44-48 Marius Grisaru
44-48 Marius Grisaru
44-48 Marius Grisaru
Figure 1. Principles and components for an electrochemical DGA online detector (1)
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The first real DGA online device was con- sensitivities of four gases according to this
structed in 1977, and it consisted of a fuel
cell sensitive to electron current emerging H2 + yC2H2 +zC2H4 +xCO
• x: 15 ± 4 % of concentration
As shown in Figure 1, hydrogen gas in The basic device was developed commer- • y: 8 ± 2 % of concentration
oil diffuses through a thin Teflon® mem- cially for online and portable Hydran de- • z: 1.5 ± 0.5 % of concentration
brane and oxidizes electrochemically vices by Syprotec, Montréal, Canada. As
on a porous platinum electrode. This described in (2), carbon monoxide was HYDRAN technology is recognized
oxidation is coupled with the reduction added to hydrogen in the first stage and, by IEEE in Std. C57.104-1991 (3) as a
of oxygen from ambient air on a second later, ethylene and acetylene. Despite the method for monitoring incipient fault
electrode. The current produced in these fact that added gasses were detected at characteristics in power transformers.
reactions is measured by the voltage drop lower sensitivities than hydrogen, the de-
across a sense resistor. This voltage is then vice introduced the concept of measuring With the development of discrete single
amplified and displayed. one single value calculated from different and multiple DGA online devices over
the last two decades, users disparaged
Early online DGA devices introduced the the concept of composite gas detection
because it was impossible to distinguish
concept of measuring one single value between monitored gases. If the value
displayed by the device exceeded limits,
calculated from different sensitivities of it was impossible to observe if, for exam-
four gases ple, acetylene increased and a transformer
Figure 2. A portable, efficient, and reliable DGA device built with an electrochemical cell. Manufactured by Syprotec
Table 1. Adapted from CIGRE Brochure 783, detector capability for instant diagnosis
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Drawbacks of electrochemical the most popular choice for conservative [2] P. Gibeault and J. K. Kirkup, “Early
DGA technology users for online gas-in-oil detection. Yet, detection and continuous monitoring of
such devices cannot provide information dissolved key fault gases in transformers
• Capable of measuring only a few DGA about the type or cause of latent failures. and shunt reactors,” Proceedings: Electri-
gases: not enough for a complete diag- Despite the abundance of online DGA cal Electronics Insulation Conference and
nosis. technologies, users should always con- Electrical Manufacturing & Coil Winding
• Impossible to perform normal diagno- sider electrochemical DGA: it possesses Conference, Rosemont, IL, USA, 1995, pp.
sis methods. significant advantages such as de facto 285-293, doi: 10.1109/EEIC.1995.482378
• Relatively high detection limits for the standardization due to its legacy and reli-
low range of concentration-response. ability. [3] Transformers Committee. “Guide for
• Needs factory maintenance, between 5 the Interpretation of Gases Generated in
and 10 years, lower than the declared Like the preceding, even expensive online Oil-Immersed Transformers; IEEE Std C57.
maintenance periods of competitors. DGA devices that measure all DGA gases 104.” IEEE: New York, NY, USA (1991).
• High initial investment and periodic require human intervention for diagnosis
maintenance costs relative to competi and, in most emergency cases, confirma- [4] Korotcenkov, Ghenadii, Sang Do
tors. tion from an offline DGA device. Han, and Joseph R. Stetter. “Review of elec-
• Does not provide an instant alarm in trochemical hydrogen sensors.” Chemical
case of severe failure, as do other elec- Disclaimer: This column is not a rec- reviews 109.3 (2009): 1402-1433.
trical devices such as the Buchholz re- ommendation to use Hydran, elec-
lay. trochemical technology, or any other [5] Zylka, P., and B. Mazurek. “Rapid
for online DGA measurement. Each dissolved gas analysis by means of elec-
transformer user should consider the trochemical gas sensors.” Proceedings of
Recommended diagnosis by
most adequate needs for online DGA 2002 IEEE 14th International Confer-
electrochemical dissolved gas by specific needs, budget, and experts’ ence on Dielectric Liquids. ICDL 2002
detectors recommendations. (Cat. No. 02CH37319). IEEE, 2002.
Online Hydran detectors are useful for Table 2. Suggested limits for online Hydran technology
monitoring absolute values and trends.
Absolute value Trend value
Because it is the legacy technology on the Transformer age
(ppm) ppm/month)
market, enough experience has accumu-
lated to determine specific limits. Less than 1 year 50 20
1 – 5 years 100 10
Table 2 represents suggested limits for
More than 5 years 200 10
Hydran devices installed on power trans-
formers. Any excursions beyond these
limits require a complete DGA in the lab
or with a portable device. Regardless, us-
ers must recognize that Hydran technol-
Marius Grisaru holds an MSc in Electro-Analytical
ogy is incapable of determining the root
Chemistry from the Israel Institute of Technology. He
cause of gas development.
has almost 30 years of intense experience in almost all
transformer oil test chains, from planning, sampling,
Fuel cells and Hydran are not the only
and diagnosis to recommendations and treatments,
electrochemical approaches for DGA
mainly in Israel but also in other parts of the world. He is
measurement. References (4) and (5) de-
responsible for establishing test strategies and procedures
scribe alternatives not yet commercially
and creating acceptance criteria for insulating liquids and
materials based on current standardization and field experience. In addition,
he trains and educates electrical staff on insulating matrix issues from a
Conclusion chemical point of view. He is an active member of relevant Working Groups
of IEC, CIGRE, and a former member of ASTM. He is also the author and
Comprehensive knowledge of analytical co-author of many papers, CIGRE brochures, and presentations at prestigious
chemical principles is invaluable when international conferences on insulation oil tests, focusing on DGA, analytical
developing DGA devices and analysis. chemistry of insulating oil, and advantageous maintenance policy for oil and
Although out of favor in recent times, new transformers.
electrochemical DGA detection remains