WRE Shubham
WRE Shubham
WRE Shubham
This is to certify that following student of fifth semester of diploma in civil engineering of
Institute Shree Samarth Polytechnic, Mhasane Phata. has completed the micro project
satisfactorily in subject WATER RESOURCE Engineering for academic year 2023-24 as
prescribed in the curriculum.
5.0 Action plan
2 Management of part A
3 Management of part B
6 Prepare
7 Submission of project
6.0 Resources required
1 Windows 1
Computer 10, 4GB RAM &
500GB storage
2 Internet wikipedia 1
3 MS office word 1
1.0 Aim of the Micro-Project
a) Estimate crop water requirements of a command area. b) Undertake survey for given
irrigation project.
Applications of this micro-project
Water quality monitoring can help researchers predict and learn from natural processes
in the environment and determine human impacts on an ecosystem.
These measurement efforts can also assist in restoration projects or ensure environmental
standards are being met.
Season wise crop area
It is clear from the and above graph that there is major area isoccupied by the sugarcane
and banana which is perennial crop. Kharif andRabi crop area is to much less compared
to overall area. The sugarcane is along duration cash crop requiring considerable amount
of water. It is thereforeconfined mainly to the irrigated tracts of the study region.
It requires deep richloamy soil.It is a soil exhausting crop, therefore, application of farm
yard manures,green manures and chemical fertilizers is essential. Sugarcane has
occupiedabout 26500 hectares of area which was 50 per cent of the total cropped area-in
1999-2013. The production of sugarcane and its hectare share is noticeablein the study
region. The regional pattern of sugarcane area is affected bysatisfaction of irrigation and
soil properties in the study region.
A study of changing cropping pattern brings out the proportion of area under
different crops at a point of time in the study region. The cropping pattern in the study
region keeps on changing from time to time in consonance with change in irrigation
facility, agricultural prices, government policies and other physical and non-physical
factors. These cropping patterns are also governed by economic, social and personal
factors while the natural factors stand for physiographic and climatic condition.
Change in cropping pattern scenario study has been useful in determining the
impact of irrigation from Karjan dam on the command area. Karjan dam command area
has gone through a drastic change in cropping pattern. The major change is in
the adoption of the cash crops instead of the ‘cereal’ and ‘pulses’. Large chunk of area
has come under these cash crops replacing the seasonal crops. Before construction of the
dam the cash crop was cotton which covered one third area of the total cropping area in
study region, whereas after construction of Karjan dam and availability of irrigation
water in the command area, the scenario is changed to sugarcane and banana are placing
cotton covering almost 80% of the command area.