a contempt of necessary discipline, Clearly a very supple, bendy cane, sitting there.
escaping from one's just desserts? thirty inches of rattan, I th ink it is 'Nor, of course , the benefit of
And so on. I could only say. 'Yes, called, all very specially grown in even more resistant denim jeans.'
yes, yes ' in an ever-lower and more far-off Malaysia, carefully tended So the jeans were to come off. I
subdued lft tle voice. In a couple of there in the growing stage, specially had hardly expected they would
minutes I was truly contrite and selected after cutting for punish- stay on since bottom canings were
thoroughly miserable, not at being ment purposes, specially processed always in gym knicks. Anyway the
found out, not because of any pun- by a loving I ife-long expert in some seat of this pair was so tight it would
ishment to come , but in real shame. cane-making establishment in surely split under the strain; I had
Mr. Armstrong obviously sensed England until he had got it to the nothing else to wear home. Next
this because, once he had made his right degree of whippiness for use thing, I'd be told to go off and
points, he was very kindly. 'Gillian, on major delinquents I ike me. change.
you realise you won't be happy Mr. Armstrong seemed to sense But no. 'Gillian, I always think it
yourself until we put the score my thoughts. a good thing to adapt the punish-
right?' 'Canes come in differing sizes, ment to the crime - or shall we
'Y-yes, Sir.' Gillian, differing thicknesses. Some say misdemeanour, in your case.
'You have avoided quite a bit of have more spring, more punishing Essentially, your offences - several
perfectly proper and well -deserved power than others.' times repeated, very persistent
punishment, by no means unreason- I was trembling a I ittle but trying offences, indeed - were to set out
able punishment , over many not to show it. to escape the punishments you
months?' 'Th is is not, in fact, a very pun- knew to be due to you. By padding
'I see that now, Sir. I'm really ishing example. I said I would not your - er garment - you ensured
very sorry.' be too severe. It is a cane I brought that punishments were a good deal
'So this time you must be pun- with me from my other school and less real than you knew to be de-
ished, severely - but I think not one I would use for a boy of say, served. Your misdemeanour, of
too severely - in circumstances twelve or thirteen, across his rather course, is not new. Numbers of
which leave no scope for deception , thick flannel trousers.' schoolboys, and Miss Thomson
no doubt that the punishment hurts, He paused, doubtless to let me assures me, of schoolgirls, have put
is having effect?' reason that since I was not wearing newspapers and the I ike in their
'Of course, Sir!' I was not just thick flannel trousers, the cane pants. If they were detected, and
being the dutiful little pupil. It would bite that more closely - and must then be specially severely
52 ..
punished, doubly punished indeed mean without - on my bot - all arm. It is a very wide chair so I was
to make up what had been missed bare, Sir? Miss?' able to nestle my head on the centre
as wel I as punished for the cheats Both the Head and Miss Thomson cushion , stretching my hands out
and. cowards they were' - I flinched laughed outright at that, Miss over the other arm of the chair and
at this -
most Heads favoured the Thomson then took over and said: just gripping the underside of the
rather obvious exemplary punish- 'Gillian, you are by no means the far arm. This was all. done so quick-
ment, one that seems singularly first girl to be caught out padding ly and in so matter-of-fact way that
appropriate in that it bars any fur- her kn icks. But probably you got I did not feel embarrassed until I
ther opportunity for deception, for away with it more times than most, realised Mr. Armstrong was now
escape, cheating.' which is why I am supporting Mr. standing near . He must now be hav-
Where was all this leading? Armstrong fully in the way he hopes ing an eyeful of my very exposed,
1 said, Gillian, that punishment to deal with you. I knew a few normally very private bottom. Thank
must be severe and my assessment girls who tried it on in my own heavens it's really very nicely
is that six strokes with this elected distant schooldays and a rather shaped, well rounded yet small and
cane' - more flexing of the whippy, larger number in my teaching days compact and surely Mr. Armstrong
nasty, thing- would be suitable for since. The recognised penalty is the will melt a bit and not hurt it too
a girl of fifteen or more; I would add one you have arrived at yourself, much?
just a I ittle ·weight to my strokes by your own thinking. Yes , caning on He must have assessed the target
for a girl of sixteen and for some- your bare bottom. Don't you think area very quickly. I felt his hands
one your own age, seventeen, I that's fair?' on my thighs, I iftirig me up and for-
would lengthen the period between Wei I, of course, it was fair. But ward a I ittle as I lay across the
strokes.' All very clinical, but it shattering, embarrassing. Yet the chair arm. Presumably this was to
meant I was to get it good and Head and Miss Thomson were look- get my bottom in the right position.
hard. 1 said too, Gillian, that the ing so amused, the Head had been Then he pressed my shoulder down,
manner of the caning must leave so patient in guiding me to the ul- which must have made it stick up a
no scope for further deception, no timate conclusion, they were so bit more. Then I had to sag my
scope for minimising punishment chummy just then that I felt they knees, giving it still more pro.min-
again.' were right. I'd been a cheat yet they ence. This man was thorough.
Mr. Armstrong was looking at me had not said I was the world's worst, Comfortabl el G i 11 ian?'
squarely, obviously expecting me to they had admitted lots of other girls 'Sir!' Teeth clenched, fingers
work th is out to whatever concllr- had been caught out just I ike not- gripping into fa bric under chair arm,
sion it was he wanted. Manner of so-cl ever little me. I'd escaped lots eyes closed.
the caning? No further deception? of punishment I had really deserved Mr. Armstrong had picked up his
Well, they had me there in the and now I must settle up the cane and took up position to my
study, I was ready to take my pun- account. I found the nerve to say, left. A moment later, I felt the first
ishment. He had only to tell me to just audibly: 'I'd I ike to take it, take biting sting right at the top of my
bend over the armchair as usual and it bare.' bottom.
get on with it. No, not quite as direct 'Good,' said Miss Thomson. Then Oh! Oh! The cane had slashed
as that because he had remarked briskly: 'I 'I I cane you myself if you right across my bottom, both
that I would not feel much through wish, and the Head will leave. But, cheeks, he ha·d somehow made it
my denim jeans. Fair enough personally, I think the Head himself flatten out at the end of the stroke.
point that. So why not send me off should punish you and he will do I think I had taken it well. No gasp,
to change into gym kn icks? Then so if you have no objection.' no sudden jerk, and my hands were
cane me as usual. Hardly 'exem- 'I have no objection.' There, I'd still in place. I was fairly sure I
plary' punishment though if I was said it. More or less unthinking, could last out the six without dis-
caned as usual. Then the bit about perhaps, but it was right to agree. gracing myself, presenting a brave
no further chance of deception. I did not want to choose Miss pub I ic, or rather very-private, image.
