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PerDev Week 1

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Personal Development

Quarter 2 Module 1:
Knowing Oneself


At the end of your learning journey in this module, you are expected
1. explain that knowing yourself can make you accept your own
self-concept, personal effectiveness, strengths, and limitations,
and in dealing with others better, and your uniqueness. (EsP-

2. determine how characteristics, habits, and experiences becomes

unique to every person (EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.2); and

3. share your own unique characteristics, habits, and experiences.


1. define the categories of self-concept;

2. compare some skills that will greatly increase the efficiency of a

person and what makes a person unique;

3. choose always what is best for you to become unique and a

better person;

4. distinguish one’s strengths and weaknesses and use their talents

for the good of the community; and

5. value oneself as a unique person

Activity 1: Self-Concept Inventory
Directions: Take a look at your own self-concept and
answer the following self-concept inventory in a separate
sheet of paper.
Give yourself a rating using the scale:

O = Very Weak;
1 = Weak;
2 = somewhat weak or somewhat strong;
3 = Strong;
4 = Very Strong
_____ 1. I have strong sex appeal.

_____ 2. I am proud of my physical figure.

_____ 3. I am physically attractive and


_____ 4. I exude with charm and poise.

_____ 5. I am easy to get along with.

_____ 6. I can adjust to different people and different

_____ 7. I am approachable; other people are at ease and

comfortable with me.

_____ 8. I am lovable and easy to love.

_____ 9. I am a fast learner who can understand with one


_____10. I am intelligent.
_____11. I have special talents and abilities.

_____12. I can easily analyze situations and make right


_____13. I can be trusted in any transaction.

_____14. I have a clean conscience and carry no guilty


_____15. I have integrity and good reputation.

_____16. My friends and classmates can look up to me as
a model worth emulating.

_____17. I can express my ideas without difficulty.

_____18. I talk in a persuasive manner that I can easily get

people to accept what I say.

_____19. I can express my ideas in writing without difficulty.

_____20. I am a good listener.

_____21. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled
when faced with trouble.

_____22. I am logical and rational in my outlook and


_____23. I feel and act with confidence.

_____24. I am a mature person.

Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?

2. Did you rate yourself correctly and promptly?

3. What did you discover about yourself after doing the


4. You notice that there are gradual changes about

yourself, do you accept and agree what you are now as a
ü the self that you aspire to ü the one that you see
be ü has characteristics that
ü the one that you hope will you were nurtured or in
possess characteristics some cases, born to
like that of a mentor or have.
some other worldly figure.
It is believed that the words “Know Thyself” which were
written at the entry of the oracle at Delphi by seven Greek
philosophers, statesmen and lawgivers became the
cornerstone of Western philosophy
Ø For Socrates, the most important thing to pursue was
self -knowledge and admitting one’s ignorance is the
beginning of true knowledge.

Ø For Plato, one of Socrates’ students, the beginning of

knowledge is self- knowledge.

Ø Other ancient philosophers from other culture saw the

wisdom in knowing oneself.
> The ancient Hindu writings Upanishads confirmed
“Enquiry into the truth of the “Self” is knowledge”.

Ø The Persian poet Rumi ruminated “Who am I in the midst

of all this thought traffic?” and

> The American poet Walt Whitman celebrated his “Self” as

a “simple and separate person.”
Ø The actual self is built on self-knowledge.
Ø Self-knowledge is derived from social interactions that
provide insight into how others react to you.
Ø The actual self is who we are, how we think, how we
feel, look, and act.
Ø The actual self can be seen by others but because we
have no way of truly knowing how others view us, the
actual self is our self-image.
Ø The ideal self is how we want to be.
Ø It is an idealized image that we have developed over
time based on what we have learned and
Ø The ideal self could include components of what our
parents have taught us, what we admire in others,
what our society promotes, and what we think best
interests us.
How to know Oneself?
Ø In philosophical terms, it is the being which is the
source of a person’s consciousness.
Ø It is the agent responsible for an individual’s
thoughts and actions.
Ø Is an intangible entity that directs a person’s
thoughts and actions.
Ø It is outside the physical realm of the person.
Ø The “Self” is the essence of a person.
Ø The “Self’ includes a person’s life purpose,
meaning and aspirations.
Personal Effectiveness
Personal effectiveness means making use of all the
personal resources-talents, skills, energy, and time to
enable you to achieve goals.

