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How to Effectively Implement

ISA 99 / IEC 62443

Table of Contents

ISA 99 / IEC 62443 3

Industrial Automation and Control System 4

IEC 62443-3-3 and IEC 62443-4-2 5

FR 1 Identification and authentication control 6
FR 2 Use control 8
FR 3 System integrity 9
FR 4 Data confidentiality 11
FR 5 Restricted data flow 13
FR 6 Timely response to events 15
FR 7 Resource availability 16

IEC 62443-3-2 17
Manufacturing network example showing 18
Zones and conduits
ZCR 1 Identification of the system under consideration (SuC) 19
ZCR 2 High-level cyber security risk assessment 20
ZCR 3 Partition the SuC into zones and conduits 21
ZCR 5 Perform a detailed cybersecurity risk assessment 23
ZCR 5 Document cybersecurity requirements, assumptions 24
and constraints
ISA 99 / IEC 62443

IEC 62443, formerly known as ISA 99, is the worldwide de facto of threats and failures within ICS networks. The standard consists
standard for security of industrial control system (ICS) networks. The of 13 documents organized into four groups: General, Policies &
standard was created by the International Society of Automation Procedures, System and Component.
(ISA) and was taken over by the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC), who is responsible for further developing it. The following pages list some of the key technical requirements of
IEC 62443 and explain how eyeInspect (formerly SilentDefense) helps
IEC 62443 assists in the evaluation of existing and potential ICS network operators to comply with them.
vulnerabilities within ICS and aids in applying the necessary
mitigations. The overall goal of this standard is to reduce the risk

1-1 Terminology, concepts and models

1-2 Master glossary of terms and abbreviations
1-3 System security compliance metrics
1-4 IACS security lifecycle and use-case


2-1 Requirements for an IACS security management system
2-2 Implementation guidance for an IACS security
management system
2-3 Patch management in the IACS environment

IEC 62443-3-3 and

2-4 Installation and maintenance requirements for
IACS suppliers

IEC 62443-4-2
3-1 Security technologies for IACS
SYSTEM 3-2 Security levels for zones and conduits
IEC 62443-3-3 describes general system security 3-3 System security requirements and security levels
requirements such as authentication, data
condentiality and system integrity.

4-1 Product development requirements

IEC 62443-4-2 species the technical requirements
4-2 Technical security requirements for IACS components
for securing the individual components of an ICS

FR 1 - Identification and Authentication Control

IEC 62443-3-3 IEC 62443-4-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

SR 1.1 The control system shall CR 1.1 All human users need to be eyeInspect monitors remote network access and authentication
provide the capability to identify identied and authenticated or all attempts over several clear-text OT & IT protocols including HTTP, FTP,
and authenticate all human users access to applications and devices. SMB, and Telnet. Both failed and successful authentication attempts
on all interfaces that provide This includes access through are logged for analysis and to ensure that all critical systems are
human user access to the control network protocols HTTP, HTTPS, accessed using individual user credentials. Real-time alerts are raised
system. FTP, SFTP, and protocols used by in case authentication occurs through default or insecure credentials
device conguration tools. (e.g. admin/admin), or in case of brute-force attempts.

SR 1.7 For control systems CR 1.7 Components that use eyeInspect features out-of-the-box checks and real-time alerts for the
utilizing password-based password-based authentication use of default or insecure credentials (e.g. admin/admin) and brute-
authentication, the control system shall provide the capability to force attempts over several clear-text OT & IT protocols, including
shall provide the capability to enorce congurable password HTTP, FTP, SMB, and Telnet. Additional checks can be dened to
enorce congurable password strength based on minimum monitor and alert for the use of weak passwords (e.g. based on
strength based on minimum length and variety of character length and variety of character types), password reuse and exceeded
length and variety of character types. Additionally, components password lifetime.
types. Additionally, control shall prevent password reuse
systems shall prevent password or a congurable number
reuse or a congurable number of generations and enforce
of generations and enforce minimum and maximum
minimum and maximum password lifetime restrictions.
password lifetime restrictions.

