Employee Handbook US 0915 CL1
Employee Handbook US 0915 CL1
Employee Handbook US 0915 CL1
1. ``
At lululemon, we work together to elevate the world. We set audacious goals,
nurture big growth and engineer innovative products that allow people to feel –
and perform – their best. Together, we are co-creating a future that otherwise
wouldn’t exist – and we’re thrilled to welcome you to the team.
We know that you’re going to get up to big things while you’re here, and we can’t
wait for you to get started. As you begin your journey with lululemon, we encour-
We’ve prepared this Handbook to help ground you in our Company culture, as
well as inform you about some important policies and expectations related to
your employment and conduct as an employee of lululemon.
If you have any questions or need clarification, we encourage you to connect with
your manager or People & Culture.
10 Separation of Employment
1 About This Employee Handbook
1 About This Employee Handbook
2 Introduction to the Company
Introduction to you the ability to get more out of not just your
workout, but every aspect of who you are and
the Company what you do.
Our differentiator
Our vision for our store was to create more than lululemon Purpose, Vision and
a place where people could get gear to sweat Core Values
in, we wanted to create a community hub where
people could learn and discuss the physical Purpose: to elevate the world by realizing the full
aspects of healthy living, mindfulness and living potential within every one of us.
a life of possibility. It was also important for us
to create real relationships with our guests and Vision: be the experiential brand that ignites a
understand what they were passionate about, community of people living the sweatlife through
how they liked to sweat and help them cele- sweat, grow, and connect.
brate their goals. Today, we do this in our stores
around the globe. Core Values
3 Inclusion, Diversity, Equity in Action at lululemon
• Courage | I relentlessly pursue greatness and INCLUSION: I actively remove barriers to equi-
know that possibility is bigger than the fear ty so that everyone has a sense of belonging.
of failure. At lululemon, we experience this as: bringing our
best selves to work; feeling a sense of communi-
• Connection | I put people first. I build trusting ty and providing support and allyship by valuing
relationships. We are all one team. and amplifying voices that may be marginalized.
• Fun | I believe that fun is a choice. It’s what DIVERSITY: All the ways in which we are
allows me to turn work into play. unique and different based on which we may
experience advantages or encounter barri-
ers. This includes aspects of diversity that are
Inclusion, Diversity, sometimes visible (i.e., race, gender, ethnicity,
Equity In Action at etc.), as well as those that are not always visible
(i.e., sexual orientation, educational background,
lululemon personal experiences, sweat preferences, etc.).
And they all matter.
3 Inclusion, Diversity, Equity in Action at lululemon
ployment decisions are based on merit and busi- lululemon strictly prohibits any form of discrim-
ness needs, and not on any protected charac- ination against any employee. Any employee
teristics. Protected Characteristics include race, who engages in discriminatory behavior will be
color, creed, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, subjected to appropriate disciplinary action, up
gender identity or expression, national origin, re- to and including immediate termination of em-
ligion, marital status, medical condition, physical ployment. If you believe someone has violated
or mental disability, military service, pregnancy, this policy, you should bring the matter to the
childbirth and related medical conditions or any attention of People & Culture, or anyone else in
other classification protected by applicable management with whom you are comfortable or
local legislation. use the Company’s toll-free Integrity Line (1-877-
217-4665) to report any violation. lululemon will
Human rights laws will be followed in all practic- promptly investigate the facts and circumstanc-
es relating to recruitment and hiring, compensa- es of any claim that this policy has been violated
tion, benefits, discipline, transfer, termination and and take appropriate corrective measures.
all other terms and conditions of employment.
While management is primarily responsible for Accommodations
seeing that human rights laws are followed, you
3 Inclusion, Diversity, Equity in Action at lululemon
with all federal and state laws concerning the basis and will involve an interactive discussion
employment of persons with disabilities and to between the employee and lululemon as to the
act in accordance with regulation and guidance nature and expected duration of leave.
issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC). Furthermore, as set out If an employee is on leave and feels that they
in lululemon’s Human Rights Policy, lululemon can return to work with restrictions or workplace
strictly prohibits discrimination against qualified accommodations, they should contact their
individuals with disabilities in regard to applica- manage or a member of the People & Culture
tion procedures, hiring, advancement, discharge, team to explore accommodations that might
compensation, training or any other terms, enable the employee to return to work.
conditions, and privileges of employment.
No employee will be subject to, and lululemon
If lululemon is notified that a qualified individual prohibits, any form of retaliation against an ap-
with a disability requires a reasonable accommo- plicant or employee on the basis of a disability,
dation in order to participate in the application request for an accommodation or participation
process, perform the essential functions of the in a complaint or investigation of disability
job, or enjoy equal privileges and benefits of discrimination.
