Iso 21308 5 2014
Iso 21308 5 2014
Iso 21308 5 2014
STANDARD 21308-5
First edition
ISO 21308-5:2014
Reference number
ISO 21308-5:2014(E)
© ISO 2014
ISO 21308-5:2014(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Coding principles.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
4.1 BEP codes of loader cranes........................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Units of BEP code values................................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.3 References for measurements.................................................................................................................................................... 8
5 Coding of geometrical data and space requirements...................................................................................................14
5.1 Mounting positions of crane and auxiliary stabilizers....................................................................................... 14
5.2 Dimensional interfaces for connections to sub-frame and chassis......................................................... 15
5.3 Crane base dimensions, stabilizers, and lower space requirements...................................................... 17
5.4 Boom system dimensions and space requirements above mounting plane.................................... 26
5.5 Crane slewing space requirements..................................................................................................................................... 35
5.6 Auxiliary stabilizer dimensions.............................................................................................................................................. 37
6 Coding of masses................................................................................................................................................................................................41
6.1 Mass points in transport position........................................................................................................................................ 41
Masses with distances in working mode for stability calculations......................................................... 43
7 Coding of forces and moments.............................................................................................................................................................45
8 Coding of general crane data.................................................................................................................................................................45
8.1 General crane data.............................................................................................................................................................................
ISO 21308-5:2014 45
8.2 Mechanical interfaces . . .................................................................................................................................................................... 46
8.3 Hydraulics equipment and interfaces
9701f24295ff/iso-21308-5-2014 ............................................................................................................................... 47
8.4 Electrical/electronic equipment and interfaces...................................................................................................... 48
8.5 Load lifting attachments............................................................................................................................................................... 48
Annex A (normative) XML coding related to this part of ISO 21308.................................................................................49
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 15,
Interchangeability of components of commercial vehicles and buses.
ISO 21308-5:2014
ISO 21308 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Product data exchange
between chassis and bodywork manufacturers (BEP):
— Part 1: General principles (ISO/PAS)
— Part 2: Dimensional bodywork exchange parameters
— Part 3: General, mass and administrative exchange parameters
— Part 4: Mapping to STEP application protocol 239 [Technical Specification]
— Part 5: Coding of loader crane bodywork
Based on the ISO BEP system for coding of bodywork exchange parameters, this part of ISO 21308
specifically deals with the coding of dimensions and other characteristics of loader cranes. The aim is
to ensure an efficient and unambiguous communication of dimensional installation data between the
parties involved. The BEP coding covers also main characteristics of hydraulic, electrical, and electronic
interfaces to the vehicle. XML coding for communication of the related BEP data is included as well.
This part of ISO 21308 is useful for all parties involved in the installation of cranes to vehicles, e.g. loader
crane manufacturers, truck chassis manufacturers, and bodywork manufacturers.
1 Scope
The ISO 21308 series describes a generic system for the exchange of data between truck chassis
manufacturers and bodywork manufacturers. It applies to commercial vehicles as defined in ISO 3833,
having a maximum gross vehicle mass above 3 500 kg.
The process of exchanging the above information can involve
— chassis manufacturers,
— chassis importers,
— chassis dealers,
— one or more bodywork manufacturers, and
bodywork component suppliers, e.g. manufacturers of demountable bodies, cranes and loading
equipment, and tipping equipment.
ISO 21308-5:2014
This part of ISO 21308 specifically describes the coding dimensions and other characteristics of loader
cranes and auxiliary stabilizers, to 9701f24295ff/iso-21308-5-2014
ensure an efficient and unambiguous communication of installation
data between the parties involved.
This part of ISO 21308 covers loader cranes as specified in ISO 15442, designed to be fitted on commercial
vehicles (including trailers).
This part of ISO 21308 is not applicable to other load-lifting systems (e.g. tail lifts, hook loader systems).
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/PAS 21308-1, Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis and bodywork manufacturers
(BEP) — Part 1: General principles
ISO 21308-2, Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis and bodywork manufacturers
(BEP) — Part 2: Dimensional bodywork exchange parameters
ISO 21308-3, Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis and bodywork manufacturers
(BEP) — Part 3: General, mass and administrative exchange parameters
EN 12999, Cranes — Loader cranes
loader crane
powered crane comprising of a column that slews about a base and a boom system that is attached to
the top of the column and which is usually fitted on a vehicle (including trailer) and designed for loading
and unloading the vehicle
[SOURCE: ISO 15442:2005, 3.1.1, modified — Note 1 to entry has been extended.]
Note 1 to entry: Figure 1 shows the main parts of a loader crane referred to in this part of ISO 21308.
