Thermoelectric Power Generation Using Waste-Heat E
Thermoelectric Power Generation Using Waste-Heat E
Thermoelectric Power Generation Using Waste-Heat E
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Wael H. Ahmed on 20 May 2014.
Received: August 1, 2008; Accepted: November 20, 2008; Revised: November 24, 2008
Abstract: In recent years, an increasing concern of environmental issues of emissions, in particular global warming and
the limitations of energy resources has resulted in extensive research into novel technologies of generating electrical
power. Thermoelectric power generators have emerged as a promising alternative green technology due to their distinct
advantages. Thermoelectric power generation offer a potential application in the direct conversion of waste-heat energy
into electrical power where it is unnecessary to consider the cost of the thermal energy input. The application of this
alternative green technology in converting waste-heat energy directly into electrical power can also improve the overall
efficiencies of energy conversion systems. In this paper, a background on the basic concepts of thermoelectric power
generation is presented and recent patents of thermoelectric power generation with their important and relevant
applications to waste-heat energy are reviewed and discussed.
Keywords: Thermoelectric power generation, waste-heat recovery, alternative green technology, direct energy conversion,
electrical power, thermoelectric materials.
1. INTRODUCTION deration and cost is not. Applications over the past decade
included industrial instruments, military, medical and
A thermoelectric power generator is a solid state device
aerospace [1, 5], and applications for portable or remote
that provides direct energy conversion from thermal energy
power generation [6]. However, in recent years, an increa-
(heat) due to a temperature gradient into electrical energy
sing concern of environmental issues of emissions, in
based on “Seebeck effect”. The thermoelectric power cycle, particular global warming has resulted in extensive research
with charge carriers (electrons) serving as the working fluid,
into nonconventional technologies of generating electrical
follows the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and
power and thermoelectric power generation has emerged as a
intimately resembles the power cycle of a conventional heat
promising alternative green technology. Vast quantities of
engine. Thermoelectric power generators offer several
waste heat are discharged into the earth’s environment much
distinct advantages over other technologies [1-4]:
of it at temperatures which are too low to recover using
• they are extremely reliable (typically exceed 100,000 conventional electrical power generators. Thermoelectric
hours of steady-state operation) and silent in operation power generation (also known as thermoelectricity) offers a
since they have no mechanical moving parts and require promising technology in the direct conversion of low-grade
considerably less maintenance; thermal energy, such as waste-heat energy, into electrical
power [7]. Probably the earliest application is the utilization
• they are simple, compact and safe;
of waste heat from a kerosene lamp to provide thermoelectric
• they have very small size and virtually weightless; power to power a wireless set. Thermoelectric generators
• they are capable of operating at elevated temperatures; have also been used to provide small amounts electrical
power to remote regions for example Northern Sweden, as an
• they are suited for small-scale and remote applications alternative to costly gasoline powered motor generators [8].
typical of rural power supply, where there is limited or In this waste heat powered thermoelectric technology, it is
no electricity; unnecessary to consider the cost of the thermal energy input,
• they are environmentally friendly; and consequently thermoelectric power generators’ low
conversion efficiency is not a critical drawback [1,8]. In fact,
• they are not position-dependent; and more recently, they can be used in many cases, such as those
• they are flexible power sources. used in cogeneration systems [9], to improve overall
efficiencies of energy conversion systems by converting
The major drawback of thermoelectric power generator is waste-heat energy into electrical power [3].
their relatively low conversion efficiency (typically ~5%
[5]). This has been a major cause in restricting their use in In general, the cost of a thermoelectric power generator
electrical power generation to specialized fields with essentially consists of the device cost and operating cost. The
extensive applications where reliability is a major consi- operating cost is governed d by the generator’s conversion
efficiency, while the device cost is determined by the cost of
its construction to produce the desired electrical power
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Mechanical output [1]. Since the conversion efficiency of a module is
Engineering, Lakehead University, Canada; Tel: +1(807) 766 7100;
Fax: +1(807) 343 8928; E-mail: [email protected] comparatively low, thermoelectric generation using waste
Fig. (2). Schematic diagram showing components and arrangement of a typical single-stage thermoelectric power generator.
and multi-stage thermoelectric modules are shown in Fig. (3) specifications, such as module geometry (i.e. cross-sectional
[12,13]. area and thermoelement length), thermoelectric materials and
contact properties. For example, Figs. (4a & b) show the
maximum power output as a function of temperature
difference for modules which possess different geometry as
listed in Table 1 [5]. It can be seen from Figs. (4a & b) that
the maximum power output increases parabolically with an
increase in temperature difference. For a given temperature
difference, there is a significant variation in maximum power
output for different modules due to variation in thermo-
electric materials, module geometry and contact properties.
