The document describes several oscilloscopes from different manufacturers including Iwatsu, Leader, Metermaster, and Nicolet. It provides details on features like bandwidth, number of traces, graticule size, and trigger options. Pricing and contact information is included for each model.
The document describes several oscilloscopes from different manufacturers including Iwatsu, Leader, Metermaster, and Nicolet. It provides details on features like bandwidth, number of traces, graticule size, and trigger options. Pricing and contact information is included for each model.
The document describes several oscilloscopes from different manufacturers including Iwatsu, Leader, Metermaster, and Nicolet. It provides details on features like bandwidth, number of traces, graticule size, and trigger options. Pricing and contact information is included for each model.
The document describes several oscilloscopes from different manufacturers including Iwatsu, Leader, Metermaster, and Nicolet. It provides details on features like bandwidth, number of traces, graticule size, and trigger options. Pricing and contact information is included for each model.
10V/cm to 5mV/cm separate input, incor- LEADER LBO -510
continuously adjust- porates delay circuitry. Similar to model 310
able. Price: $2660. but larger CRT, allows Trigger: Automatic, Contact: A.T.E. external synch signal. adjustable, with Price: $430
LEADER LBO -508 507 but dual trace.
Smilar to model LBO- Price: $935 Horizontal Ranges: 10Hz to 100kHz continuously adjust- able, also X -Y mode. IWATSU SS -4511 expansion in vertical, Vertical Ranges: Similar to model SS- and 10 times in the 20V/cm to 20mV/cm 5410 but 50MHz horizontal directions. continuously adjust- bandwidth and 5 times LEADER LBO -552 able Price: $2785. "STEREOSCOPE" Synchronization: Auto- Features: Single trace matic with separate split into left and right input. LEADER LBO -520 Vertical Ranges: 5V/cm halves, DC to 1.5 MHz, Notes: Has two input Features: Dual trace, to 5mV/cm continuous- 8 by 10 cm graticule. channels, displays DC to 30MHz, 8 by 10 ly adjustable. Intended for stereo signals side by side. cm graticule. Trigger: Automatic, servicing. Price: $615 Horizontal Ranges: adjustable, with Contact: Omnitronix .5s/cm to .2us/cm separate input, TV continuously adjust- setting LEADER LBO/ 512A able, plus 10 times Features: Single trace, Price: $1400 IWATSU SS -4121A expansion, also X -Y Contact: Omnitronix Vertical Ranges: to 1 DC to 10 MHz, 8 by 10 mode. Features: Dual trace, mV/div. continuously cm graticule. DC to 100 MHz, 6.4 by 8 adjustable. Horizontal Ranges: cm graticule. Trigger: Automatic, 1ms/cm to 1us/cm LEADER LBO -515 and mixed time bases, Horizontal Ranges: to 5 adjustable, with continuously adjust- Similar to model LBO - response is only 25 ns/div, delayed sweep, separate input, incor- able, also X -Y mode. 520 but includes MHz. continuously adjust- porates delay circuitry. Vertical Ranges: variable delayed sweep Price: $2370 able, also X -Y mode. Price: $3750. 10V/cm to 10mV/cm Contact: A.T.E. continuously adjust- METERMASTER able Trigger: Automatic, adjustable, with separate input Price: $580 Contact: Omnitronix LEADER LBO/506A Features: Dual trace, DC to 10 MHz, 8 by 10 cm graticule. IWATSU SS -5321 Horizontal Ranges: Features: Dual trace Vertical Ranges: 5V/cm .2s/cm to .5us/cm "Ch3" displays trigger, to 5mV/cm continuous- continuously adjust- DC to 250 MHz, 8 by 10 METERMASTER 66303 Vertical Ranges: ly adjustable, 1 mV/cm able, plus 5 times cm graticule. if amps cascaded. Features: Dual trace, 10V/cm to 5 mV/cm expansion, also X -Y DC to 15 MHz, 8 by 10 Horizontal Ranges: Trigger: Automatic, mode. continuously adjust- cm graticule. able 50ms/cm to 1Ons/cm, adjustable, with Vertical Ranges: Horizontal Ranges: Trigger Automatic, delayed sweep, contin- separate input, incor- 20V/cm to 10mV/cm .5s/cm to 1us/crn uously adjustable, plus porates delay circuitry. continuously adjust- adjustable, with 10 times expansion, Price: $6555. continuously adjust- separate input, TV able, able, plus 5 times also X -Y mode. Contact: A.T.E. Trigger Synchroniza- setting expansion, also X -Y Price: $770 tion: Automatic, mode. adjustable, with Contact: R.H. Nichols LEADER Price: $765. LEADER LBO -310A/ separate input, Contact:Omnitronix HAM Features: Single trace, NICOLET INSTRUMENTS DC to 4MHz,(450 MHz by direct conection to plates) Horizontal Ranges: 10Hz to 100kHz continuously adjust- able, also X -Y mode. Vertical Ranges: LEADER LBO -507 Vertical Ranges: 20mV/cm to 2V/cm Features: Single trace, 20V/cm to 10mV/cm continuously adjust- DC to 20MHz, 8 by 10 able. continuously adjust- cm graticule. able NICOLET INSTRUMENTS Explorer II and III Synchronization: Auto- Horizontal Ranges: These are series' of digital storage oscilloscopes, matic Trigger: Automatic, .2s/cm to .5us/cm adjustable, with providing comprehensive control over data Notes: The 310 is transmitter output, and continuously adjust- separate input, TV acquisition and display. Long term storage of available in a HAM RTTY signals. able, plus 5 times traces may be accomplished using the model III's model which includes setting Price: $265/$295 expansion, also X -Y floppy disk unit. The screen provides for digital circuitry for monitoring Price: $805 Contact: Omnitronix mode. readout of information. Contact: Omnitronix 30 ETI CANADA - SEPTEMBER 1978
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