Well, surely they did not expect me Thomson just because she might 'About half a minute between
to pad my bottom again, just as I give a lighter caning. It would be strokes,' said Mr. Armstrong for my
had been caught out? Was Miss difficult slipping off my jeans for information. Did this matter all that
Thomson going to look inside my Mr. Armstrong but he was more or much? Sooner it was over the
knicks just to be sure? Could be, less I ike a father and he had the better, of course , but the half min-
but that still did not square with right to cane me. u~e gave you time to steady your-
the bit about the manner, manner, He caned me well, coolly, meth- self, get ready for the next cut.
of punishment ruling out any chance odically expertly. It took exactly Swish! And a moment later,
of escaping it. I am a faster thinker three minutes. The caning was thwack! as the cane hit flesh. Oh,
so al I th is reasoning flashed through pa infu I but not bruta I. I deserved it Oh, Oh!
my head very quickly. I was aware just as it came. This time a deep, searing burning
that both the Head and Miss Miss Thomson took charge at sensation across the lower part of
Thomson were looking at me with first. She took my hand as I sat on my bottom, again right across both
a trace of amusement in their ex- my chair, indicating that· I was to cheeks. The first stroke had been
pressions, waiting for the moment rise. She led me to the familiar wide light, to get me prepared, but this
when the penny would drop. Sud- soft easy chair and had me stand second cut was to be the true mea-
denly it did drop. I think I blushed. facing the left arm. Then she herself sure of the others yet to come. I'm
Manner of caning to rule out any undid my belt and pulled down my sure I gasped, I may have cried out,
cheating . . . that could only mean jeans. I I ifted my feet in turn to as the I ine of searing pa in shot
without any gym knicks on at all step out of them. Then she slipped across my bottom. I somehow jerk-
... bare I down the wispy nylon panties and ed forward over the chair arm, my
Did I gulp? I expect so. 'You gently had me bend over the chair legs were almost apart and in the
air, and my hands had quite lost ing madly from side to side, legs thighs. Three good, biting stingers,
grip. Four more I ike th is to come! bent up from the knees and kicking hurtful in themselves. But let half
I could not take that much. But I wildly. a minute pass between each so that
must, I must stick it out. This was ridiculous. Seventeen the burn spreads out, the pa in creeps
Half a minute to tense myself for and couldn't take a caning. I must into the untouched areas, the whole
the next cut. I got my legs down, grit myself for the three to come. bottom throbs, becomes exquisitely
hands back into place, wriggled my I needed more support and this tender. Now this flaming, throbbing,
bottom back into place over the time I stretched out fu I ly, feet on tender little thing has to take the
chair arm, squeezed bottom cheeks the floor on one side of the chair, real punishment: the criss-crossed
together gently, for al~eady the lines head th is time resting over the chair diagonals. That fifth stroke reduced
of in itia I, biting pa in were widening .arm, hands gripping the underside me to quivering jelly; I'd been proud
out into areas of acute throbbing of the chair. Three deep-burning to avoid tears so far but after that
tenderness. Not quite burning, but streaky bands over my bottom, hot, I sobbed just a little.
very hot, sensitive. Now I suppose throbbing tender across in between. There was the promised sixth
he would place his third cut mid- I was utterly unprepared for the stroke to come. I th ink Mr. Arm-
way between the two, dead-centre fourth cut. In my concern to get strong saw my sobs, I think he may
in the middle of my poor, throbbing myself back into some sort of order- have been waiting for them. He
bottom. I'd have to take it somehow. ly position I had not realised that knew I had been well enough caned
Head well down into cushion, no- Mr. Armstrong too had changed and the sixth was just a I ight slash
body would see I was actually biting his position. He had moved directly lower down, away from the tender-
at the stuffing, eyes tight, hands behind me. When the fourth cut ness, but even that he managed to
clutching for every bit of support I came it slashed across me diagon- stretch out across both thighs, full
could get over the arm. Squeeze ally, top of one cheek all the way across, evenly.
thighs tight together, trying squeez- across to the bottorn of the other A moment or two to smear my
ing bottom just a I ittle bit more. cheek. And the fifth cut, after I'd hand across my eyes and - very
The cane switshed through the plunged and lunged and jerked and uncivilised - across my snivelling
air again, from shoulder-height he twisted and thrust myself involun- nose. Summon strength and with a
had said , and I could almost sense tarily up and down, yet somehow heave I was on my feet again un-
its force and lay there quivering the had got myself back in position, the aided. Mr. Armstrong could be said
instant before there came that dis- fifth cut was diagonal too, top of to inspect my bottom - must look
tinctive thwack! Oh, Oh! the other cheek across to the base I ike a flaming hot-cross bun. Miss
A third streak of burning pain bit of my bottom. I had expected it Thomson was very , very careful in
deep across me. My whole body after the previous stroke, was that sliding me back into my jeans and
leapt forward this time. My head much more ready for it, but it sent it was obviously unnecessary to belt
came up from the cushion and shot waves of pa in instantly through the them.
over the arm, my hands clawed the whole of my poor bottom now so ' Account settled, Gillian?' asked
air vainly, I must have cried out thoroughly tenderised. Mr. Armstrong.
something. The other end of me was I said th is was an expert's can- I th ink I just managed a sort of
quite out of control, my bottom ing. First, three long strokes across, smile.
bobbing up and down, thighs turn- nicely spaced between top , and 'Account settled. Thank you, Sir.'