3 Inclusion, Diversity, Equity in Action at lululemon
conduct prohibited by this policy from anyone • rudeness, ridicule, taunting, patronizing
while at work or while engaged in Company Behaviour;
business. To the extent a guest, vendor, or other
person with whom the Company does business • insults and denigrating comments;
engages in unlawful harassment or discrimina-
tion, the Company will take appropriate correc- • gossiping or back-stabbing Behaviour;
tive action.
• withholding necessary information or pur-
If you believe someone has violated this policy, posefully giving the wrong information;
or you become aware of a third party who
may be experiencing bullying, harassment, or • undermining or deliberately impeding a per-
discrimination you should immediately notify son’s work;
People & Culture, or anyone else in manage-
ment with whom you are comfortable or use • intruding on a person’s privacy by pestering,
the Company’s toll-free Integrity Line to report spying or stalking;
such violations. Please also refer to the Raising a
Concern section set out below. • making intimidating phone calls or
Bullying and harassment includes any inappro- • shouting or yelling at individuals; and
priate conduct or comment by a person towards
a worker that the person knew or reasonably • hazing or initiation practices.
ought to have known would cause that worker
to be humiliated or intimidated. Bullying and harassment does not include any
reasonable action taken by an employer or
Examples of bullying and harassment may supervisor relating to the management and
include, but are not limited to: direction of workers or the place of employment.
Reasonable direction or management includes
• deliberately impeding or undermining a performance management, taking reasonable
person’s work; disciplinary action, assigning work, and providing
instruction or coaching to assist an employee in
• excluding or isolating a person socially; their development or advancement.
3 Inclusion, Diversity, Equity in Action at lululemon
Discriminatory conduct may take many forms. • Submission to or rejection of the conduct is
Examples include, but are not limited to, the used as a basis for making employment deci-
• Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of
jokes or comments, slurs, invitations, com- unreasonably interfering with an individual’s
ments, posts, or messages; work performance or creating an intimidating,
hostile, or unsafe work environment.
• The display or distribution of offensive or
derogatory materials, including posters, pho- Sexual harassment can occur in many different
tography, cartoons, or drawings; forms, including physical, verbal, visual or in writ-
ten form, and the sex, sexual orientation, gender,
• Physical conduct including assault, unwant- or gender identity, or expression of the persons
ed touching, intentionally blocking normal involved is irrelevant. Examples of sexual ha-
movement or interfering with work because rassment include, but are not limited to:
of sex, religion, race, or any other Protected
Characteristic; • Remarks, jokes or innuendos about sex
or sexual orientation where the speaker
• Subtle micro-aggressive actions that commu- has been advised or should otherwise be
nicate offensive or harmful attitudes and ideas aware, that such comments are offensive
about marginalized groups; or unwelcome;
3 Inclusion, Diversity, Equity in Action at lululemon
• Verbal abuse or threats of a sexual nature; Employee insights, feedback, and suggestions
are foundational to the lululemon culture and
• Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or critical to our continued growth and success.
propositions or repeated invitations after We encourage our employees to speak open-
previous requests have been refused; ly with their direct supervisor, another leader
within the organization, and/or a representative
• Sexually suggestive, obscene, or degrading from People & Culture to share questions, ideas,
comments, gestures, or jokes; and thoughts, and/or concerns.
• Requiring others to engage in any of the The intended outcomes of our Open-Door
above conduct. Culture are to:
The foregoing is not intended to prevent em- • Encourage open communication and
ployees from engaging in consensual interac- discussion about any matter of importance
tions in accordance with our Close Relationships to an employee;
3 Inclusion, Diversity, Equity in Action at lululemon
Any complaint received via the Integrity Line, • keeping confidential their participation in the
will be considered, and if necessary, investigated investigation and any information received
on the basis of the information provided and in during the investigation.
accordance with applicable law. Employees who
use the Integrity Line may do so anonymously Privacy and Confidentiality
and will be provided confidential treatment.
