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2008 Metametrix, inc. All rights reserved GI Effects Stool Profiles U.S. patent pending 70040 rev 0708 v2

Introduction Predominant Bacteria Introduction

Proper gastrointestinal (GI) function is critical to adequate nutritional status and can impact all aspects of body function. The GI EffectsSM Stool Profiles address key components of proper GI health including measurement of beneficial microbial flora, opportunistic bacteria, yeast, parasitic infection, markers of inflammation, immune function, and digestion and absorption. The microbial population is measured using PCR amplification of the genetic material of each organism, allowing for sensitive detection, and the ability to detect and identify organisms that cannot be cultured or are extremely difficult to grow under laboratory conditions. 4. Pathogenic invasion and gut flora imbalances (dysbiosis) Exposure to pathogens (water/food contamination/ foreign travel/depressed immune system) Inadequate predominant flora

Treatment Using Four R program for intestinal health

Remove offending foods, medications, gluten (if sensitive) and reduce poor quality fats, refined carbohydrates, sugars, and fermented foods (if yeast is present). Consider antimicrobial, antifungal, and/or antiparasitic therapies in the case of opportunistic/pathogenic bacterial, yeast, and/or parasite overgrowth (see below for specific recommendations). Replace what is needed for normal digestion and absorption such as betaine HCl, pancreatic enzymes, herbs that aid in digestion such as deglycyrrhizinated licorice and marshmallow root, dietary fiber, and water. Reinoculate with favorable microbes (probiotics such as Lactobacillus sp., Bifidobacter sp., and Saccharomyces boulardii). To enhance the growth of the favorable bacteria, supplement with prebiotics such as inulin, xylooligosaccharides, larch arabinogalactans, beta glucan, and fiber. Repair mucosal lining by giving support to healthy intestinal mucosal cells, goblet cells, and to the immune system. Consider L-glutamine, essential fatty acids, zinc, pantothenic acid and vitamin C.

Reference Range Interpretation

Standard microbiological results are reported as Colony Forming Units per gram of feces (CFU/gram). One CFU is equivalent to one microorganism. Metametrix detects microorganisms by DNA analysis. Each genome detected represents one cell, or one CFU. Because there are very large numbers of microorganisms in stool, results are expressed in standard scientific notation. For example, Bacteroides sp. may be reported as 2.57 E7, or 2.5 x 107, or 25,000,000 CFU/ gram, which is read as 25 million CFU per gram of feces. The exponent is kept constant within a section of the report to facilitate direct comparisons between organisms. The cutoff for clinical significance for predominant bacteria has been set at 1E7 (1 x 107), for opportunistic bacteria 1E5 (1 x 105), and for pathogens at 1E3 (1 x 103). Rather than semiquantitative results (+1 to +4), the new methodology provides full quantitative analysis.

Predominant Bacteria
Microorganisms in the GI tract perform a host of useful functions, such as fermenting unused energy substances, communicating with the immune system, preventing growth of harmful species, regulating the development of the gut, producing vitamins for the host (such as biotin and vitamin K), and producing hormones to direct the host to store fats.[1] Intestinal microflora are also thought to have many beneficial local and systemic roles such as improving lactose tolerance, supplying short chain fatty acids (SCFA) as an energy substrate for the host, anti-tumor properties, neutralizing certain toxins, stimulating the intestinal immune system, reducing blood lipid levels and preventing obesity and type II diabetes.[2] Under normal homeostatic conditions, the intestinal microflora are of central importance in preventing colonization by pathogens, termed colonization resistance.[3] Predominant organisms are considered to be beneficial when they are in balance.

