Knowledge Management Reviewer

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KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT the concept that tacit knowledge is very difficult

to abstract out of someone and make more

The Von Krogh and Roos Model of
concrete. It also reinforces the strong need to
Organizational Epistemology
maintain links between knowledge objects and
The Von Krogh and Roos KM model ( 1995 ) those who are knowledgeable about them —
distinguishes between individual knowledge
In 1998, Von Krogh, Roos, and Kleine examined
and social knowledge. Von Krogh and Roos
the fragile nature of KM in organizations. They
take an epistemological approach to
describe this fragility in terms of the
managing organizational knowledge
Five factors could impede the successful
While pinning down a definition of organizational
management of organizational knowledge for
has been problematic, and the term is often
innovation, competitive advantage, and other
used interchangeably with information, there are
organizational goals.
a number of issues that must be addressed:
➢ mindset of the individuals
➢ How and why individuals within an
organization come to know ➢ communication in the organization
➢ How and why organizations, as social ➢ the organizational structure
entities, come to know
➢ the relationship between the members,
➢ What counts for knowledge of the
➢ the management of human resources.
individual and the organization
For example,
➢ What are the impediments in
organizational KM? ➢ if individuals do not perceive knowledge
to be a crucial competence of the firm,
The cognitive perspective (e.g., Varela 1992)
then the organization will have trouble
proposes that a cognitive system, whether it is a
developing knowledge-based
human brain or a computer, creates
representations (i.e., models) of reality and
that learning occurs when these representations ➢ If there is no legitimate language to
are manipulated. A cognitive organizational express new knowledge in the individual,
epistemology views organizational knowledge then contributions will fail.
as a self-organizing system in which humans
are transparent to the information from the ➢ If the organizational structure does not
outside (i.e., we take in information through our facilitate innovation, then KM will fail.
senses and use this information to build our ➢ If individual members are not eager to
mental models). share their experiences with their
Von Krogh and Roos adopt the connectionist colleagues on the basis of mutual trust
approach. In their organizational epistemology and respect, then there will be no
KM model, knowledge resides in both the generation of social, collective
individuals of an organization; and at the social knowledge within that organization.
level, in the relations between the individuals. ➢ if those contributing knowledge are not
Knowledge is characterized as “embodied” that evaluated highly and acknowledged by
is, “everything known is known by somebody” top management, they will lose their
Unlike the cognitive perspective, where motivation to innovate and develop new
knowledge is viewed as an abstract entity, knowledge for the firm
connectionism maintains that there cannot be
knowledge without a knower. This fits nicely with
Knowledge Capture and Codification individual skills, competencies, thoughts,
innovations, and ideas, will enable a company
The first high-level phase of the knowledge
to compete more effectively in the future.
management cycle, begins with knowledge
Competitiveness is becoming increasingly
capture and codification. More specifically,
dependent on an organization’s agility or ability
tacit knowledge is captured or elicited and
to respond to changes in a very timely manner.
explicit knowledge is organized or coded.
The major component of agility lies in the skills
In knowledge capture, a distinction needs to and learning abilities of the knowledge workers
be made between the capture and identification within that organization.
of existing knowledge and the creation of new
Knowledge capture may be difficult,
knowledge. In most organizations, explicit or
particularly in the case of tacit knowledge.
already identified and coded knowledge
Tacit knowledge management is the process
typically represents only the tip of the iceberg
of capturing the experience and expertise of the
Capturing the knowledge in an organization is individual in an organization and making it
not purely about technology. Indeed, many available to anyone who needs it. The capture
firms find that information technology (IT) plays of explicit knowledge is the systematic
only a small part in ensuring that information is approach of capturing, organizing, and refining
available to those who need it. The approach information in a way that makes information
needed depends on the kind of business, its easy to find, and facilitates learning and problem
culture, and the ways in which people solve solving. Knowledge often remains tacit until
problems. Some organizations generally deliver someone asks a direct question. At that point,
standard products and services, while others tacit can become explicit, but unless that
are constantly looking for new ways of doing information is captured for someone else to use
things. Knowledge capture can therefore again at a later date, learning, productivity, and
span a whole host of activities, from innovation are stifled.
organizing customer information details into a
single database to setting up a mentoring
program. We need to capture both types of EFQM – European Foundation for Quality