Employees should be aware that if they elect to Confidentiality is an essential part of due
4 Organizational Responsibility & Standards of Business Conduct
• Excluding the person from normal activities as ganizational perspective, to ensure that they are
an attempt to make the person feel unwanted following our standards of business conduct. .
and isolated;
Code of Business Conduct & Ethics
• The refusal to work with a person; or
The lululemon Global Code of Business Con-
• The unjustified reassignment of a person to duct and Ethics (the “Code”) is available to
different duties or different position. all employees through youlu. This document
was created to highlight our commitment to
Retaliatory behavior does not include good faith ensuring that employees, directors, and officers
job performance assessment, normal work-re- of the Company are operating in accordance
lated comments and instruction, or discipline for with the highest ethical standards and applica-
just cause. ble laws, rules, and regulations. As a Company,
we place the highest value on the integrity of
Any employee who believes they have been each employee and lululemon representative.
subjected to retaliation must immediately report Our Company expects not only compliance with
the matter to their manager or People & Culture. applicable laws, policies, rules, and regulations,
4 Organizational Responsibility & Standards of Business Conduct
language and employees can either call may hurt our communities. Not only does this
the Integrity Line or make a report online at type of behavior go against our core values but
www.lululemon.ethicspoint.com. violating anti-corruption laws can have severe
consequences for both lululemon and any indi-
The Integrity Line was established as a tool vidual involved in the violation. These conse-
to manage serious employee concerns that a quences can include fines and imprisonment for
particular employee feels has not been ade- individuals and severe reputational and financial
quately addressed at a store or department penalties for lululemon. Please refer to our An-
level, through management, or through People ti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery policy, which can
& Culture. Serious complaints include violation be found on youlu, for more information.
of any applicable laws, rules and regulations,
Company policy or the Code, fraudulent activity Insider Trading
or any improper accounting, internal accounting
controls or auditing matters. The first point of As a publicly traded company, in addition to our
contact for any concern remains your immediate general confidentiality requirements, we also
supervisor, followed by your People & Culture. have responsibilities under applicable securities
laws regarding “inside information” and the trad-
4 Organizational Responsibility & Standards of Business Conduct
tions on when you can trade in lululemon shares applicable laws. Subject to legal and contractual
and will be required to sign off on a separate requirements, and reasonable notice, you may
Insider Trading Policy. refuse or withdraw your consent to certain of
the identified purposes at any time by contact-
Workplace Privacy Policy ing your People & Culture partner. If you refuse
or withdraw your consent, this may impact our
Our Privacy Commitment ability to employ you and/or we may not be able
to provide you or continue to provide you with
We are committed to maintaining the accuracy, certain services, benefits or information, which
security, and privacy of the personal information may be of value to you.
of our guests, Workers, their dependents, and
beneficiaries in accordance with all applicable If you provide us with the personal information
laws. Our Global Privacy Policy may be found on of another individual, such as your spouse,
our website. children or beneficiaries, you represent that
you have all necessary authority and/or have
This Workplace Privacy Policy is a statement obtained all necessary consents from such indi-
of principles and guidelines for the protection vidual to enable us to collect, use and disclose
• the term “lululemon” or “we” refers to Personal information includes any information
lululemon Inc., and its subsidiaries and about an identified individual or information that
affiliates, and allows an individual to be identified. Personal
information does not include your name, title or
• the collective term “Workers” or individu- position, business address, telephone number,
al “you” refers to prospective, current, and facsimile number, or e-mail address.
former employees, contractors, consultants
or other individuals who currently work for What Personal Information Do We Collect?
lululemon (including dependents and
beneficiaries). The types of personal information that lulu-
lemon may collect, use and disclose about our
Your Consent Workers may include your name, home ad-
dress, home telephone number, personal email
By submitting personal information to lululemon address, date of birth, gender, social security
or its agents and service providers, you agree number/social insurance number, information
that we may collect, use, and disclose such regarding your authorization to work in the
personal information in accordance with this country in which you are to be employed (i.e.
