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Name: Rhiyanne Jane Labalan

Section: St.Augustine
Subject: Science 10
Teacher: Mr. Kevin Santos Cuarta
Air Natural Gas
Useful Facts
Air mostly contain gas, air Natural gas is odourless,
is a result of combination colourless, and
of different gases. It has a flammable. It is much
small amount of other lighter than air. Because
gases, Nitrogen has 78%, the natural gas is
oxygen has 21%, and the odourless, many
remaining 19% is the companies mixed
other gases such as; chemical to natural gas
carbon dioxide, neon, and for it to be detected
hydrogen. Further more, easily.
air also acts as an
insulation in our earth Natural gas is formed
atmosphere. It prevents over millions of years
the temperature of our from the remains of
earth to reach too cold or ancient plants and
too hot. animals buried and
subjected to high
pressure and heat deep
Air in the atmosphere also within the Earth's crust. It
protects us from the is typically found in
possible meteoroids that underground reservoirs
can hit the earth. Once or trapped within rock
the meteoroids contact formations.
our atmosphere it rub
against the air and Natural gas is a fossil fuel
oftentimes are burned primarily composed of
into small pieces before it methane (CH4), although
hit the earth’s land. it can also contain small
amounts of other
hydrocarbons such as
ethane, propane, and
butane. It is often found
alongside petroleum
Air is relevant in our life. Natural Gas can be use to
We inhale air in everyday run variety of vehicles in
event, whether your a form of fuel.
sleeping, awake, or doing
a tasks. Without air, it is It can also be used as a
impossible for us to live residential heating for
and be alive. homes.

We need air to produce Natural gas is widely used

Name: Rhiyanne Jane Labalan
Section: St.Augustine
Subject: Science 10
Teacher: Mr. Kevin Santos Cuarta
co2 that is needed in the for cooking and food
photosynthesis process of preparation in
the plants. households, restaurants,
and commercial kitchens.
The air helps the earth to It provides instant heat
maintain its temperature and precise temperature
by circulating the hot and control.
cold air.

Air is also used as a source

of electrical power. For
instance a windmill.
Windmill is a type of
electricity generator and it
can only function by the
blow of an air.

Air can move fast and far. Natural gas itself is
The fastest speed of air odorless, but an odorant
that is recorded on earth called mercaptan is
was 253 miles per hour. added to it for safety
purposes. Mercaptan
Air also holds water. gives natural gas a
When the weather is hot distinct odor (often
and muggy. There is a described as a rotten egg
humid. Humid or also smell) to help detect
known as “humidity” is leaks.
the amount of water that
the air can hold before it Among fossil fuels,
rains. natural gas is considered
the cleanest-burning
The air changes as you go option. It produces fewer
up, this is known as “air greenhouse gas
pressure”. We experience emissions, particulate
a lot of pressure the matter, and sulfur dioxide
higher our location is, for compared to coal and oil.
instance; you’re on a
plane, you will most likely In the year 2021, the
feel the pressure specially largest producer of
if you’re located on top of natural gas are; US,
a sea, due to the Russia, and China.
atmosphere’s pressure
pushing down. However, if
you’re on top of a
Name: Rhiyanne Jane Labalan
Section: St.Augustine
Subject: Science 10
Teacher: Mr. Kevin Santos Cuarta
mountain, you will feel
less pressure.

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