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Sobas Moeed 4th Jan, 2024


Section A: Case Studies


You are a teacher in a middle school with a class of 30 students. A few students consistently
disrupt the class, affecting the learning environment. A recent incident involved a student being
sent to the principal's office. The disruptions are causing stress and frustration among both
students and staff.


1. Analyze the case and provide a detailed classroom management plan addressing the
immediate disruptions.

Disruptive behavior in the classroom can lead towards significant negative outcomes. It can
cause students to deviate from the learning environment and also can inflate teacher’s frustration.
Following strategies can be applied in order to deal with the misconduct in adolescents. In the
above scenario, middle school students are being involved in unsettled conduct and restlessness.
Usually, at this age the students are usually influenced by social, emotional and environmental
factors. As a result, they associate troublesome behavior with enjoyment and killing their
boredom. Hence, a teacher has to adopt proactive strategies and be an agent of change to deal
with rowdy students and maintain the decorum of classroom. Here is a detailed plan that can help
the teacher to address the conflicting behavior among students.

Building rapport with students with disruptive behavior:

First, the teacher should try to build up a positive rapport with her students. In other word,
teacher should first try to get to know her students individually and understand their interests.
This fosters a sense of connection and positive relationship among the students and the teachers
simultaneously. As a result, private one-to-one sessions can mitigate disruptive behavior. This
way teacher can get a better and deeper insight if individuals needs and reasons of behaving
inappropriately in the classroom. Sitting with students and connecting with them personally can
contribute towards effective behavior management.

Teacher’s immediate reaction to a disruptive behavior

Secondly, if an unforeseen situation is created in the classroom by the students, teacher has to be
very much considerate about his/her reaction. A teacher can respond to a disruptive behavior by
asking the student to see her after class to address the issue and talk to the student. Moreover, a
teacher must stay calm and relaxed and try to nip the situation in the bud, by recalling her
expectations and class rules with the students. In addition, a teacher should also avoid making
fun or humor of the student who was involved in the distractive behavior. Non-verbal clues can
Sobas Moeed 4th Jan, 2024

also be given to student to communicate teacher’s expectations of student’s behavior in the

classroom and redirect behavior.

Planning Engaging and Innovative lessons:

One way of dealing with disruptive behavior in the classroom is that teacher can bring diversity
in her planning. For instance, teacher can plan a lesson that grabs students' interest. Children at
this age are often fascinated by using gadgets or technology so incorporating technology, and
real-world examples can be used to make learning meaningful and enjoyable.

Parental Involvement:

A teacher and school administration should believe in Open system and involve parents in
addressing the conflicts among the students. A scheduled parent teacher meeting with the, can be
planned to discuss the roots of disruptive behavior and work together on a parents of the
disruptive students to discuss the issues and work together on a resolution. Moreover, keep up
the open communication with parents in order to keep them informed about their child's behavior
and progress can also bring a positive effect of student’s attitude in the classroom

Introduce cool off time or 5 minute breaks

If the teacher develops a routine of allowing students with the cool off time or a five-minute
break between her lessons, this will allow the students to get relaxed and stimulates cooler
mindset for the teacher and the students both. The students would be able to outlet their excess
energy outside the classroom and would be able to connect more with the teacher.

Splitting the students into two sections can address the problem efficiently.

When the students will be divided into two sections, there will be more chances of identifying
and addressing disruptive behaviors more effectively and giving focused attention to each and
every student. Also, smaller groups increase the probability of student teacher interaction that
can help teacher’s get an insight of student’s needs and establishing a more supportive teacher-
student relationship.

Positive reinforcement

As psychology believes that a desired behavior is likely to reoccur once it is rewarded so

teachers and school management can use this strategy to modify student’s behavior in the
classroom and outside the classrooms as well. For example, rewarding a student with disruptive
behavior a leadership role in the classroom can have a significant impact on his attitude towards
his peers and teachers. On the other hand, appreciating the students with positive behavior can
also encourage other students to behave in a desirable manner.
Sobas Moeed 4th Jan, 2024

2. Propose strategies to create a more conducive long-term learning environment.

Setting up a conducive learning environment can have significant impact on student’s emotional,
social and academic development. In a better long term environment, students feel welcomed
and they are more interested in their learning. As a result, they grow socially and emotionally
too. On the other hand, conducive learning environment has a positive impact on teachers
wellbeing and professional growth and also contributes to the school's reputation and overall

Quality teaching and learning

The school’s primary focus should be on the quality of teaching and learning. Quality teaching
involves using a variety of instructional methods and materials to provide a hands-on learning to
the students. It also involves connecting the taught concepts with the real world examples and
fosters a critical thinking among the students. Hence, appropriate resource material and
diversified curriculum can enable teachers to teach more effectively and students to learn more

Professional Development Programs for teachers

Professional training of teachers can have a great positive impact on the school environment.
When teachers are trained professionally, they tend to establish a positive and effective learning
atmosphere. Teachers learn to adapt their teaching methods and alter them to according their
student’s needs. Also, professional training allows teachers to get an insight of curriculum
implementation and classroom managements. Moreover, engaging teachers in professional
development course allows the teacher to acquire new skills that can enhance the educational
experience for all the students.