Abnormal Bacteria, Fungi and/or Parasites

1. Inadequate physical and immune barrier functions Food sensitivities/leaky gut syndrome (elevated IgG) Low intestinal secretory IgA Gluten intolerance/Celiac disease Inflammatory bowel disease Decreased colonic short-chain fatty acids 2. Medication history Antibiotics NSAIDs Antacids, proton pump inhibitors, and acid-blockers 3. Inadequate digestive and absorptive function Hypochlorhydria Pancreatic insufficiency Intestinal inflammation Rapid transit time Nutrient insufficiencies Diet high in red meat, saturated fat, or refined carbohydrates

Predominant, Opportunistic, and Pathogenic Bacteria

Low Predominant Bacteria
Dysbiosis: Predominant bacteria should be present at normal levels in the healthy gut. Bacteroides sp. and Bifidobacter sp. should be present in the greatest amounts.[4] Low levels of beneficial fecal bacteria such as Bifidobacter sp., Lactobacillus sp. and E. coli have been associated with irritable bowel syndrome, characterized by alternating diarrhea, cramps, and food intolerance.[5] Low levels of predominant bacteria increase the likelihood of acquiring opportunistic and pathogenic organisms.[3]

Opportunistic Bacteria
Opportunistic Bacteria present
Generally self-limiting and not normally considered pathogenic Often exacerbated by low predominant bacteria, pathogen or parasite infection, poor diet, antibiotic use, and lowered gut immunity.

Treatment Options:
Probiotics Prebiotics: Do not use fructooligosaccharide (FOS) if Klebsiella sp. or Citrobacter sp. are present. May need to use anti-microbial agents followed by preand probiotics Herbal agents include goldenseal, citrus seed extract, garlic, uva ursi, oregano oil, and olive leaf extract Visit www.emedicine.com to search for the pathology of the individual opportunistic bacteria and treatment options. Address other GI Effects abnormalities

Treatment Options:
Probiotics Prebiotics such as psyllium, oat bran, oligofructose, xylooligosaccharide, inulin, beta-glucan, and/or arabinogalactan[6] Increase intake of fresh vegetables and fibers Address other GI Effects abnormalities

High Predominant Bacteria

Dysbiosis: Predominant bacteria should be present at normal levels in the healthy gut. Bacteroides sp. and Bifidobacter sp. should be present in the greatest amounts[4]. Blood infections of Mycoplasma have been linked to chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.[7] Fusobacterium increases putrification in the colon. Overgrowth of Lactobacillus sp. could produce D-lactic aciduria in those with short bowel syndrome. Limit intake of simple carbohydrates.[8] Overgrowth of certain Clostridia sp. clusters may play a role in certain cases of autism.[9, 10] If Prevotella sp. is in the 5th quintile suspect possible oral/ throat infection.[11]

Pathogenic Bacteria
Pathogenic Bacteria present Helicobacter pylori
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacterium causes peptic ulcer disease and has been associated with increased gastric cancer risk. H. pylori is a Type I carcinogen. It is estimated that 50% of the worlds population is infected with H. pylori.

Acute gastritis with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, usually within two weeks of infection. Recurrent abdominal symptoms (non-ulcer dyspepsia) without ulcer disease are common.

Treatment Options (Adult Dosages):

Standard treatment for H. pylori consists of a combination of 3 or 4 drugs, antibiotics, and proton pump inhibitors, for 7-14 days. Current recommendations can be found at www.acg.gi.org. Eradication does not generally exceed 80%. Supplementation with lactoferrin (200 mg/d), prebiotics, and vitamin C (up to 5 grams), may improve treatment efficacy, while reducing adverse reactions.[12][13] Botanical combination treatments have also been shown to be effective in eradicating H. pylori from the GI tract. Botanicals* (see page 7)

Treatment Options:
Reduce poor quality fats, refined carbohydrates and sugars, and encourage intake of fresh vegetables. High fiber foods might exacerbate patient symptoms. For Lactobacillus sp. or Clostridia sp. overgrowth, supplement with Bifidobacter sp. or Saccharomyces boulardii probiotics, respectively. May need to use anti-microbial agents Address other GI Effects abnormalities Balance flora using appropriate probiotics

Pathogenic Bacteria Yeast/Fungi

Clostridium difficile
Suspect recent antibiotic use, especially the cephalosporins, ampicillin/amoxicillin, and clindamycin. Antibiotic therapy hasnt proven useful in EHEC infection and can predispose to development of hemolytic uremia Streptomycin, sulfonamides, and tetracycline have demonstrated resistance to many EHEC strains Probiotic/prebiotic therapy

Cramping, lower abdominal pain, fever and diarrhea usually decreases once antibiotics are stopped, though can continue for up to 4 weeks

Yeast/Fungi present
Commonly identified species: Candida, Rhodotorula, Geotrichum, Sacchoromyces, Trichosporon, Candida are detailed below. If other commonly identified species are reported, consider patient symptoms and degree of infection to decide if anti-fungal therapy is warranted. Saccharomyces sp. may be reported if patient is supplementing with S. boulardii. Restore proper predominant microflora populations and address all other imbalances found on the GI Effects test report.

