Harris 2012 Prepositions and Theology (Ama) (X)
Harris 2012 Prepositions and Theology (Ama) (X)
Harris 2012 Prepositions and Theology (Ama) (X)
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Harris, Murray J.
Prepositions and theology in the Greek New Testament / Murray J. Hams.
p. cm.
lncludes bibliographical references (p. 17-23) and indexes.
ISBN 978-0-310-49392-1 (hardcover)
l Greek language, Biblical- Prepositions. 2. Bible. N.T - Language, st le I T1tle
PA849 H37 2011
487',4-dc23 2011046973
AII Scripture translations in the book, unless otherw1se noted, are the author's o n based on the
Greek New Testament text or the Septuagint
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13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 /DCI/ 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 5 4 3
Iúv • 201
fixion, effects release "from the control of the elemental spirits of the universe"
(ano 'tWV cr-cmxdwv 'tOU KÓcrµou).
b. Colossians 3:3
As a result of believers' dying with Christ in baptism (cf. Ro 6:2-8), their life
now "líes hidden with Christ in God" (KÉKpun-cm auv -cQ Xpw-cQ Év -cQ 8EQ).
Iúv indicares that the new spiritual life of believers is experienced in a symbiotic
union (cf. (w~ ... crúv) with the heavenly Christ. What is more, that life remains
concealed in the safekeeping of God in heaven.
b. Colossians 3:4
"When Chrisc appears-he who is your life- then you too will appear wich him
[auv au-cQ] in glory." When Christ's glory is manifested at his second advent,
believers also will appear "in a blaze of Christ's glory" or "in glorified bodies"
(Év 8ó~n). Iuv au-cQ will mean eicher "along with him" at his appearance (cf. Ro
8:17) or "in his train" since he lives in heaven in a "body of glory" (Php 3:20-21)
as the paradigm for believers' resurrection cransformation.
202 • í:úv
c. 1 Thessalonians 4:14
"Through the power of Jesus [8ta ·cou 'lr¡crou] God will bring [a~Et = eyEpEt] with
him [airv aú-cQ] cho e who have fallen asleep." Obviously auv aú-cQ cannot mean
"along wich him," a if Je us were not yet raised from the dead. The phrase has
che en e "a pledged by the resurrection of Jesus" or "by virtue of cheir union
wich che ri en Je us."
d. 1 Thessalonians 5:1 O
The purpo e (tva) of hri e' deach on behalf of and in che place of (ú-rrÉp)
hri cian i o chac whecher chey are keeping vigil in life or sleeping in death
(Et-cE ypr¡yopwµEv El"'CE Ka8EúÓwµEv) ac the time of Christ's parousia, they might
experience re urreccion life 'togecher wich him" (aµa auv aú-cQ (~crwµEv) - whac
che pre iou ver e de cribe a crw-cr¡p[a. Here aµa cruv aú-cQ may be paraphrased
"ju e a he enjoy re urre cion life" (cf. 1 o 15:45; Php 3:21) or "in company
wich him" (cf. 1 h 4:17).
b. 2 Corinthians 13:4b
" or we al o are weak, in union wich him [ hrist], bue in our dealings with you
[El<; úµa<;] we will be fully alive, along wirh him [auv aú-cQ], because of God's
power." Here Paula ere chat Christ's career i che pattern for his own mini cry.
Ju ca Chri e wa crucified because of his "weakne " and now live because of
od' power, o Paul hares che "weakne s" of Chrisc's passion and che effeccive
power of od.
Ac firsc ighc (~croµEv auv aú-cQ mighc express the resurreccion hope of
living in Chri c's presence (cf. Php 1:23; lTh 4:17), given the use of (áw in
v. 4a in reference to Chrisc's resurreccion life a-nd che use of cruv 'Ir¡crou in 2Co
4:14 in reference to believer ' resurrection. Bue Paul's focus in che concext i
on olving che problem of unrepentanc believers (12:21; 13:2), not on rejoicing
in his final destiny. The aposde is speaking of his imminenc visit to Corinch
when, in unison with Christ (cruv aú-cQ) and with od' power, he will acc
deci ively and vigorously ((~croµEv) again e unrepencanc evildoer wichin che
240 • "Improper" Prepositions
Classical úno -couf:. nó8m; (Xen. Oec. 18.5), "under che feer" (ac u ati e) 1
Koine únoKá-cw -cwv no8wv (Mk 6:11), "under che feer" (geniti e)
(Borcone 187)
In Modern reek ' improper'' prepo ition . "d not mo tl patial r lation ,
rarely temporal or oth r relation " (Thumb 169; e hi wh 1 tr atment of
"improper" prepo ition in Mod rn re k, 169 -74).
within, among 2 2 8
Évwmov in che presence of, in che 94 94 558
judgment of
outside, out of 19 63 109
from outside, outside 3 13 49
É-rrávw upon,above 16 19 127
É-rrÉKEtva beyond 1 1 18
fow inside 1 9 19
as far as, to che point of 90 146 1565
opposite, befare, in che 7 8 87
sight of
Ka1:e:vw-rrtov befare, in che presence of 3 3 6
KUKAÓ0e:v round, abouc 2 3 92
2. The totals far NT use come from C-K (s.v.) and che totals far LXX use are from GELS
3. These figures should not be regarded as definitive, because textual variants are orne-
times involved and because it is sometimes unclear whether a word is a preposition or a
242 • "Improper" Prepositions
round 3 8 234
µfoov in che middle 1 58 432
becween, among 7 9 4
up to, as far as 16 17 69
frma8e:v behind, afcer 2 7 41
ón[aw behind, afcer 26 35 461
afcer 1 3 4
napanA~atov near to 1 1 o
napEK-rÓ<; except, apare from 2 3 o
nÉpav beyond, to che ocher side 15 23 107
excepc, apare from 4 31 248
7tAT]OtOV near 1 17 224
tme:pávw far above, over 3 3 22
une:pÉKEtva beyond 1 1 o
une: pe: K7tEp taaou far beyond 1 3 o
un0Ká1:w beneach 11 11 92
xáptv for che sake of, because of 9 9 117
xwpt<; wichouc, apare from, besides 40 41 20
2 . 'Avt:u
Only three NT examples, all in a nonspatial sen e (cf. Borcone 154 n.72). Thi
word i vircually synonymou with éi-t:Ep and Xlt>Pt~, which al o mean "without,
apare from," although LN tentatively suggests "that xwp[~ differs from avEu and
a-rEp in focusing upon a greater degree of eparation or lack of involvement"
(§89.120 n.22).
a. Of persons: UVEU -roD na-rpo~ úµwv. A parrow will not fall to che
ground "wichout your Father' [knowledge and permi ion]" (Mt
10:29, on which ee ch. 24 A).