Privacy Policy and as permitted or required by passport number, identity card, Visa or work
4 Organizational Responsibility & Standards of Business Conduct
authorization information, etc.), driver’s license In general, lululemon collects, uses, and disclos-
number/abstract, banking information (such es your personal information solely for the pur-
as your bank’s name and address, credit card poses of establishing, managing, or terminating
number and expiry date, bank account number your employment relationship. These include
and RRSP information), information related to the following purposes:
your educational and employment background,
credit and criminal background check infor- 1. Recruitment for positions with lululemon,
mation, emergency contact information (such including for the purpose of obtaining refer-
as your doctor’s name and telephone number), ences regarding Workers;
medical information (including doctor’s notes,
correspondence and other personal information 2. Establishing, managing and terminating re-
required for completion of benefits/life insurance lationships with Workers, including ensuring
enrolment forms or to support certain leaves Workers’ authorization to work in the coun-
of absence), work-related information (includ- try in which they are employed, implement-
ing your resume or employment application, ing Workers compensation, benefits, leaves
compensation and benefits history, position, per- of absence, disability accommodation,
formance reviews and ratings and disciplinary taxation, insurance, relocation, and travel
4 Organizational Responsibility & Standards of Business Conduct
ance with lululemon’s policies, procedures, website support companies, lululemon and
and contractual obligations; Worker payroll and banking institutions,
benefit providers, travel agents, and em-
6. Administration, protection, and moni- ployee assistance plan organizations;
toring of lululemon’s Intranet, website,
and computer systems, including remote 2. Government agencies to the extend re-
access from home or other non-lululemon quired to comply with applicable laws;
3. Any other third party or parties where you
7. Providing computer system help desk consent to such disclosure is required or
services and technical support for Work- permitted by law;
ers and ensuring that computer system,
email, Intranet, and Internet use by Workers 4. Individual companies or affiliates of lulu-
complies with lululemon’s policies and lemon or third parties in locations around
applicable laws; the world for the purposes described in
this Privacy Policy, and always subject to
8. Marketing and promotion of lululemon reasonable steps to safeguard the privacy
4 Organizational Responsibility & Standards of Business Conduct
will keep that personal information for at least If access to your personal information is denied,
one year after we made that decision. Subject lululemon will notify you in writing, give reasons
to this one-year retention, lululemon retains for the denial, and inform you of the recourses
your personal information only for as long as is available to you. If access is granted, lululemon
necessary in order to fulfill the purposes iden- will give you a reasonable opportunity to review
tified above, or as may be required to comply your personal information. Your personal infor-
with applicable laws and lululemon’s document mation will be provided to you in an understand-
retention policy. able form within a reasonable time, generally
within 30 days or such other period as required
How Do We Protect Your by law. lululemon may extend such time period
Personal Information? if meeting the time limit would unreasonably
interfere with the activities of lululemon or the
To help protect the confidentiality of your per- time required to undertake any consultations
sonal information, lululemon employs adminis- necessary to respond to your request would
trative, physical, and technological safeguards make the time limit impractical to meet. You
appropriate to the sensitivity of your personal in- will be able to challenge the accuracy and
formation. Where personal information is sent to completeness of the information and have it
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
your Personal Information for purposes other and being accountable for the impacts of those
than those to which consent is obtained unless choices, intended or unintended. In addition
otherwise required or permitted by law. to being one of our Company values, Personal
Responsibility is also a Practice of Leadership
Changes to your Personal Information that we expect all employees to demonstrate
at lululemon. This includes demonstrating their
Important reminder to update your information personal commitment to the Code of Conduct
in Workday when you have a change in your: and Standards of Professional Conduct poli-
cies detailed in this section of the Employee
• Personal information (name change) Handbook.
• Personal contact information change The dress and personal presentation of lulu-
lemon employees communicates our Company
• Emergency contact information change image and culture to our guests and vendors. It
is important for you to be enrolled in commu-
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
Consistent with our Political Activities policy, Failure to adhere to the dress code would be
employees are not permitted to display personal considered a violation of this policy.
political messages on apparel such as clothing,
buttons, accessories or other paraphernalia Please contact your manager or People
while at work. & Culture if you have questions regarding
our Company Dress Code and Personal
Inappropriate dress may include but is not Presentation guidelines.
limited to:
Conflict of Interest Policy
• Wearing underwear, sports bras, or swimsuits
as a standalone article of clothing without A conflict of interest may exist whenever an em-
additional coverage; ployee’s ability to exercise good judgment and/
or decision-making is affected or can be called
• Apparel with discriminatory, offensive, or into question because of another relationship or
violent graphics and/or language; personal connection. You should not participate
in any business decision on behalf of the Com-
• Apparel displaying weapons, drugs or pany that could benefit you or an individual with
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
This policy does not include all potential exam- Any information regarding personal relationships
ples. There may be other relationships which is confidential and will be handled in accordance
are close or personal, and other circumstances with applicable data protection legislation and
that may give rise to a real or perceived conflict any lululemon data protection policies in place.
of interest. All employees are expected to act
responsibly, professionally, and in a way that Failure to report the existence of a close or
does not negatively impact work or the working personal relationship or other conflict of inter-
environment. est constitutes a breach of this policy.
