Closing The Gap Action Plan and Results Report

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Closing-the-Gap Action Plan/Results Report

School Name BBSK Elementary School

Annual Student The overall success rate of our school is 17.1% compared to 28.4% at the district
Outcome Goal level. When looking at success rate by race and ethnicity, minority students have
a lower success rate than white students by about 6%, with white students’
success rate at 19.5% and minority students’ success rate at 13.7%. By June 1 st ,
any student whose success rate was lower than 15% in the previous school year
will increase achievement by 6%.
ASCA Student Standards (Limit of two standards)
1. B-SS 10: Cultural awareness, sensitivity, and responsiveness
2. M-4: Self confidence in ability to succeed
Mindsets & Behaviors Pre-/Post-Assessment Statements
1. My skin color affects how I do at school.
2. I play well with others who look differently than me.
3. I ask an adult for help when I need it.
4. How other people see me impacts how I see myself
Interventions That Support Achieving the Annual Student Outcome Goal
Describe Direct Student Services (minimum of two) Describe Indirect Student Services (minimum of two)
1. Classroom lesson on cultural differences 1. Bias trainings for teachers
2. Classroom or group lesson on self-advocacy 2. Workshops for parents to identify available
services and build relationships with staff
Systemic Focus
Identify school or system policies, procedures or practices that create or maintain inequities
relevant to this goal.
Implicit bias between faculty and students.

List 1–2 strategies that could influence systemic change related to this goal.
1. Holding bimonthly bias trainings for staff.
2. Implement various lesson plans for students related to study skills, self-advocating, etc.

Updated, June 2021

Closing-the-Gap Action Plan/Results Report

Baseline Data Results Data

Participation Data Plan Participation Results Data
Anticipated Actual
397 students receive classroom lessons 397 receive classroom lessons
143 students participate in small group sessions (35 10 students increased their success rate
students per counselor)
Mindsets & Behaviors Pre-Assessment Results Mindsets & Behaviors Post-Assessment Results
Pre-Assessment Data Post-Assessment Data
(calculate the average student response for each item) (calculate the average student response for each item)
1. 3.0 1. 2.0
2. 2.0 2. 3.0
3. 2.0 3. 3.0
4. 3.5 4. 2.5
Outcome Data Plan Outcome Data Results
Baseline Data: 13.7% of the minority students Final Data: 10 students additional students
currently have a low success rate increased their success rate from 13.7% to 19.7%

Percent Change: 7%
 How did the interventions facilitate the attainment of identified ASCA Student Standards?
- The interventions assisted in closing the gap on cultural awareness and self confidence through
education and faculty training.
 How could the interventions be improved (e.g., consider timing, number and type of services,
student access and identified barriers)?
- This intervention could be improved by the number of students and faculty it reaches, the
amount of interventions and the topics, and the attitude of the faculty.

Updated, June 2021

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