NLP Assignment 4

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1. What do you mean by WSD? Discuss in detail about the different

approaches of WSD

WSD stands for Word Sense Disambiguation, which is the task of identifying the correct
sense of a word in context. Many words in natural language have multiple senses, and
WSD is necessary to understand the meaning of a sentence correctly. WSD is a
challenging task because it requires the computer to understand the context in which
the word is being used and to differentiate between different senses of the word.

There are various approaches to WSD, some of which are rule-based,

knowledge-based, and corpus-based.

Rule-based approaches use hand-crafted rules to identify the correct sense of a word.
These rules are usually based on syntactic and semantic features of the sentence, such
as part-of-speech tags, word order, and the presence of certain words or phrases. For
example, a rule-based approach to WSD might use a set of rules to identify the sense of
the word "bank" based on the presence of certain words like "river" or "money".

Knowledge-based approaches use external sources of knowledge to identify the correct

sense of a word. This knowledge can be in the form of dictionaries, thesauri, or
ontologies. Knowledge-based approaches rely on the assumption that different senses
of a word are associated with different sets of words or concepts. For example, a
knowledge-based approach to WSD might use a dictionary to identify the sense of the
word "bank" based on the different meanings listed in the dictionary.

Corpus-based approaches use machine learning algorithms to identify the correct sense
of a word based on a large corpus of text. These approaches rely on the assumption
that different senses of a word are associated with different patterns of co-occurring
words. Corpus-based approaches can be supervised or unsupervised. In supervised
approaches, the algorithm is trained on a labeled dataset, where each instance is
labeled with the correct sense of the word. In unsupervised approaches, the algorithm
clusters instances of the word based on their co-occurring words and infers the senses
based on the resulting clusters.

Overall, WSD is a complex task that requires a combination of linguistic knowledge,

external resources, and machine learning algorithms. The choice of approach depends
on the available resources and the specific requirements of the task. Rule-based
approaches are useful when there is limited data available, while knowledge-based
approaches are useful when there is an external knowledge source that can be used.
Corpus-based approaches are useful when there is a large amount of unlabeled data
available, and supervised approaches are useful when labeled data is available.

2. Compare Supervised and unsupervised Disambiguation.

Supervised and unsupervised disambiguation are two approaches to word sense

disambiguation (WSD), which is the task of identifying the correct sense of a word in
context. Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of
approach depends on the specific requirements of the task.

Supervised disambiguation involves training a machine learning algorithm on a labeled

dataset, where each instance is labeled with the correct sense of the word. The
algorithm learns to recognize patterns in the data that are associated with each sense of
the word and uses these patterns to disambiguate new instances. Supervised
disambiguation is useful when there is a large labeled dataset available, and the goal is
to achieve high accuracy.

One of the main advantages of supervised disambiguation is that it can achieve high
accuracy if the labeled data is of high quality and representative of the data to be
disambiguated. This approach can also be used to disambiguate words that have
multiple senses with a high degree of accuracy.

However, one of the limitations of supervised disambiguation is that it requires a large

amount of labeled data to train the algorithm effectively. Additionally, the performance of
the algorithm may be limited to the specific senses and contexts that are represented in
the training data. This means that supervised disambiguation may not perform well on
new or unseen data.

Unsupervised disambiguation, on the other hand, involves clustering instances of the

word based on their co-occurring words and inferring the senses based on the resulting
clusters. Unsupervised disambiguation is useful when labeled data is not available, and
the goal is to identify patterns and clusters in the data that are associated with different
senses of the word.

One of the main advantages of unsupervised disambiguation is that it does not require
labeled data, making it more flexible and easier to apply to new or unseen data.
Additionally, unsupervised disambiguation can identify new and unexpected senses of a
word that may not be represented in labeled data.

However, one of the limitations of unsupervised disambiguation is that it can be less

accurate than supervised disambiguation, especially when the word has multiple
senses. Additionally, unsupervised disambiguation can be more difficult to interpret and
understand, making it harder to identify errors or biases in the results.

In conclusion, both supervised and unsupervised disambiguation have their strengths

and weaknesses, and the choice of approach depends on the specific requirements of
the task. Supervised disambiguation is useful when high accuracy is required, and
labeled data is available, while unsupervised disambiguation is useful when labeled
data is not available, and flexibility and interpretability are important.

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