FR 1 - Identification and Authentication Control 6

IEC 62443-3-3 IEC 62443-4-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

SR 1.8 Where PKI is utilized, the CR 1.9 Components that utilize eyeInspect performs several checks on TLS/SSL communications
control system shall provide public-key based authentication and certicates to ensure the security o inormation exchange.
the capability to operate a PKI shall ensure certicate validity These include checks on certicate dates validity, trustworthiness
according to commonly accepted and that the strength of the o certicate authorities, SSL client applications, and strength o the
best practices or obtain public cipher suite used complies with cipher suite. All checks can be tuned to ensure compliance of encrypted
key certicates rom an existing cryptographic requirements. communications and certicates with recognized best practices and/or
PKI company policies.

SR 1.13 The control system shall CR 1.13 The network devices eyeInspect continuously monitors all network trac and visualizes
provide the capability to monitor supporting device access into device access and communications in the form of an interactive
and control all methods of a network shall provide the network map, which the user can browse and analyze to understand
access to the control system via capability to monitor and control device behavior and information exchange across the network.
untrusted network. all methods of access to the Furthermore, eyeInspect automatically generates a baseline of active
network device via untrusted network communications which is presented to the user as intuitive
networks. access rules.
This combination of visualizations gives the user a quick and simple
way to identify illegitimate access to devices or to the network, with
additional details such as who performed the access and over which
protocol. Once reviewed and approved, the automatically generated
baseline can be used as network whitelist, in order to alert in real time
in case of access violations and other network anomalies.

FR 1 - Identification and Authentication Control 7

FR 2 Use Control

IEC 62443-3-3 IEC 62443-4-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

SR 2.8 The control system CR 2.8 Components shall provide eyeInspect continuously monitors network and device activity in
shall provide the capability to the capability to generate audit real time and alerts and/or logs events of interest such as network
generate audit records relevant records relevant to security for reconnaissance activity, unauthorized access and communications,
to security for the following the following categories: access failed and successful remote login attempts, error and malfunction
categories: access control, control, request errors, control indicators rom eld devices, noteworthy control system events (e.g.
request errors, operating system system events, backup and restore maintenance operations) and ICS device conguration changes (e.g.
events, control system events, events, conguration changes, program and rmware updates). Alerts and logs contain all details
backup and restore events, audit log events. Individual logs required to analyze and respond to the event, such as timestamp,
conguration changes, potential shall include: timestamp, source source and target information, event type, potential causes, impact
reconnaissance activity and audit device, category, type, event ID, and recommendations. Alerts and logs can be ltered and exported
log events. and event result. or ofine analysis or inclusion in audit records.

“eyeInspect continuously monitors

network and device activity in real-time”

FR 2 Use Control 8
FR 3 System Integrity

IEC 62443-3-3 IEC 62443-4-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

SR 3.2 The control system CR 3.2 The network device shall eyeInspect leverages a combination of signature- and anomaly-
shall provide the capability to provide for protection from based detection to detect and alert in real time for both known and
employ protection mechanisms malicious code. If a network device unknown malware and exploit attempts over the network. The activity
to prevent, detect, report and is able to utilize a compensating of malicious actors and code is detected at the earliest stage, i.e.
mitigate the effects of malicious control, it need not directly during reconnaissance and spread. The alert information provided by
code or unauthorized software support protection from malicious eyeInspect contains clear information about the source, target and
transported by electronic mail, code. nature of the threat, enabling immediate response and to prevent the
Internet access, removable malware from carrying out the actual attack.
media, network connections,
infected laptops or other
common means.

SR 3.5 The control system shall CR 3.5 Components shall validate eyeInspect features full deep packet inspection (DPI) capability on
validate the syntax and content the syntax and content of any industrial protocol communications. It veries the validity o process
of any input which is used as an input that is used as an industrial control messages at two levels: rst, it veries whether the message
industrial process control input process control input. is syntactically well-formed (i.e. whether it complies with the protocol
or input that directly impacts the specication); second, it applies more restrictive verication to
action of the control system. ensure that the content is valid and expected (i.e. is “normal” for the
process under consideration and/or complies with process-specic
restrictions). Failure o these verication steps result in real-time alerts
reporting clear information required for analysis and response.

FR 3 System Integrity 9
FR 4 Data Confidentiality

IEC 62443-3-3 IEC 62443-4-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

SR 4.1 The control system shall CR 4.1 Components shall protect eyeInspect enables users to verify that sensitive information is
protect the condentiality o the condentiality o inormation communicated using secure encrypted protocols and cipher suites. This
information at rest and in transit. at rest and in transit. verication can be perormed by the user in several ways:
• Leveraging eyeInspect’s interactive network map and automatically
generated communications baseline, users can easily identify critical
control systems and servers and see whether their communication
with other critical devices is encrypted.
• Leveraging eyeInspect’s Industrial Threat Library (ITL), users receive
real-time alerts if insecure protocols are used to exchange sensitive
information. The alerts include information about source and
destination devices, so that remediation actions can be taken (e.g.
insecure versions of SSL can be disabled on the host).
• Furthermore, the ITL also alerts the user if weak cipher suites or
encryption keys are being used by network devices.

