Mira Bhayander PLU Report 31.10.22 1

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Published U/S 26 (1) of the MR & TP Act, 1966

Officer Appointed U/s 21(4A)

Draft Revised Development Plan of Mira Bhayandar
Assistant Director of Town Planning, Thane

Prepared by
Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



1 Planning Area And Revision Process ......................................................... 3

1.1 Planning Area .............................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Planning Process ......................................................................................................... 4

2 The Regional Context .................................................................................. 8

2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 8

2.2 City History ................................................................................................................. 8

2.3 City Administration ..................................................................................................... 9

2.4 Geographic Settings .................................................................................................... 9

2.5 Regional Connectivity ............................................................................................... 13

2.6 Topography and Climatology.................................................................................... 17

2.7 Climatology ............................................................................................................... 17

2.8 Growth Drivers .......................................................................................................... 22

2.9 Planning Efforts in The Past...................................................................................... 24

3 Existing Land Use ...................................................................................... 33

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 33

3.2 Existing Land Use Classification .............................................................................. 33

3.3 Land use Distribution ................................................................................................ 33

4 Population ................................................................................................... 39
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 39

4.2 Existing Population ................................................................................................... 39

4.3 Growth of Population ................................................................................................ 39

4.4 Structure of Population.............................................................................................. 41

4.5 Population Distribution ............................................................................................. 45

4.6 Registered Birth and Deaths (2014 to 2020) ............................................................. 50

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

5 Economy ...................................................................................................... 53
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 53

5.2 Occupational Structure .............................................................................................. 53

5.3 Functional Classification ........................................................................................... 55

5.4 History of Industrial Development ............................................................................ 55

5.5 Paradigm Shift in Economic Base ............................................................................. 56

5.6 Employment Characteristics ..................................................................................... 56

5.7 Industrial Estate ......................................................................................................... 57

5.8 Small scale Industries ................................................................................................ 57

5.9 Shops and Commercial Establishments .................................................................... 58

5.10 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 58

6 Transport .................................................................................................... 61
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 61

6.2 Existing Transport Network ...................................................................................... 61

6.3 Mode Share ............................................................................................................... 63

6.4 Registered Vehicles ................................................................................................... 66

6.5 Accident Data ............................................................................................................ 67

6.6 Analysis of the Existing Traffic Situation ................................................................. 67

7 Physical Infrastructure .............................................................................. 98

7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 98

7.2 Water Supply ............................................................................................................. 98

7.3 Sewerage ................................................................................................................. 105

7.4 Solid Waste Management........................................................................................ 111

7.5 Public Utilities ......................................................................................................... 119

8 Social Infrastructure ................................................................................ 126

8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 126

8.2 Educational Facilities .............................................................................................. 126

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

8.3 Health and Medical Facilities.................................................................................. 131

8.4 Commercial Facilities ............................................................................................. 134

8.5 Recreational Facilities ............................................................................................. 135

8.6 Cremation and Burial Ground ................................................................................. 136

9 Environment ............................................................................................. 141

9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 141

9.2 Water Bodies ........................................................................................................... 141

9.3 Forest ....................................................................................................................... 141

9.4 Coastal Zone Management Plan.............................................................................. 143

9.5 Pollution Indicators ................................................................................................. 144

9.6 Environmental Vulnerability ................................................................................... 159

10 Heritage and Tourism .............................................................................. 170

10.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 170

10.2 Heritage Sites ....................................................................................................... 170

10.3 Tourism Spots ...................................................................................................... 172

11 Observations and Inferences ................................................................... 180

11.1 Regional Connectivity ......................................................................................... 180

11.2 Existing Land Use ............................................................................................... 180

11.3 Population ............................................................................................................ 180

11.4 Economy .............................................................................................................. 181

11.5 Transport .............................................................................................................. 181

11.6 Physical Infrastructure ......................................................................................... 182

11.7 Social Infrastructure ............................................................................................ 183

11.8 Environment ........................................................................................................ 183

11.9 Heritage and Tourism .......................................................................................... 183

12 Past Development Plan Performance ..................................................... 186

12.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 186

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

12.2 Analysis of The Previous Development Plan ...................................................... 186

13 Restructuring of the Past Development Plan ........................................ 194

13.1 The Need for Restructuring ................................................................................. 194

13.2 The Restructuring of the Previous DP ................................................................. 194

14 Population Projection .............................................................................. 199

14.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 199

14.2 Population Trend ................................................................................................. 199

14.3 Population Projection .......................................................................................... 200

14.5 Summary.............................................................................................................. 203

14.6 Population Projection at Sector level................................................................... 204

15 Planning Standards and Norms .............................................................. 207

15.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 207

15.2 Selection of Planning Standards .......................................................................... 207

15.3 Planning Sector .................................................................................................... 213

15.4 Computation and Provision of Amenities ........................................................... 213

15.5 Total Land Demand for Amenities ...................................................................... 216

15.6 Sector-wise Land Area Demand for Amenities ................................................... 217

15.7 Demand Gap Analysis ......................................................................................... 217

16 Vision, Goals and Objectives .................................................................. 220

16.1 Vision of the Development Plan .......................................................................... 220

16.2 Goals of the Development Plan ........................................................................... 220

16.3 Objectives of the Development Plan ................................................................... 220

17 Land Use Zoning ...................................................................................... 222

17.1 Residential Zone .................................................................................................. 222

17.2 Commercial Zone ................................................................................................ 222

17.3 Industrial Zone ..................................................................................................... 222

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

17.4 Public Semi-Public Zone and Public Utilities ..................................................... 223

17.5 Recreational Zone ................................................................................................ 223

17.6 No Development Zone......................................................................................... 223

17.7 Transportation ...................................................................................................... 223

18 Utilities and Services ................................................................................ 226

18.1 Water Supply ....................................................................................................... 226

18.2 Disposal Of Urban Waste .................................................................................... 226

19 Education, Health and Social Amenities................................................ 228

19.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 228

19.2 Education ............................................................................................................. 228

19.3 Health................................................................................................................... 229

19.4 Other Social Amenities ........................................................................................ 230

19.5 Shelter-Based Social Amenities .......................................................................... 231

20 Public Open Spaces, Recreation and Leisure Amenities ..................... 234

20.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 234

20.2 Public Open Spaces, Recreational and Leisure Amenities .................................. 234

21 Transportation ......................................................................................... 238

21.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 238

21.2 Road Network ...................................................................................................... 238

21.3 Public Transport .................................................................................................. 240

21.4 Parking ................................................................................................................. 240

21.5 Waterway Transport ............................................................................................ 241

22 Strategy for Implementation ................................................................... 243

22.1 Background & Overview ..................................................................................... 243

22.2 The Assessment of Implementation .................................................................... 244

22.3 The strategy for Implementation: ........................................................................ 245

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

23 Finance ...................................................................................................... 249

23.1 Cost of Development Plan Proposals .................................................................. 250

23.2 Implementation Through Urban Renewal Scheme ............................................. 250

23.3 Implementation Through Transferable Development Rights .............................. 250

23.4 Implementation Through Accommodation Reservation Concept ....................... 251

23.5 Implementation Through Town Planning Schemes ............................................ 251

23.6 Implementation Through Monetary Compensation ............................................ 252

23.7 Programming ....................................................................................................... 252

23.8 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 253

24 Annexure ................................................................................................... 254

Annexure I - Census Ward wise Demographic Characteristics ......................................... 255

Annexure II - Details of Slum in Mira Bhayandar ............................................................ 260

Annexure III - Details of Existing Education Facilities..................................................... 264

Annexure IV - Details of Hospitals in Mira Bhayandar .................................................... 294

Annexure V - Details of Parks/ Gardens in Mira Bhayandar ............................................ 303

Annexure VI – Maps Showing Previous DP Status and Restructuring as Per Draft DP Of

Reservation Sites ................................................................................................................ 307

Annexure VII – Road Details ............................................................................................ 313

Annexure VIII: Deviation Statement ................................................................................. 316

Annexure IX: Statement Showing List of Reservations for Amenities and their Cost of
Acquisition and Development in Draft Revised Development Plan ................................. 341

Annexure X: Municipal Finance Revenue ......................................................................... 364

Annexure XI: Phase Wise Program (Plan of two year each) ............................................. 365

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Figure 2-1 Mira Bhayandar Location Map .............................................................................. 10

Figure 2-2 Planning Authorities in MMR ................................................................................ 11
Figure 2-3 Month-wise Average Temperature ........................................................................ 18
Figure 2-4 Month-wise Temperature ....................................................................................... 18
Figure 2-5 Rainfall Pattern....................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2-6 Rainfall Diagram .................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2-7 Month-wise Climate ............................................................................................... 21
Figure 2-8 Wind Speed Diagram ............................................................................................. 21
Figure 2-9 Wind Rose Diagram ............................................................................................... 22
Figure 2-10 Land Use Distribution .......................................................................................... 29
Figure 2-11 Composition of Developed Area SSS .................................................................. 30
Figure 2-12 Land Use Composition......................................................................................... 31
Figure 3-1 Existing Land Use Distribution .............................................................................. 35
Figure 3-2 Existing Land Use Distribution- Category wise .................................................... 36
Figure 3-3 Existing Land Use Map .......................................................................................... 37
Figure 4-1 Decadal Population from 1961 to 2011 ................................................................. 40
Figure 4-2 Decadal Growth Rate ............................................................................................. 41
Figure 4-3 Sex Ratio ................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 4-4 Literacy Rate .......................................................................................................... 43
Figure 4-5 Religion-wise Population ....................................................................................... 45
Figure 4-6 Population Density ................................................................................................. 47
Figure 4-7 Existing Notified Slum ........................................................................................... 49
Figure 4-8 Natural Growth Rate .............................................................................................. 50
Figure 4-9 Birth and Death, MBMC, 2014-2020 .................................................................... 51
Figure 5-1 Working Population ............................................................................................... 54
Figure 5-2 Distribution of Residential workers by industrial activity ..................................... 57
Figure 6-1 Type of roads and its road length in the city .......................................................... 61
Figure 6-2 Mode Share ............................................................................................................ 63
Figure 6-3 Registered Vehicles ................................................................................................ 67
Figure 6-4 Survey Photos......................................................................................................... 71
Figure 6-5 PCU-Hourly variation Uttan Road ......................................................................... 84
Figure 6-6 PCU-Hourly variation Bhayandar Railway Station Road ...................................... 85

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 6-7 PCU-Hourly variation Indralok Road .................................................................... 85

Figure 6-8 PCU-Hourly variation Kashimira Road ................................................................. 86
Figure 6-9 PCU-Hourly variation Ghodbunder ....................................................................... 86
Figure 6-10 PCU-Hourly variation Borivali Road................................................................... 87
Figure 6-11 PCU-Hourly variation Kashimira Road ............................................................... 87
Figure 6-12 PCU-Hourly variation Uttan Road ....................................................................... 88
Figure 6-13 PCU-Hourly variation Kashimira Expressway .................................................... 89
Figure 6-14 Morning and Evening Peak Hour Diagram- Golden Nest Circle ........................ 89
Figure 6-15 Morning and Evening Peak Hour Diagram- Kashimira Junction ........................ 90
Figure 7-1Details of Solid Waste Generation ........................................................................ 112
Figure 7-2 Characterization of Solid Waste........................................................................... 113
Figure 7-3 Existing Gas Pipeline Network ............................................................................ 124
Figure 8-1 Education Facilities with Playground .................................................................. 128
Figure 9-1 Air Quality ........................................................................................................... 146
Figure 9-2 Drinking Water Quality........................................................................................ 148
Figure 9-3 Waste Water Quality ............................................................................................ 151
Figure 9-4 Industrial Waste Water Quality ............................................................................ 154
Figure 9-5 Lake Water Quality .............................................................................................. 158
Figure 9-6 Noise Level .......................................................................................................... 159
Figure 10-1 Ghodbunder Fort ................................................................................................ 172
Figure 10-2 Arnal Fort ........................................................................................................... 173
Figure 10-3 Vasai Fort ........................................................................................................... 173
Figure 10-4 Vasai Creek ........................................................................................................ 174
Figure 10-5 Uttan Beach ........................................................................................................ 174
Figure 10-6 Vardhaman Amusement Park, Mira ................................................................... 175
Figure 10-7 Tiku-ji-ni-wadi ................................................................................................... 175
Figure 10-8 Essel World and Water Kingdom ...................................................................... 176
Figure 10-9 Suraj Water Park ................................................................................................ 177
Figure 10-10 Tourist Destination in and around Mira Bhayandar ......................................... 178
Figure 12-1 Development Status of Reservation Sites .......................................................... 187
Figure 12-2 Land Acquisition by MBMC ............................................................................. 187
Figure 12-3 Encroachment on Reservation Sites ................................................................... 188
Figure 12-4 Area of Reservation Sites Affected by CRZ ...................................................... 189
Figure 12-5 Area of Development on CRZ Affected Reservation Sites ............................... 190

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 12-6 Area of Proposed Roads in Previous DP............................................................ 191

Figure 12-7 Implementation Status of Proposed Zoning ....................................................... 192
Figure 13-1 Restructuring of Reservation Sites ..................................................................... 194
Figure 13-2 CRZ Affected Reservation Sites ........................................................................ 195
Figure 13-3 Area of Restructured Roads ............................................................................... 196
Figure 13-4 Proposed Land Use Zoning ................................................................................ 197
Figure 17-1 Proposed Land Use Zoning ................................................................................ 224
Figure 24-1 Development Status of Reservation Sites .......................................................... 307
Figure 24-2 CRZ Affected Reservation Sites and Development Status ................................ 308
Figure 24-3 Restructuring of CRZ Affected Reservation Sites ............................................. 309
Figure 24-4 Encroachment on Reservation Sites ................................................................... 310
Figure 24-5 Development on Encroached Sites..................................................................... 311
Figure 24-6 Development Status of Proposed DP Roads ...................................................... 312
Figure 24-7 18 M wide Road Details ..................................................................................... 313
Figure 24-8 24 M Wide Road Details .................................................................................... 314
Figure 24-9 30 M Wide Road Details .................................................................................... 315


Table 1-1-1 Notified Area and SPAs ......................................................................................... 3

Table 2-1 Planning Authorities in MMR ................................................................................. 11
Table 2-2 Monthly Temperature and Rainfall of Mira Bhayandar City .................................. 19
Table 2-3 Land Use in Mira Bhayandar Corporation Area ..................................................... 28
Table 3-1 Existing Land Use Distribution ............................................................................... 34
Table 3-2 Existing Land Use Distribution- Category wise ...................................................... 36
Table 4-1 Existing Demography of the city ............................................................................. 39
Table 4-2 Decadal Population Variation.................................................................................. 40
Table 4-3 Sex Ratio ................................................................................................................. 41
Table 4-4 Literate Population from 1961 to 2011 ................................................................... 42
Table 4-5 Population Composition .......................................................................................... 43
Table 4-6 Number of households ............................................................................................. 44
Table 4-7 Religion Wise Population ........................................................................................ 44
Table 4-8 Existing Gross Population Density.......................................................................... 46

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 4-9 Details of Slum ........................................................................................................ 48

Table 4-10 Slum Population .................................................................................................... 48
Table 4-11 Population from 2014 to 2020 ............................................................................... 50
Table 5-1 Economic Profile of Mira Bhayandar...................................................................... 53
Table 5-2 Occupational Structure ............................................................................................ 54
Table 5-3 Economic Sectors .................................................................................................... 55
Table 6-1 Accident Data (2020-2021) ..................................................................................... 67
Table 6-2 O-D Survey Matrix for Traffic Volume from Mira Bhayandar .............................. 72
Table 6-3 O-D Survey Matrix for Traffic Volume destined at Mira Bhayandar ..................... 72
Table 6-4 Recommended PCU Factor for different Vehicle Types ........................................ 83
Table 6-5 Capacity Analysis – Golden Nest Circle ................................................................. 90
Table 6-6 Capacity Analysis – Kashimira Junction ................................................................. 90
Table 6-7 Public Bus Route ..................................................................................................... 92
Table 6-8 Service area of Public Transport ............................................................................. 93
Table 7-1 Source of water for Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation ................................. 98
Table 7-2 Details of Water Treatment Plant ............................................................................ 99
Table 7-3 List of Existing ESR in MBMC .............................................................................. 99
Table 7-4 List of Proposed ESR in MBMC ........................................................................... 101
Table 7-5 Service level benchmarks for water supply service .............................................. 105
Table 7-6 Details of Existing Sewerage System .................................................................... 106
Table 7-7 Existing Sewage Treatment Plant .......................................................................... 107
Table 7-8 Service level benchmarks for sewerage service .................................................... 107
Table 7-9 Summary of Storm Water Drainage ...................................................................... 109
Table 7-10 Details of Solid Waste Generation ...................................................................... 112
Table 7-11 Characterization of Solid Waste .......................................................................... 113
Table 7-12 Collection of Waste from Source ........................................................................ 114
Table 7-13 Details of Waste Transportation Vehicles ........................................................... 114
Table 7-14 Details of Waste Treatment Facility .................................................................... 116
Table 7-15 Proposed Waste Treatment Facilities .................................................................. 116
Table 7-16 Details of Waste Disposal Sites ........................................................................... 117
Table 7-17 Service Level Benchmark for SWM service ....................................................... 117
Table 7-18 List of Fire Stations ............................................................................................. 119
Table 7-19 List of Fire infrastructure..................................................................................... 119
Table 7-20 List of Fire Incidents ........................................................................................... 120

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 7-21 List of Post office ................................................................................................ 120

Table 7-22 Details of Gas Supply Network ........................................................................... 123
Table 8-1 Category of Educational Facilities ........................................................................ 126
Table 8-2 Category of Educational Facilities based on Management ................................... 127
Table 8-3 Details of Students Enrolled .................................................................................. 127
Table 8-4 Educational Facilities with Playground ................................................................. 128
Table 8-5 Details of Library .................................................................................................. 129
Table 8-6 Details of Medical Facilities .................................................................................. 131
Table 8-7 Health Schemes ..................................................................................................... 132
Table 8-8 Existing Commercial Facilities ............................................................................. 134
Table 8-9 Ward Committee-wise Parks and Playground ....................................................... 135
Table 8-10 List of Cremation Grounds .................................................................................. 136
Table 9-1 List of Survey Number falls under Forest ............................................................. 141
Table 9-2 Air Quality Monitoring Locations ......................................................................... 145
Table 9-3 Annual Average Analysis Result of Ambient Air ................................................. 145
Table 9-4 Drinking Water Quality ......................................................................................... 147
Table 9-5 Location of Waste Water Sample Collection ........................................................ 148
Table 9-6 Waste Water Quality ............................................................................................. 149
Table 9-7 Location of Industrial Waste Collection Sample................................................... 151
Table 9-8 Industrial Waste Water Quality ............................................................................. 152
Table 9-9 Location of Lake water samples ............................................................................ 154
Table 9-10 Lake Water Quality ............................................................................................. 155
Table 9-11 Noise Level at different locations........................................................................ 158
Table 9-12 Locations of Water Logging ................................................................................ 160
Table 9-13 Buildings vulnerable to disaster .......................................................................... 162
Table 10-1 Details of Major Religious Structures ................................................................. 170
Table 12-1 Development Status of The Reservation Sites .................................................... 186
Table 12-2 Land Acquisition Status ...................................................................................... 187
Table 12-3 Encroachment on Reservation Sites .................................................................... 188
Table 12-4 Development on Encroached Sites ...................................................................... 188
Table 12-5 Reservation Sites Affected by CRZ .................................................................... 189
Table 12-6 Development on Reservation Sites Affected by CRZ ......................................... 190
Table 12-7 Proposed Roads in Previous DP .......................................................................... 190
Table 12-8 Proposed Zoning Status in Previous DP .............................................................. 191

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 13-1 Restructuring of The Previous DP Reservations ................................................. 194

Table 13-2 Restructuring of CRZ Affected Reservation Sites .............................................. 195
Table 13-3 Restructuring of Encroached Reserved Sites ...................................................... 196
Table 13-4 Restructuring of Roads ........................................................................................ 196
Table 13-5 Proposed Zoning in Draft Revised Development Plan 2017-2037 .................. 197
Table 14-1 Decadal Population Projection ............................................................................ 199
Table 14-2 R2 values for different expressions ..................................................................... 202
Table 14-3 Population Projection using various methods ..................................................... 203
Table 14-4 Population Projection for Sectors ........................................................................ 204
Table 15-1 Comparison of Planning Standards and Norms................................................... 208
Table 15-2 Details of Planning Sectors ................................................................................. 213
Table 15-3 Planning Standards and Norms adopted for MBMC DP..................................... 214
Table 15-4 Total Land Demand for Amenities in Mira Bhayandar....................................... 216
Table 15-5 Sector Wise Land Demand for Amenities in Mira Bhayandar............................ 217
Table 15-6 Amenity-wise Demand Gap for Mira Bhayandar ............................................... 218
Table 17-1 Proposed Land Use for Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation Area .............. 223
Table 19-1 Sub-categories Permissible Under Education Amenities Reservation ................ 228
Table 19-2 Sub-Categories Permissible Under Health Amenities ......................................... 229
Table 21-1 Summary of DP Roads ........................................................................................ 239
Table 21-2 Proposed Metro Rail Routes in Mira Bhayandar ................................................ 240
Table 22-1 Implementation Status of First-Generation DP ................................................... 243


Map 1-1 Planning Area .............................................................................................................. 4

Map 2-1 Adjoining Planning Authority ................................................................................... 12
Map 2-2 Regional Road Connectivity ..................................................................................... 14
Map 2-3 Proposed Road Network, Metro Line, Waterways ................................................... 16
Map 2-4 Proposed Land use, Regional Plan of Mumbai Metropolitan Region, 2021............. 26
Map 2-5 Development Plan, Mira Bhayandar, 1997 ............................................................... 31
Map 5-1 Industrial Estate Layout ............................................................................................ 59
Map 6-1Existing Transport Network ....................................................................................... 62
Map 6-2 MBMT Bus Depot..................................................................................................... 64
Map 6-3 MSRTC Bus Depot ................................................................................................... 65

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-4 Origin and Destination Survey Locations ................................................................. 70

Map 6-5 Trips from Mira Bhayandar....................................................................................... 73
Map 6-6 O-D Trips Destined at Mira Bhayandar .................................................................... 74
Map 6-7 Speed and Delay Survey result (10-11 AM) ............................................................. 77
Map 6-8 Speed and Delay Survey result (7-8 PM) .................................................................. 78
Map 6-9 TVC and TMC Survey Locations ............................................................................. 81
Map 6-10 Mid-Block Count Survey Locations ....................................................................... 82
Map 6-11Public Transport Routes of Mira Bhayandar............................................................ 94
Map 6-12 Area Served by Public Transport Service of Mira Bhayandar ................................ 95
Map 6-13 Area not Served by Public Transport ...................................................................... 96
Map 7-1 Existing Sewage Treatment Plant ........................................................................... 108
Map 7-2 Existing Natural Strom Water Drainage System..................................................... 110
Map 7-3 Solid Waste Dumping Site and MRF ..................................................................... 118
Map 7-4 Location of Fire Stations ......................................................................................... 121
Map 7-5 Location of Post Office ........................................................................................... 122
Map 8-1 Existing Educational Facilities ................................................................................ 130
Map 8-2 Existing Health Facilities ........................................................................................ 133
Map 8-3 Location of Lakes .................................................................................................... 137
Map 8-4 Existing Recreational Facilities ............................................................................... 138
Map 8-5 Existing Crematorium Locations ............................................................................ 139
Map 9-1 River and Water Courses of Mira Bhayandar ......................................................... 163
Map 9-2 Existing Forest Area ................................................................................................ 164
Map 9-3 Existing Mangroves and Salt Pans .......................................................................... 165
Map 9-4 Existing CRZ Line .................................................................................................. 166
Map 9-5 Elevation Map of Mira Bhayandar .......................................................................... 167
Map 9-6 Steep Slope Area of Mira Bhayandar, indicative of hills & hill ridges .................. 168

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


MBMC Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation

MMR Mumbai Metropolitan Region
MMRDA Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority
MCGM Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
TMC Thane Municipal Corporation
KDMC Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation
BNMC Bhiwandi Nizampur Municipal Corporation
NMMC Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation
CIDCO City and Industrial Development Corporation
DP Development Plan
NH National Highway
SH State Highway
WEW Western Express Way
MBMT Mira Bhayandar Municipal Transport
MRTS Mass Rapid Transport System
IWT Inland water Transport
MR&TP Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act
AMRUT Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
SPA Special Planning Authority
DP Development Plan
AMSL Average Mean Sea Level
HH Household
SC Schedule Cast
ST Schedule Tribe
CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone
ELU Existing Land Use
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
TILR Taluka Inspector of Land Records
GIS Geo-information System
GCP Ground Control Point
OD Origin Destination

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

IRC Indian Road Congress

OC Outer Cordon
ECP Equivalent Car Space
PCU Passenger Car Unit
PTA Public Transport Accessibility
MSRTC Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
ESR Elevated Storage Reservoir
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
MRF Material Recovery Facility
PO Post Office
MIDC Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation
SGNP Sanjay Gandhi National Park
AQI Air Quality Index
RSPM Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037




Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


It is Planning Authority’s statutory obligation to prepare a Development Plan. Section 38,
MR&TP Act 1966 leads the Planning Authority, to ‘revise the Development Plan, either
wholly, or the parts separately after carrying out, if necessary, a fresh survey and preparing
existing land use map of the area within its jurisdiction’. The act also specifies that any
Development Plan must be following the provision of a Regional Plan. This suggests
that the Regional Plan is ideal, and its broad assumptions and prescriptions will direct
the cities within that region.

Urban Planning is a local responsibility as per the Constitution (seventy-fourth) Amendment

Act. The Twelfth Schedule of the Indian Constitution, inserted along with the
passage of the Constitution (seventy-fourth) Amendment Act lists urban planning including
town planning’ as the very first function of Urban Local Bodies (ULB). In addition, two other
functions regarding the regulation of land-use and construction of buildings and planning for
economic and social development are listed at numbers two and three, both linked to the
Development Plan.

In the case of Mira Bhayandar, the Government sanctioned part Development Plan in the year
1997, and the remaining part was subsequently sanctioned in 2002.

1.1 Planning Area

The total area of Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation is 79.40 sq. km. Some part of the
Corporation area is notified by the State Government as areas under Special Planning
Authorities under Section 40 of the MR&TP Act, 1966. The area under SPA is 14.9 sq. km.
accounting for about 18.73% of the total area. Therefore, the total area of Mira Bhayandar
under the purview of the Development Plan is 64.5 sq. km. making the planning area for the

Table 1-1-1 Notified Area and SPAs

Sr. No. Notified Area Special Planning Authority

1 Morva MMRDA
2 Tarodi MMRDA
3 Chowk MMRDA
4 Pali MMRDA

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

5 Dongri MMRDA
6 Uttan MMRDA

As provided in the MR&TP Act, 1966, the local authority ceases to be the Planning Authority
in the notified areas. Thus, Development Plan covers the jurisdiction of the Mira Bhayandar
Municipal Corporation excluding the areas under the Special Planning Authority i.e.,
MMRDA. It has however taken cognizance of the respective plans and requirements of these
areas in terms of the connectivity and tertiary level infrastructure.

Map 1-1 Planning Area

1.2 Planning Process

Section 38 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 1966 stipulates the Revision
of Development Plan at least once in twenty years. The Development Plan 1997 was approved
in parts. The last part of the Development Plan currently in force was sanctioned in 2002.
Therefore, the Revised Development Plan is required to be submitted. The procedure for
preparation and sanctioning of the Development Plan is given in Sections 23 to 31 of chapter
II of MR & TP Act, 1966.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

MRTP Act,1966 Mandate

Declaration of intention to prepare a Development Plan
The planning authority before carrying out a survey and preparing an
Existing Land Use map, by a resolution, makes a declaration of its
intention, to prepare the Development Plan and sends it to the state
government along with a copy of the plan showing only the boundary of
Section 23
the entire area proposed to be included in the Development Plan, which
will be published in the official gazette and also in one or more local
newspapers inviting suggestions and objections from the public within
a period of not less than 60 days from the publication of the notice in the
official gazette.
Appointment of Town Planning Officer
At the time of the declaration of intention to prepare a Development
Plan, the planning authority resolves to appoint the Town Planning
Section 24
Officer for carrying out a survey, prepare an ELU map thereof, and
formulate proposals of the DP of that area for submission to the planning
Provision for survey and preparation of existing-land use map
The planning authority or the said officer shall survey the lands and
prepare an ELU within 6 months from the date of declaration of
Section 25 intention or not later than such further time as the state government may
from time to time extend. Provided that, the period so extended shall not,
in any case, exceed one year in the aggregate.

Preparation and publication of notice of Draft Development Plan

The Planning Authority shall prepare a Draft Development Plan within
2 years from the date of a notice published under section 23. Also,
publish a notice in the Official Gazette stating that the Development Plan
Section 26
has been prepared and invite objections and suggestions within a period
of 60 days from the date of notice in the Official Gazette. The period so
extended shall not exceed 12 months in aggregate.

Provision of Regional Plan to be considered

Where any area within the jurisdiction of a Planning Authority is
Section 27 included in a Region, the Planning Authority or the said Officer shall
consider the proposals made in any Draft Regional Plan or any final
regional plan while preparing the Draft Development Plan.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Submission of the Draft Development Plan

The planning authority shall submit the Draft Development Plan along
Section 30 with the list of modifications or changes made in the Draft Development
Plan to the state government for sanction within a period of 6 months
from the date of publication of notice regarding its preparation.
Sanction to the Draft Development Plan
Within 6 months from the date of receipt of the Draft Development Plan
from the planning authority, the state government, after consulting with
Section 31 the Director of Town Planning, may sanction the Draft DP or return it
to the planning authority for modification as it may direct or refuse to
accord sanction and direct to prepare a fresh DP.

Revision of Development Plan

At least once in twenty years from the date on which a Development
Plan has come into operation Planning Authority shall at any time when
Section 38 so directed by the State Government revise the Development Plan either
wholly, or the parts separately after carrying out, if necessary, fresh
survey and preparing an existing-land-use map of the area within its

Implementation of plans
On the coming into operation of any plan or plans, it shall be the duty of
Section 42 every Planning Authority to take such steps as may be necessary to carry
out the provisions of such plan or plans.

Source: MR&TP ACT, 1966

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


2.1 Introduction
Mira Bhayandar city is located in the district of Thane at the northern threshold of Greater
Mumbai and has been identified as one of the prominent cities in the Mumbai Metropolitan
Region (MMR). The city is situated on the southern part of the Vasai creek with Sanjay Gandhi
National Park on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west. It is located at the mean sea level in
the northern part of the Konkan region. The city occupies a unique position in the region, due
to its proximity to Greater Mumbai and lower cost of living. It has been identified as one of the
growth centres around Mumbai. The city is connected with Greater Mumbai by the western
railway stations of Mira and Bhayandar. It is also connected with the Dahisar area of Greater
Mumbai by Western Expressway from Mumbai to Ahmedabad (Mira Bhayandar Development
Plan Report, 1997).

Mira Bhayandar covers an area of 79.4 sq. km with a population of 8.09 lakhs as per the census
2011. Bhayandar is divided into two parts which are East and West by the Mumbai suburban
rail line. The West was traditionally recognized as a residential area while the East was
predominantly an industrial area. Being a neighboring city to Greater Mumbai, the city still
managed to keep its originality like small-scale industries, farming, fishing, and sand and salt
cultivation as its major business. The city is known as a hub for small-scale industries. The
business came into existence in 2004 and since then has been known in the field. It is ranked
third in the whole of Asia. The machine manufacturing and machine spare part industries are
major industries in the area. These industries are located at Saraswati, Manasarovar Complex,
Kashimira, and Bhayandar east area (Consultant’s Enumeration).

2.2 City History

Mira Bhayandar city has its historic value. As the city is situated on the eastern bank of the
Arabian Sea, it was an important port for business in the past. The city has seen most of the
important historic legends right from Alexander to Peshwas and some great kings who have
traveled through this port. The city was ruled by the Portuguese for a long time. From 1800 to
India’s independence in 1947, Mira Bhayandar remained under British rule. The British
existence can be evidenced by the constructed railway bridges on Vasai Creek. In 1809, Denver
Estate including Devnar, Borla, Kirol, Chene, and Varsave Borbhat was given on perpetual
lease to Mr. Dhakji Dadaji. Again during 1870, a large estate of 3688 acres of land in the village

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

of Ghodbunder, Bhayandar, and Mira was given on lease to Ramchandra Laxmanji of Bombay
for 999 years (Gazetteer of The Bombay Presidency, Volume XIII, Part II, and Chapter VIII).

2.3 City Administration

Earlier Bhayandar was administrated by the Gram Panchayat System of Local Government.
According to the recommendation of MMRDA, Mira Bhayandar Municipal Council was
established on 12th June 1985 by merging five Gram Panchayats naming Bhayandar, Kashi,
Mira, Navghar, Ghodbunder, Khari, Goddev, Mahajanwadi, and Penkarpada. The entire
jurisdiction of the Municipal Council limit was 32 sq. km as per the 1981 census. After that
adjoining villages within the limits of the Municipal Council started showing a trend of
urbanization. Therefore, under the government’s notification No. MUB 7085/2209/CR 281-
A/UD-16 dated 10-01-1990 extended the limits of the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Council by
including 10 Gram Panchayat namely, Chene, Varsave, Rai-murdhe, Murdhe, Morva, Uttan,
Dongri, Tarodi, Pali, and Chowk. The total area of these added Gram panchayats was 47.40 sq.
km. Thus, the total area of the newly formed Municipal limit comes to 79.40 sq. km. Later on,
in 2002 Mira Bhayandar Council declared a Municipal Corporation based on population.

The town is further divided into 50 electoral wards. The administration of which under the
Municipal Corporation is done by 50 members respectively out of which 8 seats in total are
reserved for women. Among the same members, a President is elected for the Council. MBMC
provides basic infrastructure like water supply drainages, sewerage, roads, and services such
as solid waste management, firefighting, street lights, education, and primary health. MBMC
co-ordinates with other units for the functioning of the city. Maharashtra Industrial
Development Corporation controls the functioning of industries in the area. (Mira Bhayandar
Municipal Corporation, History; Environment Status Report 2018-19).

2.4 Geographic Settings

2.4.1 Location and Regional Setting
Mira Bhayandar city is situated at the northern threshold of the Greater Mumbai between
18°42'N – 20°20'N latitude and 0° 25'E – 73° 44'E longitude. Mira road is situated on Salsette
Island on the northern extremity of Greater Mumbai. The city is a member of MMR. Being the
first urban centre on the periphery of the Greater Mumbai, it occupies a unique position in the
region. The boundaries of Greater Mumbai and Mira Bhayandar are contiguous. The area
around Mira Road and Bhayandar station comprises the ‘Old Town’ whereas the city was
nested and expanded around newly developed transport corridors.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



Figure 2-1 Mira Bhayandar Location Map

Mira Bhayandar is a major city in the state of Maharashtra in western India. It is the 12th most
populated city in Maharashtra. The city covers an area of 79.40 sq. km. and had a population
of 8.09 lakhs in 2011. The Municipal Corporation is one of the 6 Municipal Corporations in
the Thane district. It is also approachable by road through Western Expressway. The
neighbouring urban local body which is Borivali falls within a distance of 10 km from the city.
It is 26 km away from Thane District Head Quarters and connected with it through Ghodbunder
road. The major city in the MMR i.e., Greater Mumbai is 25 km away from Mira Bhayandar
city. The city is well connected via highways and suburban railway and metro (Consultant’s

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2.4.2 Statutory Position in MMR

MBMC is surrounded by different Planning Authorities and therefore, has no scope for
expansion on its south, west, and East side. Mira Bhayandar Municipal corporation is
surrounded by adjoining authorities like Thane Municipal Corporation, Vasai-Virar City
Municipal Corporation, MCGM, and Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation. It is a member of
MMR & one of 17 Urban centres, peripheral to Greater Mumbai (MMRDA

Table 2-1 Planning Authorities in MMR

Sr. No. ULB Name Area (Sq.km.)

1 MCGM 467.19
2 TMC 128.23
3 KDMC 116.09
4 Vasai Virar MC 294.50
5 Navi Mumbai MC 108.98
6 MBMC 79.5
7 BNMC 27.37
8 Ulhasnagar MC 13.2
9 Panvel MC 110
10 Ambernath MC 36.63
11 Kulgaon Badlapur MC 35.65
12 Khopoli 30.06
13 Pen 5.54
14 Uran 2.43
15 Karjat 7.35
16 Alibagh 2.54
17 Matheran 7.49
Figure 2-2 Planning Authorities in MMR

2.4.3 Adjoining Authorities

Adjoining authorities to Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation are as follows:

1. Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

2. Thane Municipal Corporation

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

3. Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation

4. Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM)

The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai formerly known as the Bombay Municipal
Corporation is the governing civic body of Mumbai, the capital city of Maharashtra. It was
established under the Bombay Municipal Corporation Act 1888. The city is an important
corporation in the MMR. Due to its proximity to Greater Mumbai, Mira Bhayandar city has
emerged as a dormitory town in the region. Thane Municipal Corporation

Thane Municipal Corporation is the governing body of thane city, Maharashtra. It is one of the
fastest-growing areas of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. It has been identified as a growth
centre in the Bombay Regional Plan and has had a positive impact on the development of Mira
Bhayandar city. Municipal Corporation of Vasai-Virar city (VVCMC)

It is a governing body of the Vasai Virar city of Maharashtra. It is the only Metropolitan City
that has a population of more than 10 lakhs in the Palghar district. It is located in North
Mumbai. The city has significant growth potential due to its proximity to Greater Mumbai.

Map 2-1 Adjoining Planning Authority

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2.5 Regional Connectivity

2.5.1 Road Network Connectivity
Mira Bhayandar is well connected with other parts of the region by an extensive network of
Railways and Roadways. Ghodbunder Road (SH 42) which passes through the city is an
important link between Mumbai-Agra National Highway (NH-3) and Mumbai-Ahmedabad
National Highway (NH-48). The Western Express Highway (WEH), is a 25.33 km city express
highway serving the cities of Mumbai and the MMR region. It is one of the busiest and most
important roads in the Mumbai Metropolitan Area and links the city with National Highway
48. It is a north-south artery of Mumbai that connects the city with its western suburbs.
Maharashtra State Transport Corporation offers intercity bus transport across various districts,
namely Thane, Palghar, Mumbai suburbs, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, etc. The city has its
internal public transportation named Mira Bhayandar Municipal Transport (MBMT). It is a
bus-based municipal transportation system operated by the private company Kestrel
Infrastructure Pt. Ltd. Since Mira Bhayandar is a dormitory town for Mumbai, MBMT buses
usually act as feeder service to regional sub-urban rail transportation mode, i.e., for local trains
However, MBMT had emerged as the main mode of public transit for intra-city mobility.

2.5.2 Railway Connectivity

The city is located on the Western Railway and includes Mira Road and Bhayandar railway
stations which are at a distance of 40 km and 44 km from the Churchgate Railway Station
respectively. All the local trains from Mumbai to Virar and some of the through trains on the
Western railway halt at the Bhayandar Railway station. Mira Road station is a passenger station
situated between the Borivali and Bhayandar stations on the western line of the Mumbai
suburban railway. It has 4 platforms and the train serves the station 12 hours a day. Bhayandar
station is also on the western line of the Mumbai suburban railway. It has 6 platforms and the
train serves the station 20 hours a day.

2.5.3 Airport
The city does not have air connectivity. The nearest Mumbai airport is located at a distance of
22 km from the city. It operates flight services to different parts of the country and the world.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 2-2 Regional Road Connectivity

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2.5.4 Mass Rapid Transit System

Mumbai Metro with 10 lines is an urban Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) being built to
serve Mumbai, Maharashtra’s capital and largest city. Mumbai Metropolitan and Regional
Development Authority have proposed a Metro Rail system for Mira Bhayandar city. Metro
Line 9 which is an extension of Metro Line 7 will connect Andheri to CSIA and Dahisar to
Mira Bhayandar. The total length of the route is 13.581 km long (11.386 km elevated and 2.195
km underground) with 10 stations. It will provide interconnectivity among the existing Western
Express Highway, Western Railway, ongoing Metro Line 2A (Dahisar to D N Nagar), and
Metro Line 7 (Andheri (E) to Dahisar (E)). It will also provide rail-based access to the
commercial area, government departments, and geographical landmarks in Mumbai. A
maintenance Depot has been proposed at Mira-Bhayandar (main depot for entire line-7). The
total land area proposed for maintenance facilities is 20.0 Ha. It will reduce the current travel
time by anything between 50% and 75% depending on road conditions.

2.5.5 Waterway Connectivity

The Maritime board has planned to develop a water transport project which would help the city
to connect Vasai, Borivali, Thane, and Mumbai. This would help to provide easy connectivity
to this area, reduce travel time and encourage an environment-friendly commute. The
waterways are proposed from Bhayandar to Vasai, Mumbai to Morva, and Gorai to Borivali.
These proposed projects will reduce travel time and fuel consumption in the area.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 2-3 Proposed Road Network, Metro Line, Waterways

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2.6 Topography and Climatology

2.6.1 Geographic Structure
The city of Mira Bhayandar is situated in the northern part of the Konkan Division in the west
of Maharashtra. It is located between 18°42'N – 20°20'N latitude and 0° 25'E – 73° 44'E
longitude. Its total geographical area is 79.64 sq. Km. The AMSL of Mira Bhayandar city is 3
meters. The city is bounded by Sanjay Gandhi National Park to the east, to the north is Vasai-
Virar city, to the south is Mumbai city and the Arabian sea on the west. The population of Mira
Bhayandar city as per the 2011 Census is 8.09 lakhs.

2.6.2 Topography
Mira Bhayandar is geographically located in the northern part of the Konkan region to the west
of the Sahyadri hill ranges. The whole city is on plain-level land. The Vasai creek surrounds
the city from east to north followed by the Arabian Sea at the west. The city is bounded by
Sanjay Gandhi national park in the south, in the southeast by thane city, and Mumbai city in
the southwest. Geographically the city falls in the Deccan lava terrain. Uttan, Ghodbunder,
and the Eastern part of the city form hilly regions. The plain terrain formed a wide area of
water-logged and marshy land on the west of Mira Road.

2.7 Climatology
The climate of the city is equable with no large seasonal variations. The region experiences
hot, humid summer and mild winter. The climate in the month of October to November is wet
and hot followed by cool and pleasant weather from December to February and dry and hot
weather from March to June. The climate of Mira-Bhayandar is typically coastal sultry and not

2.7.1 Temperature
The mean maximum temperature in the city varies from 26°C to 37°C during the whole year.
The temperature is maximum during the months of March to May. The maximum average
temperature observed during summer is 37°C and the minimum temperature observed is 22°C
while the maximum temperature during winter is 33°C and the minimum is 16°C. During the
year, average temperatures vary by 6.8°C. The temperature has been increasing over the years
and summers have been getting hotter and more severe.

The following diagram shows the Maximum temperature (Degree) observed from the month
of January to December. The ‘mean daily maximum’ (solid red line) shows the maximum
temperature of an average day for every month for Mira Bhayandar. Likewise, ‘mean daily

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

minimum’ (solid blue line) shows the average minimum temperature. Hot days and cold nights
(dashed red and blue lines) show the average of the hottest day and coldest night of each month
of the last 30 years (meteoblue).

Figure 2-3 Month-wise Average Temperature

Figure 2-3 shows how many days per month reach a certain temperature. The month of March
to May mostly experiences bright sunny days with temperatures between 35°C to 40°C. The
temperature in the month of July to September is between 20°C to 25°C. The city experiences
25°C to 30°C temperatures in the month of October to January (meteoblue).

Figure 2-4 Month-wise Temperature

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 2-2 Monthly Temperature and Rainfall of Mira Bhayandar City

Total Rainfall Mean Relative

Sr. No. Month Temperature °C
(mm) Humidity

Max Min Mean %

1 January 10 32 16 24 54

2 February 10 33 17 25 54

3 March 10 36 20 28 53

4 April 10 37 22 29 63

5 May 25 36 25 30 68

6 June 575 31 25 28 82

7 July 800 27 25 26 89

8 August 575 26 24 25 89

9 September 350 28 24 25 87

10 October 50 32 22 27 73

11 November 20 33 19 26 57

12 December 10 32 16 24 55

2.7.2 Rainfall
Being on the western coast, the rainfall usually starts at beginning of June to ends in the last
week of September. Annual total rainfall in the vicinity of the city is 3670.4 mm with a
maximum of 800 mm in the month of July. Most of the rainfall received in the region is a result
of the southwest monsoon, though occasionally some rainfall has been reported in the winter
months (from the northeast monsoon) or late summer (pre-monsoon showers). The
precipitation diagram for Mira Bhayandar shows how many days per month received certain
amounts of precipitation. The month of November to April is mostly dry and sunny months
and the month of May receives a light shower. In the month of June to September, the city
receives heavy rainfall between 20-50 mm. Again, in the month of October city experiences a
light shower (meteoblue).

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Precipation in mm

575 575
400 350
100 25 50
10 10 10 10 20 10

Figure 2-5 Rainfall Pattern

Figure 2-6 Rainfall Diagram

2.7.3 Cloudy, Sunny, and Precipitation Days
The graph shows the monthly number of sunny, partly cloudy, overcast, and precipitation days.
Days with less than 20% cloud cover are considered sunny, with 20-80% cloud cover as partly
cloudy and with more than 80% as overcast (meteoblue). The region mostly experiences sunny
days in the month of October to March. Overcast weather is mostly observed in the month of
June to September. During this month city mainly receives rainfall. The days of the month of
April and May are partly cloudy.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 2-7 Month-wise Climate

2.7.4 Humidity
The humidity in Mira Bhayandar ranges from 47% to 89%. Maximum humidity is recorded in
the month of July. The overall humidity throughout the year in the city is on the higher side
due to the coastal area (meteoblue).

2.7.5 Wind Speed

The wind direction is generally from North West and West for a major period of the year. The
annual mean wind velocity is 15.48 km per hour. During the hot season, however, velocity
gradually increases reaching its peak in the month of July with the directions from the South
West and West.

Figure 2-8 Wind Speed Diagram

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 2-9 Wind Rose Diagram

Figure 2-8 shows the days of the month, during which the wind reaches a certain speed. The
wind rose diagram in Figure 2-9 for Mira Bhayandar shows how many hours per year the wind
blows from the indicated direction (meteoblue).

2.7.6 Geomorphology and Soil Type

The Mira Bhayandar city forms part of the western slope of the Sahayadri hill range. This hill
range passes through the eastern part of the Thane district. A major part of the district
constitutes rugged and uneven topography, characterized by high hills and steep valleys.
Physiographically, the district can be divided into two broad divisions-Undulating Hilly Tract
and Coastal Plain in the western part. Most of the soils in the district can be considered as being
derived from trap (Basaltic) rocks.

2.8 Growth Drivers

Growth drivers can be nearby transport corridors, and influential corridors located in the
vicinity of the planning area which shall act as an important focal point, and catalyst for the
development of the planning area. Mira Bhayandar is well connected to other regions with an
extensive network of roadways and railways. This will act as an important factor in the growth

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

of the city and strengthening such factors will help in stimulating the economic and social
development of the city.

2.8.1 Western Expressway

Western Expressway serves the city of Mumbai and Mira Bhayandar. It is an important road
in the MMR and a part of National Highway 48. It is a north-south artery of Mumbai, stretching
from Bandra to Ghodbunder. For most of its course, it is 8-10 lanes wide with several flyovers.
It stretches up to 25.33 km in Mumbai. The road carries heavy goods traffic and serves as an
important link between Mumbai and Mira Bhayandar (Western Expressway).

2.8.2 National Highway

National Highway 48 is a major link road connecting the Mumbai-Ahmadabad Road (NH-8)
part of the Golden Quadrilateral near Ghodbunder to Mumbai-Agra Road (NH-3) near
Kapurbawadi. This link passes through the Municipal Limits of the Mira Bhayandar Municipal
Corporation area. The traffic entering MMR from Palghar and Nashik direction has two
alternatives to reach the rest of the region, via Kaman-Anjur Phata Road on the north of Vasai
creek or the Ghodbunder road on the south of Vasai creek. It mainly carries heavy commercial
traffic between NH-3 and NH-8. So, it is a strategically important location in the MMR. This
road faces massive traffic congestion at various spots during peak traffic times. Congestion of
traffic causes undesired burning of automobile fuel, which is a national loss in addition to the
contribution of pollution, which would be a contributing factor to air quality in the adjacent
Sanjay Gandhi National Park (Maharashtra State Highway 48).

2.8.3 Mumbai Suburban Western Rail line

Western Railway line passes through the corporation area and divides the city into 2 parts east
and west. It connects Mira Bhayandar to other parts of the MMR. Commercial and other
economic activities started booming around the railway station area. The rail line was
established as an important communication route in the region.

2.8.4 Mumbai Metro Line 9

A Metro line is proposed for the city and is the extension of Line 7 from Andheri to CSIA and
Dahisar to Mira Bhayandar. It shall provide interconnectivity among the existing Western
Express Highway, Western Railway, ongoing Metro Line 2A (Dahisar to D N Nagar), and
Metro Line 7(Andheri (E) to Dahisar (E)). A maintenance Depot has been proposed at Mira-
Bhayandar (main depot for entire line-7). The area surrounded by the rail line and station will
be developed as a commercial or economic base for the city.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2.8.5 Dormitory Town

Mira Bhayandar is the nearest urban centre on the periphery of Greater Mumbai. Greater
Mumbai has achieved a saturation level in terms of population. Being the nearest urban centre
and relatively lower cost of living, made Mira Bhayandar gradually developed into an
important residential locality. Thus, it presently serves as a growing dormitory town in Greater
Mumbai city (Environment Status Report, 2018-19).

2.8.6 Industrial Hub

In 1954, the Barve Committee has decided to decongest industrial activity in the Mumbai Island
area. The land is an important factor in the development of any industry. Mira Bhayandar had
a lot of vacant parcels for such development. Due to the availability of land and proximity to
Mumbai, most of the industries shifted to Mira Bhayandar. The industrial growth, however, is
concentrated in the eastern part of the Bhayandar as transportation facility was available near
that area. The city has now emerged as a hub for machine manufacturing and machine spare
part industries. It ranked the fourth position in Asia for small-scale industrial development.

2.9 Planning Efforts in The Past

Mira Bhayandar Municipal Council was established in the year 1985 by merging 9 villages
into the area. The Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Plan holds into account a part of the Mira
Municipal Corporation for development. So, the zonal plan for the area surrounded by Mira
and Bhayandar station was prepared by Town Planning and Valuation Department and
sanctioned by the government, vide notification no. RBP/1173/1136/RPC dated 2nd June 1973.
But an increase in residential and industrial activity was recorded at the same time which called
for a revision of the plan to include additional zones like industrial, and residential and to
allocate a considerable amount of open space, a town centre, and a road network. Modifications
for all the above concerns were made under the provisions of the MRTP Act 1966 and the same
was sanctioned by the Urban Development Department, the revisions of which were made by
the Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority. In the process of revision and
preparing the zone plan the concept of flowing space was introduced. It was soon realized that
a concept like so would be not only difficult to manage by a local authority but also leaving
vast stretches of land unattended could cause further obstacles.

Under the provision of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966, the Planning
Authority must prepare a Draft Development Plan for the area for which there is no
Development Plan within a specified period from the date of constitution of the planning

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

authority in our case it is Mira Bhayandar Municipal Council. The city declared its intention to
the preparation of first Development Plan in 1991 and the plan was sanctioned (excluding the
EP) in 1997 by the State government. The main objective of the Development Plan is to evolve
an appropriate and well-integrated land use pattern of development for the entire council area
as a whole for a time horizon of 2011for better management of the city development activities.

During the ’90s city observed growth in population and demographic composition. Based on
that, Mira Bhayandar Municipal Council declared a Municipal Corporation in 2002. Also, in
2002 excluded part of the Development Plan was sanctioned by the State government (Mira
Bhayandar Development Plan Report, 1997).

2.9.1 Regional Plan

Mira Bhayandar Municipal corporation area is included in Mumbai Metropolitan Region for
which Regional Plan has been prepared. The Mumbai Metropolitan Region lies to the west of
the Sahyadri hill range and is part of the North Konkan region. MMRDA was established under
the MMRDA Act 1974 & the first regional plan was prepared by Regional Planning Board and
sanctioned in 1973 under the provisions of the MR&TP Act, 1966. The area of MMR increased
from 3965 sq. km. in 1967 to 4355 sq. km with the inclusion of two parts from tehsils of Alibag
and Pen of Raigad district in the South and also the deletion of 9.04 sq. km from Vasai tehsil
so that the boundary was co-terminus with the Tansa River.

The ‘Mumbai Metropolitan Area’ was declared following the constitution of the Mumbai
Metropolitan Planning Committee (under the Maharashtra Metropolitan Planning Committee
(constitution & Function) Ordinance 1999) for the preparation of the Draft Development Plan.
Accordingly, the Mumbai Metropolitan Region was constituted vide Government Notification
No. MPC-2010/CR129/2011/UD-30 dated 23rd April 2012.

