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An Essential Reference Resource for Exegesis


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Preposittons and Theology in the Greek New Testament

Copyright© 2012 by Murray J. Hams

Requests for information should be addressed to:

Zondervan, Grand Qapids, Michigan 49530

library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Harris, Murray J.
Prepositions and theology in the Greek New Testament / Murray J. Hams.
p. cm.
lncludes bibliographical references (p. 17-23) and indexes.
ISBN 978-0-310-49392-1 (hardcover)
l Greek language, Biblical- Prepositions. 2. Bible. N.T - Language, st le I T1tle
PA849 H37 2011
487',4-dc23 2011046973

AII Scripture translations in the book, unless otherw1se noted, are the author's o n based on the
Greek New Testament text or the Septuagint

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Iúv • 201

fixion, effects release "from the control of the elemental spirits of the universe"
(ano 'tWV cr-cmxdwv 'tOU KÓcrµou).

2A. Being Raised "with" Christ- in the Past

a. Colossians 2:13
God made believers alive "together with Christ" (cruvE(wono[17crEv úµac; auv
au-cQ), where auv au-cQ does not mean "at the same time as" or even "in the
same way as," but rather "along with" in the sense of "in the wake of." It is not
that the spiritual resurrection of believers occurred at the time of the bodily
resurrection of Christ or simply that his resurrection formed the pattern for
theirs. Rather, the resurrection of Christians from spiritual deadness to new life
is grounded in, and is a consequence of, Christ's own rising from the realm of
the dead to immortal life.

b. Colossians 3:3
As a result of believers' dying with Christ in baptism (cf. Ro 6:2-8), their life
now "líes hidden with Christ in God" (KÉKpun-cm auv -cQ Xpw-cQ Év -cQ 8EQ).
Iúv indicares that the new spiritual life of believers is experienced in a symbiotic
union (cf. (w~ ... crúv) with the heavenly Christ. What is more, that life remains
concealed in the safekeeping of God in heaven.

2B. Being Raised "with" Christ-in the Future

a. 2 Corinthians 4:14
"For we know that the one who raised Jesus will raise us with Jesus in our turn [Kal
~µac; cruv 'I17crou ÉyEpci]." It is clear that crúv here cannot signify "at the same time
with" or "in conjunction with," for Jesus' resurrection líes in the pasr, not the future.
If this preposition meant "in the company of," referring to che final state of perma-
nent fellowship wich Christ, we would have expected Elvat cruv 'I17crou ÉyEpEt ("will
raise us to be with Jesus"; cf. Php 1:23; lTh 4:17). Iuv 'I17crou may be paraphrased
"by virtue of Jesus' resurrection" or "in the wake of Jesus' resurrection," reflecting
Paul's belief chac Christ or che resurrection of Chrisc was the firstfruics (ánapx~) of
believers' resurreccion (lCo 15:20, 23). The two resurrections are essentially one, for
che total harvest is representatively and pocentially present in che firscfruics.

b. Colossians 3:4
"When Chrisc appears-he who is your life- then you too will appear wich him
[auv au-cQ] in glory." When Christ's glory is manifested at his second advent,
believers also will appear "in a blaze of Christ's glory" or "in glorified bodies"
(Év 8ó~n). Iuv au-cQ will mean eicher "along with him" at his appearance (cf. Ro
8:17) or "in his train" since he lives in heaven in a "body of glory" (Php 3:20-21)
as the paradigm for believers' resurrection cransformation.
202 • í:úv

c. 1 Thessalonians 4:14
"Through the power of Jesus [8ta ·cou 'lr¡crou] God will bring [a~Et = eyEpEt] with
him [airv aú-cQ] cho e who have fallen asleep." Obviously auv aú-cQ cannot mean
"along wich him," a if Je us were not yet raised from the dead. The phrase has
che en e "a pledged by the resurrection of Jesus" or "by virtue of cheir union
wich che ri en Je us."

d. 1 Thessalonians 5:1 O
The purpo e (tva) of hri e' deach on behalf of and in che place of (ú-rrÉp)
hri cian i o chac whecher chey are keeping vigil in life or sleeping in death
(Et-cE ypr¡yopwµEv El"'CE Ka8EúÓwµEv) ac the time of Christ's parousia, they might
experience re urreccion life 'togecher wich him" (aµa auv aú-cQ (~crwµEv) - whac
che pre iou ver e de cribe a crw-cr¡p[a. Here aµa cruv aú-cQ may be paraphrased
"ju e a he enjoy re urre cion life" (cf. 1 o 15:45; Php 3:21) or "in company
wich him" (cf. 1 h 4:17).

