16EE229-Electrical Distribution Systems

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Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavanam Road – 517583


Subject with Code : EDS(16EE229 ) Course & Branch: B.Tech - EEE

Year & Sem: IV-B.Tech & I-Sem Regulation: R16
1. Discuss the relationship between load factor and loss factor for different load cases? 10M
2. The annual peak load input to a primary feeder is 2000kW. The total copper loss at the time of
peak load is 100kW. The total annual energy supplied to the sending end of the feeder is
6.7*106 kWh. Then: i. Determine the annual loss factor
ii. Calculate the total annual copper loss energy and its value at Rs. 2.5/kWh. 10M
3. (a).A 50 MW hydro generator delivers 320 million KWH during the year. Calculate the plant
load factor? 5M
(b). Explain the load characteristics of distribution system? 5M
4. Discuss different types of loads present in distribution system and explain their characteristics?
5. Write short notes on load modeling and its characteristics? 10M
6. (a) A 120 MW substation delivers 120 MW for 4 Hrs, 60 MW for 10 Hrs and shut down for rest
of each day. It is also shut down for the maintenance for 30 days each year. Calculate its annual
load factor? 5M
(b) A generation station has a connected load of 43 MW and a maximum demand 20MW, the
units generated being 61.5*106kw per annum.
Calculate (i) demand factor and (ii) load factor? 5M
7. (a) A feeder supplies 2 MW to an area the total losses at peak load are 100KW and units
supplied to that area during an year are 5.61 million units calculate loss factor? 5M
(b) Discuss about Diversity factor and Coincidence factor? 5M
8. Discuss the characteristics of the following categories of loads 10M
(i) Residential (ii) Agriculture (iii) Commercial (iv) Industrial
9. A generating station has a maximum demand of 25MW a load factor of 60%, a plant capacity
factor of 50% and a plant use factor of 72% find
(i) Reserve capacity of the load
(ii) The daily energy produced and
(iii) Maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant while running as per schedule
were fully loaded? 10M
10. a) Define Load factor . 2M
b) What is plant capacity factor? 2M
c) Define Average load and Connected load. 2M
d) Define (i) loss factor (ii) Utilization factor 2M
e) Define Demand factor . 2M

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1. (a) Briefly discuss different types of distribution systems? 5M
(b) Compare AC and DC distribution systems? 5M
2. (a) Compare overhead and underground distribution systems? 5M
(b) Explain requirements and design features of distribution systems? 5M
3. Explain Radial and Ring main and interconnected systems? 10M
4. A 2 wires dc distributor cable AB is 2km long and supplies loads of 100A,150A,200A and 50A
situated 500m,1000m,1600m and 2000m from the feeding point A. Each conductor has a
resistance of 0.01ohm per 1000m.calculate potential difference at each load point if a potential
difference of 300V is maintained at point A. 10M
5. A 2 wire dc ring distributor is 300m long and is fed at 240V at point A. At point B 150m from A,
a load of 120A is taken and at C, 100m in the opposite direction, a load of 80A is taken. If the
resistance per 100m of single conductor is 0.03Ω. Find
(i) Current in each section of distributor (ii).Voltage at points B and C 10M
6. A two-wire d.c distributor AB, 600 meters long is loaded as under:
Distance from A (meters): 150 300 350 450
Loads in Amperes : 100 200 250 300
The feeding point A is maintained at 440V and that of B at 430V. If each conductor has a
resistance of 0.01Ω per 100 meter, calculate
(i) The current supplied from A to B (ii). The power dissipated in the distributor. 10M
7. (a) Compare the radial and loop type primary feeders? 5M
(b) Explain the basic design practice of secondary distribution system? 5M
8. Derive the equations for voltage drop and power loss in a radial feeder with uniformly
distributed load fed at one end? 10M
9. A single phase ac distributor AB 300m long is fed from end A and is loaded as under (i) 100A
at 0.707 p.f lagging 200m from point A (ii) 200A at 0.8 p.f lagging 300m from point A. The
load resistance of distributor is 0.2Ω and 0.1Ω/km. Calculate the total voltage drop in the
distributor. The load p.f Refer to the voltage at the far end? 10M
10. a) Define the term Feeder. 2M
b) What is a service main in distributed systems 2M
c) Define the term Distributor. 2M
d) Draw the neat sketch of ring main distributed system? 2M
e) What are the advantages of ring main distributed system? 2M