FR 4 Data Confidentiality 11
“Built-in controls ensure that encrypted
communications follow international standards
and recognized security practices.”

IEC 62443-3-3 IEC 62443-4-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

SR 4.3 If cryptography is CR 4.3 If cryptography is The use of obsolete and insecure protocol versions and weak cipher
required, the control system shall required, components shall suites enables attackers to leverage known exploits to compromise
use cryptographic algorithms, use cryptographic security the security of communications. eyeInspect features several built-in
key size and mechanisms for key mechanisms according to controls to ensure that encrypted communications in the monitored
establishment and management internationally recognized and network follow international standards and recognized security
according to internationally proven security practices. practices and alerts the user if:
recognize and proven security • Insecure protocols or protocol versions are being used (e.g. SSHv1,
practices. SSLv2, etc.).
• Weak cipher suites or encryption keys are used in TLS/SSL
• TLS/SSL certicates issued by untrustworthy certicate authorities
are being used.
• Network devices use client applications associated with known
malware and exploit kits.

FR 4 Data Confidentiality 12
FR 5 Restricted Data Flow

IEC 62443-3-3 IEC 62443-4-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

SR 5.1 The control system CR 5.1 Components shall support eyeInspect provides valuable support throughout multiple stages of the
shall provide the capability to a segmented network to support network segmentation process:
logically segment control system the broader network architecture • At design stage, it generates an automatic and accurate visualization
networks from non-control based on logical segmentation o all active network IP-connected devices and trac ows, acilitating
system networks and to logically and criticality. the identication o security perimeters, access points, and groups
segment critical control system of functionally and logically related devices. Leveraging eyeInspect’s
networks from other control interactive network map, users can more easily (and visually) understand
system networks. the network operation and accordingly dene risk-based zones and
• At enforcement time, eyeInspect supports the enforcement of network
segmentation into zones and conduits, helping to guarantee that no
undesired communication or inormation ow occurs. Real-time alerts
are raised in case violations are detected.

SR 5.2 The control system shall CR 5.2 A network device at a eyeInspect enables users to monitor communications at zone boundaries
provide the capability to monitor zone boundary shall monitor and detect violations o network compartmentalization dened by zones
and control communications at and control communications at and conduits in multiple ways:
zone boundaries to enforce the zone boundaries to enforce the • Visually, through its interactive network map and visual threat
compartmentalization dened in compartmentalization dened scenarios, users can observe communications at zone boundaries and
the risk-based zone and conduits in the risk-based zones and highlight the presence of communications across undesired zones.
model. conduits model. • Through automatically generated network baselines used as a
network whitelist (upon approval by the user) to ensure that only
legitimate communications occur in the network and at zone
boundaries, or that all communications to/from a zone occur through
appropriate boundary protection devices (e.g. gateways, rewalls,
etc.). Actionable, real-time alerts are raised if violations occur.

FR 5 Restricted Data Flow 13

“eyeInspect provides real-time alerts if undesired
communications or protocols are observed.”

IEC 62443-3-3 IEC 62443-4-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

SR 5.3 The control system shall CR 5.3 A network device at a eyeInspect monitors communications within and across zone
provide the capability to prevent zone boundary shall provide the boundaries and provides real-time alerts if undesired communications
general purpose person-to- capability to prevent general or protocols are observed (e.g. e-mail protocols). Furthermore, it
person messages from being purpose, person-to-person can track le operations and alert i specic les or extensions (e.g.
received from users or systems messages from being received executables or other critical system les) are transmitted, edited or
external to the control system. from users or systems external deleted.
These includes e-mails, social to the control system. These
media, or other message systems includes e-mails, social media,
that permit the transmission of or other message systems that
any type o executable le. permit the transmission of any
type o executable le.

SR 5.4 The control system eyeInspect provides visibility into the services in use by each
shall support partitioning of device. This visibility can be used both to support users in dening
data, applications and services appropriate zones and conduits at design stage (e.g. based on
based on criticality to facilitate the functionality offered by devices), and to validate services and
implementing a zoning model. communications at enforcement time, with additional real time
alerting capability if policy violations or the use of undesired services
are detected.