However, as shown in Fig. (3a), the maximum power output
follows a clear trend and increases with a decrease in
thermoelement length for a given module cross-sectional
The performance of thermoelectric materials can be
expressed as [7]
Z = 2 / kR , (1)
where Z is the thermoelectric material figure-of-merit , is
the Seebeck coefficient given by
(b) V
= , (2)
Fig. (3). Photographs of (a) single-stage, and (b) three-stage T
thermoelectric modules (typical pyramid shape) [12, 13].
R is the electric resistivity (inverse of electric
conductivity) and k is the total thermal conductivity. This
The power output for most of the commercially-available
thermoelectric power generators ranges from microwatts to figure-of-merit may be made dimensionless by multiplying
multi-kilowatts [1, 8]. For example, a standard thermo- by T (average absolute temperature of hot and cold plates
electric device consists of 71 thermocouples with the size of of the thermoelectric module, K), i.e.,
75 mm2 can deliver electrical power of approximately 19 W
[1]. The maximum output power from a thermoelectric ZT = 2T / kR (3)
power generator typically varies depending on temperature
difference between hot and cold plates and module
30 Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2009, Vol. 2, No. 1 Ismail and Ahmed
= e (5)
Limited by the second-law of thermodynamics, the ideal
(absolute maximum) efficiency of a thermoelectric power
(a) generator operating as a reversible heat engine is Carnot
efficiency, given by [11]
Carnot = 1 L (6)
The maximum conversion efficiency of an irreversible
thermoelectric power generator can be estimated using [14]
1 + ZT 1
= Carnot (7)
1 + ZT + TL / TH
The value of the figure-of-merit is usually proportional to
the conversion efficiency. The dimensionless term ZT is
therefore a very convenient figure for comparing the potential
conversion efficiency of modules using different thermo-
electric materials. The conversion efficiency as a function of
operating temperature difference and for a range of values of
the thermoelectric material’s figure-of-merit is shown in Fig.
(5). It is evident that an increase in T provides a corres-
ponding increase in available heat for conversion as dictated
Fig. (4). Maximum power output as a function of temperature
by the Carnot efficiency, so large T ’s are advantageous
differences. (a) Modules denoted I possess 127 thermocouples; (b) [7]. For example, a thermoelectric material with an average
Modules denoted II possess 31 thermocouples and modules denoted figure-of-merit of 3x10-3 K-1 would have a conversion
III possess 50 thermocouples (more specifications are given in efficiency of approximately 23% when operated over a
Table 1) [5]. temperature difference of 600K.
T + TL
T = H . (4) Among the vast number of materials known to date, only
2 a relatively few are identified as thermoelectric materials. As
reported by Rowe [7], thermoelectric materials can be
The term 2 / R is referred to as the electrical power categorized into established (conventional) and new (novel)
factor. In general, a thermoelectric power generator exhibits materials, which will be discussed in the next sections.
low efficiency due to the relatively small dimensionless Today's most thermoelectric materials, such as Bismuth
figure-of-merit ( ZT 1 ) of currently available thermo- Telluride (Bi2Te3)-based alloys and PbTe-based alloys, have
electric materials. The conversion efficiency of a a ZT value of around unity (at room temperature for Bi2Te3
thermoelectric power generator defined as the ratio of power and 500-700K for PbTe). However, at a ZT of 2-3 range,
delivered to the heat input at the hot junction of the thermoelectric power generators would become competitive
thermoelectric device, is given by [7] with other power generation systems [1,15]. The figure-of-
merit Z of a number of thermoelectric materials together
Patents on Thermoelectric Power Generation Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2009, Vol. 2, No. 1 31
Fig. (5). Conversion efficiency as a function of temperature and module material figure-of-merit [7].
