Tuần 24-Ta3
Tuần 24-Ta3
Tuần 24-Ta3
General competence
- Raise motivation and interests in learning English through doing some activities
- Build up self-learning skill through learning activities.
- Develop communication and collaboration skills through learning activities.
- Understand the importance of doing exercise in developing body.
3. Qualities:
- Be responsile for staying healthy .
- For teacher:
+ Basic things: Student’s book , teacher’s book , flashcards.
+ Advanced things: PPT, projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- For students: student’s book, work book, paper.
Option 2:
-for avanced facilities in class (internet, - Listen the T’s guide.
projector, TV, …)
- Tick the word with the right picture. - Ss will join the game.
- Receive stars for his/her team if
he/she answers correctly.
Review( 15 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Before watching:
Task 1: Circle your hobby.
While watching:
Task 2: Circle what you can see in the
-T asks students to look at the picture and
asks a few question before watching video:
+ What sports do you like best?
+ How often do you ....?
+ What time do you....?
+ How do you feel after (
Key answer:
Key answer:
- Check with friends and then with
teacher and whole class.
- Check answers. - Look and read aloud.
- Say goodbye .
- Say goodbye.
Unit 8: My town
Lesson 1: 1,2,3
Period: 95
1. Knowledge:
Students will learn new vocabulary about places in the town: in the library, in the
museum, at the theater, at the zoo.
2. Competences:
- English competences: Students will be able to speak his/ her own location by using
the structure: I’m +place. ( Ex: I’m in the museum).
- Common competences: Students will have the opportunity to develop creativeness in
drawing projects and communication among friends.
3. Qualities:
- Students will be friendly and confident in communicating with friends.
- Basic things: Student’s book, flashcards, A4 paper.
- Advanced things: PPT, projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
Activity 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
-Greet students. -Greet teacher.
- “Racing car” Game :
+ Divide the class into 4 teams and each -Each student has to think one more
team will choose a random letter for the word in his/her mind.
- Ss arrange in four lines and listen
+Ss in each team write the word beginning
carefully teacher’s command to start
with the letter of the team. the competition.
For example Team letter “B”: bee, brother,
boy… - Look and answer the questions:
*Unit opener
- Ask Ss to look at the picture and give them
a few questions:
What can you see in the picture?
How many colors are there? - umbrellas, houses, trees, coffee
- Ask Ss to tick the right answers shops…
- Check answers. - Yellow, blue, green, black, white,
- Ask Ss to repeat the words in the task pink, red, orange.
(whole class, team and individual). -Receive stars from the teacher.
- Say random color and Ss will point and say -Point and show the things that have
the things that he owns that color. the same color as T in the classroom.
- Introduce the picture’s context: colourful
sky made by many umbrellas in Quebec,
Activity 2: Presentation (8 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Task 1. Listen, point and repeat. ( P.103)
-Use PowerPoint/ flash cash to teach -Ss listen and repeat.
In the library, in the museum, at the
theater, at the zoo.
- Play the recording. Tell students to - Ss listen point and repeat.
look at the pictures and follow the pictures
with their fingers.
-Play the recording again. Ask -Ss listen and choose
students to repeat.
CHECKING GAME : (Look and choose )
-Show a picture and two options about -Receive stars from T.
vocabulary. Have Ss look and choose. -Answer key:
1. In the library
2. In the museum
3. At theater
in the library/ at the theater 4. At the zoo
- Ask students to work in pairs. One student -Work in pairs and do a project.
draws a picture, the other creates the
conversation replacing with other new words
- Have Ss practice the conversation in pairs.
- Ask some volunteers to speak in front of
the class.
Activity 5: Assessment (3 minutes )
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
-Ask students to do an assessment. - Do the assessment.
Look and match
- Check in pair then the whole class.
Unit 8: My town
Lesson 1: 4,5,6
Period: 96
1. Knowledge:
- Students will learn the comparative Listen, please; Don’t talk, please… and asking
for permission May I…. Yes, you can./No, you can’t.
2. Competences:
- English competences: Students will be able to follow or make comparisons and ask
for permission in English.
- Common competences:
+ Students will have the opportunity to develop creativeness in making the project
(rules in public places) and communication among friends.
3. Qualities:
- Students will be aware of the importance of the rules in class and public
- Basic things: Student’s book, flashcards, A4 paper.
- Advanced things: PPT, projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
Activity 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
- Greet students - Greet teacher
- “Simon says.” Game:
+ Ss will not comply with the request if the
command does not begin with the word
“Simon says…”
+ Dance, play football, talk, jump, run…
- Be quiet and listen carefully.
On the contrary, if the command sentence
begins with “Simon says” but Ss do not - Sit nicely if those Ss are the loser.
follow the request, they will not receive stars
for their team.
Ngày tháng năm 2024
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