FR 5 Restricted Data Flow 14

FR 6 Timely Response to Events

IEC 62443-3-3 IEC 62443-4-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

SR 6.1 The control system CR 6.1 Components shall provide eyeInspect monitors remote access and communications to control
shall provide the capability for the capability for authorized systems and components as well as le transer operations, to help
authorized humans and/or tools humans and/or tools to access ensure that information and audit logs are accessed only from authorized
to access audit logs on a audit logs on a read-only basis. users and workstations. Real-time alerts are raised if unauthorized access
read-only basis. and communications are detected.

SR 6.2 The control system CR 6.2 Components shall provide eyeInspect continuously monitors network trac and alerts in real time
shall provide the capability to the capability to be continuously for any threat to the network and its components. It features over 1,600
continuously monitor all security monitored to detect, characterize built-in ICS-specic signatures and checks and combines them with
mechanism performance and report security breaches in a powerful anomaly detection engines to help ensure that both known
using commonly accepted timely manner. Monitoring can be and unknown threats are identied at the earliest stage. These threats
security industry practices and achieved through a variety of tools include the use o insecure protocols and congurations, network
recommendations to detect, and techniques such as IDS, IPS, reconnaissance activity, possible data breach, known and unknown
characterize and report security network monitoring mechanisms, malware and exploits, as well as error and malfunction indicators of ICS
breaches in a timely manner. etc. devices and other undesired process operations that can put operational
Monitoring can be achieved continuity at risk. All detected threats result in real time alerts containing
through a variety of tools and comprehensive details and information that can lead to effective analysis
techniques such as IDS, IPS, and timely response.
network monitoring mechanisms,

FR 6 Timely Response to Events 15

FR 7 Resource Availability

IEC 62443-3-3 IEC 62443-4-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

SR 7.1 The control system shall CR 7.1 Components shall maintain eyeInspect includes built-in controls for real-time detection of several
remain operative in a degraded essential functions in a degraded types of Denial of Service attacks. Alert information includes details on
mode during a DoS event. mode during a DoS attack. the source and target hosts as well as the DoS attack technique being
used, enabling quick response before control systems’ and components’
essential functions are compromised. In addition, eyeInspect allows
users to easily monitor trac loads to/rom control systems at any time,
to prevent DoS events caused by system overload.

SR 7.7 The control system shall CR 7.7 Components shall restrict eyeInspect automatically ngerprints network devices, and creates an
restrict the use of unnecessary the use of unnecessary functions, inventory of open ports, protocols and services in use for each device, to
functions, ports, protocols and/or ports, protocols and/or services. match this inormation with desired congurations and/or company policies.
services. In addition, it features automatic generation of network baselines that can
be used to detect and alert in real time if new or undesired communications,
ports, services and protocols are used in the network.

SR 7.8 The control system shall CR 7.8 Components shall provide eyeInspect automatically generates an inventory of all active network
provide the capability to report the capability to support a control IP-connected devices and communications, with accurate device
the current list of installed system component inventory. ngerprinting including details such as IP and MAC addresses, host
components and their associated names, OS version, open ports, protocols and services in use, and for ICS
properties. devices, rmware version, serial number, device modules inormation and
known vulnerabilities. The inventory information is available to the users
through eyeInspect’s interactive network map, which eatures ltering and
highlight capabilities, as well as the ability to visualize devices currently
exposed to security threats. Furthermore, the complete network inventory
can be exported by the user or ofine analysis and archiving.

FR 7 Resource Availability 16
1-1 Terminology, concepts and models

1-2 Master glossary of terms and abbreviations
1-3 System security compliance metrics
1-4 IACS security lifecycle and use-case


2-1 Requirements for an IACS security management system
2-2 Implementation guidance for an IACS security
management system
2-3 Patch management in the IACS environment
2-4 Installation and maintenance requirements for

IEC 62443-3-2 IACS suppliers

Zones, Conduits and Risk

Assessments 3-1 Security technologies for IACS
SYSTEM 3-2 Security levels for zones and conduits
3-3 System security requirements and security levels
IEC 622443-3-2 addresses security risk assessment
and network design. It suggests how organizations
should segment their network into zones and

4-1 Product development requirements

conduits, grouping systems which are similar in
4-2 Technical security requirements for IACS components
functionality and restricting access to limit threat
exposure and propagation.