Treatment Options (Adult Dosages):

Do not treat if patient is asymptomatic. Stop use of causative antibiotics. In severe cases: Vancomycin 125 mg PO qid for 10-14d; Metronidazole 500 mg PO tid or 250 mg PO qid for 10-14d Herbal antibiotics such as berberine or oregano oil Replete beneficial bacteria, esp. S. boulardii

Campylobacter sp.
Contaminated animal food sources are the primary cause, especially poultry and red meat. Dogs may also become infected from rodents and birds and infect humans. Suspect hydrochloric acid insufficiency and/or secretory IgA deficiency.

Candida sp.
Candida sp. is a normal inhabitant of the gastrointestinal flora and is present in 40-65% of the human population with no harmful effects. However, in conditions allowing for overgrowth, Candida sp. is the most common causal agent of opportunistic fungal infections. The esophagus is the most commonly infected site, followed by the stomach then the small and large bowel. Approximately 15% of people develop systemic candidiasis.

Symptom onset is generally abrupt. Influenza-like symptoms are common, including headache and malaise. GI symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. The degree of diarrhea varies. Campylobacter sp. has been associated with reactive arthritis.

Gastric pain, nausea and vomiting, gas, bloating, intestinal permeability, imbalance in gut microflora, opportunistic bacterial infection

Treatment Options (Adult Dosages):

Generally self-limiting infection not requiring treatment Support rehydration if diarrhea is present If infection persists treat with Erythromycin: 500 mg erythromycin stearate, base, or estolate salts (or 400 mg ethylsuccinate) every 6h PO.

Treatment Options:
Reduce intake of refined carbohydrates and sugars Prescriptive agents: fluconazole, intraconazole, ketoconazole, nystatin Herbal agents (use in combination for greater efficacy): oregano oil, berberine, goldenseal, undecylenic acid, caprylic acid, grapefruit seed extract, uva ursi, garlic (allicin) S. boulardii aids in the growth of beneficial bacteria, crowds out yeast, and helps with immune support Avoid fructooligosaccharide (FOS) as it may feed the yeast

Entero-hemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC)

Also referred to as Shiga toxin-producing E. Coli (STEC). Suspect ingestion of contaminated food, especially undercooked ground beef, raw milk, unpasteurized apple juice, water, and lettuce.

Typical symptoms include severe abdominal cramping, watery or bloody diarrhea, and vomiting. In some cases (up to 10%) it can cause hemorrhagic colitis or hemolytic uremic syndrome.

Yeast/Fungi Present: taxonomy unavailable

Uncommon yeast/fungi is present, and one that likely colonizes other animals, or has not been identified as pathogenic to humans. Infection with Candida, Rhodotorula, Geotrichum, Saccharomyces, and Trichosporon species have been ruled out. If present at +2 or below, it is likely that this yeast is transient due to ingestion of molds or other yeasts, and is not problematic to humans. Consider patient symptoms before treating.

Treatment Options:
The infection is generally self-limiting Rehydrate if diarrhea is present

Yeast/Fungi Parasites
Treatment Options:
Reduce intake of refined carbohydrates and sugars If presentation is consistent with a fungal infection, use antifungals followed by prebiotics and probiotics Avoid FOS powder as it may feed the yeast Address other abnormal results on the GI Effects test first, with the expectation that rare yeast/fungi will be crowded out when healthy conditions are restored

Treatment Options:
Praziquantel, 75 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses x 2d Albendazole 10 mg/kg/d PO x 7d Botanicals* (see page 7)

Water, including swimming pools, is a common source of contamination as it is resistant to chlorine. Outbreaks are associated with raw milk and meat, and Cryptosporidium is a likely cause of travelers diarrhea.

