Impact of Temperature and Relative Humidity in Quality and Shelf Life of Mango Fruit
Impact of Temperature and Relative Humidity in Quality and Shelf Life of Mango Fruit
Impact of Temperature and Relative Humidity in Quality and Shelf Life of Mango Fruit
Impact of temperature and relative humidity in quality and shelf life of mango
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1 author:
Arebu Hussen
Mekdela Amba University
All content following this page was uploaded by Arebu Hussen on 02 June 2021.
E-ISSN: 2663-1067
P-ISSN: 2663-1075
IJHFS 2021; 3(1): 46-50 Impact of temperature and relative humidity in
Received: 29-11-2020
Accepted: 30-01-2021 quality and shelf life of mango fruit
Arebu Hussen
Mekdela Amba University, Arebu Hussen
Department of Plant Science,
South Wollo, Ethiopia
The quality of mango is affected by environmental factors, but only a few are the basic limiting factors.
Temperature and relative humidity are serious problems under field conditions in harvesting, table and
processing mango. In addition, these two basic factors affect quality of mango crop by influencing its
physiological processes such as photosynthesis, respiration and other related aspects of the crop
activities. This paper review is done for summarizing those factors, affecting mango environment in
our country. Successful optimizing of the key factors (temperature and relative humidity) has been
achieved with a range of selection of suitable growing seasons including proper environment.
Temperature affects the growth and development of mango by denaturing of the activities of enzymes
and light also affects the growth and all process by reducing the photosynthetic ability of mango crop.
1. Introduction
1.1 Background and Justification
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the most significant tropical fruits in the world and
ranked 5th in total world production among the main fruit crops (FAO, 2004) [6]. It has high
content of vitamin A and C. It also provides a certain amount of other vitamins and minerals
such as riboflavin, niacin, calcium, phosphorus and iron (Jiménez, 2004). Asia continent
particularly India are being the leading producer in Global production of mango. Nigeria still
occupies the 8th position in the world ranking of mango producing countries as at 2002, even
if there is a lack of encouragement as to large scale production of tropical fruits (Sulaimon
and Salua, 2007). Fruits and vegetables, including mango are considered very perishable
food as a result of their high moisture content (Simal et al., 1994) [17]. Accordingly, they
exhibit relatively high metabolic activity compared with other plant-derived foods like seeds.
This metabolic activity remains after harvesting, thus making most fruits very perishable
commodities (Atungulu et al., 2004) [1]. Consequently, post-harvest excess moisture content
of mango must be minimized to A level acceptable for marketing, storage and processing.
Drying is defined as a process of moisture loss as a result of simultaneous heat and mass
transfer (Ertekin and Yaldiz, 2004) [5].
Deliberately it's managed to scale back water to the extent at which microbial spoilage and
deterioration reactions are greatly diminished (Akpinar and Bicer, 2004). Though there are
many ways in which drying can be achieved, but the choice of method depends on the
material and the sanitary level required. In tropical and sub-tropical countries sun drying is
rampant; the issues include intrusion by animal and pest. This invariably reduces the ultimate
quality of the merchandise hence the event of convective dryer is being canvassed for. The
affection of drying behavior of mango for optimum and efficient dryer design is expected
due to the knowledge of how drying air temperature and slice thickness. Dried mango
contain phenol, this phenolic compound has powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities. It
can be eaten as snack or as ingredient in bakery and confectionery products. Several works
have been done on drying characteristics of agricultural products.
Time of drying is important in countries where energy cost is high. Although Goyal et al.
Corresponding Author: (2006) [7] carried out the thin-layer drying kinetics of fresh mango slice and El-Amin et al.
