An Overview of Power System Stability

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Shahzad Azam Hashmi Power System Stability Central Power House

An Overview
Power System Stability

Compiled By:
Shahzad Azam Hashmi
Assistant Manager Electrical (O&M)
Central Power House,
Bahria Town Karachi, Pakistan
Contact: +92-311-7418463 1
Shahzad Azam Hashmi Power System Stability Central Power House

Table of Contents

1. Definition .................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Types of Physical Disturbance .................................................................................................... 3
3. Factors Affecting Classification of Power System ..................................................................... 3
4. Synchronism ............................................................................................................................... 3
4.1. Condition of Synchronism ................................................................................................... 3
5. Classification of Power System Stability .................................................................................... 4
6. Rotor Angle Stability .................................................................................................................. 4
6.1. Rotor Angle .......................................................................................................................... 4
6.2. Small Disturbances ............................................................................................................... 6
6.3. Large Disturbance Rotor Angle Stability ............................................................................. 6
6.4. Rotor Angle Instability Causes ............................................................................................. 7
7. Frequency Stability ..................................................................................................................... 7
7.1. Classification of Frequency Stability ................................................................................... 7
7.2. Grid Frequency ..................................................................................................................... 8
7.3. Frequency Instability Causes ............................................................................................... 8
8. Voltage Stability .......................................................................................................................... 8
8.1. Classification of Voltage Stability ........................................................................................ 8
8.2. Grid Voltage ......................................................................................................................... 9
8.3 Voltage Instability Causes ..................................................................................................... 9

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Classification of Power System Stability ........................................................................ 4
Figure 2: Rotor or Load Angle ........................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3: Graphical representation of synchronous machine stability............................................ 5
Figure 4: Representation of stability and instability ....................................................................... 6
Figure 5: Representation of instability and transient stability ........................................................ 7

Table of Tables
Table 1: Classification of voltage disturbances .............................................................................. 8
Table 2: Grid nominal voltage and operation range........................................................................ 9

Shahzad Azam Hashmi Power System Stability Central Power House

1. Definition
It is an ability of the power system to regain its normal operating condition in any given state after
being disturbed by physical disturbance. So, the entire system remains in equilibrium.

• The definition applies to interconnected power system as a whole

• The stability of standalone generator or group of generators is of importance
• A remote generator may loss stability (Synchronism) without cascading instability of the
main system
• Stability of particular loads or load areas may be of interest: motors may lose stability
without cascading instability of the main system

2. Types of Physical Disturbance

• Changes in Mechanical Power of Generator
• Changes in Load
• Fault in Transmission Line like short circuit or loss of large generator

It is to be remember that it is not feasible to design the power system considering each disturbance
but the system must cover the maximum disturbances for operating satisfactorily.

3. Factors Affecting Classification of Power System

• The physical nature of the resulting mode of instability
• The size of disturbance considered, which influence the method of calculation and
prediction of stability
• The device, process and time span

4. Synchronism
Synchronism means that our generators are in parallel to each other and connected to the grid

4.1. Condition of Synchronism

• Same Voltage
• Same Frequency
• Same Phase Shift

Shahzad Azam Hashmi Power System Stability Central Power House

• Same Phase Sequence

• Same waveform

5. Classification of Power System Stability

Figure 1: Classification of Power System Stability

6. Rotor Angle Stability

• It is the ability of the synchronous machine in an interconnected system to stay in
synchronism after being subjected to synchronism
• It depends upon the ability to maintain/restorion of mechanical torque and electromagnetic
torque of each synchronous machine in system

𝑀 = 𝑃𝑚 − 𝑃𝑒 𝑀𝑊
𝑑𝑡 2
M = Intertia of synchronous machine
Pm = Mechanical Power
Pe = Electrical Power
Hence, from the equation it is clear that an equilibrium between electrical and mechanical power
is required for stable rotor/load angle.

6.1. Rotor Angle

It is the angle between the sending end voltage to the receiving end voltage.

Shahzad Azam Hashmi Power System Stability Central Power House

Figure 2: Rotor or Load Angle

Here in the diagram 𝐸𝑓 is the generated or sending end voltage and 𝑉𝑡 is the terminal or receiving
end voltage. Angle δ is the rotor or load angle.