Parasite present
Pharmaceutical recommendations for each parasite are from the 2007 publication in The Medical Letter, Drugs for Parasitic Infections.[14]

Watery diarrhea is the most frequent symptom, and can be accompanied by dehydration, weight loss, abdominal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting. May be very severe in immunocompromised patients.

Blastocystis sp.
Blastocystis sp. is transmitted via fecal-oral route or from contaminated food or water. Seven subspecies have been identified and Blastocystis sp. 4 infection has been correlated with disease. Blastocystis sp. 2 is considered to be asymptomatic.[15-17]

Treatment Options:
Usually self-limiting in an immunocompetent person, with symptoms lasting 1-2 weeks If symptoms persist look for possible water contamination Nitazoxanide, 500 mg PO bid x 3d for persistent infections Botanicals* (see page 7)

May include diarrhea, cramps, nausea, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain or fatigue. Blastocystis sp. has been associated with irritable bowel syndrome, infective arthritis and intestinal obstruction. In certain cases, chronic fatigue may be the only complaint.

Dientamoeba fragilis
Fecal-oral transmission and water contamination are common sources. Often accompanies pinworm.

Treatment Options:
Blastocystis sp. can be prevented by personal hygiene and sanitary conditions Clinical significance of infection by these organisms is controversial Metronidazole 750 mg PO tid x 10d or iodoquinol 650 mg PO tid x 20d or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 1 DS tab PO bid x 7d have been reported to be effective Infection is difficult to get rid of, botanicals may not be strong enough. Use of broad spectrum antiparasitic botanicals is most effective.* Botanicals* (see page 7)

Diarrhea, fatigue and abdominal bloating, although often asymptomatic. In chronic infections, abdominal tenderness, nausea and weight loss may be present.

Treatment Options:
Iodoquinol, 650 mg PO tid x 20d; Paromomycin, 25-35 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses x 7d; Tetracycline, 500 mg PO qid x 10d or Metronidazole, 500-750 mg PO tid x 10d Botanicals* (see page 7)

Endolimax nana or Entamoeba hartmanni

Endolimax nana and Entamoeba hartmanni are considered to be non-pathogenic amoeba. Detection is significant in that it means the patient has ingested something contaminated with fecal material. Increased personal hygiene is recommended.

Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese Liver Fluke)

Clonorchis sinensis is found in pickled, smoked, salted, imported, or undercooked freshwater fish.

Symptoms :
Frequently asymptomatic. Inflammation and intermittent obstruction of the biliary ducts. Acute abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and eosinophilia can occur. In long-standing infections, cholangitis, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis and cholangiocarcinoma can develop.

Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba histolytica is the only amoeba considered pathogenic. Contaminated food or water, pets, sexual contact, and fecal-oral route are possible sources of transmission. Cysts are sensitive to chlorinated water.

Often asymptomatic. Incubation period is 1-3 weeks and symptoms range from acute diarrhea, to chronic diarrhea with bloating, intestinal malabsorption, steatorrhea (possibly due to bile salt deconjugation) and weight loss. Generally self-limiting, however 30-60% develop chronic giardiasis. Unusual presentations include allergic manifestations such as urticaria, reactive arthritis, and biliary tract disease. May induce lactose intolerance, B12 deficiency and reduced sIgA.

Range from asymptomatic to fulminating colitis (resembling ulcerative colitis), dysentery, and extraintestinal lesions on the liver, lung, brain, skin and other tissues

Treatment Options:
Asymptomatic carriers should be treated in order to avoid spread For asymptomatic patients: Iodoquinol, 650 mg PO tid x 20d; Paromomycin, 25-35 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses x 7d or Diloxanide furoate, 500 mg PO tid x 10d For mild to moderate intestinal disease: Metronidazole, 500-750 mg PO tid x 7-10d or Tinidazole, 2 g once PO daily x 3d followed by either Iodoquinol, 650 mg PO tid x 20d or Paromomycin, 25-35 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses x 7d For severe intestinal and extraintestinal disease: Metronidazole, 750 mg PO tid x 7-10d or Tinidazole, 2 g once PO daily x 5d followed by either Iodoquinol, 650 mg PO tid x 20d or Paromomycin, 25-35 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses x 7d Botanicals* (see page 7)

Treatment Options:
Metronidazole 250 mg PO tid x 5-7d Avoid fatty foods as giardia feeds on bile salts Paromomycin, 25-35 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses x 5-10d; or Furazolidone, 100 mg PO qid x 7-10d; or Quinacrine, 100 mg PO tid x 5d Botanicals* (see page 7)

Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale (hookworm)

Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale are transmitted via skin contact with contaminated soil, or oral ingestion of the larvae. Worms can travel to the lungs or attach to the mucosa of the GI and suck blood.