3. Present Living "with" Christ

a. Romans 8:32
'He who did noc pare even hi own on bue gave him up for us all-how then
can he fail to upply u freely wich all ching along with him [cruv aú-cQ]?" .í:uv
au-cQ annor mean "togecher wich" = "i ncluding," for od' "not-sparing" of
hi own on i already a given, which i che premise for Paul's conclusion (nw<;
oúxt Kal;). Racher, che phra e i brachylogy for "in Christ's per on, who is God's
upreme gifc."

b. 2 Corinthians 13:4b
" or we al o are weak, in union wich him [ hrist], bue in our dealings with you
[El<; úµa<;] we will be fully alive, along wirh him [auv aú-cQ], because of God's
power." Here Paula ere chat Christ's career i che pattern for his own mini cry.
Ju ca Chri e wa crucified because of his "weakne " and now live because of
od' power, o Paul hares che "weakne s" of Chrisc's passion and che effeccive
power of od.
Ac firsc ighc (~croµEv auv aú-cQ mighc express the resurreccion hope of
living in Chri c's presence (cf. Php 1:23; lTh 4:17), given the use of (áw in
v. 4a in reference to Chrisc's resurreccion life a-nd che use of cruv 'Ir¡crou in 2Co
4:14 in reference to believer ' resurrection. Bue Paul's focus in che concext i
on olving che problem of unrepentanc believers (12:21; 13:2), not on rejoicing
in his final destiny. The aposde is speaking of his imminenc visit to Corinch
when, in unison with Christ (cruv aú-cQ) and with od' power, he will acc
deci ively and vigorously ((~croµEv) again e unrepencanc evildoer wichin che
240 • "Improper" Prepositions

(c) combinations of genuine preposicions wich adverbs (e.g., brávw,

2. Baldwin (30-48) identifies three cacegories of relationship:
(a) spacial-incernal (e.g., ecrw), externals (e.g., ÚnEpávw), relatives
(e.g., eµnpocr0Ev)
(b) logical-causatives (e.g., EVEKa), associatives (e.g., aµa), com-
paratives (ÚnEpEKnEptcrcroD), excenc (e.g., µÉxpt) , degree (É"yyúf:,)
(c) cemporal-e.g., EW(:,

B. "lmproper" Prepositions in Hellenistic Greek

Hellenistic Greek is marked by an increase in che use not only of preposition in
general bue also of "improper" prepositions (Bortone 179-81, 194). 1 Moreo er,
since "improper" preposicions are generally longer chan "proper" prepositions, their
widespread use in Helleniscic Greek refleccs ics preference for longer form as pare
of a general tendency toward fuller expression (cf Zerwick §§83, 481; May er 538).
The new "improper" prepositions thac appear in Koine:
(1) can be equivalent to old "proper" prepositions; e.g.,

Hometic úno noaa[ (!Liad 2.784), "under che feec" (dative) 1


Classical úno -couf:. nó8m; (Xen. Oec. 18.5), "under che feer" (ac u ati e) 1

Koine únoKá-cw -cwv no8wv (Mk 6:11), "under che feer" (geniti e)
(Borcone 187)

(2) cend to replace old preposition ; e.g.,

áv-ctKpUf:,, (Ka-c)Évav-ct, Ka-cEvwnt0v, and a.nÉvav-ct (all meaning "in

front of") replace npó (whi h had replaced á.v-c( in a patial en e)
l-/á.návw0Ev, ÚnEpávw ("above") replace ÚnÉp
KUKAÓ8Ev ("around") takes che place of nEpt (Bortone 1 7)

(3) cend to bear a patial en e; e.g.,

in Biblical reek EV is boch patial and non patial, wherea rhe ne

"improper" preposition EV-CÓ(:, is only patial
ánw8Ev and ón[aw are only patial (Bort ne 1 , 1 4)

