ETI CA 1978 09 OCR Page 0030

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10V/cm to 5mV/cm separate input, incor- LEADER LBO -510

continuously adjust- porates delay circuitry. Similar to model 310

able. Price: $2660. but larger CRT, allows
Trigger: Automatic, Contact: A.T.E. external synch signal.
adjustable, with Price: $430

LEADER LBO -508 507 but dual trace.

Smilar to model LBO- Price: $935
Horizontal Ranges:
10Hz to 100kHz
continuously adjust-
able, also X -Y mode.
IWATSU SS -4511 expansion in vertical, Vertical Ranges:
Similar to model SS- and 10 times in the 20V/cm to 20mV/cm
5410 but 50MHz horizontal directions. continuously adjust-
bandwidth and 5 times LEADER LBO -552 able
Price: $2785.
"STEREOSCOPE" Synchronization: Auto-
Features: Single trace matic with separate
split into left and right input. LEADER LBO -520 Vertical Ranges: 5V/cm
halves, DC to 1.5 MHz, Notes: Has two input Features: Dual trace, to 5mV/cm continuous-
8 by 10 cm graticule. channels, displays DC to 30MHz, 8 by 10 ly adjustable.
Intended for stereo signals side by side. cm graticule. Trigger: Automatic,
servicing. Price: $615 Horizontal Ranges: adjustable, with
Contact: Omnitronix .5s/cm to .2us/cm separate input, TV
continuously adjust- setting
LEADER LBO/ 512A able, plus 10 times
Features: Single trace, Price: $1400
IWATSU SS -4121A expansion, also X -Y Contact: Omnitronix
Vertical Ranges: to 1 DC to 10 MHz, 8 by 10 mode.
Features: Dual trace, mV/div. continuously cm graticule.
DC to 100 MHz, 6.4 by 8 adjustable. Horizontal Ranges:
cm graticule. Trigger: Automatic, 1ms/cm to 1us/cm LEADER LBO -515 and mixed time bases,
Horizontal Ranges: to 5 adjustable, with continuously adjust- Similar to model LBO - response is only 25
ns/div, delayed sweep, separate input, incor- able, also X -Y mode. 520 but includes MHz.
continuously adjust- porates delay circuitry. Vertical Ranges: variable delayed sweep Price: $2370
able, also X -Y mode. Price: $3750. 10V/cm to 10mV/cm
Contact: A.T.E. continuously adjust- METERMASTER
Trigger: Automatic,
adjustable, with
separate input
Price: $580 Contact: Omnitronix
Features: Dual trace,
DC to 10 MHz, 8 by 10
cm graticule.
IWATSU SS -5321 Horizontal Ranges:
Features: Dual trace Vertical Ranges: 5V/cm .2s/cm to .5us/cm
"Ch3" displays trigger, to 5mV/cm continuous- continuously adjust-
DC to 250 MHz, 8 by 10 METERMASTER 66303 Vertical Ranges:
ly adjustable, 1 mV/cm able, plus 5 times
cm graticule. if amps cascaded. Features: Dual trace, 10V/cm to 5 mV/cm
expansion, also X -Y DC to 15 MHz, 8 by 10
Horizontal Ranges: Trigger: Automatic, mode. continuously adjust-
cm graticule. able
50ms/cm to 1Ons/cm, adjustable, with Vertical Ranges: Horizontal Ranges: Trigger Automatic,
delayed sweep, contin- separate input, incor- 20V/cm to 10mV/cm .5s/cm to 1us/crn
uously adjustable, plus porates delay circuitry. continuously adjust- adjustable, with
10 times expansion, Price: $6555. continuously adjust- separate input, TV
able, able, plus 5 times
also X -Y mode. Contact: A.T.E. Trigger Synchroniza- setting
expansion, also X -Y Price: $770
tion: Automatic, mode.
adjustable, with Contact: R.H. Nichols
LEADER Price: $765.
separate input, Contact:Omnitronix
Features: Single trace, NICOLET INSTRUMENTS
DC to 4MHz,(450 MHz
by direct conection to
Horizontal Ranges:
10Hz to 100kHz
continuously adjust-
able, also X -Y mode.
Vertical Ranges:
LEADER LBO -507 Vertical Ranges:
20mV/cm to 2V/cm
Features: Single trace, 20V/cm to 10mV/cm
continuously adjust- DC to 20MHz, 8 by 10
able. continuously adjust-
cm graticule. able NICOLET INSTRUMENTS Explorer II and III
Synchronization: Auto- Horizontal Ranges: These are series' of digital storage oscilloscopes,
matic Trigger: Automatic,
.2s/cm to .5us/cm adjustable, with providing comprehensive control over data
Notes: The 310 is transmitter output, and continuously adjust- separate input, TV acquisition and display. Long term storage of
available in a HAM RTTY signals. able, plus 5 times traces may be accomplished using the model III's
model which includes setting
Price: $265/$295 expansion, also X -Y floppy disk unit. The screen provides for digital
circuitry for monitoring Price: $805
Contact: Omnitronix mode. readout of information.
Contact: Omnitronix

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