Gospel Reflection

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SEPT 10 2023

It makes reasonable that Jesus would want His followers to deal with problems head-on if they arise. When something
should be kept private between you and the community, don't do it behind that person's back lest it become the
equivalent of rumors and gossip. It is damaging to other people and could escalate a simple problem into one that
becomes unresolvable in the end. In the event that a one-on-one conversation is unsuccessful, try requesting one or two
witnesses, and so on down the line until the entire community is involved. Always use expulsion as a last option.

SEPT 17 2023

Reconciliation and forgiveness are two essential virtues in the Christian life. When we look at our own lives and
acknowledge how many times God has forgiven us, we must forgive each other. Every day, we see God's mercy. God
recognizes that we need to make amends with one another in spite of ourselves. It is not simple to let go of the past,
especially when we feel wounded, upset, misled, or feel abandoned. We are called to a transformation of heart that is
deeper than just saying "I'm sorry." Before we forgive, we frequently feel stuck. When we are able to forgive, we may
then allow for healing.

SEPT 24 2023

Sometimes we feel that those who didn't work as long or hard as we have deserved greater praise and compensation for
their labor. When we seek entitlement, we are unable to comprehend God's system of justice and fairness, as my
grandmother frequently remarked, "When God gets the honor, there is no limit to what we can do." Justice and equality
are crucial for establishing God's kingdom. Every one of us starts out in a unique setting. Every circumstance is fair in
God's compassion. Love and charity are God's response to us as we answer his invitation.

OCT 1 2023

We have been celebrating the “Season of Creation” where we reflect on our connection and commitment to care for all
creation. Again, many may find this task overwhelming. Likewise, the Church invites us to spend more time listening to
one another in a process of Synodality. How can we continue to help the Church to fulfill its calling? We are to “be”
Church. With humility we can change. We are all called to conversion. Change is not easy. When we say “yes” to God, we
commit to change. God’s understanding of fairness and justice is different from that of humans. Our words and deeds
must show our love for God.

OCTOBER 8 2023

Jesus' worldwide mission to offer everyone the gift of salvation is made available to us by the Church. We who have
received this gift via baptism must be steadfast and recognize our responsibility. Our decision to follow Christ must
permeate every area of our lives and produce results. The world can live in the lovely vineyard that the Lord has planted.
We are urged to intentionally live out Jesus' teachings by paying attention to the ways in which God speaks to his Church
as the Synod of Bishops begins its study of synodality this week. God has given each of us gifts, which we must not take
for granted. The cornerstone stone, which was formerly rejected, is mentioned in the scriptures. God is the one who
brings everything into perfect harmony. The tenants in today's Gospel tale stand in for our duty as stewards of God's
kingdom, which is represented by the vineyard.

OCTOBER 15 2023

The Kingdom Jesus came to bring us was one based on forgiveness and tolerance. The Gospels we have heard and read
over the past weeks show us a God of infinite forgiveness, generosity beyond our imagining, and acceptance of all
people. How terribly sad that even as we read the qualities of God’s Kingdom, we see them trampled upon and ignored
by both sides in this conflict. Today in our Gospel we see that God’s Kingdom is for all peoples; that none are excluded or
denied entry. Today we see that self-righteousness, hypocrisy and complacency have no place in God’s Kingdom.

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