((Darling) remind me
not to forget to
post Daddy) s
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Letters continued exoosure of mv now fullv- changed hands, as there ment to the watchers.
from page 9 L • -
rigid penis if I was stripped was a difference in the Dawn excluded. She look-
The blonde was enjoying of my lower clothing. My angle of the strokes. My ed sick. Blondie gave up
herself. I stole a look at fury served nothing as I whole bum was caned from after several minutes and
Dawn. She was enjoying lost my trousers before I top to bottom, the girls released my still rigid but
the s p e c t a c 1e too, as reached the bar. I could skilfully covering every rather sore penis. My balls
Randy's bum developed hear Dawn, above the din, part. Some of the cu ts ached abominably where
four thick weals on the pleading for my release. I overlapped, and the sting her hand had battered
shaking flesh. Her face was was against the bar. My was excruciating. My rigid them on every crude back
glowing, and her f u 11 shirt was being dragged up penis waved about as the stroke.
breasts rose excitedly in her as my arms were clamped erection steadfastly refused A small, pale-faced girl
white school blouse. Her over the bar:Unseen hands to abate, even under the detached from the circle
lips were parted, and I in the crowd were tugging steady cuts of the cane. and came to take up posi-
could see she was aroused. at my jock strap. Like It was probably the tion before me.
Strangely enough I found Randy, I wore a supporter 15th cut th.a t caused me to 'You're not doing· it
that I had the beginnings when out cycling, but the kick violently, dislodging rjght,' she told her leader
of an erection, and this girls found my erect penis my jock strap that had quietly. 'Let me do it be-
worried me. You see I was firmly hooked into it. been trapping my ankles. fore you hurt him.' Hurt
suffer from a mild form of There were squeals, and It shot in to the air and I me! What a joke. I bad
priapism in that if an erec- the girls fell back at the saw that it was smartly two dozen weals across my
tion of my penis is stimula- command of the leader. fielded by Dawn as several bum, each one stinging like
ted it won't diminish for They all stared at me. The girls made a grab for it. hell, and a sore penis. Not
ho.u rs, or unless I can re- waist strap was pulled She clutched it close to her to mention two very bruis-
lieve myself. down below my buttocks, breast. I always had a ed testicles.
Another girl had taken but the elasticated pouch special reverence for that 'I often do it for my
the cane from the blonde stuck out in front of me garment after that. With brother,' said the little girl
and was caning poor Randy like a bell tent. She care- my legs free I found my- softly, as her fingers gently
hard. Then the cane passed fully took hold of the strap self kicking out ineffec- took my red hot shaft. I
to a third who concentrat- and eased it away from my tively, under the next felt the difference straight
ed on the backs of his body and over n1y stiff cock strokes, and it was whilst away as this highly skilled
thighs and all the poor sod which, once free, jerked up I was poised, jumping young lady commenced
could do was to jump up against my stomach. My about on my left foot, that those quick, short strokes,
an.d down, with his trousers face burned. I squeezed my they arrived. My right leg her finger tips gently hold-
round his ankles, like some- eyes shut as I listened to was raised, in a futile at- ing my shaft at the very
one in a sack race. Sudden- the unladylike whistles. tempt to kick free, and the sensitive bead of my penis.
ly Dawn bad the cane. I There were awful com- whippy cane slashed the in- Her left hand stole between
was horrified. She took off ments too, and I just want- side of my thigh, curling my legs and carefully en-
her jacket and swished the ed to· die. Cool hands round the very top of my c 1 o s e d my testicles as
yellow rod. She wore no touched my face. I opened leg. It cut into the soft, though she knew how ten-
bra, and her full breasts my eyes and there was my tender flesh right up inside der her colleague had left
s·h ook as she landed one beautiful Dawn standing my groin and missed my them. She gently stopped
across those well-striped before me, holding my balls by a hair's breadth. I them swinging as I had
buttocks. Looking at the burning face, her eyes full felt the draught on my now begun to thrust my
front of her blouse I was of concern. scrotum. The remainder of qody back and forth in that
reminded of two ferrets in 'I am sorry,' she whisp- the whipping I spent with rather crude but natural
a plastic bag. ered, 'I can't stop them, both legs clamped together, motion of the male when
The last stroke fell. try to be brave.' She kissed jumping up and down like he is in the state I was
There wasn't much room me on the lips and I felt Randy. then.
left on that welted bum, so the silky fa bric of her skirt Eventually it stopped, Dawn told me later ithat
it cut over an earlier weal brush my rigid penis. I but I was not released. My my mouth hung open and
with disastrous effects on hoped she could not feel head rocked from side to my eyes turned glassy, and
Randy. He was then releas- the monstrous thing as it side as the sting of 24 cu ts that she was ashamed of
ed although most of the touched her thigh, and I seared my welted behind. I me as I thrust my body in
girls were screaming to curled up inside. vaguely wondered why I and out. The girls were
give him 'More, More, 'Give him a wank!' cal- had not been released like now silent. If it was not
More! ' He crawled away, led out some unknown Randy, but suddenly burst for the stinging in my but-
blubbing like a baby and, bitch in the crowd. The into life as I f eld cold tocks there is Ii ttle doubt
as I watched his painfully girls cheered. They began fingers grip my penis. I that I would have come
worm his jock strap up to chant 'Wank him, wank stared wide-eyed at the earlier and it would have
over those welts I was hor- him!' Some I am sure did blonde girl as she began to been a wonderful wank. As
rified to see the girls turn not know what it meant, roughly tug at my penis. it was, when I felt that
to me. They were out for but as Dawn jumped back 'Keep him still,' she call- wonderful surge in my
blood. I could see her face red- ed to her helpers, 'and I'll loins I had been wanked,
I was grabbed from all dening. She backed away
wank him off.' Honestly, by both girls, for nearly
sides and I found myself and at the same time I she had no idea. I saw five minutes. It gushed like
screaming my innocence of heard the hiss of the cane. Dawn .standing back, gnaw- a garden hose. D a w n
any complicity in Randy's God it was awful. The ing her lower lip while all looked horrified and turn-
lechery as I was carried to sting burned right through the other girls watched ed away. The girls in front
the rail. Hands were drag- me. I tried to count the with wide-eyed amusement, of me jumped aside to save
ging at my trousers long cuts, but soon lost the giggling and nudging. The their clothes, although one
before I reached the place numbers in the sea of pain crude jerks on my tool had girl would have a job ex-
of suffering. It was not only that engulfed my body. I no effect other than to plaining the broad stain of
the fear of the cane that heard my own cries and the make the blonde's arm seminal fluid down the
drove me to a fury, but cheers of the girls. I was ache, although it did pro- front of her new suede
the thought of the awful aware when t h e can e vide considerable entertain- mini skirt.
