S S 1 Note Second Term
S S 1 Note Second Term
S S 1 Note Second Term
1. Meaning of faith and work. Eph 2: 8,9, Heb 11:1-3, James 2;14-26
2. The fruits of the spirit (a) Definition, fruit of the flesh, fruit of the spirit, how to bear the fruit of
the spirit, Gal 5;19-21, Gal 5;22-25, Acts 2:38, Rom10:9-10
3. Spiritual gifts (a) Definition of gifts and talents, (b) Values / distribution and use of spiritual
gifts, (c) difference between spiritual gifts and talents.
4. Spiritual gifts Cont. (a) List of spiritual gifts, 1cor 12:4-8, 20, Eph 4:11-13, (b) Hierarchy of
spiritual gifts 1cor 12:28-31, 4:1, 5, 4, (c) How to identify and exercise your spiritual gifts.
5. Forgiveness (a) Meaning (b) Jesus teaching on forgiveness, matt 6:12, 14, 15, (c) How to
achieve forgiveness.
6. Forgiveness, Cont. (a) Effect of consequences of forgiveness, matt 18:21-35, (b) Rewards of
7. Right and obligations of family members (a) meaning and types of family members (b) Rights
and duties of family members.
8. Humility (a) Meaning Phil 2:1-11, (b) Jesus demonstrated humility, matt 26:14-39, Lk 22:24-
27, Jn 13:1-17 (c) Ways of demonstrating humility, matt 18:1-4, Lk 1:47-56.
9. Humility, Cont. (a) Benefits of humility, Jn 4:10, 1Pt 5:6, 1Jn 2:5-6, (b) Consequences of pride,
Jn 4:6-7, 1Pt 5:5, matt 23:12.
11. Revision.
12. Examination.
TOPIC: MEANING OF FAITH AND WORK (Eph 2: 8,9, Heb 11:1-3, James 2;14-26)
Faith in Jesus simply means believing in the person of Jesus even when we have not seen him
physically. Believing in his death, burial, resurrection, ascension and second coming enhances our our
faith in him. Faith represents Christian’s good conduct as taught by Christ while work means putting
the good conducts into practice in the Christian way of life, that is why the book of James says faith
without work is dead.
We are not saved by good works, we are saved for good works. Good works are evidences of salvation,
if a person claims to be genuinely saved and there are no works or change of life to show, then it
should be questioned whether such person is genuinely saved or not. Therefore faith without work is a
questionable one, because our faith is demonstrated in our accepting the person of Jesus and his work on the cros
The good conducts that the bible expects Christians to practice include;
(i) faithfulness (ii) Love (iii) forgiveness (iv) humility (v) truthfulness (vi) honesty etc. work
implies putting these into practice. A true Christian practices both faith and work because Christianity
void of any is an imbalance one.
The Roles of faith in the life of Christians.
Faith assures Christians of eternal Salvation. It shows that Christians are no longer under the bond of
law but under grace. It is by faith that Christians face challenges of life with enough courage and
confidence Faith is a motivator of Christians for good work. E.g education, healing, evangelization etc.
Meaning of fruit: Physically, fruit can be defined as the end product of a seed. But in the context of our
lesson, fruit can be referred to as attributes, character or behavior of a person. It can be good or bad.
Both the flesh and the spirit produce fruits.
The fruit of the spirit is a biblical term that sums up the nine visible attributes of a true Christian life
written by Paul. The entire nine fruit of the spirit emanate from LOVE. For instance a loving Christian
will have the following attributes Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Peace, Goodness, Faithfulness,
Gentility and Self Control. in other words it could be said that LOVE is the tree that bears the fruit of
Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Peace, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.
The nine fruit of the spirit come from the Holy Spirit and not from Christians, they are produced and
supplied by the Holy Spirit to true Christians. The fruit of the spirit are practiced by Christians.
Love: – Means Greek, Agape, divine love a strong, ardent, tender, compassionate devotion to the well-
being of someone. 1 corin 13:4.
Joy:- Greek Chara: This is the emotional excitement, gladness, delight over blessing received or
expected for self and for other.