In the constitution of the MMR to draft the Regional Plan in 2012, a new district, Palghar has
been carved out from the existing Thane district. A part of MMR falls within this new district.
Thus, the Mumbai Metropolitan Region includes two full districts of Mumbai City, Mumbai
Suburban, and three-part districts of Thane, Raigad, and the newly created Palghar.

Starting with 1 Municipal Corporation (Greater Mumbai), 13 Municipal Councils, 24 Census

Towns, and 1166 villages in 1981, the number grew to three corporations (i.e., Greater
Mumbai, Thane, and Kalyan), 12 Councils, 12 census towns, and 1013 Villages in 1991. By
census 2001, there were 6 Corporations in MMR (including three new corporations of Mira
Bhayandar, Ulhasnagar, and Navi Mumbai corporations), 14 Municipal councils, 17 Census

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Towns, and 1023 Villages. By census 2011 two more corporations of Bhiwandi and Vasai Virar
were added. MMR today has a total of 8 municipal corporations, 9 municipal councils, 35

MMR Regional Plan, a proposed new metro network from Mira Bhayandar- Kharbav- Nashik
Road has been proposed which will increase connectivity across the region. The new creek
bridge is also proposed from Thane to Kharbav across Ulhas creek which will connect Thane
and Mira Bhayandar to the north of Ulhas Creek, particularly to the proposed northern
Bhiwandi bypass. A coastal road is proposed to connect Mira Bhayandar to Vasai across Vasai
Creek. According to the current proposal 218 MLD of water is allocated to MBMC from Surya
Dam to meet the future water demand of Mira Bhayandar city. Also, 442 MLD water is
allocated to Mira Bhayandar and Vasai Virar city from the Pinjal dam.

Map 2-4 Proposed Land use, Regional Plan of Mumbai Metropolitan Region, 2021

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2.9.2 Development Plan

The Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation declared its intention to prepare Draft
Development Plan for the area under its jurisdiction on 24th January 1986. The Draft
Development Plan for the area was published in 1997. Overview of Earlier Sanctioned Development Plan of Mira Bhayandar

• The Mira Bhayandar Municipal Council was established on 12th June 1985 after
merging 9 adjacent villages in its jurisdiction. Under the provision of section 24 of
MR&TP Act, 1966 Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation has appointed the Assistant
Director of Town Planning, Thane as a Town Planning Officer for carrying out the ELU
survey, preparation of the ELU map, and formulation of proposals.
• To provide a guiding framework to the Assistant Director of Town Planning, Thane,
Government under Resolution No. TPS- 1289/1962- UD-12 dated 4.12.1989 has
constituted an advisory committee under the Chairmanship of the Director of Town
Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune.
• The advisory committee held meetings in which broad planning issues and giving
guidelines for framing proposals of the Development Plan prepared by the Town
Planning Officer were kept before the committee.
• Mira Bhayandar Municipal Council published the Draft Development Plan for the
entire area under its jurisdiction for eliciting objections/suggestions from the public by
General Body Resolution dated 18th December 1992.
• Mira Bhayandar Municipal Council 5-member Planning Committee under section 28
of the MR&TP Act 1966, under its Resolution No. 116 dated 18th December 1992.
• Planning Committee was responsible to heard suggestions/objections from the public
and submitting its report to the Planning Authority.
• But Planning Committee failed to submit its report to the Planning Authority. Thus,
Planning Authority failed to submit Development Plan under section 30 of the MR&TP
Act 1966, to the State Government for sanctioning within the stipulated period i.e., up
to 31st December 1993.
• Thereafter State Government appointed the Dy. Director of Town Planning, Konkan
Division as the Town Planning Officer under section 162 of the MR&TP Act 1966, to
perform the duties of the Planning Authority.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

• The objections to proposed modifications were scrutinised and after taking decisions
the Development Plan was modified and submitted under section 30 of the MR&TP
Act 1966, to the State Government for Sanctioning.
• The Government sanctioned the part Development Plan in the year 1997 and the
remaining part was subsequently sanctioned in 2002.
• The Plan has adopted traditional methods to conduct surveys for the preparation of the
Base map, Existing land use, and Proposed land use. Land Use Composition of Previous Development Plan

In the given sanctioned Development Plan, the land uses have been broadly classified into
residential, commercial, industrial, public purpose, recreational, transportation, and agriculture
allied activities.

To study the past and present character and trends of Development, the ELU survey was carried
out with the following objectives

1. Determining the predominant uses of localities

2. Determining existing amenities available in the localities and deficiencies thereof
3. Determining the extent of marshy lands and creek lands
4. Selecting sites for reservations for public purposes by locating generally vacant lands
5. Studying the intensity of Developments locality wise
6. Studying the extent of imbalanced structures in land uses categories with other
metropolitan towns
Table 2-3 Land Use in Mira Bhayandar Corporation Area

% to the Total % to the

Sr. No. Existing Land Use Area (Ha)
Municipal Area Developed Area

1 Residential 282.85 3.56 47.12

2 Commercial 5.33 0.07 0.89

3 Public & Semi-Public 12.00 0.15 2.00

4 Industrial 126.51 1.59 21.08

Transport &
5 156.90 1.98 26.14

6 Public Utilities 1.10 0.01 0.18

7 Organized Open Spaces 13.52 0.17 2.25

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

8 Cremation Ground 2.03 0.03 0.34

Total Developed Area 600.24 7.56 100.00

Non-Developed Area

9 Agriculture 144.29 1.82

10 Horticulture 9.00 0.11

11 Urban Vacant Land 4440.97 55.93

12 Marshy land & Saltpans 1394.33 17.56

13 Forest & Hilly land 1294.41 16.30

14 Water Bodies 57.32 0.72

Total Undeveloped Area 7340.32 92.44

Total Municipal Area 7940.56 100.00

Source: Draft Development Plan, Mira Bhayandar 1997

As per the Existing Land Use Map, out of the total area of Mira Bhayandar Municipal
Corporation, 7.56% area is developed which included residential, commercial, public & semi-
public, industrial, transport, etc. whereas 92.44% of the area is non-developed which includes
agriculture, horticulture, vacant land, marshy land, saltpans, forest and water bodies, etc.


Total Developed Area

Total Undeveloped Area


Figure 2-10 Land Use Distribution

The analysis of the existing land use survey state that, the maximum area to the extent of
47.12% of the total developable area is under residential use. It is followed by the area under

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

transport and communication used to the extent of 26.14%. The area under the industrial zone
is 126.51 Ha which is 21.08% of the total developable area. The total area under public & semi-
public use is 12 Ha i.e., 2% of the developable area. The area that accounts for commercial use
is 5.33 Ha which is to an extent of 0.89% of the developable area. The share of recreational use
is 2.25% of the total developable area.

0% 2% 1%


26% Public & Semi Public

47% Industrial

Transport & Communication

Public Utilities
Organized Open Spaces

Cremation Ground
2% 1%

Figure 2-11 Composition of Developed Area SSS

According to an existing land use survey and analysis, nearly 92.44% of the total area of the
town is undeveloped while 7.56% of the area is developed. The area under residential use is
3.56% and 1.98% is under transportation. The industry occupies 1.59% of the total area, 0.01%
denotes organized gardens, open spaces, playgrounds, etc. and 0.151% is under public and
semi-public use, and the area under public utilities is 0.01%.

Development Plan 1997 has estimated less population growth than what the trend suggested.
The previous Development Plan used reservations as a primary tool for garnering lands for
public purposes. Accommodation Reservations and Transfer Development Rights were used
as a tool to provide an incentive to private owners for providing land for the designated purpose
or public use. The exchange of FSI instead of land surrendered by the owner free of
compensation for road widening and construction of new DP roads has been adopted to

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

minimize the financial burden on the urban local body (Mira Bhayandar Development Plan
Report, 1997).

1% 0% 0% 2% 0% Residential
2% 0%
4% 2% Commercial
Public & Semi Public
Transport & Communication
Public Utilities

17% Recreational
Urban Vacant Land
Marshy land & Saltpans
Forest & Hilly land
Water Bodies

Figure 2-12 Land Use Composition

Map 2-5 Development Plan, Mira Bhayandar, 1997

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


3.1 Introduction
The data gathered through an extensive Existing Land use survey to capture existing land use
details of each parcel at block level was used to create an Existing Land Use map on a GIS
platform. Examination of the existing land uses and their distribution over the area helps to
understand the town and its activities. The Existing Land Use provided information regarding
the various uses the land is being put to and the extent of development that has taken place
since the previous Development Plan. Urban lands are subjected to diverse land uses which
form an intricate and complicated mixture in the city. The procedure for the preparation of the
ELU map is mentioned in Section 25 of the MR&TP Act, 1966.

3.2 Existing Land Use Classification

Various land use categories have been considered to map the existing land use patterns of the
city. Since the Earlier Sanctioned Development Plan, there are significant changes made in
both categories as well as classification. In the previous Sanctioned Development Plan only
main land use categories were considered, but in GIS-based DP, a detailed classification has
been considered like Eco-sensitive area, Specific land uses, wetland and wasteland, etc. in
addition to the main land use categories.

To capture the existing land use, the total area has been broadly classified based on
development as Developed area, Developable area, and non-Developable area. The developed
area consists of the Land use categories like Residential, commercial, Mixed, Industrial,
Public-Semi Public, Recreational, Public Utilities, and Transportation. The Developable area
has land use categories as Vacant land and Agricultural Land. The Non-developable area
includes Wetlands, Wastelands, Specific land use, Eco-sensitive area, Water body, Forest and
Defense, etc. The main classes are further subdivided into 479 sub-classes covering the existing
land use in detail for the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation area.

3.3 Land use Distribution

The total planning area under Mira Bhayandar Development Plan is 6479 Ha. Table 3-1 shows
the various land uses to which the land is presently put. The Existing Land Use survey reveals
that only 26.80% (1736 Ha) of the planning area is developed, 13.84% (896 Ha) is developable
and 59.35% (3845 Ha) is a non-developable area.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Out of the total planning area, 10 % (647.62 Ha) comes under Residential uses, 1.05% (67.99
Ha) under Commercial uses, 1.85% (120.02 Ha) under Industrial use, and 4.79% (310.07 Ha)
under Mixed use. The total area coming under Public-semi-public use consisting of land uses
like Educational, Health services, Central and State Government properties, etc. is 2.02%
(130.85 Ha). The area coming under Recreational land use consisting of categories like Garden,
park, playground, and swimming Pool is 0.98% (63.78 Ha). Transport and communication
facilities consisting of the area under transportation, traffic-related land use, and
communication constitute around 0.99% (63.83 Ha). The area coming under roads is 4.69%
(304.17 Ha) of the total Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation area. The total Developable
area is 13.84% (896.82 Ha) which consists of Agricultural Land 3.51% (227.68) and 10.33%
(669.14 Ha) Vacant land of total area. The total area coming under non-developable area is
59.35% (3845.59 Ha) of the total area which consists of Wetlands 6.12% (396.82 Ha), Eco-
sensitive area 39.65% (2568.66 Ha) which includes the area under mangrove and Sanjay
Gandhi National Park. The area under the forest is 0.005% (0.311 Ha). The detailed land use
classification is given in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Existing Land Use Distribution

Sr. Area % of Developed % of Total

Land Use
No. (Ha) Area Area
A) Developed Area
1 Residential 642.255 36.88 9.91
2 Commercial 66.282 3.81 1.02
3 Mixed 311.285 17.87 4.80
4 Industrial 119.089 6.84 1.84
5 PSP 134.847 7.74 2.08
6 Recreational 70.770 4.06 1.09
7 Public Utilities 22.171 1.27 0.34
Transportation &
8 63.958 3.67 0.99
9 Roads 304.763 17.50 4.70
10 Other 6.188 0.36 0.10
Total 26.88

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

B) Developable Area
1 Agriculture Land 169.984 20.45 2.62
2 Vacant Land 661.285 79.55 10.21
Total 831.269 12.83
C) Non-Developable Area
1 Wetlands 317.915 8.14 4.91
2 Eco-sensitive area 65.71 39.62
3 Social Forest 0.409 0.01 0.01
4 Water Body 159.991 4.10 2.47
5 Other 860.856 22.04 13.29
Total 100.00 60.29
Total 6479 100

2% 2% Commercial
1% Mixed
2% 10% Industrial
0% 5% PSP
Public Utilities
5% Roads
3% Agriculture Land
Vacant Land
10% Wetlands
Eco-sensitive area
Social Forest
Water Body

Figure 3-1 Existing Land Use Distribution

The category-wise distribution of Existing Land Use of the Mira Bhayandar Municipal
Corporation is given in Table 3-2.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 3-2 Existing Land Use Distribution- Category wise

Sr. No. Category Area (Ha) % of total area

1 Developed Area 1742 26.88
2 Developable Area 831 12.83
3 Non-Developable Area 3906 60.28
Total 6479 100

Developed Area

60% Developable Area

Non-Developable Area

Figure 3-2 Existing Land Use Distribution- Category wise

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 3-3 Existing Land Use Map

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

4.1 Introduction
Fundamental facts of population growth and demographic are considered an important basis
for rational, realistic, and long-term comprehensive planning. Demography is the statistical
study of the human population, its size, composition, and distribution across space, and the
process through which populations change. Births, deaths, and migration are the ‘big three’ of
demography, jointly producing population stability or change. This section gives an overall
review of the demographic profile of the planning area about the census data.

4.2 Existing Population

The existing population details of the project area have been derived from Primary Census
Abstract- 2011 for Mira Bhayandar City. The total population recorded for Mira Bhayandar in
the year 2011 was 8,09,378 out of which the male population is 4,29,260 and the female
population is 3,80,118.

Table 4-1 Existing Demography of the city

Mira Bhayandar City Total Male Female

Population 809378 429260 380118

Children (0 - 6 years) 88015 46375 41640

SC 30243 15761 14482

ST 12596 6471 6125

Literates 656293 356434 299859

Total Workers 316363 248227 68136

Sex Ratio 886

Child Sex Ratio 898

Source: Census of India, 2011

The census ward-wise total population, SC/ST population, working population, and population
of literates and illiterates are given in detail in Annexure 1.

4.3 Growth of Population

As mentioned above the population of the entire area of Mira Bhayandar was 8.09 lakhs as
against 5.20 lakhs in 2001. There has been a significant increase in the population of the city

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

since the year 1971. Each year has seen a consistent increase by more or less three times the
population before. Census data show that the decadal growth rates of 1971-81, 1981-91, and
1991-2001 are 103%, 161%, and 196% respectively. The decadal growth rate of the city was
at its peak in the decade 1991-2001. In the year 2011, the population increased in absolute
number; however, percentage decadal growth shows a steep decline from 196.34% to 55.53%.
The population growth rate pattern of the project area is graphically illustrated in Figure 4-2.

Table 4-2 Decadal Population Variation

Census Year Population Growth Rate

1961 25560 -

1971 33022 29.19

1981 67192 103.48

1991 175605 161.35

2001 520388 196.34

2011 809378 55.53

Source: Census of India, 2011






200000 175605

100000 67192
25560 33022
1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Figure 4-1 Decadal Population from 1961 to 2011

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


50.00 29.19

1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Figure 4-2 Decadal Growth Rate

4.4 Structure of Population

4.4.1 Sex Ratio
The Mira Bhayandar city recorded a population of 809378 in 2011 out of which 429260 are
male whereas 380118 are female. The overall sex ratio of Mira Bhayandar city is 885, which
is lower than that of the State average (925) and National average (940) as per the Census 2011.
The sex ratio for the population below 6 years of age, during the same period for the city, is
898, which is slightly higher than the State average (883) and lower than the National average
(914). The overall sex ratio has witnessed positive growth while the same for the population
below 6 years of age between 2001 and 2011 has mostly witnessed a negative growth rate. The
total sex ratio of Mira Bhayandar increased from 817 to 886 whereas the sex ratio for the
population below 6 years marginally reduced from 900 to 898 from 2001 to 2011.

Table 4-3 Sex Ratio

Census Year Overall Sex Ratio Sex Ratio below 6 years

1961 846 -

1971 899 -

1981 854 -

1991 857 950

2001 817 900

2011 886 898

Source: Census of India, 2011

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



899 900 898


854 857 886



1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
Overall Sex Ratio Sex Ratio below 6 years

Figure 4-3 Sex Ratio

4.4.2 Literacy Rate
As per Census 2011, the literacy rate of Mira Bhayandar is 81.01%, which is closer to the State
average (82.34%) and higher than the National average (74%). The literacy rate among males
is 54.31% whereas the literacy rate among females is 45.69%. In both cases, the literacy rate is
lower than the State average and National average. Table 4-4 shows that the literacy rate for
males is reduced from 57.45% to 54.31% while for females it slightly increased from 42.55%
to 45.69% from 2001 to 2011. Figure 4-4 indicate that the female literacy rate increased from
1961 to 2011.

Table 4-4 Literate Population from 1961 to 2011

Census Total- M- F- Total Male Female

Year Literate Literate Literate (%) (%) (%)

1961 8591 6401 2190 33.61 74.51 25.49

1971 16135 10461 5674 48.86 64.83 35.17

1981 42247 25726 16521 62.88 60.89 39.11

1991 120899 69839 51060 68.85 57.77 42.23

2001 402490 231236 171254 77.34 57.45 42.55

2011 656293 356434 299859 81.09 54.31 45.69

Source: Census of India, 2011

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037










1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
Total Male Female

Figure 4-4 Literacy Rate

4.4.3 Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
The Scheduled Caste (SC) population constitutes Mira Bhayandar is 3.74% of the total
population while the Scheduled Tribe (ST) constitutes 1.56%. This percentage seems to be
comparatively much lower than the State rates which are 9.35% and 11.81% for Scheduled
Caste and Scheduled Tribe respectively. Table 4-5 shows the details and percentages of the

Table 4-5 Population Composition

Census Year Total SC % Total SC Total ST % Total ST

1961 480 1.88 2883 11.28

1971 118 0.36 4111 12.45

1981 929 1.38 6995 10.41

1991 3767 2.15 5407 3.08

2001 5935 1.14 6629 1.27

2011 30243 3.74 12596 1.56

Source: Census of India, 2011

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

4.4.4 Household Size

The average household size in Mira Bhayandar is 4.3 as per Census 2011. It has been observed
that the average household size in the city decreased during the period from 1971 to 2011. The
HH size has reduced from 5.7 to 4.3 during the same period.

Table 4-6 Number of households

Census Year Population Households HH Size

1961 25560 4818 5.3

1971 33022 5819 5.7

1981 67192 13450 5.0

1991 175605 38361 4.6

2001 520388 117276 4.4

2011 809378 187059 4.3

Source: Census of India, 2011

4.4.5 Religion Wise Population

As per the census of 2011, Hinduism is the majority religion in Mira Bhayandar city with 68.96
% followers. Islam is the second most popular religion with approximately 16.28 % following
it. In Mira Bhayandar city, Christianity is followed by 6.01 %, Jainism by 5.67 %, Sikhism by
0.53 %, and Buddhism by 1.86 %. Around 0.14 % stated 'Other Religion', approximately 0.54%
stated No Particular Region.

Table 4-7 Religion Wise Population

Sr. No. Religion Total Share

1 Hindu 558176 68.96

2 Muslim 131781 16.28

3 Christian 48682 6.01

4 Sikh 4283 0.53

5 Buddhist 15033 1.86

6 Jain 45905 5.67

7 Others 1161 0.14

8 Not Stated 4357 0.54

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Source: Census of India, 2011

0% 1%
2% Hindu


69% Jain


Not Stated

Figure 4-5 Religion-wise Population

4.5 Population Distribution

4.5.1 Ward-wise Population Distribution
The Mira Bhayandar city covers an area of 79.40 sq. km. and has been divided into 24
Municipal wards. The gross density of each ward has been indicated in Table 4-8. Population
shares of ward number 10 and 11 are the highest in the city. It has been seen that the population
is mainly distributed in Goddev, Navghar, Bhayandar, and Mira villages. The development of
Miira Bhayandar is mainly clustered around railway stations of Bhayandar and Mira Road, due
to the availability of transport facilities. The area to the west of Bhayandar station and around
Bhayandar Gaothan has developed and give a gross density of 1131 persons per hectare. The
area around Khari Gaothan and east of the Bhayandar station has been developed into a
residential area and shows a gross density of 1129 persons per hectare. Further, the major
development observed around the east of Mira Road railway station gives an average gross
density of 600 persons per hectare. The villages along the west side of the coastal line and
around the forest show the lowest gross density.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 4-8 Existing Gross Population Density

Ward Number Population Area (Ha) Population Density (pph)

1 32377 343 94

2 31643 53 597

3 35483 42 845

4 34662 34 1019

5 36141 32 1129

6 31671 28 1131

7 31971 33 969

8 33455 66 507

9 32600 58 562

10 38439 83 463

11 37410 103 363

12 31106 121 257

13 33537 498 67

14 35655 2215 16

15 33872 109 311

16 32286 156 207

17 35838 60 597

18 35471 146 243

19 31467 67 470

20 33146 49 676

21 35245 78 452

22 37138 50 743

23 31460 1614 19

24 27305 2050 13

Source: Election Department, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 4-6 Population Density

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

4.5.2 Slum Population

The slum population in the city has been growing in the last decades and constituted 7.2% of
the total population in 2011. There are 33,269 households residing in slums. Table 4-9 indicate
that most of the slums are located on privately owned land. Slums are not uniformly distributed
throughout the city. Slum pockets are generally found along the railway track, on the periphery
of the forest, on water courses/creeks, and in low-lying areas prone to flooding. The majority
of the slums are observed in Bhayandar and Mira villages. The slums and their location are
listed in Annexure 2.

Table 4-9 Details of Slum

Total Number of Slums 36

Total Households (HH) 33269

Total Population 58349

Government 15
Land Ownership
Private 21

Source: Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA), 2011

Table 4-10 Slum Population

Year Population Slum Population % to Total Population

2001 520388 37240 7.16

2011 809378 58349 7.21

Source: MMR Slum Report, 2001 and Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA), 2011

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 4-7 Existing Notified Slum

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

4.6 Registered Birth and Deaths (2014 to 2020)

The details of registered births and deaths from 2014 to 2020 for the Mira Bhayandar Municipal
Corporation area as follows.

Table 4-11 Population from 2014 to 2020

Year Birth Death Total Increase Total Population

2014 9640 3801 5839 820839

2015 9421 3931 5490 826329

2016 9648 4052 5596 831925

2017 9679 4053 5626 837551

2018 9492 4318 5174 842725

2019 10260 4760 5500 848225

2020 8559 6649 1910 850135

Source: Birth and Death Department, MBMC

0.60 0.67 0.68 0.68 0.65
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Figure 4-8 Natural Growth Rate

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

10000 9640 9421 9648 9679 9492
5500 6649
5839 5174
6000 5490 5596 5626
4052 4053 4318
3801 3931

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Birth Death Total Increase

Figure 4-9 Birth and Death, MBMC, 2014-2020

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

5.1 Introduction
Analysis of the economic activities of the city is necessary to understand the process of growth
and dynamics of the city. Employment pattern is one of the important parameters of economic
growth of the city. The structure of employment in and around Mira Bhayandar city can be
studied in various ways.

5.2 Occupational Structure

According to 2011 Census data, there are 3,16,363 workers i.e., 39.09% of the total population
while the remaining 4,93,015 are classified as non-workers. Figure 5-1 indicates that the
percentage of the total working population increased from 1981 to 2011. The above workers
are further classified into main and marginal workers. Main workers are those who have
worked for the major part of the reference period i.e., 6 months or more. While marginal
workers are those who have not worked for the major part of the year. Table 5-1 shows that
89.04% of the total workers are main workers while 10.96% are marginal workers as per the
2011 Census. Thus, the numbers indicate that most of the people of Mira Bhayandar city have
long-term employment. But, the share of the main workers is reduced from 96.26% to 89.04%
in the last decade i.e., from 2001 to 2011. This implies that jobs in long-term employment are

Table 5-1 Economic Profile of Mira Bhayandar

Census Total % of Total Non- % of Non- Main Marginal

Year Workers Workers Workers Workers Workers Workers

1961 12187 47.68 13372 52.32 - -

1971 10686 32.36 22529 68.22 - -

1981 20228 30.10 36429 54.22 18737 1491

1991 59690 33.99 113884 64.85 57659 2031

2001 193158 37.12 327230 62.88 185934 7224

2011 316363 39.09 493015 60.91 281675 34688

Source: Census of India, 2011

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



37.12 39.09
40.00 33.99
32.36 30.10



1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Figure 5-1 Working Population

5.2.1 Employment Pattern
The relative importance of various employment sectors of the economy in the town is identified
by the employment absorption capacity of that sector in the local employment of the town. The
local employment in the urban town is mainly provided by the following sectors

• Small- and large-scale industries

• Newly upcoming industries
• Shops and commercial establishments
• Educational and health institutions
• State and Central Government offices

Census has classified workers into cultivators, agriculture labours, HH industry workers, and
other than HH workers. Out of the total workers of Mira Bhayandar city, 0.68% are engaged
in cultivation, 0.67% are working as agricultural labour, 3.05% are household labour and
95.60% are engaged in other than household industry.

Table 5-2 Occupational Structure

Census Agriculture Other than

Cultivators HH Industry Workers
Year Labours HH

1991 1.78 1.54 0.80 95.88

2001 0.16 0.41 1.87 97.56

2011 0.68 0.67 3.05 95.60

Source: Census of India, 2011

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

5.3 Functional Classification

Again, the total workers are classified into three main categories based on the nature of
employment. Out of the total workers, 4276 workers i.e., 1.35% are engaged in the primary
sector. Workers engaged in secondary and tertiary sectors are 3.05% and 95.60% of total
workers respectively. If any of these individual components have more than 40% of the total
workers, the area is classified as Mono-functional. If it is not so and if the total of the
percentages of the first two important categories is more than 60% of the area, it is said to be
bi-functional. Table 5-3 shows that percentage of workers engaged in the primary and
secondary sectors is not more than 40%. Thus, Mira Bhayandar city is termed a mono-
functional city. Also, we can say that the functional classification of the city is tertiary.

Table 5-3 Economic Sectors

Census % of % of % of
Primary Secondary Tertiary
Year Primary Secondary Tertiary

1991 1982 479 57229 3.32 0.80 95.88

2001 1101 3608 188449 0.57 1.87 97.56

2011 4276 9654 302433 1.35 3.05 95.60

Source: Census of India, 2011

5.4 History of Industrial Development

The peculiar sprawling growth of Mumbai influenced its surroundings. As per the
recommendations of the Barve Committee, industrial activities from the heavily congested
areas of Mumbai were dispersed around the city. This allowed the establishment of an industrial
area in and around Mira Bhayandar city. As a result, one industrial estate in Mira was
established by MIDC.

As per the Industrial, Location Policy spelled out by Government, in its notification No. ILP/
1082/ 1480/ IND-2 dated 3rd February 1984, the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation area
falls under Zone II. According to that industrial units including small-scale industries curbed
and restricted in the area. As a result, a large number of small-scale service-type industries had
come up in an unauthorised manner in the area mainly to the east of the Bhayandar railway
station. These industries mainly occupied the ground floor of the structure and not followed
any particular plan. Thus, the entire area has been developed haphazardly into an industrial

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

slum. All these industrial units are small-scale ancillary industries catering to the industries in
Greater Mumbai.

5.5 Paradigm Shift in Economic Base

Earlier the primary sector i.e., agriculture played a predominant role in the economy of Mira
Bhayandar city. After 1984, with the setting up of several manufacturing industries in Mira
Bhayandar, the major pillar of the city’s economic base shifted from the agriculture sector to
the secondary sector. Later, due to the industrial location policy, many industries in Mira
Bhayandar shut down and the economic base shifted towards the tertiary sector.

5.6 Employment Characteristics

The employment pattern in Mira Bhayandar has witnessed significant restructuring, especially
since 1990. There has been a rise in manufacturing and service sector employment and a decline
in primary sector employment. The structure of production continues to show a deceleration in
industrial activity with around 95% being contributed by the service sector. The share of
agriculture in Mira Bhayandar GDP has been falling over the years. Also, the share of the
manufacturing sector has seen declination in these years. Total employment in the primary
sector including agriculture and agriculture labor activity fell from 35% to 1.35% between 1961
to 2011. Total service employment has increased from 70% to 95% in the same period. The
contribution of the tertiary sector on the other hand has been on the rise. Figure 5-2 confirms
that agriculture and manufacturing employment has been falling over the years while that in
services is increasing.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037







0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Primary Secondary Tertiary

Figure 5-2 Distribution of Residential workers by industrial activity

5.7 Industrial Estate

As per the recommendations of the Barve Committee, industrial activities from the heavily
congested areas of Mumbai were dispersed around the city. There is one industrial estate in
survey number 2 of Mira developed by the M.I.D.C. The area of this industrial estate
admeasures 6 Ha. The plotting has been done by M.I.D.C. and allocated to the different
industrial activities. Map 5-1 shows the industrial estate layout.

5.8 Small scale Industries

The city is known as a hub for small-scale industries. The business came into existence in 2004
and since then has been known in the field. It is ranked third in the whole of Asia. The machine
manufacturing and machine spare part industries are major industries in the area. These
industries are located at Saraswati, Manasarovar Complex, Kashimira, and Bhayandar east
area. These industries are mostly located on the ground floor of the structure. The Government
in Industries and Labour Department has appointed a committee in 1986 under the
chairmanship of the Divisional Commissioner of Konkan Division to improve and ameliorate
the present situation of these industrial units. The committee has given some recommendations
to change the existing condition as follows:

1. To change the industrial location policy partly for the Bhayandar area.
2. Modify the zonal plan of Bhayandar and put new reservations.
3. To demolish the structures falling in the reservations of roads.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

4. To take action under the tenancy Act for evicting the purchases of land without
5. To take action vesting of land in Government under the Urban Land Ceiling Act.
6. To grant lands to the occupants on a leasehold basis.
7. To assess the unauthorized industrial structure for NA with appropriate fines and
8. To regularise the service units in Gaothan.
9. To rehabilitate the affected unit. Some of the industries are hazardous and polluting and
need to be shifted away from the residential area.

5.9 Shops and Commercial Establishments

The local authority maintains a record of the number of shops, commercial establishments, and
theatres registered for a year. According to a recent record available with Mira Bhayandar
Municipal Corporation, it is observed that there are 52, 809 shops and commercial
establishments, 172 hotels and restaurants, and 3 malls.

5.10 Conclusion
• The city’s economy has transformed agriculture and allied activities into tertiary activity
• The pattern of employment shows deceleration in industrial activities with around 95%
being contributed by the service sector

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 5-1 Industrial Estate Layout

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

6.1 Introduction
An effective and efficient transport system plays an important role in the development of the
area. They connect people with employment, public services, shopping and social networks,
and businesses to labour, consumer, buyer, and supplier markets. This chapter primarily
emphasizes the transportation scenario of the city. The chapter starts with a briefing on the
existing transport network and traffic situation in the area. The succeeding sections will give
an overall outline of the traffic and transportation condition of the city.

6.2 Existing Transport Network

The Kashimira-Bhayandar road is a major district road taking off from the Western Express
Highway near Kashimira junction leading to village Uttan via level-crossing at Bhayandar rail
line can be considered as the main axis of the city. Also, National Highway 48 known as a
Ghodbunder road connects the city to all parts of India and Maharashtra. Bhayandar and Mira
Road railway stations are located on the Mumbai Ahmedabad route of the Western Railway
and are at a distance of 44 km and 40 km respectively from Churchgate railway station. All
local trains from Mumbai to Virar and some of the trains on the Western Railway halt at the
Bhayandar Railway Station. Local trains from Mumbai to Virar halts at Mira Road Station.
Because of this mature rail and road network, Mira Bhayandar city is well connected to Greater
Mumbai, Kalyan, Dombivli, and Ambernath. The domestic, as well as international airports,
are at a distance of about 25-30 km from Mira Bhayandar.


42% National Highway

Major City Road

Minor City Road

Figure 6-1 Type of roads and its road length in the city

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-1Existing Transport Network

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

It is observed that the Western Expressway and National Highway in Mira Bhayandar are about
16 km and 8 km long, while other major roads include 112 km of the road network, which
forms the major arterial and sub-arterial road network of the city.

6.2.1 Public Transport

Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation started its public transport service in 2006, known as
Mira Bhayandar Municipal Transport (MBMT). It provides services in the city and Mumbai
suburbs like Thane, Borivali, Uttan, and Andheri. Mira Bhayandar Municipal Transport
(MBMT) operates a bus-based public transport system operating across 20 routes. MBMT
buses are mainly catering as a feeder system to people who have their destination in Mumbai
or for the people who come to Mira Bhayandar city. The city has one MBMT bus terminal
located at Mira Road. A map 6-2 shows the location of the MBMT bus depot.

There are two bus depots namely S. T. depot Bhayandar, and bus depot Mira Road in Mira
Bhayandar Municipal Corporation. Both bus terminals are located near the railway station in
the city. Map 6-3 is showing the location of the MSRTC bus depot in the city.

6.3 Mode Share

A modal share (also called mode split, mode-share, or modal split) is the percentage of travelers
using a particular type of transportation or the number of trips using said type. From the above
figure 6-2 it is inferred that the two-wheeler comprises of maximum trips (38%) in the city
followed by Auto Rickshaw (34%). Thus, there is a special need to provide infrastructure
facilities for auto rickshaws. The above chart also shows a very low number of trips of buses
in the city and bicycle trips, thus there is a need to provide more public transport facilities and
NMT infrastructure.
2% 1% 0%
Two Wheeler
Auto Rickshaw

20% 38% Car/ Taxi

34% Other

Figure 6-2 Mode Share

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-2 MBMT Bus Depot

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-3 MSRTC Bus Depot

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

6.4 Registered Vehicles

Category wise new motor vehicle registration in Mira Bhayandar has been compiled from the
Regional Traffic Office (RTO) for the period 2015-2021 and has been presented in figure 6-3.

Vehicles 2015-2016 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

2 wheelers 73439 78162 82999 80632 73354 50822
Cars/ Taxi 19288 26005 21566 17573 15439 14196
Auto 10460 4120 14795 11932 6622 1476
Buses 1213 1925 789 596 710 63
Trucks/ 4046 4574 6324 6197 4375 739
Others 3852 5412 2943 4314 4924 3401
Total 112298 119657 129187 120464 105285 70589
Source: RTO, Thane

It is observed from the above data that more than 60% of vehicles being registered in the city
are 2-wheelers followed by cars. The number of new registrations of auto rickshaws has
significantly decreased over time. It is observed that the total number of new vehicle
registrations has decreased from 1.12 lakhs in 2015-16 to 0.71 lakhs in 2020-21. Two-wheelers
account for the highest share with 65%-72% of the registered vehicles followed by cars and
auto/taxis. The growth of total motor vehicles and private vehicles is presented in figure 6-3.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037







0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000

2 wheelers Cars/ Taxi Auto Buses Trucks/ Tankers Others

Figure 6-3 Registered Vehicles

6.5 Accident Data

The accident data received from DCP, Traffic for the year 2020-2021 is given in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 Accident Data (2020-2021)

Year Fatal Major Injuries/ Serious Accidents with

Accidents Accidents Minor Injuries
41 96 7
21 58 7
Source: DCP Traffic, Mira Bhayandar

The rate of accidents is high in the city. It is observed that most of the accidents in the city
involve major fatal accidents. This could be happened due to the high design speed and
conflicting points at the intersection.

6.6 Analysis of the Existing Traffic Situation

A traffic survey is undertaken to determine the volume and/or nature of traffic utilizing a
particular route. To analyze the existing situation, surveys are conducted to understand the

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

capacities of the road network, and the characteristics of the corridors. The following surveys
are conducted as a part of the study.

1. Origin Destination survey

2. Speed and delay survey
3. Mid-block volume count survey
4. Intersection Volume Count Survey

6.6.1 Origin and Destination Survey Purpose of the Survey
Origin-destination (O-D) surveys provide a detailed picture of the trip patterns and travel
choices of the city’s residents. These surveys collect valuable data related to households,
individuals, and trips. This is performed to obtain information on the travel pattern of passenger
and goods vehicles in the city along with the trip desire in terms of destination and origin from
and through trips to the study area. This information allows stakeholders to understand travel
patterns and characteristics; measure trends; provide input to the development of the travel
demand model, forecasting and plan for city-wide transportation infrastructure needs and
services; monitor progress in implementing transportation policies.

The Survey results were further used as a calculation of the existing demand for the network at
various locations for the proposals. Objective
Origin-destination (O-D) data is used to analyse the effect of proposals for change (for
example, a new traffic management scheme, or a new road) in travel through a study area. The
O-D data is kept constant, but routes and journey times can be changed; the impact of the
proposal on individual trips and cumulative volumes, travel times, and costs can be assessed.
O-D data is usually presented as a matrix of trip volumes between each origin and destination.
The origin and destination points are the start and end zones of a trip, but can also be the entry
and exit points on the study area cordon. Survey Methodology

The interview method is generally used for recording the information for the origin and
destination surveys and the survey was conducted for at least 16 hours on a normal working
day. The following components are enquired/recorded in the survey through a questionnaire.

1. Vehicle Type

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2. Occupancy
3. Origin (Place and District)
4. Destination (Place and District)
5. Trip Details (Distance, Time, and Purpose
6. Commodity Details (weight) – Only for Freight Transport

The survey format for the Origin Destination survey is shown below,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037 Survey Locations

The first step in the Origin Destination survey is to choose locations for conducting the survey. The locations are selected such that it covers
intercity and intra-city passenger and freight movement. It is important to cover the outer cordon, screen line, and inner cordon locations. The
outer cordon is an imaginary line circumscribing the boundary of the study area and is termed a cordon point, if the location lies on the outer
boundary of the study area is termed an outer cordon point. The total number of outer cordons identified for the O/D survey is three. Map 6-4 is
showing locations identified for the Origin and Destination survey.

Map 6-4 Origin and Destination Survey Locations

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037 Survey Data Quality Control

Survey data collected in the field was then analyzed and processed by going through the
following procedures:

a) On-field checks

Random checks between stops were carried out to determine the consistency and accuracy of
the survey being carried out. TMT staff were contacted for their comments and feedback and
was incorporated for the successful completion of the program.

b) Logic checks

The collected data were processed for any logical errors that might have occurred in the field.
For Example, typo errors might have occurred while data collection.

c) Survey Analysis Summary

As a part of the survey, data collected was to estimate the total boarding/alighting at every
station for the weekday. This helped us to identify and understand required growth, existing
routing and scheduling, and shortfalls between passenger demand and available infrastructure.
This analysis would also surrogate in enhancing the future scheduling, routing, and better
serving the bus passenger needs and demand.

Figure 6-4 Survey Photos

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037 Survey Data Analysis

The Origin and Destination survey is carried out at the following locations,

1. Dahisar Toll Plaza

2. Fountain
3. Kashimira

a. Traffic Moving from Mira Bhayandar

The result obtained from the survey is summarized below in map 6-5.

Table 6-2 O-D Survey Matrix for Traffic Volume from Mira Bhayandar

Destination Dahisar Toll Fountain Kashmira Total Trips % of Total

Plaza Trips
Kalyan 41 0 0 41 3%
Mumbai 238 0 101 339 25%
Navi Mumbai 7 14 1 22 2%
Palghar 121 149 0 270 20%
Thane 246 32 128 406 31%
Vasai -Virar 153 98 0 251 19%

It is inferred that 31% of the traffic observed originated at Mira Bhayandar and moved towards
Thane followed by 25% towards Mumbai while Kalyan and Navi Mumbai's movement is

b. Traffic Coming to Mira Bhayandar

The result obtained from the survey is summarized below in map 6-6.

Table 6-3 O-D Survey Matrix for Traffic Volume destined at Mira Bhayandar

Origin Dahisar Toll Fountain Kashimira Total Trips % of Total

Plaza Trips
Kalyan 63 12 3 78 6%
Mumbai 233 84 108 425 30%
Navi Mumbai 45 10 2 57 4%
Palghar 28 43 0 71 5%
Thane 328 66 208 602 42%
Vasai -Virar 61 111 8 180 13%

It is inferred that 42% of the traffic observed destined at Mira Bhayandar is coming from Thane
followed by 30% from Mumbai while Kalyan and Navi Mumbai's movement is minimal.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-5 Trips from Mira Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-6 O-D Trips Destined at Mira Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

6.6.2 Speed and Delay Survey

The speed and delay survey is the most important survey and has a prominent role in traffic
and transportation studies. The survey is conducted to obtain variations in speed over the stretch
of road. Usually, a stretch of length more than 500 meters is considered under the scope. Speed
and travel times are the most commonly used indicators of performance for traffic facilities
and networks. Delays are often used to measure the performance of traffic flow at intersections.
Travel time studies provide necessary data to determine the average travel time, combined with
the length of the corridor under study, this data is used to produce the average travel speed.
Since vehicle speed is directly related to travel time and delay, it is also an appropriate measure
of performance to evaluate traffic systems.

This study was conducted to determine the amount of time required to traverse a specific route
section of a road. The data obtained were travelled time and travel speed information with
details like a reason for delay etc. Purpose of the Survey

1. The purpose of a travel time and delay study is to evaluate the quality of traffic
movement along a route and determine the locations, types, and extent of traffic delays
by using a moving test vehicle.
2. The study output is generally used to compare operational conditions before and after
roadway or intersection, improvements. It can also be used as a tool to assist in
prioritizing projects by comparing the magnitude of the operational deficiencies (such
as delays and stops) for each project under consideration.
3. The methodology presented herein provides engineers with quantitative information
with which they can develop recommendations for improvements such as traffic signal
retiming, safety improvements, turn lane additions, and channelization enhancements. Applications
1. The travel time and delay data enable traffic and transportation planners to define
problem locations where design or operation movements may be essential to increase
operational efficiency and safety.
2. Travel time and delay data will also enable the traffic analyst to monitor the roadway’s
level of service for local government comprehensive plans. Study Procedure

1. To conduct the travel time and delay study, the study area is defined as Mira Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Municipal Area limits by selecting all control points before beginning the study.
2. For the nomenclature of control points, node numbers are used. The study has been
carried out during the A.M. and P.M. peak hours as well as Off-peak hours in the
direction of heaviest traffic movements.
3. These studies were carried out during reasonably good weather so that unusual
conditions do not influence the study. Also, since crashes or other unusual delays
produces erroneous results, any runs made during such occurrences were terminated
and additional runs were conducted. These studies were conducted during typical
weekday traffic conditions.

For conducting the travel time and delay study, the floating car technique was used. In the
technique, the driver floats with the traffic by passing as many vehicles as pass the test car. To
determine the number of runs required for statistical significance, the following has been set in
the method: The number of runs – 4 (Morning Peak and off-peak hour, Evening Peak and off-
peak hour). Survey Data Analysis

Analysis of speed and delay survey involves a calculation of control point to control point
averages, average travel time, average travel speed, average delay, average running speed,
average running time, and calculated route average. Once this data was collected, the results
were analysed to evaluate the road sections. The detail of each area is provided in the section
below: The speed data is analyzed for morning peak and evening peak.

It is noticed that speed depends on the time of the day due to the travel pattern of the commuters.
It is observed that most of the traffic is concentrated at Mira Road in the morning peak hour
with 14 kmph and lower in the inbound direction with 12.8 kmph in the evening. This is due
to the larger number of commuters traveling from Mira Bhayandar to Mumbai/ Thane in the
morning and vice versa in the evening.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The graphical representation of the data collected for morning peak hour 10AM-11AM shown in the map below,

Map 6-7 Speed and Delay Survey result (10-11 AM)

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The graphical representation of the data collected for morning peak hour 7 PM-8 PM shown in the map below,

Map 6-8 Speed and Delay Survey result (7-8 PM)

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037 Major Inferences

The average journey speed in the city differs from 11 kmph to 18 kmph during peak hours,
whereas the average journey speed in the city ranges from 15 kmph to 25 kmph during the off-
peak hour. The analysis shows that the travel speeds in the evening peak hour are generally
higher than the travel speed during the morning peak hour. The survey records the lowest
average journey speed on Mira Road during peak hours and the highest average journey speed
during peak hours with 22 kmph in Mira Bhayandar North. The general reasons for delay are
higher traffic volume, lower road capacity, pedestrian crossing, road geometry, un-optimized
signal, and road pavement.

6.6.3 Traffic Volume Count Survey Using Videography

TVC surveys were conducted to appreciate the traffic characteristics in terms of average daily
traffic, traffic composition, peak hour traffic, directional split, and vehicle classification at
individual intersections and major roads. The survey was conducted for a duration of 16 hours
on normal working days, detailed objective and methodology of this survey are explained as
under. Survey Methodology

The purpose of these surveys is to collect data on the number and types of vehicles that are
making specified movements at the location at different times of the day. The volume of traffic
is expressed as a rate of flow, usually either as vehicles per hour (vehicles/hr), in particular, the
peak hour demand on the road, or vehicles per day (vehicles/day). This information plays a
very crucial role in capturing the dynamic nature of how traffic demand in the city is being met
and helps bridge the gap between theoretical strategic models and the ground situation.

A total of 4 major locations are selected to perform a videography survey and collect data on
the traffic characteristics of each arm. The detail of the location selected and survey carried out
along with a day count and locations selected for the videography survey are shown on the map

i. At Major Intersections- 2 Locations (Bhayandar Station Junction, Kashimira Junction)

ii. Mid-Block locations at Major Roads- 2 Locations (Uttan Road, Western Expressway)

The data collection was carried out by dividing locations following the nature of the
intersection and its impact on overall traffic demand in the city. This makes it easy to refer to
the conditions at any point in the future, which will also be serving audit purposes. Manual
counting ensures higher accuracy, due to the highly heterogeneous nature of traffic in the city.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The video data is then tabulated in the form of turning movement counts by a manual counting
process and then compiled into a computer database by a dedicated videography team and data
analysis team.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-9 TVC and TMC Survey Locations

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-10 Mid-Block Count Survey Locations

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037 Classified Traffic Volume Count

The data collection exercise for traffic volume at intersections is conducted using the
videography technique for a duration of 16 hours on a normal working day. The traffic data are
recorded at 15 min of intervals on each arm for each vehicle group. Different vehicle types,
sizes, and characteristics are converted into equivalent passenger units. The Passenger Car
Units (PCU) for classification of vehicles for conducting traffic volume count are adopted as
recommended by Indian Road Congress in “Guidelines for Capacity of Urban Roads” (IRC:
106- 1990) as presented in the given Table.

Table 6-4 Recommended PCU Factor for different Vehicle Types

Vehicle Types Equivalent PCU Factor

Car (White Plate) 1
Taxi (Yellow Plate) 1
2-Wheeler 0.5
3-Wheeler 1.2
Mini Bus 1.4
School Bus 2.2
Bus (Govt) 2.2
Bus (Pvt) 2.2
3 WH 1.2
Goods Pick-Up 1.4
LCV 1.4
2-Axle Truck 2.2
3-Axle Truck 2.2
MAV 2.2
Tractor 2.2
Tractor with Trailer 4
Cycle 0.4
Cycle Rickshaw 1.5
Animal Cart 2

A classified traffic volume count survey is performed at identified heavily overcrowded

intersections where a huge upsurge of traffic movement is observed during peak periods. The
classified traffic volume count survey recorded these location traffic activities' traffic
characteristics such as vehicle composition, daily variation in traffic, hourly variation in traffic,
morning and evening peak hours as well as off-peak hours, and Directional distribution.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037 Analysis
Various vehicle types, sizes, and characteristics are converted into equivalent passenger units.
The Passenger Car Units (PCU) for classification of vehicles for conducting traffic volume
count are adopted as recommended by Indian Road Congress in “Guidelines for Capacity of
Urban Roads” (IRC: 106- 1990).

1. Bhayandar Station Junction

a. Uttan Road
Analysis has been carried out to study the hourly variation and peak-hour traffic characteristics.
The morning peak was observed to occur between 11:00 AM and 12:00 Noon and the evening
peak was between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM at almost all the locations.

The schematic representation of the hourly variation at Uttan Road is shown below:






Arm-1B, Chowk Junction to Uttan Arm-1A, Uttan to Chowk Junction

Figure 6-5 PCU-Hourly variation Uttan Road

a. Bhayandar Station Road
Analysis has been carried out to study the hourly variation and peak-hour traffic characteristics.
The morning peak was observed to occur between 11:00 AM and 12:00 Noon and the evening
peak was between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM at almost all the locations.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The schematic representation of the hourly traffic variation at Bhayandar Station Road is shown







8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

Arm-2B, Chowk Junction to Bhayandar Station Arm-2A, Bhayandar Station to Chowk Junction

Figure 6-6 PCU-Hourly variation Bhayandar Railway Station Road

a. Indralok Road
Analysis has been carried out to study the hourly variation and peak-hour traffic characteristics.
The morning peak was observed to occur between 11:00 AM and 12:00 Noon and the evening
peak was between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM at almost all the locations.

The schematic representation of the hourly traffic variation at Indralok Road is shown below.






8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

Arm-3B, Chowk Junction to Indralok Arm-3A, Indralok to Chowk Junction

Figure 6-7 PCU-Hourly variation Indralok Road

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

b. Kashmira
Analysis has been carried out to study the hourly variation and peak-hour traffic characteristics.
The morning peak was observed to occur between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM and the evening
peak was between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM at almost all the locations.

The schematic representation of the hourly traffic variation at Kashmira is shown below.






8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

Arm-4B, Chowk Junction to Kashimira Arm-4A, Kashimira to Chowk Junction

Figure 6-8 PCU-Hourly variation Kashimira Road

2. Kashimira Junction
a. Ghodbunder (Western Expressway)
Analysis has been carried out to study the hourly variation and peak-hour traffic characteristics.
The morning peak was observed to occur between 12:00 Noon and 1:00 PM and the evening
peak between 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at almost all the locations.

The schematic representation of the hourly variation of the Western Expressway towards
Ghodbunder is shown below:





8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00
Arm-1B, Kashimira Junction to Ghodbandar Arm-1A, Ghodbandar to Kashimira Junction

Figure 6-9 PCU-Hourly variation Ghodbunder

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

a. Boriwali (Western Expressway)

Analysis has been carried out to study the hourly variation and peak-hour traffic characteristics.
The morning peak was observed to occur between 11:00 AM and 12:00 Noon and the evening
peak was between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM at almost all the locations.

The schematic representation of the hourly traffic variation at Western Expressway towards
Boriwali is shown below.

8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

Arm-2B, Kashimira Junction to Boriwali Arm-2A, Boriwali to Kashimira Junction

Figure 6-10 PCU-Hourly variation Borivali Road

b. Kashimira
Analysis has been carried out to study the hourly variation and peak-hour traffic characteristics.
The morning peak was observed to occur between 11:00 AM and 12:00 Noon and the evening
peak was between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM at almost all the locations.

The schematic representation of the hourly traffic variation towards Kashimira is shown below:





8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00
to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

Arm-3B, Kashimira Junction to Kashimira Arm-3A, Kashimira to Kashimira Junction

Figure 6-11 PCU-Hourly variation Kashimira Road

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037 Summary
The surveys infer that the morning peak hour is 11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon and the evening peak
hour is 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. The V/C ratio of all locations is close to or greater than 1,
indicating there is a requirement for MRTS systems for regional connectivity. Mid-Block Count Survey

1. Uttan Road

Analysis has been carried out to study the hourly variation and peak-hour traffic characteristics.
The morning peak was observed to occur between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM and the evening
peak between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM at almost all the locations.

Analysis has been carried out to study the hourly variation and peak-hour traffic characteristics.
The morning peak was observed to occur between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM and the evening
peak between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM at almost all the locations.