55 .
Then it was all over. I RULES OF AMERICAN help every girl come to the leave us begins the mom-
was left draped over the REFORM SCHOOL realization that anti-social ent they arrive. Every girl
bar, sore-arsed from 24 cuts behavior is counter-pro- is given a thorough medi-
of a cane, and with a sore My wife is an American ductive and will not be cal examination to deter-
and slowly sagging penis. and her sister is the super- tolerated by society. Since mine her state of health,
The girls and Randy had intendent of a girls' re- many of the girls have had whether she has veneral
gone. Except for Dawn. formatory in one of the no effective discipline be- disease, is addicted to
Slowly, and in silence, she Southern States. My wife fore they came to us, we drugs, or is hiding contra-
helped me dress. Carefully and I vi sited her recently strive to teach them self- band on her person or
she eased my jock strap and I had occasion to read discipline. They must learn within her body. In this re-
over my welts, settling my a letter which she had that they cannot gratify gard she is given a cleans-
semi-stiff penis into the written to· a psychologist their every wish, that they ing douche and enema to
elastic pouch. I could have concerning the use of cor- must learn to control their make certain that no drugs
cried out as the straps cut poral punishn1ent at the tempers, that they must be or other contraband are
into the weals, particularly institution. She permitted respectful and courteous, being smuggled in. After a
the one between my legs. me to make a copy of it and that they must obey shower, she is issued cloth-
and the following is an the rules and regulations. ing which includes jumpers
I hobbled home with excerpt. They may be undisciplined, and jeans. We allow our
Dawn pushing my bike. 'We have approximately wilful brats \\-yhen they girls to wear jeans so that
Randy and I agreed we 150 girls in our care who arrive, but we are deter- they may relate to girls of
would be laughed at if we range in age from 15 mined that when they leave their own age on the out-
told how we had been through 18. Ours is classi- they will be disciplined side. The rules and regula-
caned by a load of girls, fied as a low security facil- young ladies who can ad- tions are explained to her,
and thus our experience ity. The girls are commit- just to the demands of as are the penalties for
went unreported until now. ted for periods of up to one society and take their place various breaches of disci-
I hope you print it, if you year for such offences as in the community as law- pline. She is given a battery
have room, as I would like shoplifting, possession of abiding citizens and pros- of intelligence, psychologi-
my Dawn to read it. Dawn marajuana, assault, truan- pective wives and mothers. cal, and vocational tests to
and I will carry on with cy, waywardness, ungov- The success of our efforts determine her strengths
loving spanking sessions, ernable behavior, and other is proven by the fact that and weaknesses. The girls
but of course none will be less serious offences. Girls very few of our girls ever attend high school classes
as fierce as that Saturday who commit more serious get in trouble with the law throughout the day and are
somewhere near Brighton. offences are sent to a again. trained for most occupa-
medium or maximum sec- tions, depending on their
E.F. D. urity facility, depending on 'Our training of the girls own interests and ability.
Ireland the circumstances. for a constructive, law- We have a full staff, in-
'It is our objective to abiding life when they cluding teachers, counsel-
- ...... ._, - .... ~ - - - - - --- - .._. ..... - ...._ - - - - --.. - - ~ ~ - - -. - - ._ - ~ ._ - -~ ~ --- _..., ~
lors, nurses, matrons, and makes a resounding smack vice and he just suffered in penis and testicles. He
domestic help. as it lands on her upturned silence. Miss H.V., the cried out as she grasped
'Although we do not bottom. I spank quite hard nurse who wrote, suggested his scrotum and pulled at
have walls or a r med and there is much sobbing that wives could help in his testicles. She s a i d
guards, we do maintain and squirming and kicking some way 'instinctively'. I something about lifting
strict discipline. This is of feet, but that does not presume that she meant them, but it seemed harsh
absolutely neces ary if we deter me in the least. The hand massage of the penis, treatn1ent to me. To in-
are to run an effective in- number of smacks depends but let me tell her that this crease his suffering another
stitution and be of any help on the rule infraction; is agonising for a man who young nurse appeared who
to the girls. We do not normally 25 is the maxi- has endured an erection placed a small dish on his
subscribe to the theory that mum. When I have finish- for more than a f~w hours. stomach. Poor man, he
there is no place for pun- ed and the girl has returned Surely she knows that knew what that was for and
ishment in the rehabilita- to her feet, she dresses and after a brief period in erec- he buried his face in my
tion process. Punishment is I have another talk with tion a man's testicles will arm. When she switched
one of the techniques we her. It is surprising how become tender, and after her apparatus on the elec-
use, and this includes cor- many girls at this point prolonged erection t h e tricity made his body jerk
poral punishment, which is have begged my forgive- testes swell. Any vigorous and convulse.
