8th Grade Integrated Activity Guideline S1

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8th Grade

The Murders in the Rue Morgue

by Edgar Allan Poe

Integrated Activity Guideline S1


• Investigate and summarize a biography. (2)

• Paraphrase parts of the story. (3)
• Recall new vocabulary. (1)
• Employ new vocabulary. (2)
• Summarize parts of the story. (3)
• Explain what happens in the story. (3)
• Create a new ending. (3)
• Create an individual video and give your opinion on the book. (3)
• Write a newspaper article (3)

Since each team will be working on their own, you will be asked to plan what to do
in each class session and you are required to keep a record of it, which will be

Remember to learn, but also enjoy working on this activity!


The class will be divided into groups. Each group will prepare a newspaper.

Each student will work on an individual book opinion Video.

Information that you will need to research:

• Edgar Allan Poe biography

• Characteristics of crime stories.
• Structure of a newspaper article

To-Do List:

1. Create a newspaper

Research newspapers from London in the 1840s, study their format, lettering, and
presentation to create your own newspaper. You are free to be as creative as you
want, as long as you show congruency in time and format.

• Create the design and format of your newspaper.

• Prepare content on detective stories in the USA, the type of characters, and
the settings.
• Include a timeline of events about the story.
• Write a brief newspaper article about a fictional crime.
• Include pictures.
8th Grade

2. Individual Book Opinion Video

Your video must include the follow parts:

• Present basic information about book. (Title – author – genre)

• Give a brief summary of the book.
• As you give your opinion about the book, include brief quotes from the book
to support your ideas (include at least 2 quotes)
• Create a new ending based on the novel.
• Time-Limit: 2:00 - 3:00 minutes

3. Fill out a weekly Record of Sessions and upload it to your corresponding

file in OneDrive.

• Each Record of Session must be uploaded before the end of each week’s
second block.
• Each team will only upload ONE Record of Session.
• No Record of Sessions will be accepted if the uploaded date and time
surpasses the class’s schedule.
8th Grade



Name: _____________________________________ Book Title: _______________________________________


Component Exceeds Meets Partially meets Does not meet
requirements requirements requirements requirements
The title, author, All or most of the 1-2 of the required The title, author,
number of pages, required elements elements present or number of pages,
CONTENT and the rating are all are present and they are not neatly and number of
included and written neatly presented. presented. stars are missing.
A captivating title is Simple is given to The title has nothing No title is given to
TITLE given to the article. the article. to do with the the article.
The article provides The article contains The article tells 3 of The article does not
NEWSPAPERS information on all all 5 Ws: who, what, the following: who, tell who, what, when
five Ws with where, when, and what, when where or where or why/how.
descriptive language. why/how. The facts why/how. The facts The facts are
are complete and are primarily correct. incomplete or wrong.
There are no errors There are 1-2 errors There are 3-4 errors There are more than
GRAMMAR, in grammar or in grammar or in grammar or 4 errors in grammar
SPELLING, spelling that distract spelling that distract spelling that distract or spelling that
AND the reader from the the reader from the the reader from the distract the reader
SENTENCE content. All content. Most content. Some from the content.
STRUCTURE sentences complete. sentences are sentences are Lack of complete
complete. complete. sentences.
8th Grade

Rubric for Individual Book Opinion Video

Name: _____________________________________ Book Title: _______________________________________


Component Exceeds Meets Partially meets Does not meet
requirements requirements requirements requirements
All three pieces of Two pieces of One piece of None of the
information are information are information is information is
present (title - present (title - present (title - present (title -
author - genre). author - genre). author - genre). author - genre).
The summary is very The summary is The summary is The summary is not
thorough. Four or thorough. Three adequate. Two done.
SUMMARY more events were events were events were
mentioned. No mentioned. No mentioned, or
spoilers. spoilers. spoilers are used.
The opinion is clear, The opinion is clear. The opinion is There is no opinion is
well thought out and It is expressed but unclear. It is not not done.
expressed. It is not explained well. It expressed nor
OPINION backed up with is backed up with explained or backed
evidence (two some evidence (one up with any
quotes). quote) evidence. (No
Content is relevant Most of the content Some of the content Content is not
to what happened in is relevant to the is relevant to the relevant to the story,
NEW ENDING the story. Ending is story. Ending is story. Ending is and ending is not
plausible. plausible. possibly plausible, believable.
but highly unlikely.
Always speaks Usually speaks Usually speaks loudly Speaks too softly or
loudly, slowly, and loudly, slowly, and and clearly. Speaks mumbles. Tt is
VOICE clearly. It is easily clearly. It is easily so fast that it is difficult to
understood all the understood almost difficult to understand.
time. all the time. understand.
PREPAREDNESS / The student is The student is The student is The student does not
EYE CONTACT completely prepared completely prepared somewhat prepared, seem at all prepared
8th Grade

and delivered speech and has obviously but it is clear that to deliver the
without relying on rehearsed. The rehearsal was speech.
flashcards more than student checks lacking.
a few times. flashcards
throughout the
Stands up straight, Stands up straight. Sometimes stands Slouches or moves
POSTURE looks relaxed and up straight about while
confident delivering speech.
2:00 - 3:00 minutes 1:45 - 1:59 or 3:01 - 1:30 - 1:44 or 3:16- 0:01 - 1:29 or 3:31
3:15 minutes 3:30 minutes or more minutes
8th Grade


• Responsibility
• Punctuality
• Cleanliness, order, and personal presentation
• Written work:
o proper presentation requirements
o adequate grammar, spelling, sentence structure, clear expression of
ideas, paragraphs, etc.
o evidence of thorough research
o coverage of all requested topics
• Creativity and effort
• Followed instructions and met all the given requirements.
• Final product.

Due Dates:

Video must be uploaded by:

• 8th A: 07:35 am – 09:05 am Monday December 04th

• 8th B: 09:05 am – 10:55 am Tuesday December 05th
• 8th C: 07:35 am – 09:05 am Thursday December 07th

Cereal Book Report must be presented in class on:

• 8th A: 07:35 am – 09:05 am Monday December 04th

• 8th B: 09:05 am – 10:55 am Tuesday December 05th
• 8th C: 07:35 am – 09:05 am Thursday December 07th

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