The Oriental Insurance Company Limited
The Oriental Insurance Company Limited
The Oriental Insurance Company Limited
Registration Mark Engine No. & Year Of Type Of Body Seating Capacity Cubic
& Place Chassis No. Manufacture (including Driver) Capacity
Make - Model Type Of Fuel
Limitations as to use:
The Policy covers use only under a permit within the meaning of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988 or such a carriage falling under Sub-
section 3 of Section 66 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988.
1 Use only for social, domestic and pleasure purposes and for the insured's business or profession. The Policy does not cover use for
hire or reward, tuition, racing, pace making, reliability trial, speed testing, carriage of goods(other than samples or personal luggage)
in connection with any trade or business or use for any purpose in connection with Motor Trade
Driver:Any person including the insured,Provided that a person driving holds an effective driving license at the time of the accident and is not
disqualified from holding or obtaining such a license.,Provided also that the person holding an effective Learner's license may also drive the
vehicle and that such a person satisfies the requirements of Rule 3 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
Limit of Liability:Under Section II-I(i) in respect of any one accident: as per Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
Under Section II-I(ii) in respect of any one claim or series of claims arising out of one event is Rs. 100000
P.A. Cover under Section III for Registered Owner Cum Driver (CSI) : Rs. 1500000
*This Insurance excludes all pre-existing damages
65,000 0 0 0 0 65,000
Date : 13/07/2023
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This Document is Digitally Signed
Details of IMT Endorsements are also available on the Company¿s Web Portal
In the event of a claim under the policy exceeding Rs.1lac or a claim for refund of premium exceeding Rs1lac,the insured will comply with
the provisions of the AML policy of the Company.The AML policy is available in all our operating Offices as well as company's website.
The insurance under this policy is subject to conditions, clauses, warranties, exclusions, IMTs and OIC endorsements mentioned
herein above which are available on Company's website: or on demand from the policy issuing office
Warranted that in case of dishonour of premium cheque(s) the Company shall not be liable under the policy and the policy shall be void
abinitio (from inception).
Claim is not admissible if Driving Licence is found fake or is not valid whether or not in the knowledge of the insured.
I/We hereby certify that the policy to which the certificate relates as well as this certificate of insurance are issued in accordance with the
provision of Chapter X and Chapter XI of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
In witness whereof the undersigned being authorised by and on behalf of the company has/have herein to set his/their hands at
The Insured is not Indemnified if the vehicle is used or driven otherwise than in accordance with this Schedule. Any payment
made by the Company by reason of wider terms appearing in the Certificate in order to comply with the MVAct, 1988 is
recoverable from the Insured. See the Clause headed "AVOIDANCE OF CERTAIN TERMS AND RIGHTS OF RECOVERY".
In case of any query regarding the Policy please call Toll Free No. 1800 11 8485 and 011 33208485.
CIN: U66010DL1947GOI007158 All the Amounts mentioned in this policy are in Indian Rupees
IRDA Regn. No. 556 - Now you can buy and renew selected policies online at
Date : 13/07/2023
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