Itching and a rash at the site of penetration. While a light infection may cause no symptoms, heavy infection can cause anemia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Has been associated with reactive arthritis.

Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)

Enterobius vermicularis is transmitted from fecal-oral route. Females emerge from the anus and lay eggs on the perianal surface. Eggs can survive on bed linens and fabrics for 2-3 weeks.

Treatment Options:
Albendazole, 400 mg PO once; Mebendazole, 100 mg PO bid x 3d or 500 mg once, or Pyrantel pamoate, 11 mg/kg (max. 1g) PO x 3d Botanicals* (see page 7)

Nocturnal perianal pruritus which can lead to skin bacterial infection, abdominal pain and anorexia. It may enter the vagina and has been associated with some cases of cystitis.

Schistosoma mansoni
Schistosoma mansoni is transmitted through skin contact with contaminated water or oral ingestion. Larvae can migrate to the lungs and liver and can live for 25-30 years. Eggs secrete an enzymatic substance that destroys surrounding tissues.

Treatment Options:
Mebendazole, 100 mg PO once, repeat in 2 weeks; Pyrantel pamoate, 11 mg/kg base PO once (max. 1 g), repeat in 2wks Albendazole, 400 mg PO once; repeat in 2wks Botanicals* (see page 7)

Infection is generally asymptomatic unless there is repeated exposure leading to heavy worm burden. Severe infection can lead to myalgias, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cough, tender liver, ulceration of the intestinal mucosal layer. It has been linked with reactive arthritis and sacroilitis.

Giardia lamblia
Giardia lamblia is a flagellate considered to be a pathogen and the most common cause of diarrheal disease worldwide. Transmitted via contaminated water, food or the fecal-oral route.

Parasites Botanical Treatments

Treatment Options:
Praziquantel 40 mg/kg/d in 2 doses x 1d, or Oxamniquine 15 mg/kg once Botanicals* (see below)

Trichuris trichiura (whipworm)

Trichuris trichiura is transmitted from ingested feces contaminated soil, or underwashed vegetables. It is the most common helminth infection. T. trichiura can become embedded in the intestinal villi, feeds on tissue secretions and can cause eosinophilin. Larvae hatch in the small intestine and take up residence in the large intestine. Adult female lay eggs for up to five years.

Strongyloides sp.
Strongyloides sp. is transmitted via skin contact with contaminated soil, or oral ingestion of the larvae. Larvae are carried to the lungs or are swallowed and mature in the small intestine.

Often asymptomatic and self-limiting. Symptoms depend on the amount of worms present and the degree of mucosal involvement. Severe infection can result in bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and irondeficiency anemia.

Itching and a rash at the site of penetration. While a light infection may cause no symptoms, heavy infection can cause epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting, gas, and alternating constipation and diarrhea. Has been associated with reactive arthritis.

Treatment Options:
Thiabendazole 50 mg/kg/d in two doses x 2d; Ivermectin 200 mcg/kg/d x 1-2d, or Albendazole 400 mg/d x 3d Eradication is difficult, recheck stool in 3 months Botanicals* (see below)

Treatment Options:
Mebendazole, 100 mg PO bid x 3d or 500 mg once; Albendazole, 400 mg PO x 3d, or Ivermectin, 200 mcg/ kg PO daily x 3d Botanicals* (see below)

Taenia sp. (tapeworm)

Taenia sp. is transmitted by undercooked, infected beef. Maturation from cyst to worm takes 2 months. Taenia sp. can grow 4-8 meters long and can live 25 years.