Fig. (6). Figure-of-merit of a number of thermoelectric materials and their potential applications [7].
with potential power generating applications relevant to 5.1. Conventional Thermoelectric Materials
waste heat energy is shown in Fig. (6) [7]. Effective thermo-
electric materials should have a low thermal conductivity but Rowe [7] reported that established thermoelectric mate-
a high electrical conductivity. A large amount of research in rials (those which are employed in commercial applications)
thermoelectric materials has focused on increasing the can be conveniently divided into three groupings based on
Seebeck coefficient and reducing the thermal conductivity, the temperature range of operation, as shown in Fig. (6).
especially by manipulating the nanostructure of the thermo- Alloys based on Bismuth (Bi) in combinations with
electric materials. Because the thermal and electrical Antimony (An), Tellurium (Te) or Selenium (Se) are referred
conductivity correlate with the charge carriers, new means to as low temperature materials and can be used at tempe-
must be introduced in order to conciliate the contradiction ratures up to around 450K. The intermediate temperature
between high electrical conductivity and low thermal range - up to around 850K is the regime of materials based
conductivity as indicated by Weiling and Shantung [15]. on alloys of Lead (Pb) while thermoelements employed at
the highest temperatures are fabricated from SiGe alloys and
operate up to 1300K. Although the above mentioned
materials still remain the cornerstone for commercial and
32 Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2009, Vol. 2, No. 1 Ismail and Ahmed
practical applications in thermoelectric power generation, Yadav et al. [3] proposed and demonstrated the use of
significant advances have been made in synthesising new flexible and cost-effective thermoelectric power generator
materials and fabricating material structures with improved based on thin film thermoelectric on flexible fiber substrates
thermoelectric performance. Efforts have focused primarily as shown in Fig. (7). They concluded that their innovation
on improving the material’s figure-of-merit, and hence the can be effectively applied in making flexible thermoelectric
conversion efficiency, by reducing the lattice thermal power generators for waste heat recovery applications. In [3]
conductivity [7]. it was also suggested that utilizing thicker semiconductor
films evaporated onto hollow, low thermal conductivity
5.2. Novel Thermoelectric Materials And Module substrates represents an opportunity to further increase power
extraction efficiency from heat sources having a variety of
It was recently reported in [5] that a material which is a shapes.
promising candidate to fill the temperature range in the ZT
pectrum between those based on Bi2Te3 and PbTe is the
semiconductor compound ß-Zn4Sb3. This material possesses
an exceptionally low thermal conductivity and exhibits a
maximum ZT of 1.3 at a temperature of 670K. This material
is also relatively inexpensive and stable up to this
temperature in a vacuum [5].
Attempts are also being made to improve the compe-
titiveness of thermoelectrics in directions other than by
improving the figure-of-merit. In particular, efforts have
focused on increasing the electrical power factor, decreasing
cost and developing environmentally friendly materials. In
addition, when the fuel cost is low or essentially free, as in
waste heat recovery, then the cost per watt is mainly
determined by the power per unit area and the operating
period [5]. For example, considering the electrical power
factor as the dominant parameter, it has initiated a search for
materials with high power factors rather than conversion Fig. (7). (a) Schematic diagram of a striped thin film thermoelectric
efficiency. Considerable success has been enjoyed in synthe- fiber made with thermal evaporation of nickel and silver; (b)
sising materials, particularly attractive for waste heat schematic of fiber with thin film deposited on one side; and (c)
recovery. For example, it is reported in [16] that the rare schematic of experimental setup for applying a temperature
earth compounds YbAl3, although possessing a relatively difference and measuring the induced open circuit voltage [3].
low figure-of-merit, has a power factor at least double that of
any other reported in the literature, which operates over the Min and Rowe [17] have also recently developed a novel
temperature range of a waste heat source. When compared to tube-shape thermoelectric module for power generation. It is
YbAl3, MgSn has almost the same performance but costs fabricated from four ring-shaped thermoelements and its
less than 25% [7]. performance in electrical power generation is evaluated by
measuring the power output as a function of temperature
Another recent direction to improve the competitiveness
gradient across the device. Fig. (8) shows a schematic of the
of thermoelectric materials, other than by improving the
figure-of-merit, is by developing novel thermoelectric novel thermoelectric module developed by [17]. It consists
of two coaxial tubes: the inner tube is a thermoelectric
module shapes. As discussed previously, thermoelectric
assembly with heat source flowing in the center and the outer
modules have typically plate-like shapes Fig. (3) and
tube is an ordinary tube to hold the cooling fluid flowing
fabricated from bulk semiconductors such as Bi2Te3 and
between the inner and outer tubes. It was concluded by [17]
PbTe, making them rigid and unsuitable for covering
that a tube-shape thermoelectric module could achieve
relatively large surfaces that are curved or non-flat (e.g.