used when other forms of ness, and have thanked me handling is very painful to It went on for several
discipline have not worked for reminding them of him. minutes with his back arch-
and in serious breaches of their responsibilities. Many I have, over the years, ed up, lifting his buttocks
the rules. Although we of them kept up correspon- gently worked his penis off the oed. One nurse held
certainly do not enjoy hav- dence with me after they with my hands, but it was his scrotum all the time
ing to resort to corporal have left, and I have at- necessary to do it to him and the other kept the
punishment, we have found tended the weddings of a several times in a day, and machine hard against his
it to be extremely effective number of girls who only a his flesh became very sore penis in spite of his con-
in maintaining discipline few years before I had indeed. I don't think that vulsions.
and reminding our girls turned over my knee and the nurse realised just how I was praying for it to
that there are limits to mis- soundly spanked.' painful this can be. Her end when suddenly he' was
behaviour, beyond which a Please feel free to use letter did one good thing. emptying himself into the
good, old-fashioned spank- this material if you so It made my man under- dish. Then it was all over.
ing will be administered. desire. stand that he was not a Now after that he did not
'All s p a n k i n g s a r e B.J.F. freak, and it encouraged suffer a priapic erection for
carried out on the bare London, N.6 him, at last, to seek advice nearly three weeks. Suc-
bottom, since our intention and help. He was sent to cessful, yes, but surely
is to make such an im- hospital for tests and treat- there must be a kinder way.
pression on the offender PRIAPISM'S UGLY ment, but this was given by Please Miss H. V., don't
that repeat sessions will not HEAD a very young staff nurse. leave us in the air because
be necessary. The teenage A mere slip of a girl who my husband will not go
female is extremely sensi- Recently there appeared was young enough to be back. to those demons
tive to both the pain and in your magazine a most our daughter. again.
the embarrassment of a interesting letter from a I felt for my poor hus- I have obtained one of
bare-bottom.spanking, London nurse about priap- band in his embarrassment. these machines and I am
which makes this form of ism. My own husband, to He was obliged to lay, stark able to treat hin1 myself.
punishment particularly whom I have been married naked, on his back and The nurses said it was most
effective in her case. for 20 years, suffers so draw his knees up to his important f.or the man to
'When a girl is to be much from this awful com- chest holding his legs wide get his legs wide apart so
spanked, she is summoned plaint that I cry for him. apart. What an awful posi- that the pipe between
to my office where I ex- It is only in the last 5 years tion for a man of 40 to them, that goes to his
plain to her what is going that it has become so very hold in front of a young penis, is not restricted.
to happen, and why. Most severe for him that his girl. I could not believe it, Then, if he empties out
girls turn white in the face erections persist for 8 or 9 but I held his head as this completely, he will not
and start to cry when they hours. The condition was child in uniform pressed a suffer another erection for
learn that they are about so embarrassing for him machine, all wires and some time. She said that
to be spanked. She is re- that he would not seek ad- brass discs~ against his he should kneel or stand
quired to remove her cloth- on one leg and raise the
ing below the waist which other up high. He tried
causes much pleading and kneeling but, as I am a
more crying that she at little tubby, I could not get
least be permitted to keep down to him. He now
her under-garments on to stands on one leg and I
escape the intense embar- sit on a chair just behind
rassment of having her but- him and he puts his other
tocks exposed like that of foot up on our dressing
a naughty boy four years table. His genitals are then
old. I then turn her over easily reached and his pipe
my knee, a position I use is not restricted.
to reinforce the humiliation However, I cannot hold
of her punishment and so the machine and pinch his
that she can relate to a scrotum, as advised, all at
mother-daughter type of the same time. I need
spanking. I remind her at another pair of hands un-
this point that I stand in less Miss H. V. can offer
the place of her mother. I some advice.
use an old-fashioned, M.A.G. (Mrs.)
wooden hairbrush which Ireland
MORE ON MILES cricket for the school Up in the showers he offer- 'Whiplash' type of thing,
teams. I also got whipped ed to lather my back for which leaves me cold!
As a regular reader of by various masters quite me and of course his hand Being the father (widow-
Janus I was interested to of ten for all s o r t s o f got round my front at ed) of three daughters (now
see the article on James offences. Always it was on times and he s t a r t e d grown-up), I had naturally
Miles of Rochester, that the bare bottom with a masturbating me deligl1t- much experience in the
celebrated flogger of young crook handled cane. This fully. I almost came. Final- gentle (and I do m ean
females. As a matter of after a time stimulated me ly he invited me to his gentle) art of ch astise-
fact that was the third time somewhat and I grew al- hotel and I accepted. There ment. I never spanked hard
the name Miles had crop- most to enjoy it! I am sure was no problem a b o u t enough to make a bottom
ped up before me recently. a few of the young masters going to his bedroom what- unsittable, or caned severe-
And then, after reading enjoyed whipping us like ever. He put on the fire ly to raise weals, or leave
your article, I came across that. and we undressed. I must ma rks for a week , but my
an old number of another After leaving school a say it was thrilling beyond children knew they had
magazine, and it contained year ago I have had three words when he invited me been punished, and why.
an article about the self affairs with girls and at to get under the sheets My methods were known
same gen tie man's trial - if present am fond of one and we lay together play- to my friends and neigh-
you could call it that! ! aged n i n e t e e n who is ing with each other's cocks. bours, and like your
I first came across his superb in every way and He sucked me and even 'uncle I too was called
name in a paperback ver- we have indulged in sex. licked my anus, which was upon to deputise as spank-
sion of the book The First In December, however, I super. I did likewise to er on many occasions.
