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Unit: 7 – My Favourite Sport

Lesson 2(4,5,6)
Period 85
1. Knowledge:
Students will learn present continuous in negative form: not be V_ing
2. Competences:
- English competences: Students will be able to talk about things that are
not happening now. ( daily activities or sports)
- Common competences: Students will have the opportunity to expose their love about
the sports or activities by drawing and presenting.
3. Qualities:
- Students will have the opportunity to talk about the activities that they are happening
or not happening to use languages in everyday life.
- For Teacher: PP, TV, flashcards, music, audio track
- For students: pictures, handout
Activity 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Quick Eyes Game
- T show the pictures so that Sts can recall the - Sts join the game.
words they’ve learnt , especially with the
limited time. Then, cover all of them. After
that, T shows one picture and asks sts to find
the same picture which is covered.
- If they find the correct position, Sts will get
the stars.
Example: T press “ START” Within 10
seconds, Sts have to recall 5 words. After 10
seconds, they’re covered. Then, only one
picture is shown, T asks Sts to find the
position of the same picture.
Activity 2: Presentation (8 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Task 4: Listen and repeat (Track 4.6)
Lead in: *GAME: Who’s faster?
- Give instruction of game to lead in the new - Learn new words through flashcards
lesson. T shows the picture of the action .T and actions.
asks the questions about talk about things that
are happening now and Sts have to answer the
sentences as quickly as possible,
- Give the word “not”, and ask the volunteers
to make sentence with “not”, the faster group - Listen
will get stars.
- Ask students to notice that the structure I’m
not, He isn’t, and She isn’t is followed by the - Repeat the words
action verb with -ing.
Tell the students we can use this structure to
talk about things that are not happening now.
Listen and repeat:
- Play the track. Ask ss to listen and repeat in
chorus, groups. Have sts listen and repeat the - Sts join the game.
- Correct pronunciation when needed.
Who am I?
(Stick the pictures on the board or use
PowerPoint )
- Let Sts listen to the sentences and slap on the
correct pictures.
- Further activity: There are some sentences
about the pictures. Sts have to choose the
sentence which is not correct to check their
Activity 3: Practice (12 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Task 5: Look and say.
TPR Game:
T shows the words on the paper or Sts can
give the requirement.
Sts have to look and do the right action Do the actions.

Call 2 students of 2 teams, come and do the

action. Then check and give the stars for the
correct action.

Task 5: Look and say

Game: Turtle and rabbit. Sts will give the
questions. If Sts can answer correctly, they
will help their team, turtle or rabbit and
find the winner in this game.
- Explain the rest of the task to students.
Allow them enough time to practice saying the
sentences individually and then in pairs. Go
round the class helping students where
- Ask volunteers to read out their answers. - Answer the questions and join the
Correct any mistakes. game.
Activity 4: Production (7 minutes )
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Task 6: Draw and write. Say :
- Ask students about their favourite sport and - Sts look.
then look at the girl’s drawing. Then read out
the speech bubbles and ask them to repeat.
Tell students to draw a picture of themselves
doing something that they have learned so far.
Go around the class suggesting ideas for the
- Tell them not to write anything yet. When - Sts write
they have finished ask them to show their
classmates their pictures and talk about what
they are doing in them. Encourage the
classmates to ask questions. Then ask them to
write some sentences. Help with spelling
where necessary.

- Ask volunteers to hold up and read out their - Sts read.


Activity 5: Assessment (3 minutes )

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
- Ask students to do the assessment. - Do the assessment.
- Choose the best answer.
- Check in pair then whole class. - Check with friends and then with the
- Sts will be given a dice. If they answer teacher and the whole class.
correctly, they can row the dice and get the

- Say goodbye - Say goodbye



Lesson 2( 7,8,9)
Period 86
1. Knowledge:
Students will review the present continuous tense and words/phrases related to daily
activities and sports and practice listening, reading, speaking and writing skills
2. Competences:
- English competences: Students will be able to talk about things that are happening or
not happening now in daily activities or sports.
- Common competences: Students will have the opportunity to develop autonomy in
doing tasks, and communicating among friends.
3. Qualities:
- Students will have the opportunity to talk about the activities that they are happening
or not happening to use languages in everyday life.
- For Teacher: PP, TV, flashcards, music, audio track
- For students: pictures, handout
Activity 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Let Sts warm up by the game to review the
words and structures :
Sts answer the questions and find the letters of - Sts join the game.
the keyword  BOSSABALL
- Suggested questions: -
1. What sport is it? -> BASEBALL
2. What are they doing? -> FOOTBALL
3. What is she doing? -> TENNIS
4. What are these ? – SPORTS
5. What is the action? – CATCH
6. What is it? – BALL -