Our personal effectiveness depends on our innate

characteristics-talent and experience accumulated in the
process of personal development. Talents first are needed
to be identified and then developed to be used in a
particular subject area (science, literature, sports, politics,
1. Determination
It allows you to focus only in achieving a specific goal
without being distracted by less important things or
spontaneous desires. It may be developed with the help of
self-discipline exercise.
2. Self-Confidence

It appears in the process of personal development as a

result of getting aware of yourself, your actions and their
consequences. Self-confidence is manifested in speech,
appearance, dressing, gait, and physical condition. To
develop it, you need to learn about yourself and your
capabilities, gain positive attitude and believe that by
performing right actions and achieving right goals you will
certainly reach success.
3. Persistence
It makes you keep moving forward regardless of
emerging obstacles- problems, laziness, bad
emotional state, etc. It reduces the costs of
overcoming obstacles. It can also be developed
with the help of self-discipline exercise.
4. Managing Stress
It helps combat stress that arises in daily life from the
environment and other people. Stress arises from the
uncertainty in an unknown situation when a lack of
information creates the risk of negative
consequences of your actions. It increases efficiency
in the actively changing environment.
5. Problem-solving skills
They help cope with the problems encountered with a lack
of experience. It increases efficiency by adopting new
ways of achieving goals when obtaining a new experience.
6. Creativity
It allows to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific
action that no one has tried to use. It can lead to decrease
or an increase of costs. But usually, the speed of action is
greatly increased when using creative tools.
7. Generating ideas
It helps you achieve goals using new,
original,unconventional ideas. For generating idea, you
can use a method of mental maps which allows you to
materialize, visualize and scrutinize all your ideas, which
in turn contributes to the emergence of new ideas.
Build on Your Strengths and Work on
Your Weaknesses

Activity 2: My Banner- The Treasure Within Me

Directions: In a separate sheet of paper, replicate the
diagram and write down the following:

1 and 2: Two things I do very well

3 and 4: My two greatest achievements in life
5: What in myself am I proudest of
6: My happiest moment
7: Positive words that my friends use to describe me
8: A personal goal that I have already achieved
9: Three blessing for which I am most thankful to God
10: Three of my positive qualities
11: Difficulties, challenges, and problems that I was able to
solve and overcome
Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write your
reflection regarding your banner by answering the questions

1. What do you consider as your weaknesses, abilities, and

2. What are the remedies you will take to improve or
compensate for your weakness?
3. How can you further enrich your assets and strengths?
4. Where and how do you use it to your best advantage?
The Importance of Me!

Direction: Compose a song of two stanzas about “The

Value of Oneself”. Write your composition on a separate
short coupon bond.
Activity 1: Expand your Horizon!

Materials Needed: Pencil or Ballpen and Sheet of Paper

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, draw the
illustration below and write words or group of words that
corresponds with the main theme or word in the center
of the mind mapping. Elaborate your answer why this
word/s is/are related to the main subject.
Uniqueness is defined in different ways and here are
some of the collective definitions:

1. Being the only one or SOLE.

2. A person who has distinct characteristics.
3. The quality of being unique or unusual in some special
4. A state or condition wherein someone or something is
unlike anything else in comparison.
Jack Nollan (2020) of A Conscious Rethink.com coined
10 Things that Make a Person Unique.