Parasite Present: taxonomy unavailable

The DNA probe identified kingdom protozoan, but genus and species probes for known human pathogens were negative. Suspect that the protozoan identified is likely NOT a human pathogen, and probably a transient, non-colonizer of the human GI. Evaluate patient symptoms and inflammatory markers on the GI Effects test. If symptoms are consistent with a parasite infection, consider treatment.

Often asymptomatic. Symptoms include GI complaints such as abdominal pain, anorexia, weight loss or malaise. Vitamin B12 deficiency may result.

Treatment Options:
Praziquantel, 5-10 mg/kg PO once, Niclosamide, 2 g PO once Botanicals* (see below)

Treatment Options:
Address other abnormal results in the GI Effects test first, with the expectation that a rare parasite will be crowded out when healthy conditions are restored. Consider exposures such as pets, sushi, camping, or foreign travel If presentation is consistent with parasite infestation, use a broad spectrum antiparasitic treatment followed by preand probiotics Botanicals* (see below)

*Botanical Treatment
Individualized pharmaceutical interventions are listed below each parasite. Common botanical anti-parasitic herbs for each parasite listed include black walnut, quassia, garlic, berberine, grapefruit seed extract, oil of oregano, barberry, and artemesia. When treating parasites with botanicals, it is recommended to use a blend of several, to lengthen treatment duration, and to rotate antiparasitic agents

Adiposity Index Drug Resistance Genes Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA) Adiposity Index
Adiposity Index imbalanced: high firmicutes and low bacteroidetes
Research has indicated that obesity has a microbial component that alters caloric yield from ingested food.[18] Altering the gut microbiota may also improve insulin sensitivity and oral glucose tolerance.[19] Treatments for obesity that result in lowering the percentage of Firmicutes may assist in weight control.

vanA, vanB, vanC

Vancomycin and Teicoplanin (glycopeptides)

Target Organism:
Gram-positive bacteria, particularly beta-lactamase-producing organisms such as Staphylococcus

gyrB, ParE
Ciprofloxacin and later generation quinolones

Bacteria classes known to increase caloric extraction from food are present Dysbiosis The Firmicutes class consist of Clostridia sp., Streptomyces sp., Lactobacillus sp., Mycoplasma sp., Bacillus sp. (see results under Predominant Bacteria) The Bacteroidetes class consist of Bacteroides sp. and Prevotella sp. (see results under Predominant Bacteria)

Target Organism
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

Penicillin (Beta-Lactam)

Target Organism:
Broad spectrum

Treatment Options:
Balance predominant bacteria using 4R protocol Remove opportunistic bacteria, especially Bacillus sp. Supplement with Bifidobacter sp. and S. boulardii Reduce refined carbohydrates Address all GI Effects imbalances

Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA)

Depressed total SCFA or N-Butyrate
Beneficial SCFA come from dietary carbohydrates that have escaped digestion or absorption in the small bowel, or from prebiotics that have undergone fermentation in the colon. They are also produced by fermentation of fiber by anaerobic bacteria in the large bowel. Production of SCFA in the intestinal lumen plays an important role in the maintenance of the intestinal barrier. Short chain fatty acids and specifically n-butyrate serve as the fuel for the colonocytes.[20] Butyrate has been shown to be protective against colon cancer.

Drug Resistance Genes

Bacterial resistance to antibiotic class

Treatment Options:
Avoid using class of antibiotics for which patient has drug resistance gene

Low anaerobic bacteria (see Predominant Bacteria) Antibiotic treatment Insufficient fiber intake/poor diet Slow transit time (more time for SCFA absorption)

Drug resistance names and antibiotics aacA/aphD

Gentamicin, Kanamycin, Tobramycin (aminoglycosides)

Treatment Options:
Consider pre- and probiotic supplementation if the predominant bacteria are low Psyllium, oat bran, oligofructose, inulin xylooligosaccharide, beta-glucan, or arabinogalactan Increase dietary intake of fruits and vegetables In ulcerative colitis, Crohns or those at risk for colon cancer, consider butyrate enemas or enteric-coated butyrate supplements Enemas are contraindicated for those with GI bleeds

Target Organism:
Gram-positive bacteria (cocci), namely Enterococci


Methicillin (Beta-Lactam)

