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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies

and procedures for sustainability




BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

First published 2021

RTO Works

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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business Services
Training Package.
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Project Portfolio – Part A 5

Section 1: Briefing report 6

Section 2: Stakeholder meeting 10

Section 3: Policies and procedures 11

Section 3: Policies and procedures 13

Section 4: Action plan 15

Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 1 – Grow Consultants) 23

Section 5: RTO Inspection (Grow Consultants) 24

Section 6: Best practice memo 26

Section 7: Sustainability register 27

Section 8: Sustainability Implementation Report 28

Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 2 – Own Business) 30

Section 5: Action Plan Implementation Report 31

Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute

Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Student name:



Business that this Grow management consultants

assessment is based on:

Area of sustainability: Environment

Description of policies and Grow Management Consultants' sustainability policies relate to the
procedures: use, development, and protection of resources at a pace that allows
people to meet their current needs and consider the needs of future
generations. As a company, we are committed to the well-being of
both economic and ecosystem systems, people and other living
things. Sustainability policies and procedures have been created with
at least all aspects of the business in mind, including travel, shopping,
office energy use, office supplies and cleaning.

Policy and procedure 1 Procurement Policy

Policy and procedure 2 Energy Efficiency Policy

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
Portfolio – Part A

Use Part A of your Project Portfolio with Assessment Task 2.

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
1: Briefing report

Introduction The purpose of the briefing report is to provide relevant sustainability

information, including legislation, and seek input for developing the
State the purpose of the policy and procedures. Grow Management Consultants provides a
report, including current healthy and safe work environment and take care of the environment.
organisational sustainability We need to minimise our footprint and conduct an excellent workplace
practices. environment.

Attach copies of any  examine existing managers' leadership behaviour and

relevant, current policies and
performance indicators; and
procedures or company
information to this section of  build and implement customized leadership programs based
your portfolio. on the evaluation.

Paul Burns, one of the company's principal consultants and directors,

just attended a Sustainable Business course and is eager to apply
sustainable practices throughout the organization. The strategy plan
was also recently updated, and Paul's presence at the workshop had
an impact on it. As part of the mission statement, it includes the
following statement:

As a company, we are dedicated to the well-being of both economic

and ecological systems, as well as the well-being of humans and other
living things.

However, no particular steps are listed in the Strategic Plan, thus the
statement appears to be paying lip regard just for the time being.

Paul is eager to create a sustainability strategy and processes that

handle all parts of the firm, including travel, purchasing, office energy
consumption, office supplies, and cleaning. However, Paul has
indicated explicitly that he does not want to expend expenses in
establishing policy and procedure and that all work must be produced
in-house, thus consultants must not be hired.
Sustainability facts and Introduction
figures The goal of the organization is to foster the arrangement of the
manageability that is included in all parts of the business, it includes:
travel, acquisition, office energy use, office supplies and cleaning at
any rate.

Sustainability Facts:
Include information on
1. 13% of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions result from
sustainability facts and
Transport and significant air pollution.
figures, as well as the
2. On average in Victoria, cars produce four tonnes of
benefits to businesses.
greenhouse gas yearly.
3. Recycling a tonne of cardboard and paper saves 13 trees.
Attach links to relevant 4. Using recycled paper results in 99% less water usage and 50%

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

research, company less energy used.

information etc to this section 5. Using chlorine-free, three cubic metres of landfill space, 100%
of your portfolio.
recycled paper will be saved person of paper.
6. In a typical office, heating and cooling account for 39% of the
energy use. Therefore, to avoid this, in summer, close shades
to keep the cool air in and in winter, open them to let the
sunlight in.
7. On powering computers, $250 billion is spent yearly
worldwide, out of which only about 15% is utilised, the rest is
wasted idling.
8. Paper is the enormous cost associated with a photocopier and
has the most impact on the environment.
9. You can reduce your 98-99% energy use by selecting an
efficient laptop or computer and operating it efficiently,
10. Efficient lighting design can reduce lighting bills by 40% and
11. Lighting covers more than 60% of an average office's energy
Sustainability benefits