circular tubes) used in waste heat recovery applications. similar performance to that of a conventional plate-like
module, and has an advantage in waste heat recovery
Also, this conventional configuration is suitable for appli-
applications where heat flows in a radial direction.
cations where the flow of heat is perpendicular to the cera-
mic plates. However, when heat flows in radial directions, 6. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS & NOVEL
the attachment of plate-shape modules around a cylindrical APPLICATIONS
heat source is often complicated. It becomes increasingly
difficult, if not impossible, when the diameter of the Enormous quantities of waste heat generated from
cylindrical heat source decreases to less than 1 cm [17]. In various sources are continuously discharged into the earth’s
addition, in order to improve thermal contact to heat sources environment much of it at temperatures which are too low to
of arbitrary geometry, it is desirable to fabricate thermo- recover using conventional electrical power generators.
electric modules which can conform easily to a surface. Thermoelectric power generation, which presents itself as a
promising alternative green technology, has been success-
Therefore, recent research has been focused on fully used to produce electrical power in a range of scales
developing novel flexible- and cylindrical-based shapes of directly from various sources of waste-heat energy. This will
thermoelectric power generators. For example, very recently, be discussed in the next sections.
Patents on Thermoelectric Power Generation Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2009, Vol. 2, No. 1 33
Fig. (10). Schematic diagram illustrating the patent of micro thermoelectric power generator that can be used to convert waste heat into
electrical power to drive an electronic chip [20].
Fig. (14). Schematic diagram showing early invention of converting waste heat into electrical power applied to an internal combustion
engine using a thermoelectric power generator [23].
Fig. (15). Schematic diagram showing a recent patent applied to an automobile for converting waste heat directly into electrical power using
a thermoelectric power generator [24].
increased difference in temperature between the exhaust pipe environmental global warming. In particular, the replace-
and the cooling water pipe, and the stacks provide power ment of by-heat boiler and gas turbine by thermoelectric
outputs having a reduced difference, and hence an increased power generators makes it capable of largely reducing
total power output. This invention is proposed to provide capital cost, increasing stability, saving energy source, and
increased thermoelectric conversion efficiency without protecting environment. A photograph of a thermoelectric
complicated piping [24]. power generator used in natural gas field to directly produce
power for cathodic protection of the well and gas line is
6.2.3. Industrial Waste Heat Applications
shown in Fig. (16) [15]. In this application, the thermo-
Most of the recent research activities on applications of electric device used the temperature difference between hot
thermoelectric power generation have been directed towards and cold legs of a glycol natural gas dehydrator cycle [15].
utilisation of industrial waste heat [1]. Vast amounts of heat
Recently, Min and Rowe [7] reported that in 1994 a
are rejected from industry, manufacturing plants and power £1.8M research project sponsored by the Japanese New
utilities as gases or liquids at temperature which are too low
Energy and Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
to be used in conventional generating units (<450 K). In this
commenced in the School of Engineering at Cardiff Univer-
large-scale application, thermoelectric power generators
sity, UK with the objective to convert low temperature waste
offer a potential alternative of electricity generation powered
heat into electrical power. A series of WATT (Waste heat
by waste heat energy that would contribute to solving the
Alternative Thermoelectric Technology) prototype genera-
worldwide energy crisis, and the same time help reduce
Patents on Thermoelectric Power Generation Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2009, Vol. 2, No. 1 37
[21] Glatz W, Muntwyler S, Hierold C. Optimization and fabrication of [23] Creveling, J.L.: US1118269 (1914).
thick flexible polymer based micro thermoelectric generator. Sens [24] Taguchi, T.: US20070193617 (2007).
Actuators 2006; 132: 337-345. [25] Min G, Rowe DM. Symbiotic application of thermoelectric
[22] Nuwayhid RY., Rowe DM., Min G. Low cost stove-top conversion for fluid preheating/power generation. Energy
thermoelectric generator for regions with unreliable electricity Conversion Management 2002; 43: 221-228.
supply. Renewable Energy 2003; 28: 205-222. [26] Dell, R., Wei, C.-S.: US20080142067 (2008).