Figure 3: Graphical representation of synchronous machine stability

𝑃𝑜 is the mechanical power that is constant. From the graph it is clear that load the machine from
0 to 90°, the power increases. At 90° the power is maximum and beyond that angle the machine
enters the instability area. Hence to keep the safe limit the rotor or load angle use to keep 20° to
30°. The reason to keep such a low rotor angle is to avoid the generator jump into the instability
area in case of any abnormality.

Shahzad Azam Hashmi Power System Stability Central Power House

6.2. Small Disturbances

• On the order of 10 to 20 seconds following a disturbance
• These disturbances are considered small and the linearization of the equation is permissible
• For Example: Small increamental change in load or mechanical input power

Figure 4: Representation of stability and instability

In the figure – 4, The red increasing oscillation approaching towards the instability of system. Blue
oscillations are damping and system approahes towards the stability.

6.3. Large Disturbance Rotor Angle Stability

• It is the ability of the power system to maintain synchronism when subjected to a severe
disturbance, such as a short circuit on a transimission line
• Time frame of interest in transient stability studies in usually 3 to 5 seconds following the
• It may extend to 10 – 20 seconds for very large systems with dominant inter-area swings

Shahzad Azam Hashmi Power System Stability Central Power House

Figure 5: Representation of instability and transient stability

It is clear from the figure – 5, that in case of large disturbance the load angle goes to infinity
which makes the system unstable and the blue dotted line reflects the transient stability. So, the
blue curve is stable value and red is unstable value.

6.4. Rotor Angle Instability Causes

• Instability occurs in the form of increasing angular swings of some generators
• Loss of synchronism between one machine and the rest of the system, or between group
of machines, with synchronism maintained within each group after separating from each
• Progressive drop in bus voltages

7. Frequency Stability
• Frequency stability referes to the ability of the system to maintain the steady frequency
after sever system upset resulting in a significent imbalane between generation and load.
• It depends on the ability to maintin/restore equilibrium between system generation and load,
with minumum loss of load
• Instability that may result occurs in the form of sustained frequency swings leading to
tripping of generating units and/or loads

7.1. Classification of Frequency Stability

• Short term which occurs in few seconds due to formation of an under generated island
such that the frequency decays rapidly causing blackout of the island

Shahzad Azam Hashmi Power System Stability Central Power House

• Long term which occurs in tens of seconds to several minutes which caused by the steam
turbine over speed controls or bolier/reactor protection

7.2. Grid Frequency

• The nominal frequency is 50 Hz and shall be controlled within the limits of 49.5 – 50.5
Hz unless exceptional circumstances prevail
• The system frequency could rise to 52 Hz or fall to 47 Hz in exceptional circumstances

7.3. Frequency Instability Causes

• Significent loss of generation
• Significent loss of load
• Spllitting of system into island

8. Voltage Stability
• It is the ability of the power system to maintain steady voltages at all buses in the system
after being subjected to a disturbance from a given initial operating condition
• It depends upon the ability to maintain/restore equilibrium between load reactive power
and supply reactive power

8.1. Classification of Voltage Stability

Table 1: Classification of voltage disturbances

Sr. No. Type of Disturbance Explaination

Small Disturbance Voltage Stability The ability of the system to maintain steady
1 voltages when subjected to small
perturbations such as incremental changes in
system load
Large Disturbance Voltage Stability Referes to the system ability to maintain
2 steady voltages following large disturbances
such as system faults, loss of generation and
circuit contingencies
Short Term Voltage Stability It involves the dynamics of fast acting load
3 components such as induction motors and

Shahzad Azam Hashmi Power System Stability Central Power House

HVDC converters, study period of intertest is

in the order of several seconds
Large Term Voltage Stability It onvolves the slow acting equipments like
4 tap-changing transformers and generator
current limiters, study period interest may
extend to several or many minutes

8.2. Grid Voltage

Table 2: Grid nominal voltage and operation range

Nominal Voltage Normal Operating Range

400 KV 400 KV ± 5 %
220 KV 220 KV ± 10 %
132 KV 132 KV ± 10 %

8.3 Voltage Instability Causes

• Loss of load in the area
• Tripping if transmission lines and other elements by their protective systems leding to
cascading outages
• Loss of synchronism of some generators
• Voltage collaspe which leads to a blackout or abnormally low voltages in a significent part
of power system

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