PCUs per Hour


Kashmira to Uttan Road


200 Uttan Road to Kashmira


Figure 6-12 PCU-Hourly variation Uttan Road

2. Kashimira Western Expressway
Analysis has been carried out to study the hourly variation and peak-hour traffic characteristics.
The morning peak was observed to occur between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM and the evening
peak was between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM at almost all the locations.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

PCUs per Hour


Figure 6-13 PCU-Hourly variation Kashimira Expressway

6.6.4 Intersection Analysis
Intersection Volume analysis helps us understand the capacity of the road on the near side, far
side, and the capacity of the intersection. The intersection traffic volume analysis is performed
in the following locations,

1. Golden Nest Circle

2. Kashimira Junction Golden Nest Circle
Golden Nest Circle intersection analysis summary is shown below,
Morning Peak Hour Diagram PCUs/Hr. Evening Peak Hour Diagram PCUs/Hr.
Golden Nest Circle Golden Nest Circle
18-10-2021, 18-10-2021,

Bhayandar Station Bhayandar Station

ARM - 2 ARM - 2

362 326
457 477
1200 1036
Uttan Indralok Uttan Indralok
ARM - 1 ARM - 3 ARM - 1 ARM - 3

0 0
671 593
380 370

Kashimira Kashimira
ARM - 4 ARM - 4

Figure 6-14 Morning and Evening Peak Hour Diagram- Golden Nest Circle

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The volume capacity analysis of the near-side and far side of the intersection is shown in the
Table below,

Table 6-5 Capacity Analysis – Golden Nest Circle

Time Interval Uttan Road Inderlok Kashimira
V/C Morning 2.04 0.97 1.03 1.34
V/C Evening 1.86 0.87 0.96 1.22

It is inferred that the Uttan Road has a higher V/C ratio, and the road is saturated. The Uttan
Road and Kashmira Road require public transport routes or there is a need to increase the width
of the road to enhance its capacity of the road. Kashimira Junction

Kashimira Junction analysis summary is shown below,
Morning Peak Hour Diagram PCUs/Hr. Evening Peak Hour Diagram PCUs/Hr.
Kashimira Junction Kashimira Junction
18-10-2021, friday 18-10-2021, friday

Boriwali Boriwali
ARM - 2 ARM - 2


Kashimira Kashimira
1324 ARM - 3 1008 ARM - 3

773 829

Ghodbandar ARM - 1
ARM - 1

Figure 6-15 Morning and Evening Peak Hour Diagram- Kashimira Junction
The volume capacity analysis of the near-side and far side of the intersection is shown in the
Table below,
Table 6-6 Capacity Analysis – Kashimira Junction

Time Interval Mira Bhayandar Ghodbunder Kashi

V/C Morning 1.01 1.15 1.29

V/C Evening 1.04 1.06 1.16

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

All the roads approaching the junction are highly congested, thus there is a need to introduce
public transport routes or there is a need to increase the width of the road to enhance the
capacity of the road. Summary and Inferences

1. The analysis shows 99% of the share of motorized vehicles whereas the non-motorized share
comprises only 1% of the total composition of traffic.
2. Golden Nest Circle intersection along Uttan Road is the most congested location in the city
and recorded a maximum number of PCUs number which notify to take major steps to
decongest the junction.
3. Two-wheelers account for a high proportion of the total traffic.
4. Auto Rickshaw comes out to be the preferred intra-city transit option as it covers caters to
almost 1/3rd of total trips of the city.
5. Significant goods vehicle movement was observed on arterial roads and outer cordon points
of the city.
6. Significant intercity vehicle movement was observed on arterial roads and outer cordon
points of the city with most of the intercity movement towards Thane & Mumbai.
7. High Traffic volumes are along the major Mira Bhayandar Road of the city which is the
major road of the city and along roads connecting Mumbai & Thane. Thus, there is an
immediate need to purpose mobility improvement measures along this corridor.
8. Bicycle shares only 1% of the total composition of vehicles which points toward an urgent
need to take steps toward providing NMT infrastructure in the city and comprehensive
promotion of soft mobility options.

6.6.5 Public Transport Accessibility Analysis (PTA)

Public Transport Accessibility in the city is essential to understand the public transport service,
under-serviced and no-service areas in the city. PTA is essential to plan Transit Oriented
Development, Public Transport route rationalization, population densification, and
rationalizing parking norms in the city. Methodology
In this sub-section, the PTAL methodology and assumptions for mapping PTAL across Mira
Bhayandar for the study are detailed in the following steps:

1. Mapping Public Transport Routes – Public transport access points (stops and stations) will
be mapped for the following modes for existing and proposed scenarios –

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

a. Buses
b. Railways
2. There is a proposal for an upcoming metro network of Red and Violet lines as an extension
of the Mumbai Metro. The city is currently served by 20 bus routes of MBMT, the details
of which are given below:

Table 6-7 Public Bus Route

Sr. No Route No Route Name Turn Out Total Trip Run

1 1 Bhayandar st. (W) to Chowk 5 40
2 2 Bhayandar st. (W) to Uttan Naka 5 55
3 6 Uttan Naka to Manori Tar 2 22
4 7 Maxus Mall to Andheri stn. 1 4
5 7AC Maxus Mall to Andheri stn. 1 4
Bhayandar st. (W) to Thane st. (E) Kopari
6 10 7 28
via W.E.H Majiwada
Bhayandar st. (W) to Thane st. (E) Kopari
7 10AC 1 4
via W.E.H Majiwada
Bhayandar st.(E) to Western Hotel via Indra
8 12 2 24
lok Mangal Nagar
Bhayandar st. (E) to Magathane Depo via
9 14 10 60
Kashimira borivali st. (E)
Mira Road st. (E) To Rasmi Comp. via s. k.
10 15 3 60
stone Bevaly park cine max
Mira Road st. (E) To Tiwari College via s. k.
11 16 3 60
stone Bevaly park cine max
Mira Road st.(E) to J. P. Garden City Om
12 17 1 18
Money Tower
13 18 Western Park to Jogeshwari West 1 4
Mira Road Station (E) to K. D. Emp. Via
14 21 2 40
Rasaz Theatre Bharati Park Shivar Garden
Mira Road Station (E) To Shanti Vidhya
15 22 Nagari Via Jain Mandir Vijay Park Shivar 1 16
16 24 Mira Road Station (E) To Western Park 6 84
17 28 Mira Road stn.to Andheri stn. 1 4
18 28AC Mira Road stn.to Andheri stn. 1 4
19 29 Mira Road Station (E) to Thane Kopari (E) 5 20
20 29AC Mira Road Station (E) to Thane Kopari (E) 2 8
TOTAL 60 559
Other than the MBMT buses city is also connected via MSRTC buses for intercity movement
across the region.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

This main arterial road is laden with heavy traffic. The existing carriageway width is inadequate
for traffic capacity and safety considerations. There is frequent S.T. Bus Service from District
Head Quarters Thane to Bhayandar and Mira via. Ghodbunder. The thane-Borivali local BEST
Bus route passes skirting the city at Kashi village on Western Express Highway Coastal
villages like Uttan and Chowk are connected with frequent S.T. Bus service from Bhayandar
railway station (west). Bhayandar railway station (East) is also connected with BEST Buses
from Kandivali and Borivali railway station (East).

3. Analyzing the service radius of public transport - For estimating PTAL for each route the
procedure below will be followed for each point of interest.

Identification of Access Points – As a first step, for each POI, various service access points
will be identified which can be accessed from a particular grid. For bus access points within a
distance of 500m from the network, centroid will be considered to be accessed by walk. For
Local Rail access points, a distance of 2000m will be considered while for metro rail 1000m
service distance is considered.

Table 6-8 Service area of Public Transport

Sr. No. Area Served by Public Transport Area

1 Area Served by Bus Network 28 sq.km
2 Area Served by Local Rail Network 23 sq.km
3 Area served by Proposed Metro Rail Network 20 sq.km
4 Total Area Served by Existing Public Transport 37 sq.km
5 Area Not Served by Any Public Transport 23 sq.km
(Including forest Area, proposed metro network)
6 Area Not Served by Any Public Transport (excluding forest 8.5 sq.km

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-11 shows the Local Train Network, Bus Public Transport Routes that are operational in Mira Bhayandar, proposed metro routes of Red
Line & Violet Line

Map 6-11Public Transport Routes of Mira Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-12 shows the area served by Public Transport across the city. The service radius of local train is assumed to be 2 km, while of metro rail
1km and that of bus network 500m.

Map 6-12 Area Served by Public Transport Service of Mira Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 6-13 shows the area which is not served by any public transport mode. Some areas of ward number 13, 14, and 23 are not served by Public
Transport. Only 12% of the area of the town needs to be served by covered by future public transport networks. The upcoming masters will try to
serve these areas.

Map 6-13 Area not Served by Public Transport

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7.1 Introduction
Provision and equitable access to basic physical infrastructure in terms of water supply,
sewerage, and solid waste management are essential to achieve a better quality of life for
citizens. The increasing population inevitably places these services under pressure, leading to
disparities in terms of insufficiencies and access. This chapter focuses on the existing situation
of water supply, sewerage, and solid waste management and issues arising for these services
in fulfilling the growing demand.

7.2 Water Supply

Water supply is one of the primary needs of any community irrespective of the classification
being urban or rural. Out of all municipal services, the provision of potable water is perhaps
the most vital. In all cases, the water supply system must fulfill both quality and quantity
requirements. The water supply system comprises infrastructure for the collection,
transmission, treatment & storage, and distribution of water for homes, commercial
establishments, industry, and irrigation, as well as for such public needs as firefighting and
street flushing. This section analysis the existing water supply system, issues in the present
context, and existing and proposed water supply projects.

7.2.1 Source of Water Supply

Mira Bhayandar city receives water supply from two sources viz. STEM and MIDC. MBMC
receives 86 MLD of treated water from Shahad Temghar Water Authority (STEM) which is a
combined water supply scheme for Thane, Bhivandi-Nizampur City, Mira-Bhayandar
Municipal Corporations, and 34 villages in the vicinity. STEM is managed by Executive
Committee constituted by three Municipal Corporations. The main source of water for this
scheme is the river Ulhas. Mira Bhayandar receives another 125 MLD treated water from
MIDC and the source of water for that is also the Ulhas River. The total water supplied to
MBMC in the present context is about 211 MLD.

Table 7-1 Source of water for Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation

Authority Water Supplied (MLD)

MIDC 125
Total 211
Source: Water Supply Department, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7.2.2 Treatment and Storage

The raw water drawn from the Ulhas River is treated at the Temghar water treatment plant by
STEM and the Jambhul water treatment plant by MIDC. The treatment plant has four clarifiers
of 310 MLD each with a pure water sump of 21.6 ML. The plant also has eight 900 HP
induction motor vertical pumps (four working and four standby) operating at 79 meters. The
utilization of this WTP is limited to 200 MLD (71% of the installed capacity). The treated water
is pumped through the rising mains from Temghar and transmitted through a pipeline laid along
the Thane-Bhiwandi bypass (NH-3) to the master balancing reservoir (MBR) of 15 ML
capacity at Mankoli which is 3.6 km away from the treatment plant. The outer diameter of the
pure water rising mains is 1530 mm.

The treated water is transmitted through the 25.5 km long gravity main to Saket Junction where
STEM and MIDC water pipelines crossed each other. Again, the treated water is transmitted
to the Chene MBR through 17.5 km long gravity main pipes. From here the treated water is
further distributed into 33 elevated service reservoirs (ESR) spread over the city. From these
reservoirs, water is supplied to the residents in different water supply zones for a duration of 4
hours. The total storage capacity of existing storage reservoirs is 45.78 MLD. MBMC has
proposed 31 new storage reservoirs with a capacity of 107.5 MLD which will enhance the
storage capacity to 153.28 MLD. The location and capacity of different storage reservoirs are
listed in Table 7-3 and 7-4.

Table 7-2 Details of Water Treatment Plant

Water Treatment Plant Design Capacity (MLD) Peak Operational Flow (MLD)
Temghar (STEM) 310 200
Jambhul (MIDC) 200 175
Source: STEM and MIDC

Table 7-3 List of Existing ESR in MBMC

Sr. No. Location of ESR Number Capacity (MLD)

1 Chowk 1 0.30
2 Light House 1 0.20
3 Uttan Old 1 1.00
4 Dongri MBR 1 0.76
5 Subhash Chandra Bose Old 1 2.00

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

6 Subhash Chandra Bose New 1 1.00

7 Kamala Park 1 1.75
8 Sudama Nagar 1 0.80
9 Morva 1 2.50
10 Uttan New 1 1.50
11 Geeta Nagar 1 2.00
12 Navghar Old 1 2.50
13 Navghar New 1 2.00
14 Indralok 1 2.00
15 Goddev 1 1.25
16 Kanakiya 1 1.25
17 15 no. bus stop 1 1.50
18 Ghodbunder 1 0.70
19 Kashi 1 2.00
20 Aakruti 1 2.00
21 Chena 1 0.30
22 Varsave 1 0.40
23 Silver Park Old 1 2.00
24 Shanti Nagar (Sec. 7) 1 1.10
25 Shanti Nagar (Sec. 2) 1 1.00
26 MIDC (HL) 1 0.60
27 Mahajanwadi 1 2.00
28 Mira 1 1.00
29 MIDC (LL) 1 2.00
30 Asmita (Old) 1 2.00
31 Asmita (New) 1 1.00
32 Shanti Nagar (Sec. 11) 1 0.87
33 Silver Park New 1 2.50
Total 45.78
Source: Water Supply Department, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 7-4 List of Proposed ESR in MBMC

Sr. No. Zone Name Number Storage (ML)

1 Chene Kajupada 1 0.5
2 Ghodbunder Pro 1 2.5
3 Vinay Nagar 1 2
4 Silver Sarita 1 1
5 JP Builder Pro 1 2.25
6 Mandavi Pada 1 2
7 Mahajanwadi Pro 1 2
8 Penkarpada 1 2
9 Pleasant Park 1 2
10 RNA Courtiyad 1 1.75
11 Sector 7 Pro 1 1.5
12 Shantinagar S. 11 1 2
13 Asmita Park Pro 1 3
14 Kanakiya near the bus depot 1 2.5
15 NR RBK School 1 2.5
16 Kanakiya 3 1 1.75
17 NR STP-7 1 2.5
18 Indralok Pro 1 2.75
19 Jeshal Park STP 1 3
20 Navghar Pro 1 2
21 Near Sport Complex 1 2
22 Goddev Pro 1 2
23 Narmada Nagar 1 2
24 Pro near STP 1 1 2.5
25 Proposed at STP 1 1 2.25
26 Near New Fire Station 1 2.5
27 Geeta Nagar 1 2
28 Rai 1 1
29 Rai 1 1 1

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

30 Dongari MBR 1 0.75

31 Chene MBR 1 48
Total 107.5
Source: Water Supply Department, MBMC

Sr. No. Name of pumping Station Capacity in Lakh liters

1 Kasha Janata Nagar GSR & Pumping Station 2.50
2 Dongari Sump & Pumping 1.20
3 Asmita Park Sump & Pumping 10.00
4 MIDC Sump & Pumping 20.00
5 Shanti Nagar Sec 7 Sump & Pumping 11.00
6 Shanti Nagar Sec 11 Sump & Pumping 10.70
7 Light House Sump & Pumping Station 0.80
8 Kapurbawadi Pumping Station 30.00
Total 86.20
Source: Water Supply Department, MBMC

7.2.3 Distribution Network and Transmission

The treated water is pumped from Temghar and Jambhul water treatment plants and then stored
at MBR of the respective authority. The water from STEM and MIDC MBR is transmitted to
the Saket junction which is 25.5 km and 27.8 km away from the respective MBR. A sluice
valve is installed at Saket junction to control the gravity flow of water. Again, the treated water
is transmitted through a 17.5 km long gravity main with a diameter of 1500 mm to Chene MBR.
Further, treated water is distributed to other ESRs and residents.

As per the water energy audit conducted in the year 2019-20, estimated transmission losses
were approximately 18%. The water supply department has taken various initiatives to reduce
leakages such as closing all public stand posts, increasing the usage of DI pipelines instead of
cement, repaired sluice valves.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7.2.4 Coverage of Water Supply Connection

Mira Bhayandar city has approximately 90% water supply coverage. Most of the areas in the
city are served through gravity while in hilly areas pumping system is provided. The city has
40,302 domestic and 3,291 non-domestic connections. Domestic connections serve around
1,68,353 households in the city. It indicates that a single connection on average serves almost
three to four households. The public taps, stand posts, and hand pumps are not operational in
the city.

7.2.5 Per Capita Water Supply

The per capita supply of water to the residents is 112 LPCD in Mira Bhayandar which is below
the standard prescribed by CPHEEO.

7.2.6 The extent of Metering of Water Connections

There is a total of 43,593 water supply connections in Mira Bhayandar city out of which 40,302
are domestic and 3,291 non-domestic connections. The domestic connections include
connections to individual households, slums, and connections to apartments (multi-
households). Flow meters are available to quantify the amount of water drawn from different
sources. Currently, all water connections are metered. MBMC charges Rs. 13 per thousand
liters for domestic connection and Rs. 50 per thousand litres for non-domestic connection.

7.2.7 The extent of Non-Revenue Water

Over the last few years, the daily average production has been 211 MLD. All the connections
are metered, so it is easy to determine billed consumption. A per water audit conducted in 2019
shows the extent of non-revenue water is around 18% in Mira Bhayandar.

7.2.8 Quality of Water Supply

The quality of water supplied is measured as the percentage of water samples that meet or
exceed the specified potable water standards, as defined by the Central Public Health and
Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO). STEM and MIDC conduct a test at the treatment plant
while the water supply department of MBMC conducts tests at ESRs daily. These samples are
tested at the Public Health Laboratory, Konkan Bhavan.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7.2.9 Service Level Indicators

Table 7-5 Service level benchmarks for water supply service

Parameter Benchmark Level in FY
1 Coverage of water supply connections (%) 100 90
2 Per capita supply of water at the consumer end (LPCD) 135 120
3 The extent of metering of water connections (%) 100 100
4 The extent of non-revenue water (%) 20 18
5 Continuity of water supply (hrs per day) 24 4

7.2.10 Proposed Water Source Planning Projects

The present source of water for Mira Bhayandar city is STEM and MIDC. The city needs to
find another source of water to cater to the growing water demand in the coming year. The
State government has approved a 403 MLD water supply scheme for Mira Bhayandar and
Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation. Under the scheme, the city will receive 218 MLD of water
from MMRDA. The water will be pumped from the Surya dam and transmitted through a 98
km long gravity main with a diameter of 1750 mm. The water will be stored at Chene MBR
having a capacity of 48 MLD and then transmitted to the other ESR. The water supply
department of the city has proposed another 30 more ESR to meet future demand.

7.3 Sewerage
A sewerage system, or wastewater collection system, is a network of pipes, pumping stations,
and appurtenances that convey sewage from its points of origin to a point of treatment and
disposal. The main function of a sanitary sewer system is to protect water quality and public
health. Mira Bhayandar which is one of the fastest urban conglomerations in Maharashtra has
taken further steps to have a better operated and maintained sewage system. Being a satellite
city to Mumbai, it has been identified as the upcoming growth centre with an additional need
to allocate the sewage and waste generated by the rising population. The details of the sewerage
management system of the corporation are mentioned in this section.

7.3.1 Existing sewerage system

The provision of sanitation and wastewater disposal facilities to the citizens is an obligatory
function of the municipal corporation. Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation had made it
compulsory for the provisions of septic tanks, furthermore, septic tank latrines were also used

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

for any new constructions. The main roads running along the city are equipped with drains
which mainly collect and carry the sullage water from all the households. The total length of
the drainage system is 528 km. Out of that, 18.5 km are pucca drains while 10.5 km are open
drains. The whole corporation area is divided into 8 zones. The underground sewerage system
scheme includes a network of 115 km. To date, only 15% of the sewage is connected to
underground sewerage drains while 85% of the raw sewage is directly laid out in the open
drains. Geographically, the sewage network is spread across 57% of the city. At present, 168.8
MLD sewage is generated in Mira Bhayandar city.

Table 7-6 Details of Existing Sewerage System

Sr. No. Particulars Details

1 Length of Sewer Lines 115 km

2 No. of Sewage Pumping Station 10

3 No. of Waste Water Treatment Zones 10

4 No. of Manholes 13988

5 No. of Inspection chambers 426

6 Total estimated sewage generated 168.8 MLD

7 Total treatment capacity 115 MLD

Source: Drainage and Sewerage Department, MBMC

7.3.2 Sewage Treatment

The treatment is a process that includes removing the pollutants chemically, physically, or
biologically to produce environmentally safe sewage water. This is carried out in various ways,
either close to where the waste is produced, or the collected sewage can be transported via a
network of pipes and pump stations to a central location or a Municipal Plant. There is a total
of 10 STP located in the different zones of the city to treat sewage and sullage collected through
the sewerage network. The total treatment capacity of STPs is 115 MLD. The total sewage
generation is 168.8 MLD, of which only 115 MLD is collected and treated. Thus, the collection
efficiency of the sewage network is 68%. MBMR treatment technology will be used at the
STPs to reuse the treated sewage for construction and gardening purposes. The treated sewage
is discharged into the Arabian Sea and Vasai Creek.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 7-7 Existing Sewage Treatment Plant

Sr. Operational
Location Location Address Capacity
No. Status

Near Nazareth High School Bhayandar Work in

1 Zone - 1 8
(W) Process

2 Zone - 2 Near Kasturi Garden Bhayandar (W) 8 In Operation

Work in
3 Zone - 3 Kharigaon, Bhayandar (E) 13

4 Zone - 4 Golden Nest Road Bhayandar (E) 12 In Operation

5 Zone - 5 Kanakia Mira Road (E) 17 In Operation

6 Zone - 6A Shantipark, Sangavinagar, Mira Road (E) 13 In Operation

7 Zone - 6B Mhada Colony Mira Road (E) 7 In Operation

Shantinagar, Mira Road (E) near Ayyappa

8 Zone - 6C 11 In Operation

Work in
9 Zone - 7 Kanugo, near ahmad raza ground 12

10 Zone - 8 Hatkesh near 15 no bus stop, Grounder 14 In Operation

Total 115

Source: Drainage and Sewerage Department, MBMC

7.3.3 Service Level Indicators

Table 7-8 Service level benchmarks for sewerage service

Service Level in FY
Sr. No. Parameter Benchmark
1 Coverage of sewerage service (%) 100 57
2 Collection efficiency of sewerage (%) 100 68

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 7-1 Existing Sewage Treatment Plant

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7.3.4 Storm Water Drainage

The original geography of the area is interrupted by a network of creeks, rivers, and a system
of drains that play a major role in stormwater drainage in Mira Bhayandar. There is no
comprehensive stormwater drainage system provided by the corporation in the MBMC area. It
can be stated that MBMC has provided roadside open gutters for collecting the local run-off
from roads and abutting areas. Mira Bhayandar has 27 major and 7 minor nallas that start from
Sanjay Gandhi National Park at Yeoor Hills at a height of 415 m. The total length of the nallas
is 21.6 km. These nallas discharge stormwater into the Arabian Sea and Vasai Creek.

Table 7-9 Summary of Storm Water Drainage

Type of Drains Numbers Total length (km)

Major Nallas (width > 1.5m) 27 17.3

Minor Nallas (width < 1.5m) 7 4.3

Total 34 21.6

Source: Nalla Department, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar faces certain natural disadvantages which increase the probability of flooding
post heavy showers. Firstly, it receives a significant amount of rainfall, about 3670 mm on
average every year. Secondly, large catchments of water are formed within a short time because
of the storm runoff from the hills around the city. Lastly, the discharge point of the drains is a
creek and hence high tides affect the disposal of stormwater. Other reasons such as a rise in the
quantum of storm runoff due to an increase in impervious areas which is a result of the
development and concretization of land or a decrease in the cross-section of natural and
manmade streams because of encroachment results in the accumulation of stormwater in the
city. The Storm Water Drainage Department, a branch of Mira Bhayandar Municipal
Corporation Public Works Department is responsible for implementing the Integrated Storm
Water Drainage Project in the city. To overcome the problem of stormwater, the department
has taken the initiative of lining up nalla.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 7-2 Existing Natural Strom Water Drainage System

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7.4 Solid Waste Management

Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management typically involves a timely collection of waste;
transportation; its treatment to reduce volume and ultimately safe disposal of waste in ways
that most effectively protect human health and the environment. The Municipal Solid Waste
(MSW) of Mira Bhayandar is handled by the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation as per
the Solid Waste Management Rules (2016), notified by the Ministry of Environment & Forests
(MoEF), Govt. of India. The Corporation manages the collection, transportation, and disposal
of solid waste generated in the city. As per prescriptions of the Solid Waste Management Rules
(2016), the Corporation is working on implementing source segregation; bulk waste generators,
and a decentralized waste management process in all the wards.

7.4.1 Solid Waste Generation

Municipal solid waste in a city in India is mixed in nature, consisting of maximum residential
waste. Other waste generation sources are commercial units, markets, hotels and restaurants,
institutions including schools, colleges, offices, street sweepings, drain silt, and green areas
including a park, and gardens. The Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation is collecting about
484 MT of municipal solid waste per day. Table 7-10 shows the sources of waste generation in
addition to the quantum of waste generated by each source. The sources of waste generation

• Residential area
• Commercial establishments
• Hotels/ restaurants
• Markets/ Mandis
• Street sweeping
• Institutions

Figure 7-1 illustrates that 42% of the total waste is generated from the residential area, 28%
from hotels and restaurants, 9% from commercial establishments and markets, 6% from
institutional waste, and 5% from street sweeping. It reveals that waste generation per person
per day is 569 grams per capita per day (GPCD).

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 7-10 Details of Solid Waste Generation

Source of Waste Generation Volume (TPD)

Households 202.5

Commercial Establishments 45

Hotels and Restaurants 135

Markets 45

Street Sweeping 22.5

Hospitals 0.94

Institutional 30

Other Sources (Debris) 3

Total 483.94

Source: Solid Waste Management Department, MBMC

0% 6%
Commercial Establishments
Hotels and Restaurants


Street Sweeping

28% Hospitals

Other Sources (Debris)

Figure 7-1Details of Solid Waste Generation

7.4.2 Characterization of Solid Waste
Waste characterization means finding out how much dry waste, wet waste, and other types of
waste are discarded in your waste stream. This information helps in planning how to reduce
waste, set up recycling programs, and conserve money and resources. Figure 7-2 reveals the

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

share of wet waste is highest i.e., 68% followed by dry waste which is 25%. The share of street
sweeping is 1.5% and drain silt is 4.1%. The share of domestic hazardous waste, sanitary waste,
C&D waste, and green waste is around 1%.

Table 7-11 Characterization of Solid Waste

Waste Quantity (TPD) Share (%)

Wet Waste 330 68.19

Dry Waste 120 24.80

Domestic Hazardous Waste 0.56 0.12

Sanitary Waste 0.78 0.16

Street Sweeping Waste 7.595 1.57

C & D waste 3 0.62

Green Waste Generation 2 0.41

Drain Silt Generation 20 4.13

Total 483.94 100

Source: Solid Waste Management Department, MBMC

2% 1%
0% Wet Waste
Dry Waste

Domestic Hazardous Waste

Sanitary Waste

Street Sweeping Waste

C & D waste

Green Waste Generation

Drain Silt Generation

Figure 7-2 Characterization of Solid Waste

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7.4.3 Waste Collection and Transportation System

Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation has abolished the waste bin system and introduced a
door-to-door collection of waste through ‘Ghanta Gadis’. The city corporation collects garbage
from households, hotels, restaurants, commercial establishments, hospitals, markets, etc.
Details about the collection of waste in MBMC have been depicted in Table 7-12. The
municipal waste is collected every day by the Ghanta gadis.

Table 7-12 Collection of Waste from Source

Source Covered by Door-to-Door Collection

Households 281816

Commercial Establishments 40506

Hotels and Restaurants 155

Markets/ Mandies 14

Hospitals 199

Institutional 158

Source: Solid Waste Management Department, MBMC

MBMC provided 100% door-to-door collection of waste within its jurisdiction. Waste is
collected by using a closed vehicle called ‘Ghanta Gadis’. These vehicles have been hired by
private contractors. There is no transfer station in the city. All the waste from different parts of
the city is collected and transported to the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) at Uttan. Mira
Bhayandar Municipal Corporation uses a compactor, tipper, and mini tipper to transport solid
waste collected by Ghanta gadis to the MRF. The details of the vehicles and their capacity are
given in table 7-13.

Table 7-13 Details of Waste Transportation Vehicles

Vehicle Type Number of Vehicles Capacity (TPD)

Compactor 42 294

Tipper 92 276

Mini-Tipper 13 19.5

Total 147 589.5

Source: Solid Waste Management Department, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7.4.4 Street Sweeping

“A city with clean, well-kept streets is invariably a city with a clean government and
responsible citizenry.” The roads/streets are also a big source of waste generators. So, street
sweeping becomes an important function of the solid waste management department. It is
essential, not only to help keep streets clean by clearing debris such as plastic, metals, leaves,
dust, etc. but also to improve the cleanliness and appearance of the city as a whole. It is carried
out on main roads, sub roads, streets, by lanes, and footpaths. There are 1507 street sweepers
hired by the corporation. Sanitary workers sweep the streets manually in the early morning.
The waste collected by them is transported to storage points using wheelbarrows and baskets.
Mira Bhayandar has a total road network of 236 km. Through 100% coverage, 22.5 TPD waste
is collected from the streets. Mainly waste from the streets is generated by the following

• Natural waste: dust, fallen leaves, decaying vegetables, etc.

• Road traffic waste: oil, rubber, accidental spillage of load, construction, etc.
• Behavioural waste: litter, excrement of domestic pets, etc.
• Storm Water Drains/Sewer Cleaning wastes

7.4.5 Processing and Disposal System Segregation
Presently, 95% of waste is segregated at the source level. Ghanta Gadis collect waste in two
different compartments i.e., dry waste and wet waste. The remaining 5% of waste is segregated
at MRF into wet and dry waste. The MRF further segregates dry waste into plastic, paper, glass,
and metal waste. A material Recovery Facility (MRF) is usually located near a waste disposal
site. In Mira Bhayandar Case it is also located near a waste dumping site which is at Uttan. Waste Treatment

Presently, the city has adopted two types of waste treatment facilities which are waste to
compost using windrow composting technology and waste to RDF. Both facilities are located
at Uttan near the waste disposal site. The capacity of each facility is 500 TPD which is sufficient
for the present situation. Windrow Composting

Windrow composting involves the production of compost by piling organic matter in long rows
i.e., windrow. It produces a large volume of compost and requires oxygen for decomposition.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The process takes 3-9 weeks to prepare compost depending on the environmental condition.
Currently, there is only one windrow composting plant with a capacity of 500 Ton at Uttan. Waste to Energy

It is a waste treatment process that involves the combustion of non-organic matter contained in
waste material. This method is used to treat waste from industrial or commercial sites. The
waste is shredded, dried, baled, and then finally burnt to produce electricity. The product
obtained at last is called Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Currently, there is one RDF plant in the
city with a capacity of 500 Ton and located at Uttan.

Table 7-14 Details of Waste Treatment Facility

Type Location Area Capacity

Waste to Compost Uttan 13 acres 500 TPD

Waste to RDF Uttan 13 acres 500 TPD

Source: Solid Waste Management Department, MBMC

The Corporation has proposed a bio-methanization treatment process to meet the future
requirement. The capacity of the treatment facility in total is 100 Ton. The details of the
proposed treatment facilities are given in Table 7-15.

Table 7-15 Proposed Waste Treatment Facilities

Type Capacity (Ton) Location Work Status

cum power generation 10 Reservation 140 70% completed

cum power generation 20 Reservation 122 D 80% completed

cum power generation 10 Reservation 122 D 80% completed

cum power generation 10 Reservation 271, 272, 273 70% completed

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

cum power generation 20 Reservation 368 Initial Stage

cum power generation 20 Reservation 353 Initial Stage

CTS 1442 to 1446 and 1723
cum power generation 10 Initial Stage
to 1726, Mira

Source: Solid Waste Management Department, MBMC Waste Disposal

At present all the waste generated and collected from primary and secondary waste sources is
directly dumped at the dumping site. Waste is being dumped on this site since 2005. Currently,
the waste disposal site is located at Uttan which is 6km from the city. A sanitary landfill site
has been proposed by MBMC at Uttan. It is still under construction and will be available for
use in March 2023.

Table 7-16 Details of Waste Disposal Sites

Type Location Area Capacity

Open Dump Landfill Site Uttan 30 ha 37000 cu.m.

Proposed Sanitary Landfill Facility Uttan NA NA

Source: Solid Waste Management Department, MBMC

7.4.6 Service Level Indicators

Table 7-17 Service Level Benchmark for SWM service

Sr. Service Level in

Parameter Benchmark
No. FY 2019-2020
1 HH level coverage of SWM (%) 100 100
2 Efficiency of collection of MSW (%) 100 100
3 Extent of segregation of MSW (%) 100 95
4 Extent of scientific disposal of MSW (%) 100 NA

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 7-3 Solid Waste Dumping Site and MRF

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7.5 Public Utilities

Public utilities are essential services that play a vital role in economic and social development.
Quality utilities are a prerequisite for effective poverty eradication. It involves the provision of
basic utility services such as electricity, water, sewerage, gas supply, transportation, firefighting,
telecommunication, post office, police station, socio-cultural facilities, and miscellaneous
services. Traffic and transportation facilities have been discussed in detail in Chapter 6. Similarly,
public utility services such as water supply, sewerage, and solid waste have been discussed earlier
in chapter 7. This section focuses on other public utilities like gas supply, firefighting service, post
office, power supply, and miscellaneous services.

7.5.1 Fire Station

There is a total of 5 fire stations in the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation area which is
mentioned in Table 7-18.

Table 7-18 List of Fire Stations

Sr. No. Name Location

1 Late. Kalpana Chawala Fire Station Bhayandar (W)
2 Silver Park Fire Station Silver Park Mira Road (E)
3 Kankia Fire Station Kankia Mira Road (E)
4 Uttan Fire Station Uttan Village Bhayandar (W)
5 Navghar Fire Station Navghar Bhayandar (E)
Source: Fire Department, MBMC

The existing infrastructure available with the fire department is summarized in Table 7-19.
Table 7-19 List of Fire infrastructure

Sr. No. Type of vehicle Number

1 T. T. L 1

2 Water Tender 8

3 Mini Water Tender 2

4 Rescue Tender 1

5 Tanker 2

6 Pick Up 2

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7 Bolero Jeep 2

8 Ambulance 1
Source: Fire Department, MBMC

The incidents of fire from the year 2015 to 2020 are summarized in Table 7-20. The incidents of
death and injuries are minimal in the corporation area.

Table 7-20 List of Fire Incidents

Sr. No. Year Fire Call Death Injured

1 2015 153 0 3

2 2016 175 4 1

3 2017 145 0 0

4 2018 164 1 0

5 2019 181 0 0

6 2020 184 1 0
Source: Fire Department, MBMC

7.5.2 Post Office Service

A good postal system is an essential component of the development of a city, operating in various
forms. Not just physical delivery of posts, it has evolved to even electronic and financial delivery
of services. There are five post offices in the Mira Bhayandar Corporation area. The details like
location and area covered by the office are summarized in the following Table 7-21.

Table 7-21 List of Post office

Sr. No. Location Type Area covered

Mira Road- Non-delivery SO, at 05 Radha
1 Sub office Non-delivery post office
Niwas Kashi Mira
Opp. Mira Road Railway Station, Mira Mira Road East area up to
2 Sub office
Road East Ghodbunder
Shop no. 7,8 Shreeji Park building RNP
3 Sub office Bhayandar east area
Park Jesalpark Bhayandar East
Kamala Park 1, Falak road near police Bhayandar east area upto
4 Sub office
chowki, Bhayandar West Rai Gaon
5 Kaka Baptista Sadan Uttan Sub office Uttan area to Murdha Gaon
Source: Post Office, Mira Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 7-4 Location of Fire Stations

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 7-5 Location of Post Office

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

7.5.3 Power Supply

Electricity infrastructures include many components: generation, transmission, and distribution
of electricity. Electricity infrastructure provides a substrate for modern life through the network
of wires, towers, dams, and turbines that powers our economic and socialpractices. This chapter
provides a technical overview of the key elements of an electricity system: demand, generation,
transmission, and distribution for the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation Area.

Adani Power Limited and TATA Power distribute electricity from the endpoint of transmission
to the endpoint of the consumer in the entire Mira Bhayandar Corporation area.

7.5.4 Gas Supply

Mahanagar Gas Limited has its local Natural Gas distribution network in Mira Bhayandar city.
The existing network of the MGL Gas pipeline is shown in the below map.

Table 7-22 Details of Gas Supply Network

Sr. No. Details

1 MP Network (km) 148

2 Steel Network (km) 20

3 Total Service Regulators 2243

4 MRS 532

5 DRS 5

6 Total no of CNG Filling stations in Mira Bhayandar City 9

Source: Mahanagar Gas Limited, Mira Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 7-3 Existing Gas Pipeline Network

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

8.1 Introduction
The term 'social infrastructure' covers a wide range of facilities and services that are provided
by the government to support and sustain the well-being of communities. A Development Plan
aims at creating an environment to enable the residents to enjoy the desired standard of living
conditions in addition to ensuring orderly development of a city by prescribing the land use
zoning and transportation network along with provisions of proper development control.
Therefore, it is necessary to study the existing level of social infrastructure. High-quality social
infrastructure provides good quality of life. But the development of physical infrastructure
cannot usher in overall development at the desired level if the social infrastructure is not
simultaneously developed. This chapter reviews the provision of social infrastructure facilities
in the project area which include educational facilities like pre-primary, primary, secondary,
higher education, special institutes (if any), health facilities like public hospitals and health
centres, recreational facilities, etc.

8.2 Educational Facilities

Education is one of the main factors in the development of a city by investing it in human
capital. It decides the development pattern of an area. It exhibits the pace of development of an
area through literacy level and exposure to different educational facilities. Education in Mira
Bhayandar is provided by MBMC along with private institutions.

8.2.1 Existing Situation

Table 8-1 gives detailed information about existing educational facilities. There are 216
primary schools, 30 secondary schools, 125 higher secondary schools, and 10 colleges in the
corporation area. The detailed list with the name of the school, number of students enrolled,
type of management, and availability of the playground facility is given in Annexure 3.

Table 8-1 Category of Educational Facilities

Sr. No. Type of Institution Number

1 Primary School 216

2 Secondary School 30

3 Higher Secondary 125

4 College 10

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Source: Education Department, MBMC

Schools in Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation are further classified based on the types of
school management. The schools in MBMC are mainly run by Municipal Corporation and
Private management. It appears from the numbers that about 83% of the burden of primary
education is taken over by private institutions. This is going to increase day by day since people
are more inclined to admit their children to private institutions. The municipal corporation
provides only primary education facilities and does not have higher education facilities. There
are 155 High schools in the corporation area. All of these institutions are managed by private
management. These institutions functioned in the developed part of the Mira Bhayandar.

Table 8-2 Category of Educational Facilities based on Management

Type of Institution
Sr. No. Management Primary Secondary Higher
School School Secondary

1 Municipal Corporation 37 0 0 0

2 Private 179 30 125 10

Total 216 30 125 10

Source: Education Department, MBMC

There are 91,755 students enrolled in primary school; 56,793 are enrolled in high school and
6,575 are enrolled in college. The details are given in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3 Details of Students Enrolled

Students Enrolled
Type of Institution
Male Female Total

Primary School 48591 43164 91755

Secondary School 21351 18426 39777

Higher Secondary 9436 7580 17016

College 3033 3542 6575

Total 82411 72712 155123

Source: Education Department, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

An area of 28.405 ha is under all educational amenities in Mira Bhayandar. The average per
capita space availability for all levels of educational amenities is 0.35sq.m. in the city.

School playgrounds are a promising setting to promote children's physical activity for sustained
health outcomes. Physical activity during playtime helps children to relax. School playground
equipment helps to provide a holistic approach to educating young children. Young children
need to have their minds and bodies programmed with learning and thinking strategies so that
they can become efficient learners. In the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation area, 69%
of Primary schools have playground facilities, 72% of High schools have playgrounds and 90%
of colleges have playground facilities.

Table 8-4 Educational Facilities with Playground

Sr. No. Type of Institution With Playground Without Playground

1 Primary School 150 66

2 Secondary School 23 7

3 Higher Secondary 88 37

4 College 9 1

Source: Education Department, MBMC

College 9 1

Higher Secondary 88 37

Secondary School 23 7

Primary School 150 66

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

With Playground Without Playground

Figure 8-1 Education Facilities with Playground

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

8.2.2 Library and Study Centre

At present, there are 9 libraries and study centres in the city. The total capacity of the libraries
is 730. Table 8-5 shows the location and capacity of each library.

Table 8-5 Details of Library

Sr. No. Library
Male Female Total

1 Nagar Library 99 51 150

2 Mahatma Gandhi Library 126 84 210

3 Prabhag Samiti 3 office Library 85 54 139

4 Hanuman Nagar Library NA NA 35

5 Library at Reservation no. 100 48 24 72

6 Library near Jarimari Lake NA NA 22

7 Library at Reservation no. 318 NA NA -

8 Savitribai Phule Library NA NA -

9 Amenity open space Library 86 16 102

Source: Library Department, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 8-1 Existing Educational Facilities

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

8.3 Health and Medical Facilities

8.3.1 Existing Situation
There is 1 hospital that is operated by the Government with a total capacity of 100 beds. Mira
Bhayandar Municipal Corporation has its own 1 hospital with a total capacity of 50 beds. There
are 175 private hospitals with a total 3216 beds capacity. Out of that 21 are maternity homes
with 282 beds capacity. A detailed list with the name of the hospital, type of management, area,
and number of beds is given in Annexure 4.

Over the years, private provision of health care has steadily increased. Table 8-6 reveals that
most of the burden of providing health facilities is taken over by the private sector in the Mira
Bhayandar Municipal Corporation area.

Table 8-6 Details of Medical Facilities

Type of Medical Facility Number Capacity (Beds)

Government Hospital 1 100

Municipal Hospital 1 50

Private Hospital 154 2934

Maternity Home 21 282

Total 177 3366

Source: Public Health Department, MBMC

As per the data received from Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation Health Department,
there are large numbers of general practitioners, private nursing homes, hospitals, and super
speciality hospitals available that take care of the gap in the public health care system.
According to Existing Land Use 2022, the area under all medical facilities is 4.8 ha.

The following Table 8-7 provides an overview of all the schemes and programs taken up to
better the health care facilities that are provided.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 8-7 Health Schemes

Sr. No. Program/ Scheme Description

1 Free Vaccination For pregnant women and children aged (0-6 years)

Mata Bal Sangovan

2 Provides free treatment for women's disease

An initiative is being implemented to reduce maternal

Jananai Suraksha
3 and neonatal mortality by promoting institutional
delivery among poor pregnant women.

Savitribai Phule Kanya For couples below the poverty line who have
4 Kalyan Paritoshik undergone family planning surgery on only one or
Program two girls.

Municipal school students are given free health

5 Health Check-up
check-ups twice a year.

National Bacterial and Under this initiative, a rapid fever test is done and
6 Waterborne Disease medication is given to the patients along with blood
Control Program samples which are further given for examination.

National Tuberculosis
7 Patients having TB are given DOTS treatment for free

National Leprosy Suspected patients are identified and if diagnosed

Elimination Program with leprosy are given MDR treatment

Normal patients and pregnant women are examined in

Global AID’s Control
9 ICTC. If a pregnant woman is found HIV positive,
she is sent to the ART centre.

Under this scheme, all the tests and treatments related

Janani Shishu Suraksha
10 to childbirth are provided free of cost from the time a
woman becomes pregnant till she gives birth.

Source: Health Department, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 8-2 Existing Health Facilities

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

8.4 Commercial Facilities

The Commercial Facilities include a diverse range of sites that draw large crowds of people for
shopping, business, entertainment, etc. Commercial facilities include retail, wholesale or
general businesses, hotels, shopping centres, marriage halls, resorts, banks, markets, etc. Mira
Bhayandar Municipal Corporation area has some big commercial establishments.

• There are 3 shopping malls in the MBMC area namely Maxus Mall in Bhayandar, Rasaj
mall, and Thakur mall in Mira which have a wide range of entertainment facilities for
the public.
• For entertainment purposes, there are 4 cinema halls in the MBMC area.
• For weddings, functions, and other social events, there are around 11 Marriage Gardens,
andFunction halls in the city.

The details of all commercial facilities in the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation area are
summarized in the following Table.

Table 8-8 Existing Commercial Facilities

Sr. Commercial
Bhayanda Rai-murdhe
No. Facilities Mira Navghar Goddev Khari
r & Murdhe

1 General Business 20 26 37 28 2 2

2 Hotel 12 11 7 6 NA 1

3 Shopping Mall NA 1 NA NA NA NA

4 Shopping Centre 3 7 3 NA NA NA

5 Cinema NA NA NA NA NA NA

6 Marriage Garden NA 2 2 4 NA 5

7 Function Hall 1 7 1 3 NA NA

8 Petrol Pump 2 1 2 2 1 NA

9 Banks 2 3 NA NA NA 1

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Sr. Commercial Chene-
No. Facilities Penkarpad Ghodbunde
Mahajanwadi Kashi Versav
a r
1 General Business 2 12 17 34 24
2 Hotel 2 14 23 2 30
3 Shopping Mall NA NA NA NA NA
4 Shopping Centre NA 1 NA 1 NA
5 Cinema NA NA NA NA NA
6 Marriage Garden 1 NA NA NA 1
7 Function Hall 1 2 NA NA NA
8 Petrol Pump NA NA NA 2 2
9 Banks 2 NA NA NA NA
Source: Primary Data Collection

8.5 Recreational Facilities

Recreational facilities are spaces created, reserved, and developed by urban local bodies to
promote an active lifestyle for the welfare of residents of a city. They play an important role in
improving the quality of life as well as the sustainability of the city. Such spaces can reduce
the sense of disaffection faced by residents of a global city by encouraging them to interact
with one another and create a sense of belongingness. Sports are an important component of
recreational facilities as they contribute to the physical and mental well-being of citizens.
Recreational facilities include both passive and active recreation viz. open spaces, playgrounds,
parks, sports complexes, swimming pools, and stadiums.

There is a total of 79 parks and 12 playgrounds in the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation
area. The detailed list of parks and playgrounds with names and locations is attached in
Annexure 5.

Table 8-9 Ward Committee-wise Parks and Playground

Sr. No. Ward Committee Number Parks Playground

1 1 22 3
2 2 6 0
3 3 9 4
4 4 12 1

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

5 5 19 4
6 6 11 0
Total 79 12
Source: Garden Department, MBMC

The existing recreational facilities in the town are limited to small playgrounds and gardens.
Thus, their area and effectiveness in terms of serving the population are inadequate. Social and
cultural facilities like a community centre, drama theatre, museum, town hall, and memorial of
historical importance are not available.

Mira Bhayandar is bounded by natural water tanks scattered in various parts of the town. They
add grand pristine beauty to the city. The municipal corporation has developed three lakes
enriched with proper landscaping viz. MBMC main office lake, Goddev lake, and Shivar Lake
wherein boating activities are also available for citizens. Also, there are additional 5 lakes in
the city viz. Rao Lake, Mandali Lake, Khari Lake, Old Navghar Lake, and New Navghar Lake.
The list of all lakes in the city with the area is given below.

8.6 Cremation and Burial Ground

The existing cremation and burial grounds are located along water bodies. There is a total of 9
sites at different locations in the city. The site covers an area of 5.72 Ha of land. The list of
cremation sites is given in Table 8-10.

Table 8-10 List of Cremation Grounds

Sr. No. Cremation Ground Name Address

1 Uttan Cremation Ground Uttan Mothagaon, Bhayandar (W)
2 Morvagaon Cremation Ground Morvo Gaon, Uttan Road Bhayandar (W)
3 Raigaon Cremation Ground Raigaon, Uttan Road, Bhayandar (W)
4 Murdhagaon Cremation Ground Murdhagaon, Uttan Road, Bhayandar (W)
Vaikunthadham Cremation
5 Bhayandar (W) Annanagar
6 Kharegaon Cremation Ground Bandrvadi Bhayandar (E)
Navghar Gaon Machhimarket Road,
7 Navghar Cremation Ground
8 Pantekdi Cremation Ground Vimal Dairy Road, Goddev, Bhayandar (E)
9 Mira Road Cremation Ground Poonamsagar Road, Miraroad (E)
Source: Garden Department, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 8-3 Location of Lakes

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 8-4 Existing Recreational Facilities

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 8-5 Existing Crematorium Locations

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

9.1 Introduction
The environment, in general, can be defined as a total of all the living and non-living elements
and their effects that influence human life where all living or biotic elements are animals,
plants, forests, fisheries, birds, etc. and the non-living or abiotic elements include water, land,
sunlight, rocks, and air, etc. The city has Yeoor hills on one side and the Arabian sea on the
other side. Mira Bhayandar city is blessed with natural ecosystems like hills and bays, a coastal
ecosystem, a natural drainage system including rivers, streams, forest areas that are rich in
biodiversity, and mangrove forest which is adding a distinct feature to it. The city has 5.92 km
of coastline along its western edge. The earlier sanctioned Development Plan of 1997, covers
several factors which directly impact the environment like solid waste management, sewerage
management, water management, etc. but the issues related to the environment, ecology,
biodiversity, and sustainability were not considered while planning for the city. This Draft
Development Plan is aiming at incorporating environmental aspects to the greatest extent to
achieve sustainable development. The following chapter begins with a brief discussion of the
major water bodies in the Mira Bhayandar area. This is followed by a detailed overview of the
existing environmental status, the eco-sensitive areas, and biodiversity followed by information
about forests, flora, and fauna will also be discussed in the sections further.

9.2 Water Bodies

Laxmi river is flowing through the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation area near Chena
Village. In addition, there are eight lakes in the city located in Khari, Navghar, Rai-murdhe,
and Murdhe areas. Vasai Creek and Manori Creek are major parts of the natural drainage
system of the city. Nala and water streams are also considered a part of the drainage system.

9.3 Forest
Out of total area of Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation, 18.16 sq. km. area falls under
forest. The whole forest area comes under Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP). The details
of the villages coming under the department of the forest of Sanjay Gandhi National Park are
given in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1 List of Survey Number falls under Forest

Sr. No. Village Name Survey No. Area (Ha) Type

1 Kashi 106 341.069 Reserved Forest

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2 Mire 260 137.502 Reserved Forest

3 Ghodbunder 192 (part of) 0.03 Reserved Forest
4 Ghodbunder 243 (Part of) 61.462 Reserved Forest
5 Ghodbunder 217(Part Of) 8.519 Protected Forest
6 Chene 28 5.279 unclassified Forest
7 Chene 37 36.533 unclassified Forest
8 Chene 89(part of) 376.438 unclassified Forest
9 Chene 101(Part of) 608.767 unclassified Forest
10 Chene 7 3.308 Acquired Forest
11 Chene 8 7.487 Acquired Forest
12 Chene 9(part of) 5.666 Acquired Forest
13 Chene 10 84.043 Acquired Forest
14 Chene 27 0.268 Acquired Forest
15 Chene 99 29.451 Acquired Forest
16 Chene 101(part of) 8.251 Acquired Forest
17 Versave 3 (part of) 60.797 Acquired Forest
18 Versave 34(Part of) 22.197 Acquired Forest
19 Versave 31 5.443 -
20 Versave 32(part of) 9.86 Acquired Forest
21 Versave 33(Part of) 3.787 Acquired Forest
Total 1816
Source: Forest Department of Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Sanjay Gandhi National Park is home to several endangered species of flora and fauna and
harbours approximately 1300 species of flowering plants, 45 species of mammals, 43 species
of reptiles, including 38 species of snakes, 12 species of amphibians, 300 species of birds, and
150 species of butterflies.

The vegetation of the area ranges from littoral forest to western sub-tropical hill forest. For
conservation and protection of the area and to prohibit industries or class of industries and their
operations and processes, Central Government has notified an area to the extent of 100 m to
four kilometers from the boundary of Sanjay Gandhi National Park as the Sanjay Gandhi Eco-
sensitive zone.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The Eco-sensitive zone is spread over an area of 59.456 Sq.km to an extent of 100 meters to
four kilometers from the boundary of Sanjay Gandhi National Park. Some survey numbers of
the villages in Mira Bhayandar come under Eco-Sensitive Zone. The name of the villages
coming under the Eco-sensitive zone are Kashi, Mira, Chene, Ghodbunder, and Versave.

9.4 Coastal Zone Management Plan

The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, New Delhi vide G.S.R. 37 (E) dated
18th January 2019 published a new CRZ Notification in supersession of the earlier CRZ
Notification, 2011. The Central Government, intends to conserve and protect the unique
environment of coastal stretches and marine areas, besides livelihood security to the fisher
communities and other local communities in the coastal areas, and to promote sustainable
development based on scientific principles taking into account the dangers of natural hazards,
sea level rise due to global warming, do hereby, declares the coastal stretches of the country
and the water area up to its territorial water limit, excluding the islands of Andaman and
Nicobar and Lakshadweep and the marine areas surrounding these islands, as Coastal
Regulation Zone.

To conserve and protect the coastal areas and marine waters, the CRZ area is classified as

CRZ IA: It includes Ecologically sensitive areas like mangroves, coral and coral reefs, dunes,
National parks, marine parks, sanctuaries, reserve forests, Areas or structures of archaeological
importance, and heritage sites where no construction is allowed except for activities for atomic
power plants, defense.

CRZ IB: It includes the area between the high tide line (HTL) and low tide line (LTL)

CRZ II: It constitutes the developed land areas up to or close to the shoreline, within the
existing municipal limits, or in other existing legally designated urban areas, which are
substantially built-up with a ratio of built-up plots to that of total plots being more than 50
percent and have been provided with drainage and approach roads and other infrastructural
facilities, such as water supply, sewerage mains, etc.

CRZ III: Land areas that are relatively undisturbed viz. rural areas and those which do not fall
under CRZ-II

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

CRZ III A: The area where the population density is more than 2161 per square kilometer as
per the 2011 census base is designated as CRZ–III-A. The area up to 50 meters from the HTL
on the landward side is earmarked as the ‘No Development Zone (NDZ)’.

CRZ III B: All other CRZ-III areas with a population density of less than 2161 per square
kilometer, as per the 2011 census base are designated as CRZ-III B. The area up to 200 meters
from the HTL on the landward side is earmarked as the ‘No Development Zone (NDZ)’.