Arebu Hussen (2008) [4] investigated drying kinetics and color change of mango slices are affected by
Mekdela Amba University, drying temperature and time but none of them put the thickness of the mango slices into
Department of Plant Science, consideration with respect to time. Over the last decade, world-wide increase in fresh mango
South Wollo, Ethiopia
trade has been observed thanks to the advancements in post-harvest handling technology
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improvements in logistics and communication. within the travelogues of ancient travelers, namely, Hüan
Importance of the study is that Mango are tropical/sub- Tsang (632-645 AD), ibn Haukul (902-968 AD), and Ibn
tropical fruit with a highly significant economic importance. Batuta (1325-1345 AD). The Chinese traveler Hüan Tsang,
Preferable quality attributes include freedom from external during his visit to India (632 - 645 AD) brought the mango
damages such as bruises, latex or sap injury and decay, to China.
uniform weight, color, aroma, firmness (with little give According to a German born botanist, Georg Eberhard
away, not soft), shape and size. The fruit has high content of Rumphius, in his Het Amboinsche kruidboek or Herbarium
antioxidants and recommended to be involved in the daily Amboinense (1741), the mango was introduced into certain
diet due to its health benefits such as reduced risk of cardiac islands of the Indonesia archipelago within recent times;
disease, anti-cancer, and anti-viral activities. There are so however, the mango was in cultivation in Java as early as
many practices in order to maintain of mango fruit quality early as 900-1100 AD, when the temple at Borobudur was
during the availability chain encompassing adequate orchard built and faced with carvings of the Lord Buddha in
management practices, harvesting practices, packing contemplation under a mango According to Candolle (1904)
operation, post-harvest treatments, temperature it's impossible to doubt that the mango may be a native of
management, transportation and storage conditions, and the south of Asia or of the Malay Archipelago. Several
ripening at destination. investigations are administered on more scientific lines on
the origin of the cultivated plants. Vavilov’s (1926) [19] work
1.2 Objective on the genetic variation within the staple crop plants of the
To review the Impact of Temperature and Relative planet and therefore the location of the centers of these
Humidity on Quality and shelf life of Mango fruit variations is that the greatest, from which he suggested the
‘Indo-Burma’ region because the center of origin of the
2. Literature Review mango. This problem has been further investigated and
2.1. Origin and distribution of mango conclusions are derived by an analysis of the
The mango originated, within the foothills of the Himalayas phytogeographical data phylogenetic taxonomy of all the
of the southern Asia (eastern India, Burma, and therefore the species included within the Mangifera. The Mangifera of the
Andaman Islands) bordering the Bay of Bengal, dating back Anacardiaceae and therefore the Sapindales is restricted to
to 4000 BC, where it still grows wild within the hills of the tropical Asia.
Assam and adjacent areas. The earliest mention of mango is
found in ancient Sanskrit scriptures dating back to 4000 BC. 2.2. Nutritional Benefits of mango
Mangifera indica, means ‘the great fruit bearer’. Historical Mango is a low-calorie fruit that is high in fiber, and is a
records and palaeo- botanical evidences provide ample great source of vitamins A and C, and good for digestion. It
proof about its origin in the Indo-Burma-Malay region. On also contains folate, B6, iron and a touch calcium, zinc and
the idea of presence of maximum number of allied species vitamin E. Mango are an honest source of antioxidants,
growing in Malaysia, some workers are cause believe that containing certain phytochemicals like Gallotannins and
Malaysian region is that the original home of mango. But Mangifera which are studied for his or her health benefits.
Vavilov (1926) [19] supported that mango is originated in Just 80g of mango (2 x 2 inch slices) counts together of your
1259 Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Indo- five-a-day. This one portion will provide 53 calories, 11g of
Burma region. Mukherjee (1949b) concluded that naturally-occurring sugar and just over 2g of fiber.
occurrence of untamed sort of mango and its allied species As studies show that people who ate mango saw a
and presence of various cultivated and wild varieties in significant improvement in their constipation symptoms, in
India were a number of the major reasons in favour of part due to the fiber content but potentially from other
mango having originated in Indo-Burma region. The mango mango-specific compounds, too. Interestingly, the leaves of
is a member of the Anacardiaceae family which includes the mango are studied and offer potential antidiarrheal
poison ivy, cashews, and pistachios. It is also referred to as activity because of its plant extracts. The mango
manga, mangga, mangot, mangou, and mangue in other phytochemicals have also been studied for his or her gastro
parts of the planet . The mango comes in over 50 varieties, protective effects, offering both anti-inflammatory and
ranging in color from greenish, yellowish, to reddish, often antioxidant properties to the gastrointestinal system, and
tinged with purple, pink, orange-yellow, or red. Buddhist should even help reduce inflammation in conditions like
monks are believed to have taken the mango on voyages to ulcerative colitis.