Manufacturing Network Example Showing
Zones and Conduits

E-Commerce eb Server File Server Enterprise LAN


Router 

Domain Controller Patch Terminal Services  Inventory Manufacturing Execution

Management Anti-irus Data Historian Mirror Management Systems MES


Router  Router 
Firewall Firewall

PLC  RTU HMI Field Devices PLC  RTU HMI Field Devices

Local Switch Local Switch

Legacy Fieldbus Legacy Fieldbus

Manufacturing Network Example Showing Zones and Conduits 18

ZCR 1 Identification of the
system under consideration (SuC)

IEC 62443-3-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

ZCR 1.1 The organization shall clearly identify the System under eyeInspect automatically generates and visualizes an inventory of all
Consideration (SuC), including clear denition o the security active IP-connected network devices and communications, and presents
perimeter and identication o all access points to the SuC. it to the user in the form of an interactive network map and clear network
baselines. This enables users to:
• At design stage, identiy the current (or dene the intended) security
perimeter and access points (e.g. gateways, rewalls, etc.).
• At enforcement time, ensure that all communications accessing a
network (the SuC) and its devices pass from the intended access
points. Real-time alerts are raised i communications violate ow and
perimeter restrictions.

ZCR 2 High-level cyber security risk assessment

IEC 62443-3-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

ZCR 2.1 The organization shall perform a high-level cybersecurity eyeInspect supports and facilitates risk assessments through a
risk assessment of the SuC in order to identify the worst- combination of automated asset inventory, vulnerability assessment, and
case unmitigated cybersecurity risk that could result from the a library o over 1,600 ICS-specic operational and security threats. As
interference with, disruption of, or disablement of mission critical soon as eyeInspect is connected to a network, it starts passively creating
IACS operations. the inventory of all IP-connected network devices, communications, and
their vulnerabilities, and identifying whether the network and its IP-
connected devices are subject to any of the 1,600
built-in operational and security threats. It then presents this information
as an intuitive and interactive network map, where the user can visualize
the major risks and threats to the network and prioritize mitigation

“A library of over 1,600 ICS-related

operational and security threats”

ZCR 2 High-level cyber security risk assessment 20

ZCR 3 Partition the SuC into zones and conduits

IEC 62443-3-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

ZCR 3.1 The organization shall establish zones and conduits by eyeInspect’s interactive network map and threat visualizations allow
grouping IACS and related assets. Grouping shall be used upon the users to easily understand the network operation and its major risks.
results of the high-level cybersecurity risk assessment or other criteria, The network map groups devices by function and/or network, facilitating
such as criticality of assets, operational function, physical or logical the identication o security perimeters, access points, and groups
location, required access or responsible organization. of functionally and logically related devices. Users can leverage this
inormation to dene risk-based zones and conduits to be used as a basis
for network segmentation.

ZCR 3.2 IACS shall be grouped into zones that are logically or physically Users can easily investigate network devices’ activity and communications
separated from business or enterprise system assets. on eyeInspect’s interactive network map. Dedicated visual threat
scenarios allow users to quickly identify open links and communications
ZCR 3.3 Safety related assets shall be grouped into zones that are between control system and business networks, or between safety and
logically or physically separated from zones with non-safety related non-safety related assets, so that mitigation actions can be taken and
assets. communications can be stopped.

ZCR 3.4 Devices that are permitted to make temporary connections to eyeInspect allows users to visualize communications across network
the SuC should be grouped into a separate zone or zones from assets zones on its interactive network map. For each communication,
that are intended to be permanently connected to the IACS. eyeInspect records when it was rst and last seen active. Through the
map lters and dedicated visual threat scenarios, users can (a) veriy
ZCR 3.6 Devices that are permitted to make connections to the SuC via whether two network segments/zones have active communications,
networks external to the SuC should be grouped into a separate zone and (b) ensure that connections from certain zones to the IACS were not
or zones. active at undesired times. Additionally, if connections are to be allowed
only at pre-determined times, eyeInspect allows the denition o custom
checks and real-time alerts for access time violations.