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
In addition, while we value the role of our Before a related party transaction is
community ambassadors, we do not hire entered into:
ambassadors as employees at any role while
they are serving their term as an ambassador. 1. The nature of the relationship between the
We may consider hiring them as an employee related party and the lululemon employee
once their ambassador contract is complete or concerned must be disclosed to the People
if they terminate the ambassador relationship in Practices department;
accordance with the terms of their ambassador
agreement. 2. The vendor must be approved in advance
by the People Practices department to be
Vendor Related Party Policy included in the bid or selection process;
This policy allows lululemon to identify, approve,
document, and properly disclose all related party 3. The vendor must be selected through the
transactions. A related party transaction is any Company’s standard competitive bid or
employment of a related party by lululemon selection process.
(or any subsidiaries), or any direct or indirect
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
messages (on buttons, clothing, and other • We do not discuss store comps, top sellers,
paraphernalia) at work. Any political activities competition, margins, Company structure,
being conducted on lululemon’s behalf must be Company direction, employee discounts,
approved and conducted in accordance with winning formula, target market, business plans
internal policies and procedures. As it relates and budget, inventory levels, lease informa-
to political activity, be mindful of our Company tion, employee or guest personal information,
value of Inclusion and the potential impact that or projected store openings with our guests.
your conduct may have on others who have
different opinions or viewpoints. Outside Voice
Communication & Media Policy • This is an external message (aka the fun
stuff) that we are proud and excited to share!
There’s a lot going on at lululemon! As a rapidly
growing company, information is flowing and • Share our culture! Talk about yoga, well-being,
changing quickly. As a publicly traded company, health, balance, our community focus, product
we have a duty to our shareholders to ensure education, and personal success. You can
that all information is released through the also share information about store openings
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
expect you to be loyal to our Company and are • No filming or photographs of back room
aware of these boundaries. We also expect that storage area;
you will use the appropriate internal communi-
cation channels for an issue to be resolved. • No direct filming or photographs of our pro-
prietary property (i.e. The Vision or samples of
Media can approach you in various ways wheth- upcoming styles);
er it is a casual conversation on the floor, a for-
mal request for an interview or a direct message • No filming or photographing any guests or
online. You are personally responsible for the employees who do not want to be on camera
content you publish on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, or disturbed while working/shopping;
or any other form of user-generated media. You
are also accountable for knowing the distinction • If guests are filmed for non-news related sto-
between inside and outside voice. ries, they must sign a release waiver provided
by the party responsible for filming or doing
Be great in your conversations, respect the the photography; and
brand and be a positive addition to the world on-
line, at work and on the floor! Be friendly to the • Guests who are interviewed for news stories
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
ing when their digital behaviour may have an • Do not use language that is defamatory,
impact on other employees or the Company. harassing, disparaging, or violates
obscenity laws.
If you’re looking for a good rule or filter to go by,
always assume that your peers, your managers, • When posting, think from an inclusion, diver-
guests and the media will see anything you post sity and equity mindset and ensure that what
online. Google or other platforms could also you are saying aligns with our values and is
archive the content you publish indefinitely. in accordance with the Code of Conduct and
other Company policies.
Act Responsibly and live the lululemon values
• Culturally insensitive and/or discriminatory
As a lululemon employee, you are automatically actions, posts and comments will not be toler-
a Company representative, especially if you ated, regardless of when they were created
have included your affiliation with lululemon on or published.
any online profile (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
LinkedIn, WeChat, Weibo, TikTok, etc.). • Information shared online is public. Refrain
from posting any information that you do not
Example: If you post or are tagged in photos • Be mindful of photos and other form of con-
from a Company-sponsored team building tent in which you are tagged. We recommend
event, your online followers may be able to you review your privacy settings to ensure
identify that you are at the event as an you remain in control of how you are associat-
employee of lululemon. ed with content published by others.
Here are some important reminders and • Correct or remove mistaken posts.
• If you choose to state your work affiliation
• Employees should exercise common sense online (e.g. in the bios of your social media
and good judgment when using social media. profiles, on LinkedIn, etc.), then upon resigna-
tion or termination of your employment, you
• Do not criticize, insult, or post negative com- must immediately update your work affiliation
ments about lululemon, our products, your so that your social media does not reflect that
fellow employees, guests, or competitors. you are still a current representative of the
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
This policy applies to all employees’ use of all The Company deals with a range of confidential
Company Technology Resources, regardless and proprietary material that could cause com-
of the location of use (e.g., at the workplace, a mercial damage, and/or loss of reputation to the
remote location, from home, etc.). Company or staff if disclosed to outside sources.