Malaya and eastern Asia during the 4th and 5th Centuries Mango contain good levels of both vitamins A and C.
BC. The mango is taken into account to be a sacred fruit Vitamin C is involved within the formation of collagen the
within the region because it's said that the Lord Buddha protein that gives the skin's elasticity. Vitamin C is one
himself meditated under a mango as a result of which he among the foremost important antioxidants, playing a
found tranquility and repose during a mango orchard. protective role against environmental damage; a deficiency
According to Fa-Hien and Sung-Yun the Lord Buddha was of vitamin C can affect wound healing and increase fine
presented with a mango orchard by Amradarika in 500 BC lines and wrinkles. Our hair also requires vitamin C both for
as an area for meditation. The peripatetic Buddhist monks collagen production and also to assist with the absorption of
were the primary to spill the beans and initiate the trade of iron – a crucial mineral needed for hair growth.
the mango fruit some 400-500 centuries BC. A mango is All cells need vitamin A for growth, including the skin and
found within the friezes on the Stupa of Bharut which dates hair, and some studies recommend that it may provide
back about 100 BC. The soldiers of Alexandra the good had potential protective effects contrary to the signs of ageing.
gone across orchard in Indus Valley. It is speculated that the One of vitamin A's key roles in hair and skin health is its
traders and monks from India introduced superior elections involvement within the production of sebum, the oily
of mango into South-east Asia. The mango is referred substance that moisturizes both our skin and scalp. One of
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the phytonutrients in mango provided heart protective 2.5. Effects of Storage Temperature and Relative
benefits including minimized inflammation. Eating a Humidity
balanced and varied diet that has five portions of vegetables Keeping intact and fresh-cut fruits within their optimum
and fruit, like mango, can help to stay your heart healthy. ranges of temperature and relative humidity is the most
important factor in maintaining their quality and minimizing
2.3. Impact of increase respiration rate on shelf life postharvest losses. Above the minimum safe temperature for
mango fruit mango as a chilling-sensitive commodity, every 10 °C
Respiration occurs when glucose (sugar produced during increase in temperature accelerates
photosynthesis) combines with oxygen to supply useable deterioration and the rate of loss in nutritional quality by 2
cellular energy. This energy is employed to fuel growth and to 3 fold. Quantitative losses (due to water loss and decay)
every one of the traditional cellular functions. Carbon and Qualitative losses (losses in flavor and nutritional
dioxide and water are the end product of respiration. quality) might be due to delays between harvesting and
Respiration occurs altogether living cells, including leaves cooling or processing. The extent of those losses depends
and roots. Since respiration doesn't require light energy, it is upon the commodity’s condition at harvest and its
often conducted in the dark or during the day. However, temperature, which may be several degrees higher that
respiration does require oxygen which may be problematic ambient temperatures, especially when exposed to the hot
for roots which are overwatered or in soils with poor water treatment.
drainage. If roots are inundated for long periods of your Chantanawaran (2000) found that the CO2 production rate
time, they can't take up oxygen and convert glucose to take of mango cubes stored at 5 oC was higher than those of
care of cell metabolic processes. Waterlogging and mango cubes stored at 2 oC and 0 oC, respectively.
excessive irrigation consequently can deprive roots of However, the C2H4 production of mango cubes stored at 0
oxygen, kill root tissue, damage trees, and reduce yield. C was about 2.5 times above those stores at 5 oC and 2 oC.
Normally, supported temperature effects, produce kept at
2.4. Effect of Concentration of CO2 on Shelf Life of lower temperature should have lower CO2 and C2H4
Mango Fruit production. However, increased respiration and ethylene
The general CA recommendation for storing mangoes is in production rates showed at chilling temperatures as result of
an environment containing 5 kPa O2 and 5 kPa CO2 (Kader, many chilling sensitive fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the
1994) [9], however some cultivars may have low tolerance to higher Temperature management is the most critical factor
high levels of CO2 and problems with O2 levels lower than in the management of ripening in mature-green mangoes.