knowledge — explicit and tacit Management
In today’s fast-paced economy, an • Whilst there are numerous management
organization’s knowledge base is quickly tools and techniques commonly used,
becoming its only sustainable competitive The EFQM Model provides an holistic
advantage. As such, this resource must be view of the organization and it can be
protected, cultivated, and shared among used to determine how these different
organizational members. Until recently, methods fit together and complement
companies could succeed based upon the each other.
individual knowledge of a handful of strategically • The EFQM can therefore be used in
positioned individuals. Increasingly, however, conjunction with any number of these
competitive advantage is to be gained by tools, based on the needs and function of
making individual knowledge available the organization, as an overarching
within the organization, which then becomes framework for developing sustainable
organizational knowledge. excellence.
Organizational knowledge complements • Excellent organizations achieve and
individual knowledge and makes it stronger and sustain outstanding levels of
broader. The full utilization of an organization’s performance that meet or exceed the
knowledge base, coupled with the potential of expectations of all their stakeholders.
There is a set of three integrated components value and levels of performance through
which comprise the EFQM Excellence Model: continual improvement and systematic
innovation by harnessing the creativity of their
• The Fundamental Concepts of
8. Building organisational capability:
• The Model Criteria Excellent organizations enhance their
• The RADAR Logic capabilities by effectively managing change
within and beyond the organizational
The EFQM Excellence Model allows people to boundaries.
understand the cause-and-effect
relationships between what their organization What is Excellence?
does and the results it achieves. • We often talk about it, and in general we
Fundamental Concepts feel we're doing an excellent job, but
what is Excellence? Excellence is more
1. Achieving balanced result: Excellent than just doing well, or being good.
organization's achieve sustained outstanding • Excellence is when people strive to be
results that meet both the short- and long-term the best they can be and this applies to
needs of all their stakeholders, within the organisations as well.
context of their operating environment.
The Need for Model
2. Adding value for customer: Excellent
organizations consistently add value for • Who does the organization work for?
customers by understanding, anticipating and The traditional view is the
fulfilling needs, expectations and opportunities. shareholders. But from an internal
perspective, this means optimizing
3. Taking responsibility for a sustainable: profitability and balancing the short-
Excellent organizations have a positive term demands for dividends against the
impact on the world around them by enhancing long-term sustainability of the business
their performance whilst simultaneously model.
advancing the economic, environmental and • To ensure sustainable financial
social conditions within the communities they growth, we need to keep our customers
touch. satisfied. To do this, we need to develop
and deliver products & services that add
4. Leading with vision, Inspiration and value to them. We also need to deliver
integrity: Excellent organizations have leaders excellent service to maximize retention,
who shape the future and make it happen, loyalty and our reputation.
acting as role models for its values and ethics.
5. Managing with agility: Excellent Excellent Organizations achieve and sustain
organisations are widely recognized for their outstanding levels of performance that meet or
ability to identify and respond effectively and exceed the expectations of all their
efficiently to opportunities and threats. stakeholders.
6. Succeeding through people: Excellent
organisations value their people and create a
culture of empowerment for the achievement of
both organisational and personal goals.
7. Nurturing Creativity and Innovation:
Excellent organisations generate increased
Fundamental Concepts • STRATEGY
Excellent organisations implement their Mission
and Vision by developing a stakeholder focused
strategy. Policies, plans, objectives and
processes are developed and deployed to
deliver the strategy.
Excellent organisations value their people and
create a culture that allows the mutually
beneficial achievement of organisational and
personal goals. They develop the capabilities of
Model Criteria
their people and promote fairness and equality.
✓ APPLICABLE TO ANY ORGANISATION They care for, communicate, reward and
recognise, in a way that motivates people,
✓ The EFQM Excellence Model is based builds commitment and enables them to use
on 9 criteria. their skills and knowledge for the benefit of the
✓ 5 of these are "Enablers" and 4 are organisation.
✓ The "Enabler" criteria cover what an Excellent organisations plan and manage
organisation does and how it does it. external partnerships, suppliers and internal
✓ The "Results" criteria cover what an resources in order to support their strategy,
organisation achieves. policies and the effective operation of
processes. They ensure that they effectively
manage their environmental and societal
Excellent organisations design, manage and
improve processes, products and services to
generate increasing value for customers and
other stakeholders.
IT DOES IT Main Objectives of the Scheme