Divulging confidential information is a violation
It is the responsibility of every employee to of this policy and may violate various laws and
clarify concerns about using technology before regulations. Unauthorized access to Compa-
taking action. Please refer questions to the In- ny’s systems and Technology Resources may:
formation Technology Operations Support team. impede staff from performing their duties, result
in execution of inappropriate transactions, result
Technology Resources consist of all electron- in a breach of Company confidential or personal
ic devices, software, and means of electronic identifiable information, permit illicit activities to
communication including, but not limited to, the be conducted using the Company’s Technology
following: computers, laptops, and tablets; work- Resources, and/or result in substantial cost to
stations; computer hardware, such as disk drives the Company.
and tape drives; peripheral equipment such as
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
Employees are expected to comply with all Company’s various technologies based on their
restrictions imposed herein as well as by all job functions. Employees must successfully
copyright and other intellectual property laws complete the Company approved training if
applicable to your work and your access to the deemed necessary by management before
Company’s systems. All applicable laws and reg- being given access to the Company’s Tech-
ulations in the jurisdictions where lululemon op- nology Resources. To maintain access to the
erates must be followed. You must respect the Company Technology Resources, employees will
laws of your country of residence and countries be required to complete lululemon’s approved
you may visit on business. You recognize that Cybersecurity Awareness Training at a frequen-
any misuse or misappropriation of the Compa- cy determined by The Company.
ny’s systems or other data obtained during your
employment may subject you to severe civil and Confidential Information
criminal penalties.
The Company is very sensitive to the issue of
Regulations require that employees acknowl- protection of trade secrets and other confi-
edge their understanding of this Technology dential and proprietary information of both the
Usage policy and agree to abide by it. Company and guests. Employees are expected
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
In order to protect our Technology Resources, it • Company-owned mobile device SIM cards
is important that the equipment is utilized prop- are not to be used in non-Company owned
erly and safely, this includes the following: devices.
• Access to systems must be granted by the • BYOD devices must be kept up to date with
department manager (or above) responsible supported vendor software updates to have
for the application – a person cannot approve continued access to Company resources and
their own access. may require additional configuration to access
Company applications.
• Applications must not be circumvented by
using unauthorized systems or desktop tools • It is the responsibility of the user to back up
(e.g., maintaining a Microsoft Access database their data if it is not stored on the network,
vs. using the features in the financial system). and to securely store (e.g., password protect,
encrypt) the backup.
• Avoid using public/unknown wireless net-
works; to protect the information on Company • Common storage (e.g., the “SharePoint”) is
owned laptops and the Company network and for the storage of active business informa-
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
Personal & Educational Use ment. In keeping with this commitment, the
Company maintains a strict policy against the
Personal use of the Company’s Technology unauthorized use of impairing substances in the
Resources is a privilege, not a right. Employees workplace.
are permitted providing it is kept to a minimum
and falls within this policy. This includes: PCs, “Impairing substances” means alcohol and any
telephones, smart phones, cell phones, email, drug (legal or illegal) that causes or is likely to
and internet. The Company reserves the right cause impairment. The term includes, but is not
to access and monitor, subject to local laws limited to, marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphet-
and regulations, the content of external email amines, and PCP. The term also includes the
accounts and webpages visited by employees use of prescribed drugs with impairing effects
when accessed on Company computers or when that have not been authorized by the Company
connected to the Company intranet, including for use in the workplace.
when accessed through an encrypted browser.
Use of impairing substances, whether on or off
Use of the Company’s Technology Resources is the job can constitute a potential danger to the
permitted for education providing the courses welfare and safety of employees or injury to
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
Alcohol at Authorized lululemon Events From time to time, alcohol may be authorized for
service and consumption at Company spon-
We are a culture of healthy living, balance, and sored events in or outside of the workplace.
fun. We are also a culture of celebration and Prior to hosting an event where alcohol will be
to that end may serve alcohol at our Company provided, the manager hosting the event must
events. The use of alcohol in moderation is per- review our drug and alcohol policy and offsite
mitted only at certain designated and approved guidelines (where applicable) and authorization
Company-sponsored events. lululemon permits must be obtained from their direct manager
the responsible serving of alcohol, and the re- AND People & Culture.
sponsible consumption of alcohol by employees
attending the event and guests.
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
Any person serving alcohol must possess valid • Reground any employees who will be in atten-
certification if required. dance of applicable Company policies, includ-
ing guidelines around alcoholic beverages in
Authorized Serving of Alcohol – our Global Travel & Expense policy.
Guest Facing Events
• Have an event on the early side and for
Prior to serving alcohol to the public, the a limited time (Example: 6pm-8pm). The
responsible manager must comply with local ap- shorter the time frame, the less opportunity
plicable laws and regulations for serving alcohol for intoxication.
for every event where alcohol is to be served.
