CDP3 3

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“Parcents OPPreoVol a Sact to bea! thot thea have done raght and child devel sebstortial arcooth 40 vcandlerest. anc ree, ancl wreong. > ua bones canbiel Laveen erorcod volees, ok Sons oe ronal valouex Like tolerance, honesty ancl justice. > Peore greoeP anklaen cez More and coreong inklaence of breten Obment o& shealing , Jepog . * Moral develehrenl dercing Adolescence c12-19 4a» aheral echo = due fo hig Saterroad control not exclercnal imbosition, > Thea, questiors abbott reorcalVolees ove ehovioore. 7 Adolescent & xe ial an themoral concept coll TH m. Shek vroncal “stardarcds are dskbercernst breom there childhood days moread standard: *Facloes abkecting Mors Devefobment » © Fornaly= The boundaction of marcal develobment Stads snthe barn Sa. initia, hia thorght al seek morral valtes ore asgeciated auth hat his barcantg abbrroveand el deve lobment More ob can dead to devel_ heees I Schoo de Children Mearen morral Valeres and see Scanned with CamScanner breorn achoolmates, SeUL0T a teachers: mortal 2cence and mora! as gecchin _ Predpet vorech ae helks anh , Feere @reoub> Childeen are directly ankleren » thee breencls andl re ction caith them ecchens tt Rood orc bod. : WY Sacielyy and cobteree* Zocioh admosbhere a child wheels moore lovellocpmest anal rota we © amo a cow individual: |W Ager mortcirett: ond Learering nk Jeences mortal. deuclicermest a cath growth he becomes MOS tollerearrt Jocoaredl -cerctain acleos cohich he te, creject an hia adolescence: ch WiGenderc: Bo; norte. OASIS Ahon & tn ere one acta Ciuc ry to See, | o0on ghandaced. 1% Langue 2 pevelbement desrdng childhoce) large, ceebercs to the Preocess hecough hid ditdreen acyeet] and Learn Ronguage: = Longeage devele>ment mobers-to-the becess £2 an amporetant Fac OK child development ave 4g assccdk couth bg abba to communtce’s: >is associated cath cognitive, 30Ck \, Leterace clevelbb ment ob a child 5 hig the otckcome ob enatirede, Learening and + oli Ug acbloenced by the Zocso- economic eng end 507 © the child: a Longuege development has deco main categories: Receblive: Undere storing cahat others coat 40 comm TT Wd Exchreegg ae one cla a fo escbreesg his econ views to oth Scanned with CamScanner Ei Longuiage devedidement dersng inbency CBircth-29e | Te ckally ankont ory ore gaggle to exchreeas. himaelb. 2 Langrage develld>mant atarcts wth ound and geatere Fanen to words ON Rertences, , sme the Oe ak lo months, he cscially sbeak his birestas,| 4 ad bashe end ols anbancy he ecpreeag hig thooglita Bpreoeigh incomplete Sentences. 3 The mode of Lingraabic devolobment 49 sobancy us, anglciencedl by the ccltorce ok hig barnsly, o pattern ab Language development by Smith!- Aer _lamonths | tqcorepacere|ageoreygeare[swre fey words | 0 3 2¥.\826 fIsYo fooglara ellolernent during Carel Childhood 2 AOIPMELT heed schildecen ace awe to underestard and breocazy = Ban 2 Leh vce Qearened boy rnakin: connections beleocon new cords ond concebt allreendy {Kroon > Rode ob Learning é& doberclect on Seorening and gecko 5 child. 3 Lingeastic develobment is faster aq girele andthe, are Glee to ‘conabeuct tong Rentences and ay better than boys. ochre > coe gets pleasure by eochreeaging higconcabl to co > There. thoughts and cooredy arte Concrete: * panpenee feeleb ment so lofere chile heool C6-12 9 Ky are] WretING Qhibety oa Caer, niall ~~ I3h develoF the alahty to oe sobhistiokel ee ae Jorguage >There ore ablleto anticibate the need boretherr isl QNOre, *chifeircen develab to raster Coramemnicatton skill by Scanned with CamScanner x languoge dev ! 7 s | TBiNg antonadtion and Bbrregg in Sentences bore Bete reandore ing, > childmen cam tmdetstand both conenele ondabsy,, an reeadi i ¥*L ry dering Aclole scene, as a es ea eee ig gon > AcoeRcent develop actercest in reads Bibore and bind breobercty 1, BloTes and ake bean “4 They develo vocalscelarcey ot ver: reafsicl-2heed ont ore baie a wrete an oe oibceat ~ They develo cede Sangtiage Like 8ymbolls to epre2e chich 12 tinderatoodl ba only those coho Oree bana Diore to ak : 2 An terporetant chereaclerartica ob thig Stage a9), tundercadan lis and wae ole Sigcrecchive Pangeiage * Factors abbecting Language Develckments © Presical Health Healthy chilean shoco beter, Rongriage. devellobment thon emhea thy chuldre,, 8) Cognitive develobrnent: Childlreen coith Supercion, ! arrtelligence arce letter. an Vocabelorey Linguistic rrecath and Sentence consterction. \ilyLearenin g and Mockoreaction: pith the sncreease sn Age the Vocal cored ob the child moderres amd his Aearering oko anerceager: By the entera ction ol they two fackores Language devefobs. : * Chit in Dibbercerl Socio. Cobleral Soters > Hernan being ig O Rocial being and cast Le in Compote ore porctiol Aglaction. iy Socio- cebercal conte +2 the. senmedtioe mies . TEN Deke physical. Socal, Coclterreal economic Scanned