Victorian by Roy Rich visited a sauna bath in him. Then to my amaze- U sually, when my immedi-
(mentioned in your article) London. Not one of those ment he asked if he could ate neighbour knew that a
and as you say, he seems where you get massaged by shave off all my pubic spanking session was about
to have trained his son topless tarts, but a man's hairs! ! ! ! I finally agreed to take place, she brought
very well. Then in another one which is well laid out. and after using scissors he her own girl over, for bot-
book called Cracksman on I sat there naked in the shaved me bare. Of course tom treatment. And Sue
Velvet, which featured one steam room surrounded by I had problems with my (the girl) didn't mind!
much maligned (by his men of all ages also naked. girl friend and had to make Once a week, usually Fri-
superiors) Sergeant Verity I could hardly a void staring all sorts of silly excuses. day nights, my girls, with
who, in the course of his at their genitals and admir- In brief, this man and I any other 'gu est' were
investigations into a crime, ing the sizes. Nothing much masturbated each other for given, first of all, a smart
gets some vital information wrong in that? As we sat two hours. I really enjoyed hand spanking of about
out of a whore by threaten- there one or two manipula- it. As a last act he pro- thirty crisp smacks, not at
ing to get her sent back to ted themselves to a minor duced a school cane and all hard, on the bare bot-
'Master Miles' workhouse' degree and gained erec- gave me a glorious whip- tom, while laid over my
so that he can put her over tions and even touched ping (not hard) but very knee. They were quite con-
the whipping bench, naked their next door neighbour's delightful. I came off twice tent while this was going
from waist to ankles, for a penis now and then. This that afternoon before going done, and it served to im-
correction. Needless to say did excite me a great deal home. prove their bottoms, and
the lady tells him all that and I could hardly avoid I have been to another circulations, I think, as
be wants to know! ! ! getting a substantial erec- sauna since (a mixed one) they all had lovely clear
There is another real tion myself, although I did where there were four skins, and never had things
birching at the end of this not touch my penis in any young girls quite nude and like chillblains. *
novel which is given to a way. lovely. I got an erection Next, if anyone had a
young girl by a gang that Later that afternoon I while looking at one who black mark to be wiped off,
want further information was alone in the steam had shaved her pubic hairs this was done with a light
from her. James Miles room and a man aged I beautifully. She was great cane, half a stroke for each
certainly seems to have suppose forty started to fun to chat to and I told year of age, for each black
made a name for himself, chat and we became quite her why my hairs were still mark. This did not often
but why has he been in the friendly. In the rest room so short! Now . . . am I happen, but when it did
shadows until now? later he came and sat on homosexual? I want to be they accepted it philo-
the couch and when not certain. sophically. I gave them a
J.J. being seen he began to feel H.T. rubbing session after this,
Somerset my legs and of course my Han ts. and finished this part of
penis. He bought me a pot the bottom treatment with
of tea and we discovered [As you seem to like girls a quick splash of my after-
HOMO OR BI? we were both the same it would seem that your shave! This had them
types, although he was homosexual experiences dancing for a few seconds!
Your enlightened maga- older than me. I agreed to are either a passing f anc)' But after a moment or
zine is the perfect answer return the following week or perhaps you might be two of 'Whew! Daddy! '
to my problem. I came and we actually met on the bi-sexual. Only time will (Round-eyed and grinning)
upon it recently in Soho stairs going in. He stroked tell.-Ed.J they settled down to wait
and got three issues. I am my bottom as we ascended their turn for the next part
eighteen (only just) and the stairs. I knew then that of the night's work. A bowl
worry at times whether one things would happen! We of warm water was pro-
could accuse me of being sat next to one another in BENEFITS OF ENEMAS duced, and Linda, my
homosexual. I went to a the steam room and he felt youngest, placed herself
public school (medium me each time we were Let me congratulate you over my knee again, to re-
type) where of course boys alone or almost alone, for on one of the best issues ceive warmed water given
masturbated either alone or at one time two chaps were yet. Like your correspond- with a small bulb syringe,
with others. I bad my ex- having a mutual frig open- ent who was 'lucky' enougl1 and fitted with a soft rub-
periences many times al- ly in front of us. to be 'uncle' to two young ber nozzle, well lubricated.
though it did not prevent I must freely admit that girls, I enjoy your maga- While she was busy at the
me playing football and all this excited me no end. zine, excepting for the loo, the next in line would
be having the syringe and and relax them. Bluntly, weight, a her cleansed replying. I am in lodgings
so on. Each one had two they like th e sen a tion! bowels did their work at present with an elderly
separate syringings then I remember the case of better. She was not alone lady who niay not be in ac-
their bottoms were care- Anne. She was brought by in this. cordance with my views.
fully washed, dried and a neighbour, who m o re or W ell, n ow, I hope this
powdered, before nighties less demanded that I give will be of interest to those F.M.
were donned for bed. Quite Anne a good caning. On 'family' readers who sub-
often, the 'gue ts' also exam ining her and talking scribe to Janus. I know it
stayed the night , so there to her, I decided I could m ay n ot d o o to the types IMPORTANCE OF
were sometimes half a not do this, it was much who derive sado-maso- SPANKING
dozen well-warmed, well- too severe . for h er thin chistic pleasure fr om PRELIMINARIES
s p a n k e d , well-syringed mall bottom, nor did she spa nking . I for one do not.
little bottoms, feeling com- really require uch drastic To the adu lt pankee and / Having been a subscriber
fortable and comforted, in treatment. In tead, I care- or spanker, who use the to Janus since it was called
the beds! fully slippered her, until m eth od to heigh ten sexual M entor, I can confirm the
Now, yo u might say, h er buttocks were quite pleasure, a nd for foreplay view of the majority of
what is the point of all hot. I took my time over before sex, good luck to your readers that it is the
this? My point is that, if it, allowing her a rubbing them, I say. I and thou- best magazine on C.P.
the spankee realises (a) that period after each ten or so ands of others use the available.
her chastisement, however strokes, all well placed hand, th e slipper, and the What makes Janus head
mild, is punishment, she is over h er entire bo ttom. light cane, to gently punish and shoulders above the
suitably contrite, and will Then I suggested to Mum our young, and it does rest is its attention to detail
try to mend her ways. that she be yringed, as them no harm, but all from a variety of con-
The very act of prepar- one of her alleged 'crimes' good. tributors.