These include: (5)Creativity

(1)Personality (6)Perspective

(2)Attitude (7)Taste

(3)Experiences (8)Goals

(4)Habits (9)Hobbies
1. PERSONALITY that stretches from the day a
person started to see and experience life in the world leading
to gathering information, knowledge, acquiring skills,
possessing emotional responses, and making choices
differently from other people

2. ATTITUDE that becomes the anchor of becoming either

positive or negative in life, perceiving how people act in front of
you, and an offshoot of your emotional landscape
3. EXPERIENCES that shape you on how you act and
behave today. If you experienced negative, you tend to
behave anxious or defensive; however, some would deal
with it as a motivator while experiencing positive that
improves your senses in understanding the world
4. HABITS that normally we do everyday in our lives such
as our eating habit, personal hygiene practices, meditation
exercises, and trying new things. Cliché’ but as they
always say and globally accepted and favored, “You are
what you do, not what you say you’ll do” and that makes
you unique from others
5. CREATIVITY such as dancing, painting, singing, producing
useful things out of scrap materials, defining beauty in a
different way and perspective makes you unique

6. PERSPECTIVE saying that no other people understands

the world as you do because they do not live like exactly 24
hours beside you. Your experience is not the same with others’,
your body of knowledge is not the same as theirs.
7. TASTE that is a unique facet of you because you have
different likes and dislikes from other people

8. GOALS that are set in different manners depending on

how you create steps and procedures in achieving those
9. HOBBIES that improves your personal growth and
mental health such as gardening, cooking, and gaming

10. PASSION that provides direction toward a goal or

experience that will allow us to leave a unique mark in this
world such as involvement in philanthropic activities like
giving and supporting people in need.
These 10 things that make people unique from others
greatly show that individuals have their own set of
characteristics that can be shown to the world.

Problem arises due to the limitation of widening each

horizon in accepting and facing people worldwide.

Diversity is also one term that is parallel of being

"Diversity" means more than just acknowledging and/or
tolerating difference. (JPantaleo, 2020)
Diversity is a set of conscious practices that involve:

• Understanding and appreciating interdependence of

humanity, cultures, and the natural environment.

• Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that

are different from our own.
• Understanding that diversity includes not only ways of
being but also ways of knowing;

• Recognizing that personal, cultural and institutionalized

discrimination creates and sustains privileges for some
while creating and sustaining disadvantages for others;

• Building alliances across differences so that we can

work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination.
In a specific sense of being a unique person, Big Five,
and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can guide you in
determining your personality traits or characteristics by
Costa and McRae (1992).

These personality traits as one measurement in

determining our own personal characteristics can be easily
memorized and identified with an acronym of OCEAN.

Low Scores High Scores
Openness to Experience – a Down-to-Earth Imaginative
person who goes with the flow, Uncreative Creative
Conventional Original
widening horizons, and being
Uncurious Curious
Conscientiousness – the Negligent Conscientious
possession of mind setting and goal Lazy Hard-working
Disorganized Well Organized
Late Punctual
Extroversion – the ability to Loner Joiner
socialize and Quiet Talkative
Passive Active
belongingness is his concern.
Reserved Affectionate

Agreeableness – possessing trust Suspicious Trusting

and openness to others. Critical Lenient
Ruthless Soft-hearted
Irritable Good-natured

Neuroticism – a person who Calm Worried

experiences anxiety, and emotionally Even-tempered Temperamental
Comfortable Self-Conscious
and physical conscious.
Unemotional Emotional
Activity 2: Uniqueness at its finest!
Materials Needed: Pencil or Ballpen and Sheet of Paper

Directions: Using the Venn diagram, identify the unique

characteristics of you and your closest friend by writing in
the larger portion of the circle and identify your similarities
in the overlapping portion. Answer the follow-up questions
below. (See Rubrics)
Follow-Up Questions:

1. Why is there a need to determine differences among other


2. If given a chance to create a slogan of knowing oneself,

what would it be and why?
Activity 3: It should be like this!
Materials Needed: Paper or Ballpen and Sheet of Paper

Directions: Below are spiels that sometimes being uttered

by different people because it’s either due to their
emotional contest and situation. As an individual who
is already aware why understanding, acceptance, and
tolerance is a vital component and summation of
uniqueness, how can these scenarios be corrected in an
appropriate manner? Write your answer in a separate
sheet of paper.
Thank you


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