Log500 2019 01 Exam
Log500 2019 01 Exam
Log500 2019 01 Exam
Examiner Mr S. Visagie
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Question 1 [5]
Seven-Eleven operates a successful business in Japan. One of the reasons for its
success is that it does not allow direct store delivery in Japan but has all products flow
through its distribution centre. What benefit does Seven-Eleven derive from this policy?
When is direct store delivery more appropriate?
Question 2 [5]
Consider the example of two diamond retailers selling their products online, namely
Blue Nile carrying diamonds priced at $2 500 or higher, as opposed to the large
proportion of products sold from Tiffany’s website priced around $200. Which of the two
product categories is better suited to the strengths of the online channel?
Question 3 [30]
Predictable variability, such as the demand for planters and combine harvesters
manufactured by John Deere, can be managed using two broad options, namely
supply management and demand management. Discuss these two options for handling
predictable variability, and use appropriate examples to illustrate how these options are
applied in practice.
Question 4 [8]
Four common collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) scenarios
are listed in the table below. You need to correctly indicate where each scenario listed
in the left-hand column is applied in the supply chain (middle column) and the
industries in which each is applied (right-hand column) by redrawing the table in your
answer book and writing the letter of the correct options in the appropriate blocks of the
table. Select the correct letter in each case (a, b, c or d) from the two lists of options
that follow the table below.
Question 5 [12]
Safety inventory is inventory carried to satisfy demand in excess of the forecast
amount. Please answer the following questions related to safety inventory.
5.1. What are the three key questions that need to be considered when
planning safety inventory? (6)
5.2. Compare and contrast the levels of safety inventory required for milk and
spices. (6)
Question 6 [20]
All transportation decisions in a supply chain network must take into account their
impact on inventory costs, facility and processing costs, the cost of coordinating
operations, and the level of responsiveness provided to customers. Discuss the choice
of transportation mode as a fundamental supply chain decision in the transportation-
inventory cost trade-off.
Question 7 [20]
The decision to outsource is based on the growth in supply chain surplus provided by
the third party and the increase in risk incurred by using a third party. Identify and
briefly describe various mechanisms that third parties can use to increase the supply
chain surplus.