Alcohol cannot be served to the public unless • Advise a cab company in advance and ar-
the appropriate insurance coverage and permits range for vouchers or cash on hand if needed.
are obtained, if applicable. Please contact insur-
[email protected] for more information on • If you’re having a large event and using a
applicable insurance liability coverage require- caterer, make sure they are licensed.
ments for your event.
• Be aware of permit/license requirements for
Any person serving alcohol must possess valid your work location
certification if required.
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
• If applicable, ensure the persons serving alco- Reasonable Suspicion Alcohol & Drug Testing
hol are certified to do so.
When the Company has a reasonable suspicion
• Alcohol may not be served to any person who that an employee is, or may be, impaired or
is under the legal drinking age or who demon- affected on the job by alcohol or drugs, or when
strates signs of intoxication. the Company has a reasonable suspicion that
alcohol or drugs are, or may be, present in an
• Staff accordingly so there are enough people employee’s bodily system in violation of the rules
monitoring others (For example, checking age set forth above, an employee may be required
requirements, being aware of over-indulgers, to submit to an alcohol and/or drug screen test
looking out for harassing behavior). immediately upon demand by the Company.
• Use security (or additional security, if the The determination of a reasonable suspicion
workplace is already staffed by security) if will be based on specific, contemporaneous,
having a large event. articulated observances by a supervisor or
other Company representative concerning
Storage of Alcohol the appearance, behavior, speech and/or body
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
the test results to the Company is a condition an attempt to exercise physical force against
of employment. Refusal to consent to and co- an employee in a workplace, that could cause
operate fully in an alcohol/drug screen test will physical injury to the employee and a statement
result in disciplinary action, up to and including or behavior that an employee could reasonably
termination of employment. Any employee interpret as a threat to exercise physical force
failing such a test may be subject to termination against the employee, in a workplace, that could
of employment with the Company. cause physical injury to the employee. Exam-
ples can include:
• Verbally threatening to attack an employee;
Employees are not permitted to attend work
under the influence of drugs and alcohol as • Leaving threatening notes or emails;
this creates an unsafe working environment.
Doing so would be considered a violation of • Shaking a fist in an employee’s face;
this policy. Any employee who feels they have
developed an addiction to, dependence upon, • Hitting or trying to hit an employee;
or problem with alcohol or drugs, legal or illegal,
5 Standards of Professional Conduct & Personal Responsibility
may be direct or indirect, and they may be com- • Taking actions likely to cause bodily harm or
municated verbally or nonverbally. property damage.
6 Work Time & Attendance Expectations
Domestic Violence in the Workplace additional policies related to time and atten-
dance, including any relevant wage and hour
Domestic violence may occur in the workplace rules, please refer to your country’s local work
where a person who has a personal relationship rules and/or related compliance pages on youlu.
with an employee (spouse, family member, cur- In the case of a conflict, the local laws, work
rent or former intimate partner) may physically rules and/or compliance pages shall prevail.
harm or attempt or threaten physical harm
to that employee at work. Employees should Availability
report concerns to their manager if they fear
domestic violence may enter the workplace. lululemon requires that employees provide
consistent availability that supports the needs of
Weapons-Free Workplace the business.
The intent of this policy is to support the safety Your manager will determine your schedule per
of our employees as well as our guests. Em- the availability that you have provided, as ap-
ployees are prohibited from being in possession proved by your manager in accordance with the
of a weapon of any kind while on duty, and/or business’ availability needs. This schedule could
6 Work Time & Attendance Expectations
Failure to notify your manager when you will be At lululemon, we create a work environment that
late or absent from work is serious and would be allows employees to find balance between their
considered a violation of this policy. work and personal lives. We support entrepre-
neurial leadership and that may require agility
Please check with your manager or People & and making informed decisions that require
Culture to understand if there is a mandated employees to work overtime to support the
sick policy in the location where you work. business. If this is the case, prior to working the
overtime, we require that you obtain approval
from your manager. Any employee who works
6 Work Time & Attendance Expectations
6 Work Time & Attendance Expectations
for other necessary and reasonable business alternate work locations, they are also entitled
expenses, incurred with advance manager to mileage reimbursement, per the Company’s
approval. Please refer to the Company’s Global Global Travel and Expense Policy.
Travel and Expense Policy for additional details.