1. Improved brand image and competitive advantage

2. Increase productivity and reduce cost
3. Increase business ability to comply with regulation
4. Attract employees and investors
5. Reduce waste
6. Make shareholder happily

Business planning,  Sustainability can inform business opportunities to reflect the

opportunities and organisation's commitment to it and build it into business
sustainability planning.
 Evaluate and review daily operations and current
Describe how sustainability practices
can be built into business  Review strategic plan
planning and can inform  Identify the best suitable activities that deliver benefits.
business opportunities to
reflect the organisation’s
commitment to sustainability.

Example sustainability Policy 1

policies and procedures
Energy Efficiency Retrofit with LED Lighting Initiative
Report on three sustainability
policies and procedures that Keep energy usage low. Replace most light bulbs with low energy light

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

you have identified and bulbs like LEDs and CFL’swith motion sensors. This can help to reduce
reviewed. Summarise the electricity usage.
areas that they address.
Policy 2
Include copies of the policies Eco-Friendly Commute Initiative
(or links) to this section of Use low impact transportation to work. For example, staffs should use
your portfolio. the train to commute to work.

Policy 3
Recyclable Products and Equipment Policy
Use of recyclable products and equipment’s: the company should use
the equipment and products that are recyclable as there is mentioned
that catering service providers is using plastic and cleaning partner
using normal cleaning instrument.
Life cycle mapping Life cycle mapping
Explain life cycle mapping as Life cycle mapping is a staged by-stage strategy for diagramming the
it relates to one of your policy labour and the product. It is very well utilized by the organization for
areas (using Sustainability outlining in-house phases for the improvement.
Victoria resources from their
There are four stages of life cycle mapping:
website), including lifestyle
stages, life cycle map, life  Introduction Stage
cycle matrix and identify and  Development stage
selecting the most effective  Maturity stage
strategies to reduce  Decline stage
environmental impact.

There are number of rules, regulations and legal requirements related

Legal requirements in with workplace sustainability. Some of them are as below:
relation to workplace  Environmental protection and biodiversity conservation act
sustainability 1999: are part of environment legislation of government of
Australia. Its purpose is to protect world heritage properties,
List and explain key
national heritage places, wetlands of international
legislation related to
importance, and ecological communities.
sustainability and that is
 National greenhouse and energy reporting scheme: is made
relevant to the business.
to control and manage greenhouse gas emission in Australia
where the companies are provided with framework for
making reports and publishing information on greenhouse
gas emissions, production of energy and consumption of
 Australian packaging covenant: is and agreement where the
companies related with supply chain try to reduce the ill
effects of packaging of the consumer goods.

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
Sustainability actions
Include example sustainability  The company should try to launch the books online.
actions to inform the  The equipment should be purchased only when needed.
sustainability action plan for  Lighting system of the company should be upgraded.
the next 12 months. You  The staff should use pooled cars or railway to reach the office.
should identify at least five
 The products should be recyclable.
ideas initially, including
identifying priority actions and
longer-term actions.

Performance indicators The performance indicators help the companies check their
performance and take timely actions.
Provide recommendations on
 Consumption of electricity
suitable performance
indicators that can be used to  Expenditure of the employees on car
measure environmental  Expenditure on publishing the books in hard copy form.
performance once the policies  Social image of the company.
and procedures are  Check level of pollution in the company.

Continuous improvement Options for strategies to ensure continuous improvement

of resource efficiency
Discuss possible strategies
for ensuring that resource For the accomplishment of any objective, the company should
efficiency continues to occur. have sufficient resources.
Following are the strategies to ensure efficiency continues to
 The resources should be allocated optimally as per
their need.
 Timely review of allotted resources and their actual
consumption should be checked.
 The wastage of resources should be strictly prohibited.
 The person who found guilty should be penalized and
who use wisely should be appreciated.
 Weekly staff meeting should be help to discuss the
 Staff suggestions can be taken for better participation.