No new construction of buildings is allowed in this zone except for repairing the existing ones.
However, construction of dwelling units in the plot area lying between 200-500 m of the high
tide line is allowed.

CRZ IV: Includes the water area covered between the Low Tide Line and 12 nautical miles
seaward. Except for fishing and related activities, all actions impugning the sea and tidal water
will be regulated in this zone.

The coastal zone management plan for Mira Bhayandar city covers its western coast along the
Arabian sea for a length of 5.92 km and northern bank for a length of 17.6 km along Vasai
creek. Along the western coast, it covers the boundary of villages Uttan, Pali, and Chowk.
Along the northern bank, it covers the boundary of villages Tarodi, Pali, Murdhe, Bhayandar,
Khari, Navghar, Ghodbunder, Versave, and Chene. Along Manori creek's southern side of Mira
Bhayandar city, it covers a length of 4.16 km. According to the Ministry of Environment &
Forest Department of Government of India’s Notification No. G.S.R. 37 (E) dated 18th January
2019, A Coastal Zone Management Plan for this area is prepared.

The entire bank of Vasai creek right from Chowk village in the west to the Versave village in
the east is proposed to be included in CRZ-I except for existing development. All such areas
are proposed to be included in CRZ-II. Along the sea coast, all villages along the coast line are
proposed to be included in CRZ-II.

9.5 Pollution Indicators

The overall status of the environment is analysed in terms of standard indicators that measure
air quality, water quality, and noise level.

9.5.1 Air Quality

Air pollution is the presence of one or more contaminants in the atmosphere in such quantity
for such duration as is injurious or tends to be injurious to the human health or welfare. Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has specified standard Limits for various pollutants. Mira

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Bhayandar Municipal Corporation monitors the air quality in the city through its Pollution
Control Cell. This Cell has divided the city into 4 zones viz. solid waste disposal site,
residential, commercial and industrial for air quality measurement for the year August 2020 to
June 2021.

Air quality in Mira Bhayandar is measured at 12 locations

Table 9-2 Air Quality Monitoring Locations

Sr. No. Location

1 Kashimira Chowk, Near Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Statue

2 Near Bhayandar Police Station

3 Mira Road Railway station

4 Bhayandar west, Railway Station

5 S.K. stone Chowk

6 Near Pali, St. Andrew Chowk

7 Bhayandar East, Cabin Road

8 Bhayandar East B.P. Road

9 Bhayandar St. East Navghar Road

10 Uttan naka Bus Stop chowk

11 Kanakia Police station Mira Road

12 Mira-Bhayandar corporation ghankachra vyavasthapan

Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC

Table 9-3 Annual Average Analysis Result of Ambient Air

Parameters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

RSPM 10 56. 61. 57. 55. 56. 60. 56. 59. 59. 58. 57. 57.
(µg/m3) 53 10 76 53 52 93 81 42 96 04 93 49

10. 12. 12. 11. 10. 12. 12. 10. 11. 12. 12. 12.
SO2 (µg/m3)
39 51 22 42 69 42 20 58 12 62 11 31

20. 23. 22. 22. 20. 24. 21. 23. 24. 21. 22. 23.
Nox (µg/m3)
81 08 68 93 58 88 96 54 07 81 05 17

Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The air quality index (AQI) gives day-to-day air quality concerning human health and the
environment. Generally, AQI between 0 to 100 is considered satisfactory. AQI of more than
100indicates, unhealthy air quality.

Hence, it is observed from the above Table 9-3 that AQI in the project area is in the ‘moderate’
category during 2020-2021. Vehicular emission is one of the reasons why the level of air
quality in Mira Bhayandar is leaning towards pollution. Air quality has come under strain in
the city due to ongoing development works like Metro work, development of infrastructure,
and increasing load of vehicle pollution.








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
RSPM 10 (µg/m3) SO2 (µg/m3) Nox (µg/m3)

Figure 9-1 Air Quality

9.5.2 Water Quality
The Pollution Control Cell regularly checks water samples to check the water quality of the
lake, creek and drains. To assess the water quality in the corporation area following types of
water are considered:

• Drinking Water
• Drainage water
• Industrial water

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037 Drinking Water

Drinking water samples are collected at 100 different locations in the Mira Bhayandar
Corporation area. The result of the water quality monitoring is summarized in Table 9-4.

Table 9-4 Drinking Water Quality

Sr. No. Parameters Units Limits Result

1 pH - 8.5 7.5

2 Total dissolved solids mg/L 1000 206.7

3 Total Solids mg/L 1500 211

4 Total suspended solids mg/L 100 5

5 Hardness (total) mg/L 250 95.7

6 Alkalinity mg/L 250 91.5

7 Ammoniacal Nitrogen - 0.2

8 Chromium mg/L 0.05 0.01

9 Nitrate mg/L - 0.2

10 Phosphate (total) mg/L - 0.3

Biochemical Oxygen Demand

11 mg/L 30 4.9
(BOD) 3 Days @ 27ºC

12 Metal-Cadmium mg/L 0.01 0.001

13 Metal-Copper mg/L 0.05 0.01

14 Metal-Lead mg/L 0.1 0.01

15 Zinc mg/L 5 0.1

16 Inorganic Phosphate mg/L - 0.2

17 E-Coli - Ab Ab

Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037




1000 Limits

600 Result


Figure 9-2 Drinking Water Quality

Municipal water is used for drinking purposes so samples were compared to IS: 2296-1982
standards. Water pH was found 7.4 which are neutral and useful for drinking purpose. Heavy
metal concentration was very less and found less than standard limits. In some samples
microbiological concentration was recorded it may be due to unhygienic handling and storage
of water. Lower levels of BOD and heavy metals showed an absence of industrial pollution. Waste Water Quality

The Pollution Control Cell of Municipal Corporation collects a sample from 20 different
locations mentioned below in Table 9-5

Table 9-5 Location of Waste Water Sample Collection

Sr. No. Waste Water Sampling Location

1 Bhayandar west Village
2 Cabin Road
3 Morvagaon
4 B.P. Road
5 Rai Village
6 Murdha Nala
7 Pali Beach Resort Nala
8 Pali Rd Nala

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

9 Nr.Phatak Road
10 Nr.Thakur Mall
11 Goddev gaon
12 Rawal Nagar
13 Nr.Jesal Park Creek
14 Nr.Pali beach
15 Nr.Uttan Petrol Pump Creek
16 Morva Creek
17 Murdha Creek
18 Uttangaon
19 Dongri Village
20 Naya Nagar
Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC

Table 9-6 Waste Water Quality

Parameters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7.4 7.5 7.2

pH 7.52 7.58 7.43 7.64 7.62 7.46 7.36
4 1 6

Total suspended 73.5 76.4 80.3 73.7 73. 75.8 70. 76.1 10 91.2
solids 5 5 6 3 36 2 55 8 4.1 7

1188 1092 998. 11 1160 11 1126 13 1120

Total dissolved solids 1194
.64 .18 45 05 .73 78 .73 78 .82

1368 1283 1422 1200 13 1206 12 15 1580

Total Solids 1405
.82 .64 .36 .73 09 .18 24 59 .18

Chemical Oxygen 170. 149. 194. 211. 20 223. 17 208. 24 222.

Demand (COD) 82 36 91 64 8 82 1.4 18 8.6 09

61.7 57.9 66.5 75.2 70. 79.4 53. 74.9 92. 76.6
3 1 5 7 36 5 45 1 64 4

163. 140. 153. 159. 15 173. 16 185. 21 211.

09 45 82 73 9.2 45 3.6 18 2.7 73

208. 226. 218. 222. 46 239. 24 333. 40 333.

Hardness (total)
55 45 45 64 2.4 45 5.8 82 8 82

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

150. 228. 233. 244. 24 452. 19 193. 18 208.

91 36 73 9 3.9 4 6.8 91 1.7 82

38. 31.
Faecal Coliform 34.2 40.6 32.2 38.5 43.5 29 30.7 33.5
2 1

Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC

Parameters 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

pH 7.71 7.9 7.64 7.51 7.74 7.63 7.53 7.38 7.69

108 124. 102. 117. 108. 124. 123. 112. 99.0 97.3
.6 27 82 82 82 91 55 55 9 6

Total dissolved 129 1377 1290 1432 1195 1205 1264 1242 1124 1152
solids 7 .55 .09 .18 .09 .64 .09 .27 .91 .18

15 1588 1390 1676 1464 1581 1653 1462 1398 146

Total Solids
43 .91 .91 .09 .09 .55 .09 .73 .36 5

Chemical Oxygen 29 288. 278. 281. 314. 393. 204. 256. 292
Demand (COD) 4.1 09 36 45 55 82 91 64 .91

89. 96.6 91.2 91.7 112. 101. 63.8 96.9 108

BOD 136
64 4 7 3 82 73 2 1 .73

25 197. 263. 231. 263. 300. 190. 199. 201

Alkalinity 273
2.6 27 73 18 64 45 09 45 .45

38 419. 418. 425. 382. 432. 317. 313

Hardness (total) 347 296
6.1 09 82 82 18 82 45 .36

21 281. 143. 220. 267. 208. 335. 172. 237. 191

4.6 73 45 18 18 82 36 09 55 .27

34. 36.
Faecal Coliform 31.5 36.8 34.3 31.1 28.6 29.4 35.6 36.6
1 7

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
pH Total suspended solids
Total dissolved solids Total Solids
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Figure 9-3 Waste Water Quality Industrial Water Quality
Industrialization is a major source of water pollution. It produces pollutants that are extremely
harmful to people and the environment. This wastewater usually contains a specific and readily
identifiable chemical compound. A total of twenty industrial wastewater samples are collected
by the Pollution Control Cell mentioned below in Table 9-7.

Table 9-7 Location of Industrial Waste Collection Sample

Sr. No. Industrial Waste Water Sampling Location

1 Press Vatak Industrial Area Penkar Pada

2 R. K. Eng. Work, Udyog Nagar

3 Weskon Eng. Ind.

4 Thakar Mall Ind.

5 Om Sia Ram Ind.

6 Vikam Steel ball Ind. Kashmira chowk

7 PenkarPada Ind.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

8 Raju Ind. Estate

9 Sudama Ind. Estate

10 United Rubber Ind. Phatak Road

11 Kamal Modi Paints

12 Shirdinagar Niko Steel Ind.

13 Carbo Ind.

14 Ankit Paints

15 Laxmi Motors Ltd

16 Panchal Ind. Ltd

17 U.P. Mayekar Print

18 Sangam Paints

19 Doshi Ind. Premises

20 Miragaon Ind. Estate

Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC

Table 9-8 Industrial Waste Water Quality

Parameters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. 7. 7.
pH 7.23 7.64 7.27 7.32 6.93 7.35 7.5
49 79 55

75 79
87.4 70.8 71.9 68.1
Total suspended solids 64 69 80 .5 .8 81
5 2 1 8
5 2

174 127 174 147 14 188 20 167 14 163

Total dissolved solids
5.09 0.27 5.18 1.73 28 7.45 32 7.18 50 6.36

171 132 186 151 15 206 21 173 15 170

Total Solids
8.64 3.36 5.91 7.82 31 8.36 14 3.64 88 3.64

60 61 61
Chemical Oxygen Demand 67.7 69.0 76.3 55.4 66.6 70.6 69.9
.9 .9 .9
(COD) 3 9 6 5 4 4 1
1 1 1

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Biochemical Oxygen 17 23 24
18.4 23.1 26.8 24.9 29.3 19.8
Demand (BOD) 3 Days @ .5 .8 .1 26
5 8 2 1 6 2
27ºC 5 2 8

16 16
156. 139. 174. 150. 14 150. 145.
Alkalinity 5. 178 7.
09 82 73 36 8 45 55
4 3

29 25 25
269. 250. 247. 331. 249. 308. 245.
Hardness (total) 9. 0. 5.
18 64 73 55 73 27 09
6 4 6

38 43 48
72.5 51.3 52.0 40.7 42.8 49.9
MPN .4 .6 .0 41
5 6 9 3 2 1
5 4 9

Parameters 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

pH 7.3 7.51 7.24 7.41 7.52 7.68 7.24 8.26 7.56

Total suspended 66.6 67.8 82.4 72.8 81.5 82.6 86.8

70 74 117
solids 4 2 5 2 5 4 2

Total dissolved 16 129 156 125 148 166 176 154 107 162
solids 43 0.82 4.09 3.3 5.91 9.73 1.09 7.09 8.45 0.91

16 129 158 133 151 171 182 158 118 166

Total Solids
27 9.09 8.09 8.73 1.09 4.09 7.91 2.82 2.55 2.09

Chemical Oxygen 10 79.1 88.2 68.3 66.0 72.7 55.8 65.6 75.3 72.1
Demand (COD) 9.9 8 7 6 9 3 2 4 6 8

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 33. 30. 34. 27. 30. 26. 24. 22. 24. 26.
(BOD) 3 Days @ 27ºC 55 45 73 91 55 82 91 91 55 55

15 163 173 208 159 145 214 178 154

Alkalinity 164
2.7 .36 .82 .45 .36 .09 .09 .73 .55

25 245 296 270 239 172 282 265 270 216

Hardness (total)
4.5 .64 .55 .18 .64 .64 .18 .18 .27 .73

55. 39. 61. 59. 47. 47. 70. 61. 44.

MPN 49
91 36 18 55 45 27 82 09 18

Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
pH Total suspended solids
Total dissolved solids Total Solids
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 3 Days @ 27ºC
Alkalinity Hardness (total)

Figure 9-4 Industrial Waste Water Quality

Industrial water quality is observed to be within standard limits. However, a regular check is
required to control water quality discharged in industries. Lake Water Quality

Lakes are surface water bodies which is an important source for drinking, domestic, and
irrigation purposes. It plays an important role in maintaining ecology and has a great
significance on the environment. However, lakes being stagnant water bodies could be more
prone to pollution than rivers or any running water. In collected samples we evaluated the water
quality of various lakes in the Mira Bhayandar area, twenty prominent lakes are selected to
study and evaluate the water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes. The water samples
were collected and analysed for physiochemical parameters.

Table 9-9 Location of Lake water samples

Sr. No. Lake Water Sample Location

1 Shivar Garden Talav
2 Khari Lake

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

3 Mandli Talav
4 Dongri Goake
5 Jari Mari Talav
6 Ghodbunder Lake
7 MIDC Talav
8 Uttan Moh Talav
9 Rao Lake
10 Sukal Lake
11 Dev Lake
12 Ghandhi Talav,
13 Morva Goan Talav (Old)
14 Mira Goanthane Lake
15 Murdha Goandevi Talav
16 Murdha Ram Mandir Talav
17 Ram Mandir Udhyan Talav
18 Navghar (Navin Lake)
19 Navghar (Old Lake)
20 Goddev Lake
Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC

Table 9-10 Lake Water Quality

Parameters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

pH 7.5 7.8 7.7 7.4 7.6 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.4

Total dissolved 387. 579. 477. 590. 456. 346. 609. 908. 629. 485.
solids 9 9 8 5 4 2 9 9 6 5

500. 746. 578. 716. 444. 698. 981. 739. 585.

Total Solids 567
8 3 7 1 2 5 6 7 4

Total suspended 115. 163. 124. 118. 111. 103. 123. 106.
94.2 91.5
solids 7 1 8 2 1 4 6 8

186. 241. 202. 354. 168. 109. 223. 237. 311.

Hardness (total) 248
9 1 2 6 6 5 5 9 3

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

170. 130. 219. 120. 115. 179. 200. 163. 181.

Alkalinity 152
7 7 4 4 7 5 1 8 9

0.2 1.5 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.2 1

<0.0 <0.0
Chromium 3.1 5 6 5 7 5 9 7
1 1

<0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0

Nitrate 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3
1 2 1 1 1

Phosphate (total) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.2

BOD 37.1 37.6 36.8 32.3 22.8 33.8 39.2 37.3 34.7 33.7

Metal Cadmium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1

<0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0
Metal Copper
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

<0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

<0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

MPN 10.8 18.9 15.5 14.4 11 15 5.8 18.5 20.5 9.9

E-Coli Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab

Faecal Coliform 5 7 8 6 6.5 5 6.5 9.5 10 8

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 1 0.2 0.2 0.3

Parameters 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

pH 7.6 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.3 7.6 7.3 7.3 7.6

Total dissolved 515. 480. 470. 378. 328 395. 438.

513 558 348
solids 1 3 9 8 .3 9 6

653. 645. 616. 491. 488. 432 521. 512.

Total Solids 624 702
3 2 9 2 9 .1 4 6

Total suspended 134. 134. 121. 145. 148. 110. 135. 100 122.
solids 9 7 9 1 1 5 7 .4 2

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

212. 203. 204. 200. 170. 164. 133 165. 155.

Hardness (total) 166
3 7 5 5 3 9 .2 2 4

198. 197. 197. 210. 176. 159. 156. 141 149. 137.
8 4 7 1 2 5 7 .5 2 1

0.4 0.2 0.3 1.5 1.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.4

Chromium 2.2 1.8 2.1 1.7 2.1 0.2 4 5 4

<0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0. <0.0 <0.0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1

Phosphate (total) 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1

BOD 43.6 22.6 22.5 35.6 36 30.3 31.5 39.8 33.9

Metal Cadmium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1

<0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0. <0.0 <0.0
Metal Copper
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 01

<0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0. <0.0 <0.0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1

<0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0. <0.0 <0.0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1

MPN 15.5 12.4 15.4 10.7 13.3 12 10.9 11 15.2 10.2

E-Coli Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab Ab

Faecal Coliform 4 4 6.7 6 5.5 6 6 8 8 4

Inorganic Phosphate 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2

Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC

It is observed that the lake is getting polluted because of the mixing of polluted water or
drainage or dumping of solid waste in the lake. The water quality of the lake has improved
partly due to the establishment of a sewage treatment Plant (STP).

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
pH Total dissolved solids Total Solids Total suspended solids
Hardness (total) Alkalinity Ammonical Nitrogen Chromium
Nitrate Phosphate (total) BOD Metal Cadmium

Figure 9-5 Lake Water Quality

9.5.3 Noise Pollution
Noise pollution, also known as environmental noise or sound pollution, is the propagation of
noise with ranging impacts on the activity of human or animal life, most of them harmful to a
degree. There are various reasons which predominantly cause noise pollution in project areas
like a celebration of various public festivals, traffic noise, noise due to ongoing construction
sites, etc. Mira Bhayandar Pollution Control Cell measures noise levels at 12 different locations
during day time.

Table 9-11 Noise Level at different locations

Location Avg. dB
Kashimira Chowk, Near Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Statue 61.77
Near Bhayandar Police Station 63.01
Mira Road Railway station 60.28

Bhayandar East, Cabin Road 64.93

Bhayandar East B.P. Road 64.98

Bhayandar St. East Navghar Road 60.65
Bhayandar west, Railway Station 65.53

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

S.K. stone Chowk 59

Near Pali, St. Andrew Chowk 61.43
Uttan naka Bus Stop chowk 63.03
Kanakia Police station Mira Road 65.17
Mira-Bhayandar corporation ghankachravyavasthapan 67.03
Source: Pollution Control Cell, MBMC

It is observed that the noise level is within a standard limit. Categorization of the area in
Residential, commercial, and industrial is required to effectively control and check the noise
levels in the areas. Silence Zones near hospitals and schools shall be strictly implemented.









Figure 9-6 Noise Level

9.6 Environmental Vulnerability

Mira Bhayandar city is prone to the three potential natural hazards of flooding, landslide, and

9.6.1 Flooding
There are 198 katcha and pakka nalas in the corporation area. The unusual geography and
location of the Mira Bhayandar city render it vulnerable to environmental risks like flooding
and landslides, caused due to heavy annual rainfall. This flooding is caused due to heavy
rainfall, encroachment, unauthorized construction, urbanization, interruption in the natural
flow of river and nala, etc. Corporation has identified 48 locations of water logging in the city

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

which are mentioned in Table 9-12. Heavy rainfall cause tree to collapse, and house and slap
collapse in the city. It is observed that ward committee number 4 has more water logging
locations while ward committee 1 has few water logging areas.

Table 9-12 Locations of Water Logging

Sr. No. Area Name

Ward Committee 1
1 Near Rai Shivneri Branch (Walchand Nagar)
2 In front of Jitendra Mahtre house Rai Gao
3 Near Bharat Patil Decoraters Shivneri Nagar
4 Near Rajendra Raut house Morva Near Rai
Ward Committee 2
5 Burhani Nagar
6 Chintamani Apartment
7 Narona Compound (Seema Apartment)
8 Modi Patel Road Radha Sadan Apartment
9 Ajantata Apartment Bhayandar West
10 Shanti Nagar 1 Bhayandar West
11 Shanti Nagar 2 Bhayandar West
12 Sub-way Bhayandar West
13 Nakoda Hospital Colony
14 Bakery Colony
Ward Committee 3
15 Gas Godown
16 Jagruti Apartment Station
17 Sarswati Highschool Kharigaon
18 Hanuman Nagar
19 Jesaldham Kharigaon
Ward Committee 4
20 Pooja Garden
21 Pearl Diamond
22 Ramdev Park

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

23 Gaurav Sankalp Phase 1

24 Anand Apurva
25 Mira Apartment
26 Ramnagar Omsagar
27 Grishma Enclave
28 Gaurav Sankalp Manthan
29 Karan Complex Phase 4
30 Kankiya Laxmi Park
31 Mahesh Industries
32 Gaurav Sankalp
Ward Committee 5
33 R. N. A. Broadway Gate No. 102
34 Cosmo Politan School
35 Shital Nagar Ganpati Temple
36 Shanti Nagar Sector 4
37 Shanti Nagar Sector 5
38 Shanti Nagar Sector 11
39 Shrinath Complex
40 Kanungo Estate Gita Nagar Phase 6
41 Mira Darshan
Ward Committee 6
42 Shri Saswat Complex
43 Silver Park Shivneri Colony
44 Mira Krushan
45 Amish Park
46 Mira Dham
47 Vijay Park
48 Aatmaram Nagar Penkarpada
Source: Disaster Management Plan, 2020

From the safety point of view of citizens, the corporation has identified 10 dangerous buildings
identified in the project area. These buildings are more susceptible to environmental disasters.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The details of the same are mentioned in below Table 9-13. It is observed that buildings in
ward committee number 3 are more dangerous for livelihood. While buildings in ward
committee number 2, and 5 are not at any risk.

Table 9-13 Buildings vulnerable to disaster

Sr. No. Building Name

Ward Committee 1
1 Prince Apartment Pali Gaon Uttan
Ward Committee 3
Vinu Bhavan Co. Housing Society Panchal Nagar near Kasturi estate Bhayandar
3 Kamal Kunj Building, B. P. Road near post office Bhayandar east
4 Parihar Bhavan near Mangalmurti hospital, B. P. cross road Bhayandar east
5 Vasudev Co. Housing Society, Chaitnya Apartment Kharigaon Bhayandar east
6 Rameshwar Navghar gaon near Datta Mandir Bhayandar east
Ward Committee 4
7 Krushna Complex Co. Housing Society, Hatkesh Mangal Nagar Mira Road east
Kristal A,B,C,D,E,F Co. Housing Society, in front of Sai petrol pump Mira
Bhayandar road
Ward Committee 6
Shital Plaza A,B,C,D Co. Housing Society, MTNL road Shital Nagar Mira Road
Chandravihar B1 and B3 Co. Housing Society, Nupur phase no. 11 Shital Nagar
Station Road Mira Road East
Source: Disaster Management Plan, 2020

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

9.6.2 Landslide
Several areas around the hill slope are prone to landslides in Mira Bhayandar city. The risk is more during monsoons and heavy rain. Areas around
the hill slope in Kashigaon are prone to landslides resulting in increased exposure of slopes to erosion and water infiltration. People residing on
these hill slopes are susceptible to disaster.

Map 9-1 River and Water Courses of Mira Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 9-2 Existing Forest Area

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 9-3 Existing Mangroves and Salt Pans

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 9-4 Existing CRZ Line

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 9-5 Elevation Map of Mira Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Map 9-6 Steep Slope Area of Mira Bhayandar, indicative of hills & hill ridges

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Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


10.1 Introduction
Heritage is the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture. Most
importantly, it is the wide range of coeval activities, meanings, and behaviour that we draw
from them. Heritage is much more than preserving, excavating, displaying, or restoring a
collection of old things. It is both tangible and intangible, in the sense that ideas and memories
of, languages, dances, cultures, and many other elements of who we are and how we identify
ourselves today.

The historical buildings and archaeological sites have not only given significance to the areas
they belong to but also played a really important role in encouraging tourism. It has constantly
acted as a platform and a means for presenting heritage to the public, conserving it, and
guaranteeing its economic and social viability. Hence, tourism is in most cases a balancing
mechanism that keeps and protects the heritage itself. This chapter gives a glimpse of the major
heritage sites and tourist spots within and around the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation

10.2 Heritage Sites

Heritage structures are defined as those antique architectural buildings which have stood the
test of time, notwithstanding calamities and narrating the tale of that metropolis' architectural
facts, histories, and wonderful past. The places of worship also come under the sub-category
of heritage. A detailed list of the major religious structures including their structural and
locational details is given in table 10-1

Table 10-1 Details of Major Religious Structures

Sr. No. Location Name of Religious Destination Status

1 Hare Ramah Hare Krishna Temple (ISKCON) Active
2 Shri Sai Baba Mandir Active
3 Ganesh Mandir Active
4 Sri Swaminarayan Mandir Active
Mira Road
5 Haidry Jama Masjid Active
6 Shama Mosque Active
7 Aziziya Mosque Active
8 Ahle Hadith Mosque Active

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

9 Saint Joseph's Church Active

10 Global Vipasana Pagoda Active
Source: Thane District Tourism Master Plan

10.2.1 Hare Ram Hare Krishna Temple (ISKON Group)

The temple was established on Rama Navami in 1966. Since
then, the temple has expanded considerably. This temple was
renovated in 2015. The large number of devotees visiting this
place which also includes devotees of foreign countries. This
is a prominent landmark in the area and the temple also
organizes many religious and cultural programs.

10.2.2 Saint Joseph's Church

It is the largest parish in the Archdiocese of Bombay with more than 22,000 Catholics. This
beautiful church structure has been well planned and designed by the architect Mr. Girish
Pradhan. It stands on a piling foundation designed to a depth of 9-10mtrs resting on a hard rock
holding restraint and constraint for the seismic floor and other natural pressures like wind and
water. It has been designed to provide good ventilation and plenty of natural light. The open
ground can be merged with the church for important occasions like Christmas and Holy Week.

The church has a sitting capacity of 1,000 people in the central block and another 450 on the
mezzanine floor. The 15 mysteries of the Holy Rosary are depicted on the railings of the
mezzanine floor. There are the Stations of the Cross-on stain glasses above the windows. On
the left side of the Church, there is the Blessed Sacrament Chapel wherein the sacrament is
exposed for 24 hrs adoration. The Sanctuary is simple with a big cross in the background.
Above the church, there is a multipurpose community hall and a terrace hall. There is a
staircase, and along the staircase wall, leading to the mezzanine floor and hall, we have
beautiful paintings depicting the life of Jesus Christ. On the right side of the church, there is an
underground water storage tank raised 3 feet above the ground level for a stage for outdoor

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

10.3 Tourism Spots

Some of the major tourist destinations in and around Mira Bhayandar within a radius of 30km
from the city centre are mentioned below:

10.3.1 Forts
Ghodbunder Fort

The Ghodbunder Fort is situated in the Ghodbunder village, on the hill just south of the Ulhas
River. Back then it was built by the Portuguese and was soon occupied by the Maratha Empire.
It later became the headquarters for the East India Company. The place is called Ghodbunder
as the Portuguese used to trade on Ghode (horses) hence the name bunder (fort). The place acts
as a beautiful heritage site that speaks hugely of the colonial past. The best time to visit is
during the cooler months post summer where tourists can expect to spend an hour to two
wandering around the site. The site is soon set to be restored, after a year of delay Mira
Bhayandar Municipal Corporation has acquired permission from the Archaeological Survey
India to carry forward the restoration.

Figure 10-1 Ghodbunder Fort

Arnala Fort

Arnala is one of the best forts among coastal forts. It is located in Arnala village, of Vasai
taluka. Being an island fort, it is also known as 'Jaldurg' or 'Janjire Arnala'. The Arnala was
captured by many empires such as the Mughals, Marathas, Portuguese, and lastly Peshwas.
Sultan Mahmud Begda originally constructed the fort in 1516. There is no source of food but
water is available in the well on the fort. This fort is rectangular in shape and almost surrounded
by water. There are many temples such as Tryambakeshwar, Bhavani Mata, Kalika Mata, and

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

also of Mahadev. There are three entrances out of which one entrance has two big bastions on
both sides which are on the north side of the fort.

Figure 10-2 Arnal Fort

Vasai Fort

Vasai fort also called Bassein located in Vasai taluka. It was the headquarter of the Portuguese
in the north, next in importance to Goa. The coastal land fort of Vasai was surrounded by sea
on three sides and to the landside, it had a moat that was filled with seawater. Its 4.5 km long
strong stone wall had 11 bastions. The fort had two gates – the westward land gate. There was
also a small citadel in the fort well equipped with water tanks, storehouses, armory, etc. The
fort also had fields for growing grains and vegetables. All the old structures inside the wall are
now in ruins. Vasai was the main naval base and sort of ship-building centre of the Portuguese.
It was here in 1802 AD, the Peshwa Bajirav II signed the infamous “Treaty of Bassein” which
virtually dissolved the Maratha Confederacy. Finally, the fort and the city of Vasai were ceded
to the British in 1817 AD.

Figure 10-3 Vasai Fort

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

10.3.2 Water Tourism

• Vasai Creek

The Vasai creek or also known as “Bhayandar ki Khadi” connects the Mumbai Suburb with
the Thane District. They form 2 islands that stretch up to 2-4 km long, forming the lifeline for
the local train commuters of Mumbai. The creek sometimes is also called the Bassein Creek as
it connects the Bassein village fort and in the east, it goes through Thane District. Apart from
2 railway and road bridges each of the creeks showcases a beautiful sunset and spectacular
views during monsoon. The islands of these creeks are inhabited by small fishing villages, the
creek is crowded during the Ganesh Visarjan days.

Figure 10-4 Vasai Creek

• Uttan Beach

Uttan is known as the untouched coast of Mumbai, for its beach. Unlike any other beaches in
Mumbai, the Uttan beach is absolutely clean, peaceful, and a serene place for one to visit while
in Bhayandar. The beach is not the only attraction, here one can meet the local fishing
community and understand their culture too. The beach is very easily accessible, 8kms from
Bhayandar and further away from the main village. This beach is not only known scenically
but also for its history and culture.

Figure 10-5 Uttan Beach

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

10.3.3 Entertainment Tourism

• Vardhaman Fantasy Park

Located in Shivar Gardens on Kashi Mira Road is extremely accessible. This amusement park
is a relatively new park constructed in the area. The very highlight of this park is it's divided
into several zones. Apart from this the park has a massive food court and is kids as well as

Figure 10-6 Vardhaman Amusement Park, Mira

• Tikuji-Ni-Wadi

Tikuji-Ni-Wadi is an amusement park, Water Park, and resort near Thane. The Water Park has
pools and water slides. The amusement park includes go-karts, roller coasters, giant wheels,
and a 7-story zip-line. Additionally, there are a Shiva temple and marriage halls as a part of the
resort. During Shivratri, they make Shiva replicas out of ice. The park remains open during the
rainy season. A recent addition is a realistic dinosaur park. After a humble beginning, two
decades ago, Tikuji-Ni-Wadi has become renowned as a favoured retreat for a breath of fresh
air and clean fun.

Figure 10-7 Tiku-ji-ni-wadi

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

• Essel World

It is not just a well-known park in the area but one of the largest amusement parks in India
located on the outskirts of Mumbai on Gorai Island. Essel World offers you the typical
amusement park attractions of roller coasters and water world, which is something
tremendously enjoyable in Mumbai's high humidity. It is spread over 64 acres (260,000 m2) of
land and attracts 10,000 visitors every day. It forms two parts Essel world and the Water
Kingdom. It can be reached from the suburbs of Borivali or Malad. Essel world was started by
Subhash Chandra of the Essel Group in 1986. The Water Kingdom section was added in 1998.
Essel world was one of the first amusement parks in India. After starting in 1986, it took five
years for it to break even but its annual turnover in 2001 was 35-40 crores rupees and is now
called a "huge success". It is the best place to visit on a day off. Apart from just the regular
amusement park rides it also consists of a bowling alley, an ice-skating rink, and a discotheque.
It is especially known for its New Year’s celebration.

Figure 10-8 Essel World and Water Kingdom

• Suraj Water Park

Suraj Water Park is an excellent water recreation paradise that appeals to people belonging to
all age groups. It is Spread over 11 acres. It is also knownas The Pride of Maharashtra after having
bagged 6 Times winner in Limca Book of Records and winner of National & International
awards. Suraj Water Park is Asia’s largest cave extensively made of fiberglass. The Park
stands adorned with beautiful 24 ft high and 40 ft long mermaids, which greet you as you step
inside.As you go further, there will be a museum of fountains. At the entrance of the fiber cave,
are beautiful images of Natraj and Lord Shiva. Going further you will see the largest man-made
fiber cave measuring 103 ft. in length. At the entrance, you will see Lord Shiva (God of Life)

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

with his family and Natraj (God of Dance). This cave has been prepared with modern
technology with the presence of Lord Shiva and Natraj adding a symbolic touch of tradition.

Figure 10-9 Suraj Water Park

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 10-10 Tourist Destination in and around Mira Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


11.1 Regional Connectivity
• The city is well connected with the other parts of the Maharashtra and Nation through State
highway and expressway, rail network The ongoing project of Metro line no. 9 will
accelerate the overall development and growth of the city. It is observed that National
Highway passing through the city create traffic chaos as city traffic mix with the through

11.2 Existing Land Use

• According to Existing Land Use of the city, out of the total developed area, maximum area
extent of 10% falls under residential use followed by area under mixed use is 4.80%. The
area between Western Railway line and Western Expressway comprised of villages
Bhayandar, Mira, Khari, Goddev, Navghar, Mahajanwadi, Penkarpada are identified as
fast-growing areas of the city
• Commercial Land use contributes to the extent of 1.02% of the developed area. Uses such
as Shops, commercial establishments, restaurants, shopping complexes etc. are included
under commercial use. Commercial activities are located mainly along Bhayandar railway
station and along the adjoining roads
• Mixed use zone was not a part of the previous sanctioned DP. Currently, 4.80% of the total
area comes under Mixed land use. It mainly includes residential use with other commercial
activities. The land use is mainly concentrated along major roads
• The areas occupied by educational institutes, health services, religious places and
government land and offices have been included in public and semi-public use. The total
area covered under this use is 2.08%
• The area under recreational purposes like Gardens, lakes, parks, playgrounds etc.
contribute to around 1.09% of the total developed area
• Nearly 39.62 % of the total area comes under Eco-sensitive area which covers the use of
land under Mangroves and National Park (SGNP)
• The use of land under Saltpan contributes to about 13.29% of the total area
• Water bodies contribute to about 2.47% of the total area.

11.3 Population
• People are migrating from other parts of the Maharashtra to the city for better livelihood

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

• The sex ratio of the project area is higher than the nation and state’s average sex ratio
• The literacy rate is high as compared to nation and state’s average literacy rate
• Ward number 5 and 6 are densely populated while ward number 24 and 14 are less
• 7.2% out of the total population is residing in slum area and most of the slums are observed
along railway track and water courses
• Most of the slums observed in Mira and Bhayandar
• Only 39% out of the total population is working, shows high unemployment rate
• The city is classified as a mono-functional city as most of the population is engaged in one
sector of the employment.

11.4 Economy
• City’s economy has undergone transformation from agriculture and allied activities to
tertiary activity
• The pattern of employment shows deceleration in industrial activities with around 95%
being contributed by service sector

11.5 Transport
• Traffic infrastructure in Mira Bhayandar is facing high demands due to population growth,
growing population of vehicles and increasing number of journeys being undertaken by the
• The mode share of the Public Transport is the lowest which indicates there is lack of public
transport in the city
• Substantial growth trend in vehicle population has been noticed in Mira Bhayandar. This
trend needs to be controlled by improving the public transport system in the city
• The rate of accidents found to be high near fountain junction and Ghodbunder road because
of mixing of city traffic with through traffic
• It has been observed through the Origin and Destination survey that, 31% of the traffic is
originated at Mira Bhayandar moves towards Thane followed by 25% towards Mumbai
while Kalyan and Navi Mumbai movement is minimal
• It is observed that 42% of the traffic destined at Mira Bhayandar is coming from Thane
followed by 30% from Mumbai while Kalyan and Navi Mumbai movement is minimal
• It is observed through the Speed and Delay Survey that the average journey speed in the city
differs from 11 kmph to 18 kmph during peak hours whereas the average journey speed in

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

the city ranges from 15 kmph to 25 kmph during off-peak hour. The analysis shows that the
travel speeds in the evening peak hour are generally higher than the travel speed during
morning peak hour.
• The traffic volume count infers that morning peak hour is 11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon and
evening peak hour is 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
• The V/C ratio of all locations except Uttan Road are close to or greater than 1, indicating
requirement of MRTS systems for regional connectivity
• The intersection analysis shows 99% of share of motorized vehicles where as non-motorized
share comprises of only 1% of the total composition of traffic
• Kashimira intersection is most congested location in the city and recorded a maximum
number of PCUs number which clearly notify to take major steps to decongest the junction
• Two wheelers account for a high proportion of the total traffic. The share of MAV’s is very
low. Auto Rickshaw come out to be the preferred intra city transit option as it covers almost
equal composition that of cars
• Traffic volumes are high near urban centres such as commercial market places, shopping
malls, station area and on the links connecting to Mumbai suburbs

11.6 Physical Infrastructure

• Water supply in the city is insufficient as per the demand. There is water scarcity in the
project area
• Only 90% of the households has water supply connections
• Per capita supply of water is less than the prescribed standards
• There is a lack of sewerage network up to the last mile
• 85% out of the total raw sewage is directly discharged into the open drains, adverse soil
conditions and shallow water table aggravates the problem of safe sewage disposal
• Only 68% of the raw sewage is treated at STPs
• During the rainy season many septic tanks overflow due to rises in the groundwater table
• Rain water holding capacity of the natural drains have been visibly affected due to
reduction in width of nalas and water courses because of unauthorize construction and
dumping of solid waste along the drains
• Even though door to door collection of Municipal solid waste takes place, the
infrastructure in place is not adequate, both in terms of quantity as well as design in order
to collect the waste in segregated manner

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

• Lack of segregation of waste at source causes operational difficulties and eventually

environmental damage at treatment sites
• The existing waste treatment facilities available in the corporation area are insufficient
• Waste is directly dumped on the landfill site without any scientific propose.

11.7 Social Infrastructure

• The major burden of the education facilities is taken over by public sector. However, there
is a need to provide education facilities in the area by keeping in view the future population
• The high level and technical education facilities are inadequate
• Health facilities offer by government is reasonable but the number of beds in the existing
hospital are inadequate to cope up with the demand
• Most of the health facilities are provided by private sector
• There is no organized space for hawkers
• The existing recreational facilities in the city are limited to the parks and playground and
their area and effectiveness is inadequate
• The social and cultural facilities like community centre, drama theatre, museum, town hall,
memorial of historical importance is missing in the city
• For increasing population, existing facilities of cremation and burial ground is not
• Existing fire brigade stations are less in number comparing the spread of the city.

11.8 Environment
• AQI in project area is in ‘moderate’ category during 2020-2021. Vehicular emission is one
of the reasons why the level of air quality in Mira Bhayandar is leaning towards pollution.
Air quality has come under strain in the city due to ongoing development works like Metro
work, development of infrastructure, increasing load of vehicle pollution
• The existing air and water quality is within the standard limit but at the edge of it and need
regular monitoring
• There are 48 water logging locations and existing drainage system is insufficient
• It is observed that the lake is getting polluted because of the mixing of polluted water or
drainage or dumping waste in the lake.

11.9 Heritage and Tourism

• The existing tourism points are not well maintained and managed

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Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


12.1 Introduction
The Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation declared its intention to prepare Draft
Development Plan for the area under its jurisdiction on 24th January 1986. The Draft
Development Plan for the area was published in 1997. The Government sanctioned the part
Development Plan in the year 1997 and the remaining part was subsequently sanctioned in

12.2 Analysis of The Previous Development Plan

It is important to analyze the previous Development Plan to understand the success of the
earlier proposals and implementation strategies, which will help to form the new proposals in
the Draft DP 2.17 -2037 to accelerate the planned development in the city.

The Analysis of the previous DP is done considering the following main three aspects,

1. Proposed Reservation Sites,

2. Proposed Roads,
3. Proposed Zoning.
12.2.1 Proposed Reservation Sites
The total number of reservation sites proposed in the earlier DP was 335 in number. The total
area under the reservation sites proposed was 432.49 Ha. The analysis of the current situation
of those reservations is done based on their development status, land acquisition status, and
encroachment on the reservation sites and sites affected by the CRZ. Development Status of The Reservation Sites

The further categorization of the development status of the reservation sites is mentioned in
Table 12-1. It shows that only around 10% area under reservations is completely developed
whereas around 70.6% reservation area is not developed.

Table 12-1 Development Status of The Reservation Sites


Sr. No. Category Number Area (Ha)
1 Developed 57 42.97
2 Not Developed 238 305.58
3 Partly Developed 40 84.25
Total Reservations 335 432.80

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


9.9 %
19.5 %

Not Developed

Partly Developed

70.6 %

Figure 12-1 Development Status of Reservation Sites Status of Land Acquired by MBMC
It is observed that a total of 127.61 Ha of the area is acquired by Mira Bhayandar Municipal
Corporation out of which around 54% of the area is fully acquired and around 45% of the area
is partly acquired by MBMC. The detail of the same is mentioned in Table 12-2.

Table 12-2 Land Acquisition Status


Sr. No. Category Number Area (Ha)
1 Partly Acquired 108 58.51
2 Fully Acquired 42 69.09
Land Acquired by MBMC 150 127.61


45.8 %
Partly Acquired

Fully Acquired
54.1 %

Figure 12-2 Land Acquisition by MBMC

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037 Encroachment on Reservation Sites

At present total of 117 reservation sites have encroachment. Around 89% area partly
encroaches while around 11% of the reservation area completely encroaches. The detail of the
encroached reservation sites is given in Table 12-3. Whereas, out of a total of 117 encroached
sites 19 sites are partly developed. The development status of encroached sites is given in Table

Table 12-3 Encroachment on Reservation Sites


Sr. No. Category Number Area (Ha)
1 Partly Encroached 100 70.64
2 Fully Encroached 17 8.41
Total 117 79.05



Partly Encroached

Fully Encroached


Figure 12-3 Encroachment on Reservation Sites

• Development on Encroached Reservation Sites:

Table 12-4 Development on Encroached Sites


Sr. No. Category Number Area (Ha)
1 Partly Developed 19 17.12
2 Not Developed 98 61.93
Encroached 117 79.05

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



Partly Developed

Not Developed

78% Reservations Affected by CRZ

A total of 86 reservation sites with an area of 200.39 Ha. are affected due to CRZ stipulations.
The detail of the subcategorization of the CRZ areas and reservation sites affected by it is given
in Table 12-5. It can be observed that from the total CRZ-affected reservation site area around
2% of the area is developed whereas 20% of the area is partly developed.

Table 12-5 Reservation Sites Affected by CRZ


Sr. No. Category Number Area (Ha)
1 CRZ I 23 47.96
2 CRZ II 30 9.44
3 CRZ I & II 33 142.99
Total CRZ Affected Sites 86 200.39




Figure 12-4 Area of Reservation Sites Affected by CRZ

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 12-6 Development on Reservation Sites Affected by CRZ


Sr. No. Category Number Area (Ha)
1 Developed 4 4.73
2 Partly Developed 9 50.79
3 Not Developed 73 201.32
Total CRZ Affected Sites 86 256.85




Partly Developed

Not Developed


Figure 12-5 Area of Development on CRZ Affected Reservation Sites

12.2.2 Proposed Roads
The total area under DP roads is 412.92 Ha as per sanctioned DP. This figure is corrected to
the extent of the excluded area of six revenue villages of SPA and the extent of section 37
modification sanctioned till the year 2022.

It is observed that around 39.3% of proposed roads as per the previous DP are completely
developed whereas 24.9% of proposed roads are partly developed. The details of the same are
mentioned in Table 12-7.

Table 12-7 Proposed Roads in Previous DP

DP Roads
Sr. No. Development Status Area (Ha) Implementation %
1 Developed 162.13 39.3
2 Not Developed 147.93 35.8
3 Partly Developed 102.86 24.9
Total 412.92 100

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



Not Developed
Partly Developed


Figure 12-6 Area of Proposed Roads in Previous DP

12.2.3 Proposed Zoning
The implementation status of the proposed zoning as per the previous Development Plan is
given in Table 12-8.

Table 12-8 Proposed Zoning Status in Previous DP

Proposed Implemented
Sr. No. Zone
Area (Ha) Area %
1 Residential 1524 55

2 Commercial 53.91 14

3 Industrial 138.29 75
The area under
4 432.49 10
Designated Sites
Transport and
5 412.92 75
6 Non-Developable Area 3851 12

7 Water Body 72.54 100

Total 6479 30

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

29% Commercial

4% Industrial

Area Under Designated

Transport and
4% 22% Communication
Non-Developable Area

3% Water Body

Figure 12-7 Implementation Status of Proposed Zoning

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


13.1 The Need for Restructuring
In the previous chapter, the performance implementation of past DP has been analysed. The
parameters to analyse are,

1. The Development in each segment by 2022 (ELU Map),

2. The extent of encroachment in each segment,
3. The Extent of CRZ areas in each segment (aspect) and buffer to Sanjay Gandhi National
13.1.1 The Proposed Restructuring
The cumulative effect of all three parameters as above, when considered in the restructuring of
DP sites, DP Roads, and the zoning of the past plan is summarised in the following Tables.

13.2 The Restructuring of the Previous DP

13.2.1 The Balanced Reservation Sites in Previous DP
The 132 designated sites out of 335 total sites of previous DP are not affected either by CRZ
or by encroachment. Out of these 132 sites, 53 are already developed and 78 are developable
while 1 site out of a total of 132 reservation sites is proposed to be deleted.

Table 13-1 Restructuring of The Previous DP Reservations


CRZ Affected 86 4 16 66
Only Encroached 117 0 0 117
Balance 132 53 1 78
Total 335 57 16 261




Figure 13-1 Restructuring of Reservation Sites

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

13.2.2 Restructuring of CRZ Affected Reserved Sites

CRZ regulations and CZMP were not in force when the previous DP was sanctioned by the
Government. Subsequently, when CZMP came into force it shows a total of 86 designated sites
are affected by CRZ stipulations, out of which 23 sites were completely affected by CRZ I, 30
sites were completely affected by CRZ II while 33 sites shown affected by both CRZ I and II.

Considering the CRZ stipulations and the analysis of the previous DP, restructuring of those
reservations has been done. Accordingly, 4 reservations were already developed while 16 sites
cannot be developed under the CRZ stipulations, therefore those sites are proposed to be
deleted. While 66 sites are retained with appropriate change of designation and restructured to
make them developable under the CRZ regulations. The summary of the same is given in the
following Table 13-2.

Table 13-2 Restructuring of CRZ Affected Reservation Sites

CRZ Affected
Sr. No. Category Number Area (Ha)
1. Developed 4 4.73
2. Retained 66 197.69
3. Deleted 16 53.76
Total 86 256.85

CRZ Affected Reservation Sites





Figure 13-2 CRZ Affected Reservation Sites

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

13.2.4 Restructuring of Encroached Reserved Sites

The analysis of previous DP site encroachment shows that 117 sites encroached out of which
19 are partly developed. The suitability of the development of these encroached sites justifies
retaining 117 sites with a slight change of designation and reshaping to make them developable.
The summary of this is given in the following Table 13-3.

Table 13-3 Restructuring of Encroached Reserved Sites

Encroached Reservation Sites

Sr. No. Category Number Area (Ha)
1. Retained 117 79.05
2. Deleted 0 0
Total 117 79.05

13.2.5 Restructuring of Roads

In the Draft DP 2017-2037 around 40% of roads proposed in the previous DP are retained
whereas around 31% not developed roads are deleted. Around 76.65 Ha of new roads are
proposed in this Draft Revised Development Plan. The details of the same is mentioned in the
Table 13.4.

Table 13-4 Restructuring of Roads

DP Roads
Sr. No. Category Area (Ha)
Not Developed 130.67
1. Retained
Partly Developed 102.86
2. Deleted 17.46
3. Alignment Change 2.42
4. New Proposed Roads 76.65
5. Developed Roads 162.13
Total 474.73

DP Roads
23% Retained
Alignment Change
New Proposed Roads
Developed Roads
Figure 13-3 Area of Restructured Roads

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

13.2.6 Restructuring of Zoning

The detailed zoning proposed in the Draft Revised Development Plan 2017-2037 is given in
the Table 13-5.

Table 13-5 Proposed Zoning in Draft Revised Development Plan 2017-2037

Zone Area (Ha)

Residential Zone 1467.68
Industrial Zone 108.67
Recreational Zone 128.27
PSP& PU 189.36
Commercial Utilities 18.91
Transportation 587.77
NDZ 3727.71
Waterbody 250.63
Total 6479

Proposed Land Use Zoning

Residential Zone
Industrial Zone
Recreational Zone
1.69% PSP & PU
Commercial Utilities
57.88% NDZ

Figure 13-4 Proposed Land Use Zoning

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

14.1 Introduction
Population projection is done to identify the growth trend of the population and to come up
with an estimate for how many people we have to plan. It is estimated to provide an overview
of the future population. The factors such as birth rate, death rate, and migration affect the
population in the region. As per section 38 of the MR&TP Act, 1966 the horizon year of the
Development Plan is 20 years. Accordingly, the population of the city is projected for the years
2031 and 2041. It helps to estimate future spatial demands such as housing, water supply, and
sanitation for the Development Plan and has been explained in this chapter.

14.2 Population Trend

Mira Bhayandar Municipal Council was established in 1985. After that adjoining villages of
the Municipal Council limits started showing a trend of urbanization. The judicial limits of the
city were extended by merging 10 villages in the city limit. To calculate the population of the
city for the years 1971 and 1981, the population of each village within the city limit is
considered. The total population recorded for Mira Bhayandar city in the year 2011 was
8,09,378. The city has shown a significant increase in population since the year 1971. The
decadal growth rate of the city is at its peak in the decade 1991-2001. In the year 2011, the
population increased in absolute number; however, the percentage decadal growth shows a
steep decline from 196.34% to 55.53%. The population trend of the last five decades in the
MBMC area is mentioned in Table 14-1.

Table 14-1 Decadal Population Projection

Census Year Population Increment Growth Rate (%) Increment Increase

1971 34185 7604 - -

1981 67195 33010 96.56 -

1991 175605 108410 161.34 75400

2001 520388 344783 196.34 236373

2011 809378 288990 55.53 -55793

Average 156559.4 107.68 70346.5

Source: Census of India

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

14.3 Population Projection

Population projection for Mira Bhayandar is carried out by considering the population of the
2011 census as a base population. The population for the years 2021, 2031, and 2041 for the
MBMC area has been projected using various methods considering natural and induced growth.
The methods used for the population projection are mentioned below

1. Arithmetic Increase Method

2. Geometric Increase Method
3. Incremental Increase Method
4. Simple Graphical Method
5. Linear Regression Method
6. Ratio Method
14.3.1 Arithmetic Increase Method
This method is suitable for large and old cities with considerable development. Application of
this method in small, average, or comparatively new cities will yield lower results than the
actual value. In this method, the average increase in population per decade is calculated from
past census reports. This increase is added to the present population to find out the population
for the next decade. Thus, it is assumed that the population is increasing at a constant rate.
Hence, dP/dt = C i.e., the rate of change of population concerning time is constant.

Therefore, the Population after the nth decade will be Pn= P + n C

Where Pn is the population after ‘n’ decades and ‘P’ is the present population

14.3.2 Geometric Increase Method

In this method, the percentage increase in population from decade to decade is assumed to
remain constant. The geometric mean increase is used to find out the future increment in
population. Since this method gives higher values and hence should be applied to a new
industrial town at the beginning of development for only a few decades. The population at the
end of nth decade ‘Pn’ can be estimated as:

Pn = P (1+ IG/100) n


IG: geometric mean (%)

P: Present population

N: no. of decades

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

14.3.3 Incremental Increase Method

This method is a modification of the arithmetical increase method and it is suitable for an
average size town under normal conditions where the growth rate is found to be in increasing
order. While adopting this method the increase in increment is considered for calculating future
population. The incremental increase is determined for each decade from the past population
and the average value is added to the present population along with the average rate of increase.
Hence, the population after the nth decade is

Pn = P+ n X + {n (n+1)/2} Y


Pn: Population after the nth decade

X: Average increase

Y: Incremental increase

14.3.4 Linear Regression Method

The linear model assumes that population growth is growing at absolute equal increments per
year, decade, or other units of time. It also assumes that growth will follow a similar pattern in
future years. This method is most suitable when the pattern of growth is similar to a straight
line. This tool is especially useful when projecting areas experiencing slow growth. The linear
regression equation is given by:

Y=a + b X


14.3.5 Simple Graphical Method

In this method, the populations of the last few decades are correctly plotted to a suitable scale
on a graph. The population curve is smoothly extended for getting future populations.
This extension should be done carefully and it requires proper experience and judgment. The
best way of applying this method is to extend the curve by comparing it with the population
curve of some other similar cities having similar growth conditions. The trendlines will provide
different R2 values for different logarithmic equations. The R2 value closest to 1 is considered

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

for forecasting the population in this method. Here, the R2 value of a polynomial expression is
0.9896 which is closest to 1. Hence, equation derived from this expression y= 53452x2 -
120356x + 94443 is used for population projection.