Peace: Greek, Eirence: This is the state of quietness, rest, repose, harmony, order, and Security in the
midst of turmoil, strife and temptation. (note Isiah 45:7).
Longsuffering: Greek Makrothumia: This means patience, endurance, to bear Long with the weakness
frailties, Offences, Injuries and provocations of others without murmuring or resentment (1 corn13:4-7,
2cor64-6, Eph4:1-2)
Gentleness: – Greek Chriestotes: This means a deposition to be gentle, soft spoken, kind, even
tempered, cultured and refined in character and conduct(2Tim2:24-26)
Goodness: – Greek Agathosume: This is the state of being good, kind, virtuos, benevolent, generous,
and God like in life and in conduct.
Faith: Greek Pistis, This is the living, densely implanted, acquired and created principle of inward and
whole hearted confidence, assurance, trust and reliance in God and all that He says.
Meekness: – Greek Prates: This is the disposition to be gentle kind, Indulgent, even balanced in
tempers and passions and patient in suffering injuries without feeling a spirit of revenge (Ps 25:9).
Temperance: Greek, enkrateria:-Self control moderation in the indulgent of the appetites and passion (
Provbs 23:1-3, P 25:16.
No law can condemn one with the fruit of the Spirit, Law only condemn sin not righteousness (Rom
Christians are to always manifest the fruit of the spirit. On the other hand Paul encouraged Christians
to avoid the works of the flesh. The works of the flesh are produced by the flesh sponsored by Satan.
The works of the flesh are described as sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,
discord, jealousy, selfish ambition, dissension, envy, drunkenness, wild parties and others. These are
ungodly conducts that Paul referred to as works of the flesh. Anyone who involves himself or herself
in these habits will not inherit the kingdom of God.
HOW TO BEAR THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT (Acts 2:3-8, Rom 10:9,10)
To bear the fruit of the spirit all we need to do as Christians is to crucify the flesh so that we will not
manifest its desires, it is then that we can start producing the fruit of the spirit as well as live a life that
is pleasing to God.
The Nine gifts as enumerated by St Paul are as follows
The utterance of wisdom, The utterance of knowledge, Faith, Gift of healing, The gift of working of
miracles, The gift of prophesy, The gift to distinguish between spirits (discernment), The gift to speak
in tongues, The gift to interpret tongues.
All these gifts Paul said are inspired by the same Spirit who apportion to individual is for the common
good of the body of Christ. (the church). Paul likened these gifts to the human body with different part
and different functions, all playing an important role for the good of the entire body, so it is with
Christ, by one spirit we were all baptized into one body of Christ. Paul in his analogy, went further to
say that God has the different parts of the body to be mutually interdependent and necessary for the
existence of the entire body.
Some part which seem to be weaker are indispensable. The part which people consider less honorable
are invested with greater honour. Unpresentable part are treated with greater modesty which our
presentable parts do not require. God created the body that there might be no discord. If one member
suffers, all suffers together, if one member is honoured all members , rejoice together. In the same way,
in the body of Christ, (that is the church) God has appointed apostles, prophets, teacher’s workers of
miracles, healer’s helpers, administrators and speakers in various kind of tongues. All must use their
gifts to the glory of God for the growth of the church.
Function of Spiritual Gift to the Church.
They are meant for the good of the entire church community.
They are to promote good relatives among Christians in the community of faith.
It helps to make the church united.
They are given to the church to glorify the name of God.
1. Talents are inborn or inherited while spiritual gifts are received from God
2. Talents can be gotten by both sinners and the righteous, anyone is entitled to it while spiritual gifts
received by the righteous.
3. Talents are developed while spiritual gifts gain maturity and can come by surprise.
4. Spiritual gifts are determined by God while talents are determined by inborn trait.
5. Talents can be used selfishly but spiritual gifts are used to serve God.
You can identify your spiritual gift by praying and doing a genuine work for God as a true
children’s duty is to obey their parents, the father also should make sure he does not provoke the children such th
Behaviours that can destabilize the family include;
(i) Failure in the responsibility of the parents to care for the family.
(ii) Favouritism of children among parents.
(iii) Unforgiveness in the family.