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
Policy options
 Use of energy saving techniques: the company should
Recommendations for policy
recycle the products that are possible. The lightning
options including discussion
should be replaced with LED lighting. Cars should be
on likely effectiveness,
avoided to save the environment. The policy is
timeframes and any costs.
effective and can be achieved in two months target
with a little bit high cost.
 Use of online launching of books: this policy will save
paper, ink and packaging expenses. It will help to
reduce the expenses of the company and efforts will be
appreciated as are in trend.

Policy 1
Proposed scope Reduce waste. Control the usage and purchase of products to
avoid unnecessary waste, no extra cost is needed.
Provide a scoping of the
Sustainability Policies and
Procedures, including a list of Policy 2
headings to be included and Save energy. Energy efficient light bulb must be use and motion
a brief description of each
sensor is installed in order to further conserve electricity.
Funds are needed to cover the cost.

Current policies and procedures ☐

Links to research ☐

Links to review procedures ☐

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
Section 2:
Stakeholder meeting

Summarise the stakeholder

How will you implement the
stakeholder feedback in your
policies and procedures?
Attach a recording of the
meeting if your assessor did
not observe or participate in
the meeting.
Attach any notes from the
meeting to this section of your

Scope Policy 1
Use the feedback from the
meeting to finalise the scope of
your sustainability policies and
procedures including:

• required outcomes Policy 2

• KPIs
• methods of

Recording of meeting (if relevant) ☐

Notes from meeting (if relevant) ☐

Policy and Procedure 1

Section 3: Policies and


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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
Purpose statement
Explain the main reason for
the policy and the issue it is
designed to manage.

Outline overarching policy
principles, for example,
organisational commitment
and compliance with

Procedures Procedure title Responsibility

Procedures will contain

enough detail to enable
action, so the procedure is
supported and applied. If
there are consequences
relating to not following a

procedure, these must be

stated clearly in this section.

Roles and responsibilities

should be documented.
The following table should be
used. Numbering should be

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Policy and Procedure 2

Section 3: Policies and


Purpose statement
Explain the main reason for
the policy and the issue it is
designed to manage.

Outline overarching policy
principles, for example,
organisational commitment
and compliance with

Procedures Procedure title Responsibility

Procedures will contain
enough detail to enable
action, so the procedure is
supported and applied. If
there are consequences
relating to not following a

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
procedure, these must be
stated clearly in this section.

Roles and responsibilities

should be documented.
The following table should be
used. Numbering should be

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Section 4: Action

Sustainability Action Plan

Current: (insert month & year here)

Issues Comments

Insert into this section the current situation and issues which you would like to resolve.

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Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Future: (insert month & year here)

No. Objectives Measures of Performance

Insert into this section the objectives which you would like to achieve based Insert into this section the measurements which will be used to
on the issues listed above. assess whether the objectives have been successfully achieved.

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Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Strategy for Achieving Objectives

Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Name
Insert here the
Insert here the
Break down each objective into clear and ordered steps which need to be taken to date by which
responsible for
achieve the objective that you have set. each step should
completing each
be completed.

Insert into here each of the b.

objectives which you listed




Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute

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Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability


Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Name






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Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability


Resourcing plan
Strategies Resources required Source Name

Insert the
a. Describe resources required (human, financial, material). Insert the source of the resources.
responsible for


Insert each strategy here.