Table 14-2 R2 values for different expressions

Expressions R2

Exponential 0.9522

Linear 0.8999

Logarithmic 0.8982

Polynomial 0.9896

Power 0.9785

y = 53452x2 - 120356x + 94443
800000 R² = 0.9896
1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
Population Poly. (Population)

14.3.6 Ratio Method

This method identifies that the population growth of a city is a reflection of the growing forces
operating in the external area. In the ratio method the share of the city’s population in a larger
region, as observed in the past, can be taken as an indicator of the future. Here the population
of MMR is considered to calculate the futuristic population.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

14.5 Summary
The population projection obtained from different methods is mentioned in Table 14-3.

Table 14-3 Population Projection using various methods

Sr. Forecasting
2021 2031 2036 2041
No. Methods

1 Arithmetic Increase 10,03,176 11,96,975 12,93,874 13,90,773

2 Geometric Increase 17,33,391 37,12,288 54,32,682 79,50,361

3 10,54,372 13,50,563 15,17,856 16,97,949

4 Linear Regression 11,38,339 13,50,153 14,56,060 15,61,967

5 Simple Graphical 12,96,579 18,71,099 21,98,448 25,52,523

6 Ratio Method 12,61,700 17,13,009 22,86,565

Decadal Growth rate

Sr. No. Forecasting Methods
2021-2031 2031-2041

1 Arithmetic Increase 19.32 16.19

2 Geometric Increase 114.16 114.16

3 Incremental Increase 28.09 25.72

4 Linear Regression 18.61 15.69

5 Simple Graphical 44.31 36.42

6 Ratio Method 35.77 33.48

The various methods are showing different population forecasts for the years 2021, 2031, and
2041. The Arithmetic Increase Method and Linear Regression Method is assuming the constant
population growth rate and are more suitable for large cities. Therefore, these methods may not
apply to Mira Bhayandar city which is witnessing considerable growth over the past decades.
The geometric Increase Method is more appropriate for the new industrial towns which are at

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

the beginning of development. In the case of Mira Bhayandar city, this method is giving higher
population estimate and may not give actual value. Hence, it may not be considered for the
population projection.

Mira Bhayandar city is well connected with existing roads, and railways with other parts of the
country, and proposed metro, rail, and road corridors would be the main reason for the future
growth of the city. Also, the city act as a dormitory town to Greater Mumbai which attracts
people to the city. Considering these factors, from all methods of population projection, the
Incremental Increase Method and Simple Graphical Method may give fairly good results and
would be more suitable for the Development Plan proposals. But the Simple Graphical Method
is showing a high decadal growth rate for the city. Therefore, it may not be considered for the
population projection. The incremental Increase Method which is showing a considerable
growth rate could be considered for the Development Plan proposals. But section 27 of the
MR&TP Act, 1966 states that “where any area within the jurisdiction of a Planning Authority
is included in a Region, the Planning Authority or as the case may be, the said officer shall
have regard to, and be guided by, the proposals made in any Draft Regional Plan, or any final
Regional Plan, as the case may be, while preparing the Draft Revised Development Plan.”
Hence, the Draft Revised Development Plan has adopted the population identified by
Sanctioned MMR RP i.e., 22.86 million for calculating land requirements for the preparation
of the Proposed Land Use Map (PLU).

14.6 Population Projection at Sector level

The projected population of the city is further divided into numerous sectors. Mira Bhayandar
city area is divided into 3 sectors which include 23 electoral wards. The boundaries of these
sectors are designated as per the physical boundaries of the electoral wards.

Table 14-4 Population Projection for Sectors

Census Population Projected Population
Sector No. Ward No.
2011 2031 2041
1 32377 71228 95077
6 31671 69675 93003
1 7 31971 70335 93884
8 33455 73599 98242
23 31460 61695 82353
Total 160934 346532 462559

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2 31643 69613 92921

3 35483 78061 104198
4 34662 76255 101787
5 36141 79509 106130
9 32600 71718 95732
10 38439 84564 112878
11 37410 82300 109856
12 31106 68432 91344
2 13 33537 73780 98483
15 33872 74517 99467
16 32286 71028 94809
17 35838 78842 105240
18 35471 78035 104162
19 31467 69226 92404
20 33146 72920 97335
21 35245 77537 103499
22 37138 81702 109058
Total 585484 1288037 1719303
3 14 35655 78439 104703
Total 35655 78439 104703
Source: Projection based on Draft RP

Sr. No. Sector Projected Population 2041

1 Sector - 1 462559
2 Sector -2 1719303
3 Sector -3 104703
The population of MBMC at 2041 2286565

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


15.1 Introduction
It is stipulated under section 22 of the MR&TP Act, 1966 to provide land for public amenities.
These amenities include education, health, social, and recreational facilities, and infrastructures
like roads, water, sewerage, solid waste management, and cremation, etc. The spatial allocation
of these facilities is important. Planning standards and norms is an instrument to calculate
required amenities to a satisfactory level. The public services and facilities in the urban
environment have a significant impact on the quality of life of the people residing in urban
areas. Good quality physical and social infrastructure such as Education facilities, Health &
Welfare facilities, civics, Distribution services, Transportation, Water supply, Sewerage, and
Community facilities are essential elements for healthy and sustainable urban life.

15.2 Selection of Planning Standards

For assessing the requirement of social and physical infrastructure for the estimated population,
the spatial norms have been laid down in various documents by different authorities. To adopt
the most appropriate norms for MBMC Development Plan, planning norms, standards and
guidelines are referred from URDPFI, Revised DP MCGM 2034 & Nashik Development Plan

Mira Bhayandar is an adjoining city to Greater Mumbai and one of the fastest growing cities
in the MMR. Both cities have the same geographical and physiographical features. Mira
Bhayandar acts as a dormitory town to Greater Mumbai and has a direct or indirect impact on
cities population character. MCGM has detailed planning standards and norms for the city by
considering its character, potential, and infrastructure needs. Also, Nashik and Mira Bhayandar
have almost the same estimated population size. NMC also listed out planning standards for
the city based on the city's character and requirements. The national level standards are
mentioned in URDPFI guidelines. It has also enlisted various categories of facilities and
infrastructure. While adopting planning standards for the Mira Bhayandar Development Plan,
planning standards given by these cities are referred to and compared. A comparative statement
of corresponding planning norms and standards is given in below Table 15-1.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 15-1 Comparison of Planning Standards and Norms

Nashik Development MCGM Development Plan-

Sr. Plan 2034
Category Subcategory
Min unit/s Area Min unit/s
Min unit/s Required Area Required Area Required
Required Required Required
1/500 students, 0.552 sq.m. per
Primary School 0.4 ha - - 1/10,000
1/5000 population person
Secondary 0.552 sq.m. per
1/7500 population 1.8 ha - - 1/10,000
School person
1 Education
Higher students, 0.47 sq.m. per
5 ha - - -
Secondary 1/1.25 lakh person
0.014. sq.m. per
Dispensary 1/15000 0.08 ha-0.12 ha - - 1/10,000
Nursing home & 0.2-0.3 ha 0.045 sq.m. per
Health and 1/ 45000-1 Lakh - - 1/1,00,000
maternity center (25-30 beds) person
2 Medical
Intermediate hospital: Intermediate
1/ 1 lakh; 80 beds hospital:1 Ha 1 for the 0.65 ha/ 0.360 sq.m. per
General Hospital 1/5,00,000
General Hospital: General city bed person
1/2.5 lakh; 500 beds Hospital:6 Ha

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

3 Socio-Culture Community Hall 1/15000 0.2 ha - - - -

Cremation Electric Crematorium Crematorium: 2
Ground : 1 for a large town ha for a large
town 0.03 sq.m. per
4 Civic As per the requirement 1/5,00,000
Cremation Ground: 5 Cremation person
Burial Ground
lakhs Ground: 2.5 ha
Burial Ground: 5 Burial Ground: 4
lakhs ha
Only filing station:
- -
30 m x 17 m
Filling cum service
- -
station: 36 m x 30 m
Petrol/ Diesel Filling cum service
filling and station cum -
Distribution - -
5 Service Centre workshop: 45 m x As per the requirement
Filling station only
for two and three - -
wheelers:18m x 15m
- 1080 sqm - -
Natural Gas

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

(CNG)/ filling
Police, Civil 0.01 sq.m. per
Police Station 40,000 – 50,000 0.16 Ha - - -
Defense, person
and Home Gu
Police Chowki 90,000 1.50 Ha - - - -
Safety Manage 2 lakh population or
7 Fire Station 1 Ha - - - -
ment 5‐7 km radius
2 numbers
Municipal 0.19 sq.m. per
8 Commercial - - in each 0.20 ha -
Market person
1/50,000 1 sq.m. per
Park/ Garden 1/15000 1 ha 3 ha -
population person
Playground/ 1/50,000
9 Open Spaces 1/ 15000 1.5 ha 3 ha -
Sport Complex population
Multipurpose 1/50,000
1/1 lakh 2 ha 3 ha - -
ground population
5MLD- 0.10 Ha
10 Water Supply WTP (Water 500MLD-9.34Ha As per the requirement As per the requirement
treatment plant) 200MLD-3.73Ha
100MLD- 1.87Ha

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

50MLD- 0.93 Ha
10MLD- 0.19Ha

Sewerage STP (Sewage

11 - - As per the requirement As per the requirement
Treatment Treatment Plant)

Transfer Station - -
Area for
segregation of
waste and - -
parking of utility

Solid Waste vehicles

12 Solid Waste As per the requirement As per the requirement
Management - -
Material recovery
Bio methanation: 4 ha/500 TDP -

Landfill sites - -

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

- passengers/day:
Bus Terminus
(Private +
1 unit per 2 bus
13 bays As per the requirement As per the requirement
n Planning
Bus Depot - -
300 tons of daily
Truck Terminus 1 ha
good inflow
Parking space for
parking of buses, - -
LMVs, IPTs, etc.
Water Terminus - -
Electric Power
14 Power Supply - - As per the requirement As per the requirement

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

15.3 Planning Sector

To determine the competence of the amenities, the city is divided into 3 sectors considering the
character of the area and the physical boundary of the wards. The following Table 15-2 and
Map 15-1 show the area covered in each sector.

Table 15-2 Details of Planning Sectors

Sector No. Ward No. Village Name Area (km)

1 Bhayandar 3.5
6 Bhayandar 0.28
1 7 Bhayandar 0.327
8 Bhayandar 0.664
23 Rai Murdhe - Murdhe & Part of Penkarpada 16.18
2 Khari 0.529
3 Khari 0.42
4 Khari 0.33
5 Khari 0.31
9 Goddev 0.58
10 Goddev, Part of Navghar 0.83
11 Part of Khari, Part of Navghar 1.027
12 Goddev, Part of Navghar 1.2
2 13 Ghodbunder 4.98
15 Mira, Part of Mahajanwadi 1.09
16 Penkarpada 1.55
17 Part of Bhayandar, Mira & Penkarpada 0.61
18 Part of Goddev 1.46
19 Bhayandar 0.66
20 Part of Bhayandar & Part of Penkarpada 0.49
21 Penkarpada 0.77
22 Bhayandar 0.5
Part of Mahajanwadi, Chene, Part of Mira,
3 14 24.17
Kashi, Varsave

15.4 Computation and Provision of Amenities

After comparing the planning standards and norms mentioned in Table 15-1, the following
planning standards are adopted for the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation Development
Plan. Points to be considered while framing planning standards for the city are mentioned

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

• Land available with Municipal Corporation and Government would be used to provide
certain build amenities to avoid land acquisition costs.
• Optimize the use of reserved land through the provision of compatible amenities
• Public amenities provided by private players are also taken into consideration while
designating land for such amenities.
• Most of the Sanctioned DP reservations are retained however those affected by CRZ
have been deleted.
• During the implementation of previous DP reservations, the Accommodation
Reservation policy has been widely used. This means that total land areas provided
under such reservations get reduced during implementation.

Table 15-3 Planning Standards and Norms adopted for MBMC DP

Adopted Norm
Category Subcategory
Min unit/s Area Required
Required (m2 pp)
Primary School 1/10,000 0.552

1 Education Secondary School 1/10,000 0.552

Higher Secondary _ 0.47

Dispensary 1/10,000 0.014

Health and Medical Nursing home &

2 1/1,00,000 0.045
Facility maternity center

General Hospital 1/5,00,000 0.360

3 Socio-Culture Community Hall 2000

Cremation Ground
4 Civic Burial Ground 1/5,00,000 0.03
Petrol/ Diesel filling
5 Distribution Services As per the requirement
and Service Centre

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Compressed Natural
Gas (CNG)/ filling
0.01 sq.m. per
Police Station 1/500000
Police, Civil Defense person
and Home Guards 0.01 sq.m. per
Police Chowki 1/100000
0.05 sq.m. per
7 Safety Management Fire Brigade Station 1/500000
Municipal Market 0.01 sq.m. per
8 Commercial 1/100000
Shopping Centre person
1 sq.m. per
Park/ Garden 1/100000

9 Open Spaces Playground/ Sport 2 sq.m. per

Complex person

Multipurpose ground 3 Ha

10 Water Supply WTP (Water As per the requirement
treatment plant)
STP (Sewage
11 Sewerage Treatment As per the requirement
Treatment Plant)
Transfer Station As per the requirement

Area for segregation

of waste and parking Existing Site at Uttan
of utility vehicles

Solid Waste
Solid Waste
12 Treatment Site
Material recovery
Bio methanation
As per the requirement
Landfill sites Existing Site at Uttan

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Bus Terminus (Private

+ Government)
Bus Depot

Transportation Truck Terminus

13 Parking space for As per the requirement
parking buses, LMVs,
IPTs, etc.

Water Terminus

Electric Power Plant

14 Power Supply As per the requirements
Electric Substation

15.5 Total Land Demand for Amenities

Planning Standards adopted above have been used to estimate the total land requirement for
amenities for Mira Bhayandar for a population of 22,86,565. Land demand is estimated for
amenities such as education, health, socio-cultural, and open spaces. The provision of physical
infrastructure viz., water supply, sewerage, solid waste management, and power supply has not
been established. The land for these facilities is provided as per the demands received from the
respective departments. The total land demand for amenities is stated in Table 15-4.

Table 15-4 Total Land Demand for Amenities in Mira Bhayandar

Per Capita Total

Category Subcategory
Standard (m2pp) Demand (Ha)
Primary School 0.552 18.93
Education Secondary School 0.552 18.93
Higher Education 0.47 16.12
Dispensary 0.014 3.20
Health & Medical
Maternity Home 0.045 10.29
General Hospital 0.36 82.32
Cremation Ground 6.86
Civic Burial Ground 0.03 6.86
Cemetery 6.86

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Safety Management Fire Station 0.05 11.43

Commercial Municipal Market 0.01 2.29
Park/ garden 1 228.66
Open Spaces Playground/ Sports
Complex 457.31

15.6 Sector-wise Land Area Demand for Amenities

Sector-wise land demand for amenities is estimated based on adopted planning standards and
a summary of it is mentioned in Table 15-5.

Table 15-5 Sector Wise Land Demand for Amenities in Mira Bhayandar

Total Land Demand (Ha)

Category Subcategory
Sector I Sector II Sector III

Primary School 3.83 14.24 0.87

Education Secondary School 3.83 14.24 0.87
Higher Education 3.26 12.12 0.74
Dispensary 0.60 2.24 0.14
Health & Medical
Maternity Home 0.97 3.61 0.22
General Hospital 16.24 60.35 3.68
Cremation Ground 1.39 5.16 0.31
Civic Burial Ground 1.39 5.16 0.31
Cemetery 1.39 5.16 0.31
Safety Management Fire Station 2.31 1.72 0.10
Commercial Municipal Market 0.46 1.72 2.09
Park/ garden 46.26 171.93 10.47
Open Spaces
Playground/ Sports Complex 92.51 343.86 20.94

15.7 Demand Gap Analysis

An assessment of the land requirement for amenities at the city level was conducted concerning
land available with existing amenities. The amenity-wise land demand gap is mentioned in
Table 15-6.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Table 15-6 Amenity-wise Demand Gap for Mira Bhayandar

Total Land Total Existing Land

Category Subcategory Demand Amenity Land Demand
(Ha) (Ha) Gap
Primary School 18.93 4.07 14.86
Education Secondary School 18.93 21.07 -2.14
Higher Education 16.12 15.25 0.87
Dispensary 2.97 0.22 2.76
Health & Medical
Maternity Home 4.80 3.74 1.06
General Hospital 80.26 1.33 78.93
Cremation Ground 6.86 0.28 6.58
Civic Burial Ground 6.86 2.15 4.71
Cemetery 6.86 0.53 6.33
Safety Management Fire Station 4.14 0.47 3.67
Commercial Municipal Market 4.28 1.35 2.92
Park/ garden 228.66 26.40 202.26
Open Spaces Playground/ Sports
Complex 457.31 41.72 415.60

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


16.1 Vision of the Development Plan
Envisaging the comprehensive development through conservation of the environment,
provision of adequate infrastructure facilities, and boosting the economy through the tourism
sector for sustainable development and better quality of life for the horizon year 2037.

16.2 Goals of the Development Plan

1. Attain equity through inclusiveness.
2. Improve the quality of life with an enhanced environment.
3. Enhance the intercity and intracity transportation network.
4. Generate economy through the tourism sector.
5. Implementation of DP using various tools.

16.3 Objectives of the Development Plan

1. To make provision for social and physical infrastructure by eliminating inequality.
2. To provide affordable housing for social inclusiveness.
3. To provide social amenities for specially-abled people to include them in the planning
4. To protect natural areas, mangroves, and salt pans.
5. To make significant additions to recreational spaces, and leisure parks.
6. To provide an efficient traffic-transportation network to improve connectivity.
7. To promote the use of Public Transport, NMT, and movements of pedestrians for
sustainable development.
8. To make provision for the conservation of heritage structures.
9. To make the Development Plan implementation process more effective by using
Accommodation Reservation, TDR, FSI, and PPP efficiently.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Land use zoning is an urban planning tool to regulate the built environment and use of certain
parcels of land. Zoning broke down land into multiple categories and allows certain uses in a
specific zone. The Planning Area of Mira Bhayandar is considerably developed. Existing Land
Use reveals 40.65% developed area. The land covered by natural areas, mangroves, and salt
pans is 59.35%. Out of the total planning area, 10% comes under residential use, 1.05% under
commercial use, 1.85% under industrial use, and 0.98% under recreational use.

The following mentioned zones are proposed in the Draft DP 2017-2037:

17.1 Residential Zone

The residential zone is generally proposed to accommodate the projected population for the
horizon year 2037. The population density for the area is 927 persons per hectare. The
horizontal expansion of Mira Bhayandar is not possible as it is land locked due to adjoining
cities. Hence, Mira Bhayandar will expand in vertical direction and due to the proposed Metro
line and Water terminal projects TOD will take place and it will be possible to achieve such
density in the city. The urban area is always under pressure from development. If these lands
are not allocated for development legally, it led to unauthorized development. The residential
zone is predominately for residential use but other compatible commercial uses are also
permissible in this zone. This encourages the mixed-use character of the city. In total 1512.42
Ha of land is reserved for residential purposes, which is 23.34% of the total area.

17.2 Commercial Zone

This zone will have predominant commercial use with offices, retail, and service areas. In the
city where commercial activities are predominant, such areas have been shown as a commercial
zone in this Draft DP. Other than this, sites reserved for Municipal Market and Shopping Centre
are considered under the commercial zone. The total commercial area is 18.25 Ha which
constitutes 0.28 % of the total area.

17.3 Industrial Zone

The predominant activity in this zone is the manufacturing industry. In the Draft DP, 108.67
Ha of land is shown as an industrial zone which includes M.I.D.C., and small-scale household

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

17.4 Public Semi-Public Zone and Public Utilities

The lands which are predominately being used for public semi-public activities like education
institutes, health facilities, government offices, community halls, and fire brigade stations are
shown in a public semi-public zone. The sites reserved for the same in the Draft DP are also
shown in a public semi-public zone. The total area under Public Semi-Public and Public
Utilities is 117.39 Ha which is 1.81% of the total area.

17.5 Recreational Zone

The lands which are predominately used for recreation and leisure such as a park, playground,
garden, stadium, and sports complex are shown in the recreational zone. The reservations for
the same are also considered under this zone in the Draft DP. This zone constitutes 1.88 % of
the total area which is 121.88 Ha.

17.6 No Development Zone

In this zone ecologically and environmentally sensitive areas such as land that comes under
Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mangroves, Salt Pan, CRZ I, and natural water courses like a
river, nalla, and lake are considered. They are a major part of the city’s ecology. These areas
need to be protected from the built-in environment. The total area occupied by this zone is
3762.34 Ha which constitutes 58.07 % of the total area.

17.7 Transportation
The lands come under the existing and proposed road network, railway line, bus depot, truck
terminal, and parking are included under this zone. The total area that falls under transportation
is 587.48 Ha, which is 9.07 % of the total area.

Table 17-1 Proposed Land Use for Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation Area

Zone Area (Ha) % Of Total Area

Residential Zone 1512.42 23.34
Industrial Zone 108.67 1.68
Recreational Zone 121.88 1.88
PSP& PU 117.39 1.81
Commercial Utilities 18.25 0.28
Transportation 587.48 9.07
NDZ 3762.34 58.07
Waterbody 250.60 3.87
Total 6479 100

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Proposed Land Use Zoning

Residential Zone
23.34% Industrial Zone
Recreational Zone
1.68% PSP & PU
Commercial Utilities
0.28% Transportation
58.07% NDZ

Figure 17-1 Proposed Land Use Zoning

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


18.1 Water Supply
Ulhas river is the main source of water for Mira Bhayandar. Another 125 MLD treated water
is received from MIDC and the source of water for the same is also the Ulhas River. A total of
211 MLD water is supplied to MBMC in the present context. In addition, the work of
developing the Surya Regional Water Supply Scheme of 403 MLD capacity is undertaken to
provide water supply to Mira-Bhayandar Municipal Corporation (MBMC) and Vasai Virar
City Municipal Corporation (VVCMC).

• Elevated Storage Reservoir (ESR):

The elevated storage reservoir also known as the Overhead Tank is used if the topography of
the city is not suitable for distribution of water supply by gravity. ESR is required in distribution
areas that are not overseen and controlled by the gravity system of distribution. These can be
circular, rectangular, or elliptical. Considering the future demand 18 new water works sites are
proposed in this Draft Revised Development Plan having a total area of 2.63 Ha.

18.2 Disposal Of Urban Waste

At present, the waste disposal site is located 6 km away from the city at Uttan. All the waste
generated and collected from primary and secondary waste sources is directly dumped at this
dumping site since 2005. A sanitary landfill site has been proposed by MBMC at Uttan. It is
still under construction and will be available for use in March 2023. The area of the open Dump
Landfill Site is 30 Ha, and the capacity of the same is 37000 cu.m. No new site has been
proposed in the Draft DP as this site is sufficient for the disposal of an urban waste considering
the population of 2037.

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Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


19.1 Introduction
A Development Plan additionally targets developing surroundings to allow the citizens to
experience the preferred standard of living conditions further to making sure the orderly
improvement of a city through prescribing the land use zoning and transportation network in
addition to the provision of appropriate development control. Hence, it is important to take note
of the existing level of social infrastructure and to propose the required facilities as per the
future population and growth of the city. A large number of amenities are listed in the MR&TP
Act, of 1966 also the minimum essential standards for various social amenities are laid down
by the Government in terms of the number or area of sites required for the probable population
of the city that could be provided in the DP. They comprise education, health, open spaces,
recreational facilities, culture, etc.

19.2 Education
The current land provision as per ELU for all levels of educational
amenities in the City are 0.35 sq. m per person. The Draft DP proposes to recommend 0.552
m² pp for primary and secondary education each and 0.47 m² pp for higher education. This
takes the total educational standard to 1.574 m² pp. There are, however, other compatible
educational functions that are also required to be factored in.

Considering the population projection and the growth of the city, reservations are proposed for
educational amenities in the Draft DP. The list of permissible educational amenities which can
be developed on these reservations is listed in Table 19.1. The amenities can be decided as per
the requirement in the particular neighbourhood.

The following is the list of reservations under Educational Amenities.

Table 19-1 Sub-categories Permissible Under Education Amenities Reservation

Sr. No. Educational Amenities Reservations

1. Municipal School
2. Primary and Secondary School
3. Special School
4. Higher Education
5. Other Education
6. Urban Planning Institute
7. Medical Institute

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

8. Finance Institute
9. Other Institute

Analysing the ELU and the census data, provision for 342985 students needs to be made. In
the Development Plan, a total of 43 reservations are proposed for the educational amenities.
Hence, the total land provision for the same is 27.55 Ha. The reservation details are given in
the Annexure IX. If more sites are essential in the newly opened-up area for development, a
requirement can be met through the regulation of amenity space.

19.2.1 Multiple Use of Educational Space

Other than primary and secondary education, other compatible educational functions are
required to be factored in. Space has been a major constraint for these. It is possible, however,
if the primary users are not functional then the primary, secondary, and higher secondary space
can be shared. Education for vocational classes, differently abled children, training classes,
teachers’ training, information dissemination, and dance classes could all find a place so that
the educational space is completely utilized and no educational function suffers from lack of

19.3 Health
The current land provision as per ELU 2022 for all levels of health amenities in the City is 4.8
Ha. The average per capita space across Mira Bhayandar is 0.06 m² per person, but the standard
is not evenly achieved in all the parts of the city. Looking at the importance of health care, a
space standard of 0.419 m² per person has been proposed in the Draft DP for all levels of health
care needs.

Considering the gap between the required and the existing health amenities and the growth of
the city, reservations are proposed for health amenities in the Draft DP. The list of permissible
health amenities which can be developed on these reservations is listed in Table 19-2. As per
the requirement in the particular neighbourhood amenity can be developed.

The following is the list of reservations for Health amenities.

Table 19-2 Sub-Categories Permissible Under Health Amenities

Sr. No. Health Amenities Reservations

1. Municipal Dispensary
2. Hospital
3. Municipal Maternity Home

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

4. Rehabilitation Centre
5. Veterinary Hospital

In the Development Plan, a total of 18 reservations are proposed considering the standard area
requirements for the health amenities. Hence, the total land provision for the same is 7.15 Ha.

19.3.1 Multiple Use of Health Space

It is both a possibility and a necessity to have multiple uses of health space to optimize the use
of such space. This is possible only when the primary user is not functional. The needs of the
primary user shall not be displaced and other than the primary user would only come into play
after the needs of the primary amenity are comprehensively satisfied.

19.4 Other Social Amenities

1) Fire Brigade Station: There are 5 existing fire stations in the city. Considering the
future demand based on the proposed population and in consultation with the head of
the concerned department of the corporation, a total of 7 sites having a total area of
1.21Ha, are proposed for fire brigade stations. Their reservations are listed in Annexure

2) Municipal Market: The organized commercial place is necessary for the activities like
a vegetable market, petty shop, shopping center, hawkers place, etc. Hence, 16
reservations of Municipal Market and 1 fish market, and 10 shopping centers are
proposed including those retained from the sanctioned plan and are listed in Annexure
IX. Hence, the total land provision for the same is 13.37 Ha.

3) Cremation Ground / Burial Ground / Cemetery: At present, 16 sites exist for

cremation/burial ground/cemetery. Based on the necessity for the proposed population,
a total of 14 sites are proposed in the Draft Revised Development Plan. As per the space
standards, the total land provision for the same is 7.40Ha. These reservations are listed
in Annexure IX.

4) Slaughter House: At present, there is no slaughterhouse present in the city. 1 site is

proposed considering the demand. These reservations are listed in Annexure. Hence, the
total land provision for the same is 1.68 Ha.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

5) Community Center: At present, there are 24 community centers are present.

Considering the future need, 8 sites are reserved for community centers. These
reservations are listed in Annexure. A space standard of 0.419 m² per person has been
proposed in the Draft DP. Hence, Hence, the total land provided for the community
center is 3.79Ha.
6) School for Specially-Abled People: People who have different capabilities than the
average person is known as ‘specially-abled’. Among the multiple sets of citizens,
specially-abled people sometimes require to be taught differently with additional help
and care. This group has been considered in the Development Plan and 1 reservation
for the school for specially-abled people is proposed having an area of 0.45 Ha.

19.5 Shelter-Based Social Amenities

1) Working Women Hostel and Day Care Center:

Women require particular consideration among the multiple sets of citizens. For a city,
providing equality of opportunity to women is not simply a matter of social justice. It is also a
question of empowerment, national development, and the city’s economic salutary.

One reservation is proposed in the DP as a combined reservation for the working women's
hostel and day-care center for children. This residential provision for working women will be
on a rental basis comprising single and double rooms, dormitories, etc. It will also have a guest
house for women who travel to the city for work. The day-care center for children is combined
with this hostel for complete utilization of space as well as a safe place for the children. Hence,
considering the standards and future requirements plot sizes of 1.55 Ha. have been proposed in
the DP to be located in areas where commercial, office establishments, and/or
institutions of higher learning exist or are proposed.

2) Old Age Home:

The Draft DP proposes Old Age Homes in Navghar, preferably near
hospitals and gardens.0.35 Ha area is reserved under this reservation.

3) Housing for Dishoused:

Reservation of housing for dishoused is provided for the persons affected by the projects of the
Government. 6 number sites are proposed for this reservation. Hence, the total area reserved
for housing for dishoused is 17 Ha.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

4) Night Shelter:

Considering the future requirement 1-night shelter with a site area of 0.16 Ha is proposed in
this Draft Revised Development Plan. These are dormitory-style accommodations for homeless
people at night.

5) Shelter for Project Affected Person

One reservation site with an area of 2.02 Ha is proposed for the project-affected Persons.

6) Housing for EWS/LIG

One reservation site with an area of 3.01 Ha is proposed for the housing for EWS/LIG.

7) Urban Renewal Scheme

6 reservation sites with an area of 18.71 Ha is proposed for URS.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


20.1 Introduction
POS plays important role in a city. They play a critical role by imposing the balance between
built and open environment and serve the purpose of lungs in the city. They allow a decent
quality of life for citizens. POS allows space and opportunities for interaction which helps to
promote the growth of human qualities such as knowledge, friendship, and sharing joy and
sorrow. These spaces are beneficial for public health as they provide safe play areas for children
and safe walking for the elderly. They also allow public activities, such as awareness

It is essential to offer sufficient opportunities for leisure and recreation so that friends, families,
and groups of citizens can spend time together by taking time out from study and work that
would provide time for bonding and enjoyment.

20.1.1 Open Spaces (OS) that are considered Public Open Spaces (POS)
Public Open Spaces (POS) can be described as open spaces (OS) which have universally
applicable rights to access and restrictions if any. The local community spaces accessible to all
members of the local community, such as residents of a housing society are also considered
Public Open Spaces. So are swimming pools, and gymkhanas that are available free or on a
membership basis. However, in the DP they are treated as Public Open Spaces as a sizable
number of people enjoy such spaces.

20.1.2 Open Spaces (OS) that are not considered Public Open Spaces (POS)
All the lands zoned as Natural Areas counted in the realm of Open Spaces. Though, if these
spaces are not accessible by a sizeable number of people, they are not considered POS. Also,
open spaces that are exclusive to the family, such as private bungalows are known as private
open spaces, and not POS.

20.2 Public Open Spaces, Recreational and Leisure Amenities

1) Garden: Considering the projected population for the year 2037 and the existing
gardens, new 50 garden sites are proposed in the Development Plan. The total area
under gardens is 41.32 Ha.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2) Park: For the population of 2037 total of 3 sites are proposed in the DP for parks with
a total area of 19.46 Ha as per the requirement.

3) Playground: For physical as well as mental growth or to challenge the youthful energy
in the rightful direction playgrounds are important. For the population projection of
2037, new 19 sites for playgrounds are proposed considering existing playgrounds in
the city. The total area under playgrounds is 28.42Ha.

4) Sports Complex: As per the future population requirement, one sports complex is
proposed in the city having an area of 11.16 Ha. It will provide the resources with the
people need to exercise year-round.

5) Stadium: Stadiums are hubs where sports along with friendship are challenged.
Stadiums can drive urban development, and adopt to the culture of each era. One
stadium is proposed in the Draft DP considering the requirement in 2037. The total site
area proposed for the stadium is 16.75 Ha.

6) Auditorium: At present, there is 1 Auditorium/ Natya Griha / Town hall present in the
city. As per the future growth of the city, 2 new sites with a total area of 2.75 Ha are
proposed for the auditorium.

7) Exhibition Center: Currently 1 place is there in the city which is used for exhibitions.
However, suitable places are necessary for exhibitions or assemblies or fair-like
activities as these activities are important. Hence, 1 site with a total area of 4.7 Ha is
proposed considering the future population in the Draft DP.

8) Spiritual Center: One spiritual center of 3.05Ha area proposed in the Draft DP.

9) Planetarium and Aquarium: The planetarium impresses us with the infinity, majesty,
regularity, and wonder of the universe and inspires us to explore many other areas of
research. The planetarium and aquarium will relieve one from the stress of everyday
life. One site is reserved for the planetarium as one of the recreational amenities having
an area of 0.6 Ha.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

10) Mangrove Park: Five mangrove parks are proposed having area of 110.60 Ha. The
unique ecosystem of mangroves not only provides protection and food for many birds
and marine life. This will act as a leisure space for people as well as it will help to
protect the environment.

11) Picnic Spot near Ghodbunder Fort: Government has proposed the restoration project
of Ghodbunder Fort named ‘Shiv-Srushti’. This would contribute to the celebration of
the heritage-built form and its architectural significance. Also, the historical
significance and provision of cultural space will become a tourist destination and picnic
spot in Mira Bhayandar. The area of the picnic spot proposed near the fort is 0.65 Ha.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

21.1 Introduction
Urban transportation means the movement of people and goods from one place to another
within an urban area. It is necessary to provide better mobility and sustainability by focusing
on people movement rather than vehicular movement. At present, there is a need to focus on
the provision of adequate infrastructure for the mobility of people through means such as low-
carbon non-motorized transport. In the case of Mira Bhayandar city, the modal share of a
private vehicle is high as compared to public transport. Hence, transportation is among the
city’s topmost challenges. Therefore, several initiatives are proposed in the Draft DP
concerning transportation.

21.2 Road Network

The spatial allocation of physical area for the transportation network is necessary to maximize
the movement of people in the shortest time. This will indirectly increase economic efficiency
and reduce the impact on the environment. The Revised Draft Revised Development Plan has
proposed a road network to establish regional connectivity, intra-city connectivity, new roads,
and not developed or partly developed roads from the earlier Development Plan.

21.2.1 Road for Regional and Intra State Connectivity

Two roads proposed in the Regional Plan of MMR are passing through Mira Bhayandar city.
These roads will enhance the regional and intra-state connectivity of the city to the surrounding

• Coastal Road
• Mumbai-Vadodara Expressway

The external-to-external traffic originating from Gujrat and going towards Pune, Nashik, and
Konkan has only one access point which is Ghodbunder Road, resulting in the issue of traffic
jams. To reduce this traffic new coastal road is proposed in the Draft Revised Development
Plan along the Vasai Creek which will connect to the coastal road connecting Mumbai to Vasai
proposed in the Regional Plan of MMR. The traffic originating from Mumbai and Thane city,
going towards Palghar and Gujrat will be diverted through the proposed coastal road in the
Draft Revised Development Plan without hampering the internal traffic pattern of Mira
Bhayandar city. This will improve intercity and inter-state connectivity.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The alignment of existing DP roads is followed by MMRDA for the proposed Mumbai –
Vadodara Expressway. It will relieve vehicular traffic on the Western Expressway. The
alignment of these roads has been marked on DP and it may change due to unseen facts coming
into light during the operation period. It would accordingly amend the DP without any further

21.2.2 Proposed DP Road of Earlier Sanctioned DP

Some of the proposed DP roads of earlier sanctioned DP 1996 have not been developed to date.
They are important in terms of providing continuous road connectivity in the city. Hence those
roads have been shown as a proposed DP road. Earlier sanctioned DP roads which partly
developed are shown as existing roads with widening as per the width of the previous DP road.

21.2.3 New DP Roads

New DP roads have been proposed in the Draft DP in the Rai-Murdhe and Kashi areas. The
residential zone is allocated for the mentioned areas in the Draft DP hence new road network
is proposed for better connectivity and integrated development. Table 21-1 is showing all roads
that exist and are proposed in Mira Bhayandar city.

Table 21-1 Summary of DP Roads

Sr. No. Road Network Area (Ha)

1 Existing Road 269.32
2 Proposed Road 104.03
3 Proposed Road Widening 101.38
4 Total Proposed Road 205.41
Total Road 474.73

21.2.4 East West Connectivity across Railway Line

Currently, there is only one rail over the bridge connecting eastern Mira Bhayandar to the west.
The Draft DP has proposed linkage across the railway line to connect east-west connectivity
near Mira Road station. This will release the burden of traffic on the existing east-west link.

It is expected that the proposed road network will improve connectivity and reduce the traffic
congestion problem of the city. These proposed roads should be equipped with cycle tracks and
pedestrian footpath facilities for a sustainable transport network.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

21.3 Public Transport

The construction of more roads, road widening, and extensive road networks only cause traffic
congestion issues rather than eliminating them. Hence provision of effective and efficient
public transportation is important for the sustainable growth of the city. Many types of public
transportation options are emerged such as Mass Rapid Transport Systems and BRTS.

21.3.1 Metro Network

Mira Bhayandar shall be benefitted from the Metro lines proposed by MMRDA and railway
connectivity to the surrounding area. A Metro network of about 33.3 km has been proposed for
the horizon year 2031. The six metro stations are proposed on a 10.3 km long metro line. The
Metro car shade for metro line 9 is proposed at Rai-Murdhe. Details of Metro rail routes are
given in Table 21-2.

Table 21-2 Proposed Metro Rail Routes in Mira Bhayandar

Sr. No. Metro Line Route Length (km) Status

1 Line 9 Dahisar (E) - Mira Bhayandar 10.3 UC
2 Line 13 Shivaji Chowk (Mira Road) – Virar 23 DPR

21.3.2 Local Train Connectivity

The western railway line is passing through Mira Bhayandar city with two stations at
Bhayandar and Mira Road. All the locals from Mumbai to Virar and some through trains on
the Western railway line halt at Bhayandar railway station and Mira Road station. In the city,
most people commute by local trains on daily basis. This releases a load of traffic on the
existing road network.

21.3.3 Public Bus Transport

The City Corporation has its public bus transport named Mira Bhayandar Municipal Transport
(MBMT). It provides service in the city and suburbs of the Mumbai region. MBMT act as a
feeder system for people who have their destination in Mumbai or for the people who come to
Mira Bhayandar city.

21.4 Parking
The vehicle population in large cities of India is continuously increasing, causing parking
problems. These problems are not seemed to disappear in soon. Hence off-street parking has
been proposed in the Draft DP. According to the requirements for the horizon year 2037, 23

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

sites are reserved in the Draft DP. These sites are mainly located along major roads, near
marketplaces, and public spaces. The traffic of trucks and trailers are passing through
Ghodbunder road, Western Expressway and in future will pass through the proposed Coastal
Road, Mumbai-Vadodara Expressway. Hence interstate bus terminals (ISBT) and truck
terminals are proposed along these roads. The locations of proposed parking sites are shown in
DP sheets.

21.5 Waterway Transport

Water transport is the cheapest and the oldest mode of transport, which operates on a natural
track and hence does not require huge capital investment in the construction and maintenance
of its track except in the case of canals. The cost of operation of water transport is also very
less. The Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB), operates various ferry services all over the
state. The waterway mode in the Mumbai region is developed fractionally compared to the
potential. Considering the development potential of waterways in Mumbai Metropolitan
Region (MMR) area, TMC has initiated to development of about a 50 km waterway between
Vasai to Kalyan. Out of ten proposed water transport terminals on this route two terminals are
proposed at Mira Bhayandar and Ghodbunder area. In the Draft Revised Development Plan the
area of the Mira Bhayandar Terminal proposed is 0.7 Ha and 2 Ha of the area is proposed for
the Ghodbunder terminal. It would help to reduce travel time and encourage an environment-
friendly commute. These terminals will provide employment and boost the economy of the

21.6 Cycle Track

Cycle track is a way or a part of a roadway designed and constructed for the use of pedal
bicycles and over which a right of way exists. The minimum width of an underpass for two
lane cycle tracks would be 2.5m as per IRC: II-1962. For 30 m and above Development Plan
Road MBMC should provide cycle track of 2,5m width. It would help to promote fit India
movement which is aimed to popularize the culture of sports and fitness in the MBMC area.
Thus, we promote pollution free road of transport, healthy and eco-friendly activity.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


22.1 Background & Overview
The First-Generation Development Plan of Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation, in a true
sense, is not the first greenfield plan as it incorporates Municipal Council area and surrounding
villages. The said first-generation plan came into effect from 14/05/1997 vide Government
Notification No. TPS.1296/847/CR-162/96/UD-12 dtd; 14th May 1997. While the intention to
prepare this plan was declared on 24th January 1986. The process of mapping and DP
preparation started on 19th December 1988. This first-generation DP of MBMC spread over the
area of 79.40 Sq.km. by encompassing parts while the DP area of 32 sq. km. of the council
with an addition of 47.40 sq. km. area of 10 adjoining villages.

Thereby the performance or success in the implementation of this first-generation DP

shall be evaluated accordingly. The mapping on the GIS platform for second-generation DP
excluding six villages of tourism SPA was started on 1st August 2021 and the base map
prepared on the GIS platform which was used for preparing ELU Map ultimately submitted on
4th January 2022. Thus, the implementation success of the first-generation DP of MBMC
analysed derived and computed by 11th March 2022 actually, spans 24 years and 10 months.

Accordingly, the success in the implementation of this first-generation DP has been given in
Table 22-1.

Table 22-1 Implementation Status of First-Generation DP

The The Percentage of

The Broad Area
Sr. No. Area in Developed Development
Ha. Area (Implementation)
[A] Developable Area:
Development Plan Sites
1. 432.49 43.97 10
(Designated Sites)
Development Plan
2. 412.92 162.13 39

3. Residential Zone 1192 659 55

4. Commercial Zone 15 2 14

5. Industrial Zone 159 102 64

TOTAL (A) 2214 969.1 44

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

[B] Non-Developable Area

1. Water Bodies 282 282 100

2. No Development Zone 3884 3411 88

TOTAL [B] 4166 3693 89

The total of DP [A] + [B] 6479 4662 72

22.2 The Assessment of Implementation

The implementation success has to be evaluated and assessed critically based on the facts and
figures in the perspective of the dominating facts of that horizon of implementation. This
horizon of 1997 to 2017, though was the legal horizon for validity, it has to be stretched
backwards from 1986 to 1997 As the actual process of preparing the first generation, DP of
MBMC started in the year 1991.

This horizon has been dominated by the following facts:

1. Last Decade of the 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st Century.
2. Industrialization reached its peak with the almost extinction of the primary sector-bearing
3. The emergence of the tertiary sector started with spilling over industrial policy and
4. The strikes and major incidences in the labour movement were taken as an excuse for rapid
5. The inexperienced local authorities are not backed up with pro-development policies and
sufficient resources.
6. This lack of resources compiled with the vision will widen the gap between demand and
7. The wide gap in the demand-supply field with the enormous rate of urbanization and
unaffordability of living spaces in Mumbai has put tremendous pressure which ultimately
gave rise to unauthorized development and encroachments.
8. The administrative and bureaucratic unaccountability coupled with the inclination towards
taking up non-plan projects and initiatives (Not envisaged in the DP or VISION) pushed
back or side tracked the much-needed planning proposals of DP.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

9. The multiplicity of authorities such as local authority, forest, environment, revenue,

railways, highways, Mary time Board, etc; resulted in non-action on violations compiled
either with political pressure or vested interest.

These are some of the genuine facts which needed to be taken into account while doing the
critical assessment of the implementation of the first-generation DP, which ultimately will help
to devise an effective strategy for the implementation of this second-generation DP – 2037.

22.3 The strategy for Implementation:

The 21st-century city`s Metro and towns need not solely depend on the conventional tools used
for the implementation and the conventional practices followed for the same. The city mayors,
administrators, democratically elected authorities, and appropriate statutory authorities should
explore many more innovative and path-breaking tools with pro-poor, Pro Public, Pro-
environment, and pro City reforms for effective and efficient implementation of DP in the most
transparent manner. Therefore, the strategy for implementation can broadly be classified into
the following three categories which can be undertaken either independently, simultaneously,
or in combination.

22.3.1 The Conventional Approach

This conventional approach encourages acquisition the of land under DP sites, and DP roads
by way of acquisition and by way of acquiring the said lands from government departments
and in lieu of TDR/DR from the private land owners and developing such sites with own funds
& grants from the government.

This is the conventional approach for which the powers under MMC Act; 1949 and MR&TP
Act 1966 are vested with the Local and Planning Authority.

This is also a very effective approach if timely resources are made available and the targets
with accountability are assigned to the various statutory Authorities of the Local Body.

22.3.2 The Pro-Development Approach

This pro-development approach needed to use all the means & tools given in the UDCPR-2022
which is very pro-development and reformative.

The various provision and regulations incorporated in the UDCPR-2022 encourage private
participation in the implementation either by incentivizing the landowners in the form of FSI
or in the form of sharing the land meant to be kept reserved for the public purpose.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

In addition to reserved sites and DP roads other provisions like the layout scheme on land
parcels more the 20 Ha. In the green and agricultural zone, various redevelopment schemes
like SRA, MHADA, and Cluster are very reformative which not only gives the tool for the
implementation of virgin / Greenfield areas but also allows redefining the city and achieving
the major planning intervention by undertaking the Urban renewal and redevelopment projects
on the large and integrated manner with active private participation.

This again will prove a very effective tool provided the pro-development committed approach
of the authority compiled with the accountability measures.

22.3.3 The Reformative Approach

This is the need of the time to identify judicially the Public Private Partnership (PPP) tools for
utilizing it for effective implementation of the Development Plan proposals. This tool in its
various forms, permutations, and combinations and by adopting the Viability Gap Funding
(VGF) model not only can be used for developing social amenities in the sector of education,
health, entertainment, sports, art & literature, and environment but also in the sectors of basic
infrastructure & physical infrastructures like traffic & transports, water supply, sewerage, Solid
waste, power and Non-Conventional Energy (NCE).

The significance of this model is not only restricted to developing the infrastructure but also
the expertise of the resourceful time texted stakeholders can be brought in for the operational
efficiency of the concession period or some other model for sustainable results.

The Government of India through the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) has very
meticulously evolved various PPP models, their suitability in various sectors, transaction
advisory global impanelled agencies available for structuring the projects, and their successful
financial closure. This is available for all local bodies (ULB) and the planning authorities.

22.3.4 The Timeline Mandate

The major three approaches & models suggested for implementation of the Development Plan
2037 should be customized concerning the individual planning proposals so that a defined
timeline can be prepared with the dynamism of flexibility to adjust the same against the time.
This time-scale implementation plan with strategy should be adopted with the approval of the
competent authority so that it will be legally binding on the statutory authority working in
MBMC with the implementation time-scale mandate. This will be welcomed by the authority
as it will eliminate discretion and will promote to implementation of pre-decided proposals

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

against the time skill which ultimately safeguards & incentives the personnel & authority by
bringing transparency and accountability.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037


Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The Draft Revised Development Plan is prepared for the horizon year containing land use
zoning proposals for the projected population 22,86,565 for the said year. The plan period is

The implementation of Development Plan proposals particularly reserved sites and proposed
roads, has been the issue of more concern all local bodies, years together. It is seen that, most
of the time, implementation of the Development Plan proposals had been beyond the capacity
of the local bodies and is disproportionate to the income of the local bodies. Similar situation
is in the case of Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation. This aspect is well taken care of in
this Development Plan and proposals made for the same will lead to remarkable, satisfactory,
and better implementation of the Development Plan. The analysis in this case is described in
the following paragraphs.

The main three components which constitute implementation of Developments Plan.

1. Zoning

2. Road Network

3. Sites for Social Amenities and Public Utilities

Much of the land can be obtained through approval of layout in residential zone but the land
under proposed roads is to be acquired. The main problem is for the acquisition of land under
sites reserved for social amenities and public utilities. There are four ways for land acquisition.

1. Through Urban Renewal Scheme,

2. In lieu of Transferable Development Rights,

3. Development of reservation through Accommodation Reservation Principle,

4. Through Town Planning Scheme,

5. Acquisition through Monetary Compensation

6. Reservation Credit Certificate (RCC)

As there are limited financial resources, the tools at sr.no. 3 and 4 need to be more effective
and profitable. The implementation success will mainly depend upon these two tools.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

23.1 Cost of Development Plan Proposals

The cost required for the various proposals of Development Plan has been worked out in
Annexure IX. The cost calculations are done on the basis of the rates given in the Annual
Statement of Rates of Registration department. The approximate cost of land acquisition of all
the sites for implementing the Development Plan works out to be Rs. 8146 crores. Whereas the
cost required for the development / construction envisaged in these areas is Rs.5652 crores.
Hence, approximately the total cost of acquisition and development of the sites, to the planning
authority will be around Rs. 13798 Crores. The approximate land acquisition and construction
cost of roads and other relate work will be around Rs. 781 crores. The total cost of the plan,
will be around Rs. 14580 crores.

23.2 Implementation Through Urban Renewal Scheme

Government of Maharashtra introduced cluster development in the year 2009 and further
incorporated in the ‘Maharashtra UDCPR 2020’ as ‘Urban Renewal Scheme’ for planning and
collective development of large areas at least 10,000 sq. m. in non-congested area and 4,000
sq. m. in congested areas, instead of redeveloping single buildings on small plots. The main
aim of the scheme to redress a complex urban problem such as unsanitary, deficient or obsolete
housing, inadequate sanitation, inadequate transportation, other deficient services and
facilities, traffic congestion and haphazard land use.

Most of the Mira Bhayandar’s old and dilapidated buildings were built during the previous
Gram Panchayat and Municipal council regimes and already have a FSI of over 4. Hence,
redevelopment is not feasible in those areas under the existing development laws. Hence, this
tool will be efficient for the redevelopment of unauthorized and dilapidated houses.

23.3 Implementation Through Transferable Development Rights

Transferable Development Rights (TDR) is a compensation in the form of Floor Space Index
(FSI) Development Rights which shall entitle the owner for construction of built-up area
subject to provisions in the regulation. TDR is a tool which can be used for acquisition and
development of the reserved sites and roads. The TDR awarded for implementing the
Development Plan varies according to the potential of the zone from where it is generated.
Besides, highest award of TDR shall be awarded as per UDCPR regulations.

TDR can also be awarded for acquisition of old structures affected during acquisition of road
land or reserved sites and for development / construction of amenity.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

The total acquisition through this tool is expected 40%.

Cost of acquisition to be 40% of 8146 Crores = Rs. 3258.40 Crores
Cost of development / 20% of 5652 Crores = Rs. 1130.42 Crores
construction to be waived
Cost of acquisition to be 50% of 781 Crores = Rs. 390.75 Crores
Total Cost to be waived by = Rs. 4779.58 Crores
this tool

23.4 Implementation Through Accommodation Reservation Concept

The accommodation reservation concept envisages development of certain percentage of the
reserve and turning it over to the planning authority in lieu of the FSI, while the remaining land
is reserved for the owner for permitted use in adjacent zones.

The cost of plan to be waived by this tool will be as below:

Cost of acquisition to be 25% of 8146 Crores = Rs. 2036.50 Crores

Cost of development / 25% of 5652 Crores = Rs. 1413.02 Crores
construction to be waived
Total Cost to be waived by = Rs. 3449.53 Crores
this tool

23.5 Implementation Through Town Planning Schemes

In the M.R.& T.P. Act, 1966, the provisions of town planning schemes have been amended
recently which will enable the execution of scheme smoothly and efficiently. The newly
opened area in can be developed using this tool.

The cost of plan to be waived by this tool will be as below:

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Cost of acquisition to be 10% of 8146 Crores = Rs. 814.6 Crores
Cost of development/ - -
Construction to be waived
Cost of acquisition to be 10% of 781 Crores =Rs. 78.15 Crores
Total Cost to be waived by =Rs. 892.75 Crores
this tool

23.6 Implementation Through Monetary Compensation

Under The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation
and Resettlement Act, 2013 the reserved land can be acquired by paying monetary
compensation or by compulsory land acquisition. Under this tool 25 % land can be acquired
under this tool.

