Villamor, Eizen Sec 313 CASE FA 4

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Formative Assessment 4 – Paraphrasing and Summarizing

NAME: Eizen Kyle C. Villamor

SECTION:Section 313
LITERATURE REVIEW WORKING TITLE: “Exploring the Use of Simulation-Based Training in Nursing Education and Its Impact on Clinical Competency.”

Source in APA Original Passage Paraphrased and Summarized Passage Remarks

Khalil, A., Hantira, N. Y., & Alnajjar, H. “Undergraduate nurses’ clinical The quality of clinical preparation for
(2023). The effect of simulation training on preparation has a direct effect on patient undergraduate nurses directly influences
enhancing nursing students’ perceptions to outcomes [1]. Therefore, nursing patient outcomes. Nursing schools and
incorporate patients’ families into educators and schools must ensure that educators must prioritize providing
treatment plans: a randomized nurses have the necessary skills before diverse clinical experiences to ensure
experimental study. Cureus. entering the profession [2]. Nursing nursing students become competent and schools are responsible for preparing safe medical practitioners.
students to become safe and competent
practicing nurses by providing them with
opportunities to have diverse clinical
Chernikova, O., Heitzmann, N., Stadler, “Simulation-based learning offers a wide A simulation-based education training
M., Holzberger, D., Seidel, T., & Fischer, range of opportunities to practice complex provides opportunities to practice and
F. (2020). Simulation-Based Learning in skills in higher education and to apply abilities in higher learning which
Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis. implement different types of scaffolding enhances complex skill acquisition. It has
Review of Educational Research, 90(4), to facilitate effective learning. This meta- been explored in an analysis of 145
499–541. analysis includes 145 empirical studies studies and the findings show that and investigates the effectiveness of simulation training had an overall
4 different scaffolding types and technology significant impact.
in simulation-based learning
environments to facilitate complex skills.
The simulations had a large positive Technological use and varying types of
overall effect. teaching methods influenced learning
outcomes. Those with considerable
Technology use and scaffolding had knowledge beforehand benefited from
positive effects on learning. Learners with reflecting stages while those who don't do
high prior knowledge benefited more more with examples.
from reflection phases; learners with low
prior knowledge learned better when
supported by examples.”
Khalil, A., Hantira, N. Y., & Alnajjar, H. “The main principle of using simulation The primary aspect of simulation-based
(2023). The effect of simulation training on in nursing education is to replicate crucial learning is to replicate scenarios where
enhancing nursing students’ perceptions to features of a clinical situation so that students can learn in a low-pressure
incorporate patients’ families into students can learn in a non-threatening setting. However, its effectiveness in
treatment plans: a randomized environment [5]. Many nursing schools enhancing family assessment and
Formative Assessment 4 – Paraphrasing and Summarizing
experimental study. Cureus. use simulations as an educational tool. communication skills to nursing students However, there is a gap in the literature is sub-optimal. Some nursing curricula
regarding whether stimulation can be used may lack regarding nursing interventions
to teach family assessment and for family-centered client care.
communication skills to undergraduate
nursing students [6]. Not all nursing
curricula currently teach the nursing
interventions necessary to provide
families with client care.”
Khalil, A., Hantira, N. Y., & Alnajjar, H. “Additionally, Alammary [19] conducted Alammary conducted research on how
(2023). The effect of simulation training on a study examining the perception and beginner nurses perceived high-fidelity
enhancing nursing students’ perceptions to satisfaction of novice nurses with high- simulation (HFS) and were satisfied with
incorporate patients’ families into fidelity simulation (HFS). The findings it. The study found that students viewed
treatment plans: a randomized indicated that students had a highly HFS positively, aiding educators in
experimental study. Cureus. positive perception of HFS, and its addressing students' knowledge gaps. This implementation facilitated nursing helped students engage in reflection,
educators in providing feedback and enhance their clinical thinking, and
training to novice students in areas where develop clinical competency through
knowledge deficits were identified. This specific learning tasks.
allowed students to engage in reflective
practices, enhance their clinical thinking,
and develop clinical judgment through
specific learning activities.”
Alammary, M. A. (2017). Saudi novice “High-fidelity simulation (HFS) has The research focused on understanding
undergraduate nursing students’ perception recently been used for undergraduate the perception and opinion of Saudi
of satisfaction and self-confidence with nursing students to simplify their novice nursing students regarding High-
high-fidelity simulation: A quantitative learning. The aim of the current study fidelity simulation (HFS) as a tool for
descriptive study. Saudi Critical Care was to explore Saudi novice nursing learning. The study aimed to connect the
Journal, 1(4), 99. students perceptions of satisfaction relationship between the students' and self-confidence with HFS and to demographic traits, level of self-
determine if there is any correlation confidence, and satisfaction level with the
between participants' demographic HFS learning method.
characteristics and satisfaction and
self-confidence learning scale.”

Alammary, M. A. (2017). Saudi novice “The findings revealed that The results indicate that most of the
undergraduate nursing students’ perception satisfaction and self-confidence had a students expressed satisfaction and self-
of satisfaction and self-confidence with high mean score which indicates that confidence with high-quality simulations.
high-fidelity simulation: A quantitative the majority of the students were Generally, there was no notable
descriptive study. Saudi Critical Care satisfied and self-confidence with the connection between student satisfaction or
Journal, 1(4), 99. HFS experience. No significant self-consistency and demographic factors
Formative Assessment 4 – Paraphrasing and Summarizing correlations were found between the except for prelicensure program students
demographic characteristics and who have higher satisfaction scores
student satisfaction and self- (P=0.03) compared to those with
confidence except that those who are bachelor's or other degrees.
in the prelicensure program had a
significantly higher satisfaction score
(P = 0.03) than students who had a
bachelor or other degrees.”

Khalil, A., Hantira, N. Y., & Alnajjar, H. “Future research directions should Further research must examine how
(2023). The effect of simulation training on explore the impact of simulation simulation training influences patient
enhancing nursing students’ perceptions to training on patient outcomes related to outcomes in proficiency testing.
incorporate patients’ families into proficiency tests. It is crucial to assess Assessing whether enhanced assessment
treatment plans: a randomized whether improved assessment skills skills translate to improved patient
experimental study. Cureus. lead to better patient outcomes, outcomes while considering various considering the various factors that influencing factors.
may influence results.”
Khalil, A., Hantira, N. Y., & Alnajjar, H. “Further investigation is needed to Further research is necessary to ascertain
(2023). The effect of simulation training on determine whether nurses experience if nurses encounter less stress as they
enhancing nursing students’ perceptions to reduced stress and negative emotions become more proficient and skilled at
incorporate patients’ families into as they gain more experience with assessments. Educating nursing students
treatment plans: a randomized assessments. Informing nursing about the assessment procedure and
experimental study. Cureus. students about the assessment reassuring them that poor performance process and reassuring them that that doesn't lead to consequences could
poor performance has no potentially reduce stress-related
consequences could help alleviate assessments.
assessment-related stress.”

Chernikova, O., Heitzmann, N., Stadler, “Simulations are among the most Simulations are highly effective tools for
M., Holzberger, D., Seidel, T., & Fischer, effective means to facilitate learning learning complex skills in various areas.
F. (2020). Simulation-Based Learning in of complex skills across domains Furthermore, diverse forms of support can
Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis. and (2) different scaffolding types assist in simulation-based learning at
Review of Educational Research, 90(4), can facilitate simulation-based different stages of skill and knowledge
499–541. learning during different phases of acquisition. the development of knowledge and
4 skills.”

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