Knowledge Management Reviewer
Knowledge Management Reviewer
Knowledge Management Reviewer
❑ Vodokanal uses social media, such as 3. One of the project results for the society is the
the Internet portal Da-Voda and social improvement of environment. The development
networks for its awareness-raising of water consumption culture helps improve the
activities. condition of environment as an immediate result
and preserve water resources for the future
Social media are one of the instruments used generations. The more people share the ideas
by Vodokanal to perform its comprehensive of careful attitude to water, the more noticeable
awareness-raising activities. the environmental benefit for the society will be.
Project Result meet or exceed the need and expectations of
their customers.
❑ in 2010 – 150 unique visitors a day
• PEOPLE RESULTS - Excellent
❑ in 2011 – 270 unique visitors a day
organisations achieve and sustain
❑ in 2012 – 390 unique visitors a day. outstanding results that meet or exceed
the need and expectations of their
There are 4 Results areas, shown on the right- • SOCIETY RESULTS - Excellent
hand side of the Model. These are the results an organisations achieve and sustain
organisation achieves, in line with their strategic outstanding results that meet or exceed
goals. the need and expectations of relevant
stakeholders within society.
In all 4 results areas, we find that excellent
organisations achieve and sustain
• Develop a set of key performance outstanding results that meet or exceed
indicators and related outcomes to the need and expectations of their
determine the successful deployment of business stakeholders.
their strategy, based on the needs and
expectations of the relevant stakeholder
• Set clear targets for key results, based on
the needs and expectations of their
business stakeholders, in line with their
chosen strategy
• Segment results to understand the
performance of specific areas of the
organisation and the experience, needs
and expectations of their stakeholders
• Demonstrate positive or sustained good
business results over at least 3 years
• Clearly understand the underlying
reasons and drivers of observed trends
and the impact these results will have on
other performance indicators and related
• Have confidence in their future
performance and results based on their
understanding of the cause-and-effect
relationships established.
• Understand how their key results
compare to similar organisations and use
this data, where relevant, for target
organisations achieve and sustain
outstanding results that