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TNB, SAP Execute Journal FT API

Date: 18/01/2023
Author: Osaid Arouri.

SAP Fund transfer API to execute journal FT on T24.


Endpoint URL
• Testing environment

• Production environment

Request Body

<value>TEST API</value>

• Input description:
- CompanyId: should be filled as TNB all times
- UserId: username of the API, it will be API_1 for test environment and API for Live
- UserPassword: it should be (pi522clWYFyqmQEpL7TvpQ==) for test, for live will later provide it to you.
- RequestType: it should be (ExecuteOFSSource) all times.
- TransactionReference: unique reference, more details in important notes section.
- RequestParam1: it should be (SAPJournlEntryOFS) all times.
- DEBIT.ACCT.NO: debit account number
- DEBIT.CURRENCY: debit currency
- DEBIT.AMOUNT: debit amount
- CREDIT.ACCT.NO: credit account number
- CREDIT.CURRENCY: credit currency.
- CREDIT.AMOUNT: not needed if you send the debit amount value but you need to send it empty, else
you fill the credit amount.
- L.NARRATIVE: description of the transfer should not be more than 75 chars.
- TRANSACTION.TYPE: type of the transaction, for more details see important notes section.

• Important Notes:
- To create reference number, you need to:
1. Generate unique GUID max length 50.
2. You need to use AES 128-bit Method to encrypt the GUID
3. You need to use the following encryption key when encrypt the data in AES 128 bit, the encryption
key is for Test environment is ( NTQxMDY5OEI5NERCOUZCQQ== )
- The TRANSACTION.TYPE value are based on transfer type as following
a. ACFP → transfer from PL to mid account.
b. ACFI → transfer from mid account to payable account.

<ErrorDescription />

Response Matrix
- Messages code & Messages text
Tag Name Value Note
IsSuccess true Success response
false Failed Response

Based on username and password described above and transaction reference.

No notes found

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