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Appendix 2a: Traffic Modelling Report Checklist

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Appendix 2a: Traffic Modelling Report Checklist Version 1.

0 Changes made to document since previous version Date issue 01.03.2008

The attached checklists are provided as reference documents for all those involved in the assessment of NRA highway schemes. The lists relate to the contents of each of the recommended sections of the Traffic / Transport Modelling Report: Data Collection Model Build & Validation Model Forecasting

The precise requirements will depend upon the nature and context of the scheme and it is unlikely that documentation of all the material mentioned in the checklists will be appropriate for a particular single scheme. However the onus is on the scheme consultant to justify any omissions. With all three sections there are a number of key requirements to note:
A) The reports need to be free of jargon and need to introduce all technical terms and abbreviations such that they may be readily understood by people outside the transport modelling and appraisal fraternity; B) The text and any maps, plans and diagrams need to presented clearly to avoid any ambiguity; C) Any assumptions made (or decisions taken) need to be justified (perhaps by reference to other documents) in order to provide a clear audit trail.

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Transport Modelling Report - Data Collection

Check Item Data Collection Overview Statement as to the context and justification for the data collection. General location plan highlighting road names, road numbers and junction names. Definition of data source (e.g. survey consultants, contractors and commissioning organisation). If a large scale survey programme, a summary description of the types of survey undertaken supported by plans illustrating locations of different survey types on a common map base. Details Required for Each Survey Plan of the survey location on a map base plus tabulation giving latitude and longitude (or equivalent). Method of data collection. Date, day of week and duration of survey. Commentary on the survey process (e.g. unusual conditions) and the results (e.g. any anomalies). Statement (qualitative and quantitative) as to the accuracy of the data. Presentation of summary data as per requirements set out below. References to the location and format of the full data-set and any other survey reports. Traffic Flow Data Graphical presentation showing long and short term flow variation by vehicle type. Graphical presentation comparing flows at different times of the day. Diagrammatic presentation of turning count data by time period and vehicle type. Supporting tabulations. Summary plan(s) showing link flows by time of day. Origin-Destination Data Presentation of sector-to-sector movements (using tabular format and / or desire-line figures, by time of day, vehicle type and journey purpose, if relevant.

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Plan of sectors used, on a map base. Supporting tabulations indicating sample sizes and sample factors by each vehicle type and time period at each survey site. Journey Time Data Time-distance diagrams, preferably distinguishing between travel time and delay time at junctions. Tabulations showing the route length, number of measurements taken, their mean, accuracy, range and upper and lower confidence limits for each journey time route, direction and time period. Queue Length and Delay Data Tabulations of the average number of vehicles queueing and delay incurred, showing the range of observations for each arm, by time of day. Junction plans identifying the type of junction and distinguishing between the different movements.

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Transport Modelling Report - Model Build & Validation

Check Item Model Description Explanation of the purpose of the model and the schemes likely to be assessed using the model. Specification of the wider modelling system should one exist - e.g. reference to strategic or national model. Explanation of how the highway model relates to other components of the system - e.g. inputs, outputs and any feedback loops and their means of convergence. Description of type of highway model (e.g. link or link / junction-based). Justification of type of highway model. Description and plan of geographical model coverage including identification of areas of differing model type (e.g. highlighting areas of junction modelling). Plan should identify road names, road numbers and junction names. Justification of geographical model coverage. Specification and justification of any demand segmentation within the traffic model (time period, journey purpose, vehicle types, et cetera). Derivation of 12 hour or AADT flows e.g. 12 Hour = (2 * AM Peak) + (8 * Inter Peak) +(2 * PM Peak). Statement of any software package and version used. Description of Data Explicitly state modelled period and units e.g. vehicles for 08:00 to 09:00 average June weekday. Outline description of data sources and units - surveys, existing models, national databases, etc.. References to any relevant Survey Reports. Definition of calibration data - type, location, day of week, time of day, duration, age, accuracy. Definition of validation data - type, location, day of week, time of day, duration, age, accuracy. Comparison of comparable data from different sources, where relevant. Network Checks Network plan, preferably on a map base to show the relationship between the real and model networks. Location, value and justification of fixed speeds and flow-related speeds on links. Justification and description of speed flow curves used inc. 'post capacity' formulation. Description of junction coding approach where appropriate.