ing for punishm ent, or of was not attending the F.W.M. When the large size
being prepared fo r it, by toilet. She began to whim- Wilts. Janus appeared I wonder-
the baring of the bottom, per as she glimpsed the ed whether its quality
and the submissive position long tube of the syringe, *It was actually the girls would suffer; but no -
over the knee (with per- but when the water began themselves who advocated apart from the number of
haps the added a ppreh en- to flow into h er bottom , the combined session. The photographs which appear-
sion during the wait before- she settled down, over my further reason for the ed having no connection
hand), is u sually quite knee, like a veteran 'syrin- hand spanking, w h i c h with C.P. However, reader
enough. gee'. I gave her three- begins very lightly and gets criticism soon cured this
With rega rd to th e quarters of a pint of warm harder towards the end shortcoming, and once
syringing, so many of your water, then let her trip to (when the bottom is beg- again we have a well-
devotees to this seem to the loo. She returned at ginning to g~t quite warm balanced magazine. T o
regard the enema as part the double, for her second and pink, a nd the spankee date the nearest issue to
of the puni shment, especi- lot of water, and would is squirming a little, is that perfection yet must be Vol.
ally in the case of 'dirty have had a third if time I find that it is cruel to 6 No. 5, although Vol. 6
bottoms' in younger girls. had not run out. As it was, cane a cold bottom! It's No. 2 was a close second.
Not so. The enema can be, she actually roiled as she m u ch better for the Obviously you must vary
and is in our case, a useful was washed and dried, and spankee if her BTM is the contents to suit the
and soothing instrument, turned up alone, the n ext well-warmed by hand first! minor as well as the major
and the reason the girls are week, for a nother session, Last n ote : I wonder why portions of your reader-
given them after a spank- along with my own girl it is that girls seem to take ship, for what turns on one
ing, is to first of all give and Sue. Her health and it far more bravely than reader may well turn off
them time to recover a her temper, also her toilet boys? another.
little from the quick sting habits, improved in a stag- F.M. I first realised my en-
of the smack or cane, and gering manner, and she joyment of C.P. literature
second to cleanse the bowel put on quite a bit of P.S. Please be discreet in through the 'typed' books
A Tour de Force of Female Domination
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SCHOOL BOY masters took care to keep mirror. The house captain mistake. I was told to get
PUNISHMENTS out of a dormitory if they had certainly done his job ready in the usual way and
heard the unmistakeable well. There were four deep, to bend over the table. I
The Victorian maxim of sound of a hair-brush des- clear cut, weals on each was pretty used to being
'Spare the rod and spoil cending onto a boy's cheek, neatly placed para- caned by this time and was
the child' was very closely behind. Some of these llel to each other, each not particularly worried
adhered to at both my Pre- spankings were really pain- weal being about five inch- about what I was going to
paratory School and Public ful and as I was always es long and they were al- receive but the force of the
School. I do not know ragging or doing something ready turning a purplish very first stroke fairly took
whether my parents delib- wrong, (usually on pur- black colour. That evening my breath away. It was ob-
erately chose my schools pose). I gQt beaten at least in the dormitory the boys vious to me that he was
so that I should be thoro- once a week. Needless to of co·urse wanted to see my really angry with me and
ughly disciplined from an say when I became a dor- marks and they all agreed each of the twelve strokes
early age, but if so, it turn- mitory captain I made sure that I had been pretty he gave me was designed
ed out that they could not I got my own back on the severely punished consider- and calculated to cause me
have made a better choice junior boys. ing it was my first caning. as much pain as possible.
of schools. Curiously enough even at I was a well made boy, He paused for about ten
The Headmaster of my that young age I really strong and good looking seconds between each
prep. school was one of the rather enjoyed a good hid- and very high spirited, stroke and the thrashing
old fashioned sort who ing and I always felt thoro- which meant I was always seemed to go on for ever.
believed that a boy's be- ughly stimulated after getting into trouble of some Each · stroke was delivered
hind was made to receive having received eight of the sort. At the time I was with great precision and
punishment and he took best on my bare bottom, too young to realise it, but with each stroke the cane
the greatest delight in either with a hair-brush or obviously my good looks cut deep into my cheeks.
making sure we were a spanking-bat. and well formed body made Eventually he told me to
soundly spanked as often When I was thirteen it very tempting for a sad- stand up and said he hoped
as possible. My first ex- years old I went to my istic house captain with I had learnt a lesson and
perience of a spanking Public School which was homo-sexual tendencies to that I would be more care-
came during my first term one of the oldest and best beat n1e on every possible ful in future about where
at the age of eight. It had in the United Kingdom. I occasion, especially as I I threw my boots when
been decided that I should behaved fairly well during appeared to rather enjoy it there were naked people
have piano lessons. I was my first term and managed and I gave him plenty of about. I managed to raise
not in the least musical and to keep out of trouble, but excuses for thrashing me. a smile and said I would
I disliked the music mis- during .. my second term I I well remember one do my best. For the first
tress intensely. After a few decided it was time to find really 'red-letter' day dur- time in my life I found it
lessons I lost my temper out what a house captain's ing my third term. I had was quite painful pulling
with her and slammed beating felt like. At most managed to behave fairly on my pants and trousers.
down the keyboard cover public schools in the nine- well for over a week, which My troubles however
on her hands. That even- teen twenties and thirties, was quite a record for me were not yet over! Bed
ing I was sent for by the all the junior boys had to and I felt that the time was time routine was for the
headmaster. After telling 'fag' for their house pre- rapidly approaching when boys to go to their dorm-
me to take off my trousers fects. One evening I was I was due for another beat- itories when the bell
and underpants, I had to sent for by the house ing. That afternoon I was sounded and get undress-
stand in front of him while captain. I went along to in the changing room after ed. We had to· be in bed by
he gave me a long lecture the dining hall where I games and having unlaced the time the house prefects
about my monstrous behav- found the house captain my football boots, I was in came to bed which was
iour. At that time we were and the house prefects the process of kicking them about fifteen minutes later.