2% (Bender and Brecht, 2000). Nakasone and Paull (1998) Paull and Chen (2004) [15] indicate that holding the fruit
reported that the shelf-life of Mango extended up to 20 days within the temperature range of 20 to 23 °C (68.0 to 73.4
when store at 12 °C, and 5 kPa O2 and 5 kPa CO2, whereas °F) provides the simplest appearance, palatability and decay
the onset of off-flavors and skin discoloration occurred in control when ripening mangoes. According to, Paull and
environments with 1 kPa O2 and/or CO2 levels above 15 Chen (2004) [15] reports mature green mangoes can be
kPa. The wide differences in the results can be ascribed to detained at 10 to 13 °C (50 to 55°F) for 14 to 28 days. Ripe
the differences in maturity stages, temperatures and mangoes can be detained at 10 to 13 °C (50 to 55°F) for up
cultivation practices. to one week. Kader and Mitcham (2008) [10] show that
Generally, physiological disorders present when mangoes holding the fruit between 15.5 to 18 °C (60 to 65°F) during
stored in CA, especially with CO2 levels higher than 25 kPa. ripening offers the most attractive skin color, however the
‘Tommy Atkins’ mangoes produced more ethanol when flavor remains sour unless the fruit are detained an
stored in CA containing 50 kPa and 70 kPa CO2, and additional 2-3 days at 21-24 °C (70-75°F). The skin of the
therefore the rate of respiration was more intense when CO2 fruit becomes mottled and therefore the fruit acquire a
levels were above 45 kPa (Bender and Brecht, 2000). The robust flavor if mangoes are detained at 27-30 °C (80-86°F)
production of volatile compound responsible for the mango during ripening. If mangoes are held above 30 °C (86°F),
aroma was also affected in CO2 levels (> 6 kPa), and it was ripening is retarded.
totally compromised in ‘Kensington Pride’ mangoes that Kader and Mitcham (2008) [10] indicate if detained below 13
were stored for up to 35 days in CA containing 6 kPa O2 and °C (55°F) for mature green mangoes, and below 10 °C (50
2 kPa CO2 (Lalel et al. 2003). As for the antioxidant °F) for partially ripe mangoes, being a tropical fruit,
phytochemicals, predicament treatment (46 °C per 75 min) mangoes are subject to chilling injury. Ripe mangoes are
and CA storage (3 kPa O2 and 10 kPa CO2) didn't adversely often held in air storage at 10 °C (50 °F) for a couple of
change the nutritional profile of ‘Tommy Atkins’ mangoes days without chilling injury. Kader and Mitcham (2008) [10]
(Kim et al., 2009) [11]. note that, so as to avoid the danger of chilling injury to the
Hare and Prassad (1993) showed that the response of fruit, it might be preferable to carry mature-green mangoes
mangoes to CA is not always positive, in some cultivars, or mangoes at the breaker stage during a controlled
there is only a short increase in shelf life and in others, the atmosphere chamber with 4% oxygen (with the balance of
shelf life can be extended for up to 1 month (Trinidad et al. the atmosphere being nitrogen) and a temperature of 15 °C
1997) despite a good result can be found. There are (59°F) than during a normal air environment at 10 °C (50
numerous studies regarding CA storage for several mango °F) when attempting to delay ripening. The ripening or
varieties, yet there are no complete recommendations for storage facility should be within the 90 to 95% range of
‘Palmer’ mangoes. Teixeira and Durigan (2011) reported a humidity of the air to avoid fruit dehydration (shrivel).