ZCR 3 Partition the SuC into zones and conduits 21

IEC 62443-3-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

ZCR 3.7 The organization shall (a) produce a drawing that illustrates eyeInspect’s interactive network map automatically groups devices
the zone and conduit partitioning of the entire SuC, (b) assign each based on their function or network segment. Users can adopt
asset in the SuC to a zone or a conduit. or edit these groups to dene desired zones and visualize active
communications across zones (i.e. the conduits). The map allows users
to easily spot devices which have yet to be assigned to a zone, and
conduits which should or should not be present. The network map
can be exported by the user as a high-resolution image for printing or
inclusion in reports.

ZCR 3.8 The organization shall identify and document for each The interactive network map and asset inventory information
zone and conduit: name and/or unique identier, accountable provided by eyeInspect allows users to easily identify logical
organization(s), denition o logical boundary, denition o physical boundaries and network access points, list o data ows associated
boundary (if applicable), safety designation, list of all logical and with each access point, connected zones and conduits, and to
physical access points, list o data ow associated with each access generate a list o assets and their classication, criticality and business
point, connected zones and conduits, list of assets and their values. All the information automatically collected by eyeInspect can
classication, criticality and business value, applicable security be exported by the user and integrated with additional information
requirements and policies, assumptions and external dependencies. such as accountable organization(s), safety designation, applicable
security requirements and policies in order to make it available for
internal or external compliance audits.

“eyeInspect’s interactive network map

automatically groups devices based on their
function or network segment.”
ZCR 3 Partition the SuC into zones and conduits 22
ZCR 5 Perform a detailed cybersecurity
risk assessment

IEC 62443-3-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

DRAR 1 A list of threats that could affect the assets contained eyeInspect features a library of over 600 known ICS vulnerabilities
within the zone or conduit shall be developed. A threat description and over 1,600 ICS-related operational and security threats. These
shall include a description of the threat source, threat vectors and vulnerabilities and threats are automatically matched with the asset
potentially affected assets. inventory information collected by eyeInspect and the observed
network communications, to determine which of them are applicable
DRAR 2 The zone or conduit shall be analyzed in order to identify and to the monitored network. Applicable threats and vulnerabilities can
document the known vulnerabilities in the assets contained within the be visualized by the user within eyeInspect (visual threat scenarios on
zone or conduit including the access point. the network map) or exported as a list with associated severity. This list
contains further details about the source, target and nature of the threat,
enabling an informed analysis and mitigation.

DRAR 12 The results of the cyber risk assessment shall be documented eyeInspect allows users to visualize risks, threats and vulnerabilities on
and reported. Documentation that was instrumental in performing its interactive network map in order to determine which devices and
the cyber risk assessment (such as architecture diagrams, vulnerability networks are most at risk and prioritize mitigation actions. The network
assessments and source of threat information) shall be recorded and map, including threat visualizations, can be exported by the user as
archived along with the cyber risk assessment. an image and included in reports along with the list of threats and
vulnerabilities applicable to the monitored network.

ZCR 5 Perform a detailed cybersecurity risk assessment 23

ZCR 5 Document cybersecurity requirements,
assumptions and constraints

IEC 62443-3-2 How eyeInspect helps you comply

ZCR 5.3 Cyber security requirements specications (CSRS) shall eyeInspect’s network map provides the user with full visibility over the
identify and document the physical and logical environment in which monitored environment (the SuC), including details about:
the SuC is located or planned to be located. This shall provide a clear • All active IP-connected network devices, their function and their
understanding of the networks, information technology, protocols and properties.
IACS systems that may interface with the SuC. • Communications and links across networks/zones.
• All protocols and services in use in each network/zone and by each
device within that zone.
This information can be exported by the user as an image (the network
map) and lists (of assets and protocols) for inclusion in external

ZCR 5.4 CSRS shall include a description of the threat environment that eyeInspect’s known vulnerability and ICS threat libraries include Common
impacts the SuC. The description shall include the source(s) of threat Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and threat intelligence coming from
intelligence and include both current and emerging threats. ICS-CERT, IACS vendor advisories, and Forescout’s own eld knowledge and
experience. These libraries are used to determine, based on the assets and

Using IEC 62443? communications observed in the monitored environment, which risks, threats
and vulnerabilities apply to the SuC. Applicable threats and vulnerabilities can
Let us show you how eyeInspect be visualized by the user within eyeInspect (visual threat scenarios on the
can help ease compliance with it.
network map) or exported for inclusion in external documentation. Each threat
and vulnerability obtained from external sources contains a clear reference to
Schedule a Demo
the threat intelligence source or identier.

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