Cost of acquisition to be 25% of 8146 Crores = Rs. 2036.50 Crores
Cost of development/ 55% of 5652 Crores = Rs. 3108.66 Crores
Construction to be waived
Cost of acquisition to be 40% of 781 Crores = Rs. 312.6 Crores
Total Cost to be waived by = Rs. 5457.76 Crores
this tool

23.7 Programming
A phased program for implementation of reservations in the Development Plan for the various
civic amenities is mentioned in Annexure XI. This program is prepared after taking into
consideration necessity of various amenities and possible availability of funds to meet the

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

expenditure. The Municipal Commissioner shall be at liberty to vary this list as an when
exigency arises.

23.8 Conclusion
Mira Bhayandar is one of the most important and fastest growing cities in Maharashtra. The
development potential of Mira Bhayandar city is certainly very high. This Development Plan
has many new provisions, which will give impetus to the development and steer the
development in proper way. Not only the provisions but also the implementation of the plan is
of utmost importance. This Development Plan gives ways and means to implement it in a
realistic way.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037



Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure I - Census Ward wise Demographic Characteristics


Ward No. 1 11317 1566 123 72 7583 3734 5999 5894 105

Ward No. 2 8958 966 207 26 6766 2192 4544 4182 362

Ward No. 3 6973 576 128 31 6014 959 2530 2437 93

Ward No. 4 7449 651 177 10 6322 1127 2710 2579 131

Ward No. 5 6161 619 443 33 5030 1131 2396 2199 197

Ward No. 6 8836 949 421 23 7128 1708 3771 3073 698

Ward No. 7 8810 967 649 68 7255 1555 3155 2903 252

Ward No. 8 7963 772 384 34 6753 1210 2896 2751 145

Ward No. 9 7187 742 299 14 5980 1207 2864 2548 316

Ward No. 10 5981 570 264 42 4991 990 2235 2055 180

Ward No. 11 11300 1283 828 98 9018 2282 4479 4242 237

Ward No. 12 10248 1075 762 48 8216 2032 4466 4208 258

Ward No. 13 11156 1152 786 186 9247 1909 4527 3966 561

Ward No. 14 5786 545 323 42 4743 1043 2147 1941 206

Ward No. 15 6845 630 203 44 5769 1076 2573 2383 190

Ward No. 16 6524 644 414 51 5413 1111 2336 2131 205

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Ward No. 17 5510 568 212 30 4576 934 2051 1862 189

Ward No.18 4879 464 55 9 4009 870 2155 1968 187

Ward No. 19 5883 587 233 71 4912 971 2243 2042 201

Ward No. 20 7940 703 75 21 6786 1154 2984 2805 179

Ward No. 21 6520 580 56 0 5606 914 2326 2277 49

Ward No. 22 5953 540 20 20 5125 828 2029 1929 100

Ward No. 23 8222 676 52 12 7269 953 2925 2737 188

Ward No. 24 7109 604 19 4 6240 869 2408 2342 66

Ward No. 25 6930 633 237 26 5975 955 2426 2272 154

Ward No. 26 7372 858 548 161 5357 2015 2955 2713 242

Ward No. 27 10889 1460 517 93 7683 3206 4892 4397 495

Ward No. 28 10947 1350 624 44 8230 2717 4266 3914 352

Ward No. 29 7140 786 170 236 5290 1850 2647 2331 316

Ward No. 30 7373 826 126 133 5339 2034 3923 3218 705

Ward No. 31 5975 707 13 110 4593 1382 2743 2339 404

Ward No. 32 6817 710 64 124 5256 1561 3210 2637 573

Ward No. 33 6843 944 715 104 4439 2404 3237 2562 675

Ward No. 34 13782 1350 153 105 11753 2029 5187 4955 232

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Ward No. 35 17804 1734 238 79 15462 2342 6455 5791 664

Ward No. 36 10759 913 1217 249 9365 1394 4175 3850 325

Ward No. 37 6940 631 147 74 5814 1126 2506 2048 458

Ward No. 38 6443 635 45 10 5491 952 2351 2287 64

Ward No. 39 6206 536 52 65 5400 806 2170 2004 166

Ward No. 40 7029 688 95 114 5621 1408 2620 2229 391

Ward No. 41 4956 461 160 55 4088 868 1979 1802 177

Ward No. 42 4542 453 106 26 3773 769 1843 1576 267

Ward No. 43 5328 529 232 39 4462 866 2005 1792 213

Ward No. 44 6035 578 613 168 4989 1046 2296 2069 227

Ward No. 45 11117 1185 1227 214 9141 1976 4174 3899 275

Ward No. 46 12993 1339 571 120 10619 2374 5213 4953 260

Ward No. 47 4983 491 130 34 4094 889 1835 1683 152

Ward No. 48 7347 672 205 68 6223 1124 2648 2229 419

Ward No. 49 7628 802 175 45 6196 1432 2843 2646 197

Ward No. 50 12456 1495 11 37 9795 2661 4528 3757 771

Ward No. 51 62828 7526 2865 824 51269 11559 24599 22028 2571

Ward No. 52 16794 2073 81 81 13548 3246 5944 4876 1068

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Ward No. 53 10173 1289 1 0 8046 2127 3081 2724 357

Ward No. 54 18950 2406 187 481 15268 3682 6195 5496 699

Ward No. 55 11868 1197 292 175 9822 2046 4923 4205 718

Ward No. 56 7426 821 4 2 6154 1272 2613 2334 279

Ward No. 57 9695 1289 12 14 7801 1894 2885 2699 186

Ward No. 58 10667 1235 124 115 8877 1790 4076 3182 894

Ward No. 59 5760 466 249 169 5089 671 2545 1826 719

Ward No. 60 10858 1008 213 190 9186 1672 4024 3658 366

Ward No. 61 43677 5256 2175 932 34779 8898 18033 15759 2274

Ward No. 62 11839 1199 221 60 10008 1831 4745 3760 985

Ward No. 63 11143 1056 207 965 9191 1952 5022 4095 927

Ward No. 64 5856 561 176 61 5021 835 2542 2106 436

Ward No. 65 6523 606 107 23 5560 963 2224 2060 164

Ward No. 66 6643 587 183 184 5665 978 2966 2452 514

Ward No. 67 13863 1388 203 91 11706 2157 5772 4914 858

Ward No. 68 14849 1492 261 95 12479 2370 6062 5168 894

Ward No. 69 7215 603 33 15 6264 951 2875 2424 451

Ward No. 70 16987 1727 431 141 14517 2470 6798 6313 485

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Ward No. 71 20430 2091 622 172 17132 3298 7755 7306 449

Ward No. 72 14585 1750 784 210 11573 3012 5076 4765 311

Ward No. 73 7042 880 143 143 5163 1879 2577 2165 412

Ward No. 74 7526 1081 1719 1935 5005 2521 2806 2276 530

Ward No. 75 16498 2199 621 1081 12308 4190 6514 5362 1152

Ward No. 76 8907 1297 1091 215 5741 3166 3333 3089 244

Ward No. 77 8827 1022 442 307 6978 1849 3468 2952 516

Ward No. 78 10494 1240 615 141 8324 2170 4295 3835 460

Ward No. 79 11311 1475 657 252 8620 2691 4739 4439 300

Total 809378 88015 30243 12596 656293 153085 316363 281675 34688

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure II - Details of Slum in Mira Bhayandar

Sr. Final Land Slum Slum

Name of the Slum Surveyor No./CTS No./New/old
No. Plot Ownership Number Population

1 Murdha Gulf Bhayandar (W) 23 New-123 (Old-278), Bhayandar Government 1600 4800

2 Rewa Agar Bhayandar (W) 23 New-123 (Old-278), Bhayandar Government 1500 4500

3 Rai Shivaneri Bhayandar (W) 23 New-111 (Old-36) Rai-Murdhe Government 1200 3600

New-11 (Old-36) New-13 (Old-

4 Indira Kothar, Bhayandar (W) 7 Private 350 1050
40), Bhayandar

Lal Bahadur Shastrinnagar (Uttan)

5 23 New-25 (Uttan) Government 750 2250
Bhayandar (W)

New-223 (Old-778), New-230

Ambedkar Nagar, Gandhinagar,
6 23 (Old-757), New 232 (Old-776) Government 3050 6100
Bholanagar Bhayandar (W)

Neharunagar, Lal Bhahadu Shastri

7 1 New-311 (Old-724) Bhayandar Government 1950 5850
nagar (W)

8 Motinagar, Bhayandar (W) 1 New-368 (Old-3) Bhayandar Private 300 900

New-342 (Old-722), New-378

9 Ganeshnagar Deval Nagar, Bhayandar 1 Government 3100 3300
(Old-764) Bhayandar

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

New-371 (Old-2), New-370 (Old-

10 Anna Nagar, Bhayandar (W) 1 Government 134 264
722) Bhayandar

11 Jay Ambenagar 1, Bhayandar (W) 1 New-378 (Old-784) Bhayandar Government 800 100

12 Jay Ambenagar 2, Bhayandar (W) 1 New-338 (Old-754) Bhayandar Government 800 100

New-81 (Old-200), New-50 (Old-

13 Adarsh Indira Nagar Bhayandar (E) 12 Private 1500 1700
194) Bhayandar

New-198 (Old-215, New-197 (Old-

14 Pantekdi Bhayandar (E) 12 Private 95 295
217) Bhayandar

15 Bandarwadi Bhayandar (E) 12 New-12 (Old-150), Bhayandar Government 165 365

New-8 (Old-92), New-10 (Old-20)

16 Gaondevi Nagar Bhayandar (E) 12 Private 205 405

New-97 (Old-52) New-96 (Old-

Azad Nagar (Golden Nest) Bhayandar 348), New-15 (Old-344), New-16
17 10 Private 1200 1400
(E) (Old-343), New-92 (Old-346),
New 93 (Old-347) Bhayandar

18 Gaondevi Nagar No.1 Miraroad (E) 21 New-137 (Old-511) Private 600 800

New-49 (Old-127), New-74 (Old-

19 Pandurangwadi Miraroad (E) 15 Private 500 700

Government /
20 Gujrati Chaal penkarpada Miraroad (E) 16 New-3 (Old-259) 1050 1250

21 Raykarwadi Miraroad (E) 15 New-3 (Old-259A), Old-112 Private 300 500

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

New-9 (Old-79), New-10 (Old-78)

22 Mahajanwadi (Miragaonthan) 14 Government 2500 2700
New-11 (Old-76)

New-86 (Old-29), New-28 (Old-

23 Munshi Compound Miraroad (E) 15 31), New-127 (Old-30), New-12 Private 1400 1600

New-85 (Old-29), New-84 (Old-

24 Kamlesh Nagar Miraroad (E) 14 Private 300 500

25 Jaynagar Kashigaon Miraroad (E) 14 New-94 (Old-95) Private 200 400

26 Jantanagar Kashigaon Miraroad (E) 14 New-94 (Old-95) Government 1300 1500

Kashichurch Kashimira Naka Miraroad

27 13 New-78 (Old-92B), new-77 Government 500 700

New-75, New-79, New-74, New-

28 Mandvi Pada Kashigaon Miraroad (E) 14 Private 1200 1400

29 Mashacha Pada Kashigaon Miraroad (E) 14 New-55,56,96,60 Private 1300 1500

Minakshinagar Padab Kashigaon

30 14 New-161, New-162, New-160 Private 1090 1290
Miraroad (E)

New-215, New-199, New-185,

31 Dachakulpada Kashigaon Miraroad (E) 14 Private 800 1000
New-180, New-178, New-177

Modern company (Ghodbunder Village New-55, New-56, New-96, New-

32 13 Private 850 1050
Miraroad (E) 60

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Sainath Seva Nagar (Ghodbunder Village

33 13 New-13, New-9 Private 300 500
Miraroad (E)

34 Kajupada Miraroad (E) 14 New-40 Gaothan Private 150 350

35 Chena Velankani Pada Miraroad (E) 14 New-104, New-105 Gaothan Private 150 3350

36 Chena Pathil Pada Miraroad (E) 14 New-102 Gaothan Private 80 280

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure III - Details of Existing Education Facilities

No. of
Sr. Ward Year of Class Class School No. of Playground
Name of School Management Students
No. Number Establishment From To Type Students area
Male Female
1 1 Adarsh V.M.P.S, Rai 1992 Private 1 4 107 111 218 Yes
Adarsh Vidyamadir Sec.
2 1 1985 Private 5 10 286 309 595 Yes
Rai School
Chowk Mar School Pri.
3 1 1963 Government 1 7 20 18 38 Yes
No 11 School
D.P.P.S.No.12, Pri.
4 1 1947 Government 1 4 5 9 14 No
Bhayandar School
M.M.U.P.S.No.24, Pri.
5 1 1947 Government 1 7 87 81 168 Yes
Bhayandar School
M.K.G.P.S.No.23, Pri.
6 1 1988 Government 1 3 8 9 17 No
Bhayandar School
Murdha Mar Sch No Pri.
7 1 1947 Government 1 7 86 108 194 Yes
22. School
R.J.U.P.S.No.26, Pri.
8 1 1980 Government 1 5 13 22 35 Yes
Bhayandar School
R.M.U.P.S.No.25, Pri.
9 1 1910 Government 1 7 59 62 121 No
Bhayandar School
Sant Josef Mar Pri Pri.
10 1 1946 Private 1 4 130 118 248 Yes
Sch School
St. Josef S.H.S., Sec /H.
11 1 1946 Private 5 12 597 587 1184 Yes
Uttan School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Uttan Mar School No Pri.

12 1 1871 Government 1 3 8 5 13 No
1 School
Uttan Urdru School Pri.
13 1 1961 Government 1 7 43 42 85 No
No 2 School
Belan Muli. M.P.S., Pri.
14 1 1946 Private 1 4 9 8 17 Yes
Dongari School
Sec /H.
15 1 Amach Ghar School 2000 Private 1 12 289 246 535 Yes
Royal Eng School Pri.
16 1 2000 Private 1 7 665 495 1160 Yes
Uttan School
17 1 Murdha Hindi No. 33 2008 Government 1 7 79 101 180 Yes
Roseneil High
18 1 English School Bya 2012 Private 8 10 53 41 94 No
St Vincent De Paul Sec
19 1 2004 Private 8 10 69 38 107 No
High Eng Bya West School
The Don Bosco
20 1 School, Shiv Sena G 2004 Private 1 7 231 164 395 Yes
Bha (West)
Royal English School Sec /H.
21 1 2000 Private 8 12 337 266 603 Yes
& Jr. College School
Royal Eng Secondary Sec
22 1 1996 Private 8 10 4 0 4 No
Sch. Bhayandar(E) School
K S Mahetha College
23 1 2005 Private 11 12 College 75 33 108 Yes

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

St. Andrew Pri. Eng Sec.

24 1 2006 Private 1 10 189 190 379 Yes
S Uttan School
Reena Mehta High
Sec /H.
25 1 Sch & College Bha 2001 Private 8 12 391 180 571 Yes
Holy Cross High
26 1 School Bhayandar 2006 Private 8 10 151 103 254 Yes
Ram Ratna Sec /H.
27 1 1997 Private 5 12 230 35 265 Yes
Vidyamandir School
Ram Ratna Pri.
28 1 2011 Private 1 7 158 85 299 Yes
International School School
Ram Ratna
29 1 International Sec. 2011 Private 8 10 34 18 52 Yes
Adarsh Vidyamandir Pri.
30 1 2007 Private 1 7 104 103 207 Yes
Rai English School
New Royal English Sec /H.
31 1 2012 Private 1 12 451 334 785 Yes
School School
Global International Pri.
32 1 2009 Private 1 8 49 37 86 Yes
Primary School School
B.G.No.17U.P.S., Pri.
33 2 1929 Government 1 7 35 59 94 Yes
Bhayandar School
B.H.No.18U.P.S., Pri.
34 2 1957 Government 1 7 349 428 777 Yes
Bhayandar School
B.M.No.16U.P.S., Pri.
35 2 1868 Government 1 7 66 87 153 Yes
Bhayandar School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

36 2 Secondary M.S. Sec., 1959 Private 5 10 924 939 1863 Yes
Bhayandar Secondry Pri.
37 2 1991 Private 1 4 321 305 863 Yes
P.S., Bhayandar School
Bishap U.P.E.S., Pri.
38 2 1982 Private 1 7 544 460 1311 Yes
Bhayandar West School
39 2 Bishap Sec. School 1982 Private 8 10 162 124 286 Yes
Carmalit Canvant Pri.
40 2 1995 Private 1 7 135 107 270 No
U.P.E.S., Bhayandar School
Disalva U.P.E.S., Pri.
41 2 1986 Private 1 7 215 176 391 No
Bhayandar School
Disalva S.E.S., Sec
42 2 1992 Private 8 10 101 94 195 No
Bhayandar School
J.H.P.P.E.S., Pri.
43 2 1990 Private 1 4 206 155 361 Yes
Bhayandar School
J.H. Potdar Sec Sec.
44 2 1993 Private 5 10 355 219 574 Yes
School Eng School
J.H.P.P.G.S., Pri.
45 2 1990 Private 1 4 0 0 0 No
Bhayandar School
J.H.P.S.G.S., Sec.
46 2 1983 Private 5 12 364 410 774 Yes
Bhayandar School
J.H.P.P.H.S., Pri.
47 2 1989 Private 1 4 16 26 42 Yes
Bhayandar School
Rosenile Pri. Eng Pri.
48 2 2002 Private 1 7 128 101 255 No
School School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Manjul Vidya Pri.

49 2 1990 Private 1 7 5 3 8 No
Mandir U P Hindi School
Myrtles. U.P.E.S., Pri.
50 2 1983 Private 1 7 175 126 301 Yes
Bhayandar School
Mount Marry. P.E.S., Pri.
51 2 1983 Private 1 7 141 171 312 Yes
Bhayandar School
Mount Merry Sec. Sec.
52 2 1998 Private 8 10 66 37 103 Yes
School School
Nirmala Niketan Pri. Pri.
53 2 1999 Private 1 7 288 237 525 Yes
Eng School School
Nirmala. N.U.P.E.S., Sec.
54 2 1998 Private 8 10 82 62 144 Yes
Bhayandar School
O.L.O.N.U.P.E.S., Pri.
55 2 1969 Private 1 7 1450 1176 2626 Yes
Bhayandar School
Hour Lady of Sec /H.
56 2 1925 Private 8 12 599 583 1182 Yes
Nazreth Sec Sch School
O.L.O.V.P.E.S., Pri.
57 2 1994 Private 1 4 358 247 605 Yes
Bhayandar School
Hour Lady of Sec /H.
58 2 1994 Private 5 12 349 220 569 Yes
Velankani Sec Sch School
Rubina Acad. P.E.S., Pri.
59 2 1990 Private 1 7 218 198 416 Yes
Bhayandar School
Carmelite Convent Sec
60 2 1995 Private 8 10 66 34 100 No
English School School
St. X.U.P.E.S., Pri.
61 2 1987 Private 1 7 330 232 562 No
Bhayandar School
St. Zeviyar Sec Sec
62 2 1987 Private 8 10 231 150 381 No
School School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

St Vincent De
63 2 Paul.U.P.E.S., 2004 Private 1 7 119 115 298 No
64 2 Vidyalay.U.P.M.S., 1997 Private 1 7 40 50 104 Yes
T.D.B.U.P.E.S., Pri.
65 2 1997 Private 1 7 339 297 636 Yes
Bhayandar School
The Bosko Sec Sec
66 2 2000 Private 8 10 310 248 558 No
School School
The Carneshan Eng Pri.
67 2 1997 Private 1 7 46 41 101 Yes
School School
Matrals Sec. High Sec.
68 2 1983 Private 8 10 89 52 141 Yes
school School
Manjul Vidya Sec.
69 2 2003 Private 8 10 4 0 4 Yes
Mandir Sec Hindi School
Bhayandar Hindi Sch Pri.
70 2 2006 Government 1 7 264 317 581 Yes
No.30 School
Bhayandar Urdu Sch Pri.
71 2 2006 Government 1 8 71 87 158 Yes
No.31 School
Holy Cross Pri. Pri.
72 2 2004 Private 1 7 252 168 420 Yes
School Bha West School
Gracious Eng Sch. Pri.
73 2 2004 Private 1 8 6 12 18 No
Bya East School
74 2 S.L. Porwal Pri. Sch 2006 Private 1 7 749 669 1633 Yes
75 2 S.L. Porwal Sec Sch 2006 Private 8 10 304 275 579 Yes

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

76 2 Holy Angels. E . Pri. 2002 Private 1 7 270 220 605 Yes
77 2 Holy Anngel E. Sec. 2002 Private 8 10 109 122 231 Yes
St. Josephs English Sec.
78 2 2006 Private 1 10 770 656 1426 Yes
High School, Uttan School
Subodh Vidyalay Sec Sec.
79 2 1997 Private 8 10 41 35 76 Yes
Marathi Bhy West School
Lalit Vidya Niketan Pri.
80 2 2000 Private 1 4 13 10 23 Yes
Bha East School
Sankar Narayan
81 2 Juniar College Bha 1999 Private 11 12 College 1358 1385 2743 Yes
St Aloysius English
82 2 Pri. School 2001 Private 1 7 874 787 1661 Yes
Bhayandar East
St Aloysius English
83 2 Sec. School 2002 Private 8 10 325 251 576 Yes
Bhayandar East
S B S Memorial High Sec
84 2 2006 Private 8 10 11 12 23 No
School (English) School
S B S Memorial High Sec
85 2 2006 Private 8 10 11 12 23 No
School (Hindi) School
Mother Teresa High Pri.
86 2 2002 Private 1 7 126 98 294 Yes
School Primary School
Narmada Memorial Pri.
87 2 2003 Private 1 7 78 64 142 Yes
High School School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Mother Marys Jr
88 2 1998 Private 11 12 College 408 346 754 Yes
Narayana Etechno Pri.
89 2 2016 Private 1 8 410 312 773 Yes
School Bha West School
Grukul High School Pri.
90 2 2005 Private 1 8 207 165 372 Yes
Bha West School
91 2 International Sec. 2011 Private 8 10 54 65 119 Yes
School Bha East
Nine Planets Pre-
92 2 Primary English 2013 Private 1 8 20 17 37 Yes
93 2 M S Creative School 2018 Private 9 10 11 11 22 Yes
94 2 Almuminah School 2011 Private 1 7 0 147 147 Yes
Rbk International Sec.
95 2 2016 Private 1 10 206 158 459 Yes
School School
96 2 Borderr High School 2017 Private 1 5 16 13 29 No
97 2 Tapovan Vidyalay 2013 Private 9 10 30 29 59 Yes
A.V.M.P.E.S., Pri.
98 3 1978 Private 1 4 174 125 299 Yes
Bhyandar School
A.V.M.S.E.S., Sec.
99 3 1982 Private 5 10 404 256 660 Yes
Bhayandar School
A.V.M.P.G.S., Pri.
100 3 1987 Private 1 4 0 0 0 Yes
Bhayandar School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

A.V.M.U.P.H.S., Pri.
101 3 1987 Private 1 7 215 243 458 Yes
Bhayandar School
Abhinav V Mandir Sec.
102 3 1991 Private 8 10 138 153 291 Yes
Hindi Pri Sch School
A.V.M.P.M.S., Pri.
103 3 1976 Private 1 4 57 63 120 Yes
Bhayandar School
A.V.M.S.M.S., Sec /H.
104 3 1972 Private 5 12 1693 1408 3101 Yes
Bhayandar School
Adarsh Vidiya
105 3 Niketan.P.E.S., 2000 Private 1 7 53 38 91 No
A.J.V.M.U.P.E.S., Pri.
106 3 1983 Private 1 7 55 53 123 No
Bhayandar School
Amar Jyoti V Mandir Sec
107 3 1983 Private 8 10 34 23 57 No
Sec School School
A.J.V.M.U.P.H.S., Pri.
108 3 1983 Private 1 7 138 189 327 No
Bhayandar School
Amar Jyoti V Mandir
109 3 1983 Private 8 10 77 117 194 No
Sec School
110 3 Vidya.U.P.H.S., 1989 Private 1 7 90 120 237 Yes
Bhartiy Vidya Sec Sec.
111 3 1992 Private 8 10 47 62 109 Yes
Hindi School School
Blossom.U.P.E.S., Pri.
112 3 1998 Private 1 7 481 394 1154 No
Bhayandar East School
B.M.U.P.S.No.15, Pri.
113 3 1969 Government 1 7 25 25 50 No
Bhayandar School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Mother Teresa High Sec /H.

114 3 2005 Private 8 12 71 62 133 Yes
School School
Dive Drop.U.P.E.S., Pri.
115 3 1992 Private 1 7 30 41 71 No
Bhayandar School
Dive Drop.U.P.H.S., Pri.
116 3 1993 Private 1 7 95 70 206 Yes
Bhayandar School
Divine Hymn Sec
117 3 1992 Private 8 10 31 12 43 No
English High School School
Divhain Him Guj Sec Sec
118 3 1996 Private 8 10 10 8 18 No
School School
Blosam Sec Eng Sec /H.
119 3 1998 Private 8 12 275 206 481 No
School School
Divain Him Eng Pri.
120 3 1992 Private 1 7 59 36 95 No
School School
Divaen. Him. Pri.
121 3 1986 Private 1 7 59 78 137 No
U.P.H.S., Bhayandar School
Divaen Him Hindi Sec/H.
122 3 1992 Private 8 12 44 71 115 No
High School School
Don Bosco
123 3 Public.U.P.E.S., Bha 2000 Private 1 7 268 218 486 Yes
Father. Josef. Pri.
124 3 2000 Private 1 7 784 634 1418 Yes
U.P.E.S., Bhayandar School
Father Joseph Sec Sec.
125 3 2000 Private 8 10 487 394 881 Yes
Eng School School
G.M.S.No.8 U.P.S., Pri.
126 3 1961 Government 1 7 91 81 267 Yes
Bhayandar School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Holy Cross Pri. Eng Pri.

127 3 1985 Private 1 7 148 98 289 Yes
Sch School
Holy Cross High Sec.
128 3 1986 Private 8 10 50 34 84 Yes
School School
I.J.U.P.E.S., Pri.
129 3 1997 Private 1 7 176 150 326 No
Bhayandar School
J.&M.U.P.E.S., Pri.
130 3 2001 Private 1 7 336 289 625 Yes
Bhayandar School
K.B.N.U.P.E.S., Pri.
131 3 1998 Private 1 7 27 21 48 No
Bhayandar School
K.G.U.P.S.No.7, Pri.
132 3 1977 Government 1 7 21 13 50 Yes
Bhayandar School
K.M.U.P.S.No.6, Pri.
133 3 1961 Government 1 7 40 56 96 Yes
Bhayandar School
134 3 V.U.P.M.S., 1997 Private 1 7 133 163 296 No
Lokamanya Vidya Sec/H.
135 3 1992 Private 8 12 249 262 511 No
Sec. School School
Maa. B.U.P.H.S., Pri.
136 3 1984 Private 1 7 267 268 535 No
Bhayandar School
Maa Bharti V Mandir Sec /H.
137 3 1987 Private 8 12 170 177 347 No
Sec School School
138 3 Covent.U.P.E.S., 1999 Private 8 10 11 5 16 No

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

139 3 Marys.U.P.E.S., 1992 Private 1 7 222 176 456 Yes
Bhay East
Mathor Merryj Sec. Sec.
140 3 1992 Private 8 10 166 109 275 Yes
School School
National U.P.E.S., Pri.
141 3 2000 Private 1 7 113 81 194 Yes
Bhayandar School
National U.P.H.S., Pri.
142 3 2000 Private 1 7 106 99 205 No
Bhayandar School
N.U.P.H.S.No.29, Pri.
143 3 1996 Government 1 7 139 139 278 Yes
Bhayandar School
N.U.P.M.S.No.13, Pri.
144 3 1928 Government 1 7 41 51 92 Yes
Bhayandar School
New Kebrij Pri. Eng Pri.
145 3 1996 Private 1 7 120 73 297 Yes
Sch School
New Cambrige Pri. Pri.
146 3 1996 Private 1 7 40 44 106 Yes
Hindi School School
New Modern P.E.S., Pri.
147 3 1999 Private 1 7 73 62 160 Yes
Bhayandar School
Om Swami
148 3 Vivekananad 1999 Private 1 7 55 59 114 Yes
U.P.E.S., Bhayandar
Om Swami
149 3 Vivekanand 2000 Private 1 7 83 108 191 Yes
U.P.H.S., Bhayandar
Om Sai Vivekanad Sec.
150 3 2000 Private 8 10 37 46 83 Yes
Sec Hindi Sch School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Pams U.P.E.S., Bhay Pri.

151 3 1996 Private 1 7 91 68 235 No
East School
Payas Buds.U.P.E.S., Pri.
152 3 1993 Private 1 7 124 116 240 No
Bhayandar School
Payas Badas Sec Sec.
153 3 1990 Private 8 10 62 30 92 Yes
School School
R.V.N.U.P.H.S., Pri.
154 3 2000 Private 1 7 72 96 168 Yes
Bhayandar School
Rahul V Niketan Sec Sec.
155 3 1997 Private 8 10 65 62 127 Yes
Hindi School School
Royal Pri. Eng Sch Pri.
156 3 1997 Private 1 7 20 18 38 No
Bha East Lokmaniye School
Shree Sai Baba. Pri.
157 3 2000 Private 1 7 110 139 249 Yes
P.H.S., Bha East School
Sarswati Pri. Eng Pri.
158 3 1980 Private 1 4 494 381 875 No
School School
New Cambridge
159 3 High School Bha 2002 Private 8 10 20 7 27 Yes
Sarwati Vidya Sec. Sec
160 3 1980 Private 5 10 891 709 1600 No
Eng School School
St.Agnes U.P.E.S., Pri.
161 3 2001 Private 1 7 708 553 1261 Yes
Bhayandar School
St Agnes Eng Sec Sec.
162 3 2005 Private 8 10 240 186 426 Yes
School Bha School
St. Francis U.P.E.S., Pri.
163 3 1989 Private 1 4 690 541 1429 Yes
Bhay Est School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

St Francis S.E.S., Sec.

164 3 1989 Private 5 10 1367 1002 2369 Yes
Bhayandar School
St. Soldier U P Eng Pri.
165 3 1993 Private 1 7 411 329 740 No
School Bha East School
166 3 St Soldier Sec School 1998 Private 8 10 141 119 260 No
Divaen Image Pri.
167 3 1994 Private 1 7 37 31 113 No
Highschool School
Devhain Emage Sec Sec/H.
168 3 1994 Private 8 12 286 239 525 No
School School
Don Bosco Public Sec.
169 3 2000 Private 8 10 89 57 146 Yes
Sec S Bha East School
R K Memorial Eng Pri.
170 3 2001 Private 1 4 129 116 245 Yes
Pri. School School
171 3 Rahul Eng School 1999 Private 1 7 123 99 222 Yes
172 3 Indian Kebrig Shool 2001 Private 1 7 18 28 46 No
173 3 Holy Triniti Pri. Sch 1998 Private 1 7 79 69 148 Yes
Madhusudhan Global Pri.
174 3 2001 Private 1 7 298 264 562 Yes
School School
Lalit V Niketan Sec Sec
175 3 1990 Private 5 10 48 68 116 No
School School
Holy Trinity Eng Sec
176 3 2000 Private 8 10 32 32 64 No
High School School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Adrasha Vidya Sec

177 3 1999 Private 8 10 10 5 15 No
Niketan Eng Sec School
Shree Sai Baba Hindi Sec.
178 3 2000 Private 8 10 67 86 153 Yes
Sec Sch School
Mayekar Convent Pri.
179 3 1998 Private 1 7 20 17 39 No
School School
Jijas & Merryj Sec. Sec.
180 3 2001 Private 8 10 151 104 255 Yes
School School
Oxford Eng Pri. Pri.
181 3 2002 Private 1 7 33 26 59 No
School School
S M Public Sec High Sec.
182 3 2005 Private 8 10 116 85 201 Yes
School Khari School
Anjuman Yatama Pri.
183 4 1993 Private 1 7 212 271 516 Yes
Urdu Pri. School School
Anjuman Yatama Sec.
184 4 1991 Private 8 10 129 188 317 Yes
Urdu Sec. School School
Banegar U.P.E.S., Pri.
185 4 1999 Private 1 7 900 691 2720 Yes
Mira Road (E) School
Banegar Eng Sec Sec.
186 4 1999 Private 8 10 400 331 731 Yes
High School School
Holly Cross Con Sch Pri.
187 4 1992 Private 1 4 675 679 1354 Yes
Mira Road E School
Holly Cross Con. Sec.
188 4 1992 Private 5 10 930 1062 1992 Yes
E.S., Mira Road (E) School
Holly Famaily Day Pri.
189 4 1994 Private 1 7 13 10 31 Yes
Eng Pri. Mira R School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Kajghi Pratmic Pri.

190 4 1971 Private 1 5 17 18 35 Yes
Mrathi Mira Road School
M.R.P.G. School Pri.
191 4 1972 Government 1 5 15 15 30 Yes
No.21 School
N.H Academy Pri. Pri.
192 4 1992 Private 1 7 1032 956 1988 Yes
Eng Sch School
N.H. Academy Pri. Sec.
193 4 1992 Private 8 10 472 451 923 Yes
English Highschool School
Nl. Dalmiya. P.E.S., Pri.
194 4 1991 Private 1 4 538 448 1737 Yes
Mira Road (E) School
Nl Dalmiya. S.E.S., Sec.
195 4 1991 Private 5 10 683 567 1250 Yes
Mira Road(E) School
Queen Merry
196 4 U.P.E.S., Mira Road 2000 Private 1 7 724 701 1425 Yes
Queen Meris Eng Sec.
197 4 1998 Private 8 10 388 346 734 Yes
High school Mira R School
R.K.U.P.E.S., Mira Pri.
198 4 2003 Private 1 7 30 29 59 Yes
Road (E) School
Royal Girls Eng Pri. Pri.
199 4 1995 Private 1 7 0 537 537 Yes
Sch Mira Road School
The Raval
200 4 International School 1997 Private 1 7 45 32 92 Yes
L P Ravalsec & Sec /H.
201 4 1987 Private 9 12 365 261 626 Yes
College Mira R School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Sardar Valabhbhai
202 4 .P.P.E.S., Mira Road 1996 Private 1 4 1185 935 2120 Yes
Symbiosis U.P.E.S., Pri.
203 4 1998 Private 1 7 9 4 13 No
Mira Road (E) School
Sinbayasis Sec. Eng Sec
204 4 1998 Private 8 10 41 25 66 No
School School
Shanti. N.U.P.E.S., Pri.
205 4 1987 Private 1 4 437 352 789 Yes
Mira Road (E) School
Shanti Nagar Sec Sec.
206 4 1987 Private 5 10 833 713 1546 Yes
School School
St. Andrews P.E.S., Pri.
207 4 1998 Private 1 7 272 221 623 No
Mira Road(E) School
St. Augastin. P.E.S., Pri.
208 4 2005 Private 1 7 34 35 69 No
Mira Road (E) School
St Harise Prim High Pri.
209 4 1999 Private 1 7 386 359 745 Yes
School School
St Joseph U.P.S., Pri.
210 4 1995 Private 1 7 450 306 756 No
Mira Road (E) School
St. Juds U.P.E.S., Pri.
211 4 1992 Private 1 7 563 463 1026 Yes
Mira Road(E) School
Oxford Eng High Sec
212 4 2002 Private 8 10 35 25 60 No
School School
St. Louis U.P.S., Pri.
213 4 1998 Private 1 7 69 55 124 No
Mira Road (E) School
St Poal Eng Pri. Pri.
214 4 1998 Private 1 7 1101 928 2029 Yes
School School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

St Poal Sec. E.S., Sec.

215 4 1999 Private 8 10 387 341 728 Yes
Mira Road (E) School
St. Thams U.P.E.S., Pri.
216 4 1997 Private 1 7 335 333 668 Yes
Mira Road (E) School
St. X.U.P.E.S., Mira Pri.
217 4 1999 Private 1 7 1766 1293 3059 Yes
Road(E) School
St Xavier Secondary Sec.
218 4 1999 Private 8 10 959 756 1715 Yes
School Mira Road School
Cosmopolitan Pri.
219 4 1999 Private 1 7 461 436 897 Yes
School, Mira Road School
Sharada Vidyalaya Pri.
220 4 1995 Private 1 7 25 17 42 No
Pri. School School
St. M. Teresa Pri. Pri.
221 4 2005 Private 1 7 32 30 62 Yes
School School
G.S. Jangid Pri.
222 4 1999 Private 1 7 349 286 781 Yes
Memorial School
St. Haris High Sec.
223 4 1999 Private 8 10 122 127 249 Yes
School Sec Sch School
Sharada Vidyalaya Sec /H.
224 4 1995 Private 8 12 48 44 92 No
Sec Mar Sch School
St. Anthoni Eng High Pri.
225 4 1998 Private 1 7 171 136 356 No
School School
St Thomas High Sec /H.
226 4 1998 Private 8 12 197 183 380 Yes
School School
Cosmopolitan High Sec.
227 4 1999 Private 8 10 168 130 298 Yes
School Mira Road School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Gresiyas Sec Sec /H.

228 4 2002 Private 8 12 84 115 199 Yes
Highschool School
G.S. Jangid Sec.
229 4 1999 Private 8 10 145 117 262 Yes
Momoriyal High Sch School
230 4 St Tresa Highschool 2004 Private 1 8 147 153 300 Yes
Christ Pri. Eng Pri.
231 4 1998 Private 1 7 93 111 285 Yes
School School
232 4 Sarswati Sec School 1980 Private 8 10 0 0 0 No
Vedant International Sec /H.
233 4 2004 Private 8 12 180 156 336 Yes
High school School
Gresiyas Pri. Eng Pri.
234 4 2002 Private 1 7 105 145 250 Yes
School School
P. G. Hora Eng Pri. Pri.
235 4 2004 Private 1 7 250 216 626 Yes
School School
Don Basko Pri.
236 4 2001 Private 1 7 296 213 509 No
Highschool School
Sardar Vallbhai Patel Sec.
237 4 1998 Private 5 10 2304 1624 3928 Yes
High school School
Holy Family Day Sec /H.
238 4 1994 Private 8 12 103 42 145 Yes
School & Jr College School
Jayant Datta Sec.
239 4 2001 Private 8 10 32 33 65 Yes
Highschool School
R K English Pri. Sec.
240 4 2003 Private 8 10 26 22 48 Yes
School School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Noorjahan Urdu Pri. Pri.

241 4 2002 Private 1 7 78 215 293 Yes
School School
St. Joseph Sec High Sec
242 4 1995 Private 8 10 147 152 299 No
School School
Ramaben Kankiya Sec /H.
243 4 2003 Private 8 12 627 497 1124 Yes
Sec Highschool School
244 4 S. K. English School 2004 Private 1 7 46 48 94 No
Relivent Pri Hindi Pri.
245 4 2000 Private 1 7 232 195 427 Yes
School School
246 4 Indiyan High School 1999 Private 1 7 38 45 111 Yes
Royal Girls Urdu Sec.
247 4 2001 Private 8 10 0 134 134 Yes
High School School
248 4 Rozari High School 2001 Private 1 7 72 49 140 No
Swami Dyanand Pri Pri.
249 4 2002 Private 1 7 17 22 39 Yes
School School
250 4 Vidya Sagar Sch 2009 Private 1 7 148 164 312 Yes
251 4 S. M. Public School 2008 Private 1 7 223 194 417 Yes
252 4 St. Peter School 2005 Private 1 7 30 34 64 No
Christ Eng High Sec.
253 4 1998 Private 8 10 23 39 62 Yes
School Kashi School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

St Appollonias Con Sec.

254 4 2000 Private 8 10 4 4 8 Yes
Eng Sec Sch B E School
St Augustins Eng Sec
255 4 2005 Private 8 10 34 22 56 No
High Sec Sch Mira R School
P. G. Vora High Sec.
256 4 2008 Private 8 10 110 59 169 Yes
School School
St.Xeviers High Sec.
257 4 2009 Private 8 10 256 160 416 Yes
School Kashigaon School
Swami Dayanand
258 4 Hindi High School 1998 Private 1 7 123 158 281 Yes
St. John'S High Pri.
259 4 1998 Private 1 7 516 339 855 Yes
School Kashigaon School
Momai Global Pri.
260 4 2003 Private 1 7 116 103 219 Yes
School School
261 4 Pranjeevan Bai Eng 2006 Private 1 7 138 127 335 Yes
Bright International Sec
262 4 1997 Private 8 10 73 55 128 No
School School
Indian High School Sec.
263 4 2000 Private 8 10 72 71 143 Yes
Secondary School
264 5 B.M.S.U.P.S., Kashi 1976 Government 1 7 645 397 1361 Yes
B M S Sec Eng Sec /H.
265 5 1976 Private 8 12 263 149 412 Yes
School School
C.U.P.S.No.10, Pri.
266 5 1965 Government 1 8 130 99 229 Yes
Kashi School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

G.M.U.P.S.No.9, Pri.
267 5 1938 Government 1 7 120 159 279 No
Kashi School
Gramin Vidaliye Pri.
268 5 1946 Private 1 7 107 99 206 Yes
Mire.U.P.S., Kashi School
269 5 K.P.P.S.No.03, Kashi 1972 Government 1 6 51 52 103 No
K.M.U.P.S.No.04, Pri.
270 5 1906 Government 1 8 475 549 1024 Yes
Kashi School
K.U.U.P.S.No.05, Pri.
271 5 1965 Government 1 8 153 202 355 Yes
Kashi School
M.P.P.S.No.19, Pri.
272 5 1963 Government 1 8 155 178 333 No
Kashi School
M.M.U.P.S.No.20, Pri.
273 5 1963 Government 1 7 89 107 196 No
Kashi School
Nitiyanand Pri.
274 5 1993 Private 1 7 0 0 0 Yes
P.U.P.H.S., Kashi School
Penkar Pada Mar Sch Pri.
275 5 1969 Government 1 8 169 181 350 No
No 14 School
Raja Shivaji Vidalye Sec.
276 5 1990 Private 5 10 267 266 533 Yes
Sec Kashi School
R.B.P.S.No.27, Pri.
277 5 1988 Government 1 3 11 10 21 No
Kashi School
Raja Shivaji Pri Pri.
278 5 1998 Private 1 4 96 97 287 Yes
Marathi Sch School
St. Jerom. P. S., Pri.
279 5 2002 Private 1 7 592 571 1490 Yes
Kashi School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

St. Marys. U. P. S., Pri.

280 5 1986 Private 1 7 522 351 873 Yes
Kashi School
Trinity Eng P. S., Pri.
281 5 1996 Private 1 7 526 405 931 No
Kashi School
282 5 V.P.S.No.28, Kashi 1980 Government 1 6 29 22 76 Yes
Prema Laxman Pri.
283 5 1994 Private 1 7 109 127 236 Yes
Vidyalay Mar Pri. School
Sai Vidya Niketan Sec.
284 5 1993 Private 8 10 54 79 133 Yes
Sec Mar School School
Aabid Patel Memo Pri.
285 5 2003 Private 1 7 627 450 1333 Yes
Pri Eng School School
Abid Patel Memorial
286 5 2011 Private 11 12 College 321 237 558 Yes
St. Xevior School Pri.
287 5 1998 Private 1 7 611 388 999 Yes
Pri. School
Trinity Eng Sec Sec
288 5 1996 Private 8 10 184 109 293 No
School School
Ch. Shahoo Maharaj Sec
289 5 2003 Private 8 10 47 56 103 No
Sec. Sch School
Adarsh Vidya Sec.
290 5 1997 Private 8 10 127 146 273 Yes
Niketan Sec. School School
St Merryj Sec. Sec.
291 5 1986 Private 8 10 216 124 340 Yes
School School
Swami Dyanand Sec.
292 5 1998 Private 8 10 113 152 265 Yes
High S. K.G. School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

293 5 Mbmc Urdu No. 32 2007 Government 1 8 92 129 221 No
294 5 Mbmc Urdu No. 34 2008 Government 1 8 169 112 281 No
295 5 St. Domnic Savio Pri 2004 Private 1 7 79 83 162 Yes
Seven Square Pri.
296 5 2008 Private 1 7 1376 1014 2390 Yes
Academy School
K.S. Mehta High Pri.
297 5 2005 Private 1 7 72 67 139 Yes
School School
Santhome Public Pri.
298 5 2007 Private 1 7 412 413 825 Yes
School School
Baright International Pri.
299 5 1997 Private 1 7 159 147 403 No
Pri. School School
Relevant Public H Sec.
300 5 2008 Private 8 10 72 94 166 Yes
Sec. School
Noor Jahan Urdu Sec.
301 5 2002 Private 8 10 47 127 174 Yes
Sec. School School
K S Mahta Sec Eng Sec.
302 5 2005 Private 8 10 61 42 103 Yes
School Kashi School
St Dominic Savio
303 5 Sec Eng School 2004 Private 8 10 41 25 66 Yes
St Judes High Sch Sec.
304 5 1992 Private 8 10 144 144 288 Yes
Sec Mira Road School
R B K Global Eng Pri.
305 5 2012 Private 1 8 1023 761 1784 Yes
Sch Mira E School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Relevant Pri Eng Sch Pri.

306 5 2003 Private 1 7 161 175 336 No
Mira Road School
Relevant Sec Eng Sec.
307 5 2008 Private 8 10 41 41 82 Yes
Sch Mira Road School
Tapovan Vidhyalay Pri.
308 5 2013 Private 1 8 307 316 806 Yes
Eng Sc Bha East School
Royal College of
309 5 Arts Mira Road 1989 Private 11 12 College 414 947 1361 Yes
Penkar Pada
Jayant Dutta Pri. Eng
310 5 High School M,Ira 2003 Private 1 7 54 56 110 Yes
Don Bosko High
311 5 School Shanti Park 2001 Private 8 10 105 63 168 Yes
St. John Eng. High Sec.
312 5 1998 Private 8 10 120 75 195 Yes
School, Kashigaon School
St. Treza Eng. High Sec.
313 5 2004 Private 8 10 59 56 115 Yes
School, Miraroad School
314 5 Vidyaniketan Eng 1997 Private 1 7 318 243 561 Yes
(Pri), Kashimira
315 5 Vidyaniketan Eng 1997 Private 8 10 72 54 126 Yes
(Sec), Kashimira
Royal Urdu Primary Pri.
316 5 2001 Private 1 7 0 358 459 Yes
School School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Royal English High Sec.

317 5 1995 Private 8 10 0 225 225 Yes
School, Dalmiya School
Santhom Public Sec.
318 5 2007 Private 8 10 117 123 240 Yes
School, Miraroad School
Western English Pri.
319 5 2011 Private 1 8 285 297 784 Yes
School School
St. Andruj English Sec
320 5 1998 Private 8 10 135 113 248 No
School School
St. Anthony High Sec /H.
321 5 2004 Private 8 12 81 58 139 No
School School
Sanjeevan Learning Pri.
322 5 2003 Private 1 7 214 302 516 Yes
Centre School
U. S. Ostwal Eng. Pri.
323 5 2010 Private 1 7 490 420 1182 Yes
Academy Pri. School
U. S. Ostwal Eng. Sec.
324 5 2010 Private 8 10 98 79 177 Yes
Academy Sec. School
Vedant International Pri.
325 5 2005 Private 1 7 243 235 478 Yes
High School School
A. P. International Sec.
326 5 2003 Private 8 10 95 72 167 Yes
Sec. School School
327 5 Rosary High School 2002 Private 8 10 37 20 57 No
The Don Bosco High
328 5 School, Mira Road 2004 Private 1 10 335 304 639 No
Seven Square Sec /H.
329 5 2008 Private 8 12 825 648 1473 Yes
academy Sec. School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Mount Carmel Pri.