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1. (a) Explain the various factors to be considered to decide the ideal location of substation? 5M
(b) Explain how to decide the rating of a distribution a substation? 5M
2. Explain different busbar arrangements with neat sketch? 10M
3. Show that if the voltage drops are limited, six feeders can carry only 1.25 times as much load as
the four feeders? 10M
4. Explain the classification of Substations? 10M
5. Draw the Substation layout by showing the location of all substation equipments? 10M
6. Derive the relationship for power loss and voltage drop for substation service area with ‘n’ primary
feeders? 10M
7. Explain (a) Air insulated substation (b) Indoor and outdoor substation 10M
8. Explain the single bus bar arrangement in substation? 10M
9. Explain how do you analyze a substation service area with ‘n’ primary feeders? 10M
10. a) Define the term Bus-bar. 2M
b) Explain switching substation 2M
c) Define the term circuit breaker. 2M
d) Draw the neat sketch of single busbar arrangement? 2M
e) Define Substation 2M

1. (a)Write the causes for low power factor in power system? 5M
(b) Explain (i). Phase advancers (ii). Static capacitors 5M
2. A 3-phase transformer rated 7000kva and has a over load capability of 125% of the rating. If
the connected load is 1150 KVA with a 0.8 p.f (lag), determine the following
(a). The KVAR rating of shunt capacitor bank required to decrease the KVA load of the
transformer to its capability level.
(b). The p.f of the corrective level. (c) The KVAR rating of the shunt capacitor bank required to
correct the load p.f to unity. 10M
3. Show that VD 1-Φ / VD 3-Φ = 23 and PLS1- / P LS3- = 2.0 in single phase two wire ungrounded
neutral? 10M
4. Show that VD 1-Φ / VD 3-Φ = 6 and PLS1- / P LS3- = 6.0 in single phase two wire uni grounded
lateral with full capacity neutral? 10M
5. Explain Most economical power factor for constant KW load & constant KVA type loads? 10M
6. (a) Write notes on how an over excited synchronous machine improves power factor? 5M
(b) A 3-phase, 5 kW inductions motor has a power factor of 0.85 lagging. A bank of capacitor
is connected in delta across the supply terminal and power factor raised to 0.95 lagging.
Determine the kVAR rating of the capacitor in each phase? 5M
7. (a) Explain the effect of shunt compensation on distribution system? 5M
(b) How do you justify economically the connection of capacitors for the improvement of p.f.

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8. A 3-φ: 500 H.P,50 Hz 11 KV star connected induction motor has a full load efficiency of 85%
at a lagging p.f of 0.75 and connected to a feeder. If it is desired to correct it to a p.f of 0.9
lagging load. Determine the following (i) The size of the capacitor bank in KVAR
(ii) The capacitance of each unit if the capacitors are connected in star as well as delta. 10M
9. A 3-phase transformer rated 6000 KVA and has a over load capability of 125 of the rating. If
the connected load is 12100 KVA with a 0.8 pf(lag), determine the following:
(i) The KVAR rating of shunt capacitor bank required to decrease the KVA load of the
transformer to its capability level
(ii) The p.f. of the corrected level
(iii) The KVAR rating of the shunt capacitor bank required to correct the load p.f to unity 10M
10. a) Define Power factor. 2M
b) Discuss the importance of power factor correction 2M
c) What are the disadvantages of low power factor 2M
d) What are the advantages of Series compensation? 2M
e) What are the advantages of Shunt compensation? 2M


1. Explain the various factors affecting the distribution system planning? 10M
2. Draw a block diagram and explain for a typical distribution system planning process? 10M
3. Explain the techniques used for distribution system planning? 10M
4. Draw and explain the flow chart for the distribution system planning process? 10M
5. Explain about Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition? 10M
6. Discuss briefly about Consumer Information Service? 10M
7. What is geographical information system and explain in brief? 10M
8. Write a short notes on Automatic Meter reading in distribution automation? 10M
9. Explain the various sensors used in distribution automation? 10M
10. a) Define SCADA 2M
b) Define Distribution Optimization 2M
c) Define Distribution Planning 2M
d) Define Distribution Automation 2M
e) Define geographical information system 2M

Prepared by: P. CHANDRA SEKHAR

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