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Description of the coding of other network characteristics where appropriate. Examination and justification of paths used on preliminary assignments. Evidence of ad-hoc network validation checks. Trip Matrix Validation Zone plan, preferably on a map base. Detailed description of matrix building processes. Distinction between those movements observed and those synthesised. Scope of use of matrix estimation - identification of counts used in the process, before and after comparisons of the no. of trips (at matrix and sector to sector level) and trip length distribution. Comparison of modelled zonal demand for key movements against independent data if available. Comparison of modelled sector to sector demand with any independent screenline counts. Plans of zones, sectors and screenlines used in the above comparisons. Trip Assignment Validation (N.B. May be required at individual junction level) Assignment approach used (all-or-nothing/congestion-restrained, deterministic/stochastic). Assignment criteria used (definition of generalised cost) plus justification showing sensitivity test results. List of, and justification for, deviations from any default parameters used in the assignment software. Statement/explanation regarding independence of validation data. Tabular comparison of modelled flows with observed site and screenline counts. Map-based comparison of modelled flows with observed site and screenline counts. Tabular comparison of modelled and observed journey times. Diagrammatic comparison of modelled and observed journey times. For modelling of multiple (linked) time slices, presentation of the above for the whole time period. Statement of convergence stability (usually P>90% for 4 consecutive iterations where P = percentage of links with flow change <5%) - N.B. May need to be higher for variable demand assessments. Statement of convergence proximity (usually <1%). Discussion of model validation if in the context of a wider modelling system. Miscellaneous Issues Check for present year validation if underlying data > 6 years old. Check for present year validation if network or travel demand have changed much since base year. Check maps and plans are legible and colour figures are reproduced accordingly. Check for sufficient documentation of other elements of the modelling system, if relevant. Check that all the items have been documented for each time period or other demand segment.

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Transport Modelling Report - Model Forecasting

Check Item Introduction / Context Description of the purpose of the forecasting process and the scheme(s) being assessed. References to all other relevant reports. Matrix Development Background / justification for choice of forecast year(s). Tabulation of growth rates used & confirmation of their agreement with NRA national values. Description of how official national growth rates are used. Explanation of how highway growth rates relate to other components of the model system. Description of how specific developments are reflected. Explanation of how the various sources of growth are reconciled. Derivation of 12 hour or AADT flows e.g. 12 Hour = (2 * AM Peak) + (8 * Inter Peak) + (2 * PM Peak). Specification of any demand constraint mechanism employed. Results obtained from any demand constraint mechanism including quanitification of numbers of suppressed / induced trips. Comparison of final / output growth rate with that from national forecasts. Consideration of all the above for "high" and "low" growth scenarios. Network Development Description and supporting diagrams of Do-Minimum and Do-Something schemes. Justification for inclusion of all the above schemes (including references to official documents and key correspondence). Description of changes made to the forecast model networks to represent these schemes. Assessment of the effect on base year model validation of any forecast network changes which are not part of the scheme itself but which have been introduced to ensure meaningful modelling of the scheme (e.g. addition of minor side roads in the forecast year to model the impact of junction improvements).

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Explanation of any sensitivity tests to investigate the impact of uncertain schemes. Forecast Assignments Assignment approach used (fixed demand / variable demand). Confirmation that assignment approach used is compatible with base year. List of deviations from any default parameters used in the assignment software. Justification of deviations from any default parameters used in the assignment software. Comprehensive list of assignments undertaken. Statement of convergence stability (usually P>90% for 4 iterations) - N.B. May need to be higher for variable demand assessments. Statement of convergence proximity (usually <1%). Comparison of convergence with base year equivalent model. Presentation of Traffic Forecasts Diagrammatic presentation of forecast flows on key links feeding the economics. If not using COBA, presentation of link times and junction delays. Presentation of any alternative forecasts (e.g. feeding operational / environmental assessments). Derivation of any factors used (e.g. to generate AADT or 18hr forecasts from hourly models). Diagrammatic presentation of key forecast flow differences arising from the scheme. If not using COBA, presentation of changes in link times and junction delays throughout. Consideration of select link analyses on the key scheme link(s). Discussion of scheme impacts in terms of key link flows and changes in key journey times. A) Comparing Do-Minimum conditions with forecast growth, against base year conditions. B) Comparing Do-Something conditions against Do-Minimum conditions. Miscellaneous Issues Check maps and plans are legible and colour figures are reproduced accordingly. Check that all outputs have been presented for each time period, forecast year, growth scenario and (if relevant) vehicle type.

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