Xii Eco
Xii Eco
Xii Eco
Subject: Economics
global recognition
3. Curb on Fiscal Deficit : Fiscal Deficit was as high as 8.5 per cent of GDP prior to 1991. Thanks to
the LPG policies, there has been a significant increase in government revenue. Consequently, fiscal
deficit has been contained to around 4 per cent of GDP.
4 A Check on Inflation: Owing to a greater flow of goods and services in the economy,tax reforms
and other reforms ,the LPG policies brought a check on the rate of inflation. It may be noted that high
inflation triggers a rise in interest rate, implying a rise in the cost of investment. Accordingly,
growth rate is adversely impacted.
5 A Substantial Increase in Foreign Exchange Reserves: Depletion of forex-reserves was one of
the compelling reasons for the government to shift to LPG policies. Thanks to these policies, Forex
reserves of the country have now reached a comfortable level. Good amount of forex reserves
enhances economic confidence of the global investors in the Indian markets.
6. Flow of Private Foreign Investment :The opening up of the economy has led to the rapid increase
in foreign direct investment.With the launch of ‘Make In India’ initiative in September 2014
FDI policy was further liberalized.
7. Increase in role of private sector: Abolition of licensing system and removal of restrictions on
entry of the private sector ,in areas earlier reserved for the public sector,have enlarged the area of
operations of the private sector.
8. Rise in exports: During the reform period,India experienced considerable increase in exports of
auto parts, engineering goods ,IT software and textiles.