Target Organism:
Aerobic, Gram-negative

SCFA Inflammation Immunology

Elevated total SCFA or N-Butyrate
Presence of short chain fatty acids and n-butyrate are essential for the health of the colon. In general, high-normal levels of these in the stool could mean that there is optimal fiber intake and a balanced bacterial population. However, extremely elevated SCFAs and n-butyrate in the stool could indicate underlying GI abnormalities and need to be evaluated in conjuction with the other GI Effects markers. Values of 184 mM/g or greater are above the 95% confidence interval. Mucosa support, e.g. vitamin A, zinc, folic acid, aloe vera, licorice, L-glutamine, butyrate (for UC), N-acetyl glucosamine, slippery elm Rule out food sensitivities

Test Interferences:
Colostrum has a high concentration of lactoferrin, so those breast feeding or supplementing with colostrum could show false positives False negatives can be seen in those with severe immune compromise

Bacterial overgrowth[21] Rapid transit time (less time for SCFA absorption)[22] Malabsorption[23] Pancreatic insuffiency resulting in carbohydrate maldigestion and increased bacterial fermentation Bacterial fermentation of blood[24]

Depressed Fecal sIgA
Chronic stress Immunocompromise Dysbiosis Immuno-suppressing medication

Treatment Options:
Address all GI imbalances including bacterial overgrowth, parasite infection, gluten intolerance, food allergy, vitamin, mineral, or essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency, or chronic NSAID usage. Normalize transit time Pancreatic enzymes, betaine HCl, or digestive herbs.

Treatment Options:
Support gut mucosa, e.g. glutamine, probiotics (S. boulardii, Bifidobacteria), colostrum, immunoglobulins, essential fatty acids, zinc, and stress reduction Support immune function

Elevated Lactoferrin, WBCs, or Mucus present
Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein released from neutrophils during inflammation. It is a marker of leukocyte activity and is a primary component of the hosts first line immune defense against infection.

Elevated Fecal sIgA

Immune response to eliminate pathogenic organisms in GI tract Sensitivities to foods

Mucosal inflammation Bacterial or yeast overgrowth Parasite infection Inflammatory bowel disease, e.g. Crohns, ulcerative colitis

Treatment Options:
Support immune function Remove pathogens, parasites, opportunistic bacteria, virus Rule out food sensitivities Elimination diet

Treatment Options:
Due to infection: Remove pathogens Probiotics and prebiotics to replenish beneficial bacteria and establish proper balance Enhance the endogenous immune (sIgA) defense by supplementing with L-glutamine, S. boulardii and/or colostrum Due to non-infectious inflammation, e.g. Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Balance the intestinal flora, if indicated Anti-inflammatory herbs and nutrients, e.g. turmeric, ginger, EPA/DHA, quercetin, antioxidants

Elevated Anti-Gliadin Antibody

Gluten enteropathy or sensitivity in colon

Treatment Options:
Remove gluten on trial basis Consider Celiac Profile Consider nutrients and herbs for mucosal healing Additional Tests

Additional Tests Digestion Additional Tests

Depressed pH
Bacterial overgrowth Carbohydrate maldigestion (increases bacterial proliferation and the production of SCFAs) Lipid malabsorption Rapid transit time (less time for SCFA absorption)

Positive RBCs
Bleeding in lower GI from hemorrhoids, intestinal polyps, or tears around the anus due to constipation Those with compromised liver function are more likely to develop hemorrhoids

Treatment Options:
Treat constipation if present Consider colonoscopy to identify source, treat accordingly Assess liver function Soothe and repair gut mucosa RBCs, occult blood

Treatment Options:
Support digestion and absorption Supplementary plant or pancreatic enzymes, betaine HCl, disaccharidases (if needed) Normalize transit time Address all GI Effects imbalances

Depressed Elastase 1
Elastase 1 is a digestive enzyme excreted by the pancreas, exclusively, and has a direct correlation with pancreatic function. Elastase 1 results are not affected by pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.[27,28] Optimal levels are > 500.