spanked with a spanking waiting for me. I was told off my feet when the house Any boy who was not in
bat, which was similar to that I had become very captain went by on his way bed was beaten there and
a 'fives' bat with a long slack in the way I was to tl1e shower. One of my then with a slipper. Wheth-
handle. I was then told to carrying out such duties as boots went up in the air er or not the culprit was
bend over a chair and given tidying up the prefects' and hit him full smack on allowed to keep his pyjama
four strokes on each cheek. studies and various other his balls. He was not un- trousers on was left to the
The spanking did not seem things I was supposed to naturally extremely cross discretion of the prefect.
to hurt very much and I do. The house captain then and told me to report to Usually it meant a good
was rather amused by the told n1e I needed smarten- him that evening in the hiding on the bare behind.
whole procedure. I was at ing up, and picking up a dining hall after prayers. On the evening in ques-
that school for five years vicious looking cane he I knew only too well tion we had gone up to bed
and I must have been told me to taken down my what to expect that evening as usual and when I had
spanked at least four times trousers and pants and to and everytime I thought undressed the other boys
every term by the head- bend over the table. He about the caning I was in the dormitory of course
master. There was how- then proceeded to give me going to get, I felt a ting- wanted to see the marks
ever a much more severe eight of the very best on ling sensation all down my on my behind. When I was
type of spanking which my behind. I think he ex- spine and buttocks. The at the far end of the dorm-
took place on a semi-un- pected me to cry out or time seemed to drag _by, but itory I suddenly realised
official basis. There were stand up half-way through eventually the time for that the prefect would be
four dormitories in the the caning, but my behind evening prayers arrived and arriving at any moment. I
school and it had become was extremely tough and after they had finished I was on the way back to my
the practice for dormitory I remained in a taut posi- was told to stay behind in bed when he walked in. I
captains to punish the other tion throughout the beating the dining-hall. The house stood rooted to the spot
boys in their dormitory by without showing any sign captain did not waste much where I was and my heart
means of a good hiding for of pain. On leaving the time on preliminaries and missed several beats. There
the most trivial offences. dining hall I went straight I was not given a chance was no denying I had been
Although this was not to the washrooms and to explain that this time caught with my trousers
really allowed, all the looked at my behind in a there had been a genuine down in more senses than
. ~
one. The prefect told me to caning and I still find it girls being spanked with
go and stand by my bed enjoyable and most stim- slipper or hairbrush in the
and wait there until he had ulating. time-honoured across the
spoken to the house cap- v.w. knee position and let us
tain. Whilst I waited I ran Sussex. see the whole picture, not [A further instalment of
my hands up and down my just a close up of a bare Cinema Spanking has been
buttocks and wondered bottom and let the girl look published since we received
how on earth I was going FAVOURITE as if she is being hurt. your letter. We hope you
to stand another hiding, as CELEBRITY BOTTOMS saw that issue, and we can
my buttocks were already B.C.H. assure you we intend to go
extremely sore and pain- I thoroughly enjoy read- Maidstone, through to .the end of the
ful. I had been beaten in ing the letters to Janus on Kent. alphabet.-Ed.]
the dormitory on numer- the subject of the 'Order
ous occasions and knew of the Burning Bot' mainly
full well what to expect. It because the spanking of a
always seemed to me that girl in the public eye is a
six or eight well applied fantasy we can all share.
strokes with the heel of a Who will join me then
slipper were more painful in advocating a very hard
than the average caning. and painful spanking for
The dormitory captain re- those three precocious brats
turned after a few minutes Jodie Foster, Lena Zavar-
and told me with a broad oni and Tatum O'Neal? I
grin on his face that I was would enjoy seeing these
to be punished in the usual three little girls howling
way for breaking a house their eyes out as they lay
rule and ordered me to across someone's knees,
bend over the end of my knickers down, having their
bed. I asked him if I could b a r e bottoms soundly
put on my pyjama trou- spanked with a slipper. I
sers as I thought that would like to see Marie
might help to lessen the Osmond placed across her
pain a little, but he only mother's knee, her skirt
laughed and told me not to raised, pants down, to have
be so childish. Each stroke her bare backside paddled
was agony and after I had until it glowed red and
received four I had great sore.
difficulty in not straighten- But don't think I have it
ing up in order to relax my in only for the younger
cheek muscles, but I knew generation. Imagine those
it would only mean some two beauties Liza Goddard
extra strokes if I did. Each and Alexandra Bastedo
time the slipper hit my being ordered to bend over
bottom it felt as if I had for a dozen strokes on the
been hit with a red hot bare with a thin whippy
poker. After he had given cane. Perhaps Sue Barker's
me six fairly hard whacks tennis would improve if a
the prefect told me to get defeat was followed by a
into bed. Before going to sound bare-bottom spank-
sleep that night (on my ing with a hairbrush - and
stomach) I decided to keep perhaps similar treatment
out of trouble for the rest would add a few yards to
of the term, but it was only Donna Murray's speed!
a matter of a week or two I have always thought
before I found myself at Natalie Wood was very
the receiving
. end of a cane suitable for corporal pun-
once again. ishment. Perhaps a well-
When looking back on smacked bottom followed
my school days I have al- by a dozen strokes of the
ways come to the conclu- strap would be in order. It
sion that I thoroughly en- would certainly make her
joyed them. None of us yell. My favourite fantasy,
really resented being beat- however, is to have
en and I am quite sure the Prunella Scales across my
strict discipline did us all knee, her bottom bared,
a lot of g<>od and made us while I spank her oh so
far better citizens than soundly with the back of a
would have been the case, wooden hairbrush. How
had we never known what she would kick and scream!
a cane felt like when By the way, whatever
applied to our bare happened to the ABC of
behinds. Cinema Spanking? I hope
For a long time after you will continue through
leaving school, when hav- to 'Z' as it is one of my
ing sexual intercourse I favourite features. And
always liked to have a good please, more pictures of