Parte 7 Ingles

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Parte 7

Preguntas 36 – 45

Lea el texto de la siguiente parte.

Escoja la palabra adecuada (A, B, C ó D) para cada espacio.

En las preguntas 36 – 45, marque A, B, C ó D en su hoja de respuestas.

San Francisco

Sa n Fra ncisco lies ( 0) ………… t he coast of

nort her n California. The earliest E uropea n s

to discover t he (36) ………… were led by a

Spa nis h explorer (37) ………… n a me was

Gaspar de Portolà.

He fir s t saw it in 1769 . S u rprisingly, (38) ………… Sa n Fra ncisco Bay is a

won derful n a t u r al h arbor, it was discovered by la nd (39) ………… t h a n by


In 1849 , people (40) ………… in Sa n Fra ncisco in t heir t hou sa n ds

(41) ………… to fin d gold. However, it was not t he men looking for t he gold

t h a t got rich. The richest people (42) ………… their money from owning

ba nks a n d law fir m s a n d t hey b uilt t hemselves la rge hou ses on one of t he

hills. This was (43) ………… as Nob Hill.

Nowadays, tourists a re (44) ………… to Sa n Fra ncisco beca u se t here t hey ca n

see fa mou s places like Chinatown a n d t he Golden Gate Bridge. Ma ny even

(45) ………… t he s hort boat trip to t he isla n d of Alcatraz to see t he for mer


0 A on B in C at D to

Respuesta: 0 A B C D

36 A area B part C space D position

37 A who B whose C what D which

38 A if B unless C although D despite

39 A except B instead C apart D rather

40 A reached B arrived C entered D approached

41 A wondering B hoping C considering D depending

42 A did B became C made D brought

43 A told B called C named D known

44 A interested B attracted C pleased D excited

45 A take B spend C go D travel

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