330 5 2016 Private 1 8 573 511 1084 Yes
School Mira Road School
Patriot High School Pri.
331 5 2006 Private 1 7 160 126 286 No
Mira R School
Rassaz International Pri.
332 5 2016 Private 1 8 185 170 516 Yes
School School
Our Lady of Fatima Pri.
333 5 2015 Private 1 8 17 27 44 Yes
School School
Deepjyoti School, Pri.
334 5 2012 Private 1 8 139 99 350 Yes
Miraroad East School
Asmita College of
335 5 2016 Private 11 12 College 101 202 303 Yes
Arts& Commerce
Momai Global Sec
336 5 2002 Private 8 10 20 22 42 No
School School
Raja Shivaji English
337 5 Primary School, 2011 Private 1 4 56 56 199 Yes
Falah English High Sec.
338 5 2009 Private 9 10 32 79 111 Yes
School School
Western English Sec.
339 5 2011 Private 9 10 15 19 34 Yes
High School School
Rahul International Sec.
340 5 2018 Private 1 12 88 49 205 Yes
School CBSE School
Rahul International Sec /H.
341 5 2018 Private 1 12 3 2 5 Yes
School IGCSE School
342 5 Trinity Public School 2018 Private 1 5 36 24 60 Yes

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

343 5 St Daniel School 2018 Private 1 5 16 21 37 No
Abhilasha High Pri.
344 5 2018 Private 1 8 73 65 138 Yes
School School
Sardar Vallabhbhai
Patel College of
345 5 2017 Private 11 12 College 145 136 281 Yes
Commerce and
Adarsh V Niketan Pri.
346 6 2000 Private 1 7 13 15 28 No
Hindi Pri Sch School
Divhain Him Pri Guj. Pri.
347 6 1996 Private 1 7 3 1 4 No
School School
348 6 R K Eng Pri School 2004 Private 1 7 24 37 61 Yes
K B Naravat Eng Sec Sec
349 6 2004 Private 8 10 3 7 10 No
School School
350 6 Jack & Jill Pri School 2000 Private 1 7 139 119 324 Yes
Rahul Eng Sec. Sec.
351 6 1999 Private 8 10 76 50 126 Yes
School School
New Modern Eng Sec.
352 6 1994 Private 8 10 22 14 36 Yes
School School
Narmada Memorial Sec.
353 6 2003 Private 8 10 22 22 44 Yes
Sec Eng Sch School
R K Memorial Sec Sec /H.
354 6 2001 Private 5 12 161 149 310 Yes
Eng School School
Indian Krabrij Hindi Sec
355 6 2001 Private 8 10 29 33 62 No
Sec Sch School

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Infant Jijas Eng Sec Sec

356 6 2001 Private 8 10 22 30 52 No
School School
Mbmc Sch No. 35 Pri.
357 6 2011 Government 1 3 46 71 117 No
Dachkulpada School
358 6 Amarjyoti Jr. College 2013 Private 11 12 College 29 15 44 No
359 6 Prema Laxman V E P 2004 Private 1 7 246 192 542 Yes
Adarsh V N P Pri.
360 6 1999 Private 1 7 172 175 459 Yes
Marathi Kashi School
Shikhar International Pri.
361 6 2006 Private 1 7 56 43 150 Yes
P E Mira R School
362 6 Golden Nest P E 2002 Private 1 7 499 467 1162 Yes
Adarash V N Sec Sec
363 6 2001 Private 8 10 7 18 25 No
Hindi Bhayandar School
St. Jerome Convent Sec.
364 6 2002 Private 8 10 246 197 443 Yes
H E Sch School
Golden Nest English Sec /H.
365 6 2002 Private 8 12 151 122 273 Yes
High School School
Prema Laxman V Sec.
366 6 2004 Private 8 10 106 83 189 Yes
Eng Sec Mira R School
National High Sch
Sec /H.
367 6 Hindi Sec Bhayandar 2000 Private 8 12 79 94 173 Yes
National High Sch
368 6 Eng Sec Bhayandar 2000 Private 8 10 75 43 118 No

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Banegar English
School & Hafiza Jr
369 6 1999 Private 11 12 College 110 191 301 Yes
College of Arts Sci
Seven Eleven Sec.
370 6 2014 Private 1 10 308 250 558 Yes
Scholastic School School
Madhusudhan Global Sec.
371 6 2008 Private 8 10 57 50 107 Yes
School School
R.B.K Eng Sch Pri Pri.
372 6 2000 Private 1 7 1540 1253 2793 Yes
ICSE School
M S Creative School Pri.
373 6 2018 Private 1 8 90 78 168 Yes
Mira Road School
Prashik Special Sec
374 6 2009 Private 1 10 22 11 33 No
School School
Singapore Sec /H.
375 6 2007 Private 1 12 238 184 422 Yes
International School School
GCC International Pri.
376 6 2016 Private 1 8 193 128 496 No
School School
Mbmc School No 36 Pri.
377 6 2017 Government 1 7 51 39 90 No
Hindi Medium School
St. Johns High Pri.
378 6 2003 Private 1 8 24 22 46 Yes
School School
Iqra Islamic School Pri.
379 6 2010 Private 1 8 43 36 117 No
and Maktab School
Mount Carmel Sec.
380 6 2016 Private 9 10 56 45 101 Yes
School School
Shri L R Tiwari
Junior College of
381 6 2019 Private 11 12 College 72 50 122 Yes
Commerce and

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure IV - Details of Hospitals in Mira Bhayandar

Name Management Area (sq.ft.) Beds
1 Bharatratna Indira Gandhi Hospital Mira Bhayandar - 50
2 Bharatratan Pandit Bhimsen Joshi Hospital Mira Bhayandar Government - 100
3 Ashirwad Maternity & General Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2500 20
4 Agarwal Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 3500 15
5 Agarwal Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private - 15
6 Shalom Medicare Pvt. Ltd. Mira Bhayandar Private 7000 31
7 Shobhana Matrnity & Surgical Home Mira Bhayandar Private 2500 11
8 Jai Ambe Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2200 15
9 R. L. Ent Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3562 15
10 Dhanvantari Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 20
11 A-Care Orthopedic and General Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 11
12 Indra Bone & Joint (Indra Maternity & Surgical Nurising Home) Mira Bhayandar Private 2750 15
13 Nakoda Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2400 15
14 Balaji Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3500 18
15 Siddhivinayak Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1650 16
16 Stella Maris Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 20
17 Shree Siddhivinayak Hospital & Tanishka Polyclinic Mira Bhayandar Private 2500 20

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

18 Tara Netralaya Mira Bhayandar Private 2600 15

19 Gayatri Hospital Women & Child Care Mira Bhayandar Private 1800 14
20 Gurukrupa Hospital & Polyclinic Mira Bhayandar Private - 21
21 Sai Aashirwad Maternity & Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private - 14
22 Seetabai Children Hospital & Dental Clinic Mira Bhayandar Private 1200 10
23 Sai Baba Hospital & Polyclinic Mira Bhayandar Private - 15
24 Surana Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1000 7
25 Sai Aashirwad Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1800 18
26 Mantora Orthopedic Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 10
27 Rradha Maternity & Medical Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private - 11
28 Ashoka General Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1500 15
29 Asha Maternity Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2020 10
30 Sai Aashirwad Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2950 20
31 Jiwarajka Hospital & Critical Mira Bhayandar Private 1703 15
32 Sneha Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1400 11
33 Shraddha Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private - 18
34 Aastha Maternity & Eye Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 6
35 Thunga Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 24000 77
36 Life Star Multi-Speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3700 30
37 Dr. S. K. Das Children Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 700 5
38 Hamzah Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private - 16

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Wockhardt Hospitals: Unit - The Umrao Institute of Medical Sciences and 1200 Per
39 Private 100
Research Mira Bhayandar floor
40 Indra Maternity & Surgical Nurising Home Mira Bhayandar Private 3000 15
41 Riddhi Siddhi Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 5000 25
42 S.R. Health Care and General Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1200 8
43 Yashoda Maternity and Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 2911 15
44 Orchid Multi-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2400 24
45 Aryan Child Health Care Centre & Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 3000 15
46 Saxena Children and General Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2400 15
47 Tirupati Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 1500 15
48 Hitankshi Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private - 12
49 Galaxy Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 5900 50
50 Jugura Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 15
51 Shri Krishna Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1850 18
52 Orbit Super Speciality Hospital and Accident Centre Mira Bhayandar Private 8000 35
53 Asha Orthopaedic Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1300 7
54 Shiv Om Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 18
55 Navjeevan Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 2700 12
56 Tanwar Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 5000 25
57 Gita Eye and Dental Super-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 1
58 Mangal Murti Hospital & Polyclinic Mira Bhayandar Private - 15

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

59 Saikripa Eye Hospital & Polyclinic Mira Bhayandar Private 585 2

60 Priyanshi Hospital & Maternity Mira Bhayandar Private 715 5
61 Ganesh Multi-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 141.415 20
62 Om Sai Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 18
63 Kasturi Medicare Pvt. Ltd. Mira Bhayandar Private 10000 45
64 Sai Krupa Children’S Maternity & Surgical Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3500 25
65 Neel Orthopaedic Superspecialist Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 10
66 Sanjeevani Children Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 13
67 Bhayandar Criti Care Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 20
68 Samartha Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3000 20
69 Chirayu Superspecility Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 12500 44
70 Dr.Kulkarnis Orthopedic Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 900 7
71 Shree Siddhivinayak Orthopaedic Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1750 5
72 Karuna Multi-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2200 15
73 Jain Ent Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1000 4
74 Possa Hospital & Polyclinic Mira Bhayandar Private 144 15
75 New Life Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 15
76 Suvarna Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 17
77 Shah Lifeline Hospital & Heart Institute Pvt. Ltd. Mira Bhayandar Private 12000 75
78 Manav Arogya Seva Kendra Mira Bhayandar Private 1500 15
79 Geeta Eye Clinic & Surgical Center Mira Bhayandar Private - 3

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

80 Padmawati Maternity & Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 20

81 Deepak Orthopaedic & General Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2950 20
82 Navkar Orthopaedic Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 960 15
83 Sai Baba Hospital & Polyclinic Mira Bhayandar Private 5500 25
84 Mira Bhayandar Institute for Reproductive Assistance Mira Bhayandar Private 14000 25
85 Dr. Suri'S Maternity & Surgical Home Mira Bhayandar Private 1200 10
86 Surya Niketan Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 9
87 Shree Krishanakripa Hospital. Maternity & Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 3000 14
88 Matoshree Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 300 8
89 Dr. Pooja'S Child Care Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 4000 20
90 Madhu Maternity & Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 1850 15
91 Lotuss Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1754 17
92 Agarwal Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 2500 16
93 New Sai Ganga Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 21
94 Family Care Hospitals (Unit of Scandent Imaging Limited) Mira Bhayandar Private 32000 100
95 Kamla Eye Clinic Mira Bhayandar Private 2250 2
96 Sai Krupa Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2055 20
97 Sai Vedant Multi Speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2200 24
98 Ravi Surgical Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 2300 16
99 Kamla Maternity Home Mira Bhayandar Private 1430 14
100 St. Ann'S Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 225 25

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

101 Prana Criti Care Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 7

102 Sudha Hospital & Polyclinic Mira Bhayandar Private 1595 7
103 Veda Fertility & Urology Care Mira Bhayandar Private 2800 10
104 Sushrut Maternity & Surgical Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 3500 15
105 Vipassana Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1485 10
106 Badri- Vishal Policilinic & Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1600 15
107 Dr. Farid'S Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 13
108 Shree Krishna Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2500 20
109 Ansh Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3948 20
Bhakti Vedant Hospital & Reserch Institute (A Project of Sri Chaitanya Seva
110 Private 6158 200
Trust) Mira Bhayandar
111 Sanjeevani Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2740 16
112 Roshni Maternity & Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 934 4
113 Sham Bharati Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 20
114 New Health Care Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 1100 15
115 Dr. Dragos Life Line Health Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 755 5
116 Dr. Dragos Lifeline Health Hospital (General and Maternity) Mira Bhayandar Private - 14
117 Parmar Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 1759 7
118 Indralok General Hospital and Polyclinic Mira Bhayandar Private 1530 16
119 Global Multi-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 4000 30
120 Sheth P V Doshi Hospital Conducted by Bhaktivedant Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 945 mtr 26

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

121 Padmaja Hospital & ICU Mira Bhayandar Private 4200 30

Bhaktivedanta Healthcare Centre (A Unit of Bhaktivedanta Hospital & Research
122 Private 3991 10
Institute) Mira Bhayandar
123 Shoaib Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1000 9
124 Gurukrupa Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 4200 24
125 Shri K.V.O Jain Manv Seva Kendra Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 10
126 Mehta Hospital and Fertility Centre Mira Bhayandar Private 828 14
127 Fatima Maternity & General Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1500 6
128 Apple Hospital & Medical Centre Mira Bhayandar Private 132.64 16
129 Sanjeevani Eye Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1652.84 3
130 Rathi Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1150 7
131 Juana Mother & Child Care Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3961 16
132 Om Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3000 15
133 H.R.Hospital & Trauma Centre Mira Bhayandar Private 2928 19
134 Aarush Ivf & Endoscopy Centre Mira Bhayandar Private 1876 10
135 Manav Arogya Seva Kendra Mira Bhayandar Private 800 15
136 Vighnahar Critical Care Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 900 9
137 Aryan Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 900 15
138 Shree Multi-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1389.75 17
139 Aarav Eye Care + Reyina Centre Mira Bhayandar Private 2100 1
140 Maxcare Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 17

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

141 Evershine Maternity & Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 895 19
142 Ashish Hospital Multi-speciality Mira Bhayandar Private 2700 20
143 Indra Surgical Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 15
144 Shreeji Eye Clinic & Dental Care Centre Mira Bhayandar Private 1250 2
145 Radhika Multi-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3500 20
146 Aarogya Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 5000 20
147 Colors Children Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1349 15
148 Mahavir Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 15
149 Infigo Eye Care Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 5340 10
150 Olive Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 740 12
151 Devansh Maternity and General Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1100 15
152 Hitankshi Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1800 15
153 Vrindavan Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1515 12
154 Dhanwantari Manav Kalyan Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 20
155 Neptune Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3500 30
156 Padmakar Mhatre Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2500 20
157 Vision Dialysis Centre and Polyclinic Mira Bhayandar Private 1000 6
158 Meditech Hospital and Nursing Home Mira Bhayandar Private - 50
159 Swastik Health Care and Wellness Multi-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1800 20
160 Ashish Hospital (Manavata Hospital) Mira Bhayandar Private 3000 15
161 Tulip Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 6

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

162 Metro Life Care Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 20

163 Care N Cure Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1650 16
164 Ghazi Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1200 10
165 Shree Paramhans Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private - 0
166 Sunrise Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 3000 25
167 Rai Piles and Health Clinic Mira Bhayandar Private 1070 3
168 Prerna Eye Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 900 1
169 Shree Mahalaxmi Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1985 16
170 Aditya Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 17
171 Ssuk Health and Education Pvt. Ltd. Mira Bhayandar Private - 4
172 Bhairav Care & Cure Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2200 20
173 Jupiter Multi-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1870 25
174 Universal Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2000 30
175 Indralok Multi-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1750 19
176 Rainbow Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 1500 18
177 Evershine Multi-speciality Hospital Mira Bhayandar Private 2560 18

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure V - Details of Parks/ Gardens in Mira Bhayandar

Sr. Ward Committee Area
Garden Name Address
No. Number (Sq.m.)
1 1 Chimaji Appa Garden Uttan Chowk Bhayandar (W) 1903
2 1 Uttan Dev Talav Garden Velnkani Church Road, Uttan Bhayandar (W) 1583
St. Joseph'S High School Javal Uttan, Bhayandar
3 1 Uttan Moh Talav Garden 3365
4 1 Dharavi Devi Mandir Garden Dongri Tarodi Road, Bhayandar (W) 3758
5 1 Swr. Gajanan Sonya Patil Talav Garden Morvo Gaon, Uttan Road, Bhayandar (W) 1894
6 1 Rai Ram Mandir Garden Rai Gaon, Uttan Road, Bhayandar, (W) 2813
Raigaon Aarogya Office javal, Uttan Road,
7 1 Balyogi Sadand Maharaj Garden 706
Bhayandar (W)
8 1 Rai Gandhi Talav Garden Raigaon, Uttan Road, Bhayandar (W) 1448
9 1 Murdha Ram Mandir Talav Garden Murdha Gaon, Uttan Road, Bhayandar 3517
Murdhasmshana Javal, Murdhagaon, Uttan Road,
10 1 Murdha Bal Garden 2988
Bhayandar (W)
11 1 Murdha Gaondevi Garden Murdha Gaon, Uttan Road, Bhayandar 5290
12 1 Geetanagar Garden -1 Geetanagar,Fatak Road, Bhayandar( W ) 342
Jay Bhairav Park,Geetanagar Fatak Road,
13 1 Geetanagar Garden -2 582
Bhayandar (W)
14 1 Bhayandar (W) Fatak Garden Fatak Road, Bhayandar (W) 185

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Vrikshmitra -Swr. Raghunath Trumbak Urf

15 1 Nagarbhavn Samoril Udyan, Bhayandar (W) 1125
Anna Damale Garden
16 1 Dr. Babasaheb Aambetkar Bhavan Garden Bhayandar (W) Nagarbhavan Karyalay 5712
17 1 Vynkteshwr Garden 90 Feet Register Office Mage, Bhayandar (W) 3261
18 1 Mayara Medusa Garden (Joggers Park) Maxes Mall Samor Bhayandar (W) 6596
Shree. Salasar Hanuman Garden (Aarkshan
19 1 Over Bridgechya Bajula, Bhayandar (W) 3744
20 1 Aarkshan Krmank.93 Garden Amrutvani Stsang Road, Bhayandar, (W) 845
21 2 Gurugirnar Garden Shevshena Galli Bhayandar (W) 165
22 2 Ganesh Aanad Nagar Garden Ganesh Aanad Nagar Udyan Bhayandar (W) 210
Rammandir Road, Hanuman Mandirajaval,
23 2 Rav Talao Garden 3850
Bhayandar (W)
24 2 Mukhy Karyalay Garden Station Road, Bhayandar, (W) 1860
25 2 Maharana Pratap Garden Maharana Pratap Road, Bhayandar (W) 1083
26 2 Saibaba Garden Modi Patel Road, Bhayandar (W) 809
Sudamanagar,Panyachya Takijaval, Bhayandar(
27 2 Rani Lakshumibai Garden 477
Venkatesh Park, Satynarayn Mandirajaval,
28 3 Stynarayn Udyan, (Venkatesh Garden) 445
Kharigaon, Bhayandar (E)
29 3 R. N.P. Park Garden R.N. P. Park Jaisalpark, Bhayandar (E) 748
30 3 Priyadarshini Joggers Park, Garden Jesalpark, Bhayandar (E) Chowpatty 3237

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

31 3 Chacha Neharu Bal Garden Jesalpark, Bhayandar (E) Chowpatty 1238

32 3 Kaka-Kaki Gulab Baag Garden Jesalpark, Bhayandar (E) Chowpatty 5229
Navghar Road, (Sarsvtinagar)Gurudwara Shejari,
33 3 Yashvantrav Chawan Garden 5058
Bhayandar, (E)
34 3 Swr. Amtaram Patil Garden Datta Mandir, Navghar, Bhayandar (E) 7877
(Navghar- Navin) S.N College Samor Bhayandar
35 3 Swr.Shyamrav Patil Garden 6894
36 3 Swr. Prmod Mahajan Garden Chandan Park, Bhayandar(E) 3649.61
37 3 Kharigaon Talao Garden Prabhag Karyalay 3 Office Bhayandar (E) 828
38 3 Ramlila Garden (Aarkshan Kramank. 111) Latakunj Galli, Navghar Road, Bhayandar (E) 4169
Goddev Gaon, Gaondevi Mandirajaval,
39 4 Swr.Indira Gandhi Talav Garden 3992
Bhayandar (E)
Geetanagar Phase-10 Overbridge javal Miraroad
40 4 Ram Rahim Garden 765
41 4 Aarkshan Krmank.167 Garden Kanungo Estate Mira Road (E) 2528
42 4 Uddanpul Khalil Garden Rationing Karyalay Samor,Mira Road 177.64
Swr. Balasaheb Thakare Garden (Aarkshan
43 4 Indrlok, Mira Road (E) 17082
Kramank 221)
Kai.Arvind Pendse Garden (Aarkshan Selvan Square Hospitalschya Mage, Mira Road
44 4 4029.76
Kramank 216) (E)
45 4 Aarkshan Kramank. 235 Garden Ramdev Park Mira Road (E) 16200

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

46 5 Nana-Nani Park Garden Sector No.3 Mira Road (E) 2561

47 5 Sector No. 2 Mira Road Garden Sector No.2 Mira Road (E) 14110
48 5 Sector No.2, C/26 Chya Bajuche Garden Sector No.2 Mira Road (E) 3118
49 5 Saibaba Garden Saibaba Nagar Mira Road (E) 4500
50 5 Ahillyabai Holkar Garden (R. N. A.) Srushti Junya Bridge javal Miraroad (E) 2516
51 5 Chacha Neharu Bal Garden Sector 8 C 39/40 Samoril Miraroad (E) 1180
52 5 Sector 8 C 30 Chya Bajula Garden Sector No.8 Mira Road (E) 251
53 5 Sector -11 B/31,32 Samoril Garden Sector No.11 Mira Road (E) 696
54 5 Shitalnagar Garden Shitalnagar, Mira Road (E) 3042
55 5 Sector -11 B/21 Samoril Garden Sector- 11 Mira Road (E) 896
56 5 Mira Road Sector-4 Garden Mira Road (E) 831
57 5 Mira Road Sector-5 Garden Mira Road (E) 9000
58 5 Mira Road Sector-6 Garden Mira Road (E) 3577
59 5 Mira Road Sector-7 Garden Mira Road (E) 2019
60 5 Poonam Phase-3 Garden Mira Road (E) 8574
61 5 Lokmanya Tilak Garden, Sector No.9 Sector No.9, Mira Road (E) 10841
62 5 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Garden Sector No.10, Mira Road (E) 4096
63 5 Sector No.1, B/20,21,22 Bajuche Garden Sector No.01, Mira Road (E) 1515
64 5 Sector No.1, B/16,17,50 Bajuche Garden Sector No.01, Mira Road (E) 557

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure VI – Maps Showing Previous DP Status and Restructuring as Per Draft DP Of Reservation Sites.

Figure 24-1 Development Status of Reservation Sites

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 24-2 CRZ Affected Reservation Sites and Development Status

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 24-3 Restructuring of CRZ Affected Reservation Sites

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 24-4 Encroachment on Reservation Sites

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 24-5 Development on Encroached Sites

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 24-6 Development Status of Proposed DP Roads

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure VII – Road Details

Figure 24-7 18 M wide Road Details

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 24-8 24 M Wide Road Details

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Figure 24-9 30 M Wide Road Details

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure VIII: Deviation Statement

Proposal of Sanctioned DP Proposals of Draft Revised DP
Sr. Site Area Site Area
Purpose Village Name Purpose Remark CRZ
No. No. (Ha) No. (Ha)
1 46A Garden Rai Murdhe 0.53 1 Garden 0.53 Retain as Garden Mangroves
2 47 Garden Rai Murdhe 0.95 2 Garden 0.95 Retain as Garden
Extension to Cremation
3 48 Rai Murdhe 0.15 Developed Mangroves
4 49 Extension to High School Rai Murdhe 0.37 Resized and Developed CRZ II
5 50 Playground Rai Murdhe 2.22 4 Playground 2.22 Retain as Playground
Deleted as affected by
6 51 Trenching Ground Rai Murdhe 4.12 Deleted Intertidal Zone
7 52 High School & Playground Deleted as per EP
Primary School, High Educational Retain as Educational
8 53 Murdhe 0.71 5 0.72
School & Playground Amenity Amenity
9 54 Garden Murdhe 1.74 6 Garden 1.74 Retain as Garden
Municipal Retain as Municipal
10 55 Cattle Pound Murdhe 0.38 7 0.38 CRZ II
Market Market
Extension to Cremation Deleted as affected by
11 56 Murdhe 0.16 Deleted CRZ II
Ground CRZ
12 56C Playground Rai Murdhe 0.65 Developed
Deleted as affected by
13 56D Sewage Treatment Plant Rai Murdhe 2.69 Deleted Intertidal Zone
Area Modified as
S.T. Stand & affected by CRZ and Mangroves, CRZ
14 57 S.T. Stand & Depot Bhayandar 5.71 22 1.00
Depot Retain as S.T. Stand & II
Mangroves, CRZ
15 57A Bhayandar Chowpatty Bhayandar 8.81 21 Mangrove Park 8.81 Retain as Mangrove Park

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Deleted as affected by
16 57B Water Transport Terminal Bhayandar 1.42 Deleted Mangroves
Deleted as affected by Intertidal Zone,
17 58 Parking Bhayandar 3.72 Deleted
Deleted as affected by Intertidal Zone,
18 58A Market (Fish) Bhayandar 6.20 Deleted
Deleted as affected by Mangroves,
19 58B Market (Weekly) Bhayandar 25.77 Deleted
CRZ Intertidal Zone
Area Modified and
20 59 Space for Hawkers Bhayandar 0.33 23 Parking 0.12 Intertidal Zone
Retain as Parking
Area Modified and
Rickshaw Intertidal Zone,
21 60 Rickshaw Parking Bhayandar 0.26 24 0.78 Retain as Rikshaw
Parking CRZ II
Dispensary & Maternity
22 61 Bhayandar 0.09 CRZ II
23 62 Talathi Office Bhayandar 0.08 Area Modified as CRZ II
Playground & Freedom 26 Garden 0.69 affected by CRZ and Intertidal Zone,
24 65 Bhayandar 0.82 Retain as Garden
Fighter Memorial CRZ II
Primary School & Intertidal Zone,
25 66 Bhayandar 0.71
Playground CRZ II
26 63 Freedom Fighter Memorial Site Deleted and area included in site no. 65

Educational Institute Deleted as affected by Mangroves,

27 64 Bhayandar 3.32 Deleted
(Polytechnic) CRZ Intertidal Zone
28 67 Garden Deleted as per EP
Municipal Retain as Municipal
29 68 Market Bhayandar 0.17 28 0.17 CRZ II
Market Market
Deleted as affected by
30 68A Market (Vegetable) Bhayandar 0.38 Deleted CRZ II

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Area Modified as
Municipal affected by CRZ and
31 68B School Bhayandar 0.31 27 0.20 CRZ II
Market Retain as Municipal
Area Modified and
32 69 Garden Bhayandar 0.15 32 Water Works 0.42 Intertidal Zone
Retain as Water Works
Area Modified as
Primary School & Intertidal Zone,
33 70 Bhayandar 0.41 33 Fish Market 0.28 affected by CRZ and
Playground CRZ II
Retain as Fish Market
Educational Retain as Educational
34 71 Extension to High School Bhayandar 0.27 30 0.27
Amenity Amenity

Housing for Dishoused 6.96 31 Slaughter House 1.68 Area Modified as

affected by CRZ and
Intertidal Zone,
35 72 Bhayandar Retain as Housing for
Housing for Dishoused 34 URS Purpose 1.58 Dishoused, URS Purpose
and STP
STP 1.79 29 STP 1.79

36 73 Garden Bhayandar 0.71 36 Garden 0.71 Retain as Garden

Primary School &

37 74 Deleted as per EP

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Primary School & Housing for Retain as Housing for

38 75 Bhayandar 0.57 35 0.57 CRZ II
Playground Dishoused Dishoused
Deleted as affected by
39 76 Slaughter House Bhayandar 0.62 0 Intertidal Zone
Intertidal Zone,
40 77 Garden Bhayandar 1.01 37 Garden 1.01 Retain as Garden
Intertidal Zone,
41 78 Municipal Staff Quarter Bhayandar 2.99
Area Modified as CRZ II
42 79 Library Bhayandar 0.12 affected by CRZ and CRZ II
38 Hawkers Market 1.62
Retain as Hawkers Intertidal Zone,
43 80 Ward Office Bhayandar 0.54 Market CRZ II
44 81 Veterinary Hospital Bhayandar 0.32 Intertidal Zone
45 82 Extension to High School Deleted as per EP
Primary School and
46 83 Deleted as per EP
Primary School &
47 84 Bhayandar 0.20 Developed
48 85 Garden Deleted as per EP
49 86 Extension to Primary Health Deleted as per EP
50 87 Library Bhayandar 0.21 42 Parking 0.21 Retain as Parking
Area Modified as
Primary School & Educational affected by road and
51 88 Bhayandar 0.50 41 0.46
Playground Amenity Retain as Education
Area Modified as
Extension to affected by road and
40 0.13
Crematorium Retain as Extension to
52 89 Extension to Cemetery Bhayandar 0.82
Housing for Partly area retain as
45 0.81
Dishoused Housing for Dishoused

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

46 Night Shelter 0.16 Retain as Night Shelter

53 90 Garden Bhayandar 0.97
47 Parking 0.37 Retain as Parking
Fire Brigade Area Modified and
19 0.20 Intertidal Zone,
54 91 Stadium Bhayandar 17.84 Station Retain as Stadium, Fire
20 Stadium 16.75 Station
Primary School &
55 92 Bhayandar 0.43 Developed
56 93 Sewage Treatment Plant Bhayandar 0.46 44 STP 0.46 Retain as STP
Retain as Community
57 94 High School & Playground Bhayandar 1.17 43 Community Hall 1.17
58 95 Garden Deleted as per EP
59 96 Playground Bhayandar 0.61 Developed
60 97 Market Bhayandar 0.37 Developed
Area Modified as per
Primary School & Educational reservation relocation
61 98 Bhayandar 0.46 48 0.46
Playground Amenity and Retain as Education
62 99 Shopping Centre Bhayandar 0.16 Developed

63 100 Garden Bhayandar 0.66 Developed

64 100A Garden Bhayandar 0.42 39 Garden 0.42 Retain as Garden

65 100B Municipal Office Bhayandar 0.62 Developed

Deleted as affected by
66 101 Parking Khari 0.09
67 102 Garden Khari 0.38 83 Garden 0.38 Retain as Garden
68 103 Community Hall Khari 0.24 84 Playground 0.24 Retain as Playground

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

69 104 Library Khari 0.08 85 Parking 0.08 Retain as Parking

Dispensary & Maternity Medical Retain as Medical
70 105 Khari 0.10 86 0.10
Home Amenity Amenity
71 106 Garden Khari 0.44 88 Garden 0.44 Retain as Garden CRZ II
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
72 107 Khari 0.43 87 0.43 CRZ II
Playground Amenity Amenity
Municipal Retain as Municipal Intertidal Zone,
73 108 Market Khari 0.58 89 0.58
Market Market Mangroves Buffer
Developed as garden and
74 109 Playground Khari 0.95 94 Garden 0.95
Retain as Garden
Primary School & Multipurpose
75 110 Khari 0.47 95 0.47 Retain as Parking
Playground Parking
76 111 Garden Khari 0.63 96 Garden 0.63 Retain as Garden
77 Playground Khari 1.12 97 Public Utility 1.12 Retain as Public Utility
78 111 B Vegetable Market Khari 0.60 98 Playground 0.60 Retain as Playground
79 111 C Tank and Garden Khari 0.71 Developed
80 112 Garden Khari 0.61 102 Garden 0.61 Retain as Garden
Municipal Retain as Municipal
81 113 Market Navghar 0.20 104 0.20
Market Market
Dispensary & Maternity Medical Retain as Medical
82 114 Navghar 0.26 105 0.26
Home Amenity Amenity
106 Parking 0.20 Retain as Parking and
83 115 High School & Playground Navghar 1.01
107 Playground 0.14 Playground
Primary School & School for Retain as School for
84 116 Navghar 0.45 108 0.45
Playground Specially Abled Specially Abled
85 117 Garden Navghar 1.00 Developed
86 117A Police Station Goddev 0.21 103 Police Station 0.21 Retain as Police Station

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Extension to
87 118 Extension to Cemetery Navghar 0.25 109 0.25 Retain as Crematorium

Playground 1.52 113 Playground 1.52

Navghar, Retain as STP and
88 119
Goddev Playground
STP 0.17 114 STP 0.17

Garden 0.82 112 Garden 0.82 Retain as STP and

89 120 Goddev
STP 0.56 110 STP 0.56 Garden
90 121 Library Goddev 0.15 111 Library 0.15 Retain as Library
Playground & Social
4.60 116 Playground 4.60 Retain as Playground and
91 122 Forestry Goddev
Community Hall
Agri Bhavan 0.65 115 Community Hall 0.65
92 Mangrove Park 9.46 Retain as Mangrove Park Mangroves,
92 122A Bhayandar Chowpatty Navghar 15.00 Water Transport and Water Transport Mangrove Buffer,
81 1.99 Terminal CRZ II
Primary School &
93 122B Khari 0.27 Developed
90 Playground 1.14 Resized and Retain as Mangroves, CRZ
94 122C Playground Khari 5.80
Playground II
91 Mangrove Park 4.67

93 Parking 0.40 Resized and Retain as

Navghar, Mangroves, CRZ
95 122D Burial Ground 3.64 Parking, Burial Ground
Khari 99 Burial Ground 1.31 II
and Crematorium
100 Crematorium 0.23
Combined and Retain as
96 123 Garden Bhayandar 1.49 50 Spiritual Center 3.06
Spiritual Center

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Primary School &

97 124 Bhayandar 0.71
98 127 High School & Playground Bhayandar 1.29
99 125 Garden Deleted as per EP
Shopping Center Retain as Shopping
100 126 Shopping Centre Bhayandar 0.24 49 0.67
& Parking Center and Parking
101 128 Garden Deleted
Primary School &
102 129 Deleted
103 130 High School & Playground Deleted
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
104 131 Bhayandar 0.39 51 0.39
Playground Amenity Amenity
Fire Station & M. C. Sub-
105 132 Bhayandar 0.13 Developed
106 133 Space for Hawkers Bhayandar 0.15 52 Water Works 0.15 Retain as Water Works
Resized and Retain as
107 134 Market Bhayandar 0.28 54 Public Amenity 0.04
Public Amenity
108 135 Garden Bhayandar 0.66 53 Garden 0.66 Retain as Garden
109 136 Garden Deleted as per EP
Primary School & Retain as Community
110 137 Bhayandar 0.38 55 Community Hall 0.38
Playground Hall
Primary School & Medical Retain as Medical
111 138 Bhayandar 0.38 56 0.38
Playground Amenity Amenity
Garden 0.83 63 Garden 0.83 Resized and Retain as
112 139 Bhayandar CRZ II
STP 0.51 64 STP 0.51 STP and Garden
139 Deleted as affected by
113 Water Transport Terminal Bhayandar 1.92 Deleted Mangrove
114 140 Playground Bhayandar 2.24 65 Playground 2.15

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Resized and Retain as

66 Water Works 0.10 Playground, Water
Intertidal Zone,
Municipal Retain as Municipal
115 141 Govt. Office Bhayandar 2.98 76 2.98
Godown Godown
116 142 Parking Bhayandar 0.32 77 Parking 0.32 Retain as Parking CRZ II

117 143 Wholesale Market Bhayandar 1.08 Intertidal Zone,

Combined and Retain as
74 Garden 2.65 Mangrove Buffer,
118 144 Garden Bhayandar 1.55

119 145 Govt. Office Bhayandar 1.82 73 Auditorium 1.82 Retain as Auditorium
Institution for Higher Educational Retain as Educational
120 146 Bhayandar 3.19 72 3.19
Education Amenity Amenity
121 147 Bus Stand Bhayandar 1.77 75 Bus Stand 1.77 Retain as Bus Stand Mangrove Buffer,
122 148 Garden Bhayandar 0.53 71 Parking 0.53 Retain as Parking
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
123 149 Bhayandar 0.39 70 0.39
Playground Amenity Amenity
Project Affected Retain as Project
124 150 Housing for Dishoused Bhayandar 0.12 69 0.12
People Affected People
125 151 Library Bhayandar 0.38 68 Parking 0.38 Retain as Parking
Educational Retain as Educational
126 152 Garden Bhayandar 2.02 67 2.02
Amenity Amenity
Intertidal Zone,
127 153 High School & Playground Bhayandar 0.85 62 Garden 0.85 Retain as Garden
Primary School & Retain as Shopping Intertidal Zone,
128 154 Bhayandar 0.43 61 Shopping Center 0.43
Playground Center CRZ II

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

129 155 Garden Bhayandar 0.47 Municipal Combined and Retain as

60 Market and 0.78 Municipal Market and
Primary School & Parking Parking
130 156 Bhayandar 0.30 CRZ II
Intertidal Zone,
131 157 Garden Bhayandar 0.56 57 Garden 0.56 Retain as Garden
132 158 Shopping Center Bhayandar 0.12 59 Water Works 0.12 Retain as Water Works CRZ II
133 159 Community Hall Deleted as per EP
134 160 Dispensary Deleted as per EP
135 161 Post & Telegraph Bhayandar 0.12 58 Parking 0.12 Retain as Parking
Resized and Retain as Mangrove,
78 Parking 1.22 Shopping Center, Mangrove Buffer,
Parking and Mangrove Intertidal Zone,
136 161A Sports Complex Bhayandar 44.73
79 Shopping Center 4.24
80 Mangrove Park 39.29
137 162 Garden 0.45 129 Garden 0.45 Retain as Garden
138 163 Post & Telegraph Bhayandar 0.21 130 Parking 0.21 Retain as Parking
Primary School & Bhayandar, Municipal Retain as Municipal
139 164 0.39 131 0.39
Playground Goddev Hospital Hospital
Municipal Retain as Municipal
140 165 Market Bhayandar 0.27 132 0.27
Market Market
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
141 166 Bhayandar 0.33 133 0.33
Playground Amenity Amenity
142 167 Garden Bhayandar 0.23 Developed
Educational Retain as Educational
143 168 High School & Playground Bhayandar 0.69 134 0.69
Amenity Amenity
Primary School and
144 169 Deleted as per EP

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Extension to Resized and Retain as

145 170 Playground Bhayandar 1.04 135 0.16
STP Extension to STP
Retain as Community
146 171 Community Hall Bhayandar 0.17 136 Community Hall 0.17
Retain as Shopping
147 172 Shopping Centre Bhayandar 0.17 137 Shopping Centre 0.17
148 173 Garden Bhayandar 0.29 138 Garden 0.29 Retain as Garden
Extension to Retain as Extension to
149 174 Extension to High School Bhayandar 1.18 140 1.18
High School High School
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
150 175 Bhayandar 0.38 139 0.38
Playground Amenity Amenity
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
151 176 Bhayandar 0.47 153 0.47
Playground Amenity Amenity
Medical Retain as Medical
152 177 Post & Telegraph Bhayandar 0.40 152 0.40
Amenity Amenity
Playground and
Community Hall
153 178 Playground Bhayandar 0.90 151 Water Works 0.13 developed and remaining
area retain as Water
154 179 High School & Playground Bhayandar 0.88 Developed
Primary School &
155 180 Bhayandar 0.52 Developed
156 181 Library Bhayandar 0.19 Developed
157 182 Shopping Centre Bhayandar 0.48 Developed
Dispensary & Maternity
158 183 Bhayandar 0.33 Developed
159 184 Parking Bhayandar 0.50 174 Parking 0.50 Retain as Parking
Government Retain as Government
160 184A Police Station Bhayandar 0.16 173 0.16
Purpose Purpose

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Area Modified and

161 185 Bus Stand Bhayandar 0.37 175 Bus Stand 0.34
Retain as Bus Stand
Educational Retain as Educational
162 186 Extension to Primary School Penkarpada 0.25 176 0.25
Amenity Amenity
163 187 Garden Penkarpada 1.90 Developed
164 188 Burial Ground Penkarpada 0.88 Developed
Buffer, CRZ II
165 189 Cemetery Penkarpada 0.97 Developed
Buffer, CRZ II
166 190 Cremation Ground Penkarpada 0.46 Developed
Buffer, CRZ II
Primary School &
167 191 Penkarpada 0.21 Developed
168 192 Library Penkarpada 0.10 Developed
Dispensary & Maternity
169 193 Penkarpada 0.14 Developed
170 194 Garden Penkarpada 0.39 Mangroves
Primary School &
171 195 Penkarpada 0.44 Mangroves
Mangroves, CRZ
172 196 Garden Penkarpada 14.16
173 197 Market Penkarpada 0.74 Mangroves
Dispensary & Maternity Combined and Retain as
174 198 Penkarpada 0.71 215 Mangrove Park 49.46 Mangroves
Home Mangrove Park
Library Hostel & Art
175 199 Penkarpada 0.69 Mangroves
Mangroves, CRZ
176 200 Higher Education Institution Penkarpada 1.18
Mangroves, CRZ
177 201 Sports Complex Penkarpada 2.99

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Primary School & Deleted as affected by

178 202 Penkarpada 0.50 Deleted Mangroves
Playground CRZ
Resized and Retained as
179 203 Garden Penkarpada 0.70 212 Garden 0.70 Mangroves
Buffer, CRZ II
Primary School & Deleted as affected by
180 204 Penkarpada 0.50 Deleted Mangroves
Playground CRZ
Buffer, CRZ II
181 205 Garden Penkarpada 0.49 Developed
182 206 High School and Playground Deleted as per EP
Primary School &
183 207 Penkarpada 0.46 Developed
Primary School &
184 208 Deleted
185 209 Garden Deleted as per EP
Dispensary & Maternity Medical Retain as Medical
186 210 Bhayandar 0.11 207 0.11
Home Amenity Amenity
Retain as Community
187 211 Community Hall & Library Bhayandar 0.08 209 Community Hall 0.08
188 212 Library Deleted
Extension to Retain as Extension to
189 212A Extension to School Bhayandar 0.24 172 0.24
School School
190 213 Shopping Centre Goddev 0.24
Educational Combined and Retain as
127 0.77
Primary School & Amenity Educational Amenity
191 215 Goddev 0.52
Resized and Retain as
192 214 Garden Goddev 0.92 128 Garden 0.92
193 216 Garden Goddev 0.40 Developed
Dispensary & Maternity
194 217 Goddev 0.21 Developed

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

195 218 Community Hall Goddev 0.26 Developed

Government Retain as Government
196 219 High School & Play Ground Goddev 1.17 126 1.17
Purpose Purpose
Primary School & Navghar, Extension to
197 220 0.70 125 0.70 Retain as Playground
Playground Goddev Playground
198 221 Garden 1.99 Developed as Playground
Housing for Retain as Housing for
199 222 Housing for Dishoused Navghar 5.26 118 5.26
Dishoused Dishoused

Housing for Retain as Housing for

200 222A Housing for Dishoused Navghar 6.86 117 6.86 CRZ II
Dishoused Dishoused

Primary School & Resized and Retain as

201 223 Navghar 0.38 119 Public Amenity 0.38
Playground Public Amenity
202 224 Library Navghar 0.14 120 Parking 0.14 Retain as Parking
Dispensary & Maternity Medical Retain as Medical
203 225 Navghar 0.25 121 0.25
Home Amenity Amenity
Resized and Retain as
122 Garden 1.08
204 226 Garden Navghar 1.29 Garden and Water Works
123 Water Works 0.21
Retain as Shopping
205 227 Shopping Centre Navghar 0.41 124 Shopping Center 0.41
Educational Retain as Educational
206 228 High School & Playground Navghar 1.30 141 1.30
Amenity Amenity
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
207 229 Navghar 0.47 142 0.47
Playground Amenity Amenity
Resized and Retain as
208 230 Garden Navghar 2.22 143 Garden 2.22
209 231 Market Navghar 0.31 Developed

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

210 232 Shopping Centre Navghar 0.23 Developed

Navghar, Combined and Retain as
211 233 Gymnasium 0.43 144 Auditorium 0.92
Goddev Auditorium
Primary School & Goddev,
212 234 0.49
Playground Navghar

213 235 Garden Goddev 1.05 Developed

Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
214 236 Goddev 0.66 145 0.66
Playground Amenity Amenity
Tech. High School &
215 237 Goddev 1.27 Developed
216 238 Shopping Centre Deleted
217 239 Market Deleted
218 240 Library Deleted
Resized and Retain as
219 241 Community Hall & Library Goddev 0.13 147 Community Hall 0.48
Community Hall
220 242 Garden Goddev 1.19 Developed
Retain as Swimming
221 243 Swimming Pool Goddev 0.44 148 Swimming Pool 0.44
Resized and Retain as
222 244 Market Goddev 0.24 150 Parking 0.22
Resized and Retain as
223 245 Parking Goddev 0.31 149 Shopping Center 0.28
Shopping Center
224 246 Playground Goddev 1.96 146 Playground 1.96 Retain as Playground
225 247 High School & Playground Navghar 1.26 Developed
Resized and Retain as
157 Garden 1.18
226 248 Garden Goddev 1.30 Garden and Water Works
158 Water Works 0.12
227 249 Library Navghar 0.31 Developed

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Dispensary & Maternity Medical Retain as Medical

228 250 Navghar 0.22 159 0.22
Home Amenity Amenity
Government Retain as Government
229 251 Post & Telegraph Navghar 0.72 156 0.72
Purpose Purpose
Primary School & Medical Retain as Medical
230 252 Navghar 0.56 155 0.56
Playground Amenity Amenity
Retain as Community
231 253 Community Centre/Hall Navghar 0.49 154 Community Hall 0.49
232 254 Garden Navghar 0.52 160 Garden 0.52 Retain as Garden
161 Old Age Home 0.36 Resized and Retain as
Primary School &
233 255 Navghar 0.53 Old Age Home and Fire
Playground Fire Brigade
162 0.17 Brigade Station
234 256 Garden Navghar 0.40 163 Garden 0.40 Retain as Garden
Primary School & Navghar, Educational Retain as Educational
235 257 0.48 164 0.48
Playground Goddev Amenity Amenity
Working Resized and Retain as
Women Hostel Garden and Working
Navghar, 165 0.16
236 258 Garden 0.34 & Child Care Women Hostel & Child
Goddev Center Care Center
166 Garden 0.19
Navghar, Retain as Administrative
237 259 High School & Play Ground 0.97 167 Building for 0.97
Goddev Building for Govt. Office
Govt. Office
Primary School & Municipal Retain as Municipal
238 260 Goddev 0.78 169 0.78
Playground Purpose Purpose
239 261 Garden Navghar 0.43 168 Garden 0.43 Retain as Garden

240 262 Town Park 4.67 Developed

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Town Hall and Drama Town Hall and Retain as Town Hall and
241 263 Navghar 0.79 171 0.79
Theatre Drama Theatre Drama Theatre
Municipal Retain as Municipal
242 264 Municipal Office Navghar 0.89 170 0.89
Office Office
243 264A Parking Navghar 0.39 Developed
244 265 Library Navghar 0.15 Developed
Primary School &
245 266 Navghar 0.53 Developed
Municipal Retain as Municipal
182 0.31
246 267 Garden Navghar 0.36 Market Market and Water Works
183 Water Works 0.05
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
247 268 Navghar 0.40 180 0.40
Playground Amenity Amenity
248 269 Garden Navghar 2.30 Developed
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
249 270 Navghar 0.58 179 0.58
Playground Amenity Amenity
Dispensary & Maternity
250 271 Navghar 0.21 Municipal Combined and Retain as
Home 178 0.44
Purpose Municipal Purpose
251 272 Library Navghar 0.23
252 273 Garden Navghar 0.80 Developed
Deleted as affected by
253 274 Ext. to B.S.E.S. Ghodbunder 0.38 Deleted Mangroves
Intertidal Zone,
Resized and Retain as
254 274A Truck Terminal Ghodbunder 2.17 186 Parking 0.80 Mangrove Buffer,
Intertidal Zone,
Resized and Retain as
255 274B Cremation Ground Ghodbunder 1.78 187 Truck Terminal 1.82 Mangrove Buffer,
Truck Terminal

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Mangroves, CRZ
256 274C Octroi Naka Ghodbunder 1.03
Deleted as affected by
257 275 High School & Play Ground Ghodbunder 1.45 Deleted Intertidal Zone
Primary School & Deleted as affected by
258 276 Ghodbunder 0.61 Deleted Intertidal Zone
Playground CRZ
Primary School & Educational Resized and Retain as
259 277 Ghodbunder 0.40 282 0.29 CRZ II
Playground Amenity Educational Amenity
260 278 Picnic Spot Ghodbunder 0.65 281 Picnic Spot 0.65 Retain as Picnic Spot
Intertidal Zone,
261 279 Garden Ghodbunder 1.02 202 Garden 1.02 Retain as Garden
262 280 Garden Ghodbunder 0.15 284 Garden 0.15 Retain as Garden
Municipal Retain as Municipal
263 281 Market Navghar 0.23 188 0.23
Market Market
Retain as Community
264 282 Community Hall Navghar 0.37 189 Community Hall 0.37
Primary School & Planetarium & Relocate & Retain as
265 283 Navghar 0.60 198 0.60
Playground Aquarium Planetarium & Aquarium
Dispensary & Maternity Medical Retain as Medical
266 284 Navghar 0.16 190 0.16
Home Amenity Amenity
Navghar, Relocate and Retain as
267 285 Garden 0.52 197 Garden 0.52
Ghodbunder Garden
Municipal Retain as Municipal
268 286 Post & Telegraph Navghar 0.14 181 0.14
Market Market
Navghar, Municipal Retain as Municipal
269 287 Garden 0.76 203 0.76
Goddev Purpose Purpose
Primary School & Navghar, Government Resized and Retain as
270 288 0.51 204 0.82
Playground Goddev Purpose Government Purpose
271 289 High School & Playground Ghodbunder 1.56 205 Garden 1.56 Retain as Garden

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

272 290 Playground Ghodbunder 2.90 206 Playground 2.90 Retain as Playground CRZ II
Resized and Retain as Intertidal Zone,
273 291 Garden Ghodbunder 1.53 216 Garden 0.72
Garden CRZ II
274 292 B.S.E.S. Ghodbunder 2.57 Developed CRZ II
Municipal Retain as Municipal
275 293 Market Navghar 0.60 193 0.60
Market Market
276 294 Parking Navghar 0.18 194 Parking 0.18 Retain as Parking
277 295 Shopping Centre Navghar 0.28

278 296 Post & Telegraph Navghar 0.26 Housing for Combined and Retain as
195 2.23
Primary School & Dishoused Housing for Dishoused
279 297 Navghar 0.58
280 298 High School & Playground Navghar 1.10
281 299 Garden Navghar 1.75 Developed

282 300 Playground Navghar 3.11 196 Playground 3.11 Retain as Playground

283 301 Parking Navghar 0.47 Developed

Municipal Retain as Municipal
284 302 Municipal Hospital Navghar 1.61 184 1.61
Hospital Hospital
Municipal Retain as Municipal
285 303 Telephone Exchange Navghar 0.53 185 0.53
Market Market
286 304 Garden
287 305 Garden Navghar 0.68 201 Garden 0.68 Retain as Garden
288 306 Club Deleted as per EP
Primary School &
289 307 Ghodbunder 0.34 Developed
Primary School &
290 308 Ghodbunder 0.33 223 Women Hostel 0.33 Retain as Women Hostel

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Educational Retain as Educational

291 309 High School & Playground Ghodbunder 0.78 220 0.78
Amenity Amenity
292 310 Garden Ghodbunder 0.33 218 Garden 0.33 Retain as Garden
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
293 311 Ghodbunder 0.34 219 0.34
Playground Amenity Amenity
294 312 Garden Ghodbunder 0.46
Exhibition Combined and Retain as
217 4.68
Primary School & Center Exhibition Center
295 313 Ghodbunder 0.47
Resized and Retain as
221 Playground 0.63 Playground, Water
296 314 Playground Ghodbunder 0.75 Works
222 Water Works 0.12
297 315 Garden Ghodbunder 0.64 224 Garden 0.64 Retain as Garden
298 316 Bus Stand Ghodbunder 0.34 233 Bus Stand 0.34 Retain as Bus Stand
299 317 Garden Deleted
300 318 Market Ghodbunder 0.38 Developed
301 319 High School & Play Ground Ghodbunder 1.23
Housing for Combined and Retain as
227 1.78
Primary School & Dishoused Housing for Dishoused
302 321 Ghodbunder 0.55
228 Police Station 0.26 Resized and Retain as
Police Station, Fire
303 320 Garden Ghodbunder 0.49 Fire Brigade
229 0.09 Brigade Station and
Station Water Works
230 Water Works 0.14
304 322 Library Ghodbunder 0.19 232 Library 0.19 Retain as Library
Dispensary & Maternity Medical Retain as Medical
305 323 Ghodbunder 0.22 231 0.22
Home Amenity Amenity

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational

306 324 Ghodbunder 0.49 225 0.49
Playground Amenity Amenity
Relocate, Resized and
307 325 Garden Ghodbunder 0.63 226 1.25 Retain as Municipal
Resized and Retain as
287 Transport Hub 3.38 Transport Hub, Water
308 326 Truck Terminal Ghodbunder 3.52
286 Water Works 0.14
309 326A Garden Ghodbunder 1.52 288 Garden 1.52 Retain as Garden

Resized and Retain as

310 326B Sports Complex Navghar 23.50 177 Sports Complex 11.16
Sports Complex

Primary School &

311 327 Mira 0.44 208 Playground 0.44 Retain as Playground
Educational Retain as Educational
312 328 High School & Playground Mira 0.95 210 0.95
Amenity Amenity
313 329 Garden Mira 0.45 Developed
314 330 Welfare Center Deleted
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
315 331 Mira 0.69 241 0.69
Playground Amenity Amenity
Municipal Retain as Municipal
316 333 Market Mira 0.51 239 0.51
Market Market
Retain as Police
317 334 Police Commissioner Office Mira 1.33 240 Commissioner 1.33
Commissioner Office
318 335 Garden Mira 0.99 242 Garden 0.99 Retain as Garden
Primary School & Educational Resized and Retain as
319 336 Mira 0.56 243 0.57
Playground Amenity Educational Amenity

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

320 337 Deleted

Dispensary & Maternity Medical Retain as Medical
321 338 Mira 0.14 244 0.14
Home Amenity Amenity
322 339 Library Mira 0.23 245 Parking 0.23 Retain as Parking
Resized and Retain as
323 340 Playground Mira 1.10 246 Playground 0.84
324 341 Garden Mahajanwadi 0.21 Developed
Educational Resized and Retain as
325 342 Ext. to College Penkarpada 0.48 247 0.66
Amenity Educational Amenity
Retain as Shopping
326 343 Playground Penkarpada 0.40 248 Shopping Center 0.40
327 344 Deleted
328 345 Community Hall Penkarpada 0.19
Combined and Retain as Buffer, CRZ II
249 Garden 0.35
Garden Mangroves
329 346 Market Penkarpada 0.15
Buffer, CRZ II
Primary School and
330 347 Deleted as per EP
331 348 Garden Deleted as per EP
332 349 Playground Penkarpada 1.96
Housing for Combined and Retain as Mangroves, CRZ
Primary School & 250 3.01
333 350 Penkarpada 0.93 EWS/LIG Housing for EWS/LIG II
334 351 Garden Penkarpada 0.12
Primary School &
335 352 Deleted
336 353 Garden Penkarpada 1.56 254 Garden 1.56 Retain as Garden
Burial Ground & Cremation Resized and Retain as
337 353A Penkarpada 6.58 251 Water Works 0.17
Ground Water Works, Fire

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Fire Brigade Brigade Station and Mangroves,

252 0.14
Station Burial Ground Mangroves
253 Burial Ground 2.98 Buffer, CRZ II
Bus Terminal Retain as Bus Terminal
338 354 Gymnasium Mira 0.58 234 0.58
and Parking and Parking
235 Water Works 0.11 Resized and Retain as
339 355 Playground Mira 2.09
Park, Water Works
236 Park 1.98
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
340 356 Mira 0.50 237 0.50
Playground Amenity Amenity
341 357 Garden Mira 0.52 238 Garden 0.52 Retain as Garden
342 358 Parking Mira 0.52 255 Parking 0.52 Retain as Parking
Municipal Retain as Municipal
343 359 Central Octroi Mira 0.97 256 0.97
Purpose Purpose
344 360 Garden Kashi 0.35 Developed
Municipal Retain as Municipal
345 361 Library Ghodbunder 0.12 261 0.12
Market Market
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
346 362 Ghodbunder 0.41 260 0.41
Playground Amenity Amenity
347 363 Garden Ghodbunder 0.55 259 Garden 0.55 Retain as Garden
348 364 Garden Kashi 0.73 263 Garden 0.73 Retain as Garden
349 365 Playground Kashi 0.81 264 Playground 0.81 Retain as Playground
350 366 High School and Playground Deleted as per EP
Primary School & High Educational Retain as Educational
351 367 Kashi 0.56 265 0.56
School Amenity Amenity
Resized and Retain as
352 368 Garden Mahajanwadi 0.77 277 Garden 0.77
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational
353 369 Mahajanwadi 0.28 276 0.28
Playground Amenity Amenity
354 370 Garden Mahajanwadi 0.89 275 Garden 0.89 Retain as Garden

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Dispensary & Maternity Medical Retain as Medical

355 370A Mahajanwadi 0.20 278 0.20
Home, Library Amenity Amenity
Retain as Shopping
356 370B Shopping Centre Mahajanwadi 0.21 279 Shopping Center 0.21
357 371 Library Deleted as per EP
358 372 Garden Chene 0.45 302 Garden 0.45 Retain as Garden
Primary School & Medical Retain as Medical
359 373 Chene 0.37 303 0.37
Playground Amenity Amenity
Educational Retain as Educational
360 374 High School & Playground Chene 0.45 304 0.45
Amenity Amenity
361 375 Garden Deleted
Dispensary & Maternity Medical Retain as Medical
362 376 Chene 0.22 299 0.22
Home Amenity Amenity
Primary School &
363 377 Deleted
364 378 Garden Deleted
Primary School & Educational Retain as Educational Mangroves, CRZ
365 379 Versave 0.41 292 0.41
Playground Amenity Amenity II
Educational Retain as Educational
366 379A High School & Playground Versave 0.34 294 0.34
Amenity Amenity
367 379B Playground Versave 0.87 295 Playground 0.87 Retain as Playground
Retain as Shopping
368 379C Shopping Centre Versave 0.31 293 Shopping Center 0.31
Mangroves, CRZ
369 380 Garden Versave 0.64 291 Garden 0.64 Retain as Garden
Municipal Retain as Municipal
370 381 Site for Octroi- Naka Versave 0.50 290 0.50 CRZ II
Purpose Purpose
Retain as Shopping
371 381A Shopping Centre Chene 0.37 300 Shopping Centre 0.37
372 381B Tribal House Chene 0.43 301 Tribal House 0.43 Retain as Tribal House

