Color Physics
Color Physics
Color Physics
Human Eye
Human eye is an organ of human being, which helps to observe any object and helps to detect color.
Human eye can observe objects in the range of electromagnetic wave length of 400-700nm.
It consists of the following parts:
The committee on colorimetry of the optical society of America (1922) defined color:
“Color is the general name for all sensations arising from the activity of the retina of the eye and its
attached nervous mechanism, this activity being in nearly every case in the normal individual, a
specific response to radiant energy of certain wavelength and intensity.”
• h0 = 0, red • h0 = 270, blue
• h0 = 45, orange • h0 = 315, Magenta
• h0 = 90, yellow • h0 = 360, red
• h0 = 135, yellow • h0 = 180, green
• h0 = 225, cyan
• h0 = 0, red • h0 = 270, blue
• h0 = 45, orange • h0 = 315, Magenta
• h0 = 90, yellow • h0 = 360, red
• h0 = 135, yellow • h0 = 180, green
• h0 = 225, cyan
1. Visible light spectrophotometer: use visible light from a tungsten lamp; mainly
used for routine laboratory practice, particularly the portable and bench-top
spectrophotometer models.
2. UV vis spectrophotometer: As compared to visible light spectrophotometer, this
type of microscope contains a second lamp. UV/Visible spectrophotometer can
measure up to 1100 wavelengths. It has different characteristics such as scanning
function, user interface, integral printer, and multiple cell setting.
1. 45/0 (45/normal)
2. 0/45 (normal/45)
3. D/O (diffuse/normal)
4. O/D (normal/diffuse)
Figure 2 – Jablonski Diagram example, illustrating transitions between the various energy states of molecules
following interaction with a photon.
Md. Golam Mostufa, Lecturer, STEC 77
How does light interact with matter?
We can represent the energy levels of matter in a scheme known as a Jablonski diagram,
represented in Figure . An atom or molecule in the lowest energy state possible, known as
the ground state, can absorb a photon which will allow the atom or molecule to be raised
to a higher energy level state, known as an excited state. Hence the matter can absorb light
of characteristic wavelengths. The atom or molecule typically stays in in an excited state
only for a very short time and it relaxes back to the ground state by a number of
mechanisms. In the example shown, the excited atom or molecule initially loses energy,
not by emitting a photon, but instead it relaxes to the lower energy intermediate state by
internal processes which typically heat up the matter. The intermediate energy level then
relaxes to the ground state by the emission of a photon of lower energy (longer
wavelength) than the photon that was initially absorbed.
Electrons don’t like being in an excited state. This means that after
becoming excited and moving to a higher energy level, they soon fall
back to their original energy level. However, to do this, they have to
release a packet of energy – this is called a photon. The size of the
photon released is exactly equal to the size of the jump the electron had
to make in the first place.
At the time of sunrise or sunset, the position of the sun is very far
away from the earth. The sunlight travels a longer distance
through the atmosphere. Scattering blue light is more than red
light. As a result, more red lights reach our eyes than the blue
light. Hence sunrise and sunset appear reddish.