每日教学计划 Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian

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学期 周次 星期 日期
Penggal: 1 Minggu : 7 Hari : (三) Rabu Tarikh :
班级/时间/科目 内容 效果
ENGLISH Theme : World of Self , Family and Friends. Focus: Reading
7:40-8:10 Topic:Unit 28-Unit 34 Review Row k :/ɪә/
(ear), /eә/ (air), /ʊә/ (ure),
(Year 2) L.s : Main: 3.1.1 Identify and recognise the shapes of the /ɜ:/ (er)
letters in the alphabet Row l :eɪ/ (ay), /aʊ/
(ou), /aɪ/ (ie), /i:/
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support
Assessment :
EMK: beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
Language 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes
HOTS: Complementary: 4.1.2i,ii,iii
( / ) pupils can
Hot Seat Objectives: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be read,blend and
able to read, blend and segment 6 out of 12 phonemes. segment the word
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be
able to write the upper case and lower case correctly. ( / ) Pupils will
be given remedial
S.C: By the end of this lesson, the pupils will be able: guidance.
1. blend the words
2. segment the words
Lesson has been
3. guess the words
postponed due to :-
C.T.Time: (
Pre-lesson: Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils blend the word.
2. Pupils read and segment the words in their group
Teaching Aids 3. One group do action and others guess.
Post-lesson: Pupils sing the song with action.
☒Textbook ☒Computer ☒Video ☐Workbook
☐Word cards ☐Pictures ☒Worksheet ☒Songs
☐Frog VLE ☐Writing Pad ☐21st C Tool Kits
B.Malaysia Tema: Ziarah Keluarga Fokus:Membaca dan
8:10-9:10 Unit 3 : Ikatan Kasih Keluarga menulis
Tajuk: Kasih Keluarga Pentaksiran:
(1 jam)
Standard Pembelajaran: 1.3.2 Mendengar, memahami dan Guru menilai murid
berdasarkan bacaan dan
(Tahun 5) memberikan respons yang sesuai secara lisan terhadap soalan
soal jawab.
yang mengandungi kata tanya dan tanpa kata tanya. Refleksi:
BBM:B.teks Objektif: Pada akhir pembelajaran, murid-murid dapat ( / ) murid
Slide p.point 1.memberikan respons terhadap soalan dengan tepat dapat
2.mengujarkan dialog dengan sebutan yang betul mencapai objektif
Moral value: __ orang murid diberi
Aktiviti: aktiviti pemulihan
kasih sayang
1.Murid meneliti berita dan dialog. __ orang murid diberi
2.Murid mengujarkan dialog. aktiviti pengayaan
3.Murid memahami perkataan sukar. C.T.Time: ( )/144
4.Muridmemberikan respons terhadap soalan. jam
5.Murid berbincang dan membuat pertimbangan.
Focus: Reading
ENGLISH Theme : World of Stories Review for Lessons 6-8
Topic:Unit 12-Unit 23
12:35-1:05 L.s : Main: 3.1.1 , 3.1.2, .3.1.3,3.1.4
(Year 1) Complementary: 4.1.2 Assessment :
Objectives: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to Worksheet
segment and blend at least 2 words for each phoneme correctly with
support. Refleksi:
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be ( / ) pupils can
able to match the correct to the pictures. segment and blend at
Activities: least 2 words for each
Language phoneme correctly
Pre-lesson: Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with
gestures with support.
Lesson delivery: ( / ) Pupils
HOTS: 1. See slide and read the words will
Classifying 2. blend the words in the slide be given remedial
3. Segment the words guidance.
4. Read the letter sounds and write the correct answer
Lesson has been
5. Write the correct words and read with your friend
Post lesson : Sing the song postponed due to :-
✘ Textbook ✘ Computer ✘ Video Workbook C.T.Time: (
Teaching Aids: Word cards ✘ Pictures ✘ Worksheet ✘ Songs )/80hrs
Frog VLE Writing Pad 21st C Tool Kits

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