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Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability



Strategies Resources required Source Name





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Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability



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Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Continuous improvement
Explain your strategy for
continuous improvement

Tracking and monitoring

Outline your strategy for
tracking and monitoring the
success of the policy

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Supporting implementation
What support will you provide
to others during

Reviewing implementation
Describe your strategy for
reviewing implementation.
How will outcomes be
documented? How will
feedback be provided? How
will trends be identified and

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Describe the process that
you used to seek feedback
on your action plan.
Summarise the feedback that
you received and describe
how you incorporated it.
Attach a copy of the
feedback that you received
to this section of your

Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 1 – Grow Consultants)

Use this section of the Project Portfolio if you are completing Option 1 with Assessment Task 3 (that is, if
you are working with the case study business).
Note: If you are completing Option 2 for Assessment Task 3, you should not complete this template. A
separate template has been provided for you later in this document.

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Section :

5 RTO Inspection (Grow Consultants)

Areas of RTO and practices


Use of consumables/
materials/ technology/

• Identify equipment that

use energy and determine
which equipment uses the
most/least energy?

• Are switches left on


• Do staff use the sleep

mode/screen saver?

• What practices are

currently in place to help
minimise energy

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Energy usage e.g. water,

electricity gas

• How is energy used on a

daily basis?

• What things/tasks use up

the most energy?

• Are switches left on


• Are staff using energy


• What practices are in

place to support effective
energy use?

• Describe workplace

• How is it disposed of?

• Are staff conscious of
waste management
practices e.g. recycling,
reuse, disposal?

Date of inspection/review:

Completed by:

6 Best practice memo




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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Section :

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and
procedures for sustainability

Section 7: Sustainability register

Develop a sustainability register here. Remember that your sustainability register will be used for recording and tracking all continuous improvements in resource
efficiency. Your register should be able to include, as a minimum:

• the ability to record the reported opportunity

• the action to be taken
• the person with responsibility for the action
• timelines
• outcomes.
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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
Section : and procedures for sustainability

8 Sustainability Implementation Report

Analysis of staff survey results

and achievements against

Analysis of energy audit data

and achievements against

Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute

Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
Recommendations for
additional actions that need to
be taken based on a review of
the data

Project portfolio Version: 3.0 Updated : Oct 2023 Page 28 of 33

Summary of success of
sustainability policy and
procedure based on analysis.

Updates to sustainability policy

and procedure to account for
recommended improvements

Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 2 – Own Business)

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
Use this section of the Project Portfolio if you are completing
Option 2 with Assessment Task 3 (that is, if you are working with your own business).
Note: If you are completing Option 1 for Assessment Task 3, you should not complete this template. A
separate template has been provided for you earlier in this document.

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
Section 5: Action Plan
Implementation Report

Were the resources that you
identified and sourced in your
action plan adequate to
implement the sustainability

• How did you


• Describe any
• Describe any

• How might you resource

your next implementation
differently to improve

Providing support
Describe the support that you
provided to others to
implement the policy.
Attach notes, correspondence
and other evidence of support
that you provided to this
section of your portfolio.

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability

Tracking and recording

sustainability improvements
Describe the strategies that
you used to track and record
sustainability improvements.

• How did these comply

with organisational policies
and procedures?

• How did you document


• What trends did you

Attach copies (or screen shots)
of your tracking, recording and
documentation to this section of
your portfolio.
You should also attach or link to
relevant policies and

How did you provide feedback to
relevant stakeholders about the
implementation and results of
the policy and procedure?
How else did you engage with
stakeholders during
Attach copies of feedback
correspondence and/or results
to this section of your portfolio.

Sustainability results
Summarise the sustainability
gains that were made as a result
of implementation.

• Is there anything that you

could have done differently
to improve the sustainability

• What changes did you

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies
and procedures for sustainability
make to the policy as a
result of the

Attach a final copy of the policy

with changes highlighted to this
section of your portfolio.

Evidence of support provided ☐

Copies of tracking, recording and documentation ☐

Copies of relevant policies and procedures ☐

Feedback correspondence/results ☐

Final policy ☐

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Everest Institute of Education PTY LTD Trading as Everest Institute
Head Office: 479 King Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Tel:(03) 8393 6550 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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