Activity 2: Presentation (8 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Task 7. Listen and tick
- Show a picture of bossaball game.
- Ask sts to talk about the picture - Look and answer
- Is he running?
- Are they jumping?
- Is he kicking the ball?
- Then, let them listen and fill the words to - Read the text
drill the content of bossaball game so that - Guess the answers
they can understand easily. - Listen and complete
- While listening:
- Ask sts to listen and tick. - Do cross-check
- Play the audio twice - Check with the teacher
- Have sts do cross-check
- Play audio again and check with the whole
Post listening:
- Show the text and the picture - Listen and repeat
- Ask sts to listen and repeat sentence by - Act and sayRead through.
Task 7. Listen and tick - Listen and tick.
- Ask students to read through sentences 1 – 4.
- Play the recording and tell students to listen
and tick the correct answers. Play the
recording more than once if
students cannot catch the answers.
- Play the recording again, and pause after
each sentence to check the answers.
Activity 3: Practice (12 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Task 8: Write
- PowerPoint Game: Help the frog go home.
Click on the numbers to answer the questions
and help the frog go home.
- Look.
Class’s activity :
- Make an enlarged copy of the worksheet and
cut out the card, select the appropriate number
of cards, ensuring that they write and complete - Complete
- Explain that the activity involves forming
sentences, and each sentence consists the
- Elicit the model sentence.
“The player is jumping”.

Give the sts the worksheet. Sts must put the

correct words.
Set sts to work in groups
Pick up the picture and say

Activity 4: Production (7 minutes )

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Task 9 . Look and say :
- Tell students they are going to describe what
people are doing in a sport. - Sts look.
- Tell students to look at the picture and the
dialogue. - Sts say in pairs or groups.
- Read out the dialogue. Read it out again,
pause after each sentence and ask students to - Sts read.
- Ask two students to read out the dialogue.
- Ask students to work in pairs to describe
what each person in the the picture is and isn’t - Sts work in pairs.

Activity 5: Assessment (3 minutes )

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
- Do the assessment.
- Check with friends and then with
the teacher and the whole class.

- Ask students to do the assessment.

- Read and tick.
- Check in pair then whole class.
- Say goodbye.

- Say goodbye



Lesson 3(1,2,3)
Period 87
1. Knowledge:
Students will learn and use new vocabulary: flying a kite, riding a bike, watching a
match, team
- Review present continuous.
2. Competences:
- English competences: Students will be able to talk about the hobbies and things that
are happening or not happening now (daily activities or sports).
- Common competences: Students will have an opportunity to develop autonomy in
doing tasks, communicating among friends.
3. Qualities:
- Students will have an opportunity to talk about their hobbies, what is happening or
not happening.
- For Teacher: PP, TV, flashcards, music, audio track
- For students: pictures, handouts.
Activity 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Greet students.
Warm up and review:
Movement Game: “Silent ball”
While the music plays, students pass the ball - Greet teacher.
around the class. When the music stops, the
student with the ball has to choose a pair of
cards to play a matching game (review action
-Let the sts take a turn choosing the numbers - Enjoy the game.
to find the 2 matched pictures and words.
Lead in:
- Ask a student to come to the board. The - Individual work
teacher stands next to that student. Use TPR to
show: flying a kite; riding a bike …
- Introduce the lesson. - Follow the teacher
Activity 2: Presentation (8 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Task 1: Listen and point.
-Tell students to open their books to page and
to look at the vocabulary box. Point to the first - Follow the teacher
two picture words.
-Say the words and use your arms to
demonstrate flying a kite; riding a bike and
ask students to repeat. Do the same with all
the other words.
- Read out the word match . Explain the
meaning. Show students pictures and ask if
they are funny. Tell them to answer Yes! or
No! For example, Do you like watching a
match? At the end of the task praise students
by saying Great!
- Read out the word team, ask them
their team’s name.
- Play the recording for the students to listen
and point, then repeat the words. Then read
out the words in random order and ask
students to point to the correct pictures.
-Read out all the words again one by one and
ask students to repeat after you.

Game: Mime
The teacher says the words and sts act
Use slides of PowerPoint or flashcards to say - Sts act
the words and ask students to repeat them.
Do the same with all the words. Play the
recording for the students to listen to, point to,
and repeat the words.
- Read out the new picture words in the
vocabulary box in random order and
ask students to point to the correct
- Read out all the words again one by
one and ask students to repeat after
- Join the game.

Invite two Sts to go to the board and stand

back to back.
Each of the two Sts will choose one picture
(keep secret).
T counts one, two three, they will turn round
and read the opponent’s other’s picture.
Who is faster will be the winner.
Continue with other pairs.
Activity 3: Practice (12 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

Task 2. Listen and match:

- Look
- Ask students to look at the photo and tell
them that the boy’s name is Alex and the
other’s name is Sam. They are friends.
- Ask the sts some questions about the picture:
- Who are they? - Answer the questions :

- Where are they?

