by William Wallace Cargill. This is a working to phase out the use of antibiotics
United State based company that privately for growth promotion or in the absence of
held global food corporation. clinical disease. We have already
eliminated antibiotics for growth promotion
Cargill’s operatemulti- businesses
in North America, Europe and Asia, and
worldwide from agriculture to industrial.
are doing so in Latin America. The use of
They provide food and beverage
antibiotics, when needed, is carried out
manufacturers, foodservice companies
under the direction and supervision of
and retailers with high-quality ingredients,
veterinarians. In Canada and China, we
meat and poultry products, also health-
have developed antibiotic-free broiler
promoting ingredients system. In
programs to serve consumers who prefer
thePhilippines, Cargill started doing
meat from birds that have never been
business in 1974 where vegetable oil
treated with antibiotics.
division started buying copra for export to
the United States. It was the first office of
Cargill here in Asia.Moreover, in 2017 the
company started to enter poultry business
with the partnership ofJollibee Food
Corporation (JFC). Cargill will own 70
percent of the joint venture called Cargill
Joy Poultry Meats Production, Inc