delay in the ripening process and better fruit quality when Simulations have shown that temperature influences
‘Palmer’ mangoes were stored in CA containing 1–10 kPa processes involved in fruit growth at the sink level, i.e. fruit
O2 at 12.8 °C for up to twenty-eight days, however there are demand and rate of growth . The contribution of
not any studies regarding the consequences of CO2. temperature to fruit demand are often related to the variation
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in degree-days wont to compute fruit demand within the 15.5 to 18 °C (60 to 65°F) during ripening provides the
model of mango growth in dry mass (Léchaudel et al., foremost attractive complexion, however the flavour
2005a). during this study, the model predicted the observed remains tart unless the fruit are held a further 2-3 days at 21-
response of fruit growth to changes in temperature between 24 °C (70-75°F). The skin of the fruit becomes mottled, if
seasons among controlling conditions of carbon and water mangoes are held at 27-30 °C (80-86°F) during ripening,
supplies. Leaf nitrogen on a neighborhood basis, and Na and therefore the fruit obtain a robust flavor. When mangoes
(calculated because the Nm-to-Ma ratio) on mango which are held above 30 °C (86°F), ripening is retarded. Mature-
reflects photosynthetic capacity, was linearly associated green mangoes are often held at 10 to 13 °C (50 to 55°F) for
with the fraction of intercepted light in reality. 14 to twenty-eight days (Paull and Chen, 2004). Ripe
However, this effect was significantly smaller than another mangoes are often held at 10 to 13 °C (50 to 55°F) for up to
source-sink factor, the initial fruit dry mass representing at least one week.
fruit size after cellular division. This factor, which reflects
the entire number of cells in fruit flesh, are often influenced 3. Summary and Conclusion
by temperature as well. It has been suggested in other Temperature management is the greatest critical factor
species, including Satsuma mandarin. (Marsh et al., 1999) affecting the post-harvest shelf life of mango. If mangoes
and apples (Austin et al., 1999), that temperature may affect ripening in the temperature range of 20 to 23 °C (68.0 to
the speed of cellular division. Other preharvest factors like 73.4 °F) will end in fruit of the simplest appearance,
resource limitation during cellular division due, for instance, palatability, and decay control. Mangoes are often held at 10
to carbon competition, are often a source of variation of the to 13 °C (50 to 55°F) to increase their time period. Holding
initial fruit dry mass. mangoes outside these temperature ranges will end in fruit
with but optimal quality, and may injure the fruit. The
2.6. Control of Temperature and Relative Humidity ripening rate are often accelerated by the treatment of
Temperature and immersion time play a serious role in mature-green mangoes with 100-ppm ethylene for twenty-
determining mango fruit quality after treatment and through four hours. Relative humidity of 90 to 95% should be
storage. Improper HWT in terms of unfavorable higher maintained during all post-harvest handling steps to
temperature or increasing dipping times may result in skin attenuate water loss and shriveling of mango.
scalding, lenticels spotting and retention of unripe starchy Fruit quality plays a serious role in determining consumer
areas in mango flesh (stem end cavity). (Paull & Arnstrong, acceptance of the fruit at the international markets.
1994) [14]. The degree of injury caused by HWT varies in Therefore, mango exporting countries must enforce
cultivar. Since mango is rich in nutritional compounds with adequate quality assurance systems and post-harvest
health promoting properties, especially for his or her management practices to maintain fruit quality during the
antioxidant properties, from consumer's point of view it's export chain. Temperature management during storage and
essential to understand whether HWT affects the antioxidant shipping may be a critical factor that affects fruit quality at
and nutritional property of the fruit after harvest. According destinations, and mangoes should be stored and shipped at
to Kim et al. (2009) [11], HWT at 46.1 °C reduced the entire 8–13 °C (depending on cultivar and duration) and at 85–
soluble phenolics and antioxidant capacity 4 days after 90% RH. After arrival, proper temperature management has
storage regardless of the treatment duration. to be practiced at storage or at the retailers' shelf (8–14 °C).
The findings of Kim et al. (2009) [11] enable to conclude that Decay and quality deterioration are the major post-harvest
fruit subjected to HWT has the likelihood of losing some problems of mango fruit during the export chain.
nutritional benefits thanks to heat triggering oxidation
processes during prolonged storage and transport, especially 4. Recommendation
when arriving by sea shipment. During ripening, starch is According to the review of this paper, It will suggest
converted to sugar thanks to the hydrolysis of starch researchers to focus and done further research on the cause
granules within the chloroplast (Selvaraj and Kumar, 1989). of temperature and relative humidity on shelf life of mango
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