- What are they doing?
- Let the sts listen for the first time
- Point to the new words in the text. Read
them out and ask students to repeat them.
- - Play the recording again. Tell students to
look at the picture and follow the dialogue
with their fingers. And then match :
Game: Listen and tick
Divide the class into groups of 4 (each group
has 4 sts).
Give cards with the letter A, B, C for the
Sts listen and choose the correct answer
(A,B,C). Who can make it will get points
Task 3. Look and say:
- Stick pictures and prompts on the board.
- The teacher calls a pair of students to come :
- They have to write the correct sentence.
- Who can make it faster they will get points.
- While they’re writing, the teacher goes
around the class helping students where
- Ask volunteers to check their answers.
Correct any mistakes.
Activity 4: Production (7 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
- Let Sts play the game “Happy Bee”, Sts ask
and answer the questions related to the
grammar: present continuous (questions) to
help the bear find the honey.
- There are five questions. T clicks on them,
one by one from START, 1,2,3, to FINISH for
volunteer Sts to answer and go to the next
Answer Keys :
1. What is she doing now? She is riding a
2. What is he doing? He’s flying a kite.
3. Is he cooking?
No, he isn’t.
He isn’t cooking.
He is playing football.
4. What are they doing?
They are watching a football match.
5. What are you doing now?
I’m playing the piano.
Activity 5: Assessment (3 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
- Ask students to do the assessment. - Do the assessment.
- Draw lines and complete the sentences.
- Check in pairs then the whole class. - Check with friends and then with
- Call Sts to answer the questions, If they’re the teacher and the whole class.
correct, Sts can row the dice to get stars.

- Say goodbye - Say goodbye



Lesson 3(4,5,6)
Period 88
1. Knowledge:
Students will review the vocabulary related to the topic of sports and activities.
- Learn new grammar: present continuous (interrogative form)
2. Competences:
- English competences: Students will be able to make question and answerabou what is
happening now .
- Common competences: Students will have an opportunity to develop autonomy in
doing tasks, communicate among friends, ability to sing and dance.
3. Qualities:
Students will increase their awareness of being active
- For Teacher: PP, TV, flashcards, music, audio track
- For students: pictures, handouts.
Activity 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
- Let students warm up with the song: - Students listen to the song.

Lyrics: “ What are you doing? – I’m washing.

What are you doing? – I’m eating, eating.
What are you doing? – I’m dancing, dancing.
I’m dancing. I’m dancing now. …”
Activity 2: Presentation (8 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Lead in: Use the game and the picture to lead - Copy down
in the new lesson
- Write on the board The date and introduce
the lesson.
Task 4: Listen and repeat (Track 5.11)
- Show a picture/slide of the task
- Look and answer:
- Ask sts to talk about the picture
- Collect the suitable answer on the board
- Use flashcards to introduce
- Listen and repeat
- Say the words/sentences for sts to repeat in
- Play the audio
- Ask sts to listen and repeat sentence by - Listen and repeat
Checking game: TPR GAME
- Join the game.
One student is doing the action that he likes.
And the student is standing in front of him so
that he can’t see what other S is doing and
then, guess and say the action. :
Is he …..? All the class has to answer yes/ no
And Sts can guess three times to find the
correct action and get stars.
Activity 3: Practice (12 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Game: Broken Sentence
- Make an enlarged copy of the worksheet and - Repeat.
cut out the card, select the appropriate number
of cards, ensuring that they make up complete
- Explain that the activity involves forming
sentences, and each sentence consists the - Repeat.
cards and a picture. They should use
punctuation to help them (full stop and capital
- Elicit the model sentence :
Is she riding a bike? – Yes, she is.
Task 5. Look and say:
Give the sts the worksheet. Sts must look at
the pictures and put the words into the correct
order, and answer correctly. They can do this
+ cutting out
+ stick on the group boards
- Correct collectively on the board
* Ask sts to look at the picture of this activity
- Look and describe.
then ask sts to describe the content of the
Revise the words of the lesson
* Circulate to monitor but try to encourage sts
autonomy to write the correct words in the - Write
- Sts correct their works in pairs first. Then
correct it collectively
- Correct the activity collectively. Sts swap
worksheets and dictate the answers
- Have sts present their works
Activity 4: Production (7 minutes )
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Task 6: Listen and sing
Set context by the given picture of the hockey - Answer the questions.
- Let sts guess the song melody that they’re
going to sing
- Play the track 5.11 once for sts to check the
melody - Repeat.
- Show the lyrics one by one
- Ask sts to read the lyrics fluently -Sing and mime the action.
- Ask sts listen and sing along
- Play the audio again for sts to sing along

Activity 5: Assessment (3 minutes)

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
- Ask students to do the assessment. - Do the assessment.
- Look and circle - Check with friends and then with the
teacher and the whole class.

- Check the correct answers.

- Check in pairs then the whole class.
- Say goodbye - Say goodbye

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