6 11 11
8 7
1 5 2 4
7 12
1 2 4
16 18 11 11 14 13
d) Crane base details
1 crane base 7 firstISO
21308-5:2014 13 boom extension, manual
2 stabilizer extension 8 first boom cylinder 14 hook
3 stabilizer leg 9 second boom
9701f24295ff/iso-21308-5-2014 15 controls
4 stabilizer foot 10 second boom cylinder 16 third boom adapter
5 slewing mechanism 11 boom extension, hydraulic 17 third boom
6 column 12 extension cylinders 18 third boom cylinder
articulated boom
boom consisting of members that pivot in the vertical plane
[SOURCE: ISO 15442:2005, 3.1.2]
crane base
housing incorporating anchoring points and bearings for the slewing column
structural member in the boom system of the loader crane
boom extension
part of the boom which is capable of telescopic movement to vary its length
boom system
complete system consisting of booms, boom extensions, cylinders, and all accessories fixed to booms or
boom extensions
slewing structural member which supports the boom system
[SOURCE: ISO 15442:2005, 3.1.6]
control station
position from which the loader crane may be operated
[SOURCE: ISO 15442:2005, 3.1.7]
control system
interface between the operating levers and the actuating components which provide movements of the
loader crane
[SOURCE: ISO 15442:2005, 3.1.8]
dead loads
forces due to masses of fixed and movable crane parts (including fluids) which act permanently on the
structure while the crane is being used
[SOURCE: ISO 15442:2005, 3.1.10, modified — “(including fluids)” has been added]
ISO 21308-5:2014
gross load 9701f24295ff/iso-21308-5-2014
sum of payload, lifting attachments, and, if applicable, a portion of the hoist rope
machine for lifting and lowering suspended loads over predetermined distances using ropes or chains
load attachment point
point for attachment of means to lift a load
Note 1 to entry: There may be several load attachment points on a boom system.
mass point
mass given, together with the corresponding Cartesian coordinate
net lifting moment
rated capacity multiplied by outreach
nominal extended working position
working position with the first boom at the angle of its maximum moment and, if applicable, with the
second and the third boom in the horizontal plane with all extensions fully extended, or if needed at a
higher first boom angle to bring the second boom in balance
Note 1 to entry: In balance means that the second boom cylinder is able to hold at least the same payload as the
first boom cylinder.
nominal retracted working position
working position wherein boom angles are as in nominal extended working position, with all boom
extensions fully retracted
nominal slewing angle
slewing angle when the second boom system is in parallel with the local x-axis
nominal unfolded transport position
position wherein the boom system is in the horizontal plane with all extensions fully retracted
Note 1 to entry: The maximum overall transport height for the applicable country or region should be taken into
horizontal distance between the axis of rotation of the column and the point of load attachment
load which is lifted by the crane and suspended from the non-fixed load-lifting attachment(s) or, if such
an attachment is not used, directly from the fixed load-lifting attachment(s)
rotational movement of the column and boom system about a vertical axis
slewing centre ISO 21308-5:2014
rotation centre of the crane column about a vertical axis
linear range between two end points in the x-y plane where frame attachments can be positioned
aid to the supporting structure connected to the base of the crane or to the vehicle to provide stability,
without lifting the vehicle from the ground
[SOURCE: ISO 15442:2005, 3.1.29]
stabilizer extension
part of the stabilizer capable of extending the stabilizer leg laterally from the transport position to the
operating position
[SOURCE: ISO 15442:2005, 3.1.30]
stabilizer leg
part of a stabilizer capable of contacting the ground to provide the required stability
Note 1 to entry: The stabilizer leg is capable of extending the stabilizer foot in order to make contact with the
[SOURCE: ISO 15442:2005, 3.1.31, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
stabilizer beam
part of the base where the stabilizers are attached
stabilizer foot
part of a stabilizer leg in contact with the ground
total lifting moment
sum of the load moment and the moment produced by dead loads
[SOURCE: ISO 15442:2005, 3.1.34]
4 Coding principles
NOTE 2 This part of ISO 21308 contains BEP codes for coding one loader crane on one truck. More cranes can
be applied to the same truck by applying independent instances of coding.
A vehicle coordinate system according to Figure 2 is applied. Global coordinates for the vehicle are
denominated X, Y, and Z (uppercase letters).
Origin is on top of the chassis frame, straight above the first front axle, and at the chassis centre line.
NOTE The vehicle coordinate system used in this part of ISO 21308 is fully in line with ISO 4130, but applied
on a truck.
Figure 2 — Vehicle coordinate system according to ISO 4130, applied on a truck (commercial
For a default mounting position, the principle should be that the crane coordinate directions should
coincide with those of the vehicle. Local crane coordinates are denominated x, y, and z (lowercase
letters). See Figure 3.
The origin of the crane coordinate system (referred to as zero point in this part of ISO 21308) is the point
where the crane slewing axis intersects with the mounting plane of the crane.
According to EN 12999, the longitudinal position (local x = 0) of the slewing centre shall be clearly
marked on both sides of the crane base.
The crane orientation with respect to the positioning of boom system and stabilizers can be orientated
according to either of the principles shown in Figure 4. The default crane orientation can be either of the
two cases shown in Figure 4.