English July 2021

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Faculty of Social Science & Humanities

(a) The Question Paper consists of two Parts.
(b) Part – I of Question Paper consists 25 objective types of questions each of one marks. Correct
answer is to be write as A, B, C or D in given separate answer sheet.
(c) Part – II of Question Paper consists 5 descriptive type of questions each of 5 marks. The
answers are to be write in given answer book.
(d) All Questions are compulsory.

Q. 1 Lake Poets were group of English poets. The three main figures of the Lake Poets are
A. John Dryden, John Milton, Byron B. William Blake, Marry Shelley, P B Shelley
C. John Keats, Walter Scott, Marry D. William Wordsworth, S T Coleridge, Robert
Shelley Southey
Q. 2 Edward Said points to two forms of orientalism. They are
A. Real and Fake B. Voluntary and involuntary
C. Subjective and Objective D. Latent and Manifest
Q. 3 The 'Gang of Four' regarding structuralism did not include:
A. Levi-Strauss B. Lacan
C. Barthes D. Propp
Q. 4 ‘Lexis’ refers to
A. All word forms having B. The history of words
meaning or grammatical
C. Study of select word forms D. The Selection of words
Q. 5 Who wrote the “The Necessity of Atheism”?
A. Hardy B. Shelley
C. Browning D. Keats
Q. 6 The Phrases “Starlit Dome” and “Road to Xanadu” appears in which poem
A. Ode on a Gracie Urn B. Kubla Khan
C. The Witch of Atlas D. The Ancient Mariner
Q. 7 Which poem of Byron make him famous overnight?
A. Childe Harold B. Hours of Idleness
C. The Siege of Corinth D. None

Q. 8 “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven”
these lines from Wordsworth refers to
A. French Revolution B. Industrial Revolution
C. Glorious Revolution D. American Revolution
Q. 9 How many poets were included in Johnson’s The Lives of Most Eminent
English Poets?
A. 48 B. 50
C. 52 D. 54
Q. 10 ‘Gynocriticism’ is a term coined by
A. Simone de Beauvoir B. Virginia Woolf
C. Elaine Showalter D. Adrienne Rich
Q. 11 “A Naga Village Remembered” is a novel by Easterine Kire. It was published in
A. 2003 B. 2004
C. 2001 D. 2002
Q. 12 The character of Mrs. Rukmini Bezboruah appears in
A. The Collector’s Wife B. The Point of Return
C. A Naga Village Remembered D. Man from Chinnamasta
Q. 13 The Point of Return is a novel written by
A. Siddharth Deb B. Easterine Kire
C. Temsula Aao D. Indira Goswami
Q. 14 Who is associated with the concept of ‘Langue and Parole’?
A. Ferdinand de Saussure B. Charles Sanders Pierce
C. Michel Foucault D. Cleanth Brooks
Q. 15 Dryden’s MacFlecknoe is a satire on
A. Thomas Otway B. William Congreve
C. Thomas Shadwell D. Alexander Pope
Q. 16 Who is the writer of Hamlet and Oedipus (1949)?
A. Carl Jung B. Harold Bloom
C. Ernest Jones D. Erik Erikson
Q. 17 Stuart Hall was inspired by a text written by Antonio Gramsci. What was it
called ?
A. The Marxism Diaries B. The Motorcycle Diaries
C. The Prison Diaries D. The Post Colonial Diaries
Q. 18 Postcolonial Criticism has been important to
A. Third World Feminism B. Deconstruction
C. Structuralism D. Psychological Approaches
Q. 19 Who is considered the ‘Father’ of modern African literature?
A. Wole Soyinka B. J. M. Coetzee
C. Amilcar Cabral D. Chinua Achebe

Q. 20 Who is considered the greatest writer of ‘Masques’ in English?

A. William Shakespeare B. Ben Johnson
C. Philip Sydney D. Christopher Marlowe
Q. 21 Who is the author of The Great Indian Novel?
A. Jhumpa Lahiri B. Monica Ali
C. Shashi Tharoor D. Amitav Ghosh
Q. 22 Who wrote and illustrated the famous Indian graphic novel Kari?
A. S. Anand B. Amruta Patil
C. Malik Sajad D. Vikram Sheth
Q. 23 Which of the following literary works is not authored by Jhumpa Lahiri?
A. Unaccustomed Earth B. Interpreter of Maladies
C. The Lowland D. The Continent of Circle
Q. 24 Arundhati Roy won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 2005 for which of her following
A. The Ministry of Utmost B. The God of Small Things
C. The Algebra of Infinite Justice D. My Seditious Heart
Q. 25 Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses was published in __________?
A. 1998 B. 1988
C. 1990 D. 1992

Q. 1 Write a note on the major characteristics of the Romantic Period. 5 Marks
Q. 2 Discuss the Victorian Age as the Golden Age of the novel. 5 Marks
Q. 3 What is Archetypal/Myth Criticism? 5 Marks
Q. 4 What is the concept of différance in deconstruction and how does différance 5 Marks
link to literature?
Q. 5 What are the major themes of African literature? 5 Marks

Answer Key
Q. 1 D

Q. 2 D

Q. 3 D

Q. 4 A

Q. 5 B

Q. 6 B

Q. 7 A

Q. 8 A

Q. 9 C

Q. 10 C

Q. 11 A

Q. 12 A

Q. 13 A

Q. 14 A

Q. 15 C

Q. 16 C

Q. 17 C

Q. 18 A

Q. 19 D

Q. 20 B

Q. 21 C

Q. 22 B

Q. 23 D

Q. 24 C

Q. 25 B

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