Arranging mindfulness workshops

Schools can seek guidance from mental health professionals and arrange mindfulness sessions
for the students to address their inner conflicts. Also, the management should control the
effectiveness of these sessions like collecting the data of student’s disruptive behavior before and
after the session. Arranging these mindfulness sessions can contribute not only to addressing
disruptive behavior but also to fostering a more positive and supportive school environment.

Introducing the Self-reflection practices among teachers and students

Teachers and students should be designated to reflect on their teaching and learning. In other
words, teachers should be asked to reflect on their teaching practices. This will allow them to
learn best by recalling their experience and finding out what they can do better next time. Also,
inculcate the habit of reflection among students by allocating a period once a week to refl pg. ect
Sobas Moeed 4th Jan, 2024

upon their learning. This reflection can later on be used by the teachers as a feedback from the
students and would allow them to alter their teaching practices according to student’s needs.



You have a student with autism joining your regular high school class. You want to ensure their
successful integration while maintaining a supportive classroom environment.


1. Create an inclusive education plan for the student with autism, ensuring their success in
the regular classroom.

Inclusive tests or assessments

As the students with autism need an extra support and they may get very anxious after seeing the
test or a paper. So, the first thing would be that giving an exemption to that child for taking up
tests and assessments. However, ongoing assessments also known as formative assessments can
be planned for the child. Also, instead of writing autistic child may be given some sort of fun
activities like matching cards with pairs can also help teacher to gauge his performance.

Provision of a shadow teacher

Since autistic children tend to face challenges related to communication, social interactions, and
sensory sensitivities If the social anxiety of these children is not addressed properly then are
more likely to do repetitive movements and would find it hard to stay still. So , an individualized
support in the form of a shadow teacher can provide social guidance and support for the child
She may understand the needs specify to that environment , and could easily calm down the child
once he shows agitated behavior

Considering the physical characteristics of classroom and resources provided

Bright lights, loud sounds and even certain textures can trigger a feeling of uneasiness and
discomfort in autistic children. A teacher has to be very mindful about the triggers of the child’s
sensory challenges and present the material like the display boards of any resource material that
is not having bright colors or should not play loud music’s. As such physical conditions can
hamper the ability of the child to stay focused and concentrate on academic tasks.

Differentiated Instruction for autistic child:

If the school has allowed the autistic child to be part of regular school , then the teachers and
management are ought to provide differentiated instructions for that differently-abled child that
could match with his unique needs and learning styles. Teacher would have to bring a mixture to
Sobas Moeed 4th Jan, 2024

teaching strategies and instructional material to facilitate that child’s learning. Also, the tasks
can be broken down into simpler and less complexed one. For instance, if other pupils are
required to add and subtract tens ; autistic child can be instructed to do only addition sums in one
period. This would not only ensure child’s academic success but also elevate his self-esteem and
ability to connect with others. Hence, adjusting the way instructions are delivered and allowing
flexibility to the child can have a positive impact on his academic success

Social interaction:

Professional Development for Staff:

Provide ongoing professional development for teachers and staff to enhance their understanding
of autism and inclusive teaching practices. This may include workshops, training sessions, and
collaborative learning opportunities.

Regular Communication and Collaboration with Parents:

Maintain open lines of communication with parents to share progress, discuss strategies, and
align efforts between home and school. Parental involvement is crucial for the success of the
inclusive education plan.

2. Reference strategies and principles discussed in the inclusive education section of the



You are a middle school teacher who has encountered challenges in using assessment data
effectively to inform instruction and support student learning.


1. Propose a plan for collecting and using assessment data to improve instruction and
support student learning in your classroom.

A teacher can use the assessment data to improve her teaching strategies and methodologies. A
data about student’s assessments can give an insight of how much students are clear about the
concept and how much support do they need. As a lower primary class teacher, I’ll follow the

1. Using Exit-slips:

After covering a unit in core subjects, ill give an exit slips to students. They will be asked to
perform a task on the taught concept, this would help me to identify that how much
understanding they have developed. Students often enjoy , working on exit slips and find them
Sobas Moeed 4th Jan, 2024

fascinating. Hence, after collecting the data from the performance in exit slips. I would be able to
decide that which lesson needs reinforcement.

2. Marked Classwork:

After using different methodologies like peer-discussion, watching a documentary or using CPA
material. I can mark the classwork. Once the teacher would mark the work, she could easily
identify that which methodology worked best by comparing the csores of three consecutive
marked works.

3. Integration of technology for small class quizzes:

Students do not like monotonous trends so making learning and assessment fun, technology can
be integrated in the lessons. There are websites that have interactive worksheets and that can
even do the marking of the given tasks. So using those websites and allowing students to perform
the task on their netbooks would be an easy tool, as teacher wouldn’t have to mark each students
work individually.

4. KWL Chart

When we use KWL chart in the classroom, it helps to complete a kind of formative assessment
in the classroom. It allows the teacher to find out the students prior knowledge on a particular
topic. From this knowledge the teacher is then able to gear their lessons based upon this
information. That how much focused , she should be on certain areas and how much children
already know This also gives a direction to the teacher that how she has to divide the allocated

5. Weekly data meetings with other subject-level teachers

Names English Science Math

Sarah 85 67 78

Sobas 56 88 50 78

Maliha 87 87 99

Samra 93 99

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