Elevated pH
Decreased bacterial production of SCFAs Insufficient flora, dietary fiber, or water Inadequate acid-producing organisms such as Lactobacillus sp. Hypochlorhydria A high meat diet can stimulate ammonia production in the bowel Slow transit time (more time for SCFA absorption) Elevated pH increases risk for colon cancer

Suppressed pancreatic function Gallstones or post-cholecystectomy Chronic pancreatitis Diabetes Hypochlorhydria Cystic fibrosis

Treatment Options:
Supplement with probiotics Increase dietary fiber (esp. soluble) and water to increase SCFA production and normalize transit time Support digestion Supplementation with betaine HCl or herbs to stimulate gastric acid production, including ginger, peppermint, etc. Address all GI Effects imbalances

Treatment Options:
Support digestion with betaine HCl with pepsin, or plant or pancreatic enzymes or digestive herbs Bile salts, taurine, or cholagogues (esp. if high triglycerides and constipation) Relax while eating and chew thoroughly Support diabetes regulation

Positive Occult Blood

Bleeding in upper GI tract due to peptic ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, parasite infection, colon cancer, hemorrhoids [25, 26] Rule out false positive from red meat

Elevated Vegetable Fibers, Triglycerides

Maldigestion Hypochlorhydria Pancreatic insufficiency Bile salt insufficiency (if elevated triglycerides) Inadequate chewing (if elevated vegetable fibers)

Treatment Options:
Repeat occult blood test on two more occasions Address all GI Effects imbalances Rule out iron deficiency anemia Consider sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy to identify source, treat accordingly Anti-inflammatory medical food Anti-inflammatory diet Food allergens

Treatment Options:
Support digestion with betaine HCl with pepsin, plant or pancreatic enzymes or digestive herbs Bile salts, taurine, or cholagogues (esp. if high triglycerides and constipation) Relax while eating and chew thoroughly


Digestion Absorption
Elevated Putrefactive SCFA
Protein maldigestion Hypochlorhydria Pancreatic insufficiency Malabsorption, esp. if elevated long chain fatty acids or cholesterol Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine

Treatment Options:
Support digestion with betaine HCl with pepsin, plant or pancreatic enzymes or digestive herbs Treat any underlying pancreatitis Consider nutrients and herbs for mucosal support: L-glutamine, Zn, EFAs, Vitamins A, E, and C, pantothenic acid, N-acetyl glucosamine, glycyrrhiza, aloe vera, slippery elm, etc. Eliminate infection, address gluten intolerance, and food sensitivities

Elevated LCFA, Total Fat, or Cholesterol
Malabsorption due to diarrhea, intestinal dysbiosis, parasites, colitis, gluten intolerance, food allergy, essential fatty acid deficiency, pancreatic or bile salt insufficiency and/or chronic NSAID usage [29] High dietary fat intake Medications designed to bind and eliminate fats If elevated cholesterol, suspect malabsorption, high dietary intake or increased mucosal cell turnover resulting from inflammation [30, 31] Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine (esp. if elevated SCFAs) Bacterial enzymes can also impair micelle formation, resulting in lipid malabsorption

Treatment Options:
Support digestion with supplementary plant or pancreatic enzymes, betaine HCl, digestive herbs, bile salts or cholagogues, taurine or glycine, if indicated Address food sensitivities or gluten intolerance Check vitamin (esp. fat-soluble), mineral, and EFA status Support mucosal health with nutrients such as L-glutamine, Zn, EFAs, Vitamins A, E, and C, pantothenic acid, N-acetyl glucosamine, glycyrrhiza, aloe vera, slippery elm, etc. Address all GI Effects imbalances


Botanical Sensitivities References

Botanical Sensitivities
When treating with botanicals, it is recommended to use a broad spectrum product. Treatment with botanicals might also require a longer duration than treatment with pharmaceuticals. Antimicrobial botanicals may be rotated and/or administered in a pulsatile fashion to improve efficacy. Listed below are the active ingredients tested for each botanical used in antimicrobial blends.

Wormwood (Artemesia) Olive leaf Uva Ursi (Bearberry) Garlic Undecylenic acid (from castor bean) Oil of thyme Oil of oregano Goldenseal Cats Claw Black Walnut

Active ingredient
Artemisinin Oleuropein Arbutin Alliin Undecylenic acid Thymol Carvacrol Berberine Quinic acid 5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone

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