with CamScanner F areca Stances an WhCH an Unckvidtual Dyes. > Acwredling to Rezeacech child's R0cio- Certleread cortesct have o. Sarge. inbluence on theire cleveltlmed ond sobleence. Children -in diibbercent congs. = Develohmernt anvalves a breoceses ob earning aro| umiprovement amd borethia thea need ob there poreents , teachers , 2 ilobings. x Importtonce ob child an Socio- CoeHersalconted, oS0ci- Ceulherreal Lackgreotnd ambact on chtd!s aniercaction eaith reest ob hig gocety. gpchildecen ecclnose to cliverese creative excherieng garely in Lie develeba conbidence. attitade awd alee to bace ChoLlenges: Wy Socio. ceclfarce toblaence. heregonallity and patter, Ob Thining ~in an -bncbviclteat Ww Intercaction ak chatdreen bellorging to dubbercent aocio- Corlferreal grees clevelsb regored ood resp yo othece. CocHeiree omel Soe vaadtonn Wy) Childeeen Learn co-cPercoXion, S0CH a ve ob adjesterent cvith Aikbercect a olntercactive activities ornong chafldecon an ot Rocio creBeiccad Qrecelp coteges COPSEYE ® SBF Cge deverolmert -in children. Uy Indivictiol lsecomes, AWArce ab theire Q0cial detis, volees'and views ob the Society. vit Lt Boskercs ideos, ob Fatrdotige nactionaligm and cxtzenshib arnong chiblrces KD Extboscreto dikbercent aocio~ cetteweal contecct develops laden, Salvin rhea nel 20c:a| mmobierteg’ Ghilleecn, got ds ~ ‘Scanned with CamScanner Pr 3¢ Sociabizakion> Socsatiza tion 2 the [Preocagg ~ ck brebarang the child) to xt cool! inthe oR, 3nto chick 4 ey one ee brroce9 08 ~ B Sogralizattion 32 o Prtoce. a ; obtain ch stdlreen take on Were Var, ous 2ocra) reoles, gocio) o deve X % hosk. Gone 29 ob Soctaliizettion® “- & Chareacterciabe: Shick wa foe VIB , OTE may not be, Hig the breocegg eshich ‘halleg sin making bette, and Wy SOC Ree breoen ae ancl encls cath cleosth, | 5 Socielizertion leads, to Bociol modeurety, "2 Methods ob Scczalizartion ss Teaching oind technjng ' as method ob Sccializcction. 4 Real Like use cb Knoaledge Methods of teadhi aree ebbectivelly enlly cchen they once taed by winch vided in hig, adjtatrnent to Society «2 Embhasic on Social Develobment Methods of teaching shoald emphasize beimarcy on Social Lohg ysctare ceaidle clasg. 2 Socieel borcces:- methools should te the octal boreces obercatlive win the Society bor deveis, cokacaly cl Bocaa) adjastment: ¢ 4-Grreocp Beorcning > Teaching methos Sheutd emnbhagig On @roarp antercaction and o-cFerratlion bore Le lk i Seorning. Stodentg reaches belter to c-cberrete ~ve Reorening edherce shoreing Rearening berecess CCCorcs- Scanned with CamScanner 5 Ferczonatety develobments methed | jalan foresee rr cdhchis crab siolele. and social coeteee” ness mole g Problem xdlving attitacles Lecteree method Sherf| be reelaced lox qpacoasion anal emshasis shorel| be guven to fertok. ern Ving and congtreective inking. : oe ob Soctelli zechion» eocializetion igo Joarering Process Har began shortly abter a ob Si so lizaction Can le broadly classi | kied arto foro CaACAO GES" 1 Peesmarey Socsalizaz jon alt takes blaceinthe he nie eecsallizod orn ak ankant ain the. Primary gears ob his Oike. ain ahs the orisont Xooren3 Janguoge, cognt Aive, skulls, corema, andl the valcuex af Bam ily. > He Jeane to be an ebbective bart ob Social Groep! = He Lean the reight andl ereong noreros log clirtect ore Anducec cbgercva Kio. a.Secondarey Socrablzections It gharts otelgidethe borniley dike the beere arconi> ore achood: 5 child Leareng imPoretant social contact bremhis Peers Arcoue. sll reeberstothe 80 an anstreactional and korernall organ 2H conti neces threoeah Ahe reext ob the # Stages ob Socialization + Premaree Speiliendios [Lig most essential ard basic ciolizantion. cializedtion receved bythecd zation. Like. Scanned with CamScanner “alt ee an the carcly yeares of Like of the anbant > 1k concentrates on Language, cognitive deveteings and inde standing notes “and Voleces of bam; 1k is an tnboremall Lype ob Socialization. 4 develoment Socializasiion stt iS acpeirced ove, Prarmarey, S0c:aD:zation . a ltis sion ei an andivudeol movescaith © Feoblle of othere greotdle: crelferee cind Society, inthis new exbectedions and reales arce achieves Dike rrartiage and new fob > New Soaring orce added and lolended eaith, the ald one. Sige aa lbreaceas ancl takes felace threoeghort Die. (3 Anticibetorey Rocsolizathions tndividerad Bearer the celfeeree ob greooh jo oohich thea dodlé belong re 8 beclte ol. i eee andlivideos socialize themsehe inthe celfeuree oF > Qreoaile cotth the antialpation ob ge201ng, the qreoesle. 4) Re- soczalli zation [t occurs, when ociol ibe reactica Ney charge Dike haste) Rbe and behavicee « 4o reoommates. Siathis arclividcial clevelob new bemborary lehovioure ‘bore adjeestment to neo Sturereotindly sis reversible and when stration changes ; he re-2ociabzes Lo allel bchoviotre- Scanned with CamScanner

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