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

373 387 Sewage Treatment Plant Ghodbunder 0.94 199 STP 0.94 Retain as STP

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure IX: Statement Showing List of Reservations for Amenities and their Cost of Acquisition and Development
in Draft Revised Development Plan
Draft DP Reservation
Sr. Reservation Purpose of Area Land Cost of Cost of Acquiring
Village Name Survey No/CTS
No. No. Reservation (Ha) Ownership Acquisition Development Authority
1 No.01 Garden Raimurdhe 36pt., 259pt. 5308.27 Pvt. 5,58,96,049 1,06,16,533 M.C.
2 No.02 Garden Raimurdhe 200pt., 177pt. 9527.63 Pvt. 10,03,25,897 1,90,55,251 M.C.
3 No.03 Ext to Crematorium Raimurdhe 36 1293.06 Pvt. 1,36,15,964 3,87,91,919 M.C.
4 No.04 Playground Raimurdhe 22241.00 Pvt. 18,51,26,601 4,44,82,007 M.C.
Educational 165pt,164pt.,
5 No.05 Murdhe 7168.43 Pvt. 5,03,22,386 21,50,52,932 M.C.
Amenity 235pt,236pt.,
12pt., 164pt.,
6 No.06 Garden Murdhe 236pt., 238pt., 17384.86 Pvt. 12,20,41,730 3,47,69,724 M.C.
CTS 478
7 No.07 Municipal Market Murdhe 9/Apt., 241pt. 3757.72 Pvt. 2,63,79,191 11,27,31,587 M.C.
8 No.08 Water Works Murdhe 165pt., 166pt., 1916.88 Pvt. 1,34,56,495 38,33,759 M.C.
166pt., 163pt.,
9 No.09 Fire Brigade Station Murdhe 1186.36 Pvt. 83,28,229 3,55,90,721 M.C.
13pt., 14pt.,
18pt., 19pt.,
20pt., 21pt.,
22pt., 23pt.,
10 No.10 URS Purpose Murdhe 24pt., 25pt., 66960.62 Pvt. 0 0 M.C.
26pt., 160pt.,
161pt., 162pt.,
163pt., 164pt.,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

14pt., 17pt.,
18pt., 20pt.,
11 No.11 Garden Murdhe 21pt., 22pt., 29418.45 Pvt. 20,65,17,540 5,88,36,906 M.C.
25pt., 26pt.,
86pt., 93pt.,
12 No.12 Municipal Hospital Raimurdhe 94pt., 149pt., 10129.57 Pvt. 10,66,64,380 30,38,87,121 M.C.
150pt., 159pt.
Murdhe: 68pt.,
13 No.13 Playground 84pt., 85pt., 31843.57 Pvt. 22,35,41,876 6,36,87,144 M.C.
99pt., 100pt.,
14 No.14 Burial Ground Raimurdhe 75pt. 2373.39 Pvt. 2,49,91,766 7,12,01,612 M.C.
15 No.15 Cemetery Raimurdhe 75pt. 1994.41 Pvt. 2,10,01,186 5,98,32,439 M.C.
16 No.16 Municipal Market Murdhe 60pt. 3584.06 Pvt. 2,51,60,085 10,75,21,730 M.C.
47pt., 48pt.,
17 No.17 Municipal Purpose Murdhe 49pt., 50pt., 34092.83 Pvt. 23,93,31,692 1,02,27,85,009 M.C.
61pt., 245pt.
Raimurdhe: 38pt.,
Institute for Raimurdhe,
18 No.18 Murdhe:52pt., 30341.34 Pvt. 31,94,94,299 91,02,40,169 M.C.
Fisheries Murdhe
54pt., 56pt.
19 No.19 Fire Brigade Station Bhayandar 757pt., 778pt. 1979.99 Pvt. 0 5,93,99,821 M.C.
20 No.20 Stadium Bhayandar 167500.15 Pvt. 0 5,02,50,04,475 M.C.
21 No.21 Mangrove Park Bhayandar 722pt., 88141.03 Pvt. 18,90,79,089 17,62,82,061 M.C.
22 No.22 S.T. Stand & Depot Bhayandar 722pt., 9975.05 Pvt. 0 29,92,51,598 M.C.
23 No.23 Parking Bhayandar 753pt., 2636.58 Pvt. 5,90,59,450 7,90,97,478 M.C.
24 No.24 Rikshaw Parking Bhayandar 753pt. 2673.40 Pvt. 5,98,84,123 8,02,01,950 M.C.
25 No.25 Parking Bhayandar 753pt., 6431.19 Pvt. 14,40,58,742 19,29,35,815 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

26 No.26 Garden Bhayandar 753pt., 6947.89 Pvt. 15,56,32,672 1,38,95,774
722pt., 753pt.,
27 No.27 Municipal Market Bhayandar 1962.51 Pvt. 0 5,88,75,184 M.C.
CTS 1433
28 No.28 Municipal Market Bhayandar CTS 1433pt., 1693.03 Pvt. 3,79,23,891 5,07,90,926 M.C.
722pt., 764pt.,
29 No.29 STP Bhayandar 17907.64 Pvt. 40,11,31,111 53,72,29,167 M.C.
CTS 1369pt.,
Educational CTS 1368pt.,
30 No.30 Bhayandar 2767.94 Pvt. 6,20,01,771 8,30,38,087 M.C.
Amenity 1369pt.
31 No.31 Slaughter House Bhayandar 722pt., 764pt., 16809.99 Pvt. 37,65,43,820 50,42,99,758 M.C.
32 No.32 Water Works Bhayandar 764pt., 4161.91 Pvt. 9,32,26,873 83,23,828 M.C.
33 No.33 Fish Market Bhayandar 722pt., 764pt., 2837.48 Pvt. 6,35,59,615 8,51,24,484 M.C.
722pt., 755pt.,
34 No.34 URS Purpose Bhayandar 764pt., CTS 15806.39 Pvt. 0 0 M.C.
1024pt., 1055pt.,
Housing for
35 No.35 Bhayandar 755pt, 5697.32 Pvt. 12,76,19,894 17,09,19,501 M.C.
CTS 1061pt.,
1064pt., 1065pt.,
1066pt., 1067pt.,
1068pt., 1069pt.,
1070pt., 1071pt.,
1072pt., 1073pt.,
1074pt., 1075pt.,
36 No.36 Garden Bhayandar 7095.93 Govt. 15,89,48,777 1,41,91,855 M.C.
1076pt., 1078pt.,
1079pt., 1080pt.,
1081pt., 1082pt.,
1083pt., 1084pt.,
1085pt., 1086pt.,
1089pt., 1090pt.,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

1091pt., 1092pt.,
1093pt., 1094pt.,
1095pt., 1096pt.,
1097pt., 1098pt.,

37 No.37 Garden Bhayandar 755pt., 10167.32 Pvt. 22,77,48,063 2,03,34,649 M.C.

773pt., 755pt.,
38 No.38 Hawkers Market Bhayandar CTS 935pt., 16201.90 Pvt. 36,29,22,505 48,60,56,927 M.C.
937pt., 938pt.,
CTS 930pt.,
39 No.39 Garden Bhayandar 4206.89 Govt. 9,42,34,385 84,13,784 M.C.
931pt., 932pt.,
40 No.40 Ext to Crematorium Bhayandar 757pt., 778pt. 1305.32 Pvt. 2,92,39,121 3,91,59,537 M.C.
Educational 671pt., 673pt.,
41 No.41 Bhayandar 4578.60 Pvt. 10,25,60,554 13,73,57,885 M.C.
Amenity 674pt., 675pt.,
675pt., CTS
42 No.42 Parking Bhayandar 2081.36 Pvt. 4,66,22,516 6,24,40,869 M.C.
661pt., 670pt.,
43 No.43 Community Hall Bhayandar 11662.98 Pvt. 23,34,07,736 34,98,89,346 M.C.
671pt., 675pt.,
666pt., 668pt.,
44 No.44 STP Bhayandar 4619.99 Pvt. 0 13,85,99,757 M.C.
Housing for 664pt., 758pt.,
45 No.45 Bhayandar 8117.24 Pvt. 18,18,26,136 24,35,17,146 M.C.
Dishoused 778pt.,
46 No.46 Night Shelter Bhayandar 758pt., 778pt., 1592.64 Pvt. 3,56,75,115 4,77,79,171 M.C.
47 No.47 Parking Bhayandar 758pt., 3732.99 Pvt. 8,36,19,087 11,19,89,849 M.C.
48 No.48 Bhayandar 681pt., 682pt. 4642.89 Pvt. 10,40,00,666 13,92,86,606 M.C.
Shopping Centre &
49 No.49 Bhayandar 654pt., 658pt., 6651.42 Pvt. 14,89,91,794 19,95,42,581 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

646pt., 647pt.,
652pt., 653pt.,
50 No.50 Spiritual Center Bhayandar 30574.76 Pvt. 68,48,74,602 91,72,42,770 M.C.
654pt., 655pt.,
Educational 570pt., 571pt.,
51 No.51 Bhayandar 3872.18 Pvt. 8,67,36,842 11,61,65,414 M.C.
Amenity 572pt.,
52 No.52 Water Works Bhayandar 570pt., 571pt. 1455.24 Pvt. 3,25,97,274 29,10,471 M.C.
553pt., 554pt.,
53 No.53 Garden Bhayandar 6578.69 Pvt. 14,73,62,607 1,31,57,376 M.C.
555pt., 571pt.,
54 No.54 Public Amenity Bhayandar 568pt., 570pt., 395.00 Pvt. 88,50,854 1,18,50,000 M.C.
563pt., 565pt.,
55 No.55 Community Hall Bhayandar 3841.66 Pvt. 8,60,53,109 11,52,49,700 M.C.
579pt., 580pt.,
56 No.56 Medical Amenity Bhayandar 3788.42 Pvt. 8,27,53,515 11,36,52,700 M.C.
57 No.57 Garden Bhayandar 580pt., 581pt., 5689.06 Pvt. 9,66,18,889 1,13,78,127 M.C.
58 No.58 Parking Bhayandar 644pt., 1199.72 Pvt. 2,68,73,825 3,59,91,730 M.C.
59 No.59 Water works Bhayandar 581pt., 643pt., 1237.87 Pvt. 2,77,28,352 24,75,746 M.C.
Municipal Market & 587pt., 588pt.,
60 No.60 Bhayandar 7819.86 Pvt. 17,51,64,940 23,45,95,902 M.C.
Parking 632pt., 633pt.,
584pt., 589pt.,
61 No.61 Shopping Center Bhayandar 4344.40 Pvt. 9,73,14,490 13,03,31,906 M.C.
599pt., 600pt.,
594pt., 599pt.,
62 No.62 Garden Bhayandar 8526.64 Pvt. 19,09,96,653 1,70,53,273 M.C.
63 No.63 Garden Bhayandar 561pt., 602pt., 2837.76 Pvt. 1,71,97,761 56,75,514 M.C.
603pt., 602pt.,
64 No.64 STP Bhayandar 561pt., 559pt., 10522.25 Pvt. 18,93,30,474 31,56,67,600 M.C.
602pt., 604pt.,
65 No.65 Playground Bhayandar 21452.47 Pvt. 48,05,35,276 4,29,04,935 M.C.
66 No.66 Water Works Bhayandar 604pt., 605pt., 980.00 Pvt. 2,19,60,647 19,60,000 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

67 No.67 Bhayandar 594pt., 599pt., 3852.60 Pvt. 8,62,98,184 11,55,77,925 M.C.
68 No.68 Parking Bhayandar 599pt., 1270.88 Pvt. 2,84,67,746 3,81,26,446 M.C.
Project Affected 588pt., 589pt.,
69 No.69 Bhayandar 20233.65 Pvt. 45,32,33,856 60,70,09,628 M.C.
Person 590pt.632pt.
70 No.70 Bhayandar 592pt., 3956.09 Pvt. 8,86,16,462 11,86,82,761 M.C.
71 No.71 Parking Bhayandar 591pt., 592pt. 5332.80 Pvt. 11,94,54,729 15,99,84,013 M.C.
619pt., 591pt.,
72 No.72 Bhayandar 592pt.593pt., 31900.00 Pvt. 71,45,60,059 95,70,00,078 M.C.
618pt., 608pt.,
593pt., 611pt.,
73 No.73 Auditorium Bhayandar 612pt., 18263.64 Pvt. 40,91,05,561 54,79,09,233 Govt.
611pt., 610pt.,
74 No.74 Garden Bhayandar 26455.13 Pvt. 59,25,94,843 5,29,10,254 M.C.
618pt., 608pt.,
612pt., 617pt.,
75 No.75 Bus Stand Bhayandar 619pt., 611pt., 17755.95 Pvt. 39,77,33,385 53,26,78,641 M.C.
76 No.76 Municipal Godown Bhayandar 610pt., 609/Bpt., 29845.61 Pvt. 66,85,41,706 89,53,68,357 Govt.
77 No.77 Parking Bhayandar 610pt., 3194.08 Pvt. 7,15,47,453 9,58,22,482 M.C.
78 No.78 Parking Bhayandar 782pt., 12157.59 Pvt. 27,23,30,031 36,47,27,720 M.C.
79 No.79 Shopping Center Bhayandar 782pt., 42387.69 Pvt. 94,94,84,367 1,27,16,30,849 M.C.
613pt., 612pt.,
617pt., 763pt.,
Bhayandar, 619pt.,
80 No.80 Mangrove Park 392931.00 Pvt. 8,80,16,54,431 78,58,62,003 M.C.
Penkarpada 618pt,782pt.,
192pt., 261pt.,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

81 No.81 Water Terminal Navghar 209pt., 19897.50 Pvt. 0 0
82 No.82 Water Works Khari 164pt., 1288.44 Pvt. 3,41,43,541 25,76,871 M.C.
152pt., 153pt.,
83 No.83 Garden Khari 3762.37 Pvt. 9,97,02,812 75,24,741 M.C.
171pt., 170pt.,
84 No.84 Playground Khari 2438.20 Pvt. 6,46,12,432 48,76,410 M.C.
172pt., 166pt.,
85 No.85 Parking Khari 170pt., 171pt., 780.00 Pvt. 2,08,52,544 2,34,00,000 M.C.
86 No.86 Medical Amenity Khari 171pt., 970.00 Pvt. 2,57,38,951 2,91,00,000 M.C.
185pt., 172pt.,
87 No.87 Khari 184pt., 166pt., 4347.77 Pvt. 11,52,15,982 13,04,33,187 M.C.
88 No.88 Garden Khari 172pt., 4409.17 Pvt. 10,22,58,676 88,18,336 M.C.
173pt., 185pt.,
89 No.89 Municipal Market Khari 172pt., 184pt., 5792.22 Pvt. 10,64,73,408 17,37,66,733 M.C.
182pt., 183pt.,
90 No.90 Playground Khari 11373.68 Pvt. 30,14,02,431 2,27,47,353 M.C.
191pt., 186pt.,
Khari: 190pt.,
182pt., 183pt.,
91 No.91 Mangrove Park Khari, Navghar 186pt., 189pt., 46742.49 Pvt. 79,38,21,061 9,34,84,983 M.C.
187pt., 188pt.,
Navghar: 209pt.,
92 No.92 Mangrove Park Navghar 209pt., 94687.00 Govt. 0 18,93,74,000 M.C.
93 No.93 Parking Navghar 209pt., 3969.58 Pvt. 0 11,90,87,531 M.C.
180pt., 181pt.,
94 No.94 Garden Khari 9521.01 Pvt. 32,65,775 1,90,42,014 M.C.
182pt., 183pt.,
Multipurpose 181pt., 182pt.,
95 No.95 Khari 4764.96 Pvt. 7,48,61,458 14,29,48,821 M.C.
Parking 191pt.,
181pt., 191pt.,
96 No.96 Garden Khari 6272.86 Pvt. 11,27,13,738 1,25,45,717 M.C.
192pt., 196pt.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

97 No.97 Public Utility Khari 193pt., 194pt., 11243.68 Pvt. 29,79,57,586 33,73,10,474 M.C.
193pt., 194pt.,
98 No.98 Playground Khari 6002.83 Pvt. 15,90,75,119 1,20,05,669 M.C.
Khari: 193pt.,
99 No.99 Burial Ground Khari, Navghar Navghar:201pt., 13125.78 Pvt. 0 39,37,73,288 M.C.
206pt., 207pt.,
100 No.100 Cremation Ground Navghar 206pt., 207pt., 2376.62 Pvt. 7,11,79,646 7,12,98,477 M.C.
101 No.101 Cemetery Navghar 201pt., 206pt., 5571.14 Pvt. 16,68,55,567 16,71,34,124 M.C.
102pt., 103pt.,
102 No.102 Garden Khari 6057.49 Pvt. 16,05,23,410 1,21,14,974 M.C.
141pt., 142pt.,
103 No.103 Police Station Goddev,Navghar 2095.15 Pvt. 5,80,35,518 6,28,54,352 M.C.
Navghar 95pt
104 No.104 Municipal Market Navghar 212pt., 214pt., 1984.27 Pvt. 5,43,82,229 5,95,28,017 M.C.
212pt., 213pt.,
105 No.105 Medical Amenity Navghar 2574.74 Pvt. 7,71,13,418 7,72,42,155 M.C.
212pt., 213pt.,
106 No.106 Parking Navghar 1974.09 Pvt. 5,91,24,106 5,92,22,810 M.C.
107 No.107 Playground Navghar 212pt., 213pt., 1408.96 Pvt. 4,21,98,422 28,17,925 M.C.
School for Specially
108 No.108 Navghar 213pt., 214pt. 4524.11 Pvt. 0 13,57,23,165 M.C.
215pt., 217pt.,
109 No.109 Ext to Crematorium Navghar 2541.04 Pvt. 4,05,51,140 7,62,31,238 M.C.
73pt.74pt., 75pt.,
110 No.110 STP Goddev 5622.14 Pvt. 70,21,087 16,86,64,165 M.C.
111 No.111 Library Goddev 74pt.76pt., 1542.21 Pvt. 2,47,14,170 4,62,66,249 M.C.
74pt., 75pt.,
112 No.112 Garden Goddev 8220.22 Pvt. 7,89,87,906 1,64,40,438 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

pt., 327pt.,
113 No.113 Playground 75pt.325pt., 15168.56 Pvt. 38,72,86,866 3,03,37,111 M.C.
76pt., 54pt., ,
114 No.114 STP 325pt., Navghar 1707.33 Pvt. 1,44,11,059 5,12,20,046 M.C.
Community Hall 52pt., 53pt.,
115 No.115 Goddev 6538.15 Pvt. 18,11,06,661 19,61,44,398 M.C.
(Agri Bhavan) 344pt.,
346pt., 347pt.,
116 No.116 Playground Goddev 345pt., 348pt., 45973.35 Pvt. 29,89,03,815 9,19,46,703 M.C.
344pt., 52pt.,
242pt., 235pt.,
243pt., 228pt.,
Housing for 234pt., 229pt.,
117 No.117 Navghar 68614.85 Pvt. 2,05,50,14,784 2,05,84,45,527 M.C.
Dishoused 233pt., 231pt.,
232pt., 204pt.,
220pt., 218pt.,
Housing for
118 No.118 Navghar 227pt., 219pt., 52607.47 Pvt. 1,57,55,93,771 1,57,82,24,144 M.C.
228pt., 229pt.,
235pt., 236pt.,
119 No.119 Public Amenity Navghar 890.00 Pvt. 2,67,02,549 2,67,00,000 M.C.
120 No.120 Parking Navghar 235pt., 236pt. 1387.97 Pvt. 4,15,69,583 4,16,38,982 M.C.
235pt., 236pt.,
121 No.121 Medical Amenity Navghar 2545.72 Pvt. 7,62,44,403 7,63,71,689 M.C.
227pt., 228pt.,
122 No.122 Garden Navghar 10805.27 Pvt. 32,36,17,916 2,16,10,545 M.C.
123 No.123 Water Works Navghar 236pt., 2091.31 Pvt. 6,26,34,667 41,82,616 M.C.
124 No.124 Shopping Center Navghar 236pt., 242pt., 4064.36 Pvt. 12,17,27,449 12,19,30,667 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

125 No.125 Ext to Playground Goddev Navghar 6978.69 Pvt. 19,33,09,828 1,39,57,388 M.C.
317pt., 319pt.,
126 No.126 Goddev 320pt., 321pt., 11663.19 Pvt. 32,30,70,381 34,98,95,720 M.C.
Educational 340pt., 341pt.,
127 No.127 Goddev 7653.17 Pvt. 21,19,92,706 22,95,94,989 M.C.
Amenity 54pt.,
343pt., 342pt.,
128 No.128 Garden Goddev 9299.54 Pvt. 20,23,63,572 1,85,99,088 M.C.
341pt., 337pt.
129 No.129 Garden , Goddev:346pt., 4468.51 Pvt. 8,40,85,256 89,37,012 M.C.
130 No.130 Parking Bhayandar 35pt., 2096.03 Pvt. 4,02,46,843 6,28,81,022 M.C.
Bhayandar, , 548pt., 547pt.,
131 No.131 Municipal Hospital 3947.48 Pvt. 8,84,23,488 11,84,24,314 M.C.
Goddev Goddev:346pt.,
132 No.132 Municipal Market Bhayandar 547pt., 548pt., 2734.66 Pvt. 6,12,56,426 8,20,39,856 M.C.
133 No.133 Bhayandar 536pt., 549pt., 3806.86 Pvt. 8,52,73,696 11,42,05,843 M.C.
Educational 533pt., 534pt.,
134 No.134 Bhayandar 6903.66 Pvt. 15,46,42,093 20,71,09,947 M.C.
Amenity 535pt., 536pt.,
135 No.135 Ext. to STP Bhayandar 532pt., 534pt., 1648.49 Pvt. 0 4,94,54,841 M.C.
525pt., 527pt.,
136 No.136 Community Hall Bhayandar 1715.03 Pvt. 3,84,16,572 5,14,50,765 M.C.
137 No.137 Shopping Center Bhayandar 525pt. 1672.40 Pvt. 3,74,61,853 5,01,72,124 M.C.
138 No.138 Garden Bhayandar 520pt., 526pt., 2959.95 Pvt. 6,63,02,788 59,19,892 M.C.
Educational 498pt., 529pt.,
139 No.139 Bhayandar 3762.33 Pvt. 8,42,76,258 11,28,69,989 M.C.
Amenity 499pt.,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

140 No.140 Ext to High School Bhayandar 518pt., 11870.32 Pvt. 26,58,95,169 35,61,09,601 M.C.
Educational 237pt., 240pt.,
141 No.141 Navghar 13001.76 Pvt. 38,94,02,728 39,00,52,816 M.C.
Amenity 241pt., 242pt.,
Educational 240pt., 241pt.,
142 No.142 Navghar 4729.79 Pvt. 14,16,57,103 14,18,93,592 M.C.
Amenity 248pt,252pt.,
248pt., 249pt.,
143 No.143 Garden Navghar 15667.74 Pvt. 46,92,48,761 3,13,35,477 M.C.
250pt., 252pt.,
306pt., 314pt.,
Goddev, 315pt.,
144 No.144 Auditorium 9216.13 Pvt. 25,52,86,826 27,64,83,927 M.C.
Navghar Navghar:248pt.,
301pt., 302pt.,
333pt., 334pt.,
145 No.145 Goddev 336pt., 337pt., 6640.71 Pvt. 18,39,47,625 19,92,21,255 M.C.
333pt., 375pt.,
146 No.146 Playground Goddev 19758.07 Pvt. 54,72,98,590 3,95,16,144 M.C.
373pt., 378pt.,
147 No.147 Community Hall Goddev 375pt., 335pt., 4813.69 Pvt. 13,33,39,270 14,44,10,762 M.C.
148 No.148 Swimming Pool Goddev 376pt., 377pt., 4369.43 Pvt. 12,10,33,257 13,10,82,949 M.C.
369pt., 377pt.,
149 No.149 Shopping Center Goddev 2788.05 Pvt. 7,72,28,860 8,36,41,364 M.C.
378pt., 380pt.
369pt., 376pt.,
150 No.150 Parking Goddev 2227.67 Pvt. 0 6,68,30,132 M.C.
490pt., 491pt.,
151 No.151 Water Works Bhayandar 1339.56 Pvt. 2,91,20,000 26,79,126 M.C.
152 No.152 Medical Amenity Bhayandar 498pt.504pt., 4073.55 Pvt. 9,12,47,471 12,22,06,434 Govt.
153 No.153 Bhayandar 503pt., 504pt., 4753.70 Pvt. 10,64,82,973 14,26,11,124 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

298pt., 299pt.,
154 No.154 Community Hall Navghar 4872.60 Pvt. 14,59,34,282 14,61,77,912 M.C.
250pt., 251pt.,
298pt., 268pt.,
155 No.155 Medical Amenity Navghar 5620.86 Pvt. 13,98,29,598 16,86,25,736 M.C.
Government 288pt., 269pt.,
156 No.156 Navghar 7228.22 Pvt. 21,64,85,220 21,68,46,631 M.C.
Purpose 298pt., 268pt.,
157 No.157 Garden Navghar 269pt., 287pt., 11791.19 Pvt. 0 2,35,82,381 M.C.
158 No.158 Water Works Navghar 269pt., 1229.95 Pvt. 0 24,59,906 M.C.
159 No.159 Medical Amenity Navghar 269pt., 288pt., 2164.19 Pvt. 0 6,49,25,561 M.C.
295pt., 297pt.,
160 No.160 Garden Navghar 5172.62 Pvt. 15,49,19,832 1,03,45,231 M.C.
405pt., 294pt.,
161 No.161 Old Age Home Navghar 3581.05 Pvt. 10,72,52,498 10,74,31,551 M.C.
162 No.162 Fire Brigade Station Navghar 405pt., 294pt., 1695.03 Pvt. 5,07,66,285 5,08,51,037 M.C.
405pt., 406pt.,
163 No.163 Garden Navghar 3995.19 Pvt. 11,96,56,029 79,90,386 M.C.
Educational Goddev,
164 No.164 399pt., 400pt., 4795.02 Pvt. 13,28,22,155 14,38,50,709 M.C.
Amenity Navghar
Working Women
Goddev, Goddev:399pt.,
165 No.165 Hostel & Child Care 1558.86 Pvt. 4,31,80,327 4,67,65,697 M.C.
Navghar Navghar:409pt.,
166 No.166 Garden Navghar 409pt., 410pt., 1890.55 Pvt. 5,66,22,034 37,81,104 M.C.
Goddev, 383pt., 381pt.,
167 No.167 Building for Govt. 9712.78 Pvt. 26,90,44,064 29,13,83,463 M.C.
Navghar 398pt.,
168 No.168 Garden Navghar 385pt., 4256.69 Pvt. 11,79,10,255 85,13,376 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

382pt., 383pt.,
169 No.169 Municipal Purpose Goddev 7796.68 Pvt. 21,59,68,080 23,39,00,448 M.C.
388pt., 387pt.,
170 No.170 Municipal Office Navghar 8891.35 Pvt. 26,62,95,896 26,67,40,464 M.C.
385pt., 391pt.,
Town Hall and 388pt., 387pt.,
171 No.171 Navghar 7908.06 Pvt. 23,68,46,429 23,72,41,832 M.C.
Drama Theatre 486pt.,
172 No.172 Ext to School Bhayandar 480pt., 2440.09 Pvt. 5,46,58,070 7,32,02,773 M.C.
173 No.173 Bhayandar 496pt.482pt., 1573.80 Pvt. 3,52,53,011 4,72,13,854 M.C.
174 No.174 Parking Bhayandar 747pt., 748pt., 4974.98 Pvt. 11,14,39,458 14,92,49,274 M.C.
175 No.175 Bus Stand Bhayandar 511pt., 744pt., 3423.95 Pvt. 7,66,96,590 10,27,18,647 M.C.
176 No.176 Bhayandar 511pt., 2464.11 Pvt. 5,51,96,079 7,39,23,320 M.C.
273pt., 272pt.,
274pt., 275pt.,
271pt., 278pt.,
177 No.177 Sports Complex Navghar 276pt., 277pt., 111605.50 Pvt. 3,34,25,84,739 3,34,81,65,014 M.C.
262pt., 263pt.,
265pt., 752pt.,
264pt., 261pt.,
178 No.178 Municipal Purpose Navghar 4430.36 Pvt. 13,26,89,389 13,29,10,907 M.C.
Educational 282pt.,
179 No.179 Navghar 5800.49 Pvt. 17,37,24,612 17,40,14,636 M.C.
Amenity 284p.,291pt.,
Educational 424pt., 430pt.,
180 No.180 Navghar 4025.58 Pvt. 12,05,66,090 12,07,67,369 M.C.
Amenity 428pt., 429pt.,
181 No.181 Municipal Market Navghar 424pt., 1352.91 Pvt. 4,05,19,636 4,05,87,282 M.C.
182 No.182 Municipal Market Navghar 415pt., 414pt., 3101.45 Pvt. 9,28,88,365 9,30,43,437 M.C.
183 No.183 Water Works Navghar 510.00 Pvt. 1,52,82,396 10,20,000 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

390pt., 452pt.,
184 No.184 Municipal Hospital Navghar 392pt., 393pt., 16171.70 Pvt. 0 48,51,51,039 M.C.
453pt., 479pt.,
185 No.185 Municipal Market Navghar 5280.50 Pvt. 15,81,50,945 15,84,14,970 M.C.
186 No.186 Parking Ghodbunder 242pt., 7986.76 Pvt. 0 23,96,02,842 M.C.
50pt., 229pt.,
187 No.187 Truck Terminal Ghodbunder 18208.54 Pvt. 6,11,76,527 54,62,56,167 M.C.
188 No.188 Municipal Market Navghar 435pt., 433pt. 2331.22 Pvt. 6,98,20,163 6,99,36,724 M.C.
435pt., 436pt.,
189 No.189 Community Hall Navghar 3680.79 Pvt. 11,02,39,597 11,04,23,637 M.C.
190 No.190 Medical Amenity Navghar 437pt., 440pt., 1649.58 Pvt. 4,94,05,030 4,94,87,509 M.C.
191 No.191 Navghar 441pt., 6650.98 Govt. 19,91,96,963 19,95,29,512 M.C.
Skill Development
192 No.192 Navghar 441pt., 2174.43 Govt. 6,51,24,215 6,52,32,937 M.C.
446pt., 444pt.,
193 No.193 Municipal Market Navghar 5963.80 Pvt. 17,86,15,733 17,89,13,923 M.C.
446pt., 447pt.,
194 No.194 Parking Navghar 1823.09 Pvt. 5,46,01,543 5,46,92,698 M.C.
455pt., 446pt.,
Housing for
195 No.195 Navghar 447pt., 448pt., 22322.10 Pvt. 66,85,46,755 66,96,62,859 M.C.
417pt., 418pt.,
449pt., 448pt.,
450pt., 418pt.,
196 No.196 Playground Navghar 31130.31 Pvt. 79,81,76,853 6,22,60,625 M.C.
417pt., 421pt.,
439pt., 438pt.,
197 No.197 Garden Navghar 5244.39 Pvt. 15,70,69,450 1,04,88,778 M.C.
Planetarium & Navghar, Navghar:439pt.,
198 No.198 5970.65 Pvt. 17,88,20,859 17,91,19,391 M.C.
Aquarium Ghodbunder 438pt.,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

199 No.199 STP Ghodbunder 233pt., 9424.07 Pvt. 26,10,46,861 28,27,22,232 M.C.
200 No.200 Ghodbunder 233pt., 8025.17 Govt. 22,22,97,179 24,07,55,068 M.C.
Ghodbunder, Navghar:456pt.,
201 No.201 Garden 6783.46 Pvt. 18,79,01,968 1,35,66,929 M.C.
Navghar 457pt.,
555pt., 63pt.,
202 No.202 Garden Ghodbunder 66pt., 68pt., 10253.35 Pvt. 28,40,17,800 2,05,06,700 M.C.
203 No.203 Municipal Purpose Navghar: 437pt., 7600.30 Pvt. 22,76,28,997 22,80,09,012 M.C.
Government Navghar,
204 No.204 Navghar: 437pt., 8167.95 Pvt. 9,48,80,112 24,50,38,509 M.C.
Purpose Ghodbunder
66pt., 67pt.,
205 No.205 Garden Ghodbunder 68pt., 71pt., 17172.90 Pvt. 47,56,89,228 3,43,45,793 M.C.
40pt., 41pt.,
206 No.206 Playground Ghodbunder 66pt., 67pt., 29019.41 Pvt. 80,38,37,569 5,80,38,814 M.C.
207 No.207 Medical Amenity Bhayandar 475pt., 1123.15 Pvt. 2,51,58,574 3,36,94,518 M.C.
165pt., 172pt.,
208 No.208 Playground Mira 4436.46 Pvt. 12,73,26,445 88,72,923 M.C.
209 No.209 Community Hall Bhayandar 475pt., 750.00 Pvt. 1,68,56,681 2,25,00,000 M.C.
164pt., 181pt.,
210 No.210 Mira 180pt., 165pt., 9519.80 Pvt. 27,32,18,273 28,55,94,014 M.C.
211 No.211 STP Penkarpada 197pt.198pt., 2597.31 Pvt. 9,45,42,099 7,79,19,312 M.C.
212 No.212 Garden Penkarpada 207pt., 206pt., 6966.75 Pvt. 25,35,89,751 1,39,33,503 M.C.
213 No.213 Ext to Cemetery Penkarpada 75pt., 1800.65 Pvt. 6,55,43,507 5,40,19,374 M.C.
214 No.214 Cremation Ground Penkarpada 202pt., 75pt., 5890.56 Pvt. 21,44,16,461 17,67,16,864 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

246pt., 251pt.,
244pt., 250pt.,
253pt., 252pt.,
247pt., 243pt.,
215 No.215 Mangrove Park Penkarpada 249pt., 241pt., 494629.48 Pvt. 17,19,65,78,831 98,92,58,969 M.C.
248pt., 242pt.,
192pt., 202pt.,
234pt., 245pt.,
240pt., 75pt.,
38pt., 43pt.,
216 No.216 Garden Ghodbunder 7172.82 Pvt. 19,86,87,101 1,43,45,639 M.C.
44pt., 45pt.,
28pt., 32pt.,
33pt., 34pt.,
217 No.217 Exhibition Centre Ghodbunder 46797.85 Pvt. 1,29,63,00,487 1,40,39,35,545 M.C.
35pt., 39pt.,
28pt., 86pt.,
218 No.218 Garden Ghodbunder 87pt., 224pt., 3346.72 Pvt. 9,27,04,041 66,93,433 M.C.
225pt., 226pt.,
Educational 28pt., 29pt.,
219 No.219 Ghodbunder 3424.48 Pvt. 9,48,58,029 10,27,34,327 M.C.
Amenity 87pt., 224pt.,
220 No.220 Ghodbunder 98pt., 100pt., 7770.68 Pvt. 21,52,47,816 23,31,20,379 M.C.
103pt., 104pt.,
221 No.221 Playground Ghodbunder 6289.87 Pvt. 16,67,81,826 1,25,79,749 M.C.
222 No.222 Water Works Ghodbunder 103pt., 224pt., 1205.32 Pvt. 2,59,39,689 24,10,642 M.C.
223 No.223 Women Hostel Ghodbunder 100pt., 103pt., 3337.54 Pvt. 9,24,49,900 10,01,26,246 M.C.
224 No.224 Garden Ghodbunder 101pt., 100pt., 6381.62 Pvt. 17,67,70,740 1,27,63,230 M.C.
Educational 111pt., 119pt.,
225 No.225 Ghodbunder 4891.65 Pvt. 13,54,98,803 14,67,49,606 M.C.
Amenity 120pt.,
131pt., 132pt.,
226 No.226 Municipal Purpose Ghodbunder 12489.62 Pvt. 34,59,62,478 37,46,88,604 M.C.
135pt., 148pt.,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

130pt., 133pt.,
129pt., 127pt.,
139pt., 138pt.,
Housing for
227 No.227 Ghodbunder 122pt., 108pt., 17770.16 Pvt. 49,22,33,427 53,31,04,795 M.C.
121pt., 139pt.,
228 No.228 Police Station Ghodbunder 2619.12 Pvt. 7,25,49,544 7,85,73,513 M.C.
229 No.229 Water Works Ghodbunder 108pt., 121pt., 880.00 Pvt. 2,45,65,167 17,60,000 M.C.
140pt., 108pt.,
230 No.230 Fire Brigade Station Ghodbunder 1362.03 Pvt. 3,77,28,285 4,08,60,959 M.C.
221pt., 139pt.,
231 No.231 Medical Amenity Ghodbunder 2236.39 Pvt. 6,19,48,003 6,70,91,700 M.C.
141pt., 221pt.,
232 No.232 Library Ghodbunder 1923.06 Pvt. 5,32,68,639 5,76,91,667 M.C.
140pt., 139pt.,
7pt., 9pt., CTS
233 No.233 Bus Stand Mira 3444.14 Pvt. 9,88,46,753 10,33,24,132 M.C.
Bus Terminal & 185pt.6pt.,
234 No.234 Mira 5819.10 Pvt. 16,70,08,104 17,45,72,931 M.C.
Parking 178pt., 2pt.,
235 No.235 Water Works Mira 2pt., 1102.98 Pvt. 3,16,55,606 22,05,966 M.C.
6pt.2pt., 5pt.,
CTS. 223pt.,
252pt., 274pt.,
236 No.236 Park Mira 19843.35 Pvt. 56,95,04,236 3,96,86,706 M.C.
179pt., 415pt.,
414pt., 416pt.,
418pt., 419pt.,
CTS 274pt.,
Educational 311pt., 179pt.,
237 No.237 Mira 5041.22 Pvt. 14,46,82,888 15,12,36,468 M.C.
Amenity 415pt., 416pt.,
420pt., 419pt.,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

CTS 223pt.,
312pt., 311pt.,
238 No.238 Garden Mira 5187.95 Pvt. 14,88,94,051 1,03,75,892 M.C.
179pt., 420pt.,
239 No.239 Municipal Market Mira 155pt., 162pt., 5097.58 Pvt. 14,63,00,577 15,29,27,432 M.C.
184pt., 162pt.,
240 No.240 Commissioner Mira 13331.69 Pvt. 38,26,19,524 39,99,50,722 M.C.
183pt., 144pt.,
Educational 155pt., 162pt.,
241 No.241 Mira 6872.79 Pvt. 19,72,49,165 20,61,83,797 M.C.
Amenity 144pt.,
162pt., 183pt.,
242 No.242 Garden Mira 145pt., 144pt 9886.92 Pvt. 28,37,54,611 1,97,73,840 M.C.
CTS. 580pt.,
Educational 146p[t.,155pt.,
243 No.243 Mira 5650.53 Pvt. 16,21,70,167 16,95,15,854 M.C.
Amenity 145pt.,
244 No.244 Medical Amenity Mira 193pt., 130pt., 1405.05 Pvt. 4,03,24,915 4,21,51,479 M.C.
245 No.245 Parking Mira 130pt. 2324.65 Pvt. 6,67,17,322 6,97,39,361 M.C.
129pt., 193pt.,
246 No.246 Playground Mira 8388.81 Pvt. 17,30,95,376 1,67,77,616 M.C.
247 No.247 Mira 129pt., 193pt., 6632.77 Pvt. 19,03,60,399 19,89,82,995 M.C.
248 No.248 Shopping Center Penkarpada 236pt., 3995.81 Pvt. 14,54,47,347 11,98,74,187 M.C.
Penkarpada, 258pt.236pt.,
249 No.249 Garden 3467.41 Pvt. 12,62,13,880 69,34,829 M.C.
Mira Mira: CTS
Housing for Penkarpada, ., 255pt., 245pt.,
250 No.250 30119.35 Pvt. 1,09,63,44,440 90,35,80,582 M.C.
EWS/LIG Mira 240pt., 258pt.,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

2432pt., 2433pt.,
2099pt., 4412pt.
251 No.251 Water Works Mira CTS 2310pt. 1703.46 Pvt. 4,88,89,366 34,06,924 M.C.
252 No.252 Fire Brigade Station Mira CTS 2310pt. 1370.79 Pvt. 3,93,41,807 4,11,23,840 M.C.
CTS 2310pt.,
253 No.253 Burial Ground Mira 29823.71 Pvt. 85,59,40,505 89,47,11,330 M.C.
2314pt., 4412pt.,
254 No.254 Garden Mira CTS 4412pt., 15650.87 Pvt. 44,91,79,981 3,13,01,741 M.C.
CTS 491pt.,
255 No.255 Parking Mira 5168.34 Pvt. 14,83,31,451 15,50,50,298 M.C.
833pt., 1008pt.,
CTS 491pt.,
833pt., 1009pt.,
256 No.256 Municipal Purpose Mira 9723.63 Pvt. 27,90,68,263 29,17,08,986 M.C.
832pt., 1008pt.,
182pt., 184pt.,
257 No.257 Burial Ground Ghodbunder 2681.90 Pvt. 7,42,88,605 8,04,56,973 M.C.
183pt., 185pt.,
184pt., 183pt.,
258 No.258 Cremation Ground Ghodbunder 2414.31 Pvt. 6,68,76,497 7,24,29,419 M.C.
259 No.259 Garden Ghodbunder 154pt., 155pt., 5485.40 Pvt. 15,19,45,586 1,09,70,800 M.C.
260 No.260 Ghodbunder 154pt., 155pt., 4097.34 Pvt. 11,34,96,215 12,29,20,089 M.C.
Ghodbunder :
261 No.261 Municipal Market 153pt., 154pt., 1178.26 Pvt. 3,26,37,833 3,53,47,834 M.C.
Kashi :16 pt.,
262 No.262 Water Works Kashi 12pt., 7pt., 1646.03 Pvt. 3,75,29,525 32,92,064 M.C.
24pt., 86pt.,
263 No.263 Garden Kashi 7274.50 Pvt. 16,58,58,675 1,45,49,007 M.C.
86pt., 87pt.,
264 No.264 Playground Kashi 8134.37 Pvt. 18,54,63,657 1,62,68,742 M.C.
265 No.265 Kashi 87pt., 5647.96 Pvt. 12,87,73,580 16,94,38,921 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

266 No.266 Fire Brigade Station Kashi 41pt., 44pt., 1439.62 Pvt. 3,28,23,283 4,31,88,531 M.C.
267 No.267 Water Works Kashi 41pt., 44pt., 1140.94 Pvt. 2,60,13,404 22,81,878 M.C.
213pt., Kashi:
Ghodbunder, 48pt., 47pt,49pt.,
268 No.268 Park 66818.73 Pvt. 1,85,08,78,749 13,36,37,455 M.C.
Kashi 42pt., 44pt.,
41pt., 43pt.,
269 No.269 Playground Kashi 43pt., 47pt., 3542.56 Pvt. 8,07,70,331 70,85,117 M.C.
49pt., 43pt.,
270 No.270 Medical Amenity Kashi 5334.68 Pvt. 12,16,30,638 16,00,40,313 M.C.
32pt., 67pt.,
28pt., 31pt.,
271 No.271 Municipal Market Kashi 30pt., 32pt., 2450.74 Pvt. 5,58,76,830 7,35,22,144 M.C.
28pt., 50pt.,
31pt., 30pt,49pt.,
272 No.272 URS Purpose Kashi 41751.56 Pvt. 0 0 M.C.
43pt., 32pt.,
67pt., 53pt.,
57pt., 56pt.,
273 No.273 Garden Kashi 10132.32 Pvt. 23,10,16,997 2,02,64,649 M.C.
Mira: CTS
1449pt., 1770pt.,
274 No.274 URS Purpose Kashi, Mira 1299pt., 1601pt., 23379.23 Pvt. 0 0 M.C.
1394pt., 1354pt.,
Mira: CTS
2907pt., 3314pt.,
2905pt., 2652pt.,
275 No.275 Garden Mira 8915.22 Pvt. 10,34,69,837 1,78,30,442 M.C.
3551pt., 3552pt.,
3545pt., 3549pt.,
3547pt., 3548pt.,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

3546pt., 3550pt.,
2404pt., 2403pt.,
Educational 2401pt., 2402pt.,
276 No.276 Mira 2753.07 Pvt. 7,90,13,089 8,25,92,079 M.C.
Amenity 2907pt., 3314pt.,
3545pt., 3546pt.,
3544pt., 3543pt.,
Mahajanwadi, t., 260pt., Mira:
277 No.277 Garden 7702.60 Pvt. 23,64,69,949 1,54,05,208 M.C.
Mira CTS 3056pt.,
3555pt., 3885pt.,
278 No.278 Medical Amenity Mira CTS 3815pt., 2001.96 Pvt. 5,74,56,303 6,00,58,853 M.C.
279 No.279 Shopping Center t., Mira CTS 2093.48 Pvt. 6,42,69,729 6,28,04,296 M.C.
83pt., 34pt.,
280 No.280 URS Purpose Mahajanwadi 23422.28 Pvt. 0 0 M.C.
281 No.281 Picnic Spot Ghodbunder 241pt., 207pt., 6530.92 Pvt. 18,09,06,571 19,59,27,694 M.C.
282 No.282 Ghodbunder 241pt., 208pt., 2910.14 Pvt. 8,06,10,848 8,73,04,168 M.C.
3pt., 4pt., 5pt.,
283 No.283 URS Purpose Ghodbunder 15810.23 Pvt. 0 0 M.C.
284 No.284 Garden Ghodbunder Gaothan 1496.66 Pvt. 4,14,57,353 29,93,311 M.C.
Ghodbunder, Maritime
285 No.285 Water Terminal t.205pt., 244pt., 25470.23 Pvt. 0 0
Versave Board
Versave: 5pt
286 No.286 Water Works Ghodbunder 31pt., 16pt. 1356.94 Pvt. 3,75,87,231 27,13,880 M.C.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

18pt., 19pt.,
287 No.287 Transport Hub Ghodbunder 20pt., 31pt., 33830.53 Pvt. 93,71,05,815 1,01,49,16,045 M.C.
16pt., 17pt.,
128pt., 114pt.,
288 No.288 Garden Ghodbunder 15236.12 Pvt. 42,20,40,655 3,04,72,249 M.C.
115pt., 23pt.,
38pt., 39/1pt.,
289 No.289 ISBT Terminal Versave 39/2pt., 24pt., 7698.98 Pvt. 4,98,12,425 23,09,69,512 M.C.
25pt., 27pt.,
290 No.290 Municipal Purpose Varsave 36/1pt.27pt., 5004.57 Pvt. 3,23,79,550 15,01,37,018 M.C.
105pt., 106pt.,
291 No.291 Garden Varsave 6386.69 Pvt. 4,13,21,869 1,27,73,375 M.C.
107pt., 108pt.,
Educational 105pt., 201/2pt.,
292 No.292 Varsave 4094.12 Pvt. 2,64,88,925 12,28,23,454 M.C.
Amenity 23pt.,
293 No.293 Shopping Center Varsave 42pt., 21pt., 3122.06 Pvt. 2,01,99,725 9,36,61,784 M.C.
87/2pt., 84pt.,
294 No.294 Varsave 93pt., 95pt., 3434.95 Pvt. 2,22,24,153 10,30,48,624 M.C.
84pt., 97/2pt.,
295 No.295 Playground Varsave 8693.45 Pvt. 5,62,46,643 1,73,86,907 M.C.
45pt., 98pt.
59pt., 69pt.,
71pt., 56pt.,
54pt., 74pt.,
51pt., 52pt.,
296 No.296 Park Varsave 50pt., 48pt., 107933.01 Pvt. 69,83,26,558 21,58,66,015 M.C.
58pt., 61//1pt.,
57/2pt., 70/2pt.,
77/2pt., 78/3pt.,

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

78/2pt., 70/1pt.,
55/2pt., 72/1pt.,
72/2pt., 73/2pt.,
77/1pt., 55/1pt.,
76/3pt., 76/2pt.,
73/1pt., 76/2pt.,
49/5pt., 49/4pt.,
53/3pt., 78/1pt.,
49/3pt., 75/2pt.,
80/1pt., 53/1pt.,
49/2pt., 53/2pt.,
8pt., 148pt.,
297 No.297 Police Station Chene 4330.26 Pvt. 2,79,30,208 12,99,07,943 M.C.
298 No.298 Cremation Ground Chene 102pt. 880.00 Pvt. 57,25,481 2,64,00,000 M.C.
299 No.299 Medical Amenity Chene 103pt., 2157.30 Pvt. 1,39,14,607 6,47,19,102 M.C.
43/1pt., 43/2pt.,
300 No.300 Shopping Center Chene 3706.08 Pvt. 2,39,04,197 11,11,82,312 M.C.
301 No.301 Tribal Hostel Chene 71pt., 70/1pt., 4302.45 Pvt. 2,77,50,815 12,90,73,560 M.C.
302 No.302 Garden Chene 4475.41 Pvt. 2,88,66,426 89,50,830 M.C.
70/3pt., 81/1pt.
71pt., 70/1pt.,
303 No.303 Medical Amenity Chene 80/1pt., 81/2pt., 3664.53 Pvt. 2,36,36,235 10,99,35,979 M.C.
Educational 78pt., 79pt.,
304 No.304 Chene 4472.82 Pvt. 2,88,49,718 13,41,84,736 M.C.
Amenity 71pt., 80/1pt.,
305 No.305 Fire Brigade Station Chene 70/2pt., 81/2pt., 1184.60 Pvt. 76,40,653 3,55,37,921 M.C.
306 No.306 Water Works Chene 80/2pt., 81/2pt., 1015.97 Pvt. 65,53,021 20,31,944 M.C.
241pt., 207pt.,
307 No.307 Development of Fort Ghodbunder 29606.34 Pvt. 82,00,95,627 88,81,90,210 M.C.
208pt., 241pt.

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure X: Municipal Finance Revenue



2017-2018 73110.19 73420.78 -310.59

2018-2019 83831.03 69305.98 14525.05

2019-2020 98706.29 83977.05 14729.24

2020-2021 114548.6 107305.23 7243.37

2021-2022 133321.54 133416.04 -94.5

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

Annexure XI: Phase Wise Program (Plan of two year each)

Sr. No. Purpose of Reservation Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V
Administrative Building for - - - - -
Govt. Office
2 Auditorium - 73 - 144 -
Crematorium/ Burial Ground/ -
3 100, 213, 99, 101, 214 258, 257, 3 298, 253, 109 14, 15, 40
4 Bus Stand/ISBT 75, 175, 233 289, 234 - - -
5 Community Hall 55, 136, 154 43, 209, 189 147, 115 - -

30, 51, 210, 179, 180, 5, 48, 67, 153,

72, 176,
145, 225, 237, 304, 241, 294, 127, 141, 265, 87, 142, 70, 41, 134,
6 Educational Amenity 133, 276,
191, 140, 172, 237, 219, 237, 282,108 164, 243, 247, 260, 219, 18
292, 139
200, 191 111

7 Exhibition Centre 217 - - - -

8 Fire Brigade Station 19, 230, 305 162, 252 9, 266 - -

37, 36, 1,
53, 254, 128, 122, 2, 6, 249, 302, 216, 57, 39, 102, 291, 94, 62, 74, 259,
138, 129,
9 Garden 218, 160, 242, 168, 205, 143, 166, 275, 157, 202, 212, 112, 96, 88,
263, 288,
201, 238, 163, 197, 26 63 83, 277 284, 11

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

10 Housing for Dishoused 195, 117, 118 227 35, 250 45 -

11 Mangrove Park - 21, 91 92 215 80

152, 207, 231, 190, 244, 105, 159,
12 Medical Amenity 56, 86, 155, 131 278, 270, 12 299
121, 184 303

95, 174, 255, 194, 23, 130, 186,

13 Parking 42, 120, 150, 106 68, 58, 245, 78 71, 77, 85, 47
25,24 93
14 Municipal Godown - 76 - - -

15 Market 33, 89, 193, 185, 239 132, 181, 188 38, 7, 261, 104, 27, 182, 60 16, 271

16 Municipal Purpose 226, 169 256, 203, 178 290, 17 - -

17 Night Shelter - - 46 - -
18 Old Age Home - 161 - - -
19 Park - 236 268 296 -
20 Picnic Spot 281 - - - -
21 Planetarium & Aquarium - 198 - - -
125, 146, 208, 196, 246, 13,
22 Playground 113, 221, 107 4, 65, 84, 206 264, 295, 116
98, 90 269
23 Project Affected Person - - 69 - -
24 Public Amenity 119 54 97 - -
25 S.T. Stand & Depot 22 - - - -

Mira Bhayandar Draft Revised Development Plan: 2017-2037

26 Shopping Center 124, 149, 49 248, 28 293 61, 300, 79 137

27 Slaughter House 31 - - - -
28 Spiritual Center - - 50 - -
29 Sports Complex - 177 - - -
30 Stadium 20 - - - -
31 STP 135, 211, 44 199, 64 110 29 114
32 Swimming Pool - 148 - - -
Town Hall and Drama - - - -
33 171
34 Transport Hub 287 - - - -
35 Truck Terminal - - - 187 -
59, 286, 251, - -
52, 32, 262, 235,
36 Water Works 222, 151, 183, 123 306, 229, 66,
158, 82, 8
37 Women Hostel 223 - - - -
Working Women Hostel & - - -
38 - 165
Child Care Center


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