Aa13 Eba (Eng)
Aa13 Eba (Eng)
Aa13 Eba (Eng)
Objective Test Questions (OTQs)
Twenty (20) compulsory questions
(Total 40 marks)
Question 01
Select the most correct answer for question No. 1.1 to 1.10. Write the number of the selected answer
in your answer booklet with the number assigned to the question.
1.1 Select from the following, the statement which correctly describes “Scarcity” in Economics:
(1) Scarcity is the value of the next best alternative choice foregone in the choice of a
particular decision.
(2) Scarcity is the alternative use of resources to produce goods and services.
(3) Scarcity is the addition to the total utility made by an extra unit of a commodity consumed.
(4) Scarcity is the limited availability of resources in relation to human needs and unlimited
human wants.
1.2 If the cross elasticity of demand between goods x and y is positive, the goods are:
(1) (a) and (c) only. (2) (a) and (b) only.
(3) (b) and (c) only. (4) All of the above.
1.5 Imposing a unit tax on a commodity that has a relatively inelastic demand will lead:
1.6 Which one of the following is a Macro Economic Objective of the govenment?
1.7 Select from the following, a correct characteristic of the market (capitalist) economy:
1.9 According to the Annual Report of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka for the year 2017, the per
capita income in Sri Lanka for the year 2017 was:
1.10 Positive balance in the trade account of the balance of payment indicates:
(1) The value of exports of goods is greater than the value of imports of goods.
(2) The value of exports of goods is lower than the value of imports of goods.
(3) The value of exports of goods is same as the value of imports of goods.
(4) The export price index is lower than the import price index.
State whether each of the following statements in question No.1.11 to 1.15 is TRUE or FALSE. Write
the answer (True/False) in your answer booklet with the number assigned to the question.
1.11 An indifference curve describes the relationship between total cost and marginal cost of a firm.
1.12 The income effect is a reason for the downward slope of the demand curve.
1.13 If the change in the quantity demanded of a commodity is equal to the change in the price of
that commodity, the price elasticity of demand is greater than one.
1.14 Producers’ surplus is the difference between the equilibrium price of the commodity and the
price at which the producer is willing to sell.
1.15 Full employment of resources is an underlying assumption of the Production Possibility Curve
Select the correct word/words from those given within brackets to fill in the blanks of question
No. 1.16 to 1.20. Write the selected word/words in your answer booklet with the number assigned to
the question.
1.16 In a …………………… (mixed economy / planned economy), the government influences prices
through taxes and subsidies and affects the operation of the price mechanism directly and
1.18 Non excludability and non-rivalry in consumption show the importance of the provision of
…………………… (public goods / merit goods).
1.19 The exchange rate determined based on the demand and supply for foreign exchange is
known as …………………… (fixed / floating) exchange rate.
1.20 The process of collecting funds from depositors and lending them to borrowers is known as
…………………… (Financial inclusion / Financial intermediation). (02 marks each, Total 40 marks)
End of Section A
Four (04) compulsory questions
(Total 40 marks)
Question 02
(a) You are given the following demand (Qd) and supply (Qs) equations for a commodity:
Qd = 200 – 2P
Qs = -40 + 6P
(iii) Explain the impact of the above computed equilibrium price and quantity, if the
consumers’ taste for the above commodity has been moved from it when other things
being constant. (03 marks)
(b) Identify three(03) factors that determine the price elasticity of demand. (03 marks)
(Total 10 marks)
Question 03
(a) Explain the difference between shutdown point and break-even point of a firm using a graph.
(06 marks)
(ii) State two(02) examples for licensed commercial banks in Sri Lanka. (01 mark)
(Total 10 marks)
Question 04
(a) Explain the effect of an increase in the demand for money on the equilibrium interest rate using
a graph. (06 marks)
(b) Explain the difference between Demand Pull Inflation and Cost Push Inflation. (04 marks)
(Total 10 marks)
Question 05
(a) Explain how open market operations act as a quantitative control in managing the money
supply. (04 marks)
(c) Explain two(02) main reasons for recent devaluation of the Sri Lankan Rupee against US dollar.
(04 marks)
(Total 10 marks)
End of Section B
A compulsory question
(Total 20 marks)
Question 06
(b) State four(04) main objectives of the government budget. (04 marks)
(B) You are given the following hypothetical data relating to national accounts of an economy for a
period of one year:
Rs. Million
Compensation for employees 2,000
Net operating surplus 1,000
Mixed income 1,100
Net taxes on production and imports 750
Net foreign current transfers 550
Net foreign primary income 1,200
Net indirect taxes 150
Using the above information,