In Modern reek ' improper'' prepo ition . "d not mo tl patial r lation ,
rarely temporal or oth r relation " (Thumb 169; e hi wh 1 tr atment of
"improper" prepo ition in Mod rn re k, 169 -74).

l. Bortone (188 n.35) refer ro che 18 4 tudy of F. r b (Die Prapositionsadi1erbien in der

spateren historischen Gracitat, Part I [Muni h: Lindauer, 1 4]) ho found no fe er chan
61 "improper" prepo iti n in literary Helleni ti re k.
"Irnproper" Prepositions • 241

Chart Showing Frequency of

New Testament "lmproper" Prepositions 2
Preposition Meaning as a preposition NT use as a Total NT Total
preposition 3 use LXX.use
aµa simultaneously with 1 10 124
ávw without, apare from 3 3 48
opposite 1 1 1
avi:mÉpa on che opposite side 1 1 o
a-rrÉvavi:t in che presence of, opposite, 5 5 98
without, apare from 2 2 1
up to, uncil 44 49 4
near, close to, on che verge 12 31 59
outside, except 4 8 26
fµ-rrpoa0Ev in front of, in che presence 44 48 162
of, befare
É:vav1:t befare, in che presence of 2 2 263
Évav,:[ov befare, in che judgment of 5 8 432
EVEKa, EVEKEV, far che sake of, because of 26 26 138

within, among 2 2 8
Évwmov in che presence of, in che 94 94 558
judgment of
outside, out of 19 63 109
from outside, outside 3 13 49
É-rrávw upon,above 16 19 127
É-rrÉKEtva beyond 1 1 18
fow inside 1 9 19
as far as, to che point of 90 146 1565
opposite, befare, in che 7 8 87
sight of
Ka1:e:vw-rrtov befare, in che presence of 3 3 6
KUKAÓ0e:v round, abouc 2 3 92

2. The totals far NT use come from C-K (s.v.) and che totals far LXX use are from GELS
3. These figures should not be regarded as definitive, because textual variants are orne-
times involved and because it is sometimes unclear whether a word is a preposition or a
242 • "Improper" Prepositions

round 3 8 234
µfoov in che middle 1 58 432
becween, among 7 9 4
up to, as far as 16 17 69
frma8e:v behind, afcer 2 7 41
ón[aw behind, afcer 26 35 461
afcer 1 3 4
napanA~atov near to 1 1 o
napEK-rÓ<; except, apare from 2 3 o
nÉpav beyond, to che ocher side 15 23 107
excepc, apare from 4 31 248
7tAT]OtOV near 1 17 224
tme:pávw far above, over 3 3 22
une:pÉKEtva beyond 1 1 o
une: pe: K7tEp taaou far beyond 1 3 o
un0Ká1:w beneach 11 11 92
xáptv for che sake of, because of 9 9 117
xwpt<; wichouc, apare from, besides 40 41 20

C. An Annotated Alphabetical List of All 42

N ew Testament "lmproper" Prepositions
l . .i\µa
Used as a preposition with che dative (once in Me 13:29, although chis construction
is "not unusual" in che papyri [MM 24d]) and regularly asan adverb meaning "ar
the same time" (e.g., Phm 22) or "together" (e.g., Ro 3:12). In lTh 4:17; 5:10 it i
linked with crúv ("apparently pleonastic[ally]," BDAG 496) to forro a virtual com-
pound preposition, "cogether with" (cf. Regard 678), and in Mt 20:1 it is linked
with the temporal adverb npwf to mean "early in che morning" or "ar dawn."

2 . 'Avt:u
Only three NT examples, all in a nonspatial sen e (cf. Borcone 154 n.72). Thi
word i vircually synonymou with éi-t:Ep and Xlt>Pt~, which al o mean "without,
apare from," although LN tentatively suggests "that xwp[~ differs from avEu and
a-rEp in focusing upon a greater degree of eparation or lack of involvement"
(§89.120 n.22).
a. Of persons: UVEU -roD na-rpo~ úµwv. A parrow will not fall to che
ground "wichout your Father' [knowledge and permi ion]" (Mt
10:29, on which ee ch. 24 A).

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