Some Company positions may require driving
When working from a remote or alternate work to multiple locations as an expectation of their
location, employees are expected to continue to job (i.e. Regional Manager, retail area support
comply with all Company policies and practices, positions, etc.). In these cases, employees
including but not limited to policies related to should connect with their manager to establish
Business and Professional Conduct, Technology a “reasonable normal daily commute.” Any-
Usage, Work Time and Attendance Expecta- thing in excess of that “reasonable normal daily
tions, and People Safety. commute” would be considered work time and
reimbursable for mileage per the Company’s
Hourly employees working from a remote or Global Travel and Expense Policy.
alternate work location are required to follow
all time keeping, rest and meal break and Working Time while Traveling
overtime policies.
7 Company Benefits & Employee Responsibilities
7 Company Benefits & Employee Responsibilities
• Enroll or decline medical and/or dental prior to Please ensure you familiarize yourself with the
your eligibility date. If you do not receive noti- Sweaty Pursuits program and policy set forth
fication of your enrollment opportunity, please for your location to make sure you are using
notify the benefits team via ServiceNow. this benefit with integrity. Failure to abide by
the terms and conditions or any abuse of the
• If you do not contact the benefits team, you Sweaty Pursuits program would be considered a
risk missing your enrollment window. Excep- violation of this policy.
tions will not be made for missed enrollments.
For specific details on the Sweaty Pursuits pro-
• Where applicable, review your pay statement gram, please refer to your local Sweaty Pursuits
every pay period to ensure the medical and youlu page.
dental deductions match what you enrolled
for (or declined/waived) - any discrepan- Employee Discount
cy must be reported to the benefits team
immediately. Incorrect deductions may not be lululemon employees are eligible for an em-
rectified retroactively if older than 30 days. ployee discount in-store and in certain cases,
Incorrect enrollments cannot be rectified if online (per the Employee Shop Online program).
7 Company Benefits & Employee Responsibilities
This program may change from time to time • If you are an SSC employee, or are shopping
in the Company’s sole discretion. lululemon outside of your home store, introduce yourself
reserves the right to change its employee as an employee.
discount policy at any time without prior notice.
Failure to abide by the terms and conditions or • When making a purchase, regardless of
any abuse of the employee discount program whether the transaction is discounted or at
would be considered a violation of this policy. full price, the purchaser must inform the ca-
shier that they are a lululemon employee.
Your discount privileges will end on the day your
relationship with the Company ends, subject to • It is your responsibility, as the purchasing
applicable laws and regulations – please check employee, to ensure that the appropriate
your local policy for details. discount amount is applied.
• Employees may use their discount when pur- • For employee discounted online purchases,
chasing items for themselves using a gift card, orders must be sent to your work location or
however, an Assistant Manager or Store Man- home, based on the Employee Shop Online
ager is required to process the transaction. program criteria.
• Managers also have the right to limit purchas- • Keep in mind that transactions can and are
es based on transaction amounts and new reviewed at any time.
product drops.
8 Time Away from Work
Employee Return Policy not all staff will have recognized public holidays
off as many of our locations will remain open on
All employee purchases made with an employ- some recognized public holidays. Please check
ee discount are a FINAL sale unless otherwise with your manager to see if your location will
required by law. be open or closed on a specific holiday. Staff
working on recognized public holidays may be
In the event of a quality concern requiring a eligible for additional pay in accordance with
return, employee purchases can be exchanged local legislation.
for like product. If like product is unavailable,
the quality concern item may be refunded in the Vacation and Paid Time Off (PTO)
form of a gift card at the discounted purchase
price. Any employee exchanges or returns must lululemon recognizes the importance of time off
be processed in store and by an Assistant Man- for rest, relaxation and connecting with family
ager or Store Manager only. and friends, therefore we provide paid vacation
or paid time off (PTO) for eligible employees.
9 Asset Protection & People Safety
It is important to remember that although you yourself at risk for. lululemon has a zero-toler-
might be granted a Company leave, only those ance policy on chasing or physically engaging
leaves that are legally mandated count toward with a guest when a theft or suspected theft has
benefits protection. occurred. This also includes leaving the store to
pursue a guest or gather additional information
More information on the types of leaves avail- about the suspected or observed theft.
able in your market can be found on the Time
Off and Leaves Page on youlu. If you think you For further information about Asset Protection
need to take a LOA, please speak with your guidelines and policies, please reference the
manager and/or People & Culture partner and Asset Protection policy and procedure guide
ensure that you follow any applicable request on youlu.
and approval processes.
People Safety Orientation
Asset Protection & An important part of the People Safety program
People Safety is the training of all employees in safety and
accident awareness. Workplace safety orienta-
10 Separation of Employment
10 Separation of Employment
10 Separation of Employment
lululemon Employee Handbook
| last updated
2021 & last reviewed April 2021