• LEADERSHIP ❑ Provide clear milestones on the journey

to Excellence
Excellent organisations have leaders who
shape the future and make it happen, acting as ❑ Maximise the number of organisations
role models for its values and ethics and applying the fundamental concepts &
inspiring trust at all times. They are flexible, principles of the EFQM Excellence Model
enabling the organisation to anticipate and ❑ Provide practical products and services
reach in a timely manner to ensure the on-going that help organisations improve
success of the organisation.
❑ Provide consistent, European-wide
recognition delivered by EFQM & its is Vodokanal’s social project.
National Partners
It is an Internet portal about water, the principal
Case Study (Vodakanal)
resource on the planet Earth, and about careful
The history of Vodokanal St. Petersburg dates attitude to water resources.
back to 1858. Today, Vodokanal provides
The main character was selected by analyzing
potable water and sewerage services to nearly
the public interest in different fields of Vodokanal
5 Mio. inhabitants of the Russia’s second largest
activities. The results of internal social studies,
city and to many thousands of companies using
various inquiries made by the mass media, and
innovative technologies.
reviews of publications in the mass media
The company gives special attention to the
The portal tells and shows:
preservation of the Baltic Sea basin and the
development of water consumption culture by < why many persons of distinction do not waste
being strongly involved in environmental water
awareness-raising activities, among other
things. < what technical means are available to save
water with comfort
Creative use of Social Media
< how to solve water-related domestic problems
❑ Vodokanal makes use of different
instruments to develop the water < what thoughtless attitude to water can lead to.
consumption culture and careful, The website has a Russian and an English
respectful attitude to water: version.
❑ The company has its museum complex Add value for the society
The Universe of Water and the Youth
Environmental Centre; The implementation of project
by Vodokanal St. Petersburg has created added
❑ Vodokanal actively cooperates with the value for the society.
mass media;
1. People are given useful information which
❑ the ideas of careful attitude to water are helps them save money by reducing their water
disseminated by Vodokanal through costs without affecting the comfort.
booklets and brochures;
2. People are given practical advice in an
❑ Vodokanal participates in the city entertaining and understandable form. The
initiatives; website and the Neva Crayfish explain how to
❑ Vodokanal tells about the significance of install water meters, how to check water quality,
water consumption culture on its what should be done if a house pipe is leaking,
corporate website. etc.

❑ Vodokanal uses social media, such as 3. One of the project results for the society is the
the Internet portal Da-Voda and social improvement of environment. The development
networks for its awareness-raising of water consumption culture helps improve the
activities. condition of environment as an immediate result
and preserve water resources for the future
Social media are one of the instruments used generations. The more people share the ideas
by Vodokanal to perform its comprehensive of careful attitude to water, the more noticeable
awareness-raising activities. the environmental benefit for the society will be.
Project Result meet or exceed the need and expectations of
their customers.
❑ in 2010 – 150 unique visitors a day
• PEOPLE RESULTS - Excellent
❑ in 2011 – 270 unique visitors a day
organisations achieve and sustain
❑ in 2012 – 390 unique visitors a day. outstanding results that meet or exceed
the need and expectations of their
There are 4 Results areas, shown on the right- • SOCIETY RESULTS - Excellent
hand side of the Model. These are the results an organisations achieve and sustain
organisation achieves, in line with their strategic outstanding results that meet or exceed
goals. the need and expectations of relevant
stakeholders within society.
In all 4 results areas, we find that excellent
organisations achieve and sustain
• Develop a set of key performance outstanding results that meet or exceed
indicators and related outcomes to the need and expectations of their
determine the successful deployment of business stakeholders.
their strategy, based on the needs and
expectations of the relevant stakeholder
• Set clear targets for key results, based on
the needs and expectations of their
business stakeholders, in line with their
chosen strategy
• Segment results to understand the
performance of specific areas of the
organisation and the experience, needs
and expectations of their stakeholders
• Demonstrate positive or sustained good
business results over at least 3 years
• Clearly understand the underlying
reasons and drivers of observed trends
and the impact these results will have on
other performance indicators and related
• Have confidence in their future
performance and results based on their
understanding of the cause-and-effect
relationships established.
• Understand how their key results
compare to similar organisations and use
this data, where relevant, for target
organisations achieve and sustain
outstanding results that

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