PerDev Week 1
PerDev Week 1
PerDev Week 1
Quarter 2 Module 1:
Knowing Oneself
1. define the categories of self-concept;
O = Very Weak;
1 = Weak;
2 = somewhat weak or somewhat strong;
3 = Strong;
4 = Very Strong
_____ 1. I have strong sex appeal.
_____10. I am intelligent.
_____11. I have special talents and abilities.
(1)Personality (6)Perspective
(2)Attitude (7)Taste
(3)Experiences (8)Goals
(4)Habits (9)Hobbies
1. PERSONALITY that stretches from the day a
person started to see and experience life in the world leading
to gathering information, knowledge, acquiring skills,
possessing emotional responses, and making choices
differently from other people
Low Scores High Scores
Openness to Experience – a Down-to-Earth Imaginative
person who goes with the flow, Uncreative Creative
Conventional Original
widening horizons, and being
Uncurious Curious
Conscientiousness – the Negligent Conscientious
possession of mind setting and goal Lazy Hard-working
Disorganized Well Organized
Late Punctual
Extroversion – the ability to Loner Joiner
socialize and Quiet Talkative
Passive Active
belongingness is his concern.
Reserved Affectionate